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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 757 KB, 1191x1677, 290EEDFC-282A-4EF7-84FE-17FF08BDB778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4328931 No.4328931 [Reply] [Original]

sloppy lineart, barely any colors. thoughts?

>> No.4328975

about 20-30 hours of anatomy and figure drawing studies and this would be fantastic.

>> No.4328993

The head and the titties look flat.

>> No.4329015

looks good to me
i think youre retarded if you can’t tell that the artist knows his shit but is focusing more on appealing shapes than completely accurate anatomy.

>> No.4329017

kys faggots
he's damn good

>> No.4329025

I never said he wasn’t good you shitposting faggot. Just because he draws better than you ever will doesn’t mean no one should critique his work.

>> No.4329032

Looks good at a glance but closer inspection reveals pretty blatant anatomic fuckups. If you can do better if you apply yourself, good. If you cant, just listen to that anon who said you need anatomy and go practice a bit. It honestly looks good, my point is, it can get a lot better with just a bit of extra learning

>> No.4329036 [DELETED] 

">about 20-30 hours of anatomy and figure drawing studies and this would be fantastic."
">The head and the titties look flat."

is no critique, it's called being a brainless nutfag with no idea of what's going on and no artistic eye whatsoever.
end it, you worthless faggot

>> No.4329039

>Just because he draws better than you ever will
stop projecting your insecurities on other people, fagtron.

>> No.4329046

post work

>> No.4329049

Do you draw it?
Back to drawabox with you, filth.

>> No.4329058


>> No.4329062


>about 20-30 hours of anatomy and figure drawing studies and this would be fantastic.


>The head and the titties look flat.

is no critique, it's called being a brainless nutfag with no idea of what's going on and no artistic eye whatsoever.
end it, you worthless faggot

>> No.4329070

>expressing exactly what the viewer finds wrong with the work isn’t critique
why are you so fucking bothered by this anyway lol

>> No.4329074

legitimately kill yourself cocksucking retard

>> No.4329077

pyw, let's see if you are in the position to find what's "wrong" in somebody else's art.

>> No.4329090

I’m the guy who said the head and titties look flat.
You do not have to be Leonardo Da Vinci to look at a piece of artwork and say something is wrong with it. You don’t have to be a master chef to say a meal tastes terrible. I pointed out something that looked weird. Stop being irrationally angry at critique, you’re no worse than a deviantart teen that screams “MUH STYEL” any time someone finds something wrong with their work. And stop whiteknighting random artists online, unless you’re actually OP. In that case, get a grip, insecure faggot.

>> No.4329092

Good, could be better. Exaggerating and pushing the perspective of the drawing would make it more dynamic and interesting to look at. As it is, it's a little flat. The limited color palette isn't necessarily a bad thing in and of itself.

>> No.4329098

get a grip on my cock

>> No.4329099

don't care how you kill yourself, but do it asap, you disgusting waste of useless, mutated biomatter. you absolute and complete faggot, how are you still alive after going through life as stupid as you are?

Newgrounds tank as a keychain on the revolver?

>> No.4329102

Looks cool but I don't like the choice of colors that much. Too dull maybe.

>> No.4329103

>don't care how you kill yourself, but do it asap, you disgusting waste of useless, mutated biomatter. you absolute and complete faggot, how are you still alive after going through life as stupid as you are?

woooooow he thinks that using long words and talking about existencial stuff is cool! so edgy! i'm literally shaking right now!!!!

>> No.4329111

dang you really tried on this one

>> No.4329112

Ever heard of physics? Where do tits go when the woman runs forward?
Get your shit together

>> No.4329126


fuckin' hope it's the last thing you do, faggot

>> No.4329143


>> No.4329144

it doesnt look like shes running forward lmfao

>> No.4329149


>> No.4329153

Def. looks correct

>> No.4329155

nah, i'm good.
maybe >>4329099>>4329126 can attack him with edgy insults he heard on rick and morty.

>> No.4329156

I like it. But please use the designated threads. Check the catalog

>> No.4329160

fag's meltdown before suicide.

>> No.4329165

cringe thread i feel bad for op now having their work associated with sperg anons

>> No.4329168

the fuck u doing here then faggot go back to your anime studies thread

>> No.4329172


so you can defend yourself with shit your hear in sunday school.
too bad it doesn't work on the priest, you faggot

>> No.4329173

what the fuck are you talking about? you are literally mentally challenged, aren't you?

>> No.4329175


something like you couldn't challenge anyone mentally.

>> No.4329183

then why are you struggling? kek

>> No.4329185


Can't stop laughing at you

>> No.4329190

stop trying to play edgy, please. it hurts.

>> No.4329203

>it hurts.

it's your body's reaction to you living.
try to stop, we'd have one braindead, /beg/ crab less.

>> No.4329205

>/beg/ crab

sorry, i don't understand incel language. try to communicate without using 4chan memes.

>> No.4329221

was gone for a while, but this is great. getting some genuine opinions AND a turf war to watch, it doesn’t get much better

>> No.4329222

Don't drag me into this mayne

>> No.4329289
File: 75 KB, 550x884, 1554911057986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When /ic/ can't shit on a piece of artwork, they instead being to attack the first person who posts about art without PYWing.

Pretty cool silhouette, very readable and fun.
I don't like her design that much, but I feel like you should give more emphasis to the face region, cause that's where all the gimmicks are concentrated. The current drawing merges her cool mask with the arm and little of the design shines through the otherwise dynamic pose.

>> No.4329298

>i don't understand.

the only words you'll ever need in your pathetic thing that you call "life"

>> No.4329309

arent you the same autist that posted like 50 times in this guy’s threads >>4327637 telling him to kill himself and stop posting? you sound like a raging 12 year old

>> No.4329310

>pathetic thing that you call "life"

sorry, i don't understand "kid on the internet trying to sound badass" language. try to communicate like a normal person.

>> No.4329325

thank you for posting an actual civil critique

>> No.4329340

Nope, not me
Try to not sound like a little bitch

>> No.4329598

t. beg with over-inflated ego

>> No.4329772


>> No.4330010

is wrong. It's not about style, it's about perspective and dynamics.

>> No.4330059

No one cares, kill yourself.

>> No.4330110

I would, if my life would be as pathetic as yours.

>> No.4330117

No one cares, kill yourself.

>> No.4330120

Instead of repeating your shit, end it. Do it now.

>> No.4330127

No one cares, kill yourself.

>> No.4330131

Doesnt seem to like drawing hands and feet.n
Draws lines (such as the ones on the belly and under the ribs - shadow outlines?) because he’s seen them in other drawings, not because they serve a purpose.
Very few really good professional cartoon/comics artists stylized while learning to draw. Their student work just shows they learned their shit and did the work. Its like being a furry while learning to fuck.

>> No.4330149

>Draws lines (such as the ones on the belly and under the ribs - shadow outlines?) because he’s seen them in other drawings, not because they serve a purpose.

Rib cage, abs.
go back to r/redlinedart

>> No.4330164


Go back to fucking your sister.
My comment still stands.
They don't represent anything. He’s drawing symbols.

>> No.4330170

it's cool and dynamic. gj anon

>> No.4330182

I'll go back to fucking your sister, you cunt.

your comment is shit and you have no idea what you're talking about.

>ooooh, lines are symbols. duurrr hurrr.

Your fucking face is a symbol.


>hurr durr line are bad.

Fuck off, you crab cunt

>> No.4330238

You must be the artist or are also guilty of drawing those meaningless lines after seeing them on other shitty “characters”.
You dumb faggot. One of us doesn’t know what they’re talking about thats for sure. Typing hurr dur isnt an argument.

>> No.4330251

>Everyone who says something i dislike is a crab
Grow up, we all get critiques that we don't like sometimes.If you can't handle the frustration at this point of the road then go do something else.

>> No.4330260

crab retard

>> No.4330261


What the fuck is the mask connected to? Whats it for?
What’s she holding? Staplers?
This picture belongs here:

>> No.4330280

Her belly button is way too low and seems to be shooting off at a random angle relative to her hips and legs. Also that line extending down her thigh from her shorts looks like shit because the shading suggests it's concave like that animu crotch tendon but it's in the completely wrong place for that. Otherwise I do like the shape of the legs.

>> No.4330296

>Crab? Retard?
He’s being generous af.
What’s your fucking problem? Do you want feedback or compliments?
Fuck outa here with that shit.

>> No.4330303

Yeah I agree. There's things wrong with how some parts of the body are twisting, like how the top of the pelvis starts off at a different angle than the bottom. They pushed the figure drawing too far in that sense without knowing enough about perspective and anatomy, thus ending up with a broken looking body. It's dynamic and fun to look at, and I don't have an issue with their color choice because it's clearly not something they were going for. Good pic, artist needs more practice.

>> No.4330310

Flat trash with little to no line variation.

>> No.4330329

The head and the chest look like shit

>> No.4330641

Hope all you faggots never change.
(of course you won't, literally half of you are hopeless nigmi niggers)
These threads are what I'm here for.
Also, hope you all burn in a car crash.

>> No.4330649

yes, it is you, you changed your typing style to make it seem like it wasnt you lmfao you fucking mentally ill weirdo

>> No.4330654

Nice try, faggot holmes, but I tell ppl to kys only in this thread. kys.

>> No.4330690
File: 232 KB, 800x1132, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys chill... heres the redline

>> No.4330988

All you retards in this thread complaining about the anatomy, it doesn't fucking matter if its "wrong" in a stylised picture with extreme perspective.
Its okay to bend anatomy as long as it looks ok, even the masters do it, hell, especially the masters do it, do you seriously think bridgman is 100% realistic? Readability will always be more important than correctness.
That being said, there's plenty to criticize in this picture, but "aktshually the clavicle should attach to the dickwad-major muscle 5 milimeters to the left" is not one of them.

>> No.4331056

Sure they do, but this picture doesn’t read well, style is no excuse for poor executions.

>> No.4331059

i don't disagree
>That being said, there's plenty to criticize in this picture, but "aktshually the clavicle should attach to the dickwad-major muscle 5 milimeters to the left" is not one of them.

>> No.4331082

I counted 4 dicks

>> No.4331089

> with extreme perspective.

there is no perspective, look at the chest, its like it was drawn head on and then just skewn to away from the viewer without any consideration for the volume of the breasts. The head is the same issue.

>> No.4331090


>> No.4331101

Taking liberties with anatomy to skew perspective is great. Bullshitting your way through dramatic perspective because you don't have a solid grasp on anatomy is less great and leads to things like the poor girl's pelvis turning into a vague formless collection of lines.

>> No.4331150

>need shading to understand perspective

>> No.4331155

I never once mentioned shading, you can imply perspective with lines and foreshortening, which the pic does not do properly

>> No.4331182

all you spergs itt would be easier to take seriously if you weren't literal children

anyway it fuckin sucks, tits are too small

>> No.4331186

>Very few really good professional cartoon/comics artists stylized while learning to draw.
Prove it.
Do you really think a 10 year old who's into comics is going to draw anatomy studies instead of, I dunno, the fucking comic book characters he likes? Really?

>> No.4331217

seems like you need it tho
fuckin' based

>> No.4331227

you don't always need shading to imply perspective

>> No.4333133

He needs more loomis

>> No.4333143

Not a single one of you faggots noticed she's rocking the sleepycabin key. 10/10 solely on that

>> No.4333201

Who is John Buscema?
In fact who is any of the Golden, Silver or Bronze age comics artists.

Dont be a know nothing faggot.

>> No.4333204

Even Akiko Higashimura got her start in a local Atelier.

>> No.4333210

>"if you do this and that then you'll get this"
Art isn't a math equation you fucking retard.

>> No.4333283

Great work anon, you're gonna render it or leave it as is? really love how much movement this has
You quite literally do not know what you're talking about

>> No.4333378

It seems to need more 3D depth. I suggest having contour lines around the stomach and chest overlap a little bit to show that parts of the body are in front of other parts. Otherwise, a super interesting pose, good job man.

Ps the faggotry in this threat is lethal