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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4375620 No.4375620 [Reply] [Original]

Share things you cut out of your life to focus more on art and how it's affected you

>stopped playing video games for the most part
>feel the gains flow through me steadily now that I have more hours to practice

>> No.4375624

I cut out reddit and the only place I browse is here. Since this is a really fucking slow board, I get a lot of drawing done.

>> No.4375625

>ghost all friends
>have incredible amounts of free time to draw and never be bothered ever again
>con is have to talk to /ic/

>> No.4375628

You should've ghosted /ic/

>> No.4375629

Just look away

>> No.4375688

I did the exact same thing... still ngmi.

>> No.4375712

sold my ps4 and studied every day since

>> No.4375713

>I cut out reddit
you should cut out your wrists next for ever going there

>> No.4375751

FUCKING GMI BRO. I'd sell off so much of my shit if it could be done in a snap

>> No.4375943

>FUCKING GMI BRO. I'd sell off so much of my shit if it could be done in a snap

>> No.4375952

quit my job and only have 2k left bros, might have to dip into my retirement savings holy shit that was a bad idea

>> No.4376148
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Just find a part-time.

Also should I just uninstall steam?
The only reason why I keep it is to play MH Iceborne, but I sink so much time into it...
I've started playing mhw back in august 2019 and now I'm at 1113 hours of gameplay... which on average means 6 hours a day since I've bought it...
Why is my brain so smooth and small, why can't I just draw? Why didn't my parents love and why did my mum try to kill me multiple times when I was 5? ;_;
How do I fix my mental illnesses?

>> No.4376158
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I've also been playing, but I plan my days. I aim to work every day during week and allow myself to chill out over the weekend if I want to.

Also wtf

>> No.4376336

I also am a drawer and have played over a thousand hours of Monster Hunter.
Fucking love Monster Hunter.

>> No.4376425

Are you also blacklisted on /mhg/?

>> No.4376438

Yes, delete it and don't look back anon. My biggest advice to anyone in this situation is to just at least cut out any online game related things. That includes online games.

This means it's fine to play Monster Hunter as long as it's offline single player, but you'll soon realize that without the multiplayer or online presence aspect of it, it becomes boring very fast once you've finished all hunts. I believe multiplayer games prey on our social needs, and we end up addicted to it not because of the game, but because of the social validation we perceive we get from it inside our heads. Also, posting things about the game in online forums is also strictly forbidden, so no speedrunning, discord posting, or anything of that sort because the social aspect behaves the same way as if the game was online.

Listen to me on this please. I've lost countless hours of my life playing WoW, LoL, various other MMOs and more recently Monster Hunter before Iceborne. I have almost 2k hours in MHW. Don't let this be yourself because I have nothing to show for any of the time I wasted with these things. Looking back at it, I'm not even sure I actually enjoyed them. So many great single player games I haven't played... Don't be me is what I'm saying.

Also your mom is a cunt

>> No.4376441

I simply lost interest in vidya. I'll still play bing bing wahoos and shmups for 5 minutes, but that's it. I got no patience for open world or competitive online anymore. I've been reading more, and that's helped a lot with visualizing things.

>> No.4376522

MMOs and most games
reddit, tumblr, twitter and 4chan. I still go once a day here to download resources but mostly thats it

>> No.4376542

Friends, women, health, money, happiness.

>> No.4376637

Happiness, women, the free time to explore and learn new things and enjoy life.
>how has it affected you
I'm pretty comfy actually. The world created in art is better than the real world.

>> No.4376669

I too stopped playing video games for the most part, but it wasn't a conscious decision. It just sort of happened when I started really focusing on art.

>> No.4376687

>less social media
>happier existence

>> No.4376738
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Thanks, I've just uninstalled the game and abandoned my discord speedrunning community.
I knew I needed to do it for a long time, but I was deluding myself into thinking that I earned my play time or something.
Hopefully in the future I won't fall in the same traps.

>> No.4377182
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I quit the vidya, It's been a positive, I have made more improvements art in 5 months then I did in 5 years, I'm not great at it currently but I started replacing video games with listening to music while drawing, which lead to me leaving my echo chamber when it comes to my music tastes.

>> No.4377189
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>Mfw I work 42 hours a week as a concept artist for animation and illustration teacher at a school with brutal deadlines

I'm super stressed today and just felt like venting, I love art but goddamn it can be brutal sometimes

>> No.4377204

I'm not browsing this board even half as much as I used to, and I've been more productive artwise.

Damn. You work all week or what?

>> No.4377208
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>has a job

>> No.4377227

I wanna get back into vidya and I think the best way is to treat it like a tv show. A 30 minute session or a 1 hour session, set up a timer and return to it another day. Seems like the only way for it not to be addictive .

>> No.4377229


>> No.4377262

Not him but having deadlines and working tons of hours is tons of stress, he has it better than us but it is still stressful

>> No.4377293

I cut out vidya and slowly replaced it with /out/ activities and photography.
What I liked about video games the most was wandering around open world areas and exploring, finding neat hideaways and cool vistas. There wasn't any reason why I shouldn't do that irl instead so that's what I did.

If you need to set up coping mechanisms and strategies like that it likely will become an addiction again.

>> No.4377309
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>If you need to set up coping mechanisms and strategies like that it likely will become an addiction again.
But what if you only like story based video games that only last at most 50 hours? I only said that because the last game I played was MGS: Phantom Pain, 4 years later and it still gets to me. I wanna get back in for that and because a “make your own game” game was just released with zbrush style sculpting mechanics . I too do outside activities like jogging and lifting, I even lost a lot of body fat recently, but pic related is luring me back in a different way than the average FPS or multiplayer game

>> No.4377311

oh hey i have that too because i love media molecule
too bad it's a huge time investment to create things in it especially since im unfamiliar with how things control. Sculpted a big pair of tiddies a while ago

>> No.4377324

You should cut your dick off, for trying to sound like a man

>> No.4377337

I didn't really cut something out but:

> used to draw after wife sleeps, pretty tired
> start sleeping at 10pm instead
> 7 hrs of sleep, now wake up at 5am
> silence and peace, full of energy
> draw for 2 hrs with the fury of Eiji from Bakuman

Best choice I've ever made.

>> No.4377349

>No wife/kids.

>> No.4377442

I had successfully dropped Overwatch for several months but recently picked it up again. Im a big ngmi

>> No.4377498
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I cut procrastination.
Really, there was NOTHING in particular eating up my time, I'm just very good at getting entertained with anything that isn't being productive.

If I have a job to make, I'll gladly spend 8 hours reading /ic/, or maybe Discord, or maybe watching dumb videos on YouTube or reading the Wikipedia article on the History of the Jews in Portugal (yes, I read that entire thing).

Here's my new schedule, trying to also get healthy eating habits (cause I only ate 1 time a day plus a small snack):

The hardest part is making my family respect/understand the fact that I'm working, and not available for chitchat or helping with fixing their YouTube TV or something like that.

>> No.4377510

>Trying desperately to cut out Youtube and VG
>Can't focus on drawing because too afraid to fail
>Nihilistic approach to art

>> No.4377564

The problem is plenty of games have long ass cut scenes so you end up playing nothing.

>> No.4377570

Nice schedule idea. I should try that. Like you, I have sunk countless hours getting entertained and essentially doing nothing. What did you use to make the schedule?

>> No.4377587

kek, sorry to tell you anon, but family will never get it. Even after all these years.

>> No.4377589
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>What did you use to make the schedule?
Software? LibreOffice.

The eating habits were recommended by a nutritionist. She wanted me to eat every 3 hours, but I told her blocks of 4 hours would be better to me for organizing my day, so she conceded (making me add that nut and chocolate in the afternoon).

As for the colored blocks (yellow, purple and blue), that's what I decided were the most important things for me.
1 - Making money, cause I'm old and am regressing into an useless NEET;
2 - Making projects or gitting gud, cause I'm old and NGMI;
3 - Studying, cause that's the only productive thing I've done for the past year or so, but I procrastinate doing even that.

The ORDER is also important: do your top priority first (most energy and concentration), then your secondary activity (still good to go) and for last do the easiest or least relevant task (batteries running low).

Good luck with your schedule.

If they won't, I'll just start locking my door and stuff like that. But yeah, boomers will be boomers. Love my family, though.

>> No.4377694

Chasing women/Girls

I have like, a year where i don't do some stupid dirty talk or get some nudes, but that's it. You get some nudes and if you're lucky you get one or a couple of nights to fuck, but that's as long as it goes.

It's kind of a bittersweet feeling, sure it feels good to feel wanted, but on the other hand i just wish i cut all of that earlier.

At least for now i enjoy what i do.

>> No.4377725

Social life and games.
Basically I wage slave, draw at least 14 hours a week, work on a video game im doing 6 hours a week and chill with 2 hours of anime which is 6 episodes or 2 hours worth of manga if im reading manga at the time. 4chan only when taking a dump like now.

>> No.4377737

time spent browsing 4chan
I didn't realize it but I spend more time on this shitty site than the time I spend doing anything else combined
I've been losing sleep for years because I'll stay up an extra 2-3 hours to idly browse threads and not even post in them

>> No.4377748

I taken out masturbation for 2 years, try to replace nut with exercise, does wonders

>> No.4377758
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>College in morning
>work at afternoon
>Lift after work, monday,wednesday,and friday
>Go to church wednesday
>Tues+Thurs, lift and homework and religious counselling study
>Friday(Decided to not lift that day since college gym closes early and I can't pay for the public gym once a week)
>Saturday: free time and homework
Excluding Saturday, I only have 1 hour of free time on monday and wednesday, tuesday and thursday is homework day, but I just timed myself today on art, seems like I have 2 hours for art on Tuesday
Any improvements?
>inb4 quit church/religion

>> No.4377813

Idk man I don't have control over your wallet at the end of the day but I wouldn't risk it. When it comes to my own discretionary spending I stick with the 3 month rule, waiting 3 months and then evaluating whether or not I really need to buy that thing. Maybe something similar would help you.

>> No.4377821

Keep going to church. It's worth it for the social aspects alone imho.

>> No.4377930
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You're either black or unfunny.

>> No.4378015

Honestly been thinking of cutting out /ic/ and maybe this entire site in general for like a year to get good. But being social is healthy, so I don’t know.

>> No.4378078

>I believe multiplayer games prey on our social needs, and we end up addicted to it not because of the game, but because of the social validation we perceive we get from it inside our heads. Also, posting things about the game in online forums is also strictly forbidden, so no speedrunning, discord posting, or anything of that sort because the social aspect behaves the same way as if the game was online.
this, i have a league addicted art friend that basically cites """""""""""""socializing"""""""""""" as the only reason he spends so much time every day to play and talk about league, he spends more time talking about league than talking about art. And I have another art friend who is actually kinda good, but barely draws anymore and spends all day on league.

league and other match-based online games is an artist killer, seconded only by mental illness and depression. so much potential great art lost.

>> No.4378087

If he can fucking eat then I don’t want to hear about how much of a delicate little flower he is

>> No.4380398

social media, not even stuff like facebook, just the internet in general, can suck out an infinite amount of your time if you let it.
4chan is almost as bad if you let it be, but i stopped going to my old haunts once i realized things will never be as fun as they used to be before they went to shit.

>> No.4380483


Stopped playing videogames. When I play them I feel like I should be drawing whatever is on the screen.

Stopped hitting on girls. Women are a waste of time, guys, trust me. Any woman that doesn't understand what's like to be an artist, at least. Even if you get into a relationship, if she doesn't know what's it like to be an artist, IMO you're wasting your time with somebody that's gonna cheat on you, or dump you, or become insufferably annoying.

Started doing pilates cause of my back. I had back pains that started getting so bad I couldn't draw. Pilates fixes it like magic.

I think that's it.

>> No.4380486

So how's your art career going

>> No.4380501

Well but not well enough. It's been about 2 years that I took these measures and started improving significantly. I got some related jobs but I spend most of my time practicing the fundamentals. I got a lot better at them, but not enough yet. A lot of people tell me I'm good enough for certain jobs, but I just don't think I hit the exact spot I want yet. I wanna be more proficient. I wanna use less strokes for better drawings.

>> No.4380523

I stopped reading fanfic and manga. It feels surreal as I used to read hours of fanfic everyday and now I haven’t read the stuff in months

>> No.4380533
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How I feel when it comes to video games. Used to play for 5+ hours a day. Now that I almost never play them, my days feel so much better being able to grind out work and feel happy by the time I get in bed. Manga I do read for like an hour or two in bed before I actually go to sleep

>> No.4380923

I no longer have friends, I finished college and currently a NEET, if only I've spend all the day drawing and not playing games

>> No.4381274

Most of my college classes. They're just background noise at this point.

>> No.4381277

>Sober since Dec 29th
>Restrict playing video games to only
twice per week
>Force myself to wake up early
>Go for a run in the morning
>Started going to the gym
>Started eating better

This was just initially to improve my life but it has also greatly improved my art, as I am now able to do it for longer and not get as tired while doing it.

>> No.4381278

How’s drawing been?

>> No.4381291

Improved since then, I successfully finished a comic and just started drawing a rough draft of the next one.

>> No.4382464

If you love MH but want to preserve more time for your artmaking, maybe branch the two? Personally I find MH aesthetics and esp. their approach towards environment/creature design fascinating. Maybe try designing a monster along with its corresponding armour and weapon sets. I find it a fun exercise

>> No.4385903

I sold my PS4 and also picked up a guitar when I was going through my quarter life crisis. Best decision I made.

>> No.4386849


My problem is that I can't give anything my 100%. Even video games, movies or any other hobby or interest. I am stuck in a limbo where I forever stagnate.