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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 243 KB, 1691x1619, 47f176d7-b2f4-4f31-b089-01ac148eabf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4358411 No.4358411 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that you don't need godlike art skills to be a pro. It's all about appeal, networking, and having strong design skills. Stop wasting your time with loomis and tutorials. Industry pros have lied to you when they say to learn the fundamentals. Everything is 3d now so nobody cares about your stupid drawings.

This image was made by a pro who has worked for almost every major studio in Hollywood on feature films and even AAA games like Halo. Laugh if you want but this guy is an senior art director and living proof that grinding is a waste of time.

>> No.4358416
File: 222 KB, 670x1000, 1569602343801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop wasting your time with loomis and tutorials

>> No.4358456

This sort of mentality is why everything churned out by (((the industry))) today is shit.
Thankfully I'm already gainfully employed in a non-art industry so I'm not under any pressure to make a living with art. I can take the time to learn how to do it properly.

>> No.4358476

This. Fuck these hacks and their soulless "art".

>> No.4358564 [DELETED] 

these, tbth. fucking hate those asskissers. no wonder ther movies looks like shit.

I saw this movie but I dont remeber purple sherek being a tranny. low efford thrash

>> No.4358567
File: 249 KB, 620x690, 1581197234921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait thread you got there, OP. It'd be a shame if I... didn't take it.

>> No.4358568 [DELETED] 

>This image was made by a pro who has worked for almost every major studio in Hollywood on feature films and even AAA games like Halo. Laugh if you want but this guy is an senior art director and living proof that grinding is a waste of time.

respect. can you post his personal /artwork/?

>> No.4358577

I don't want to be a pro, I want godlike art skills.

>> No.4358651
File: 774 KB, 760x459, Screenshot_20200209-142024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soulless = I don't like it therefore it must be bad
He clearly has more soul and talent than any of you and doesn't need to cope by putting other artists down. Work smart like him maybe you won't be a sad crab anymore. Idiots like you believe perfection is the key and wonder why you get left in the dust by anime artists and others who you call "soulless". Naturally, you blame the industry, sjws, Disney, Tumblr, whatever but the fact still remains that you just lack true talent and common sense.

>> No.4358812 [DELETED] 

cool art.
I said that I respect him because how he half-assed op pic. he just dont give a fuck about jewish propaganda movies, and lets be real here; how many keyframe shots he did for this movie? you dont need details in this kind of stuff. itn not concept art.

>> No.4358831
File: 656 KB, 1199x1732, Screenshot_20200209-163209_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a complete troll post and it's not, oh man this is killing me XD

>> No.4358850 [DELETED] 

these movies should appeal to 13yo. so I guess it checks

>> No.4359022

Do you see stupid it is to waste years grinding studies? I wouldn't be surprised if pros tell us this to keep us out of the industry for as long as possible.

>> No.4359033

That has to be Volen CK endgame

pun intended

>> No.4359130

so it's true that the secret behind becoming a concept artist is drawing robots, monsters and photobashing?

>> No.4359933

Everything in the end comes down to people skills. The one thing nobody ever teaches you is the most important.

>> No.4360211

fuck off chris

>> No.4360527

He pursues art job not art skills , hell keep applying and failing and getting depressed instead of just getting good for sake of getting good , and getting a job being just a consequence of getting good , NGMI

>> No.4360539

Who are you talking about, anon?

>> No.4360560

he tried to tell us, the guy who paint these picture is doing the job of an artist without putting the skills of an artist - but on the other hand talking about art skill while you cant be an artist without having art-skills...
the guys whos painted these pictures is constantly failing and getting dpressed but he doesnt care cause his goals isnt to improe his skills, he alrdy have the CA-job so he is pleasured with the work he is doing atm. - while getting a job is just the consequense of getting good = "only if you get the job you will get good"
i still don't knoww what >>4360527
tried to say, that was my transaltion

>> No.4360575

sometimes have the same feeling, we should do morewhat rly inspires us in drawing and tend to practice on our way with the fundamentals in mind...

>> No.4360803

>you dont actually need to practice, trust me, just look at this rough preliminary concept render

>> No.4361108
File: 354 KB, 1014x636, if only you knew how bad things really are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only one in this thread who isn't a brainlet.

If only people saw how much terrible work is created at the start of any project, no matter how big or how small.

Don't you know what a fucking sketch is?

The strange thing is why that person would put it in their 'folio. I have two theories:
1. because look i did something professional with Thanos. Just having a credit on something that makes a billion dollars means something.
2. it's a joke and he doesn't need to flex on his site because he already knows he'll never have trouble getting work again.

also, OP is a fag.

>> No.4361453

why do people hire ruiz? his work sucks, even if you say "it's not about painting/ drawing skills it's about design" his designs are ugly as shit. Does he just have some mean dick sucking skills?

>> No.4363186

new here what do you mean by loomis and tutorials? I need to know. Would anyone kindly explain to me what those terms are?