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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4368529 No.4368529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Happyboy here

I owe some of the more sensitive artists out here an apology.

The tiger threadwasnt really my plan. I thought it was cool to share but apparently not. It may seems like i am exploiting but i guess was being too hyper rational. I promise i wont make you draw again.

I dont want to go to war with the community. It goes against what i truly want to help achieve. Keep drawing everyday.

>> No.4368540

Why are you apologizing to these fags their content is posted on a public domain you can post your opinion and feedback about their work freely it is not a big deal.

>> No.4368542

Make a video with this apology and then we'll talk. Doubt it's really you

>> No.4368547

Apparently there is a few who felt i fucked them over by making them draw the tiger. And now they refuse to participate because they either felt pressured from review or felt exploited. That just defeat the entire purpose of what i was aimming for.

>> No.4368549

Fuck off.

>> No.4368551

No one's saying from a legal perspective he cant, the problems were that he'd lie to get people to post their work under false pretenses, and that his idea of a "critique" is to basically just tell then they suck or he doesn't understand their type of art. In other words, he was being a colossal faggot.

>> No.4368556

You can't help those who don't want to be helped bro. They were never going to make it anyways. Besides, we all can't be drawing. Someone has to work the other things to make society run.

>> No.4368557

I like your videos. They've actually inspired me to draw more.
Not much more, mind, but it's still something.

>> No.4368560

Look i didnt lie about the tiger. Hell, i didnt even plan for it. I thought it will be cool to review and share art to more people. I guess people felt the stress of being reviewed by a thicc boy.

>> No.4368561

If your aim is to motivate others to draw it is a lost cause, you are beating a dead horse. Some of us do value pushing for new frontiers on user created content and having a video critique the material from this board is an opportunity for both parties that is mutually beneficial in terms of receiving feedback.

Those that demanded you to remove their content from your videos simply have their head up their own ass and are akin to the same OC donut steel attitude.

>> No.4368563

>I owe some of the more sensitive artists here an apology
Fuck off with your fake backhanded "apology".

>> No.4368574


>come to art board
>want to critique art
>have a perfectly good textbox to write critiques in and even links to posts

>decide to instead make a video on youtube which is attentionwhoring AND makes the artist have to skip the video to their art and wait until you articulate your crititque instead of reading it in 5 sec

>> No.4368577

If you're going to potentially critique someone it's basic manners to warn them so they can present you with something that best showcases their ability. As it is they were just having fun and not taking it seriously so it's kind of cruel to then turn around and make it into a big deal.

>> No.4368578
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NOT /ic/ related go with your shill drama else where


>> No.4368583

Again, why are people so adamant on defending this chink? Do they want ""revenge"" because one of the many overly aggressive anons here ripped them a new asshole and decided to label everyone on here as crabs?

>> No.4368584

The 'c' in the board name actually stands for "critique".

>> No.4368590

>If you're going to potentially critique someone it's basic manners to warn them so they can present you with something that best showcases their ability. As it is they were just having fun and not taking it seriously so it's kind of cruel to then turn around and make it into a big deal.
Not him but if you're going to be such a pussy about receiving constructive feedback when posting it online don't even bother posting it you're going to get feedback whether you like it or not.

>> No.4368594

either literal trolls who couldn't actually care less but think it's funny to see people upset, or folks with an extremely warped sense of "free speech". Or, most likely, he's just samefagging

>> No.4368595

>warn about a critique
Do you even life? You don't have to take the critique you know. He even says that himself. There will always be people who shit on you and those who larp you up. You choose who to listen to.

>> No.4368600

I am a maximalist. One of the ways i solve problems is i turn myself to the other side. That is what i thought too. Some were just drawing for fun. And they got noped the fuck out by some fat chink artist wannabe.

>> No.4368601

You know if you just typed your crits out on 4chan instead of attentionwhoring with the videos, maybe your english would be good enough so you could samefag effectively, and all your posts wouldn't be written in the same awkward ESL style.

>> No.4368611

You dont get to dictate how i give critque.
It is my god given right to do as i please.

>> No.4368614

I can't dictate it, but I sure can critique it.

>> No.4368615

We're not trying to defend him per se, but his approach on providing feedback is not harmful and does not merit someone to go as far as demanding the whole video removed just because your shitty doodle was aired for 15 seconds. The biggest issue here are those fags that got incredibly butthurt over receiving critique from posting their content on a board that puts emphasis and its only existence is for the purpose of critique.

The bottom line is that these fags that want him out are the true attention whores since they feel that OP is exploiting them out from potential views, likes, faves, subscribes, upboats and asspats they want it for themselves and are absolutely selfish about receiving the attention. Fuck them OP should freely make his own videos utilizing content received from a public domain. You fags do the same shit when you use someone else's reference or image to help you create your own out of it and even go as far as bastardizing it completely by photobashing so go fuck yourselves.

>> No.4368631

>OP is exploiting them out from potential views, likes, faves, subscribes, upboats and asspats they want it for themselves and are absolutely selfish about receiving the attention.
What the fuck are you talking about.
No one complaining here feels like that.

>> No.4368632

Yeah so we r at an impass because i want to do more for people who draw. And creating a video forces me to speak better, learn video editing and a commitment to better myself at art. That shit is challenging and i fucking want to do it that way.

>> No.4368636

Found the retarded /beg/.

>> No.4368638

"sensitive artists" great way to start an apology
"keep drawing everyday" I do, but thanks for telling me what to do
Generally I love people posting prompts for things to draw, but the second I feel them pressuring people to "prove" themselves I'm outta there.
Now you're pulling the "woe is me, I'm being called the villian because I'm trying to help people improve but salty crabs won't let me"
Am I being a salty crab currently? I suppose... but you just rub me the wrong way

>> No.4368639

Then what exactly other than wanting all the attention for yourself are you bitching about because I cannot fathom just what the problem is with OP.

>> No.4368646

Imagine asking other people’s permission for critque. Back to tumblr and twitter, faggot.

>> No.4368647

Yeah man that apology is specifically to a selective few like you.

Because it seems unfair and i did it out of the blue because i thought such creative flare is inspirational enough to be recorded. I didnt know i will be fucking over a few people who actually draws.

>> No.4368651

>Not wanting some chink to use your art is "wanting all the attention for yourself"

>> No.4368654

That’s what the piss baby faggots are fucking moaning about in the first place.

>> No.4368655

Yes, it is. You already posted on public space.

>> No.4368656

That's the bottom line, otherwise why wouldn't you want others to use your content as they see fit? Are you going to start plastering watermarks everywhere?

>> No.4368660

Look, i wont stop the c&c but not for those thread with impromt drawing thread. I guess not all creative flare should be recorded. I dont want to be that asshole that ruins the fun. So that is a promise. Not going to review my style /your style unless the community wants me to or at least agree to. But the rest of the thread is fair game right?

>> No.4368663
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>just because your shitty doodle was aired for 15 seconds
None of my drawings have ever gotten on this fag's channel but alright.

>You fags do the same shit when you use someone else's reference or image to help you create your own out of it and even go as far as bastardizing it completely by photobashing so go fuck yourselves.
Pretty much everybody on this board uses references in one way or another to help them with their art, are you retarded by any chance?

Once again, why are you so adamant on defending this guy and get hostile whenever somebody insults your ching chong bf? Daddy issues?

>> No.4368667

This shithole does the fucking samething, yet it’s a problem when someone else does it to them? Lmao, fuck off.

>> No.4368668

How many times do we have to keep reiterating this for you? The content you see here is under a public domain, grow a pair of balls and do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.4368673

Don't feel bad about it. Why do you care what some rando on the internet like me thinks? You clearly have some supporters
Just make a dedicated har thread or something

>> No.4368675

Thank you for admitting you do use references and other user created content from other sources for yourself but absolutely refuse others to use the same content you created with the aid from others.
>Why are you so adamant on defending this guy and get hostile
Because you are all a bunch of hypocritical faggots, attention and fame for me but none for thee!

>> No.4368678
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>> No.4368682
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>> No.4368688

>OP introduces an alternative method to provide feedback and critique with his own user created content featuring works posted on /ic/ and fulfilling the purpose of artwork/critique
>Meanwhile /r9k/ tier art feels, coomer threads, blog threads, sakimichan/kuvshinov dramma threads thrive.
Neck yourself.

>> No.4368689

I am very data driven. People are not drawing the my style your style because some fat chink is imposing on them. That is not what i want for the community. And i am not kidding when i say i want people to draw. The magic of such thread is that everyone got together to draw for the sake of drawing. And recognise each other by style. So it is elegant and subtle way of trip-fag/signing but with your style. I think if i review it i would ruin the creative flare.