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4321567 No.4321567 [Reply] [Original]

What podcasts do you listen to while drawing?

>> No.4321568


>> No.4321571

I listen to lofi chill music, pretending I'm an anime character

>> No.4321572

Joe rogan is a faggot. Just like you, op.
>Jamie, pull that up.

>> No.4321577
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Chapo and TrueAnon

>> No.4321578

Medical ASMR.

>> No.4321580

multitasking makes you dumb

>> No.4321584

Only if you were dumb to begin with

>> No.4321585

Lately I've been watching TV shows/netflix. Podcasts I watch the whole comedy and JRE crew, Tigerbelly is my favorite.

Drama shows are good because it's mostly dialogue and you don't have to lift your head and watch every second of it, so you can be more productive. Got lots of work done watching Breaking Bad and Mad Men, but shows like Mandalorian are very distracting to me because I like looking at all the scenery in Star Wars. Anime is also impossible to be productive to because you have to look at the subtitles.

>> No.4321591

I could never bring myself to watch movies/shows in the background because I respect the craft of filmmaking too much.

>> No.4321595

That was the main reason I never started until last week. I figured there was no way I could appreciate those shows if I was only watching half of it, and mostly just listening, but Breaking Bad was surprisingly decent for that.

Knowing that show, I'm positive I missed subtle filmmaking details, but I really enjoyed it still. I know some kino meme like Drive would be impossible to watch while drawing though, it's got too much you actually have to look at.

>> No.4321601

far right neoreactionary podcasts

>> No.4321756

Ricky gervais radio show

>> No.4321813

Caslte Super Beast

>> No.4321833
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the four funnies never fail

Episode 200 when?

>> No.4321908

I like you

>> No.4321917

watts rambling

>> No.4321923

Music for NGMI grinding

>> No.4321967


joe is but he invites some interesting people.

>> No.4321998

Conan needs a friend, The Snark tank, and The Official Podcast. What podcasts do u listen 2, anon?

>> No.4322577
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These Fags. Pretty sure they lurk on /v/ and /tv/ sometimes too.

>> No.4322600

Lately to this guy: https://www.youtube.com/user/mattjabbar Not a podcasts though.

>> No.4323095

Patrice O'Neal on the O&A show. Shit is hilarious and dude was above logic. It's from a radio show, so it's meant to be played in the background.
Joe Rogan also started on O&A but he sucked ass back then too

>> No.4323109

i learnt a lot about sex-dolls from this podcast

>> No.4323205

The pro crastinators, sometimes the drawcasts they do. Besides that sleepycabin

>> No.4323231

Damn i forgot these guys even existed, thanks man, i gonna listen to them right after this post

>> No.4323345

Rush Limbaugh babby.
Greatest radio host in history.

>> No.4323348


>> No.4323358


>> No.4323383

Yeah they definitly lurk on /v/, they keep mentioning it as if it's something to be proud of. One of the host is pretty chill but the other one is cringe incarnate and keeps shilling coomer shit like Fate.

Since Sleepycast disbanded, it's been hard to find good chill podcasts.

>> No.4323781

Chapo trap house, the majority report, novara media, michael brooks, moderate rebels.
Ordered by required attention, so chapo and MR are usually on.

>> No.4323858

anything true crime, mystery, etc.
But especially the F plus, they find weird shit from the internet to read

>> No.4323898

Same proko, same.

>> No.4324442


>> No.4324446
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>> No.4324449

the nine club

>> No.4324451
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do a kicklfip fagget

>> No.4324683

Don't want to be memed but is this any good?

>> No.4324721
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For me it’s Cum

>> No.4325048

The only one I can remember off the top of my head is spycast, but pretty much any CIA intellegence collection or espionage related podcasts
But mostly I listen to songs Ive heard a million times or songs with no lyrics whatsoever.

>> No.4325100

art cafe, level up, one fantastic week for art shit

revolutions, history of rome, hardcore history, history of egypt, lore, hello from magic tavern for fun

>> No.4325139

I draw in silence just because I forget to put something on every time.

>> No.4325143

Nine inch nails instrumental albums/Trent reznor and Atticus ross movie scores. The soundtrack to The Social Network is goat.

>> No.4325149

my fave

>> No.4325197

I don't.

Unplug and focus 100% on your art. You'll improve faster and produce better work, so you're only cheating yourself if you don't. If drawing in silence is somehow boring to you, than maybe drawing isn't your thing after all.

>> No.4325221


>> No.4325227

i listen leyendas legendarias and el super show esta genial

>> No.4325228

when i paint or draw i listen music, darkwave n shit

>> No.4325235
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He doesn't do enough arts podcasts but he has the best guests. I'd be happy if they cover Roger Fry at some point...

>> No.4325268

I might be retarded, but I'm still right.

>> No.4325276

suicide prevention podcasts

>> No.4325351



>> No.4325381


>> No.4325418
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>> No.4326458
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>> No.4326470

>if you like to have background noise while you draw then maybe drawing isn’t your thing after all

See how silly that sentence sounds when your gaslighting is filtered

>> No.4326530

>Bhagavad Gita

>> No.4326625
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>> No.4326626
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>> No.4326652

When studying or doing something that requires a lot of thought, like brainstorming or breaking down a complex object into simple shapes or drawing a complex object like a sports car, I tend to do in silence, because it helps me both retain the knowledge and focus

But more tedious shit like inking I listen to something

>> No.4326705

And there you have it, only brainlets can't draw and listen to things at the same time.

>> No.4326710


stupid idiots, this only applies to 2D animation, as it requires a certain sense for timing and spacing.
stop reposting this meme without questioning it, you dumb sheeps. you have the attention span and will of an NPC. think for yourself.

>> No.4326727

Can some of you guys post your work? I never listen to podcasts while I draw and I’m terrible and I always see popular good artists talking about podcasts so I’m wondering if there’s a connection between listening to podcasts and being a good artist. I’m dead serious. This stuff stresses me out a lot because I’m always worried about not doing things right

>> No.4326736

Simpsons/Venture Bros commentaries all the time
Casiopea as well

>> No.4326745

Just this episode on loop

>> No.4326768
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whoa whoa whoa, simpsons commentaries?

>> No.4326776 [DELETED] 

PYW, show off the artistic creations of a gifted galaxy brained individual

otherwise ngmi, like everyone else in this thread

>> No.4326789

Especially when you do studies, all of your focus should be the subject, the way you deconstruct into simple forms, its perspective, anatomy etc

Music is fine, but podcasts are just too much of a distraction imo

>> No.4326794

While I would say that stuying without any background noice is more productive for me, sometimes is nice to have fun with the skills you have aquired, you artistic incel.

>> No.4326800

>watching documentary about miyazaki
>he casually pops a cd from a stack of cds in a cd player and goes back to drawing
The moment this bullshit was shattered for me forever

Been listening to a lot of dead rabbit radio. Its a podcast run by an /x/ guy and is pretty funny sometimes

>> No.4326804

For me its the opposite. If i am listening to music ny brain starts to break it down and try to figure out how it was made. Probably because i compose as a hobby

>> No.4326970

im still learning the very basics

>> No.4327066

owen benjamin

>> No.4327078
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I unironically enjoy JRE. He's an idiot, but he has very interesting people on. Even when he's got shit like Alex Jones on the show, he always somehow manages to give the interviewee a proper platform to speak without being an absolute asshole.

I like that.

Also, his episodes are sometimes 3-4 hours long which is nice because it encourages me to sit down and draw for longer periods of time.

I don't think listening to music or podcasts has anything to do with ones ability to draw, but sure. Here's my pyw.

>> No.4327088

Lore, Death in the Afternoon, Last Podcast on The Left

I like occult and crime stuff.

>> No.4328186

ricky gervais show cos karl pilkingtons voice is soothing

>> No.4329288

you're alright anon

>> No.4329540

I like hearing about the stories behind jokes, what an animator did in a scene and overall facts of the episodes. The classic Simpsons team are legends and I love knowing about behind the scenes stuff.
Same with Venture Bros
Try commentaries out

>> No.4329570

The dick show

>> No.4329579
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>> No.4329644
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Have a (you)

>> No.4330821

personally I like to listen to smooth jazz

>> No.4330885

Ninguém Se Importa Podcast

>> No.4330892

Most of the time nothing.
Sometimes Jocko or Myth of the 20th century

>> No.4330899
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>> No.4330905

This applies to animation for obvious reasons.

>> No.4330910

wish they'd release more. i can only relisten so many times.

>> No.4330917

Last podcast on the left, Smalltown Murder, Nocturnal Transmissions, Athletico Mince, Harmontown

>> No.4330936


>> No.4330944

I repeat, when animating it's important to match the audio with the frame you're drawing. No matter how planned out you have it, when you have to draw something consistent it;s best to animated without the podcast. I'd rather recommend music that has no lyrics in it to concentrate more on your work, if anything.

>> No.4330963

but he was animating

>> No.4331001

This and Pizza Party are fun
What are other podcasts about animating and cartoons

>> No.4331068


stuff like this


>> No.4331119

His videos always make me depressed

>> No.4331173

>it's important to match the audio with the frame you're drawing
that's what scripts and timesheets are for. if you're animating traditionally you can't really draw your frames and test them with the soundtrack instantly like you can digitally, so you have to listen to the soundtrack first, and along with the script, time every sound effect, line of dialog to the syllable, and any musical/action choreography. you then animate using that timing information along with the storyboards and layouts, and later on when photographing the drawings, it is further synchronized via editing, and that's when it's important to listen to the soundtrack carefully and make sure everything matches up, speeding/slowing down the final footage to match the sound exactly. it's during that time of drawing and not being able to get instant audio/visual feedback that listening to something in the background is a preference. some people work better with some kind of noise they can tune in and out of while focusing on work, while others need complete silence and minimal external stimuli to really focus on their work. there really is no better or worse way since everyone is different and has uniquely structured brains. milt kahl and miyazaki are both absolute legends, but both work (worked in kahl's case) completely differently from each other because they both function differently, yet their talent, skill, and intelligence are undeniable and universally recognized. at the end of it all, you do what works for you, and the only thing that matters is your output and quality, and if you can be prolific and make high quality work while listening to something, then you should do it and not stop just because other people can't and say you shouldn't. they're not you and you're not them.

>> No.4331327

That's cool and all, but what podcasts do you listen to?

>> No.4331587

the only podcast i listen to at all anymore is cum town. i used to listen to uhh yeah dude but im not sure if my taste in humor changed or what but i can't really listen to them anymore

>> No.4331807

i'll tell you this, you are not doing as good as you could, if you are doing ANYTHING listening to such a thing as podcasts.
You are constantly shifting your attention to the podcast and the drawing.

>> No.4331808

nobody yes door

>> No.4333225


Verbal shit makes you switch to the left side of the brain. You should be using the right one to draw. If you hear something you snap out of R-Mode.

>> No.4333276

4chan gold

>> No.4335917

Try Star Trek DS9 and such. It works very well as an audio play.

>> No.4336503
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I only listen to high-quality rips.

>> No.4336522

It’s fairly enjoyable. If the question or subject they address isn't of interest to me it gets a bit tedious. But they are pleasant people. I give it a listen during food prep.

>> No.4337807
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Any podcasts actually about art worth listening to?

>> No.4337863
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TDS, TPS, Draftsmen, rarely Joe Rogan. I'd also still listen to Feng Zhu if he made more than one video every 4 months.