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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 753 KB, 1920x3240, 1...2...3... cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4376281 No.4376281 [Reply] [Original]

>get ahead in life thanks to either good genes, money, high IQ, happy family, discipline or all of the things mentioned.
>still feel the need to dab on idiot losers that had the shittiest lives with nothing good in them and decided not to kill themselves just to see if things could maybe get better

W-why are you so mean to us? W-what did we do to you...?
Why must you bully us even in our fantasies...? ;_;

>> No.4376287
File: 140 KB, 749x774, EMag5ngXsAInhDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this isn't an anime roleplay board, it's an improvement board. You show strength in your artistic abilities, you're looked up to, or considered improved. You show weakness in your artistic abilities, you're an NGMI 28 year old neet loser who should just give up. That's it. Strength vs. weakness. The exceptions involve genuine people and regular posters in places such DAD, where your eagerness to improve is apparent in your words and people respect and try to help you. People do not respect or try to help anime "meanie" posters.

>> No.4376297

Yeah, but why do you feel the need to draw a line and treat people differently based on their mental strenght?

>> No.4376302
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I'm explaining the board's collective consciousness, not calling you a retard. Though the board will do that, because you're on the internet. On 4chan. It comes with the territory.

>> No.4376521

healthy people don't shit on others for no reason

>> No.4376579
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people with all the things mentioned don't feel the need to do that because they are normally already fulfilled
However the one with only one of those are prone to this behavior, this comes from the fact that on themselves those "qualities" are shallow, so it's important to put others people down to elevate yourself and feel less like shit

I do it all the time, I have money which allows me to pursue this "career" freely, good genes and family but I'm trash at drawing, when I see someone else failing like me in this field the schadenfreude kicks in

>> No.4376780
File: 81 KB, 576x512, siiip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>really high IQ
>shit family
>don't feel the need to put down others

Instead I'm always actively trying to boost everyone's morale even at the cost of looking like a complete fool.
I really wish humanity was a bit more united when fighting their battles.

>> No.4376798

You're based as fuck, unlike me.
probably comes from your high iq.

>> No.4376801

>tfw no gabiposter vs sataniaposter

>> No.4376813

>really high iq

the fact that you lie about this or bring it up at all tells me that this is not the case. remember einsteins famous quote "im really smart guys"?

>> No.4376832

that's true to a degree, but there's also plenty of people who do have high iq and boast about it. usually it's the only thing they have going for them, so that's what they use to feel validated. very little difference between brainlet and somebody with high iq who squanders their gifts

>> No.4376862
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But you will be hard pressed to find a single healthy person on 4chan. All of us here are fucked in one way or another.

>> No.4376949
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>guy boasts about having money, good genes and a good family because they are in the OP
>everyone seems to be cool with that
>I do the same but with IQ, because that's what I have going on for me, so me telling others about my situation should provide a different point of view on the matter (also no one can correlate my face to my statement, so I don't mind telling others about it)
>anon calls me out for "lying"

Hmm... silly potato.

>> No.4377642

Who would boast about something like that? Imagine being 150+ IQ and having NOTHING else going for you. It's to say that you have the innate gift of figuring shit out faster and easier than others, and STILL didn't manage to accomplish anything. Like saying you're proud you can play Halo on Easy and lose while others play on Hard and win.

>> No.4377654

Furthermore, people would then just as easily assume that you're lying, because they falsely equate success with intelligence, and understandably so. They're usually heavily correlated, so why haven't you done anything with it? I mean hell, "undisciplined" isn't a reason, it's a label to describe a choice you make every day. Who WOULD have faith in your intelligence when you take the route of "I'd be great if I tried but I haven't so we'll never know... except I DO know, y'know?"

>> No.4377690
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>assuming people who have shitty lives also don't shit on others
That's as childish of a fantasy as people who believe rich people are evil and poor people are good.

I can already tell you're not from the high IQ club.

>> No.4377848
File: 241 KB, 480x580, 1568924297934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your logic is immature:
just because the media equates intelligence with success that doesn't make it the whole truth. It's obvious that you need more than intelligence in order to succeed, qualities that aren't earned by divine right just because you can figure out stuff faster, but most of the times just because you were born in the right place at the right time, which turns the whole topic into a laughing stock.
You are just idolizing smart people and not seeing the world as it really is.

Have you ever considered that an individual can be born is such shitty circumstances that it doesn't matter if for the first years of their lives they have an IQ of 100 or 200?
I'm not talking about getting bullied a little in school like Elon Musk. Which by the way was born in a family that had everything you could ask for and he still made it sound like his dad was the Devil, just because he was a really protective and hard boiled dad.
I'm talking about mentally ill parents suffering from mpd, Capgras syndrome, etc. trying to kill you, best friends dying in accidents or killing themselves during your youth, getting raped by your father, being born with weird fetishes that make you feel detached from humanity, physical impairments, etc. all in one package. And the worst thing is that out there someone probably had it way harder than I did.
If you think that's Halo on easy mode, then what are your lives...?

And by the way I think anyone can be proud of whatever the fuck they want to, if you feel the need to judge others all the time you should maybe start considering to work a bit more on yourself.
Personally I'm not in competition with anyone but myself and I can't bring myself to compete with sore losers that always complain about everything not being fair, instead of dealing with it.

>> No.4377854

I'm not assuming anything, I just made public my own personal view point on the matter, smoothie :3

>> No.4377868
File: 47 KB, 409x867, 1581981266643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some people with make it, some people wont. People who are mentally weak and aren't capable of making won't make it. Calling them a NGMI is doing them a favor. Maybe they'll stop wasting their time on a fruitless pursuit and put there energy into something they'll actually benefit from. Or maybe it's a meme and if you dont find banter and memes you should leave 4chan.

Pic related is a picture I drew (used a photo of myself as reference haha)
Obviously I'm gonna make it.

>> No.4377875

Thats because you're a faggot fucking anime watcher

>> No.4377876

NGMI femcel/tranny.

>> No.4378236
File: 29 KB, 600x600, for u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because the media equates intelligence with success that doesn't make it the whole truth.
I said this myself, phrased as "they falsely equate success with intelligence," and it was placed in the context of response to your initial "anon calls me out for 'lying'" complaint greentexts. This is to say that the statement is redundant, and that you appeared to not realize it, which makes a poor impression.

>It's obvious that you need more than intelligence in order to succeed... ...which turns the whole topic into a laughing stock."
Never disagreed. I said "It's to say that you have the innate gift of figuring shit out faster and easier than others, and STILL didn't manage to accomplish anything." This does not refute the idea that, so very surprisingly, other factors are at play when determining levels of success.

>You are just idolizing smart people
Disregarding all "you just don't get it" statements henceforth.

>Second paragraph
Already addressed above, I never said people can't have it shit. I said it's a weird flex to say you're a gifted mind and a failure. I mean Jesus, what are we even talking about here? This should be obvious.

>If you think that's Halo on easy mode, then what are your lives...?
Nice of you to make it an "us vs. you," as though no one else here could consider themselves intelligent unless they openly proclaimed it.

>And by the way...
This is just insecurities, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I never said you can't be proud of it, I questioned why you would be. I never said I "judge others all the time," I never said you're in a competition with anyone, I never said that "everything is unfair." I mean holy shit, my entire POINT is that people with mental talents, instead of just "dealing with it," will complain and do nothing but cling to their INT stat. As though they're doing anything with it, as though it fucking matters when it's squandered on a layabout. So I'll ask again, what are we talking about here?

>> No.4378249
File: 525 KB, 1200x1200, artflow_202002131948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's the people who are NGMI that do this.
They're called crabs for a reason, they're in the bucket with you and they don't want to escape, so they snib and snab and gribedi grab you to pull you back down with them.

>> No.4378254
File: 36 KB, 680x835, 8c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't asuka anon

>> No.4378271

You never actually looked up what Crab mentality was, did you? It's the idea that everyone wants to escape, but they pull each other down out of envy or spite at another's success, thus the BUCKET OF CRABS analogy.

>> No.4378278
File: 44 KB, 686x526, 1579994449397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it's not losers screaming at each other because they're all self-hating vermins

>> No.4378288

But eventually a crab gets out right?

>> No.4378304

Except that you can't be pulled down unless you don't actually mind. It's a fucking image board, not real bucket and none of us are crabs.
None of you faggots want to escape, you are visiting /ic/ on your own free will. No one forces you.

>> No.4378352

It's an improvement board. You're looking to escape /beg/, which is why this board adopted the crab analogy, because it's the board's cool way of calling people "haters." You post /beg/ work, other people put you down, they're crabs. If it were just because it's an image board, other boards would use the crab analogy. Please do your homework.

>> No.4378354

Speaking literally? Nearly impossible, they're crabs in a bucket and we use buckets because they're good enough to keep them in. Speaking in terms of artists? Sure, the point isn't that everyone's stuck, the point is that some people try to pull you down.

>> No.4378355

I actually meant to say "they don't want YOU to escape".

>> No.4378368

>other people put you down
How exactly does this happen? Using mean words? Telling that their /beg/ shit is /beg/ shit?
>If it were just because it's an image board, other boards would use the crab analogy.
Way to miss the point, retard. Also learn to logic.
Here is revelation to people of your kind: you "escape /beg/" BY PRACTICING INSTEAD OF VISITING /ic/ you absolute mongrels.

>> No.4378498

>How exactly does this happen? Using mean words? Telling that their /beg/ shit is /beg/ shit?
Yes, that's it. It's why calling someone a crab holds no weight.

>Way to miss the point, retard. Also learn to logic.
>Here is revelation to people of your kind: you "escape /beg/" BY PRACTICING INSTEAD OF VISITING /ic/ you absolute mongrels.

I never said I wanted to escape /beg/. I never said I was a /beg/ browser. I never asked for advice on improving, I never complained about getting nowhere. I explained where the bucket of crabs analogy came from. I explained why it applies to this particular board. I explained how it's used on the board.

Nothing in your post is an argument. You had a negative reaction to reading contradictory statements and you spewed. I don't know how you missed the point so hard, maybe you just don't understand analogies. Regardless of the cause, I'll speak in the words of the sages: "learn to logic." And do your fucking homework.

>> No.4378559


>> No.4378617

>>really high IQ
If you are so smart then why aren't you rich?

>> No.4378643

Not him but how old are you?
You can't choose your starting place you now
>hurr durr just work hard
Lmao, you can work hard all you fucking life and your kid's life but you will never be as rich as Bill Gates

>> No.4378738
File: 415 KB, 495x495, nyum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seem to be a lot of missunderstandings. My bad, everything I've stated that was obvious was just to be on the same page...

>I said it's a weird flex to say you're a gifted mind and a failure. I mean Jesus, what are we even talking about here? This should be obvious.
This point kinda flew above your head, but my bad for not stating it clearly on my second post: I'm not a failure. Being born in a shitty contest doesn't automatically turn you into a failure, it just makes it harder to rise to the top.
At the moment I'm a no one, but I'm still very young. I'm doing a lot of progresses in a short ammount of time and I can visualize myself in a few years doing everything that a "successful person" does.
I've built the networking, I'm applying myself, I live on my own, I can pay for the strict necessary in order to make it. My life is not the best at the moment, but it doesn't completly sucks as it used to 5 years ago.

>Nice of you to make it an "us vs. you," as though no one else here could consider themselves intelligent unless they openly proclaimed it.
That wasn't the point either: It wasn't about being intelligent, but more about having to deal with incredible hardships I doubt you and people in general had to face when growing up, because it's statistically improbable, but if I'm wrong feel free to share your life's ordeals.

> I never said I "judge others all the time," I never said you're in a competition with anyone [...]
It wasn't about your directly, but more about people in a broad range that act like this (ex: anons that open the sakimi-chan threads just to shit talk her), but to be fair you do label people as failures if they are poor, ugly, undisciplined and from a bad family, so you are guilty of this as well to a certain degree.

>I never said you can't be proud of it, I questioned why you would be.
Do (you) even truly know why you are proud of the things you are proud of...?
But the short answer is: different standards and teachings.

>> No.4378878
File: 585 KB, 2568x2700, YfEr5vU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This point kinda flew above your head, but my bad for not stating it clearly on my second post: I'm not a failure.
"Undisciplined" is generally considered code for unaccomplished, lazy, or hedonistic, which is why my original response included the mock explanation: "I'd be great if I tried but I haven't so we'll never know." You never actually produced a counterpoint to this, nor any sort of contention or assertion to claim your success. You in fact went on to mostly cover the novel concept that life can be shit. There wasn't a point to miss in the first place; you never made it.

>Being born in a shitty contest doesn't automatically turn you into a failure...
Never said it did. I said having nothing else going for you other than inate ability to comprehend, and therefore succeed, makes you a failure. But I'll explain a little further for you.
This is 4chan, so anyone reading this is 18+. Anyone by that age with an elevated noggin worth mentioning should have had ample time to use it. Any complaint about happenstance is out the window once you can leave the house, and most limits are self imposed. This is to say that any person in this scenario has freedom, agency, and intellect, and did nothing with it. That's what people would generally consider a "failure." It's not innate, it's a choice. Read Sartre's "Existentialism is a Humanism" lecture (1946, not the book) for a more thorough explanation on what you could consider to define a person.

>At the moment...
Great, but this is backpedaling. Your initial post was driven by the idea that you had nothing going for you but your self asserted IQ, which drove my responses. To alter input whilst addressing the original output as invalid is cheeky.

>That wasn't the point either: It wasn't about being intelligent...
Sure, I hit the character limit and kept my jab in over my rebuttal as a change of pace. And everyone's got shit my dude. (Cont.)

>> No.4378893
File: 43 KB, 330x269, 1581268128621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Average genes
>Born poor
>Average IQ
>Average disfunctional family
>Poor discipline
>Still end up moving up in life by orders of magnitude just because I'm a stubborn retard which constantly refuses to accept life giving you a bad hand
If the Scatman can do it, so can you

>> No.4378929

My personal haunts include family disownment and my childhood best friend turned lover turned ex leaving me for my best male friend, who was also the keystone figure of my high school group. Summarized, the people I developed with and based my aspirations around are all gone now, and it's taken a few years off my life in wasted wallowing. But it's to say that anyone can have it shit. Not everyone, sure, but anyone, at any level of success. Claiming psychological trauma (short of disorders) as an excuse to achieve nothing is like saying "things suck so I want to make things suck." For some people that's believable enough, but I'd expect the gifted to figure something out.

>It wasn't about your directly,
>"And by the way I think anyone can be proud of whatever the fuck they want to, if you feel the need to judge others all the time you should maybe start considering to work a bit more on yourself."
Don't bullshit to make a more stronger platform, it just weakens your stance.

>but to be fair...
Already addressed above, people with ability who fail to use it are failures. A person from a poor ugly bad family is not inherently bad because you wouldn't blame a child for a parent's fault. What the child then does as an adult I'll hold them accountable for. It's sort of the point of a legal adult.

>Do (you) even truly know why you are proud of the things you are proud of...?
Yes, because pride is based in appreciation of ownership or personal achievement. It's not hard to figure out the difference between a vainful source of pride and a respectable one.

>But the short answer is: different standards and teachings.
Yeah I wouldn't flatter myself too hard. The excessive concessions, feigned acceptance of responsibility, and "polite" belittling are quite apparent. It's not a weakness to speak with confidence, and I'd advise you drop the aloof downward gaze if you want to be taken seriously. It just makes you look oblivious when you act like it's subtle.

>> No.4379236

>implying that OP is actually implying what he's implying he's implying
He knows. He reached that conclusion on his own, but thought that making a post stating the exact opposite would be more convincing.

>> No.4380671

IQ =/= smart.
If IQ was an accurate measurement of intelligence, I wouldn't be a retard. Yet I am.

>> No.4380701

>crab seething so much on asukafag that he's pretending to be him just to pull him down in the eyes of others
The true NGMI was you all along the way

>> No.4380724

If this is how intelligent people talk I don't want to be intelligent.

>> No.4380726



these are people who's own parents see them as a burden and no longer love them.
it's all they have

>> No.4380751

Lol just be beautiful retards

>> No.4380940
File: 38 KB, 471x867, 1578754372550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that a ton of people on here would sooner shit on you and try to make you feel miserable as well, bring you down to their level just because they can't deal with the fact that someone else could be having it better than them, or they just don't wish for others to succeed where they failed.

They go as far as to criticize you or make fun of even the smallest things they can cling onto, even if that just comes down to the way you've written your post. Stop caring about what people tell you on here, learn how to differentiate between actual criticism and just shitposting.

If anything, look on YouTube for inspiration, look at all those retards who post videos of themselves, making vlogs, etc and how cringy they are, people actually hate them, remember that even if you DO have it bad, at least you might not get to the level THAT person is at.

Or look at the successful ones, see how people like them for the shit they are saying, while some people on 4chan would just ridicule them for it, for no other reason than "OH THEY CRINGE AND RETARDED LOL" because they're actually doing something with their lives and they can entertain people, unlike them. Look at the successful ones and realize that you CAN turn anything from vlogs, to shitty jokes, puns and so on into proper entertainment for others or a future for yourself.

4chan isn't considered the degenerate cesspool of the internet for nothing after all, you'll rarely find any proper advice on here from people who are actually genuine or kind and just wish the best for you. this is mainly a playground for sociopaths and other miserable fucks who want nothing more but to see others fail.

>> No.4380948

I realize I said something that basically contradicts itself in my statements here but basically what I mean is
>be thankful of the fact you're not like this kind of guy, and remember that at least you're not likely to end up at his level
This goes for any other person who is overall hated by a larger audience. Strive to be better than these type of people and look for inspiration in those who actually managed to get something done.

>> No.4380974

> be high IQ
> good family
> STEM education
> high paying job potential
> decent looking
> can do anything

> waste it all on drawing
> why?

>> No.4381211
File: 200 KB, 326x343, ad5694edcb311fe60dd24651b75ed13d24e4b618a35f7c424f32ab506ffdcc78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an improvement board

>> No.4381397

>they think IQ is a real thing
lmfao. IQ as we know it is only a small fraction of what intelligence entails and all the tests you find on the internet are bogus, check your sources

>> No.4381528

>claiming high iq
>internet test

i don't think they base their iq of an internet test, that can't be. also iq is a legit way to estimate problem solving capabilities

>> No.4381597

Honestly that's kind of a based move, he's taking avantage of the 4chan medium to play his jester game, I like that

>> No.4382825

Found Mr. Room Temperature.

>> No.4383195

Don't worry, lol.

>> No.4386599

>in your fantasy
get yourself more supportive imaginary friends

>> No.4386630

being rich doesn't require intelligence at all, in fact, being too smart prevents you from achieving wealth because you won't value money enough

you just need any combination of these 3 things to be rich

1. born into it
2. a disregard of the golden rule (treat others the way you want to be treated)
3. a practically autistic desire to grind away at any avenue that will make you money

none of these things requires an IQ above 70, i.e. retard level ability.

>> No.4386704
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>expect to get pooped on by /ic/
>barely anyone notices
>have no feedback
I would rather be bullied

>> No.4387337

not true. although the golden line for rich people seems to be an IQ around 120. according to data having an IQ above 120 doesn't help with finfancial success

IQ of 70 is literally retarded

>> No.4387376

>People who are mentally weak and aren't capable of making won't make it.
If anything it's the mentally weak who make it. Drawing smut and fanart is the most braindead, low attrition route imaginable and it pays off consistently if you're not total shit. A person who wants to do something different and believes in it is only given the option of becoming impossibly good, and if he can't pull it off he's just lazy for not working hard enough. If you don't pander or have a foot in the door through other means you're stuck in a retarded circular logic where it's always your fault, and if you call it quits you get booed for quitting no matter how hard you've tried.

>> No.4387416
File: 106 KB, 480x480, troubl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who's decent at anything has a hidden seething anger about how they were treated before they got gud. This is especially true about this website because everyone here is dumb as fuck and loves being shitty to people because if they didn't they'd have found somewhere better to post years ago. The people who managed to succeed but didn't manage to get off this cesspool of a board are dabbing on you because these are the fruits of all of their hard work. It's the lamest possible reward for making it in spite of learning in one of the worst environments for learning possible but nobody can say they didn't earn it.

People don't come here to improve. They come here to post. Improving in /ic/ is just an extension of the posting game. If you actually want to succeed you're better off finding an environment where you're enthusiastic about learning because the craft of drawing makes you happy. If you're reading hundreds of posts of dog shit advice and constantly getting clowned on it should at least be because you like it, and even then you can always get good somewhere else and then come back here. Once you're good being a bastard on /ic/ is your god given right but if you found what you're looking for in drawing you won't need to take advantage of it anyway.

>> No.4387423

So where is that loving place that makes you enthusiastic and happy?

>> No.4387434

>good genes
>comfortable monetarily
>shit childhood
>nonexistent family life
>kind of ugly
>will always deal with an inferiority complex because of these things

This is why I bully.

>> No.4387541
File: 116 KB, 800x600, 1561183514536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>south american
>father left me with irreparable psychological damage

That's why i keep trying, because it can't get worse