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4378742 No.4378742 [Reply] [Original]

Can we word filter "amawu"

It's essentially spam at this point. Bait threads are being created and threads being derailed for the sole purpose of forcing this retarded fucking meme. Just because nobody likes the skilless, talentless, crap shit fucking "art" you post doesn't mean they are an aspiring anime artist, or that they even enjoy anime.

>> No.4378743

what doe sit mean

>> No.4378745

Amateur method actors worldwide union.

>> No.4378746
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idk, but apparently "weeb" wasn't a good enough word to describe animefags so this attention whore had to make up his own word and try to force it to catch on in every thread.

>> No.4378751
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>> No.4378780

I think it's AMateur Artist Without Understanding

>> No.4378786

Its goof because if you filter the word then we just have to say that word in threads about art for grown ups and it won't get a whole bunch of dumb anime kids that don't know much about art posting in it.

>> No.4378787


>Just because nobody likes the skilless, talentless, crap shit fucking "art" you post doesn't mean they are an aspiring anime artist, or that they even enjoy anime.

>> No.4378788

Asshole Made A Word Up

>> No.4378789

Amateur Manga artists without understanding.

The people who shit on every thread about cubiam or some other shit because they only care about Anime art and need everybody to know it.

>> No.4378795

spotted snowy the cumguzzler

>> No.4378796

Have you seen how many threads are here about Anime?

Even the alternative art and stylization thread is full of just normal anime drawings.

I mean it's pretty clear to see when comments are coming from a dumb anime kid.

You really think educated artists are shitting up all the cubism threads with "it's because of Jews!"

>> No.4378800

Only an Anime kid would this anything that is stylized in a way that isng cartoon style is talentless soulless crap.

It's obvious... You must be an Amawu yourself to say such a thing.

>> No.4378801
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Can we word filter?
Why yes newfag you actually can!

>> No.4378805

This will help to keep you anime kiddies away from adult threads.

Just type no Amawus and all the kids that are offended by it will filter out the thread instead of posting in it.

>> No.4378812

Also OP how can you complain about threads being derailed when the word Amawu was invented as something to say when Anime amateurs are derailing any thread related to art history because 30 anime threads on the one board isn't enough for them?

>> No.4378817
File: 123 KB, 735x1077, 9e6e8b673e754e2fb96b4b1dbfa00f8c--frazetta-frank-fantasy-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks OP, didn't know this. Finally an end to the absolute fucking autismo of that cocksucker chink faggot

>> No.4378818

We are finally fighting back after having all our threads derailed by idiots with no knowledge or interest in Art history.

You will notice nobody ever goes into an Anime thread and says this word.

It's when you start fucking up a modern, contemporary, or fine art thread with shit posts that you get called this word.

>> No.4378820


nice meaningless buzzwords

>> No.4378823

Why do you think a asiam who draws badly done Anime robots and most of their work is animals be saying this word?

If anything in just offended you think I draw sci to cartoon crap when I am.insipred by Picasso, Dali, lister, sofles, van gogh...

I'm not drawing no anime robot looking things.

>> No.4378825

>He isn't aware anime is the current art movement that will go down in history
>He is actually in the wrong side of history
That's alright man. You can still enjoy fruits being taped to walls and keep failing at forcing your shitty meme

>> No.4378828

Okay A.mawu.

You see how it works... the word gets said when an Anime kid says something dumb.

What's the problem?

>> No.4378832

Oh dear god that's stupid.

If anything I think it's street art and graffiti that will be remembered...

>> No.4378843

>street art and graffiti
Nothing worthy has come out of it since the 80s
Literally normie tier shit

>> No.4378862

You're showing your lack of art knowledge again.

Also RIP phase 2.

>> No.4378870

>see 'amawu' get mentioned
>angry replies ever time
this meme word is going places
glad I'm not a pathetic ngmi awamu who gets buttmad over this fully deserved name-calling

>> No.4378874

Graffiti has evolved so much since the 80's.

In 94 came the first ever spray paint designed specifically for aerosol art.

They gave way more control of the aerosol and a way better colour range from art.

Then as special paint made for graffiti becamenmpre common the art became more 3d and realistic.

Then through the 90d and on wards different places developed their own unique style of graffiti.

In NY for example the letters were drawn almost like they were angry and wanted to rip you apart... But Europeans painted their letters more bubbly and colourful with things like baby blue and pink with poker dots all over it.

Even west coast USA had it's own style where the letters went kinda straight up and down style.

Sticker graffiti has became more common as the penalties for artistic expression have gotten higher.

I could write a whole book on how the art for has evolved since the 80's.

>> No.4378882
File: 52 KB, 777x394, images.jpeg-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to make this clear.. this stupid Ama.wu is saying graffiti hasn't evolved or noticeable changed since the 80s.

So this

>> No.4378883
File: 67 KB, 931x329, images.jpeg-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't evolved since this.. according to th shit posting am.awu who only knows about Anime art.

>> No.4378884 [DELETED] 

It's pretty clear to see that graffiti has evolved over the last 40 somethingbyears quite a bit...

Dumb arse a.mawus.

>> No.4378885

It's pretty clear to see that graffiti has evolved over the last 40 something years quite a bit...

Dumb arse a.mawus.

>> No.4378889

Mental problems

>> No.4378891

Okay and?
Why are you shitposting on a drawing board instead of discussing this shit somewhere that actually cares about excrement on a wall

>> No.4378895

Okay Am.awu.

>> No.4378961

Takes more skill than anime art

Like look at Anthony lister art.. You can tell it's a lister painting without even seeing his signature because he developed his own unique style.

Look at an Anime kids work.. It's usually hard to tell who did it

>> No.4378967

Why would I say weeb?

I know people who are massive weebs and they are tattoo artists that don't do anime fan art.

You can be a weeb and not an Amaw.u

>> No.4378974

desu it's hilarious, it's so unfunny and forced that it goes all the way around and becomes amazing, i always laugh when i see that retard spamming his meme

>> No.4378976

besides if they filter the word amawu the guy would feel satisfied as the jannies acknowledged his meme

>> No.4378985


>> No.4378986

why are you retards putting dots between the letters, the word isn't censored

>> No.4378993

No because then I wouodhave to type out "you obviously are an idiot that only understands anime art" all the fucking time.

>> No.4378997

Should I remind everyone that OP actually said this

>skilless, talentless, crap shit fucking "art" you post doesn't mean they are an aspiring anime artist, or that they even enjoy anime.

What an absolute Amawu.

>> No.4379059

>You can tell it's a lister painting without even seeing his signature because he developed his own unique style.
Doesn't make it good

>> No.4379066

Yes it does.

>> No.4379072

No it doesn't

>> No.4379082


Go choke on a cock Chunbum, you fucking sperg

>> No.4379094

Whats a chunbum?

>> No.4379095

How does it not?

Do you not appreciate technical skills?

>> No.4379107

when your body is primarily supported by your ass

>> No.4379112

If chun bun means asian or whatever...

How the fuck could you think I sound like someone who draws sci to robots.and anime?

I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.4379113
File: 84 KB, 780x438, 1576035012415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like the word just don't give it any fucking mention, spammers relies on reaction and attention and by talking about how much you hated the thing that's being spammed you are giving more fuel to those people who's determined to force something into a meme. See Sneed on /tv/.

If you want to stop dealing with a certain word you don't like on this congolese smoke signal conglomerate, do any of the following:
>1. Use a filter so the computer can edit shit out for you because you are a little bitch who can't handle words on the internet >>4378801
>2. Ignore any posts that uses the word you don't like unironically like a normal person
>3. Turn the word back on the spammer if you see an opening (e.g. when a tranny tells you to "have sex", accuse him of being an incel or tell him to "have (penis-to-vaginal) sex" because being a post-SRS tranny means normal sex is completely impossible for him as he has turned his penis into a permanent wound.)

>> No.4379266

Yes, but uniqueness does not imply technical skill

>> No.4379589

Yes it.does or else someone else in the world would be doing it.

>> No.4379924

Stop using Reddit spacing faggot

>> No.4380488

It's called a paragraph you pathetic nerd who considers posting in 4chan a part of their identity.

>> No.4380522


>> No.4380564

Full damage control mode i see. Hahahaha
I bet you are an amawu too.

>> No.4380565

lol anime has a better chance than street art

>> No.4380567

First we need to filter ngmi, crab, incel, coomer and tranny.

>> No.4380575

Anime art has always been ignored dismissed as cringe fanart, my college proffessor would tell people to stop drawing that garbage if they wanted to take his classes, only serious art was allowed.
They wont even allow a single anime style image in the local student art exhibitions, but graffiti is okay. Anime "art" will never be respected.

>> No.4380602

This. For the love of God, this.

>> No.4380653

I like the word itself but I don't think this is the place to even consider spreading it. Rest in peace amawuposter

>> No.4380657


>> No.4380659

You do realize that (discord) trannies are responsible for 2 of those words on your list right?

>> No.4380663


Do it.

>> No.4380680

Filter discord too. Just tired of those words.

>> No.4380686

That's great but also get fucked pal, anime waifus > street scribbles and that's a fact my little buddy

>> No.4380836

Thanks doc

>> No.4381220

Where wpukdbyou spread it?