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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 88 KB, 819x1024, 1580281943995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4349901 No.4349901 [Reply] [Original]

I hate fan art.

Imagine all the original characters lost because the creator would rather redraw something that's not there's.

It's even worse when the idiots get a cease a desist letter and complain that they aren't allowed to steal something that's not there's.

>> No.4349910

so you hate fanart and you love dicks.Good for you op

>> No.4349916

ok now post your work on this artwork and critique board

>> No.4349917

>something that's not there's.
So is it here's?

>> No.4349919

I don’t get fan art either OP. I’d rather create my own characters than draw Sonic or Pika or anime chick #90000

>> No.4349922

damn black women are really ugly

>> No.4349938

Imagine all the characters lost because nobody exploited creators for their ideas

>> No.4349956

you're gay. This nigress is objectively attractive.

>> No.4349957

why the fuck did you choose such a shit picture for this thread

>> No.4349968

i guess you find poo objectively attractive.

>> No.4349972

literal virgin

>> No.4349976


>> No.4349980

Ok nigger

>> No.4349982

Based monkey.

>> No.4349983

lol, not a nigger. Even if I was, much rather be a dirty nigger than an incel faggot

>> No.4350118

>making art based on someone else's creations is "stealing"
Go back to your closed species groups on deviantart, underage retard.

>> No.4350123

It literally is.

That's why they are legally allowed to ask for compensation.

>> No.4350126

absolutely disgusting, why did you do this to us?!

>> No.4350172

No it isn't, you anal-retentive faggot. Fan art falls under fair use, and your art belongs to you and only you. Which is the way it should be.
The company holding the copyright for the IP can't even use your art unless they ask you first.

>> No.4350243
File: 46 KB, 700x467, crows-patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because one is to copy , and one is to do something that requires talent

>> No.4350253
File: 236 KB, 730x1024, 1565021555944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too hate fan art. absolutely unskillful and unimaginative

>> No.4350269

i get it you're a virgin cause you are literally 12

>> No.4350278
File: 32 KB, 450x600, 1562150785203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, do you think a musician can never play another person's songs?
A musician should only ever compose his own songs and never attempt to learn pre-existing ones?

When you listen to people speak your language, do you tell them how boring it is that they learned normal words and speak other people's dialects/accents, instead of coming up with "there" own original words, like you?

Do you think someone who has never used GOOD ART to learn is going to be able to produce GOOD ART?

No, niggerlover. It will MAYBE look original, but it will be utter shit. You have to learn what you like in design before consolidating it into something people would like to see.

>> No.4350287

No it does not fall under fair use.

>> No.4350289

Yes, a musician can't legally record and sell a song he doesn't own...

And cover bands are lame as fuck and not creative.

>> No.4350297
File: 1.17 MB, 1242x1194, 1570487036878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So not only you can't write, you also can't read?

Ok, retard.

>> No.4350313
File: 764 KB, 1000x1000, 179DABB8-C9EE-4A52-B0A1-A291DB0E39E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found my next subject owo. Expect a masterfully done oil painting of ahegao brown qt in a month

>> No.4350320

That's not ahegao, that's the "waiting to receive a load of creamy white jizz" pose. Also, I'll beat you to it, except with pastels. And not masterfully done, but then, neither will yours be.

>> No.4350703

They're probably depressed while counting the money they got from people that found them who didn't know they were supposed to Google your OC's name.

But I'm glad you say this original works need more love.

>> No.4350720

> Imagine all the original characters lost

Stop, you’re making me hard. OCs are a fucking cancer.

>> No.4350770

Glad I'm not alone in this though, I have trouble understanding why someone cares to draw art of something that exists unless it's niche enough to justify it or you can do something original with it

Otherwise why wouldn't I just look at a screenshot of fucking baby yoda or pikachu?

>> No.4351451

damn what's the name of this girl

>> No.4351458

Unless you're selling it/competing with the market share, the judge is going to rule it as fair use. Companies love fan works because it's basically free advertisement so they leave them alone anyways- except Nintendo sometimes because their legal department are stodgy, miserly dicks.

>> No.4351476

Ideally I wouldn't even distinguish between fan art and original generated IP. Just "know what you're borrowing" and don't take credit for that element of it (should you ever try to sell it).

The issue with fan art can be (1) what if you create too much like the original, and you say the wrong thing, the creator will be blamed for something they didn't say, and have to go prove they didn't say it. Why burden the people you take inspiration from with that?

The other problem (2) You don't learn how to "make people care" wiht your art, because people already care about "(original work your basin git off of)" which is not good training if you hope to have creative control over your legacy. Making IP right out of the gate, every fan is really YOUR fan for reasons you can basically control, and not because of marketing departments from another company or the blood and sweat of somebody else's risk to communicate a particular and succeed. Less pride, no bragging rights you "touched someone".

Make fan art as practice only, or among friends / clubs / study groups exclusively (?) Anyways, if I made a big risk that paid off, and other's started getting attention from what i started, I'd move on, and make something better, or "even more me" that would alienate emulation since I'm so god damn unique :P

>> No.4351480

> I have trouble understanding why someone cares to draw art of something that exists
I'm trying to figure out if this post was sarcasm or not.
Because yeah, fuck all those artists who drew portraits or still-lifes or landscapes, what's the point when I can just look at a real person, real objects, or look around outside (or at photographs of them)?

>> No.4351485

If I don't draw fan art I'm not gonna draw period. I already accepted I'm not creative enough to make ocs and stories, but I still wanna hone my technical skills.

>> No.4351495

Yeah honestly, I sperged out hard when I wrote that, portraits/landscape stuff is cool cause you're rendering something from the real world down onto that medium, but if you're just drawing like, a pokemon or something and it's pretty much looks the same as official art or the millions of other artworks then I don't see the point unless you're just trying to sharpen your skills

>> No.4351498

you wouldn't have seen 99.9% of those original characters if they were actually made

>> No.4351500

In my case, I make fanart because
A.) I love them enough to do so
B.) I want to interpret it in my style
C.) Because not enough people know about it
I draw so I express my love and appreciation by drawing. It's as simple as that.

>> No.4351519

I agree. I'd much rather see someone's own idea even if it isn't good then another fucking drawing of Superman or some shit. Wow you can draw Goku? Good for you.

>> No.4351567

Post you work sperg.

No one will mistake you for someone else unless they are retarded.

>> No.4351570


>> No.4352750


>> No.4353447

That's what you do with your art you fucking moron.

>> No.4353448

What point would posting work make?

>> No.4353452

>drawing people