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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.18 MB, 2687x3003, F4A2DD5F-81BB-4E38-9730-E4C324DD20E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4369505 No.4369505 [Reply] [Original]

Can you gesture like me anon?

>> No.4369506

No I can’t. Been doing gesture for months and I’m still not good at it

>> No.4369507

Nice. Keep it up anon.

>> No.4369521
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x2268, 20200214_191933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not quite, but I'd like to be as clean as you some day anon.

>t. one-minute pose I did yesterday from Croquis Cafe

>> No.4369528

teach me your ways anon

>> No.4369532

Gestures are really hard, since you kind of stylizing and using your imagination a little, and if you're not used to it. you just need to keep at it.

>> No.4369536

Looks good, keep at it, I drew gestures every day for a month to be able to draw in me OP pic.

>> No.4369543
File: 48 KB, 303x468, 2020-02-14 22_40_06-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeeel the fooooooorm

>> No.4369551

It’s a damn shame really. I worked on Hampton’s gesture for months and have picked up Vilppu’s which is a lot easier but have decided to stop hyper focusing on gesture so much and to just do some figure drawings and doing gesture before to establish how I want the figure to look. I heard someone say that I should move on because gesture looks solid with a better understanding of the human figure so incorporating both is clearly necessary for my improvement

>> No.4369556

I can, but i don't want to.

>> No.4369570


you're constructing not gesturing

>> No.4369573

how many seconds?

>> No.4369576

read vilppu drawing manual first chapter, you need to use mostly curves and sometimes s curves

>> No.4369577


>> No.4369579

If you are not lying, then it is impresive, can you manage foreshortening limbes pointing towards you?

>> No.4369581


>> No.4369584

I can do simpler poses, I'm still working on foreshortening.

>> No.4369589


Thanks, I know I have to keep at it.


I'll keep these in mind too, t-thanks

>> No.4369649

All my gestures always end up like shitty contour drawings

>> No.4369658

mine look like stickmen still

>> No.4370273
File: 57 KB, 640x640, DDE95D54-3240-4F21-9322-062A01F3017D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres another

>> No.4370294

I don't like how you draw elbows, that shit isn't representative of the anatomy, don't do this.

>> No.4370301

> he believes that the gesture is supposed to be full representational of the real anatomy

>> No.4370306

It is supposed to represent anatomy to some degree.

>> No.4370316

I said "fully", gesture is more of an abstract representation of a human.

>> No.4370321

that's how I started doing gesture when I first watched how Proko does it. Its basically an exaggeration of Prokos gestures and it takes a while to get rid of that zigzag habit and do it right.

>> No.4370324

He's right though, the way you draw forearms is fucking you up, they don't properly connect with the rest of the arm.

>> No.4370326

>I said "fully"
I know, that's why I found it necessary to correct you, I don't like when people put words in my mouth.

>> No.4370329

There are loads of different ways to draw gesture, this is my way.

>> No.4370333

Because you didn't seem to understand what I meant.

>> No.4370342

Found the retarded /beg/

>> No.4370355

imagine the smell of his finished peices

>> No.4370358

shitty stiff disproportionate 'gesture drawings'
with wings and horse feet.

>> No.4370381

post yours then

>> No.4370408

why? are you unable to process the validity of my crit without seeing my work?

>> No.4370419

Yes, how will I know you aren't just a crab?

>> No.4370434

That you are unable judge the veracity of the crits here is your issue; not mine.
This is why you fail.

>> No.4370438
File: 1.64 MB, 3024x2849, 0BEA8D10-1551-4A0A-8245-9CFD0D83E47E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4370439

I don't think the scythe elbows are necessary but it's nice besides that

>> No.4370440
File: 1.85 MB, 3322x2900, 71906B97-5108-4270-9192-54FA9C09E85D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4370456

Now you're adding incorrect boobs to your wrong anatomy. Dude I'm telling you, this shit isn't healthy for your skills.

>> No.4370459

What stopping you from pyw?

>> No.4370460

Now you're just embarrassing yourself

>> No.4370462

Ok crab

>> No.4370464

Anytime DK

>> No.4370465

Pearls before swine.

>> No.4370469

Just pyw, its not hard.

>> No.4370475


>> No.4370491

either gesture like me and post your work, if you don't well then that's a different story I guess.

>> No.4370492

these are pretty weak,

>> No.4370500
File: 658 KB, 1288x1000, 20200215_205719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's my latest drawing, not finished. Fucked up the hands and made them messy while trying to fix them.

This isn't me.

>> No.4370502

You also fucked up the legs.

>> No.4370506

What do you mean exactly?

>> No.4370507

They look stiff, to straight.

>> No.4370513

Hm, maybe you're right. Ironically, I need to practice gesture more, I haven't done it in a while.

>> No.4370516

Did you copy this? her left leg looks off never mind the stifness it looks that way because the line quality, but keep going man, i give you points for using pen.

>> No.4370520

Copy? If you mean referenced, no.

>her left leg looks off
Like, in what way?

>> No.4370523

too slim compared to the right one, which i why i asked you if you referenced it

>> No.4370532

the legs are fine. I recommend adopting another shading method as currently her arm and breast look covered in fur.

>> No.4370543
File: 76 KB, 640x539, 9A51EDC5-256A-4F2D-9A93-49911FCB30EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God my gestures are so hot they make me cooooom

>> No.4370545

proko's gestures

>> No.4370548

Well, the right one is slightly rotated so you see more of its side.

>I recommend adopting another shading method as currently her arm and breast look covered in fur.
I'm in the process of figuring out a good shading style.

>> No.4370549

No they are mine since I drew them.

>> No.4370554

they are ok, how many seconds? i usually find really hard to make them under 30 seconds

>> No.4370563

I make mine in 60 seconds

>> No.4370565

There's really not much point in doing them as quickly as possible. If you can focus on the motion of the whole body, and make a good, clean, simple representation of it, but it takes you one, two minutes, it's fine.

>> No.4370569

continue to post in the sketchbook thread. I will help you.

>> No.4370628

Oh, okay, I kinda forgot about it.

>> No.4370715

What's wrong with them?

>> No.4372360
File: 67 KB, 640x529, 99F022A6-4B90-4CC9-AAD4-43A4DC3477B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gestures are so hot

>> No.4372363
File: 17 KB, 633x644, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4372512
File: 672 KB, 1748x2480, artflow_202002161251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't necessarily have to be under X amount of seconds, but the time contraints do force you to be as concise as possible, conveying the subject with the most efficient usage of strokes.

>> No.4372518

I can't gesture at all. In a drawing course, the teacher got tired of me fucking around so I was the model everytime while everyone else drew gestures. Just couldn't draw even a fucking stick figure in a minute.

>> No.4372547

>draw lots of stick figures really fast
Is this the ultimate crab advice?

>> No.4372567

I could fap to this

>> No.4372570
File: 2.85 MB, 2428x2911, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

longest lines first, anon

>> No.4372595
File: 70 KB, 757x1280, 6568C9ED-25A6-4F4D-85CB-3FF628186462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly.

>> No.4372608

but they look flat if i just do longest lines

>> No.4372624

You can represent 3d form afterwards; the gesture only needs to be a guide.

>> No.4372807

That's not gesture

>> No.4372817

That’s just a figure drawing

>> No.4372819

That's line of action, not gesture.
No, they're not the same thing.

>> No.4372828
File: 26 KB, 617x622, gests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know what I'm doing

>> No.4372871
File: 129 KB, 1280x960, 35E0F42B-B179-4741-A32F-400CD1B80989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many ways to draw gesture. The way Proko teaches is not the singular correct way, it's just an approach. Particularly a beginner-friendly approach for those having difficulty wrapping their mind around the concept of gesture.

Structure is not opposite to gesture. Look at Bridgman to see what gestural construction looks like. Gesture drawing has less rules than you think.

>> No.4372883

Much better.

>> No.4373004

Pyw then

>> No.4373070

No. Can you gesture like me?

>> No.4373096

I haven't done studies in ages, sorry anon.

>> No.4373595

thought this was paper and pencil, is this a custom brush?

>> No.4373892
File: 733 KB, 1100x1958, lowresSC01787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much better than you i fear

you are not letting your arm flow through the paper.
use long lines first, seems like your drawing with toothpicks. also control your pressure, you are putting too much pressure in the beggining of each stroke.

>> No.4373931

It only takes a minute or two.

>> No.4373976

can somebody tell me why people spend time doing gestures? It seems kind of worthless... You don't need them to make natural looking poses

>> No.4373983

Lol pyw

>> No.4374001

No, but you do need them to make varied and dynamic looking poses.

>> No.4374006

pyw fag

>> No.4374080
File: 204 KB, 1000x690, gest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know, you tell me

>> No.4374090
File: 196 KB, 950x685, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4374102

First of all the purpose of a gesture is to build on top of it like a foundation. It can be literally scribbles with no direction or motion but it can have shapes. Most of time if you are doing illustrations its going to be quick scribbles for shapes like for the hands and feet as examples. They make lots of shapes so its good practice to build on top of quick scribbles to get the form down. Doing shit like OP Or these figures with sense of motion are really only useful for animation.
>>4369521 anything that looks like this in the thread is not a gesture, its just figure drawing.

>> No.4374104

Both are more figure drawing than gesture. If the body has some kind of construction and well put/semi rendered aspect to it, then its figure drawing not gesture.

>> No.4374113
File: 74 KB, 820x1112, eol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not gestures.
literally the only one that got it semi right


read this because you morons dont know shit.
its like none of you know how to have fun.

>> No.4374115

>its like none of you know how to have fun
I unironically dont

>> No.4374125

You're scribbling. That's not gesture lmao

>> No.4374127

Retard, also is your pic how you think you should do gestures? Lmao.

>> No.4374131
File: 60 KB, 768x512, GesturalDrawingSamples-HelenSouth-5888be783df78c2ccdb139e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you read the fucking link you would now thats how gestures are done. if there is any form of deliberate mark making, aka construction and implied drawing, its just figure drawing not gesture. The gesture you're thinking of is not the same as gesture drawing.

>> No.4374154

You just started drawing a few weeks ago right? Because beginners think there is only one way to draw gesture

>> No.4374158

>Because beginners think there is only one way to draw gesture
you dumbass, that is the only way to draw gesture. anything els after this is just figure drawing. lets see what you consider a gesture drawing mr.anon.

if you have to make these delicate strokes like most of these apes in the thread, its not a gesture.

>> No.4374170
File: 44 KB, 435x253, huston.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure Drawing for Artists [Steve Huston]

>> No.4374183

Stupid /beg/, those scribbles you linked are just one way to approach gesture drawing. I make my gestures scribbly too, but your shit here >>4374113 is just a mess that has absolutely nothing to do with gesture. Read some other books, you'll see other approaches to gesture. These are all gestures >>4374090 >>4374080 >>4372360 >>4369543, some are better than others, but they are gestures.

>> No.4374188

>arguing over the best way to draw stick figures
STILL waiting for someone to show me a pro artist (not an art teacher) who actually does this "gesture" shit.
Just one.

>> No.4374189

its like you retards dont know the difference between figure drawing and gesture drawing. im done lol.

again if these lines are too neat ant tidy, have direction and are delicate. That is not gesture drawing.

>> No.4374190

you dont need to be a fucking pro to do gesture, its literally scribbles its literally the only form of drawing that lets you have fun, figure drawing has too many rules and shit you follow. gesture does not.

>> No.4374195

You misunderstood me completely.
Show me a professional artist who starts their drawings with a Vilppu/Proko/Hampton gesture. Show me someone who actually does it.

>> No.4374196

>its literally the only form of drawing that lets you have fun,
It's the one thing that killed drawing for me for years.

>> No.4374198

literal brainlets, just fuck off 4chan and go re-learn drawing. Do it before you make another whiny thread crying that you're approaching 30 years old and still shit at drawing.

also as of now this thread is just now figure drawing because none of you, i repeat. none of you know what gesture drawing is and how its used.

>> No.4374201

I've noticed that people get really angry when I point out that no professional artists actually make gesture drawings. Why is that?
If gesture is such a powerful and important method then why can't anyone show me a working artist actually using it?

>> No.4374204

>thinks he has a patent on how to draw

>> No.4374209

Jokes on you, I'm already 32 and shit

>> No.4374213


>> No.4374228

Almost all of them, but for practice.
You practice a certain way and when it's time to draw for a finished piece, you draw straight on because you want to get a bit of randomness and spontaneity in your shapes and gestures that wouldn't be there had you followed a strict procedure.

Same with construction lines - the whole debate about anti-constructionist art misses the point of construction.

>> No.4374237

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about;
legitimately zero clue.
gesture drawing isn't making a bunch of fucking squiggles on a page until you can make out something that vaguely resembles a human form.
People that know how to draw gesture can make it a bunch of squiggles, but they know what they're doing and are creating chaos purposefully, while you're just an ignorant beginner haphazardly moving a pencil around on a piece of paper hoping to get something right.
There is a difference.
Most current day great art instructors and artist that focus almost entirely on gesture will recommend approaching gesture drawing with clear and precise strokes and encourage their students to try and capture the gesture in as few strokes as possible. I doubt you would know of any such teachers as they would have slapped the retardation out of you.
>its literally the only form of drawing that lets you have fun
you must be complete shit at drawing if you believe this. If you can't find enjoyment out of exercising your knowledge and skill in drawing to create something on paper from what you either see in front of you or in your mind then you must not be able to draw anything beyond a scribble that looks good.

search up Richard Powell. He's on instagram.
One thing to consider is that professional artists would have already practiced their gesture drawing enough to just imagine the pose and create from there. Gesture Drawing is just a way for people to learn gesture, then once you've got it you move on. It's like skipping a step because you're skilled enough. Same with construction, once you've internalized it you don't need to physically do it.
Another thing to consider is that you're not going to see a professional artists sketches anyway. How many times have you seen a pro artist post every stage of their drawing for people to see. You're fucking lucky to even see the finished sketch before they add onto it further.

>> No.4374242

What you drew is not a gestureand it looks like you scribbled the shit out of it you retarded beg

>> No.4374281
File: 291 KB, 1433x1433, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my daily warmup

>> No.4377745

Could someone explain what the actual difference between gesture and figure drawing is? Reading through this thread just made me more confused than I was

>> No.4377752

Gesture is just the pose, action or movement that the figure is doing, is easier to draw it if you only use curves, s curves or straight lines, dont focus in the details or the contour, just the gesture (what the pose is doing) you can do it in a lot of ways, as long the gesture drawing make sense and you immediately see what the figure is "doing". The one who explains it better i think is vilppu in his book the drawing manual, is just like 3 pages if you are curious, read it.

>> No.4377755

Either a troll or a massive Dunning-Kruger lol

>> No.4377761

also the "figure drawing" is all the concepts and fundamentals to draw the human figure, look at this example >>4374080 both tells you what the figure is doing by using simple lines. Also the the second one is more gestural.

>> No.4377768

Watch Vilppu. Feel the form.

>> No.4378991

> he thinks these
> are delicate strokes

The only way to be more ngmi than you is to never pick up a pencil in your life. And honestly I wish you never had.

>> No.4379141

Can someone show examples of gesture being done on small surfaces? Like an intuos medium
I've been making gestures on a small 9.7in tablet but I don't feel like it flows

>> No.4379146

How is it that people say this.. and Thank you stylised the gesture by adding close colours over it and all the Amawus say you can't draw? Wtf

>> No.4379150

Scribbling is not gesture.
It might unironically be superior to gesture though.

>> No.4379192

I dont understand

>> No.4379197

Think about lister.

He paints a loose gesteral shape like these... and then people say it's crap because he adds colour and other loose details.over the top... It's got the same basis as this.

>> No.4379204

Fuck off Snowy

>> No.4379224
File: 86 KB, 800x630, Gesturernd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh some of today

>> No.4379442

I have been spending absolutely too long on gesture. I tried Hampton’s method but struggled with that and I’m now on Vilppu’s method. I’ve spent substantial amount of time with their gestural methods and I just don’t “get” it yet. I’m really considering just looking into another method since those two are so similar. Any recommendations? Or should I just keep working towards it?

>> No.4379448

Try actually drawing some people.

>> No.4379450

I hade struggle with gesture too ... but gesture will come with time and a lot of practice - you will see the S/C/I-lines after a lot of practice - have in mind - do alot of 1 min. gesture -done the same this will force you to read the gesture fast - while drawing the figure have n mind what is the figure doin rght now and look how the figure sits in perspective. It is hard but it is worth it most of my print-papers are filled with gesture drawings as example.

>> No.4379459
File: 3.40 MB, 4160x3120, 20200219_134222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally starting to see progress for 30 second gestures, at the begining of the school year I coukd only get down a cirlce and the line of action

>> No.4379460

So my gesture would improve if I start doing regular figure drawings?

Can I see some examples of your gesture and some tips of yours?

>> No.4379461
File: 3.30 MB, 4160x3120, 20200219_134250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for pictures showing side ways, I'm a phone fag

>> No.4381683
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got soul kid

>> No.4381778
File: 255 KB, 614x800, forms test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dose anyone on /ic use form instead of line?