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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 49 KB, 400x276, 400px-Rousseau_theRepastOfTheLion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4323449 No.4323449 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ic/ opinion of Naïve art?

>> No.4323450

I like it.

>> No.4323452

I like it. I think it's interesting to see what people create in an isolated environment. One could argue it's not as impressive as an artist whose mastered the fundies, but I think an artist who finds their own way and creates something truly original is just as impressive.

>> No.4323464

Big fan. /ic/ should pay attention.

A big litmus test for whether or not someone is going to make it is if they like naive or outsider art. Only liking something made with lots of technical skill is the same as refusing to listen to any music that isn’t high production, classically trained etc. Originality, mood, expression, personality, rawness are all values often neglected by the Fundies zealot, much to his spiritual and aesthetic malnourishment

>> No.4323467

Based, painted the jungle better than 90% of /ic/ without going there

>> No.4323484

Basically Van Gogh

>> No.4323502

Freedom of expression is only enhanced by mastering the fundies. Listening to a guy play guitar that hasn’t practiced, learned, and mastered the language of music, ie the scales etc, in other words the fundies, is a horrible listening experience.
clapton, bowie, hendrix, motherfucking prince..
All self taught. Not classically trainted.
All the above are the definition of originality mood expression personality rawness.Most soulful musicians ever. Spent years and years mastering the fundies. Please take your disproved bs back to plebbit.

>> No.4323514
File: 122 KB, 942x1024, 6A25AB86-BF55-4DC3-9A9C-B2C68995B4DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ridiculous to assume that some western metric of “fundies” makes something immediately better.

The sacred gooks were drawing things flat as a pancake before westerners showed them perspective. Was their art bad? Cavemen draw all kinds of crazy variations of perspective and design principles, yet it’s more fresh than anything produced in the heights of roccococo and other disciplined arts. African masks etc. Not trying to sound like Liberal Arts Professor here but you’re wrong, fag

In fact, a huge symptom of the generic /ic/ mindset is the kind of boring, soulless but highly skilled crap churned out by people who believe skill is a means to itself. It’s not, it doesn’t stand up by itself, you need the kind of raw ingredients that lots of naive artists have in bucketfuls because it’s all they care about

Though I will concede, if you could somehow transplant loads of technical drawing skill into Rousseau’s mind without altering his personality and expression, then his work would be pretty baller

>> No.4323526

I said freedom of expression. Not expression. If you tell yourself “ I am in Baltimore and I want to go to Cali” getting in your car but not paying attn to direction, the sun, maps, etc to guide you, but instead having only an intense desire for cali, will not get you there, no matter how free you feel to express your desire to be in Cali. You need direction and “limits” on your driving directions. Those limits give you the freedom to express your desire to go to Cali and make it happen. Actually nevermind. I’ll let your mental cancer keep its place. Let competition in the art world lol.

>> No.4323529

P.s. music scales and notes are universal retard.

>> No.4323534

Just doesn't seem to be the case with art though. Even music like some tribal music sounds like garbage to us but for the people making it its what they like. And thats music which I think is more technical then visual art.

>> No.4323541

Not really.
A key aspect of traditional japanese music was that the instruments used by a group were tuned against each other rather than to a standard scale.

>> No.4323546

I like my art, yes.

>> No.4323790
File: 191 KB, 1000x800, C6-Rousseau-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a big fan desu

>> No.4323791

Rousseau is primitivism not naive art

>> No.4323792

What a bunch of crap you spewed there anon.

>> No.4323904
File: 56 KB, 690x222, IMG_20200123_012303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I studied him as a naive artist and wikipedia says both so I guess we're both right
also excuse the language on picrel but it's from my class

>> No.4324114

arab, indian and japanese scales and notes are very different from western ones. Dividing an octave into 12 tones is not universal.

>> No.4324127

Not him, but why is he wrong?

>> No.4324159

because hes a retard saying that if you dont like the art that he likes then youre not a real artist. he's right in a way but assuming that this style of art is the baseline for expressive art that doesnt rely on technical skill is presumptive.

>> No.4324180
File: 380 KB, 1440x1105, 1575916218924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more naive art and outsider art

>> No.4324188

elaborate snowflaking done by inauthentic internet zabu's

>> No.4324734

#1 you admit I’m right
#2 I didn’t say Rousseau is the baseline for expressive art, I said appreciating art despite it not being technically skilled is critical because there are tonnes of great ideas, qualities, skills, etc beyond the narrow view of what makes something skilled. Doesn’t mean it’s superior to a well executed piece, just that you should be able to switch off the autistic sperg in your mind that says “good art must have good fundies”. Kids do this naturally and so allow themselves to make really original and creative godly imaginative work.

>> No.4324739

Pretty cool album art for a prog rock band

>> No.4324749

raw stuff is fun, it can be inspiring and you can learn from it.

>> No.4325162

The epitome of polishing turds.
Dunning Kruger in effect. Plebeian filtered.

>> No.4325176

Van gogh made outsider art at the time, would you consider he made it? sure his work is highly valued today but its not much use to him since he's dead.

>> No.4325178

They make great decorative pieces.

>> No.4325195

Don’t even try to convince the wannabe concept artist bugmen, their ideal in art is being chewed up and spit out by gaming studios

>> No.4325778


This kind of stuff is some of my favorite.

>> No.4326662

It's okay my art is bad, because I didn't try that hard!

>> No.4326784

Not an argument, revealing your brainlet status

>> No.4326790

California is where I want it to be. I can recreate the mood of California wherever I am. California is a collection of human experiences and conceptualisation, so why treat it like it’s some absolute truth?

>> No.4326791

it's very naive

>> No.4328250

It's okay

>> No.4329520

Naive art is excellent. People who manage to fill in the blanks and create something truly beautiful are to be respected.

>> No.4329655
File: 81 KB, 640x480, hg141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand and respect the spirit of engaging with and appreciating works that are not technically competent for what they do well, but Rousseau himself is garbage and people who attempt to promote his mistakes as some kind of style deserve to be put against the wall.

>> No.4329669

Worst post currently on /ic/. Don't bother replying, you mongoloid.