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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 171 KB, 960x960, 4913353_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4347982 No.4347982 [Reply] [Original]

Stop trying to be Japanese Anime artists.

Have some respect for your own culture.

Drawing anime wont make you Japanese no matter how much you wish for it too.

>> No.4347985
File: 159 KB, 960x960, 1539355998014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon-kun but I'm too far gone. My country has no culture anyways.

>> No.4347987


>> No.4347990

>stop trying to make good art

>> No.4347991

>My country has no culture anyways.

thats what (((they))) want you to think

>> No.4347994

It worked for Ilya Kuvshinov

>> No.4347996

>western "culture"

>> No.4348001
File: 98 KB, 605x857, 1570740839013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we told you that the reason we draw in the style that is "Japanese" Is because we want to fuck those characters and illustrate them in our own sexual fantasies?

>> No.4348005

Stop seething at people doing anime art while getting popular and making money because it's what consumers want.

>> No.4348011
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x666, laughingwhores.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4348015

My culture is being shitty farmers I'm good thanks

>> No.4348019

the japanese?

>> No.4348021

Shalom, goy-kun!

>> No.4348022

Not the same thing.

If the kid straightened his hair and put bvlue comtact lenes in to appear white and idolised white people...

Copied white peoples art just because wow a white person did this.

That would be the same thing.

>> No.4348023


Big sleeps is cool because he paints art from his own culture.

Imagine is he one day woke up and said I don't want to be a chicano anymore I wish I was Japanese desu and started painting Anime girls...

>> No.4348026

americans dont have their own culture though.

>> No.4348029

>gang signs are better than anime

>> No.4348030

would be better than the trash he's "painting"

>> No.4348032

I'll take inspiration from whatever culture I please

>> No.4348035

We all can appreciate culture but it is best to create your own or push for what you believe in.

If you really believe you are a fat weeb who can draw anime/manga, then be that fat weeb, be proud of being that fat weeb.

>> No.4348038

>your own culture.
Fuck western culture, it's over the edge in a decadent death spiral, we like the romans outlived the western culture.

>> No.4348039

only american weebs are fat

>> No.4348040

I agree my brother!

>> No.4348052

For us gaijins, drawing anime is like writing in japanese.

Even if you have talent as a writer and spent years learning japanese, you'll write a better story in your mother tongue.

>> No.4348053
File: 105 KB, 1000x708, 1569439150227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I was Japanese desu and started painting Anime girls...

That's called enlightenment. Just like the European tribal savages were once enlightened by the civilized and cultured Romans, the most intelligent from thee decadent, jew ridden anti-human Americanized culture wake up to the light of the more advanced superior culture and learn from the civilization while the backwards degenerates stick to their barbaric antics.

>> No.4348054

Fucking hypocrite

>> No.4348060

Are you OK son? Need a hug? Or a blowjob?

>> No.4348068

Destroyed with LOGIC and FACTS
Unable to refute, must be a roastie

>> No.4348070
File: 227 KB, 1081x1200, D-DuXRIX4AEr5tl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wondered about this for a long time
>why do so many people obsess over Japan? why are there so many documentaries about Japanese Culture?
>Why are so many anime created using Japan as their backdrop without any major stylization of it?
>And why is this never done with any other culture?

It's the question of why weebs even exist, and I think the answer to that is simply that Japan is more interesting than other modern day cultures.
I've tried my hardest to find value in the culture and environment of my own country and other countries, and while there are some things that I believe are superior to Japan, Overall it's not enough to even compare.

I think we should instead look to Japan and decide for ourselves what about it appeals to us, and then find ways to change our own countries culture for the better. Or atleast depict a fantasy in art of what that world would be like

>> No.4348071

See people.like this are exactly what I was talking about when I said this >>4348022

>> No.4348077

You already said it once. Now shut up and go fuck your mom.

>> No.4348079
File: 863 KB, 1031x1357, C214B893-630B-4E92-A9A2-E9DAC56BA026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idgaf what people do really. If they werent fetishizing anime they probably wouldnt even be attempting to draw.

However I have always wondered how they manage to avoid being absolutely hounded by online SJWs for cultural appropriation and fetishizing other cultures etc.

>> No.4348082
File: 200 KB, 800x1156, 1521063112429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No-one can deny that almost every country in the modern age has lost a great deal of its culture through modernization. Architecture is lost, music is lost, customs and traditions are lost, etc

Look to the past of your own country and try to find that soul that speaks to you on a deeper level, that gives you a feeling of belonging.
Japan understands the importance of tradition in this way, they don't just observe the past in museums, they carry the traditions with them into the future, keeping them alive.

>> No.4348084
File: 14 KB, 230x241, Max_Stirner-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture is a spook

>> No.4348089

Japan also did a ton of awful things during WWII and haven't apologized for any of it

>> No.4348093

Japan is not a perfect nation but it's doing alot better than my country

>> No.4348096

Yes, but that is unrelated to the subject at hand.

>> No.4348097

Same for usa

>> No.4348098

If your country still has you, they re not doing better at all.

>> No.4348099
File: 50 KB, 500x500, A1FE55F3-96EA-4CAD-A08B-236522046672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats racist.

>> No.4348100

They do apologise for it.

>> No.4348101

Do you idiots think being japanese makes you automatically better at drawing anime?

>> No.4348105

Their culture is more interesting than western.

>> No.4348106

Found the Japanese

>> No.4348107

No but you don't have to try be a Japanese person.

>> No.4348108

I'm not Japanese but my wife is.

>> No.4348109


>> No.4348113

Culture is an ancient concept. We are moving towards post culture world

>> No.4348115

It actually does.
Being Black makes you a better Reggae musician.
Being Indian makes you a better Raga musician.
With the exception of Eminem, being Black makes you a better rapper.

>T. 20 year wigger.

>> No.4348117

I agree with OP, imo it's fine to admire Japanese culture but you should find that same admiration in your own culture and draw that instead, anime for japanese, something else for us non japanese

>> No.4348119

Oh fuck off.

>> No.4348120

What the fuck is with Americans saying my countrh hasn't done muxh special or whatever...

Your country invented the light bulb, the car.

Apple computers and microsoft is from there... America actually suits all over Japan in terms of technology and invention... japan is just good at copyingthings and making them cheaper.

>> No.4348124
File: 253 KB, 608x342, i am a japanese man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't. Japanese culture is simply superior.
Since I was little I felt a connection to this country, before it became mainstream to be a weeaboo. Chopsticks are superior to fork/knife. Sushi is superior to hamburgers. Japanese humor is superior to western "humor". Anime and manga are VASTLY superior to the abortion of a comic and animation industry we got. It's plain to see.
I believe the reason Japanese people can draw so well is that they've been trained since they were little to paint these intricate characters. I've been learning japanese and as I progress and become more fluent in my writing of the japanese alphabet (漢字, the "Kanji") I couldn't help but notice how much better I got at drawing anime.
Not to mention japanese women, oh god where does one even start to compare them to the disgusting roasties we got in the west? I hope that someday I'll find my very own 大和撫子 (Yamato Nadeshiko, the archetype of the ideal wife, in japanese) after I become a citizen of the great country of Japan.

>> No.4348128

i fucking hate my culture and love the japanese
what now?

>> No.4348129
File: 25 KB, 569x428, 67E503FF-9E50-4652-B554-B97D214D65BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America and the West in general invented fucking everything and anything of lasting value.
And we have let everyone have a seat at the table and they shit on us and teach our children to shit on us.

>> No.4348131

Yeah they don’t have actual culture and it’s just a miss match of other countries

>> No.4348132

Draw whatever the fuck you want to draw

>> No.4348135 [DELETED] 

We invented cartoons and Japan would still be running around dressed as samurai cutting peoples heads off without a trial.
Fuck you. May you lose everything of value you have inherited from us.

>> No.4348138

>Being Black makes you a better Reggae musician.
its jazz you moron

>> No.4348139

Seething ngmi

>> No.4348141

People who take their art more seriously put thought into what they want to draw.

>> No.4348142

can you elaborate?

>> No.4348143

It's cocaine you retard

>> No.4348145

We invented cartoons and Japan would still be running around dressed as samurai cutting peoples heads off without a trial if we didn't civilize them.
Fuck you. May you lose everything of value you have inherited from us.

>> No.4348148

The kids themselves shit on this by wanting to be just like the Japanese.

>> No.4348152

wrong its heroin

>> No.4348158

Why is this board retarded to fall for bait threads every god damn time

>> No.4348160

as a young weeb (13) I drew anime all the time and wanted to make my own manga. then it was time for highschool and I saw how all the other weebs were treated so I decided to distance myself from anime and all that. spent all of hs pretending to be as normie as possible so as to not get bullied. it worked, but I never made any real friends so it wouldn’t have mattered either way. as a young person in our alienating modern culture it really doesn’t matter what you do, so you may as well be true to yourself. I’m not back into the full weeb swing of things at 24 now but i still watch anime every now and then and some of my drawings lean on the anime inspired side. I kinda like the direction and multiple influences I’ve got in my drawings, and wouldn’t want to change the way life has gone to lead me to this road, I’m happy. this thread made me wonder if I had kept specializing in anime drawings all this time I’d be really good at it. probably not. doesn’t matter anyway, I like being versatile. you always have the option to draw anime one day or realism the next. that’s the fun thing about art that gets lost here, you should just draw what you want to.

>> No.4348167

Like I have a.anike girl as a mascot for one of my blogs but that is an odd once off thing.

I don't neglect my cultural identity or try be Japanese.

>> No.4348173

because westerns are pretty gay and love sucking on that black cock

>> No.4348174

Hown is it bait?

>> No.4348176

The modern culture has outlived itself and died of cancer, all this feminism, equality, body positivity, the idea that everything is of equal value and so on.
Right now the art that goes to the gallery isn't the one that's good but the one that was done by the worst degenerate. The fatter, uglier, more retarded and blacker you are the more intersectional points you get.

It was good while it lasted, but it has fucking died.
The Asians in the same time they don't think that everything is of equal value. They still retained objectivity and sense of beauty. They still shame the fat fucks and strive to beauty, quality and accomplishment, rather than feel entitled to respect.
And it is also they who still respect the creative freedom, don't shy away from being controversial, having an opinion and don't see entertainment as a vehicle of NPC programming.

In that sense the western culture still lives in Asia while it has died in the west.

>> No.4348177

This, become a citizen of the earth and incorporate whatever you want into your beliefs and art.

>> No.4348185

this but unironically

>> No.4348186

Japanese people draw anime because they are Japanese and feel it represent their culture and their country...

Kinda like how a Jamaican might want to make dance hall or regae music.

Imagine if an American was obsessed with Jamaica and made Jamaican style music and said it was so much better than anything their own shitty culture could do.

That's basically you guys but with Japan.

>> No.4348189

I don't even know where to start on this...

If I started on why this is wrong and how this is wrong I would easily have written enough to make a book.

>> No.4348191

yeah you're only allowed to stick to one art form instead of living your life and experiencing other fun cultures. what a pathetic live you have anon

>> No.4348193

>triggered fatty

>> No.4348196
File: 21 KB, 640x480, images - 2020-02-05T042916.974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like for example look at Aaron McGruder.. his work is full of Anime influence but he knows he is black so he took inspiration from his own identity.

>> No.4348197
File: 837 KB, 876x1280, NOVA Larger Res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Anime is peak aesthetic.

>> No.4348202

See my other post... I think it answers this.

>> No.4348204

look like shit.

>> No.4348207

Taeri is Korean

>> No.4348208

goddamn thats good

>> No.4348219

Or say for another example wu tang clan... they were into kung fu movies, anime and.comic books.

They took influence in that but they didn't 100 percent try be Chinese people.

>> No.4348229

I dont want to be japanese
Their media is just cooler

>> No.4348230

Half-Jap here, I agree with you op. It's definitely an interesting phenomenon that's really only brought upon by the globalization of pop culture through the internet. Everything is so easily available that anything from any culture can now be found and consumed. It gets exacerbated by the meme culture and social media.
Realistically speaking, american pop culture heavily downplays anything to do with white people and prop ups minorities and their culture which makes the youth of today seeking other cultures as a response. Useless parents that can't raise their kids are also to blame but this is a problem with many sides to it.
It mainly has to do with mainstream media and internet/meme culture letting people feel like you should experience every culture out there right from your own home. People don't understand that this will eventually dilute it and remove all authenticity and uniqueness from cultures. Only one hodgepodge mutated culture with no real meaning. There's also phenomena that never go away, such as grass is greener from the other side. Many young people today are the same as before, where they look at other countries/culture and think that's where they belong because their current life is so bad. Their interpretation of their home country is skewed and they still haven't realized many things about themselves yet so they hold beliefs like this>>4348124 Lots of Davido-kun out there.

My personal issue with gaijin thinking that they can pursue anime is that they usually draw in a way that gives away it's foreign. It's very easy to tell when someone is not Japanese from their art. The stories they try telling are also very western and not Japanese at all. You see it a lot in the steam games with anime art. From stuff that clearly reflects an american suburb and culture but with anime faces to even very small details that give away you're a foreigner no matter how much research you did on a country you never lived in.

>> No.4348232

I like Anime too but I'm not gonna just 100 percent copy them.

>> No.4348235

When I was a kid in the 90's you had to stay awake until 3am to watch anime because that was the only time slot it was on in.

Then more mainstream Animes started coming along and we got adult swim which had a normal time slot.

>> No.4348243

Ho2 do you think about people like Aaron McGruder that take some anime influences and do their own thing with it?

If you look at the boondocks cartoon certain parts of the characters like the eyes often look very anime.. and thrown the fight scenes and things are like parodies of Anime... even the dodge ball scene parodied Dragon ball z.

>> No.4348249

ok boomer

>> No.4348252

It's cool to learn about the history of things and why things are the way they are rather than acting like the word just started to exist when you were born.

>> No.4348268

I should've clarified that influence is fine and is actually fun.
People should look for their own art style and appreciate their own culture more. Your home defines a part of you as well as the art you'll create in the future. The Japan fetishism is I think crossed wires, people like anime so much they confuse it with their love of a different country. Then you get there and it's nothing but a city like LA or New York and a bunch of farms.
Japan has always had a fetish for foreign cultures. Anime is just a part of it, taking outside elements to create something new. This is still going on today where South Korea is having a huge influence on Japanese pop culture. K-pop is everywhere, rap music is played by the youth all the time. Girls are losing their bangs and getting dumb k-pop hair instead. This always happens in Japan since it culturally feels very isolated outside of Tokyo, Osaka, and other big cities.

>> No.4348274
File: 91 KB, 640x800, 81399710_520426088577076_2528915088001885660_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh damn she is actually gmi

>> No.4348290

That's the thing people think Japan is just pop culture.

I have tried to talk about subcultures of Japan like zokusha cars and bosozoku gangs and get told these things aren't "otaku culture" despite being the some of the most Japanese things you could ever imagine.

They don't like Japan they like Anime and J pop bands...

Even a lot of Japanese people don't care about anime that much... I've met a lot of Japanese people due to my gf being Japanese.... the girls don't dress like Lolita or cosplay... most of them dont hate much for anime... they are actually usually pretty normal regular people.

>> No.4348306

Hypocrite ?
Why ?

>> No.4348316
File: 13 KB, 480x480, 223CB273-244C-4B94-9C62-C6E4E24D7952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this cringy worshipping of a xenophobic ethnostate which committed many atrocities throughout the war is so sad. I wanted to learn Japanese just so I could read and understand manga better but I don’t really care about their culture.

>> No.4348321

>Have some respect for your own culture.
for what culture lol
even if I were to ape my country's art then I have a choice of shit and stuff I don't like

>> No.4348325
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1579487796479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just an art style. I can draw whoever the fuck I want to. Kill yourself >>>/pol/ tards.

You insecure retards invade every other board then wonder why everyone wants you banned.

>> No.4348327

Stop trying to tell what i should do.

>> No.4348331


Who gives a fuck lmfao

>> No.4348333
File: 146 KB, 1200x1100, Anime+vs+cartoons+rant+warning+one+taking+years+to+master_f34e35_6553743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the Japanese, for better or worst, discover the Golden ratio of cuteness. Nothing will ever be as beautiful as a moe blob making cute anime sounds. Meanwhile American animation is degrading more and more.

>> No.4348347

>You insecure retards invade every other board then wonder why everyone wants you banned.

says the avatarfag, how ironic

>> No.4348351
File: 45 KB, 800x450, uguu-`1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Golden ratio of cuteness

>> No.4348360

>It's just an art style
That you'll never be able to appropriate
>I can draw whoever the fuck I want to.
Sure you can, but that doesn't mean you should.

>> No.4348365

The Japanese have the only culture that's survived into modernity without being raped by Abrahamic religions or communism.
They're the only indigenous and undistrurbed people on the planet.
Their culture appeals to everyone because they're the only ones who admit to the universalities of the human condition.

>> No.4348367
File: 143 KB, 500x560, 1552100255858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chopsticks are superior to fork/knife. Sushi is superior to hamburgers.

>> No.4348368

But what does this art style represent...

And ask yourself why does it appeal to you and why do you relate to it.

Personally reflect upon that.

>> No.4348376

I'm a lot of their culture comes from them being westernized after ww2.

>> No.4348379

It's always going to be fake Japanese art when you do it though.

>> No.4348396
File: 3.77 MB, 2750x2000, Western artists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with most of what you're saying 90% of the time, but there are some pretty good western anime artists, like the radiant manga to toni infante, ect.
Pic related.


>> No.4348397
File: 77 KB, 527x346, FB0DC306-80D9-4FC0-9B09-DB0A62A7754F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t stop me from drawing anime nigger. Americanization wrecked my European culture to pieces, to the extent that I simply can’t understand how great men like Kipling, Rackham, and Tolkien lived here. Everything beautiful is dead, it’s all gone. Western art-forms don’t convey beauty anymore, because we Westerners are rotten. I’m rotten too, having been exposed to this shitty culture for so long, but at least I can make some attempt to jump ship and pretend I’m Japanese

>> No.4348400

I'm Polish so I'm eastern checkmate

>> No.4348401

just like your fake country ?

>> No.4348404

So that's why they're exactly like everyone else then, right.
Because that's the notable thing.
Inheriting their culture from the west is what makes them so notorious by making then the same as everyone else. Discussing this cultural similarity is so important that it consumes the lives of millions of weeaboos and thousands of internet forums. Nothing pre-ww2 matters. They're Americans. Why would you think there's differences between peoples why do you want to talk about it what are cultures anyways

>> No.4348405

Technically you're correct, but when people say "eastern" they usually mean Asian Countries and when they say "western" they usually mean European/non Asian Countries.

>> No.4348407

thats the dumbest assumption i've heard this year

>> No.4348409
File: 390 KB, 640x360, 1577827793190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reaction image isn't avatarfagging newfag. Lurk ten years before posting again.

No one owns an artstyle. And it does mean that I can. Who are you, my mom?

Drawing fanart doesn't mean that I want to be Japanese. You guys have some serious issues. Get help dude.

I like anime because I think it's cute. That's it. There's nothing political behind it and I don't place my life value on a shitty anime doodle.

Like I said before, you guys need professional help.

>> No.4348410

hes 100% right are you stupid or something

>> No.4348412

shut the fuck up avatarfaggot. roll playing autism. you will never be a cartoon girl just an ugly unlikeable nerd and then youll die

>> No.4348416

maybe if you're a fat murican

>> No.4348425

you correct your and you're on youtube comments dont you

>> No.4348431
File: 102 KB, 221x209, smugProko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're on youtube comments dont you
peak american education

>> No.4348437

>No one owns an artstyle.
Eh, if you prefer another word that's fine. The point is that you won't be able to make it your own and make it good.
> And it does mean that I can. Who are you, my mom?
I'm your fellow man.

>> No.4348442

If you call your art a shitty anime doodle than you obviously don't care about art enough for your opinion to matter.

So go ahead and make fake Japanese art.

>> No.4348445

"Your and You're" you fucking retard i assumed you werent stupid enough that i had to use punctuation to clarify

>> No.4348449

On the topic of no one owning an art style.

Manga style is synonymous with Japan and Japanese people So it does indeed have cultural identity

>> No.4348452
File: 9 KB, 460x276, Yukio-Mishima-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then have something worth respecting

>> No.4348460

shhh, he wants to be retarded

>> No.4348469

Everybody in this thread is full retarded. I can't believe the stupid opinions stated here, it's just insane.

>> No.4348471

So you want to base your identity around being a fake Japanese person?

>> No.4348476


You sound like one of those people that just know manga illustration and then call contemporary art shit.

>> No.4348477

Wtf is western culture anyway? The best thing I've managed to find is Greek and Roman culture but most individual countries don't represent that, the romans invaded their nations and then later left, leaving the natives(you) to be invaded by some other horde

Everything seems to barbarian
traditional architecture, clothing, arts, etc are all so primitive, just something thrown together quickly for survival.
And religion being prodominantly christianity has nothing of any value to the individual, it's just a tool for the rulers to control the populace, it doesn't enhance anyones life, just fear.
If there was any culture to the pagans, it's certainly all been eradicated by now.

What can we grab onto? if Japanese culture is about spirituality, politeness, artistry, precision and calmness, what is our culture?
I can't bring myself to appreciate being the descendent of a mongol rape and pillage tour, copying traditions that were forced upon me that have no meaning or value to my actual people

>> No.4348481
File: 267 KB, 375x475, 1577315852332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insecure and assmad. Good combo. I'm gonna keep posting anime reaction images just because it makes you mad. :^)

Eh I'm still learning how to draw. I can't really say that my artstyle is anime. The only thing I can think is anime about it are the faces.

I'm a woman.

I don't tie my race down to my drawings nor do I think it matters. Maybe It's because I'm Black. But whatever. I mostly draw what I like and I like anime. Not a professional, either. I'm a hobbyist. I'm only learning to draw realistically so I can get better proportions on my characters and learn how to draw backgrounds.

I didn't mean the country. I mean one specific person. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

>> No.4348485
File: 189 KB, 800x965, 1560196970400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your culture is lost to time, make your own

>> No.4348487
File: 529 KB, 1600x1400, DSC06487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this painting.

He defences Queenslander style homes in his work because thats the part of Australia he grew up in.

>> No.4348496

I don't tie my race down to my drawings

When you say stuff like that It's pretty clear you don't understand what is being said here.

>> No.4348500
File: 92 KB, 673x642, 1528675206378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad over smug cartoons

>> No.4348502
File: 283 KB, 1280x720, program_img_japanologyplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are almost 300 episodes of Begin Japanology, each one a mini documentary showing how virtually everything in the world is done better by Japan
>while the rest of the world behave as savages, smashing rocks together
>Japan does it with elegance, spirituality and a respect for thousands of years of tradition
From painting to plastering to farming to office paperwork, Japan is so rich in culture, and that culture is beautiful

>> No.4348503


>> No.4348507

this guy gets it

>> No.4348515

I never get any

>> No.4348516

culture and race are synonymous

>> No.4348517

Nobody said the opposite of that though so what's he ever arguing with?

>> No.4348525

The problem with westerners trying to draw anime is that on a fundamental level anime is defined by its line work, and Japanese children are taught from a young age to do skilful linework on small and large scales when learning their language that comprises of thousands of unique symbols.
As a westerner now you probably received no handwriting training at all, and putting a pen to paper for hours on end is a new experience at the age of twenty or so. You are trying to catch up to someone who was drilling a unique set of fundamentals at a young age.
Good fucking luck, weebs.

>> No.4348528

Retards being retarded

>> No.4348533
File: 144 KB, 640x884, jean-jacques-rousseau-369545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf is western culture anyway?
It's the culture of western people. It includes all their cultural production, from everyday things like mac and cheese, to stuff like democracy.

>> No.4348535

but what about daily life? the philosophies of people? how they percieve the world?

>> No.4348537

My wife is Japanese and can't draw stick figures.. stfu lol

>> No.4348540

>what is Christianity
>what is the enlightenment
>what is your fucking daily life
Do you think the Japanese lead some upper-tier life with their high suicide rates and collapsing birth rates?

>> No.4348543

Taking influence from Anime and Japan is different from straight ripping it off.

>> No.4348544

I didn’t say all Japanese can draw anime, what I mean is it’s easy for a jap to turn their hand from one need for careful linework to another, so long as they have a spark of creativity

>> No.4348545

You borrowed the democracy from the Romans.

>> No.4348551

Christianity is a slave religion, convert or die, obey or die. It offers no insights into the world and our lives.
The enlightenment is just a measure of academic achievement, but spiritually we are all the same as before
my daily life is nihilistic, religion is falsse, culture is esoteric, money is all that matters, family is just blood, history is the past, gone and forgotten

My life has no meaning, I have no culture

>> No.4348555
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>Not to mention japanese women, oh god where does one even start to compare them to the disgusting roasties we got in the west?

>> No.4348564

We inherited it.

>> No.4348568

and you inherited your land after you killed their owners ?

>> No.4348570

I can't draw however the fuck I want.
Kiss the ring, OP.

>> No.4348571

>nothing changed after enlightenment
The idea of human rights, separation of church and state, the foundations for the USA, the acceleration of scientific development
As for >my daily life is nihilistic, religion is falsse, culture is esoteric, money is all that matters
Lmao, you think the sarariman who jumps in front of a train is the one experiencing a rich culture? How can you say your culture is nothing if you don’t want to acknowledge your own family as valuable? You think some broad, amorphous society will give you purpose if you can’t even keep up with the evolutionary need to preserve the family unit?

>> No.4348573
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>> No.4348580

>what is Christianity
It was the greatest and most beautiful religion, but doesn’t exist in the world anymore
>what is the enlightenment
The thing that ultimately caused the destruction of the West and Christendom. From secularism to equality it brought about untold horrors
>what is your fucking daily life
A pathetic shadow compared to the lives my ancestors once lived.

Just let me LARP as a Jap dude, it’s all I have

>> No.4348583

my family all split up, everyone hates eachother

There is no reason to stay together, if the family doesn't work there is no sense to try to fix it, that is a lack of culture

The japanese guy isn't jumping infront of a train, that's a small percentage of the population. Most of them are spending the holidays with their family, participating in traditional events that give their life a deep sense of meaning and purpose

>> No.4348594

Dude, cmon. at least some of these are just as good.

>> No.4348596

>my family all split up, everyone hates eachother
This. Before that faggot says “but people outside the West have have toilets!” or some shit, he should think about how messed up our families are now. Even tribal savages have better family lives than us.

>> No.4348598

all western artists who try to draw anime only attract the ironic weeb crowd

>> No.4348599

don’t have*

>> No.4348604

This thread should be cancelled

>> No.4348607

The enlightenment is still part of western culture, an overextension of the white man's capacity for empathy and will for progress.
>LARP as a jap dude
Do you go to the festival of boys and of girls? No, because you don’t have children. Do you bow deep to your superiors? No, because you probably despise them and refuse to bow to mere men (western culture). Do you go to work early and stay late? Not if you can help it. Do you honour your father and mother? Do you put the needs of your team and society above yours?
All of these are Japanese culture. Face it, you don’t care for jap culture, you just found the penned expressions of empathetic but usually poor artists to be relatable, which only means that there are unanimous experiences across the world
Japanese family formation is way down, there are millions of unmarried youths. Family indeed.

>> No.4348613

Democracy has nothing to do with Western culture.

>> No.4348623

You're right my friend. You're right.

>> No.4348627

For the people that say they don't have culture or their culture is shit. Where did you grow up? What were the local customs? How was the community that brought you up? I'm genuinely curious about what would make you say these things. Whether either of us are valid I just want to know more about you.
This thread is important in highlighting why people do the things they do and think the way the think, all relating to what they draw. It's important to put these thoughts in perspective and look at every opinion.

>> No.4348633
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>> No.4348634

...and Democracy was the real slave religion. :)

>> No.4348638

Were all sons of God and we're all human. We were put on this earth to praise the Lord and follow his will. That's our culture. Everybody's culture, as mandated by God himself. You follow the law and you will reach heaven. Anime is a sin. Hentai is a sin. Please open your eyes to the universal truth.

>> No.4348641

Why is it that the first states to install it were western then ?

>> No.4348652

>The enlightenment is still part of western culture
Yes, like a damn tumor jutting out of our sick body.

>an overextension of the white man's capacity for empathy
Read Scheler’s book Ressentment. The “empathy” of the Enlightenment, otherwise known as altruism, was a spiteful attempt of a secularist to one-up Christian values. The altruists don’t really care about the oppressed, it’s all just a sham that should be very obvious if you observe modern day SJWs

>will for progress
You clearly think it’s the bees knees and don’t have even the slightest idea of how much terror the idol of progress has unleashed, so it’s useless for me to convince you otherwise.

>Do you....
I try to reject modern Western values as much as possible. It goes beyond aesthetics; yes, I respect my parents and elders, I’ve done more for them than most old-age-home-loving Westerners would.

>> No.4348654

Because of imperialism

>> No.4348659

Why did imperial china not become democratic ?

Was there something special about the imperialism you're talking about ? Something... specific to western culture ?

>> No.4348674

>europeans don't fight in wars

>> No.4348676

I didn’t make claims that the enlightenment was the bets thing ever, I said it was part of western culture. Are you attempting to dispute that with your moral tirade?
And yes, respecting your parents and elders is a good start, though you will find it was an aspect of western culture as well, the bible is pretty explicit about the relationship between children and parents. But that isn’t all there is to jap culture, there is all else I mentioned.
Imagine larping as another race...

>> No.4348683

What's the point in trying to explain a simple concept to you if you don't even know the basic differences between historic imperialism in the east VS imperialism in the west. There are fundamental differences rooted in multiple factors, including language, geography, evolutionary societal constructs. Dude, go read a book and come back when you're less of an ignorant weeb.

>> No.4348692

>There are fundamental differences rooted in multiple factors, including language, geography, evolutionary societal constructs.
So like I said, it does have something to do specifically with western culture.

Stop assuming you're smart anon.

>> No.4348699

Thank You

>> No.4348707

Lol you walked into this >>4348692

>> No.4348711

>I didn’t make claims that the enlightenment was the bets thing ever, I said it was part of western culture
And? That doesn’t mean I need to follow it. We can learn from our mistakes and reject it all.

>respecting your parents and elders is a good start, though you will find it was an aspect of western culture as well, the bible
Where do you live that Christianity still has this strong influence on the masses? Poland maybe? Well, it’ll be news to you that in Anglo-American countries godlessness and individualism are the norm. Most Christians here are only nominally so, they practice a very tiny part of their religion, and certainly don’t uphold the tenets of famial piety.

I’m going to draw some anime now. Sayonara anon

>> No.4348720

Good luck with your unpracticed line art :3

>> No.4348725

stop trying to be a faggot op

>> No.4348726

do whatever makes you happy

>> No.4348744
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>> No.4348822

I'd rather look at foreign cultures than (((american))) culture.
The only actual American culture left is in appalachia and other rural strongholds and it's not very welcoming to artists because they watched ((((artists))) destroy their sub/urban neighbors and turn them against the rural folk.

>> No.4348825
File: 87 KB, 507x640, 9A678B85-B573-413C-A2B2-4E678A78DEA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been looking at this girl all morning on page 1, but I have no opinions to contribute to this thread

I think i need a different skin tone marker. I put some brown between her legs and it looked like she shat herself

>> No.4348834
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, 9B940DD83ED84E0980C3458F9F3F93F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do any of you fuckers ever actually stop arguing this retarded /pol/ shit and actually just drawing

>> No.4348849
File: 185 KB, 1024x761, fe20120909rha-1024x761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to be American Disney artists.

Have some respect for your own culture.

Drawing disney wont make you American no matter how much you wish for it too.

>> No.4348857

It's discourse mate. Lighten up.
We went over this some agree that influence is good while others take it as cheap imitation.

>> No.4348858

Who the fuck wants to be American? Maybe nazis and antivaxxers. Everyone around the world knows better.

>> No.4348860
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This is now a wholesome art thread

>> No.4348861

Traveling lets you see this better. Mexico City, Chicago and Vancouver look exactly the fucking same, and the lifestyle is exactly the fucking same. The only difference is the pigmentation of the people's skin. You find exactly the same stores, exactly the same music being played at said stores and exactly the same means of transport and street activities. You have to specifically look for historical tours to see the "culture". But is that shit really culture if nobody practices it?

Some cities do have their own particular feel, Paris is now a shithole filled with poor immigrants but the nightlife is still there even if 80% of the population can't afford it and those who can don't enjoy it as they did because of the increase in crime. Rio is similar, an opulent celebration of their culture tainted by the misery that always tries to smother joy.

Asian ccountries are not like that, they're not homogenized like western cities, but they're not tourist traps either, they're actual living cities where people exist. You don't have to book a 4 star bistro for mediocre "french" food. You can eat real japanese food in the street, and in fast food joints (something Mexico aslo has, their local family run fast food joints compete with McDonnalds, KFC and Starbucks), you don't have to go to speciality shops or museums to see their culture, it's in every shop, you don't have to go to specialty clubs for folk music, they have their own music industry that's not just pop. Japan gets noticed so much, and hated so much by (((some people))) because it refuses to homogenize with the developed country culture that has removed the soul from most western cities and reduced it to museum pieces.

>> No.4348862
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>> No.4348866

>I wonder why people who went to participate in a foreign culture because they got tired of jewish tricks don't participate in jewish tricks.

>> No.4348869
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>> No.4348873

I like how you worded this, this really communicates my feelings on the whole lost culture thing.

I'm not sure if there's much western culture to be found that's not so ancient its impossible to modernize, but this makes me want to discover for myself some sense of culture even if it's just to live in my daily life

>> No.4348875

>Your own culture
>Live in city full of kikes, pollaks, and Germans
Life is suffering.

>> No.4348876

Nobody is saying these things because they hate Japan. They're just pointing out that there are other cultures out there especially ones right in front of you that could be depicted in your artwork. Just because it's not practiced doesn't mean it should be forgotten. Maybe try to make art that spurs interest in it again so people can get excited by it as well.

>> No.4348880

Stop biting the bait, you retards.

>> No.4348886

Doesn't matter, it's still interesting to discuss.

>> No.4348887

If it was wrong you could be concise and use a single sentence. You only need verbiage because one truth weight a million lies.

>> No.4348890

>t. stupid millenial most likely older than the poster he replied to

>> No.4348891

The whole concept of cultural appropriation and "fetishizing" cultures is 99% bullshit, at least how modern leftists apply it. Japan marketed anime to foreign cultures to make big bucks, and it's been happening so long that it is now ingrained into popular culture around the world. Key word: pop culture, not culture. I don't think Japan really cares though, they aren't as stupid about social issues over there and freely "appropriate" other people and cultures in anime.

>> No.4348894

mexicans maybe

>> No.4348965

Wrong. The Japanese themselves learned western art and use it as their own culture. If you were not allowed to use any culture other than your own, the Japanese would have to draw Ukiyoe only.

>> No.4349019

Eastern euros are half way there, you're your own people but it's clear America and Russia tried to make you like themselves with all their might so you are more familiar to a westerned than India, or Japan.

>> No.4349031

Why threads like this generate so many responses?

>> No.4349034

Mexico and Chile are nothing alike. Neither are Japan and Vietnam.

The fact that you're scared of blacks and brows being more appreciated in your cities than you autistic pasty white ass doesn't mean your city doesn't have cuture, it means you're not relevant to it, are infinitely jealous and don't know who to blame for your own lack of value.

>> No.4349041

>people are realizing their shitty lives relate to one (((aspect))) of culture that the japs the fetishize don't have to deal with

>> No.4349043

4chan is still a weeb site and normalfags still don't belong here

>> No.4349047

They don't know any of that shit because they're antisocial, egocentric assholes from birth and thought themselves too important to participate in their local community's events and traditions.

Manhattan, the most multicultural borough in the whole damn country still to this day has a shitty ass bagel as it's local food icon no matter how much crap foreigners bring because the people making the bagels cared to share them, and the people buying them cared to be part of the local culture.

Your perceptual lack of culture has nothing to do with religion, or multiculturalism, or conspiracies and all to do with you refusing to participate.

>> No.4349065

These are nice, I especially like the hair. What markers are you using?

>> No.4349067

Thing is when you draw a guy dressed like a apache in an office setting your piece immediately turns into social commentary because apaches don't exist anymore as a real living culture and the shadow of imperialism looms over why. But you can draw a traditional tea ceremony in 2080 cyberpunk because it's till a part of their living culture and there's no reason to assume it couldn't continue to be so in the future.

Poor and developed countries manage this too because while their cities look like any other cheap capitalist MacCity, their rurals still practice many of their ancient traditions. But Japan and to a certain extent China are really the only rich countries still in touch with their past so if you want to draw something with strong cultural roots in a modern setting and don't want your art to be weighted down by bullshit leftist propaganda about colonialism and poverty, you pretty much have just those two to choose from.

>> No.4349083

>don't shy away from being controversial, having an opinion
mein neger, you can't be more wrong in this part.

>> No.4349084

You could be more creative than that, anon. Things like Fallout exist and is beloved all around the world. Thw Witcher made Poland finally exist in people's minds. On fantasy, LOTR is copied all around. This is usually what people are talking about when suggesting you do things with your culture that you actually lived through. Create art from experience.

>> No.4349088

>to refute this I need to go back. Like way back. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.
That is how everybody can tell that you don't have anything coherent to say. Or you strongly suspect that anything you about to say is bullshit and you don't want to lie.

>> No.4349098
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>mein neger, you can't be more wrong in this part.
Name a thing and there's a published manga on that.

They don't give a fuck whatever the fuck an artist does go check Dance Kremlin Palace.

>> No.4349100

Tradfag Cope: The Image

>> No.4349105

Ah you meant in fiction? Sorry, I was under impression you were talking about IRL.

>> No.4349109

Shut up purity fag

>> No.4349116

japanese took western tips incorporating them into their own culture. it should be a cycle of taking each others most prominent qualities.

>> No.4349122

>they carry the traditions with them into the future, keeping them alive
yet almost all of the young generation thinks nothing of them as more than just props

>> No.4349126

waifu pillows aren't real

>> No.4349127

Creative freedom is something real that helps real people do real things. The artists are real people you know.

And hell they have a lot more respect for an individual in a general sense.
You can go to a store that sells loli hentai with your realdoll wife in a wheelchair and nobody's gonna bat an eye, you're your own guy you do your own thing.

>> No.4349128

yes its purely genetic you dumbass of course it's a natural gift with them why else are there no one else that can pull it off properly

>> No.4349131

source of pic?

>> No.4349147

>normies tell me for years I need to learn to draw and paint realistic people to succeed as an artist
>make it to art school, find out that the entire contemporary art world hates fundiefags and regards them all as ngmi
The only reason its worth it to grind fundies is if you want to study to be an animator or illustrator, and even then it would be a tool rather than the end-all-be-all of your work. Literally noone in the art world cares about your overly rendered portraits and nude poses from life drawing class, unless you managed to find some way to add to it and make it creative or make a statement with it. Unless you make it into public monuments/foundry work there is nothing notable you can do with pure trad/fundie work. You'll be stuck showing at shitty sales galleries that cater to normies and take most of the sales, on top of charging you rent for gallery space.

>> No.4349150

I'd usually tell you to fuck off but considering how mentally ill white people have become and how they ruin everything with their woke, negrophilic and self-flagellating touch, I agree.

>> No.4349151

anyone who thinks japan is the perfect elegant country are fools tricked by the mask that is worn over that piece of land

>> No.4349159

>People don't understand that this will eventually dilute it and remove all authenticity and uniqueness from cultures.
That's a very traditional-Japanese way of thinking. One of the most important parts of culture *is* re-contextualization of existing structures through cross-contamination and integration of new elements. You think modern-day Japanese storytelling, music, visual art, your architecture, your government, your technology is "Japanese" in some authentic, un-contaminated way? It's clearly not, right? But that doesn't mean that you have to go back to pre-industrial life to revive the Japanese spirit. A culture, just like an individual, continually determines its identity by relating to others. Its spirit lives by dancing the dance of attraction and opposition, not by standing in place.
I agree that there is a lot of mindless emulation of anime aesthetics, but the results of a few more years of experimentation is all it will take for western artists to find the direction they want to take with it.

>> No.4349161
File: 127 KB, 1000x735, ArchfiendofIfnir_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contemporary art world
>contemporary ar
>Literally noone in the art world cares
And I don't care about them lol.
Can they make a good picture that's worth money? Create anything of value? No? Then they can go fuck themselves.

Your modern '''art''' is literally a case or lunatics running the asylum. If you let the kids from the special class run a school they would abolish math.
But they would still be retards.

>> No.4349173
File: 99 KB, 800x571, rab03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>make it to art school,
I'm afraid you made it to a gay orgy and not an art school.

>> No.4349194

Thank god I don't give a slightest fuck about contemporary """art""" and the galleries.

>> No.4349198
File: 211 KB, 410x338, CULTURE_BAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Zentradi poster

>> No.4349211

seething tradfags

what do you plan on doing with your "real" art? post it online and circlejerk about how much time you spend grinding your fundies?

>> No.4349220

I'll just throw it away. What's the point of jerking off on how good you *were*?

>> No.4349223

Japan adds and substracts. They don't supplant.
America hates itself so much every decade it deletes the previous culture to impose a new one.

>> No.4349226

ah, yeah that makes sense. a culture can lose its continuity by not being self-reflective but just chasing one trend after another.

>> No.4349227

America never had a culture and never will be.

>> No.4349253
File: 98 KB, 640x538, 4OVkCx0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trad anything, I'm an artist and you're a fag.

I plan to make the pictures that people would pay for, and you're planning to make shit that gets confused with garbage.

You know, shit like MTG, Heartheatone, Warhammer, illustrations, anime waifus, Gachas, 2d games, posters all that is all artwork and it is modern. That is the real modern art. And you are a subversive faggot.

>> No.4349305

Shut up kike, as soon as your filthy moloch cult are all dead this meme will never be spouted again.

>> No.4349309

yes they have. Obesity, antivaxxing, racism, stupidity, and Florida. That's their culture

>> No.4349338

I guess no more Halloween or Thanksgiving for you fren. There's also apple pie, community cook-offs, hunting with dad, suburbs and cul de sacs, big streets, cars, cities, big everything, summer camps, spring cleaning, yard sales, fast food, malls, and most of modern pop culture in general. There's so much that I hope other burgers chime in and add to the list.

>> No.4349348

You assume that I actually aspire to be a conceptual artist and I do not. I am actually more of an illustrator and animator myself, I'm just not illiterate when it comes to the differences between art and commercial art like most of the people here. Also, nice job getting defensive about illustration work when I was never bashing that in the first place. I was talking about faggots who think reclining nudes and landscapes are groundbreaking works of art and are going to have a "comeback" in the art world. I know people who wasted their lives trying to make this happen and are now bitter people.
You never see professional graphic designers get butthurt about the fact that their work isn't considered art, just beginner illustrators who got upset that their art teacher told them that their high fantasy paintings or anime waifus aren't art. Just accept the reality of what you do and own it. Also good luck making those "pictures that people will pay for." Illustration is a cutthroat field and people never want to pay what it's worth.

>> No.4349361

It's still fake Japanese illustration though.

>> No.4349363

>America wrecked my culture so now I pretend.tl be Japanese

>> No.4349364
File: 48 KB, 288x429, cb(t).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My country used to make comics.

Now all of the cool comic artists are outsourced to other nations, or aren't really that good when making comics.

Comics is dead in my country.

>> No.4349365

Well at least something good about them.

>> No.4349367

>we may have gone to far in a few places

>> No.4349368

I thought most of that is European?

>> No.4349370

The difference is the Japanese took influence from American cum t use pre ww2 instead of just straight up copying.

And actually yes... how often do you hear weaboos talking about pre ww2 Japan?

Never because they mistake loving Anime following Japan.

>> No.4349376
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Owning firearms and training friends and children in their use
Post your work.

>> No.4349383

>He actually fucking fell for the fundies dont matter meme
good luck at the pumps

>> No.4349384

Your ancestors weren't even ablen to reach to people with similar interests as themselves onnthebinternet like you are doing right now.

Do you realise the internet only became common in the early 2000s?

I didn't know the internet even existed until I was about 9 years old.

>> No.4349391

And you can say anime is fake disney animation, you could go in circles trying to debase everything because it took influence, copied, or synthesized ideas from elsewhere, but that doesn't make it illegitimate as a piece of work.

>> No.4349392

My wife is Japanese and her parents are baby boomers and have to put up with her literally Autistic brother who refuses to get a job and punches holes in their walls.

>> No.4349393

your wife is imaginary you dick

>> No.4349394

My wife hates her own brother and always complains about how annoying her parents are.

You have an idealised view of Japanese people and there culture.

>> No.4349396

I wish anime was a more international thing. Not a lot of it seem explicitly japanese orientated visually besides it being produced by them.

>> No.4349398

Why is everybody talking about Japan when we should be focusing on Toronto?

>> No.4349399

Nothing's stopping western artists from taking ques from the aesthetic.
A few shows have done it here and there, but now japanese studios marketing their products towards western audiences seems to be a trend that's catching on a bit

>> No.4349402

What's going on there?

>> No.4349403

Heaps of the Japanese people I know hate being called Kun by someeonly slightly older then them but still having to respect it.

I having to kiss their bosses was or work long hours for low pay.

>> No.4349406

Such a beautiful culture.

>> No.4349409

He added his own ideas and culture to it and didn't just copy.. That's why anime is the way it is today.

>> No.4349412

I'm not sure what you're talking about since the writing and storytelling is very Japanese. If the concept of animation that tackles multiple types of genres and has storytelling reminiscent of filmmaking then it doesn't have to be anime or Japan. Make your own animations in your own style. Fuck the mainstream conceptions of cartoons and make something cool.

>> No.4349413

No it is so wrong that there are a like 20 paragraphs each to write on every sentence.

>> No.4349414

visually not storytelling

>> No.4349415

It's not about offending Japan... it's about not doing something so cheesy and lame.

>> No.4349418

But anime drawers are more normie than other artists.

They just copy drawings pop culture placed right in front of then rather than explore any other artistic ideas.

That's super normy.. most artists are more free thinking than that.

>> No.4349421

Why does it have to be Japan though? Let western artists take influence and create something new. Preferably using influence from their own culture which is the main discussion in this thread.

>> No.4349423

Okay I might type up like 30 paragraphs later.
And then another 30 on why it's wrong the next dayml.

Of the thread lasts a week I might get to finish it.

>> No.4349425

The difference is incorporation into their ideas rather than just copying every thing.

>> No.4349427

Japanese people cringe at this kind of thing too.

>> No.4349428

Arab invasion.

>> No.4349429

before i knew any better and first being exposed to anime i didn't think of any country origin so it just seemed like cartoons that could be produced from anywhere. maybe i'm still just too used to thinking that way still, wanting it to be like that after realizing it wasn't.

>> No.4349430

Anime is actually an escape from their everyday boring lives.

Not a representation of everyday life in Japan.

>> No.4349431

One truth weights a million lies.

>> No.4349433

Okay Amawu.

You're.the kind of person who gives irrelevant critique to people who aren't going for that illustration type look.

>> No.4349436

At Least thisbart had a concept.

This only ads to the idea behind the work.
Nobody is ever gonna write an article about your work b3cause it doesn't stand out from all nthe other high school weeb shit.

>> No.4349437

Whikebthe term art is subjective I usually call comic book art illustration instead of art.

Both words can apply and neither are wrong.

>> No.4349439

No because they changednit enough to be a recognisable piece of their culture.

You can't mistake Rei Ayanami for Donald duck or wonder woman.

>> No.4349440

Because no one will want to see/read it, can't force people to care about a bumfuck city or country.

>> No.4349443

She's not but okay.

>> No.4349445

Learn to market yourself better
>can't force people to care about a bumfuck city or country.
But I do care, as do others. You just have to make the story worth my time. You know, making something good.

>> No.4349446

The moon is made out of cheese.

>> No.4349448

Also that isn't one truth that's about 30 or 40 wrong things written in one paragraph.

>> No.4349450

Rei Ayanami came decades later.
60s anime was barely visually distinct from some of the stuff Disney had put out by then.
I'd argue that the western adoption of anime aesthetics is in a similar place as anime was in the 60s.
The main difference now is that cultural barriers are lower and information travels faster.
Give western artists a decade to play around with anime and you'll see another new style pop up.

>> No.4349457

>Who the fuck wants to be American? Maybe nazis and antivaxxers.

What the fuck kind of retarded word salad is this?

>> No.4349458

Not if they just copy.

>> No.4349468

Obviously, but that's not what I'm saying would happen.
We're only in the early stages of this cultural exchange.
We have tons of westerners adopting the aesthetics,and even a few creating works that mix those aesthetics with western narratives.
The more that happens the more you get closer to the synthesis of a new idea.

>> No.4349475

People here aren't aiming for a new idea.. they are just trying to be Japanese.

Iran is work had similarities to Disney but he did his own thing with it.. he was aiming for originality. He took something American and added his own culture to it.

>> No.4349476


Being proud of your American heritage is exclusively for stupid hicks and immigrants and has been since the 60s.

Shirakawa-Go is still getting tourists because of Higurashi almost two decades later. It's not even a very flattering portrayal, it's just honest and interesting.

>> No.4349478

>People here aren't aiming for a new idea.. they are just trying to be Japanese.
Are you talking about /ic/ or the west in general?
If the latter I don't agree.

>> No.4349481

I have my problems with living here in the Land of the Foreskin-Free but you sound like a prissy little coastal fag, dude, no offense.

>> No.4349484

/ic/ also it's been like 22 years since anime drawingboutside of Japan had became popular.

Not much has changed since then.

>> No.4349494
File: 34 KB, 431x502, 145673542435754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bumplimit reached in 13 hours
Imagine how many pictures you could finish

>> No.4349498

I will make another version of this.

>> No.4349499


Why would I take offence to that? It's easier for everyone if the lower castes understand immediately that they're talking to their betters.

>> No.4349501

LOL alright you got me, I thought you were for real for a second

>> No.4349510
File: 2.99 MB, 1911x2494, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOO stop drawing things that you like that interest you and that look good
>you have to draw niggers and shit related to your culture. why? idk but you have to, stop enjoying yourself, draw what I want

>> No.4349519

You know those white guys with Asian tattoos all over them?

This is basically how You are.

>> No.4349542

>Brainlet restrained by his own autism and retardation that doesn't make sense can't draw anything in any style he wants because most of the things aren't from his "culture"
You're basically a cattle, it's hilarious that you even dare reply to me

>> No.4349547

You don't have to but you'd definitely have a more unique perspective if you drew something you have experience on.

>> No.4349558

Iblittwrally have one anime girl In drawing as a mascot for my blog.

I just don't restrict my whole cultural identity to being a limitation Japanese.

>> No.4349559

>japanese artists are all forced to draw ukiyo-e and anime because muh culture
that makes sense, thanks for your precious input kek
good thing you're an irrelevant fool and nobody thinks like this in the industry.

>> No.4349568

There's interesting discussions in the thread. OP came off strong but there's some interesting things to think about here.

>> No.4349572

If I get this you're speaking thematic and messages, what does that have to do with art style? what kind of "cultural experience" do you need to draw some random girl stylized in anime?

>> No.4349580

There's literally nothing interesting to think about here, OP is a brainlet who claims that because someone uses X or Y art style he wants to be an avatar of "Theory of forms of platon" of X or Y culture.

>> No.4349582


Then your art is shallow and meaningless.

>> No.4349583

Straw man argument.

>> No.4349586

May I ask what your artistic identity is?

>> No.4349588

We had a discussion about culture and why do people want to draw anime over something inspired by their own country. Sure, people choose to draw anime for fun but it's an interesting phenomenon for someone to to pursue this artstyle over many others.

>> No.4349589

Art is like language...

You are expressing yourself when you draw even if it's not intentional.

So why not use imagination?

>> No.4349593

And a lot of Anime drawing normies got offended.

>> No.4349599

>he can only read an argument back and forth instead of understanding a reply that addresses an implication so he thinks that it's a fallacy
peak retard
what this means is that if OP's logic (that got developed in the thread) made sense then people should only use A.B.C style from their culture, so japanese aren't allowed to draw cubism for example thus "japaneses should only draw anime"

>> No.4349603

moving the goalpost

>> No.4349605

>If you don't use exactly X or Y style from your culture then you can't vehicle a message

>> No.4349613

There s a difference between being inspired by and taking or copying a style.

Stop with the straw mans.

>> No.4349614

That's one of the best counter arguments I have seen in this whole thread.

I would argue though that cubism isnt synonymous with French or Spanish culture the way anime is with Japan.

>> No.4349663

Stop using logical fallacies that you don't understand.
This has nothing to do with what I've said. for some reason all your posts are curve balls that don't address my points in the slightest.
Guess some people are terrible at arguing if things aren't given in a straightforward manner

1. A chinese artist who draws Surrealism instead of Shui-mo, his "culture", doesn't mean that he wants to be a French or Belgian person (directed against OP's claim that because you draw anime you want to be japanese)

2. You don't need to use exactly X style from your culture to convey a meaningful idea/message, most artists don't use their "cultural style" but rather their "influential style" (Directed against >>4349582 's claim)

3. Artists aren't limited to X or Y style from their culture to express themselves, and they shouldn't be. Because some guy is Gabonese he should stick to reliquary figures and mask? drivel. (OP's claim still)

4. Artists aren't forced nor limited to tackle ideas related to their culture, the good thing with human is the ability to learn, understand and be compassionate about things. so an artists doesn't have to experience being the victim of a pedo himself to tackle this subject in his work. He might still be able to bring something interesting to the table related to his own paradigm of the world (Directed against >>43495478)

Impossible to curveball my claims now

>> No.4349685

You can't just call everything you disagree with a falacy for one.

Those other things are not culturally synonymous.

It's like a Japanese person painting Aboriginal art.

2. A style that is influenced from different things is different from a straight rip off style. And nobody ever claimed you have to use exact style from your culture.. That's another straw man.

4. That is really off-topic.

>> No.4349686

Bit my these kinds of statements it seems you don't really understand the topic that is being talked about.

So maybe those straw man re not actually intentional but more a poor reflection of your understanding of what I am saying.

>> No.4349690

How can you compare something culturally synonymous like Anime to something like cubism though?

>> No.4349692

Would this picture have been better if it was big tiddy Anime girls instead of something that reflects cultural relevance?

>> No.4349696
File: 10 KB, 251x201, images - 2020-02-05T183158.194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This painting relates to the artists country flooding and how people struggled with it.

Do you think his art would be better or more imaginative if he just did a big tiddy Anime girl for no reason?

>> No.4349718

That mural doesn't reflect anything because you cunts claim the only art style that's culturally relevant is anime. Not cubism, the only plastic art movement Spain is known for. Not surrealism and it's Franco-Belgian core. Then sure as fuck not Xeroxing pictures in it's vapid 60's wanna be Warhol predatory ways.

Either you stop being intellectually dishonest and accept that the argument that people adopting art currents past or present with a foreign cultural core is not equal to people drawing anime is bullshit, or you accept that other countries have no culture and therefore it's impossible to draw inspiration from your own instead of Japans because only Japan has plastic arts with current cultural relevance.

>> No.4349747


See this guy trying to be so hard to be a Chicano despite being An Australian?

That's how you look trying to copy Japan and their culture.

Watch the video.

>> No.4349762

not him, but anime hasn't gotten normalized until recently though. No one talked about anime when I grew up, or you were a nerd or whatever. Now, everyone and their mom watches anime. Do you think this sudden popularity will help evolve new ideas?

>> No.4349772


Also you can talk about this on the new thread.

This one has reached its bump limit.

>> No.4349779
File: 2.14 MB, 2950x2145, 1580846589486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't just call everything you disagree with a falacy for one.
I don't, you're the one who posted "straw man" which is a logical fallacy, and you're using it wrong so that's why I told you to stop.
>Those other things are not culturally synonymous.
what are you addressing? what other things? your posts are always so vague it's hard to understand what you're discussing. surrealism and shui-mo painting are very culturally synonymous.

> A style that is influenced from different things is different from a straight rip off style.
- Moving the goalpost, you're not addressing the real argument here. the point being made is that: no, your art is not shallow or meaningless because you use X or Z style
I will respond anyway, your argument is BIASED from the start since it's like you're implying that anime style is one and only one thing that can be "ripped off" even though it varies greatly from artist to artist, pic related. that's what "influential style" means, it's like they are all mostly under that "anime" category but different with other inputs. Give and example or define a straight "rip off style". For me ripping of a style would be drawing exactly like another artist, but there's no such thing as ripping off style.
Would a Japanese be ripping off style for drawing High Renaissance art? wtf.

2.2 you claimed that the art will be "shallow and meaningless" when I claimed that it's dumb to imply that because someone uses a style from somewhere else he wants to be from another culture. so yes you're directly implying that you have to use a style from your culture or your art is void
I thought too that your reply was odd and unrelated to my claim but it's on you really

4. It's not off topic at all, it's a direct response to >>4349547 opinion

>> No.4349785

This is a freezer temp IQ take

>> No.4349789

The nationalist's view of culture and art just like the nationalist's view of literally everything else is pretty small brain and useless. I simply see what I like and incorporate it into my art. I don't give a shit where it came from. You only end up stifling yourself and posting stupid shit to /ic/ unironically if you do otherwise

>> No.4349795

Then you are different from most of /ic/ and This thread isn't related to you.

There s a difference between incorporation and straight jacking something.

Also what the fuck is this nationalist view of art bullshit?

Nobody said that

>> No.4349897
File: 170 KB, 1600x1132, erospanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be some pretty damn good "fake Japanese" art then.

>> No.4349903

Yeah still fake

I doubt that's the only thing he could draw if he tried

>> No.4349909

This draws more attention to the artists rather than what the artist was trying to convey

He should have instead drawn a line marking the high tide level on the wall

>> No.4349925
File: 530 KB, 744x1052, 1562825260736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever dude, i'm done with this gay ass thread. Have a nice day/night.

>> No.4350267

The only thing I see is that the Asians try to be Western with their clothes, look at that picture I see nothing Japanese, only the girl.

>> No.4350299

All I see is someone who didn't bother reading the thread.

>> No.4350368

Can you really blame him ?