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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 354 KB, 1000x999, hyunji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4371803 No.4371803 [Reply] [Original]

Non Anime / comic art / realism thread.

>> No.4371808

I assume that any thread where the OP says "non-anime" now is being made by that one faggot with the word on urban dictionary.

>> No.4371812

Just shut up and enjoy the thread.

>> No.4371820

Not any, but I'm pretty sure this one is. Still, as he didn't sperg out right away, this thread might be okay. I can post some art later on.

>> No.4371823

Why are you fags so butthurt by anime recently?

>> No.4371824

It's all one guy

>> No.4371826

t. amawu

>> No.4371827

Usually because people come and fuck up all the non anime threads.

>> No.4371830

It's this guy spamming his shitty made up word:

>> No.4371833

Your nan should have aborted you you piece of miserable shit.

>> No.4371834
File: 26 KB, 375x563, hyunji2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girls work,

>> No.4371835

Seething Amawu.

>> No.4371837

It's two people here using that word.

>> No.4371839

You know that you could be drawing instead of shitposting on /ic/ right? Maybe if you made some good non-anime art that people enjoyed then that would be a more positive and constructive way of sharing the type of art you like with people.

>> No.4371841
File: 947 KB, 1500x2233, hyunji3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4371844

That's what I'm doing here.

>> No.4371847

You're not posting your work.

>> No.4371851
File: 427 KB, 540x624, hyunji4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way am I posting it here.

It would look really unproffesional for potential clients and gallery owners to know how much effort I put into having retarded arguments on the internet with people that don't deserve my attention.

>> No.4371858

That's cause he's absolute shit, he's studiying for a fine arts degree and still hopes he can make it as an artist. In a few years he'll forget this dream completely in favour and will be trying to make it as a critic instead, but his behaviour on this board shows that he'll suck at this even more.

>> No.4371860


>> No.4371862


>> No.4371863

Nah I only did a fine arts diploma and a design degree.

I wish I did it the otherway around though.

>> No.4371865

So, you're already kind of a loser in the fine arts world, and your only hope is to impress people with your art (not gonna happen, though you still don't realize it), have fun being a mediocre art teacher.

>> No.4371866

sage for not having big anime titties

>> No.4371885

I'm not gonna be an art teacher lol.

Good luck with ever being good at anime art.

>> No.4371907

I don't draw anime though.

>I'm not gonna be an art teacher lol.
Yeah, probably not. What options does that leave you though? Art supplies store consultant?

>> No.4371909

God you're a retard.

Why are you even on an art board?

>> No.4371913

I could tell you but it seems you are just a negative toxic person that gets joy out of putting other people down instead of lifting people up.

Why are you on an art board if you think negatively about people achieving in the arts?

>> No.4371914

I'm just curious what career you envision for yourself, but you don't want to tell for some reason.

>Why are you even on an art board?
Cause I'm an artist?

>> No.4371917 [DELETED] 

Also I am not 100 percent convinced you don't draw anime... because you are very angry about something...

Why would a person who doesn't draw anime be angry about stylized art?

Why are you fuxkingbuo this thread?

>> No.4371918

Sign writing, art and design.

If you are an artist why are you hear talk g shit about people achieving at art?

That makes no sense.

>> No.4371919

Also I am not 100 percent convinced you don't draw anime... because you are very angry about something...

Why would a person who doesn't draw anime be angry about stylized art?

Why are you fucking up this thread?

>> No.4371923

No, you misunderstand. The only reason I'm being negative to you is because I see the way you behave here, and it's pretty clear from it that you aren't a very likeable person, and that you lack any understanding of how things work, why people do what they do, why they have opinions they have, etc. You made up this stupid word you're trying to force and you're convinced that you know this board, the people here, while in reality your worldview is very stupid and simplistic. I somehow think you also weren't too good at design, or why do you need this whole word forcing thing other than to feel validated? You put a whole lot of effort into it.

I'm angry about you shitting up this board you stupid mongrel.

>Why would a person who doesn't draw anime be angry about stylized art?
Where did I say anything about art, at all? See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You've built this strawman out of your retarded perception of people on this board, and you see everyone as this strawman.

Ah yes, sign writing. I'm happy that there is a professional sign writer on this board to teach us all lowly muwuways all about contemporary art.

>> No.4371927

Sigh... It's one of these posts where it's going to take paragraphs to answer.

>> No.4371935

>No, you misunderstand. The only reason I'm being negative to you is because I see the way you behave here,

As opposed to how 90 percent of people behave here shitting up all the contemporary art threads and giving critiques they aren't qualified to give on su jets they don't know.

> and it's pretty clear from it that you aren't a very likeable person,

Why the fuck would I want to be liked by the people that shit up every thread not related to anime or comic books?

Why would I want to be liked by the people that hate sakimi Chan out of pure jealousy?

>and that you lack any understanding of how things work, why people do what they do, why they have opinions they have, etc.

Why? I was an Animu drawer with very little knowledge of art when I was a teenager.

>You made up this stupid word

If you don't like the word don't use the word.
If you are angry about the word maybe you see yourself in the description.

>you're trying to force

The word is for me. Other people don't have to use it if they don't want too.

>and you're convinced that you know this board, the people here,

How do I not? Have a look at how many of these subjects are about Anime.

Even the Loomis threads are being made by people who want to use that knowledge to draw anime I think.

>> No.4371938

you will not make this shit a word you fucking nigger

>> No.4371943

No, you misunderstand. The only reason I'm being negative to you is because I see the way you behave here, and it's pretty clear from it that you aren't a very likeable person, and that you lack any understanding of how things work, why people do what

I'm angry about you shitting up this board you stupid mongrel.

How am I shitting up this board?
Why would a non Amateaur manga artist be annoyed at someone trying to put in a few contemporary art threads every now and then?

>Why would a person who doesn't draw anime be angry about stylized art?
Where did I say anything about art, at all?

It's your actions... you see a non Anime thread you get madam you see people shooting down uneducated critiques and you get mad. We see it and we read it.

> See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You've built this strawman out of your retarded perception of people on this board, and you see everyone as this strawman.

In what way is it a straw man?
You know what after reading this I'm even more convinced your an Anime kiddo.

Also I think I should mention that not all manga artists are Amawus.
>>4371918 (You)#

>Ah yes, sign writing. I'm happy that there is a professional sign writer on this board to teach us all lowly muwuways all about contemporary art.

Most of you people here are young and ignorant and think you are going to end up as full time manga artists or full time an artists in an overestimated market.

Even most of those fan artists you see at your anime cons usually have day jobs.

>> No.4371946 [DELETED] 

Stop shitting up my thread.

Everytimebtgerebis a thread About stylized contemporary art people come and shit it up.

Fuck off.

>> No.4371948

Stop shitting up my thread.

Every time that a thread About stylized contemporary art people come and shit it up.

Fuck off

>> No.4371951

Actually go to fucking reddit you retarded motherfucker. 4chan is primarily an anime fucking website, of fucking course you’ll see a lot more anime art here. Like not ironically, go there and see for yourself.

>> No.4371954

>As opposed to how 90 percent of people behave here shitting up all the contemporary art threads
That's not what I've seen. I think you see what you want to see, and you want to see that you're above everyone here, yet you come here for whatever reason.

>giving critiques they aren't qualified to give
This board has been helpful to me. Not all critique here is good, but some of it was, and other times people could suggest good resources. You are making this board worse.

>Why the fuck would I want to be liked by the people that shit up every thread not related to anime or comic books?
Why the fuck do you come here then? Oh, I know why, to shill your cringy word.

>Why? I was an Animu drawer with very little knowledge of art when I was a teenager.
Ahahahahhahahahahah so you're just a weeb kid yourself. This whole time lol. This whole time you've been projecting. Loooooooooooooooooool can't make this shit up.

>The word is for me. Other people don't have to use it if they don't want too.
Lmao who're you kidding? You dream about this word catching on, that's why you were samefagging with it, that's why you spam threads with it.

Get the fuck out of /ic/, you stupid fucking pretentious weeb.

>> No.4371957

It's a separate board.

We aren't on /a/ variety is okay.

We're gonna make this board what it should be.

>> No.4371959

>That's not what I've seen.

You're literally doing that right now.

>> No.4371962

>This board has been helpful to me.

Probs because you strictly draw anime.
>Not all critique here is good.
Yeah I made another thread about how shit it is.

>> No.4371963

>we’re gonna make this board how I want it.

>> No.4371966 [DELETED] 

Lmao who're you kidding? You dream about this word catching on, that's why you were samefagging with it, that's why you spam threads with it.

I use it because it saves me typing out paragraphs.

I can go
"You clearly do not know what you are talking about and it is clear that you're knowledge of art is very basic and limited to anime and so you should not really be critiquing art genres you do not understand"

And type that over and over again like 7 or 8 times every time I visit or I could just say you are an Amawu.

>> No.4371974

>Lmao who're you kidding? You dream about this word catching on, that's why you were samefagging with it, that's why you spam threads with it.

I use it because it saves me typing out paragraphs.

I can go
"You clearly do not know what you are talking about and it is clear that you're knowledge of art is very basic and limited to anime and so you should not really be critiquing art genres you do not understand"

And type that over and over again like 7 or 8 times every time I visit or I could just say you are an Amawu.

>> No.4371978

No, I'm not shitting up a contemporary art thread, I'm responding to you. See, I was willing to give this thread a chance >>4371820, but you just had to bring all of your autism out, you started shitting up your own thread. But of course, we're not being 100% honest here, are we? This thread was never meant to be a contemporary art thread, you created it for the purpose of shitting it up, didn't you?

>Probs because you strictly draw anime.
I have only drawn anime like three times in my life, as requests on other boards. I draw illustrations.

>> No.4371979

Mods deleted the other thread.
Why don't you tell us what sorts of contemporary art you like and what you find valuable in it?

>> No.4371981

If you're the guy I was replying to.

Anime drawings =/= pop art.

Pop art is like what Warhol and Lichtenstein did.

I did not get to say this.

>> No.4371982

I know what the pop art movement is.
I don't want to put words in your mouth. Can you give us a positive account of the sort of contemporary art you like and what you find valuable in it? Either trends, specific artists or works, etc.

>> No.4371983

I am not a big fan of the subgenre of modern art known as dadaism as I think it's pseudo intellectual garbage that started off as a joke.

Since the invention of the camera and colour photography art became kind of useless or people didn't see the point in it.

That's when people started making contemporary art.
The idea of it is that its art hat requires imagination that could not just be don't on a Camera.

>> No.4371985

>I use it because it saves me typing out paragraphs.
Then why even show/create the definition of that shitty word in the first place on urban dictionary? Sounds like fucking shilling, and if you disagree then you are more of a retarded ass piece of shit than I thought.

>> No.4371988

Also contemporary art us made to stand on it's own as a piece of work.

With Anime art you can draw a cool character or whatever but unless you are animate that character or make at least 1 manga book minimum what you have done doesn't mean shit.

Where as with contemporary art you are trying to make an image that stands on its own.

>> No.4371989

The camera is part of the story of 20th and 21st century art but not the whole story. The camera can't explain the parallel movements towards abstraction and formal experimentation that happened in literature and music at the same time.

>> No.4371991

Also I will mention that yes people do put anime posters on their walls. It's often because they are known from a story they like.

>> No.4371992

Are you the OP?

>> No.4371993

Can you please explain what you mean in more detail?

>> No.4372000
File: 264 KB, 600x540, 4a757a58CFmj3bP9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372001

People typically say that non-figurative art rose to prominence in the 20th century because of the invention of the camera. But writers and composers were doing the same sorts of experiments at the same time. Kandinsky was making abstract paintings, Schoenberg was composing weird atonal pieces, Joyce was writing stream of consciousness. Given the similarity of all these movements in the various arts at the same time, it's likely that they had similar root causes. And the camera can't factor into why writers and musicians also started with experimenting with abstraction.
Some of the other prominent causes of these developments that people talk about are artists' desire to carve out space for an authentic avant garde culture in the midst of mass industrial culture, and a sort of belief that formal experimentation in the arts was a natural development in the face of scientific rationalism (the flatness of the abstract painting destroying the illusion of perspective, stream of consciousness writing uncovering the truth of the unconscious).

>> No.4372003
File: 355 KB, 600x480, 4a37b4b7KLCv1Pk7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372004 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4372005 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4372006
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>> No.4372007
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>> No.4372008

recommend an interesting oil palette for nudes?

>> No.4372010
File: 1.33 MB, 740x1480, 1574365009516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372017
File: 289 KB, 750x1034, barry-windsor-smith-set-excalibur_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372018
File: 99 KB, 474x683, b3c19bf826728b005de0564683b05b1f--knight-tattoo-tattoo-stencils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372019
File: 64 KB, 590x440, osnovatel-dinastii-hudozhnik-illyustrator-nyuell-konvers-uayett-newell-convers-wyeth_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372020

That's really interesting.

Thank you.

>> No.4372021
File: 719 KB, 1197x1500, 1197-wyeth3923crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372022

Hey thanks actually dope.

Tell me more about it.

>> No.4372024
File: 92 KB, 475x590, osnovatel-dinastii-hudozhnik-illyustrator-nyuell-konvers-uayett-newell-convers-wyeth_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372025
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>> No.4372029
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>> No.4372034

Just a question.

What drags an insightful person to a place like this?

>> No.4372045

This is pretty much the only active online art community that I know of.
Even if I had alternatives I'd still come here. I've been on 4chan since '08, what can I say I like the culture.

>> No.4372053

Name of the artist?

>> No.4372064

I like how active it is but and I like that the conversations go beyond just patting eachother art on the back but I can't stand the quality of the conversations.

>> No.4372065
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>> No.4372067
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>> No.4372068
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>> No.4372070
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>> No.4372071
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>> No.4372072
File: 292 KB, 760x600, Pallas-Athena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372073
File: 82 KB, 536x834, 1466669288708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372075

I mean there are a lot more people like him here. It’s just that they rather shitpost than have actual conversations, since that’s the nature of this board.

>> No.4372076
File: 228 KB, 779x1027, 1548726187675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372077
File: 247 KB, 684x900, cover-for-youth-magazine-heinrich-kley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372079
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x1424, tumblr_osdluqdiod1vjov3vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372081
File: 73 KB, 474x572, a944dcefcb05d99574113d6859436229--vintage-illustrations-illustration-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4372088
File: 567 KB, 1677x1700, 69413acad316d7f01011355b249202f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jean-Gabriel Domergue

>> No.4372093

It's not meant to be the nature of this board and it shouldn't be.

>> No.4372099

oh this isnt for art we did ourselves. makes a bit more sense i guess.

>> No.4372141

Why isn't OP losing his shit over all of these illustrations being posted?

>> No.4372159

They show style and imagination and aren't derivative.

>> No.4372173

so is the thread not for anime, but for comic art and realism?
or not anime, not comic art, and not realism?

>> No.4372205


>> No.4372206

Ask /trad/

>> No.4372383

Some people on this board are acting like bitter 80yo cunts + disgusting neckbeard fucks who think they're fuckin' geniuses.
Hate you faggots.
>You can't say that! I don't wanna play with you! You're stupid!

Just a word you childish grown up fuckin' cuntholes.

>> No.4372461

Some guy made up some word and even created multiple threads for that one word and spamming it everywhere, so all can see. Yea, those anons complaining about that are childish.

>> No.4372466

You imagine things too much.

>> No.4372495
File: 371 KB, 997x1008, 5E49CE87-3859-4794-84F4-D72EAC9240A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean thats how it literally happened, but ok.

>> No.4373960


>> No.4374011
File: 614 KB, 604x523, 20191117_211049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu you fagits and enjoy the posted art instead of nitpicking OP's wording

>> No.4374019

So now you're adding being delusional to your case.

>> No.4374034

yes you faggot chink. your meme word is trash just like you

>> No.4376503

Lol why do you still think I'm that guy?

That guy is a bit Amawu himself.

I would never make art like his.

>> No.4376517

shut the fuck up you ugly yellow retard

>> No.4376530

Lmao did I already show you I'm not him?

>> No.4376540


>> No.4376547


>> No.4376573

fat faggot im not asking

>> No.4376712 [DELETED] 

It's so funny how he gets the blame for all what I do.

But kind if annoying that people think of make some anime like.mecha sci to type stuff despite reading all my posts here.

>> No.4376716

It's so funny how he gets the blame for all what I do.

But kind if annoying that people think of make some anime like mecha sci fi type stuff despite reading all my posts here.

Don't you think I seem more like someone who would be inspired by Picasso or Lister or thebsurrealists than manga sci to type stuff?

>> No.4376736
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>> No.4376737
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>> No.4376741
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>> No.4376742
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>> No.4376743
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>> No.4376744
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>> No.4376745
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>> No.4376746
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>> No.4376749
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>> No.4376750
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>> No.4376751
File: 534 KB, 952x800, 978142541_1f4d50ed_0251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4376752
File: 302 KB, 591x700, 978142922_fbd8dc86_0208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4376753
File: 418 KB, 599x800, 978142541_5f275ab4_0243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]