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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4383226 No.4383226 [Reply] [Original]

/ic/ = Artwork/Critique
Stolen from /dad/


>> No.4383231

Hey happyboy, it's ok if you feel the need to lash out. You had a hard life.
Dad is a very accepting community, we won't judge you for being gay. A lot of our best artists are homosexual too! Maybe they can help you improve your art so you can get to the point you want it to be before your illness takes you. I know it can seem hard to improve when your rt is in such a low place, but plenty of daddies have managed to make massive gains over the years!
And never forget, even if it doesn't feel like it, there are people who are out there who love you.

>> No.4383233

Holy Based

>> No.4383234
File: 340 KB, 1440x810, 1579662778479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first 2 minutes
Fucking kek. Based happyboi telling it the way it is.

>> No.4383237

reminder that this guy has asscancer

>> No.4383238 [DELETED] 

I hate you beg, rulebreaking chink but I also hate Bananigger and his gaggle of antiloli furfaggots so I'll let it slide JUST this once

>> No.4383244

I don’t accept your concession

>> No.4383246

Dad sounds like it is very very gay

>> No.4383262

They are literal ERPing faggots and bulldykes

>> No.4383263

It's a very accepting community. I feel like HB has a lot of internalized self-hatred due to his days spent bottoming in porn, but with support from dad, he could work on finding self-love so he can finally be at peace with his true gay self

>> No.4383264

this. fuck singaporenon but also based for shitting on dadfaggots

>> No.4383271

The site’s at lot better and the main purpose for it is building a habit for drawing. It also somewhat got me into a better sleeping/drawing schedule too so there’s that.

>> No.4383283
File: 274 KB, 1440x1080, ugly-bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4383286


>> No.4383288
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This guy is retarded but he is hilarious at how shameless he is
Ugly af too but doesn't seem to care the slightest
Honestly this confidence is Based, godspeek chink

>> No.4383296

>heh im in


>> No.4383300

based pedophile

>> No.4383301

Favorite part was when he shamelessly admitted he was going to steal a wip because he liked the composition and saved it. This dude is starting to grow on me.

>> No.4383302

>Bananigger and his gaggle of antiloli furfaggots
Quick rundown on this?

>> No.4383304

wait till you the video i am editing now, going to post it later.

>> No.4383306

This guy is too based

>> No.4383309

>tfw this chink is also the happy bee AND Barbie Girl leddit guy

>> No.4383310

i dont get this meme that you arent allowed to use a ref, be inspired or take ideas and everything must be 101% original with absolutely no outside influence
next youll tell me your ngmi and a hack fraud if you use a ruler

>> No.4383311

It is a bad habit, people think they are original so they must be able to create original.

>> No.4383312

Hi lilramune!

>> No.4383313

>22 replies
>13 posters
lol just him complimenting himself every 2 minutes judging by timestamps
very sad indeed

>> No.4383314

It's not that you can't do it,its when someone spergs from someone else doing the shame shit they did and go full retard even though they themselves referenced or blatantly plagiarized or copied from another piece and they get on a moral high ground about being stolen from so when op does this he highlights the hypocrisy

>> No.4383315

not gonna lie those two are mine >>4383233 >>4383288
posted once when I saw the thread and after watching that shit

>> No.4383320

Cope harder

>> No.4383326

Two things. We can't see the art work, and there's no point of listening to someone say, "i like this" or "I don't like this"

>> No.4383331

You’d have a better story by looking through the archives but I’ll tell you anyways.
>guy called Meta Knight/Aphid (who you’re replying to) is a member on the site
>one day uploads a piece with Metal Sonic saying something along the lines of "FUCK FURRIES/FAGGOTS/TRANNIES" or something like that
>Banana (one of the site owners) finds out about this fast forward a few months
>gives him a warning in result (imo I think he overracted a little)
>a few days after he blames Banan for losing his streak
>Banana tells him to get a better schedule
>Aphid in return starts uploading a bunch of really shitty smiley faces
>Banana gives him the ban hammer in result
>Aphid proceeds to spam the site with loli pictures the next few days
>spam gets deleted in a swift manner and site returns back to normal
And another thing is that he was also responsible for those "I accept your concession" posts in loli threads with DBZ characters (Alkemanubis ones for example) and shittalking the furfag users on DAD and whining about why loli wasn’t allowed despite it justbeing a legal issue where Banana comes from (he’s a leaf) and not a personal one.

TL;DR lolifag autist stirs up shit

>> No.4383333

Orangutans are based

>> No.4383337

are you the same retard who was crying about people on /ic/ using references in the last few HB threads?

>> No.4383339

should be noted we still have lolicons that dont actually stir up shit (tsflipp, j) but all the shitstorms were because of lolifaggots

>> No.4383342

weebos btfo

>> No.4383343

I did not say there is something wrong with you referencing or stealing, as a matter of fact I welcome it now because people like Kyle have demonstrated time and time again that in order to win this rat race to the top you must cheat. K*k*vshinov does this better than anyone else and this happyboi fella was like a revelation to the questions we beat around the Bush due to our morals and values we think are valued in this field which are clearly not.

As the rule of thumb goes, the good ones copy but the great ones steal.

>> No.4383345

So it is basically you e-fame drama fags that shitup the board whenever your cancer leaks from your circlejerk threads. Dad was a mistake.

>> No.4383348

>Seething because of the "FUCK X/Y/Z" meme
that's why we call this general a circlejerk, all of you because thin skinned.
that metal knight guy is based

>> No.4383350

became not because*

>> No.4383354

you do realize happy made this thread
we keep to ourselves

>> No.4383357


>> No.4383358

>Kyle have demonstrated time and time again that in order to win this rat race to the top you must cheat.
And surprisingly he’s one of the few people left that’s better then 99% of the board. Hmm....

>> No.4383362

You realize that you have just pointed out that your buttbuddies go wandering around outside of your containment thread to stir shit up because of whatever happens in your gay orgies that leaves at least one of you with buttpain, figuratively and literally.

>> No.4383366

>missing the point of the entire post
>not getting that he’s pretty much the only autist from there to bring up DAD in other threads and the general rarely shits up the board unless it’s mentioned like HB did

>> No.4383372
File: 80 KB, 968x526, 1582256901940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a pussy you aren't even confident enough to gesture battle with Nosebro, of all people

>> No.4383373

Did you literally read any part of his post. Work on that comprehension, anon.

>> No.4383389

There is nothing new under the sun. Especially when it comes to composition

>> No.4383394

No doin it

I am going to paint the art I stole tomorrow.
And every day from now, I am going into /dad/ to steal until they unban me.

Maybe then, I'll destroy you.

>> No.4383399
File: 196 KB, 865x855, 1571504194311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute COWARDICE
Maybe if you were a decent artist you could wipe the floor with nosebro, but we all know you cant

>> No.4383404

unironic question: were you ever diagnosed with autism in the past? because i’m sorta getting the impression that you were.

>> No.4383405
File: 43 KB, 768x432, inigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brother I'm not sure the word "ban" means what you think it does

>> No.4383411


It is okay, I will continue until they do the right thing.

>> No.4383416

answer my question, you already went on a boring with no intent monologue about how you got AIDS so I m’ asking again, were you ever diagnosed with autism in your life?

>> No.4383419


>response me!
autism confirmed

>> No.4383425

can someone describe what a gesture battle actually is. I remember throwing around the term a lot, but what are the rules?

>referee anon picks 10 figure poses
>duelers waiting in thread, lurkers watching
>ref anon posts 10 poses
>>duelers have 10 minutes to post their gestures
>>if posted after 10 minutes, ring out = immediate loss
>lurkers judge

>> No.4383432

autism confirmed

>> No.4383440

never fail to make me laugh

>> No.4383443

>but I also hate Bananigger and his gaggle of antiloli furfaggots

>> No.4383448

Never mind, I read the explanation

>> No.4383562
File: 31 KB, 1325x296, dad-attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao /dad/ attack is real

>> No.4383578

The buttpain is actually real. Oh no no no no no

>> No.4383589


Happiboy try looking at the previous day so you give a chance for people who post in a later timezone. pls thnx

>> No.4383593

>notice me sempai!
It begins

>> No.4383596

Its just a meme. It sounds badass, but it can be anything really

>> No.4383600

He isn't leaving anytime soon so might as well get in on the fun

>> No.4383603

So why won't you post your work right here and now and get your 15 minutes of fame.

>> No.4383625

you also disliked the video. so you admit to being a dad?

>> No.4383634

>look how retarded i am
>haha you mad

>> No.4383652

Why are you so mad that I want to hear an autistic gook crit my work? I just want to see what he says, so I'll do the opposite

>> No.4383655

But I'm not I was trying to give you the spotlight I genuinely want to see new ic related content.

>> No.4383668
File: 1.76 MB, 1550x2000, ayyy_lmao_boy_jus_straight_up_chillin_edits_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4383674

Heh with this pencil gracefully in my hand i cann create the ultimate stroke!
..and just like that i created the back ... of a human figure! Now watch carefully as i destroy your pathetic puny mind.
Do you now see the difference in our skill
Do you now see how, I, an anon from /ic/, can end your career in a snap?
>draws in closer
Youre a third rate artist with a 3rd grade mentality

>> No.4383679 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200221-160413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack it up boys
Chink confirmed to have mod support
Jesus christ

>> No.4383704

y r u trolling>

>> No.4383706

>op provides critiques and redraws the work of others to demonstrate a corrected version and provides useful feedback
>oc donut steel!
>complains to mods and starts a crusade to mass report anything he doesn't like
>is surprised when mods ban him for shitposting and being a complete sperg
You reap what you sow, you made your beds now lie in it. Also don't call it your grave either, your asspain prompted you for increased moderation. This is the future you chose.

>> No.4383713


>> No.4383724

I didn't report anyone, I think free speech is very important.

>> No.4383733

Remember to report this video for copyright infringement. I just submitted my request.

>> No.4383734

bad feels, this is why you shouldn't post on 4chan

>> No.4383749

>showing nsfw content on youtube

>> No.4383751

wtf why

>> No.4383759

go away

>> No.4383760

I agree but the general consensus of this board is brought from an unfathomable asspain where faggots like >>4383733 push for censorship up until it gets to a point it affects them negatively it's a double standard.

On a side note I also got banned recently for using the term "amawu" believe it or not it fell under trolling and no I am not trying to bypass any filters for using that word under quotation Mark's let that be known and put on record. that word is apparently a bannable offence now and I am quoting the taboo word that makes these weenies sperg and go ballistic, not trying to bypass any filters here. Were entering dangerous territories here where a silly little made up word gets you banned all because a special snowflake spergs out and mass reports you.

>> No.4383764

the issue is not copyright
the issue is advertising, which is against global rules
theres a reason why we have self promotion threads

>> No.4383769

Why do you keep announcing that you're evading a ban?

>> No.4383774

That ban is obviously expired now otherwise you wouldn't be able to post now would you, weenie?

>> No.4383777

I am literally doing artwork and critique, that is /ic/ my dude. I just choose youtube because it has a larger audience.

>> No.4383778

Fuck you and your larger audience. You're making money off of our art, you're using our art to get viewers. I'm going to keep reporting you until your entire channel gets taken down.

>> No.4383780

But I wasn't banned to begin with

>> No.4383785

Go post asking about Amawu on a thread and find out, champ.

>> No.4383788

no you are not doing that, you are spamming threads about your shitty youtube channel and I don't give a shit what the content of the videos is

>> No.4383789

>all this samefagging
do you really think no sees how you suck yourself here?

>> No.4383790

advertising your youtube channel in other threads is already a rule violation
making whole threads for it is even worse

>> No.4383791

I am not making money, you do know that right? And even if I do make money, is it not a bad thing.

>> No.4383792

It is about /ic/ and it is artwork and critique.
Either I am doing art or I am reviewing art.

>> No.4383797


well I guess it's not rule violation anymore, cause they don't delete his threads or posts now and they deleted my hiro-approved meta-thread
so I guess everyone should make new threads about their blogs, youtube channels and reddit accounts
I don't care
review art by replying to people in the threads

>> No.4383800

This, but have fun trying to explain that to these weenies. What it comes down to is that they feel entitled to those view counts you are getting and get incredibly butthurt over it that is where they are coming from. Feel free to use our content that we post here for educational purposes you are well within your rights to critique even if one of these weenies happen to copyright their oc donut steels.

>> No.4383804

That's actually a great idea.
Take this to its logical conclusion.
Everyone make review videos, and make new threads for each one they make.

>> No.4383810

Try it, then you will understand the effort I go through on daily basis to get people on /ic/ to draw.

>> No.4383816

When will you understand the effort we go through to make you draw gestures with nosebro?

>> No.4383818

Going to balls deep /dad/ :)

>> No.4383821

I’m assuming you’re talking about your cock size.

>> No.4383822

Let's just say you have a very short fuse. Ergo weenie.

>> No.4383825

>view counts
Do you guys think that is how youtube works?

I get zero dollar from youtube, zero.

Even if I do, wouldn't you feel good knowing your art is functional? Which inherently means your art has VALUE. That means everyone could win on long term.

>> No.4383830

Insecure much? Don’t worry anon, there are many more limp dicked faggots around here just like you.

>> No.4383837

You and I both understand that view counts have no value, however to these weenies it means everything to them you forget that this board is riddled with attention whoring roasties and soibois that makes their ass pucker up whenever they land a click to their content. Of all places you would think that an art related board would champion the freedom if expression and be liberal to the sharing of information and content but we see the exact polar opposite as if they're going to capitalize off their shitty doodles thinking if anyone else uses their work they're stealing food from their mouths.

T. Flustered weenie.

>> No.4383842

I inderstand you are very focused on phalluses from working in porn, but i think some anons here take offence to being called that

>> No.4383846

I do believe we have for the first time reached a mutual understanding that the term weenie is meant to be derogatory towards all you. Weenie.

>> No.4383863
File: 144 KB, 400x394, 1579628401483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the only reason why he didn't get real mad at what you fuckers did was probably because he was a pretty chill dude. I don't think trying to dox him, trying to mass report his accounts, and genuinely acting like a cage of buttflustered monkeys made him like you anymore. You /dad/ddies can go eat a fucking dick, no one else on /ic/ likes you or your stupid reddit circlejerk.

>> No.4383871

Aren’t you that faggoroni who tried to "DDOS" the site? Also

> I don't think trying to dox him, trying to mass report his accounts, and genuinely acting like a cage of buttflustered monkeys made him like you anymore
Almost none of that stuff happened besides a few people getting butthurt at him lmao

>> No.4383975

Don't worry, I will do my best to make them love me.

>> No.4383984


Honestly, I really think nobody should DDOS any site, be it 4chan or dad.gallery, it is uncalled for. We are all here to draw, some more than others, but in the end if we all draw, we all win...

>> No.4383991

Yes yes chink. Keep fighting DAD and leave other generals alone. This is great.

>> No.4383994

Which should i go for next?

>> No.4383997

Do one for reddit and anime general

>> No.4383999

Alright ill take a nap nap. Afterwards ill let you know my decision.

>> No.4384005

this fucking chink seriously needs to be banned.
he comes here, steal our artwork, use it on his videos without our consent and act as if this is completely acceptable and normal.
he's just using our shit as free content for his stupid YouTube show.
we don't post our art in the generals for you to steal and make dumb videos, if you want to be a youtuber create your own content, retard.

>> No.4384009


>> No.4384015

this is the wrong approach man
we should focus on him breaking the rules by advertising his channel and making new threads about it

>> No.4384025

Imagine being a chinaman and trying to lecture other people about stealing intellectual property. i mean no surprise you're all for it. why don't you tell us we have small dicks too? do you realize that China's theft of everything they have is going to lead to every country in the world turning on you and ending your existence in ww3?

>> No.4384031

Like it or not this bat soup eater has become a fixture on this board, like illastrat and mikufag

>> No.4384033


Draw more guys, don't complain.

>> No.4384036

Stop bitching you fucking hypocrites.

>> No.4384063
File: 3.28 MB, 344x203, 1561143867848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my art has never been riced

>> No.4384066

>become a fixture on this board,
he'll just end up being banned and forgotten, like jimmy was

>> No.4384099

There's too many people, but eventually you'll be reviewed.

>> No.4384107

catch me if you can!

>> No.4384115

don't tempt me, i'm might just do.

>> No.4384123

it's on then, I'll keep checking your shit and If you manage to get me I'll subsribe.

>> No.4384132 [DELETED] 

Based. Fuck those circlejerk freaks and their shitty webmaster who pretends to be a victim then dons a tripcode to appear a knight in shining armor.

>> No.4384137 [DELETED] 

I just got back home. That is not me and this is my first post except the one above me of course ;)

I put my hand on the Bible on that one.

>> No.4384143

Alright, clearly not now because you not drawing. See you in a few hours.

>> No.4384168

Kill yourself fucking gook. Choke on a bowl of rice or something. You're so disgusting to look at, and even more revolting to listen to. Stupid ngmi attentionwhore. Just go and die already.

>> No.4384199
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, 9B940DD83ED84E0980C3458F9F3F93F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill keep drawing but i wont be posting it on fucking 4chan anymore lol

no wonder barely anyone /int/ level or above posts here, its a septic tank

>> No.4384208

The fact people unironically regard his critique as good only shows how low the standards are on this board. The only decent regulars on this board get crabbed to hell and back until we're left with people like HB as the only anons giving out feedback

>> No.4384216

I think he's just sockpuppeting. This place attracts people with huge egos.

>> No.4384223

It took you long enough to realize that, anon.

>> No.4384226

Usually /beg/s and retarded /beg/s are the ones with huge egos.

>> No.4384234
File: 18 KB, 288x288, 83915099_1751112821691973_5919364111061221376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realized that a youtuber can file DMCA claim another youtuber if they use his video in their videos right? Jesus how fucking stupid are you.
Fuck off attention whore

>> No.4384245


The fact that people think doing artwork and critique is bad. That is just /ic/ being a d/ic/k

>> No.4384253
File: 363 KB, 2000x991, 1582329202219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon can appreciate critique, they just hate yours

>> No.4384257

They can hate all they want.

>> No.4384263

Why wouldn't they hate a tryhard who can't even draw gestures?

>> No.4384266
File: 7 KB, 212x200, UtAAsWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He think his /beg/ opinion worth a shit
Even some guys in /beg/ thread crits better than your fatass

>> No.4384282



What you going to do? Hate me? Your hate is my fuel.

>> No.4384286

I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed. We both know you could do better than this.

>> No.4384290

Of your it is, you're an attention whore, you want attention because your life is meaningless.
At least get out of /beg/ first before act like you know anything lol

>> No.4384293

>shitty drama thread still exists

>> No.4384294

Because /ic/ mods are hacks

>> No.4384297

just report it

>> No.4384298

i report so much and shit keeps being made. im getting sick of coming here just to report things for 5 minutes before reading a few good threads and leaving again.

>> No.4384301

>im getting sick of coming here just to report things for 5 minutes
Imagine being a reportfag

>> No.4384307

imagine wanting an art discussion site that isnt filled with shit threads about kids moaning that they cant stay focused for long enough to draw a face on a bit of paper.

>> No.4384308

Rent free.

>> No.4384311

Even if you remove the shit threads it doesn't mean you'll have them replaced with quality ones. If you've been posting here long enough it's easy to scan the catalog real quick and dicern what's valuable and ignore the rest. /ic/ is too slow to care about this, most threads get like 10 replies and die naturally. those 5 minutes you spend reporting and getting angry are wasted energy.

>> No.4384314


>> No.4384317

>clearly didn't watch the video

>> No.4384325

what discussion was the video supposed to bring that wouldnt have been drama?

>> No.4384353

not drama clearly.

>> No.4384505
File: 24 KB, 397x415, d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is just /ic/ being a d/ic/k
I wish I could be a little more like d/ic/k

>> No.4384508

only if u have pp

>> No.4384609

god the chink is so based

>> No.4384689


it's an anonymous board. you're doing the opposite of being anonymous. people don't their shit here to get it on youtube.

get it?

>> No.4384693

We have a promo thread and when asked for blog artists give it to anons. You’re just trying to spin this your way too hard.

>> No.4384706

The seething desperation is palpable

>> No.4384709

Chill guys just draw and post disregard happyboi

>> No.4384738

Give a change
Give a sign
I'll show you anytime
Just say the word

>> No.4384772

Woop woop this is the thought police. Stop at once.

>> No.4384807


>> No.4384917

Okay, where do you find how many posters are in a thread?

>> No.4384922

That's actually a reasonable ratio. The poster count is 60 as of right now. Even if you try to inflate the numbers by posting on mobile that's still at least 50 unique users.

>> No.4384942


that's a separate thread not to mention it's a choice for anyone to post THEIR own social media.

this guy just hijack thread and whether you like it or not he'll just fucking do a shitty crit on it. its like some fuckwit who thinks they can just download a Google image and use it for commercial. yes it's exactly the same. his YouTube channel, his ugly ass face using anons personal work to jump start his "youtuber" career. don't be a retard and allow this fuckass to do as he please. he can't even draw properly and he wants to give crit? giving advice like tracing is good to a /beg/.

unless you only draw retarded low effort anime then its going to hurt your progress if you follow his "advice".

>> No.4384952

bottom right corner

>> No.4384954

>unless you only draw retarded low effort anime then its going to hurt your progress if you follow his "advice".

Bro, just look away from his channel. It's 1 in over 31 million youtube channels. If you don't want your art taken for fair use don't upload it in public. He doesn't need your permission to give his opinion on an image you'll long forget years from now as you're constantly improving. I'm pretty sure people aren't watching happyb*y for his critiques but for the reactions he's causing--particularly the ones on /dad/.

If /beg/ likes his charisma that's fine too. Maybe people like to watch him just to see their work featured somewhere like an OP image. Maybe he has fans not because of the drama but because there is someone making youtube videos about this board in general. It's original content creation even if it sucks and that's what makes him unique. Because we don't have many anons doing so as of right now.

>but I'm a twitch tv superstar in my community and give advice!!!

Great! Good for you!!

>> No.4384957

>Bro just look away
>Literally go into every generals to shill his shitty /beg/ videos
>Doesn't use trip and name so people can filter

>> No.4384964

Not him but there is also an option to hide individual posts, all it takes is an extra click that you would spend less time and energy instead of going on a boardwide spergout session like you are now.

>> No.4384967

okay kazooKD

>> No.4384970

>instead of going on a boardwide spergout session like you are now.
I just enter the thread retard

>> No.4384974

And I'm on a flight path to North Korea aka no way to prove so.

>> No.4384977

So stop being a sperg.

>> No.4384983

I do that all the time. Also why I only share finished works

>> No.4384986
File: 27 KB, 500x494, 1560828406044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this shit, Quick rundown?

>> No.4384990

Whatever help you cope
How about you stop suck the chink's dick and tell him to fuck off from /alt/?
If he want to be a attention whore then create a thread for himself so i can report and hide it.
Imagine defending an attention whore and actively lower the quality of other people generals, pathetic piece of human filth

>> No.4384993

Middle left number?

>> No.4384998

At this point what we're addressing is the bigger issue that is running rampant which is a bunch of overly emotional spergs having an absolute meltdown. Would you please fuck off and just hide his posts and these threads what is stopping you from doing that?

>> No.4385013

Quick being such a piss baby bitch. How about you go outside, 4chan is too stressful for someone like you? :)

>> No.4385017


>> No.4385020
File: 191 KB, 500x364, 1579124374983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to type first okay sweetie? This is a 18+ website

>> No.4386483

God damn, I leave /ic/ for 1 day, 180 replies. R u guys drawing?

There is a few happyboy in my thread I'm actually surprised. Because the like and dislike ratio is off the roof.

>> No.4386493

Did you really have to go to 3 different threads to tell the classroom that you've been gone for 24 hours?

>> No.4386517

>the like and dislike ratio
thats annoying, youre going to think the dislikes are only from salty bois instead of people that genuinely think your videos need work.

>> No.4386536

Yeah mf because I am planning something. To relieve the anexity for the sensitive artists in /dad/. Got to tell them to chill because it isn't like the calm before the storm.

>> No.4386538

God damn it is fucking up the algorithm tho.

>> No.4386546


My friend I just want to say I appreciate you in the plight to defeat banana and his furry friends. We already got him banned for avatarfagging but he deserves more for treating loliposters like shit.

Thank you and god bless.

>> No.4386550

You should check /asg/ those guys are more open to criticism except for one autist who draws only figures for 8 months.

>> No.4386673

kaz doesnt even post outside of dad

why are pedos so sensitive

>> No.4386884

She made posts on YouTube but keep defending her.

>> No.4387284


I understand now... you've reach your limit and you're not improving anymore. so now you decide to go this route. I sense a bit of jealousy when you "review" art that are way above your level. You tried to hide it oh man you tried but I still see it.

for those who don't believe me just rewatch his videos. this guy is actually bitter about other people progress. he's drawn so much and still rely on tracing and telling other people to trace. I mean if your method of learning shows result I don't give a fuck I'm gonna jump on it myself. But whew... your work shows nothing. i actually feel pity for you. But hey look at the bright side you can always make money off those fat lips in geylang...

>> No.4387319

Nice projection, anonymous.

>> No.4387340


I'm sorry I hurt you anonymous.

>> No.4387359

the amount of cope in this post lmao

>> No.4387389
File: 7 KB, 219x230, 650EA985-1494-4C54-A6EA-199A8525B88A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4387393


>> No.4387400
File: 3 KB, 795x29, 3d416d640a8ce324ee68f3aaf7ecb38b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4387404


>> No.4387406

liability does not equal copyright you dumbass

>> No.4387409

>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties.
>Copyright is granted to whoever creates a work

>> No.4387418

I shiggy diggy.

>> No.4387424
File: 667 KB, 700x988, mPrT5L2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, this image belongs to me by the way. Do not steal, reupload, or claim this as yours.


>> No.4387431


omg who gives a shit about this particular thing
nobody just wants him spamming threads about his shitty channel about every dumb video he makes
this is the main issue
the copyright problem isn't gonna get him banned on 4chan or stop him from posting
calling him a nigger-mouthed fat disgusting subhuman soulles bugman insectoid chink isn't gonna either
complainning about the quality of his videos (actually watching this shit) is THE WORST thing you can do

adhere to 4chan rules about advertising and spamming, this is the only solution
report his every thread and post
I would say don't reply to his threads but this has never worked in internet history unless it's also bannable

>> No.4387474

dad threads are advertisement of a 3rd party website

why are you not bitching about that?

>> No.4387476

Also calling to the aid of a "raid" by asking others to report is against the rules. You're breaking rules yourself.

>> No.4387543

>Do art and critique videos on YouTube.
>Post on artwork & critique /ic/
>U r spamming
>U r doing it wronggg
>Waaa y is he asking people to draw
>Wahhh y he give me bad critique
>ban him pls meta thread time!
Here is a (you)

>> No.4387545


first step is bad
post the critique in the text box

>> No.4387548

not him but /dad/ threads have been on this board since early 2016, I doubt they're gonna disappear anytime soon unless the site owner dies like the other time

>> No.4387563



>> No.4387566

>what is freedom
>u don't get to dictate what i do or how i do art, or how i deliver it.

>> No.4387568

Imagine needing to bump your own thread because people don't care enough about your bait video to keep it alive. The amount of samefagging in this thread is amusing but it has already gotten stale. Get new material, hb

>> No.4387570


Actually it was a stroke of luck the community of this board didn't run the admin off the board. Because if we did there would be no LAS generals. You can consider the existence a stroke of luck.

>> No.4387571

maybe if you were some amazing legend artist I would care about your reviews

>> No.4387574

You don't have to care, just hide the threads. You don't want to do this as you feel better if the entire board follows with you into your echo chamber.

>> No.4387576

>maybe if u r good
>i have nothing to learn from you
sure anon, see how far that is going to get you.

>> No.4387578

>attention seekers like illastrat instantly become memes on /ic/
>people with terrible art and critiques like nosebro instantly become memes too
>SEAmonkey combines both these into a youtube channel + hijacking entire threads

come on, you cant expect him to not become the biggest /ic/ lolcow of all time

>> No.4387588

i am going to go paint now
enjoy your (you)

>> No.4387591

who the fuck are these defenders?

>> No.4387592

>this guy cannot possibly have defenders
>EVERYONE needs to hate him

>> No.4387594

I don't know if you should focus on painting and rendering while your fundamentals are still weak. They say to be a good painter you need to be a good draftsman, after all. You still have a lot of issues with your figures, perhaps if you spent some time practicing gestures you could level up your skills?

>> No.4387595

By and large /beg/s who are salty they don't get (you)s and asspats

>> No.4387597


Wouldn't that be the attackers? Are you ESL?

>> No.4387600


>> No.4387604


I can just picture it now as you keep typing up your posts.

>"Okaay and POST!"
Defender "Happy boy didn't do anything wrong he is a good boy"
>WTF how dare someone be on this guys side I need you all to REPORT this thread immediately
yep, I'm accurate aren't I

>> No.4387629 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 532x493, 1504806322974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this shit flinging couldn't help but be noticed, would be a real shame if somebody started to ask each and every one of you to post some work as if to show you're not just here to fling shit like some wild and feral Nigger.

>> No.4387633

Racism outside of b.

>> No.4387646

Did he delete his own post or did the jannies get him?

>> No.4387649

He probably deleted himself since no other posts were deleted
>Jannies getting him while this thread is still up

>> No.4387653


Aww I wanted to sick the pitbull at him :(

>> No.4387657

Watch me.
For all the /dad/dies and crabs of the world. I wish you all good health and a long life, so you watch me grow and succeed.

>> No.4387659

Jan and mod r doing their jobs.

>> No.4387661
File: 331 KB, 753x707, 1554015023559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you guys still at it, huh. The best way to deal with this is just ignore him. That's the best anyone can do. Just let him spam his threads, report them if you want to, just don't reply. From this exact moment. Just stop. He's dead.

>> No.4387668

Mods do jack shit and he keeps bumping his own thread to keep it from dying, might as well keep on posting on it until it reaches the bump limit.

>> No.4387670


Why can't you hide the thread instead? Does it bother you that others don't want to hide the thread?

>> No.4387677

He annoys me but I like watching the guy sperg out. It's kind of entertaining. If this thread is going to continue to exist then I'll enjoy it by watching him cope

>> No.4387687

The only ones sperging are /dad/ users as evidences from the like/dislike ratio. If you truly wanted to ignore like >>4387661 said you wouldn't give him any sort of attention by clicking on his video in the first place. Just admit you're a fan of his work like me and we can move past this.

>> No.4387692

Happyboynumber1 here. I want you to succeed. And here is what nobody told me for the last 30 years of my life.

You can be a great craft man, it doesn't mean you will get fame. The fact is most people are usually 3 skill alway from their success.

Here is what I learnt and is trying to reach. If you are a good craft man, you are already 1 step ahead of the herd. Now you need to learn marketing, sales and rhetoric.

1) marketing is essential, your talent and skill don't market themselves. A tree falls in the forest and nobody heard it. Therefor it didnt exist.

2) sell your stuff, your art must have a specific set of values and worth. Once you realize the time, effort, cost and logistics of getting your art to the hands of your customers. You got to convince them to buy it. Sale strategy is paramount. You set your price and never discount.

3) you got to be able to speak properly, within the realms of logic and rationale. It is the most important of the 3. Because it ties them together, marketing requires you to understand a specific keyword and trigger words to use. Sales requires persuasion too.

Lastly, rhetoric is required for all high art. Where you write your artist statement, designed for contemporary or conceptual art.

Email me if you want some of the books I read. Or you want to be part of my art crew.

>> No.4387701

lmao people were bitching about this guy before he even touched /dad/.

>> No.4387713

>speaking properly and rhetoric
well, he's at least proved himself about marketing

>> No.4387718

>Sub 1k subscribers yt channel
>Insta hasn't broken even 500 followers after 1000 posts

>> No.4387743

could you please at least do proper critiques? FFS

>> No.4387750

I am still learning

>> No.4387757
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, unamusedmusume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what? I said everything that I needed to say

>> No.4387786

While technically yes, this was built from a project that a large contingent /ic/ users had a vested interest in 4 years ago.
The original admin put forth the idea of creating a gamified habit tracker for people who had difficulty maintaining the motivation to draw. To which the community was receptive of, as it would actually encourage people fucking drawing. That's when the site was actually built, and why we have a sub-community around it.
The distinct difference here is that this was a group initiative willingly undertaken and made to the specifications of members of this board. It was made by, and for the /ic/ community, not a self-serving low effort youtube project that's shoveled down everyone's throat in every tangentially related thread.

>> No.4387789

Ika-chan a cute. A CUTE.

>> No.4387882

Who was the one who came up with the idea? Anyone remember?

>> No.4387927


>> No.4387936

I did

>> No.4387940

We've already had another group before your cancer metastasized called Unmotivated Losers except they kept to themselves and did not force everyone to filter their threads because they did not keep creating generals to circlejerk on instead they hosted their community elsewhere.

>> No.4387944

Oh god, oh fuck, a community is making threads on /ic/. How dare people make threads about an art community and take up space that could be used for another sakimichan thread.

>> No.4387950

Yeah that's what we don't understand is that your bunch insists on remaining here where there are better platforms for you to have a gay bareback chainlink train with hell even D*scord is readily available with multimedia functions that allow you to ERP with your fellow buttbuddies on demand it is unfathomable as to why you trannies have continued to be a cancerous polyp for the past couple years.

>> No.4387955

>this entire post

>> No.4387967

what're your thoughts on the site

>> No.4387984

You seem kind of angry, anon. Being an artist can be stressful, but I know just the thing to make you feel better!
*unzips pants*

>> No.4388035

oh no, you have to filter 1 thread out of 135