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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 318 KB, 1000x795, Bears, beats, battlestar galactica .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4359181 No.4359181 [Reply] [Original]

Forget about drawing someone else's stuff, show me your creativity. Have fun and try to get out of that comfort zone!

>> No.4359189

uh nice try bro trying to get me to draw your banana vase bear homework yeah nice try getting free art brooo *shoves shit into mouth*

>> No.4359191


>> No.4359212

get corona chinkoid bitch

>> No.4359217

fucking retard knee jerk reaction, literally afraid of drawing

>> No.4359223
File: 353 KB, 1350x795, 020920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, it's my original character please do no steal.

>> No.4359228

Maybe people just dont appreciate the constant shilling, and trying to dictate what people draw
Personally I'm tired of your attitude

>> No.4359231

I was gonna do it til I realized it's just gonna be used by the yt shill

>> No.4359238

nobody's dictating anything cunt and how the fuck is it a shill for anything? youre just a child who says FUCK YOU whenever you percieve someone as trying to tell you do do something even when that isnt the case.

>> No.4359245

dude quit spamming these threads, you schizophrenic fuck

>> No.4359248
File: 81 KB, 174x190, Screenshot_2020-01-02 (0) r9k - whats the most fucked up sexualy fantasy do you ha - ROBOT9001 - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the one making these threads?
I was wondering why so many of them have been popping up lately.

Fuck this, I'm not going to contribute to this jackoff's youtube revenue and not get any credit for it.

>> No.4359254

stop using the same god damn format for everything.

>> No.4359256
File: 61 KB, 300x270, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya'll need to chill. Personally idgaf if you believe me but I'm not that youtube dude, yo. Since everyone kept complaining about how we don't have any fun threads and everyone keeps making "draw this in your style" posts based on their own shit, I figured you might enjoy something that's actually just a fun prompt. Do or don't I don't give a toot. You're only depriving yourself of having some fun.

>> No.4359268

Whether he made this thread or not he's probably going to turn this into a video, he's been doing it to all the threads that have actual art in them.

>> No.4359271

How can you even get credit when you post on a fucking anonymous board? Fucking retards a lot of you fucks.

>> No.4359276

Literally all you have to do is ask

>> No.4359279

Well fuck. Has he done that in the past? I just wanted to contribute a fun thread that isn't part of the endless sea of shitposts :(

>> No.4359282 [DELETED] 

Taken art that's not from a thread he's made I mean.

>> No.4359284

Has he used art that's not from a thread he's made himself I mean.

>> No.4359285


>> No.4359286 [DELETED] 

then post your blog alongide your drawing and chink will read it with his beautiful accent, if you are such a attentionwhore

>> No.4359288

Fuck you i don't draw for free, let alone in this shitty board.

>> No.4359292

Then those anons would be associated not only to this shit board, but also mr chink.

>> No.4359300 [DELETED] 

Ooooh, shit. So he's actually just been going around and "reviewing" art from whatever board. Holy crap all this time I thought he was doing it because he asked if they wanted to be reviewed. Such arrogance. Now that I've actually watched some, 99% aren't even reviews, it's just him shitting on them or saying "this is good. This sucks".

>> No.4359305

I don't care what you do. I'm not asking you to draw art for my sake lol.

>> No.4359308
File: 442 KB, 924x924, IMG_20200205_014348_752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happyboynumber1, I did not start this thread. Are you guys going to refuse to draw and participate? Simply because drawing can be associated with me? If that is the case and if you genuinely feel that way. Then I feel sad for you. Because we were meant to be a community. And I was sacrificing myself to show that /ic/ could be good even when sometimes they use very harsh languages. I am appealing to your goodness. If you think I am bad and don't see my intent, which again, is for you to draw. Then I pity you because only by doing more and sharing more to get feedbacks. That is how you truly grow.

I see the grow of this community as important as my career itself. Because rising as an individual is great. It is the dream. But if we can all rise together, that sounds greater. That is a bigger dream.

>> No.4359309 [DELETED] 

Oh shit, I didn't realize he was just ripping shit off the board. I thought he asked people if they wanted him to do it.

>> No.4359313

Kys retard.

>> No.4359315

your first mistake was trying to get /ic/ to draw
but seriously don't listen to the crabs, what you're doing is actually helpful and the people that actually want to draw appreciate it.

>> No.4359317

Mr chink, what goodness? What dream? This so called community is just a festering shithole that gets worse as time goes on and this place has no redeeming qualities. Just give up already so the seething faggots can stop bitching already.

>> No.4359318

I appreciate you

>> No.4359319

shut up moron newfaggot

>> No.4359320

of all the cocks you could've chosen to suck, you had to choose this guy's?

>> No.4359321 [DELETED] 

this. I think that people who shit so much on Happy are mostly ngmi salty oldfags that never draw or transexuals. Chink seems like a cool guy.

>> No.4359322


I'm sure you're not him but the yt shill unfortunately completely ruined these threads. It's a shame too because they're pretty fun threads when it's not obvious e-begging to draw someone's OC. Maybe after the shill gets banned and these "draw this" threads stop for a while, we can have them again.

>> No.4359323

Then stop making this threads asshole.

>> No.4359324

Because after using 4chan for more than a decade. The fun I had and anon had help me through my various dark times.

And I thought it is only reciprocal of me, to grow the community by encouraging everyone to draw. And to try my best to give critique that will help others grow. My limitation on speech that is my current failure. I failed to convince people with the way I speak. But I have decided to commit myself to make 1,000 video that have me speaking in it.

>> No.4359326
File: 95 KB, 707x1000, Psybear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 min.... you guys act like you have to put 1 hours into it... c'mon dont cry.

>> No.4359328 [DELETED] 


>> No.4359331

The lines is so God damn loose and it is not 7mins. More like 15. Am I rite? Hehe

>> No.4359338

maybe 10 if i count the idea behind it...

>> No.4359346

Hehe, nice idea, imm a draw something later.

>> No.4359354 [DELETED] 

why are you following me ghostboy?

>> No.4359358

Aye, I think you're right. I guess I just ended up stirring the pot more than anything. I was getting tired of seeing the daily Ilya/Sakimi shit posts and I enjoy seeing everyones ideas lol.

I'm not sure if you were doing this before, but perhaps you'd get better traction if you asked people if they specifically want to be reviewed via video on youtube. I can understand some people's distaste for being included when they would otherwise want to be left out. Encourage those that want to be encouraged and let the ones who want to be left out.. out y'know? You're not their keeper.

I love it.

>> No.4359377

So many of you anons bitching about your art being on a vid are so retarded and acting like tumblrinas. I’m gonna draw for the chink so he can continue doing this.

>> No.4359385


People hate you because you are a dunning kruger

go fucking draw

>> No.4359389


I'll respond after I see your work

>> No.4359393
File: 1.04 MB, 852x1115, 4EC8B7E0-6BD5-417B-9880-F311A7A5CA96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too happy with this but thought it’d be fun to participate, she’s holding the banana In her right arm but it’s hard to see

>> No.4359397
File: 41 KB, 300x180, thumb_77-rer-77-pek-pepe-btssed-be-the-god-and-52598527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething, fuming, snibbity, angry shitlords getting filtered out by the fact that they won't draw.
Lord Ching Chong got you toads. Die as tadpoles while we metamorphosize into art gods.

>> No.4359406

Doodles for you anon.

>> No.4359407
File: 56 KB, 368x425, BDDEE84B-C33E-4731-9D2A-B4985B2AE56F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4359415
File: 283 KB, 327x369, 23487126784234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trash animu

exactly what I picture in my mind. the only person who likes that gook draw at this level.

>> No.4359424

Well you're wrong and you're an asshole. Congrats.

>> No.4359433
File: 284 KB, 1200x1131, 1581230271562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon,now lets see your work

>> No.4359438


>> No.4359459

Ay bud, I posted my work. Nows your turn.

>> No.4359463
File: 29 KB, 561x1156, fhtram29aq941[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now its your turn.

>> No.4359464

It don't make any sense to me. Why would you post your art online, only to reject being reviewed online...

Thats like "I want to be judged, critique and get feedback." you can only communicate by words, no reviewing me on YouTube.

I am not even making money from youtube, even if I am making money from YouTube. Is that a bad thing? Why because your art become useful content? So your art should remain unknown? Then why come to the internet?
I am spending hours reviewing content that will be viewed by others who are also interested in art. Is that really such a bad thing?

>> No.4359466

lmao this retard thinks he can get away with not posting work

>> No.4359481

Then make a fucking thread for it, and you can review whatever garbage gets posted there. The fact that you refuse to take the proper course of action shows that you're just another shitposter with malicious intent.

>> No.4359483


>> No.4359486

Asking for critique isn't asking to be used as fuel for your channel. Just type up the critique and use a tripcode. Your writing needs practice too, your posts are blatantly ESL.

>> No.4359489

The chink's up here, dingus. >>4359464

>> No.4359495

Typical pyw retard.

>> No.4359516
File: 683 KB, 2838x1765, 20200209_210716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4359531


95% of people who post here don't actually draw.

>> No.4359534

Just post lewds and porn and Youtube gonna sack him if he tries to use it on his channel.

>> No.4359551
File: 75 KB, 978x652, corona-virus-corona-beer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend hours reviewing content
>bangs out multiple videos a day
>choose only one

Your "reviews" are trash, you just nope past shit that doesn't interest you, laugh at your fellow /begs/ with no real critique or direction towards improvement and the actually good artists you say breddy gud lemme copy your work.

Seriously, you do nothing to improve or inspire this board. Kindly lurk or please leave.

>> No.4359600

i appreciate the prompt, ill try it later. but i wont post the result here. not until ic is less toxic.

>> No.4359657

posting art for critique on 4chan is indeed different from having it put without permission on youtube, and it is indeed possible to post on the internet and both desire and maintain a presence in only some facets of it and not others.

>> No.4359658

filthy disgusting cowardly weakling

>> No.4359665

where chinamen bring children to tears

>> No.4359674

>Why don't people like my criticism?
>Can't handle people criticizing him

>> No.4359712

if your post was intended to point out irony and lulz, ok.

if your post was intended to discredit him on the basis of him being a hypocrite, then you're committing a form of ad hominem attack, which is a logical fallacy. try again

>> No.4359729

>hes ruining ic
>lets ruin ic while we point out how much we think hes ruining ic

>> No.4359730

who is weaker. someone that ignores a person they dont like and refuses to engage with them. or someone that makes a huge scene over that person and burns the house down while doing so?

>> No.4359748

incels burn down houses
chads burn down villages

>> No.4359752
File: 422 KB, 1080x1541, Sketch8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a doodle - dunno why everyone is complaining.

>> No.4359755

I like your vids and attitude Chang, I think you should just post anonymously from now on so that people won't shit up a whole thread with their whining.

>> No.4359756

Good one ahah

>> No.4359758

Blessed. I don’t understand why people dislike you

>> No.4359759

I dunno about the girl's face and banana, but I love everything else, gj!

>> No.4359804

>all of this mental gymnastics to justify not posting work
State of this board gets worse and worse every day.

>> No.4359826
File: 2.54 MB, 3127x3000, IMG_20200210_101545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4359851

Get corona aids diseased chink

>> No.4359855

Some efforts there, good job man!

>> No.4359857

>Is that a bad thing?
By using someone's artwork to gain clout and youtube money? Yes retard

>> No.4359865

>Implying /ic/ wasn’t already ruined.

>> No.4359874


>> No.4359990

>guys i showed up to english class once in my junior year of high school
muh ad hominem doesn't invalidate anything. we're criticizing his character because he's an asshole who, if for some reason you care about the quality of his crits, lets his being an asshole affect his content. Why are you even defending this guy

>> No.4360047

Haha, great idea.

>> No.4360114

People thinking that a 100 views YouTube video is making the create money

>> No.4360143

Well, since you believe that should be the case. Then I shall be making money from this. Thanks for the idea.

>> No.4360342
File: 1.13 MB, 800x800, hbn1-bear-banna-vase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda fucked the background.

>> No.4360837
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, merc.wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4360850

tldr lmao

>> No.4360989

Thas dope.

>> No.4361001

This is good

>> No.4361728

I lke

>> No.4362100

Thanks anon :] the face does look fucky though you’re right

>> No.4362319

Pretty nice.