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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 63 KB, 800x447, rage-comic-trollface-anger-internet-meme-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4316665 No.4316665 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>Draw pic of full front female looking straight at the camera
>Looks like a goddess/feelsgood
>Flip canvas
>Transforms into quasimodo!
..Why is my brain like this guys?!! Why can't it just get it fucking right?! I've done all that was asked of me (loomis/fundamentals etc), why won't the fucking lines and shapes just go where I want them to?!!!

>> No.4316671

>lines and shapes
There's your problem fella. It's feel the form, not feel the lines and shapes

>> No.4316680

its time to go back to /beg/ partner

>> No.4316691

i have this problem too, i just got used to flipping the canvas after im done with the sketch and ctrl+t the fuck out of everything. i know it prolly sounds stupid but its like i have some fucking left side disability. my left side of face is more droppy, i cannot balance on right leg, my art is always skewed to the left, i mean, it has to be something

>> No.4316711

What does /beg/ mean

>> No.4316712

beginner thread

>> No.4316720

This is normal, you should have flip canvas set to a shortcut key like me and flip it every minute or so while sketching

>> No.4316764
File: 127 KB, 640x620, dark-art-depression-paintings-dawid-planeta-thumb640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 2 years ago my best friend cut ties to our whole group. He ignored my calls and deleted all his social media. At first I thought he was mad at me or something, like I thought he was disgusted with us because he were holding him back from a more successful life so I just gave him space. I wasn't even sure if my friends were being honest that he ghosted them too or if they were all lying to me. After almost 2 years I finally got uncomfortable enough that I actually went to his house to confront him. I found that he had put on probably 50 pounds and hadn't shaved or gotten a haircut the whole time. He was mentally out of it and talked weird and acted weird.

That's when I realized, it had nothing to do with me. He just snapped. He had a mental breakdown. He told me he would contact me when he was ready, which I don't think is ever gonna happen.

And I had been going through some depression anyway. I decided to move on.

That's about the time I found ic and realized that I used to love to draw and that that part of my life had been snatched away from me, and I hadn't worked at it in years.

Now that I have basically no friends, I have all the time in the world to dedicate to drawing. So I watch video tutorials all the time, I do studies, I go to art classes on weekends, I have posted over 500 drawings to instagram in the last 6 months or so. Mostly terrible don't get me wrong but I am improving fast. It feels right in a way, like this is what I should have been doing all along. Like I was neglecting this when I was with my friends.

But I can't get away from the fact that the only way this was possible was to let my best friend go, and although there is probably nothing I can do about it, every time I draw I just imagine him laying on a mattress covered in his own filth staring vacantly up at the ceiling as I grow stronger.

But if you love something, you have to be ruthless about it and if this is what it takes to make it, so be it.

Goodbye, bro.

>> No.4316776
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>> No.4316802

Goddamn it man, your friend needs you. Take him out for lunch or something.

>> No.4316809

It took you 2 years to reach out to your friend? My dude, you failed the quick time event and got the bad end :(

>> No.4316811

Why is this board so dogshit?
Any push to improve the quality of threads is eventually made pointless by waves of shitposing

>> No.4316915

i thought he hated me and wanted to be left alone. i didnt want to come off like an annoying ex. theres more to it. but he was talking a lot about very ambitious ideas and moving out of town and all signs pointed at him wanting to be left alone. hindsight is 20/20.

>> No.4316929

My back fucking hurts, so much, why is this happening? I'M YOUNG, I'M STILL YOUNG ( ; L ; ) Why???? I'm gonna start working out soon, pls pray for me and my back
I know this isn't art related but knowing that things will only get worse for me as I get older I think I need to make changes to my lifestyle now before I'm a limping 30 year old.

>> No.4317102

Your brain is fried and you must reset it. Stop watching porn and start lifting weights, 90% of good artists have big biceps and wide shoulders.

>> No.4317188

but i'm poor and can't pay the gym

>> No.4317192

You don't need money, go into the wild, knock down dead trees and lift boulders, use your imagination.

>> No.4317220

I feel like I've reached a point where the only words to describe me are "legitimacy insane" and the worst thing is that it's hard to care. I just want to hurt myself so bad sometimes, the only thing holding me back is that being asked about it would be a fucking pain in the ass.

>> No.4317335

Every time I use a soft brush it just makes my stuff look like fuzzy garbage and I'm sick of it

>> No.4317340

wtf youre not his friend asshole

>> No.4317433
File: 222 KB, 400x440, 1579392674320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lost. It's been 4 years since I started drawing and I haven't read a single book because I have no idea how am I supposed to study them. I feel so retarded right now.

>> No.4317440

For Anatomy and Figure Drawing, you read from them, copy the drawings, and apply the principles to your figure drawing sessions. For perspective and painting, you just gotta read them and apply them to your art.

>> No.4317445
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1579262637732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I'm trying to do gesture drawing it's just don't look like gestures, yesterday I thought that maybe if I try on paper with pencil it will work but it looked so bad I almost cried and went to sleep

>> No.4317499
File: 31 KB, 601x508, E0D90F9F-1594-406D-8F13-5802C5AD6A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw like 4 hours a week at most. Started drawing and studying a year ago. Just watching YT vids and getting content from IC threads. At the beginning I couldn’t even make a good standing figure, or knew about perspective with cubes. A year later (now) I can do stylized bodies and am more comfortable with perspective. Just have to work on back grounds.
Values and colors are killing me. Unsure how to study Value digitally and move to color. I feel bad knowing I wasted a lot of time and could had been x10 better if I didn’t procrastinate knowing I have a lot of time since I’m a NEET. I literally have the time to draw at least 12 hours a day. And no I stopped playing games for a few months now.

>> No.4317502

It’s ok fren. Pros say you shouldn’t worry about copying 1 to 1. Just capture the flow. And it can take many tries to finally click and improve

>> No.4317523
File: 1.89 MB, 250x184, tumblr_p6ks5kQt8W1qjbfofo6_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to back up your data everyone

>> No.4317556

Am poor. Only have a 2012 SFF pc. I pray to the lord that this pc lives as long as I can afford another or a External HD.

>> No.4317560

>struggling to do anything in procreate
>try autodesk sketchbook since it's free
>instantly enjoy sketching with it more
goddammit why can't i get the hang of procreate everything i make in it looks like shit reeee

>> No.4318666

>girlfriend has been drawing for about 2 weeks
>suddenly she feels like she can critique my work like a professional when her art is worse

>> No.4318681

just get her to red line your shit
she'll quickly stop when she sees that she doesn't know jack
and if her red lines are good then don't complain

>> No.4318713

Her red lines are almost entirely opinion based, and makes no improvement to the works
It's like,"I don't like the way you draw your lips, you should draw them with this style"

>> No.4318718

>my partner does something wrong
>i dont explain it to them or ask to stop
>im mad

>> No.4318723

I've done both. She's as stubborn as I am

>> No.4318729

I know that feeling. If you get so frustrated I think it's because it takes a lot of time and effort. Practice getting the best look with the least lines. With time you'll get better results that won't even look like you did them.

>> No.4318737

GMI. I lost a lot of friends too and got similar feelings even though I could have improved even more.

>> No.4318743

You're still not good enough to criticize her, you gotta get more obvious results.

>> No.4318816

you can help him and still draw you fucking autist. it's not like you have to be his babysitter. holy shit

>> No.4318827


>> No.4318830

How the fuck am i suppose to "enjoy the process" when the results are shit

>> No.4318832

>I just imagine him laying on a mattress covered in his own filth staring vacantly up at the ceiling as I grow stronger

>> No.4318835

Cloud storage
Pen drives

>> No.4318839

If you can't enjoy the process then you'll never learn or do anything big in life.

>> No.4318849
File: 108 KB, 512x443, Akko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Board demeans anime like hell.
>No one can snap 50 clean hair strokes, personalized eyes, some clothes wrinkles, and a mild understanding of shading into existence to prove that it is dirt easy to both learn and make.

>> No.4318867

That explains why im stuck here then

>> No.4318880
File: 1.66 MB, 1085x1217, 1553024876815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the past few months, sitting down to draw has been like pulling teeth. i enjoy the act of drawing, but beginning anything causes my brain to revolt. i suddenly want to be doing ANYTHING else. i latch onto any available distraction

i don't know if it's just an "adhd thing", and i don't care. i just want to do what i want without having to wrestle myself into submission. im tired from having to kick my own ass.

sometimes i daydream about ending my life, but i'd probably chicken out at the very last second so i don't bother trying (mostly because if loved ones caught wind of my attempt, i'd have to deal with the insufferable pity parade)

flip the canvas more often to "refresh" your look on the piece

>> No.4318950

listen, i probably called him 10 times. never once answered or called back or texted. friendship is a 2 way street. you act like i cut him off. you have that backwards. he cut me off. he has made it clear he doesn't want to see me. i would be bordering on harrassment if i persist to show up at his house. i'm not a doctor, wtf do you expect me to do? he's a sovereign adult. if he wanted to be friends still, he knows where i live, he knows all my social media, phone number. if he wanted help, he knows i'd be happy to do that for him. if you never reach out to someone in 2 years, its not them that cut you off, its you that cut them off.

>> No.4319225
File: 192 KB, 877x1113, __drawn_by_amano_yoshitaka__4f7e080fe6f3358c15edcb5bd3e86161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who had all the art instruction and opportunities, but still suck, piss me off.

I try not to think about it because what's the point?
But man does it PISS me off; there's plenty on YT, bunches on social media, and irl too. Just seeing them boils my kettle for a second.

>> No.4319236

Plenty of people have but at the point where youre making art for the sake of arguing, the other person will find some excuse why its "shit" just to be an argumentative cunt.

>> No.4319258

They would suck more without instruction.

>> No.4319353

i always get the thoughts of these voices in my head telling me to give up, you will never amount to anything, your work is an embarrassment, and anything in the like and i don't know how to get rid of this. it pulls me from drawing.

>> No.4319358
File: 2.30 MB, 203x360, 1576106317077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some mental gymnastics there, you call yourself his friend, yet you don't act like one. You think about him being weak only to further boost your ego, even if you deny it to yourself, you enjoy being in your position mostly because you can compare it to someone who's clearly not in their right mind, and you dare to say "btw I also have a depression lmao", fucking pathetic, I really hope you die in a fire. FAGGOT

>> No.4319370

I have the problem of only being okay at shoulder and up frontal and 3/4 facial perspectives. Its my safe zone and the only thing body wise I can get down without feeling lost entirely. Everything else I'd have no clue what I am doing and seeing how disproportionately horrible they are compared to what I am used to kills my drive. Only if hours passing by of trial and error would have full bodies stack up. I fear if I do study full body for real it will kill and warp some of what I already know and sort of like about faces.

>> No.4319432
File: 124 KB, 674x1200, 1579484426597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i do art studies, maybe there are uhhhh videos explaining it?

>> No.4319436

Focus on a certain weak point, could be anything like hands, gesture, posing, color theory, etc., look for any videos/ books on the subjects and analyze the material, while making studies in the process. Continue to make studies or try your skills and create something from imagination. If you're not too satisfied with the result, continue to make studies until you're more comfortable at doing it naturally.

>> No.4319450
File: 2 KB, 90x93, 125466789780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only type of line I can do is from bottom to top right, and to draw anything else I need to rotate my canvas
My hand just cant rotate otherwise, mcpaint example

>> No.4319521

I've had terrible art block the past several weeks. The only thing I've been able to do is a couple of requests. Drawing them is sorta fun and relaxing. It makes me sort of want to open commissions since it'd be fun and get rid of the art block, but I'm really nervous at the thought. Even though it seems I'm happy with the results every time I do a request, I'm still worried I'll not be able to do the commissions. Pretty much 90% of the original art I do for myself gets trashed. What if something similar happens where I accept but then realize I'm way too uninspired to pull it off and everything I'm trying comes out like shit? I don't want to have to cancel commissions after I've accepted since I'm guessing that'd probably be a pretty bad look

>> No.4319564

>I don't want to have to cancel commissions after I've accepted since I'm guessing that'd probably be a pretty bad look
Just finish it and send it to the guy even if you're unhappy with it. Tell him you'll give him a refund if he's not happy with it either.

>> No.4319568

A necessary sacrifice.

>> No.4319635
File: 34 KB, 434x605, 16587958463465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting anything for almost 3 weeks
>still getting more followers daily than when I post art

>> No.4319676

I’m still fighting this. Just keep on trying other directions.

>> No.4319688

Get used to it m8

>> No.4319692

>If someone blows you off for 2 years, ignores you, and could have at any time picked up the phone to call you but didn't it's your fault.

Got it thanks

>> No.4319695

This really reads like roastie drivel

>> No.4319720

You get bot followers when you're inactive and real ones when you post.

>> No.4319735

This really reads like you don't have friends

>> No.4319849
File: 42 KB, 680x684, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doodle a lot because its fun
>never post any of it since I assume no one will care
>never make well thought and finished drawings since I assume no one will care

>> No.4320080

You just left your friend in the gutter...

>> No.4320119

Draw a box and dynamic sketching are fucking useless and get more credit then than they deserve.

>> No.4320147

>want to paint and draw nonlewd things
>the money is in the lewd
Fuck me

>> No.4320186

Its basically the same principle as guys who think they look like Zac Efron in their bathroom mirror, but then they go to a party or put a profile on a online dating site or Tinder thinking they are going to get tons of pussy, and get ignored by 10/10s and only get a couple responses from landwhales.

TLDR: the truth hurts, but you need it

>> No.4320227
File: 60 KB, 474x474, louis wain mauzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew every single for +5 months. havent drawn at all in the last 6 weeks. Please tell me what helped you to pick up your pencil again. just give me anything

>> No.4320230

Got told that my art is fucking garbage and it stuck because I believe the same thing.

How do I stop feeling like shit.

>> No.4320262

This is me but I'm the friend. Good riddance faggots

>> No.4320263

Just be yourself

>> No.4320271

dude I did the same as your friend to all my friends some years ago because of long term sickness. Yes people change you can still try to contact him from time to time (but idk you guys situation so that can also be wrong)
drawing is great and you can easily find friends when you go to art courses so good luck anon

>> No.4320516
File: 41 KB, 512x512, 1576585345892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no friends

>> No.4320529

But you have us, anon

>> No.4320636

having a friend or an audience to look forward to. thats what helped.

>> No.4320673
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 1579552487076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glowniggers blackpilling and posting porn on ic

The ride never ends.

>> No.4320695

>forearm pain
It hurts.
Just bought a wrist brace and an elbow brace.

>> No.4321084
File: 28 KB, 178x162, 1576677276538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i was able to draw whatever i want the way i want

>> No.4321099

>A million ideas throughout the day
>Can't think of one of them when I actually have time to sit down and draw

>> No.4321113

>draw some niche fetish porn, get a little chat group going about it that extends into legit friendship were we talk about art and anime and other stupid shit
>draw some porn of different niche fetishes, group thinks it's weird/gross/not their thing
>someone else starts talking to me about that art, start getting into some nice chatting
>talk to them about the first fetish, they say it's not their thing and makes them uncomfortable

>> No.4321118
File: 629 KB, 734x726, 1560334870063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the internet

>> No.4321221

I think I could be alot better than I am now but I have this really obsessive mindset where everything has to be done in a perfect way, I can't study or paint digitally because that feels like cheating, couldn't get myself to study for years, still can't get myself to use reference. I hate traditional so much, I damn near have a heart attack from the stress of it, and I don't think I'd be an artist if I could only draw traditionally.

>> No.4321223
File: 66 KB, 736x736, 96608634914cf861f3134cf0b6204fe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a little pocket sized sketchbook. even if you don't draw the ideas you can at least write them down to explore later. or if you use your phone a lot during the day, get an app like evernote

>> No.4321266
File: 17 KB, 500x429, IMG_20190322_043035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forever stuck at hobbyist tier bullshit struggling to make either a name or a good piece
I don't have the means nor intention to seriously go pro but I want to have my cake and eat it too aaaaaaaaaah AAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.4321269

>tfw want this feeling again with drawthreads but too much pressure to succeed

>> No.4321299
File: 42 KB, 800x447, MGS3-Eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always a nice feeling to have for when you finally "get" something. I've been struggling with the lower half of the female for so long, and finally found a method (which was pretty obvious in hindsight) to help me remember. Now I can look at irl models and visualize how it all connects and flows. All that's left is to put it into practice and improve my form. ^_^

Yeah i got this issue too. The problem for me i feel is my head isn't centered so both of my eyes have to different views. Solution? Close the eye that's furthest away from the display. Working fine so far, but i plan on buying an eye patch so i don't have to manually close it. Try it and see if it helps.

>> No.4321322

This reads like your a fucking idiot.

>> No.4321324

If you don't enjoy drawing at the very least when your doing things in your comfort zone, then art is not for you.

>> No.4321533

Likes are so inconsistent on Twitter.
3hr rkgk I don't expect to be that popular - 500 likes
10hr dynamic piece of upside down character - 250 likes
At least on Pixiv bookmarks tend to be fairly consistent.

>> No.4321773

>having fun drawing a new character
>power goes out just as I'm saving
>file got corrupted
I'll start again and it'll end up being better I guess

>> No.4321785


>> No.4321787

Get gud

>> No.4322428

I'll never be good. :(

>> No.4322504
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 35hp79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my day: first, i get lectured for like an hour about how shitty our department is while 3 people are on vacation and me and one other guy have been holding it down for a week now.. i ask my boss if he has any specific examples of something i did. he can't give me a specific example but he says he often hears me sounding unsure. he wants me to feign confidence with customers. "never admit you don't know something. find a way around it. call them back if you have to, but dont ever say you dont know."

ok fine.

4:55 - phone rings

437 year old man first of all, lies, and says he's sorry to bother me right before we close for the evening, which is bullshit because you wouldn't be on the phone if you were sorry, but then he gives me his life story for no reason and then asks if i will spoon feed him through using a product he just bought. and there's no manual.

i have never heard of this product. but god forbid i tell him that ill get another lecture.

i cant find it in our computer system, so i google it. we stopped selling this piece of shit 30 years ago.

Again, I'm not allowed to say im not an expert at anything so instead i say, honestly, well sir, this is an obsolete product, we can no longer offer support for it.


Sir, I'm sorry, I can't walk you through it step by step, but I found a pdf of the user manual that I can email to you. I'm sure everything you need is outlined in here.


>i thought you just got it


Sir, this company is 118 years old. We sell thousands of products, we can not offer support for a product that was obsolete 30 years ago. Would you like a copy of the manual?

Fucker hangs up on me and calls everyone in the building until someone is actually retarded enough to transfer him to the general manager's fucking personal cell phone.

>> No.4322509
File: 444 KB, 456x465, 1547935050132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent 3 or 4 hours practicing lines so I can get their stability and smoothness right. My arm is tired and I still haven't managed to even get to a basic form on the exercises. Why the fuck is so much harder to make smooth lines on a tablet, holy shit.

>> No.4322524
File: 188 KB, 1024x1847, coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was using gimp for like 5 years before i realized there was a little "smooth stroke" check box right on the brush tool window. probably similar in photoshop or whatever you're using. its not a magic fix but if i go slow my results are WAY better. I pic related the day i figured it out. not amazing but people have stopped referring to my lines chicken scratch. now they complain about other things.

>> No.4322531
File: 78 KB, 1024x672, bmw_m_rally_hot_hatch_by_maikeru01_dahw5c2-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference here's something i drew before

>> No.4322534

Yeah but that shit is prone to causing problems, and I mean a LOT of problems, like not being able to control your actual lines well. Generally speaking, I'm seeing a whole lot of progress, to the point where I'm sure I'm getting better at smoothness than most of the lewd artists I follow on twitter. I'm using corel painter 2019 because of the humble bundle sale and it's WAY better than anything else for linework, that doesn't mean I don't have to practice still.

My problem is that I have never used my arm to draw bigger lines, which, as I recently learned, it's fucking important for a professional quality work. The whole concept of "arm drawing" is completely new to me because on traditional media doing short smooth lines that continue one where the other ended in a seemliness way is basically a second nature to me. My right arm is gonna look like it came out of a COOMER meme when I'm done with these exercises.

>> No.4322540

>chew gum when drawing
>bit tongue

>> No.4322541
File: 2.04 MB, 400x200, 1579453079794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322543

Show... what? I'm gonna go eat now but when I come back I'll try to deliver whatever it is, tho I'm not used to it.

>> No.4322551

>Why the fuck is so much harder to make smooth lines on a tablet, holy shit.
Having to account for eye-hand coordination and lack of traction.

The grind of lead against paper serves as a natural stabilizer that sorta stops your lines from being too wobbly. Can't quite get that with plastic.

>> No.4322557


>> No.4322882

Did you bleed out?

>> No.4322887

Oh man working with people is the worst thing ever. Could be worse, though, I got into physical fights with customers.

>> No.4322888

What the fuck is wrong with you???? You're torturing yourself for NO REASON

>> No.4322942

how can people be so fast when drawing like they know immediately how everything should be at the first strokes?? i constantly grind away time trying to make something look just right to me otherwise its unattractive. it makes me livid and feel like i have brain damage.

>> No.4322950

I don't care if it takes a lot of time to make it, I am only doing wholesome art.

>> No.4322966 [DELETED] 

>how can people be so fast when drawing like they know immediately how everything should be at the first strokes
Because they've drawn that thing before, probably many many times (especially in the case of regular ass faces)
>it makes me livid and feel like i have brain damage.

>> No.4322967

>how can people be so fast when drawing like they know immediately how everything should be at the first strokes
Because they've drawn that thing before, probably many many times (especially in the case of regular ass faces)
>it makes me livid and feel like i have brain damage.
It's all practice and time, my man. Keep at it and it will come.

>> No.4322977

hey retard don't you think I know that

>> No.4322982

Draw upside down. Rewires your brain in a good way.

>> No.4323315

I'm somewhat happy with my drawings, but I just can't color at all. I always destroy everything I paint and I just don't get it, I don't know how to practice and get better at this aspect.

>> No.4323375

are you doing trad(chad) or digital?

>> No.4323402

Either way it's a mess. I started doing digital not too long ago thinking it would be easier, and it is, it just doesn't get me better results because I seem to lack good taste for it.

>> No.4323479
File: 24 KB, 500x404, E7815F5C-C584-49B6-AB47-C8043D70FA44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a part of a promising art discord
>feel like shit with how experienced and skilled everyone else is
>feel worse cause they have other commitments while i dont
>block everyone and leave in a fit of jealousy
>lay here depressed and thinking of suicide

I want to die.

>> No.4323569

I feel you bro. My friend cut ties with our group out of the blue and moved away and gave us no explanation. We were all pretty pissed at him for it.

I understand why you didn't reach out earlier. I did the same. We talked every 6 months or so on Messenger but just small talk for like 2 mins. Took me 3 years to properly confront him about things. Turns out he was having a lot of problems with his girlfriend and wanted a clean slate.

We kinda patched things up but the way he did it really left us all feeling sour.

Way I see it, if someone's willing to cut ties without explanation, it's on them. I'm not carrying that burden.

>> No.4323573

Use the anger and rage you have to surpass them. Transmute negative energy into positive energy. Transcend from your weaker self.

>> No.4323583

Why does the existance of other people better at art than you make you feel bad? You will never be better than literally everyone on the planet. There will always be someone better than you at what you do, likely a shit ton of people. It's an impossible goal to set for yourself.

I'm 36 and see 18 year olds kicking ass and my gut reaction is to think it's not worth it but taoe a minute to calm down and try to flip it. Instead see it as an opportunity to improve and stop fucking comparing yourself to other people.

You're not competing against them. You're competing against yourself. As long as you can look at your own art and see improvement you're doing alright. If not, figure out why.

As for leaving the Discord, you really shouldn't do that. Instead take the opportunity to learn. Ask people for help. Nut up and admit that you suck at something and ask for assistance. Most people are more than happy to help (not /ic/) and it's the best way to get a fresh perspective.

>> No.4323590

>Why does the existance of other people better at art than you make you feel bad?

As somebody who feels the same thing. Pride, really.

Dunno about the other anon, but personally I wrap up so much of my personal pride on my drawing ability that the inability to measure up to other artists is tremendously upsetting.

Yes, even if they've had four times the amount of drawing experience that I've had.

>> No.4323611

Tying your self esteem to external validation will destroy you anon. I hope you can figure out a way to break the cycle, because if you do this in other facets of your life (you probably do) you're going to be miserable. Instead try to find a way to tie your self esteem and happiness to the process. That way, as long as you're moving towards your goals you will be happy.

I know it's easier said than done.

>> No.4323615

You need a heavy dose of visual measuring and plumb lines.

>> No.4323653
File: 36 KB, 343x331, Capture_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gave up on drawing years ago
>family still gift me art and drawing supplies for Christmas/birthdays
>today think of a cool idea I want to show to someone while at work
>'maybe I should try drawing it!'
>get home, come to /ic/
>realise how much of a fucking hill I'd have to climb to draw with any level of competence
>get depressed
>can't even enjoy the other shit I was planning to do instead, mood is ruined for the whole day
I keep doing this to myself

>> No.4323718

Feeling like you'll always be worse than other artists will make you worse at art. Feeling like you are able to improve substantially will make you better at art.

>> No.4323784


anyone with anger issues? how do you manage it? I'm so angry that my blood pressure is at hypertension stage 2 and hasnt gone down. afraid im gonna get a fucking stroke or something.

lonely with no money and no one who truly give a fuck. just feel like it's pointless to struggle.

might as well end it.

>> No.4323806

Meditation, you have to stick to it though. Do it for at least 20 mins every day and you'll slowly start feeling okay with life.

>> No.4323987

What if you have no comfort zone because it all looks bad?

>> No.4323998

I don't see the issue with this, so long as you can still talk about it with the first group. Especially if the fetishes don't have any overlap.

>> No.4324035
File: 1.14 MB, 750x1000, ASTRA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one comments on my stuff once I started rendering so I have crippling fear of continuing only to get judged at the end.

>> No.4324063

Bitch just keep drawing and stop looking for asspats on social media. Comments likes and prayers aren't going to make you better. Practice drawing from irl - literally grab a shirt or towel, throw it over a chair and draw it. Look at how cotton folds versus satin or denim or leather, a dress vs a coat, a blouse vs a t shirt. Learn to draw folds. Look at fashion photos on pintrest or lookbook of slender women in pants suits and try drawing them. Look at photos of women wearing sashes on their waist. Or skintight leather bodysuits. Right now your coloring is basically all over the place and shows you have no idea how fabric works on a body so try some exercises of copying pics of people wearing different things to get a better understanding.

>> No.4324067


>> No.4324075

Beg= beginner

>> No.4324085
File: 551 KB, 1862x1340, soul vs souless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate ink so goddamn much

>> No.4324171
File: 39 KB, 663x579, 1567353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try picking up drawing back in 2017
>Do well and have the time of my life
>Family stops me and forces me to go through university
>Nothing related to drawing
>Finally free of it now and get myself a drawing pad
>I feel nothing but anger and resentment as I should've been way better than I am now
>Try to work on everything at once
>Drawings look horrible and I delete all of them
>Try to follow video lessons
>As soon as I'm done I try to make a full drawing instead, rinse and repeat.
I wish I had someone to hold my hand and yell at me.

>> No.4324204
File: 319 KB, 1000x878, 20'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going through a lot of growing pains in my art, trying to do less studies and more original pieces and it hurts being reminded studies/ref inflate your skill level
what keeps me going is being reminded that the ppl i look up to like KJG, Kopinski, Krenz, Katsuya all spent years and years on improving
the pain of not wanting to waste anymore time is what keeps me going

you keep going
theres literally TWO DEDICATED threads you can post anime in and literally half this board sucks off asians
start making things, develop a critical eye, work on your weaknesses. supplement with books/instruction
also thats really mean ursula is hot as fuck
you can choose to give up and cocoon yourself, or to try again and grow as a person
i guarantee you literally nobody worth a shit will ever judge you for trying

>> No.4324299

>can't draw something (or under the illusion that you can)
>look at photos of said something, different angles and best case scenario from life
>try to draw said thing without looking at reference


>> No.4324330

You’re not using strokes properly and you don’t understand the weight of inks on your art (you’re thinking in symbols still).

Unironically check out death metal artists for reference on how to do it properly. Riddickart is a good one

>> No.4324360

thanks for the pointers. i wish i could look at other people's art and integrate the knowledge but i need to be handheld. can you explain / link how to 'use strokes properly'? will check out the death metal art, thanks bro

>> No.4324361

Jesus you're a fucking pussy

>> No.4324418
File: 27 KB, 300x308, 1381602046204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working in the creative industry for almost 3 years now. I have this one client who I really like, it's a rather big studio with two brothers as owners. The younger one works with me on a regular and is always very nice to me, he asks me how I am, calls me up on Skype sometimes, we talk about work and personal stuff, he texts to me about some funny things that happen at the studio, it seemed like he was enjoying my art as well. I work by myself from home so he's like the closest thing I have to a colleague. The older brother has also been very nice but we don't talk as much.

Recently that older brother has been publishing some blog posts on their website, self-promotional and educational for other companies of this type. Today I came across an article about the stage of production that they've been outsourcing to me for a couple years. And as I read... My heart just shattered. The gist of the article was essentially that "anyone can do this" and "you don't even have to know how to draw". These are direct quotes from the text and it was illustrated with some sketches that I had made for them a long time ago (luckily without my name on them). I don't even know what to say. It turns out I've been making roughly a 60% of my income on stuff that requires zero skill whatsoever. I don't even know why they've been hiring me for this, it's a low-level job but I do my best and charge them an industry average rate. I feel like a total fraud.

>> No.4324419
File: 1.08 MB, 1266x898, 1569283711566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scatological lifestyle despite being in college
>decide 'fuck it im a fucking adult i need to start treating this art shit like a job if i wanna make it'
>build proper schedule with adequate art time
>little to no free time left
i better fucking make it you guys
ive never scheduled before in my life so i might end up moving stuff around but fuck its intimidating as hell

>> No.4324424

Rip. At least they give you money for it, so must mean something to them.

>> No.4324457

>About 2 years ago my best friend cut ties to our whole group. He ignored my calls and deleted all his social media.
I did the same thing

>> No.4324471

/mu/core music

>> No.4324520

If you're still here, one application for sfw anthros is children's books, which - so I was told a while ago - is a relatively healthy market. It's surely better than the alternative.
As you noticed all the artists whose subject matter is a bit unique have all been in the online game for ages or they're conventionally very skilled like Ovopak (if he didn't start making porn. I'm out of the loop).

This is the situation for "new" artists in general, if you create your social media in 2019 without a pre-existing following you're gonna have a hard time being visible. Your best bet is abandoning the furry fandom completely since it's 100% fetish, and trying to market yourself to the general public instead and hope you become normie-approved like Tracy Butler or David Petersen.
Either way you should do a lot of networking and try to fit into a community or a fandom, be as much of a social butterfly as you can stomach, and be up to date on social media itself, not necessarily pandering of commenting on the news, but staying informed about new platforms that are coming up, changes in the algorithm etc. If a big jump between platforms happen that's a way to wiggle yourself into visibility. Of course you have to be on a decent skill level for anything to happen.

Assume that you will never make a living from art, don't quit your day job, and if you manage to get a few commissions or make a living then all the better. There's still a bit of meritocracy buried somewhere under the algorithms.

>> No.4324542
File: 49 KB, 274x363, A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to finish anything for the life of me
I can refine a sketch ad infinitum, but I can't get a "finished" look I like

>> No.4324544

What's the job?, I have zero skill whatsoever so I'd be perfect.

>> No.4324596

do you work at popeyes?

>> No.4324800
File: 11 KB, 262x254, 154746845766765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay now, I have this kind of phases like every 3 months when I sleep for 14 hours and do nothing, but I resumed drawing already

>> No.4324808

Then make some baller art my nigga.

>> No.4324816
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my artist handle but can't think of anything better

>> No.4324927
File: 118 KB, 941x814, 1513986569513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coom is the only thing that motivates me to draw

>> No.4324955

I was exactly in the position of your friend and I had a friend just like you who went as far as movingng with me so I wouldn't commit suicide
And I can tell you you did the right thing, don't feel guilty about it
When push comes to shove there isn't a real way to help someone who is that sick

>> No.4325088

Why I can see every single detail in my mind while I'm under the shower on about to fall asleep, but when In front of a paper sheet I can't even draw simple anatomy reeeeeeeeeeee

Nothing wrong with it

>> No.4325119

>every time I draw I just imagine him laying on a mattress covered in his own filth

That's really what you should focus on for now though. This is divine, necessary inspiration.

Don't fear your weaknesses, exploit them.

>> No.4325270

The rendering needs to be more polished but the color choice is very pleasing. Just keep practicing man it's all good

>> No.4325848
File: 1006 KB, 500x291, 1485497090_88741b72f09b80300d85d2fca8ae4556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4326269
File: 58 KB, 1024x727, goku_wip_by_maikeru01_ddozncj-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... I am feeling overwhelmed lately. I think my shortcomings all finally came into focus and now I'm constantly back and forth one time it's figure drawing the next it's boxes in perspective the next it's shading the next is Loomis. What I try to do is just I do draw for fun but I try to construct and use new techniques I learned in my fun sketches instead of doing it how I did it before. But spreading myself out like this is exhausting and I feel like my progress is too slow because I'm not sticking with one thing and focusing on it.

Pic related I constructed from nothing. I tried to build a figure, do some of the anatomy, just enough to get the form but I knew I'd be covering it with clothes. I've been through hogarth dynamic wrinkles but I can't draw clothes from scratch, I can't do shading from scratch and even the anatomy is pretty bad. It's all better than an Uber n00b, I think but the totality is shit. And even if I grind any one of those problems, it's still gonna be shit. Shit +1 is still shit.

>> No.4326274

how do you come back after burnout? i was pretty much on a death march from august through new years and now i don't have any desire or motivation to draw or do anything at all besides skate and watch movies. i hate this. i dont wanna be a loser ;_;

>> No.4326275

For the first time in months, yesterday was the first time I didn't actually draw anything at all, because I got a very nasty cramp and spent pretty much all draw agonizing in bed.

I am very upset.

>> No.4326286

Time dude. How bad do you want it? Everyone hates the gym. People who stick with it hate being out of shape more than they hate lifting. It's that simple. For me... I'm embarrassed that I'm this old and still suck at drawing. If I meet girl artist and she's better than me, that's embarrassing. If that isn't enough motivation for you, maybe you're gay or maybe drawing isn't for you.

>> No.4326318

Just make a mark and then build on it.

>> No.4326376

Holy shit why is this board so fucking retarded i havent seem a board consitantly fall for low effort bait or retard comments so often

>> No.4326395

Most artists aren't very bright.

>> No.4326413

The older artists at /beg/ make me do fundamentals and shout go white boy go

>> No.4326590

>going to draw a skeleton lady today
>just use the same sorta construction method i normally do, i'll thin the limbs and shit down when i get to refining
>mmm, those thighs are a nice shape
>I don't wanna erase them and just have bones
>but a skeleton with thicc thighs would look dumb

>> No.4326591

Have the skeleton wear thigh-highs that deform around the leg as if it had flesh.

>> No.4326592

i don't think ancient egyptians had thigh highs

>> No.4327084
File: 23 KB, 400x386, fml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be at family member's home
>kids playing with some kind of light toy
>I crouch next to them
>"that's not how you use this, don't just look at the pictures. let me show you"
>"you take a sheet of paper and you put it under the projector, then you take a pen and go over the lines"
>"See? And then you color it in."
>"Wow uncle Anon is so gud at drawing"

>> No.4327102
File: 83 KB, 650x520, 1657678677459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw parents won't even let me near my nieces

>> No.4327294
File: 45 KB, 720x675, c2hhvbu0la941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else just paint with their mouse because they're too lazy to lift their tablet?

inb4 ngmi

>> No.4327300

Aaaah I want to draw and study but my fucking fingertips hurt and get bruised after 2~ hours of drawing. I'm doing digital. How the fuck do I fix it?

>> No.4327908

How the fuck are you painting with no pressure

>> No.4327921
File: 10 KB, 547x412, 1657498645677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try painting instead of cel shading
>had fun although it looks like shit

>> No.4327951

I haven't improved at all in the last year and I'm starting to think I can't get better

>> No.4327970

Based and introspective-pilled. A lot of bitches in this thread but know that you're a level headed person and you did your best bro. Keep crawling up and never look behind.

>> No.4327971

Probably shit posture sitting in front of a screen for hours on end. Take the /fit/pill and get out of the dyel zone.

>> No.4327973

You had nothing that truly challenged you in your entire life. You lived your live in complete avoidance of the uncomfortable, and as a result you have rotted to your very core.

>> No.4327976

Your gf is /beg/ incarnate

>> No.4327979

You're probably drawing with your palm on the canvas. Try using your entire arm to get more confident strokes. Do this especially in the sketching phase.

>> No.4327990

I would rather unclog a sewer full of shit and piss than work at a customer facing job.

>> No.4327992

You are a bitch ass pussy with an easy life if this innane shit bothers you this much.
Link the discord by the way I'm looking for a good art community.

>> No.4327995

Bro people told you to not polish this piece of shit when you payed it on /beg/

>> No.4328002

Shoulder blade pullups

>> No.4328003

Chuckled at this

>> No.4328239

i used to get that from stress. i thought it was my chair so i ket getting more and more expensive ones. but actually it was because of a hostile work environment. i still get it once in a while if im having a particularly stressful day, but its rare.

>> No.4328516


>> No.4328519

Good, right?

>> No.4328889
File: 19 KB, 300x353, EKvEfCXWkAAnOPv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can relate

>> No.4329043
File: 248 KB, 286x475, Scipio_Africanus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of living and dealing with muslims.
It's just shit.

>> No.4329095

How does that affect your drawings?

>> No.4329117

Bodyweight fitness nibber

>> No.4329159
File: 2.41 MB, 3771x2905, 20191204_062341-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno
I take genuine joy in doing something as simple as drawing boxes, cylinders, and circular and square planes swoop around through space, building stuff out of them, etc.
The ability to make an illusion of depth and space and form with nothing but lines and shapes hasn't lost its magic for me in all the years I've learned to do it.
Sure, I get frustrated or discouraged sometimes, but drawing is still like magic to me in spite of that.

>> No.4329181

Draw from your shoulder. Take time to do dedicated draftsmanship practice. You'll improve over time and you eventually won't need to put conscious thought into where you want your drawing implement to go.

>> No.4329206
File: 256 KB, 1000x642, 20200125_192921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drawing on the Draw With Me app because it gave me simple drawing prompts that I could work with. It's fun to come up with something silly or draw something nice in response to some random thing that another person posted.

Try finding some drawing prompts or a singular source of inspiration and focus. Like that one couple that exclusively draws, paints and sculpts a dog headed man and a rabbit headed woman. Pick a theme or project and stick to it.

>> No.4329211

Same, but less because of that than because I'm lazy and too impatient to make finished work.

>> No.4329216
File: 92 KB, 800x999, ConfusedKnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is haram, that means
>no life drawing
>no nude figure classes
>no painting/drawing outside
>can't be seen drawing or painting
>barely any way to earn money from art locally
>have to pretend to pray 5 times a day (~30mins each)
Amongst other annoyances.

>> No.4329218

Yeah well either buy a plane ticket or grab a knife, Perhaps a kalashnikov cause those are easy to acquire in your theocratic shitholes

>> No.4329314
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 1579842054684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ is so fucking depressing. I just went through the thread where everyone is promoting their social media and their art and there is so much bad shit there its genuinely making me miserable.

Even worse, i cant say my art is better than the shit they have. For every ONE good artist there is an entire /ic/ board filled with bad ones.

>pic: A recreation of a drawing I did. Too lazy to do faces n' other details

>> No.4329459

This is where I'm at. I'm working on distancing myself from 4chan now (was 1 1/2 months strong...), because it just feels like everything has the fun sucked out of it when digging through threads here. I love 4chan's resource finding abilities, since I a lot of resources here suit my learning style which is really hard for me to find elsewhere, but it's like everything suddenly becomes work instead of a hobby since everyone is so bitter all the time. Sucks mayne.

>> No.4329673
File: 42 KB, 499x451, 145756658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist uses twitter and only twitter
>between drawings are 50 photos of food, 200 retweets and 100 replies with reaction images

>> No.4329745

deja vu

>> No.4329747


>> No.4329763

wow its almost like you arent magically a god after trying an exercise twice brainlet

>> No.4329797

Another guy here but I get where he's coming from. No reward and just sucking forever is pretty bad. I'm in a pickle

>> No.4329860

Were you born in a Muslim country or what?

>> No.4329997

>100 replies with reaction images

>> No.4330006

And cat pictures
And gacha screenshots
And meme images for status updates

>> No.4330070

I don't know what to draw, my head empty...

>> No.4330083

you did a good job with that sketch

>> No.4330111

i just rely on boorus at that point honestly

>> No.4330165

>finally make a twitter since apparently I am a social media luddite
>only post my artwork even if it means not posting every day
>find a bunch of cool artists and follow them
>a week later my feed is just hundreds of memes, retweets, tiktoks, game screenshots, and disturbing 3am ramblings from people who are clearly either teens or early 20-somethings but act like they're world-weary 80 year olds who are the first ever in humanity to experience anxiety or sadness
>also a lot of tweets about pronouns and other political opinions

>> No.4330204
File: 15 KB, 208x350, Screenshot from 2020-01-27 00-18-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you want

>> No.4330437
File: 58 KB, 800x442, IMG_20200120_014916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate redditors/tumblings so much, why must they destroy all that is good in the world?I just wanna see cool art, and the process behind it with a side of shitposting but noooo they must come and policy our shit: "tRaP iS a SluR sksksks" "why are men"
I hate them do much, and then there's the ones that try and bring politics in the shittiest way imaginable, best example being the stonetoss parodies. And then theres the fucks that say "wh-why do you draw the underage fictional child fucking? You pedo!!1!1" or "why does this fictional character in a battle manga doesn't wear clothes like everyone else" and even "where are the organs on these collection of zeros and ones combined to create a image of someone who doesn't exist !!!!!!!".
I'm seriously considering starting to learn how to code just so I can create a my own social platform at this point.
I am not usually like this but if theres a thing that gets to my nerves is people trying to police art, also sorry for the blogpost imma go fap now to cool down

>> No.4330440 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 720x468, IMG_20190426_175226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate redditors/tumblings so much, why must they destroy all that is good in the world?I just wanna see cool art, and the process behind it with a side of shitposting but noooo they must come and policy our shit: "tRaP iS a SluR sksksks" "why are men"
I hate them do much, and then there's the ones that try and bring politics in the shittiest way imaginable, best example being the stonetoss parodies. And then theres the fucks that say "wh-why do you draw the underage fictional child fucking? You pedo!!1!1" or "why does this fictional character in a battle manga doesn't wear clothes like everyone else" and even "where are the organs on these collection of zeros and ones combined to create a image of someone who doesn't exist !!!!!!!".
I'm seriously considering starting to learn how to code just so I can create a my own social platform at this point.
I am not usually like this but if theres a thing that gets to my nerves is people trying to police art, also sorry for the blogpost imma go fap now to cool down

>> No.4330816

Drawing animu head in just facing forward is starting to get kind of frustrating. Am not getting any constancy and i keep fucking up the eyes horizontally. It feels just like 1mm to the chins width or height and the face looks completely different.

>> No.4330825

Oh shit, thanks!

>> No.4330911

im genuinely mentally stuck, i start a drawing and i get lost after the head, i overthink what to draw or how to draw it and just give up and i dont know how to start over omfg i need help please someone what should i do i want to draw again i havent in 10 years please how do i learn to draw again. i tried looking at a reference and it didnt help at all with the mental freeze fdklhfdhfd i just want to draw again whats happening

>> No.4330923
File: 62 KB, 297x508, 1426856925198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toyed with the idea of starting to draw around 2014 when I was an avid ponyfaggot
>downloaded some tutorials, tried to copy my favourite artists
>naturally sucked ass, decided that I'm just not meant to get good
>6 years in I have the urge to learn how to draw again
>mfw I could have spend 6 fucking years to improve
>mfw I'll probably drop it again anyway and the cycle will repeat

>> No.4330934

I think it's a sign of issues with drawing/portraying symmetry and you need to think more critically while drawing, especially of your construction and where you're aligning features. I used to have the lean problem and I thought something was very wrong with me but it turns out that I had a hard time with symmetry, and since I've made an effort to fix it, I've noticed that when I flip the canvas it's gradually becoming less and less retarded looking.

>> No.4330997

>love mecha anime
>hate actually drawing them
It's so time consuming...

>> No.4331023

start with small thumbnails

>> No.4331041

I'm not a realism fag but god does anime "art" feel cheap.
easy normie appeal, easy coomer waifus, low effort.
And as a style it's so fucking inbred, anime artists copy other anime artists, use the same saturated midtones, the same dumb fucking skintones, and same faces everywhere.
not to mention 90% of the time its a character with a nonexistent or flat colour background. this is only considered passable bc uwu cute anime girl
If it were a drawing of anything else without a background it'd be a different story.
people say realistic art is soulless but drawing that borrows from life means a lot more than symbol drawing that borrows from other symbol drawings.]

>inb4 its literally an anime board
fuck you its still shit

>> No.4331108
File: 49 KB, 511x480, 08_zlate_slunce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my life I got by with minimal effort, good grades, art... never had to develop actual discipline.
Nowadays I cannot sit and draw without the urge to go on the internet instead. I can cheat a lot and convince people that I can draw, but actually I struggle with basic anatomy and perspective, and I don't have the patience and humility to go through one of my many art instruction books.
When I do start drawing, I can't help but think about many ways to get over it soon. I either drown my thoughts in music and doodle, or rush the execution, or I change the initial idea to something easier and faster...
It has been like this for years and I have stagnated, my natural "talent" still puts me above a lot of my peers, but I have given up, I don't have what it takes to be a competent draughtsman.
I'll start an engineering graduation next month.

>> No.4331829
File: 156 KB, 709x595, 134567436867857345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started in 2016 because wanted to draw ponies
>made hard switch year later and started drawing humans
>4 years later people who I started drawing with at the same time and who still draw ponies still /beg/ tier, depressed and want to kill themselves
>crisis averted

>> No.4331855

I kind of wish I took the doxy path to draw high quality pony porn to build a huge autism audience and then slowly transition out of it while maintaining the big bucks.

>> No.4331931
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, _20200126_184605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ic always pushes you to draw from reference and do studies. And yea when I do that it looks better than from imagination or memory obviously, Pic related, but it feels completely empty. I could do this 10 times a day. It feels unimpressive and unfulfilling. I feel exactly the same as if I traced it. I could clean up the shadows. I could add highlights, I could up the contrast but why would I do that? To me that would be polishing a turd. I feel like anyone could do it easily and I feel like a fraud showing it to people. That's why I hate drawing from ref.

>> No.4331933

Draw from life then. Refs are shit unless you already can work from life.

>> No.4331937

You're still symbol drawing, you just figured out how to approximate using visual coordinates now. Study perspective and learn to create forms without reference inside the grid. If you did copy from reference, try drawing it again a few hours to a day later but from memory this time. Try replicating it from imagination.

>> No.4331949
File: 211 KB, 889x1000, 20200126 buff baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand you completely, but maybe I can expand.

I don't know how much creativity went into this portrait (do you have the ref?) but when /ic/ pushes you to use ref we (I, at least) don't necessarily understand it as copying the ref. You're right -- copying a ref completely also makes me feel like I'm wasting time (unless I'm studying the ref) -- but that is not the point of using ref. The idea is to use ref to create original compositions and illustrations.

I'm by all means and definitions still /beg/, but when I was working on pic related (I know it's pretty shit) I needed refs for the hands because I still suck at constructing those from memory. And I also needed refs of nappies because, of course I did. I also studied a bunch of buff dudes last week, so that was still very fresh in my mind, and that used a ton of refs.

So I drew a buff baby from imagination with many, many elements from ref. But I didn't copy a single ref.

That's what most mean when saying "use ref". You either copy to study, or use one or more ref to augment your original art. If you're just going to copy portraits and people with that being the sole end goal, you're probably going to get bored.

>> No.4331955

The point of using reference isn't to just reproduce an image, but either to work on a specific technique you haven't figured out yet (hence study) or to use some elements of it n your own designed pieces. For example, drawing your own original character with that particular expression.

>> No.4331964
File: 1.47 MB, 800x1200, 79095339_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're making a lot of assumptions about what anime is and isn't. That's like saying "man, realism is shit because everybody draws female portraits all the time" because all you've seen are female portraits.

Not all anime is:
> coomer waifus
> character with a nonexistent or flat colour background

Anime is a style. And I'll be the first to admit that anime is easier to pull off an "average normie good enough" illustration, but there are good anime illustrators and they are as rare as realistic artists are in their own fields. And it's just as hard to go from average shit to master as any other field (it just "looks better" to normies when you're an anime /beg/ than when you're a realism /beg/). Most artists on pixiv would put 99% of "anime artists" to shame if they weren't all suffering from the biggest Dunning-Kruger you've ever seen fueled by Instagram likes..

So if you don't like anime, that's cool enough with me. You do you, my dude. But there's more to it than what you're seeing at first glance.

In the end, it doesn't benefit you to get angry about someone else's style. Even if things are as you say they are, what does it matter to you? If you enjoy doing realistic pieces, then work on that and let others do what they enjoy doing :) It's all cool. Art is art.

>> No.4333307

Can't draw on digital anymore
I love drawing on big A3 paper and i only have a small intuos that makes me feel claustrophobic while using it
I used to draw traditionally a few(more than a few) years ago, and then shifted exclusively to digital somewhere around 2014, in the last year i went back to pen and paper and absolutely fell in love with it, i'm WAY better now, my studies show clear evolution in my work, but i sincerely cannot grab my tablet and do some digital shit(which is where i get money, so yeah, i'm kinda fucked)
What should i do?

>> No.4333493

Do some yoga, bro

>> No.4333850

Practice more in a productive manner. There's no other answer, this is how everyone did it.

>> No.4333864

I am a coping digifag and this made me angry

>> No.4334699

Jfc, I spent 1 year doing drawabox, another 1 year constructing everything the logical drawabox way, and now after dropping the stiff approach drawing feels much more comfortable. And I'm actually drawing something for a change

>> No.4334819

>download shitton of courses from the video course thread
>never watch any of them

>> No.4334847

>Take drawing class to fulfill credit
>Turns out I'm not horrible, at least not worse than others so I'm hooked
>Start doing outside research
>Look up all the instructors
>All their work is weird amateurish looking shit.
>literally looks like a beginner made half the stuff
>mostly abstract to avoid having to work out a proper figure

Wtf I'm kinda legit pissed about it. Is this what art is like? Like everyone is praised for their shitty art in class too.

>> No.4334859
File: 181 KB, 407x364, guywithguninmouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come on /ic/
>see posts from people who look good to my beg-tier eyes
>see critical takedowns and legitimate sounding reasons why their art apparently sucks and they won't get any better
>assume that since those people who are better than me won't improve, neither will I
>still don't draw anything

>> No.4334862

I've become a slave to my ape brain and can't seem to force myself to do any "work" outside of work anymore. Started when I had caught the sad after college and went full nobody for like 4 years just working gaming sleeping nothing else. Lowest effort possible being put into life.
I keep telling myself to force it but damn that seems like it's never gonna happen. Feeling pathetic desu

>> No.4334958
File: 2.13 MB, 2938x3426, 5B622526-C222-4273-941E-44BBFF6B59BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regression hitting me like a fucking truck, bad habits on iPad causing to waste hours refining bad lineart
>super tight class schedule all of the sudden
>regression is going to get worse from here unless I drop college which has some major consequences

Anyone else /dying/

>> No.4334971

Now they just need to make a (Turn off Likes) option.

>> No.4334973
File: 103 KB, 769x1042, IMG_20200116_210242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after my clover app has not been able to connect to captcha for an entire year I decided to download a new image board viewer and this post is essentially a long way of saying "test" without feeling like I wasted a bump on the thread

>tfw lost all my gainz thanks to schizo
>have no idea how to improve anymore unless I look at my old sketchbooks and basically copy my 3 year old art
>old art is better than current art

>> No.4334974

regression is going to get worse from here unless I drop college which has some major consequences
yeah right. you have free time. if youre posting on 4chan you could be drawing, manage your life better

>> No.4335029
File: 127 KB, 680x504, EOVyL2gXUAAYsl7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in a lot of communities made up of artists that are either working professionally or are students currently studying to become professionals and I have not enjoyed my time in any of them. I felt like the majority of the art was proficient but boring and that the advice people gave was inconsistent. I also felt like I had to listen to the "professional" artists in the community and that I wasn't allowed to reject their advice, even when it didn't apply. Specifically for discords, every single discussion was a debate where you had to argue about insignificant things. I had to justify every single thing I did, and it got tiring very fast. Of course, that's when there wasn't a discussion about politics hamfisted into the conversation.

I am so incredibly tired of arguing over the internet and forcing myself into a tiny box to fit into a community. I want to be able to like what I like and fill my life with things I enjoy, but the artists I've met in these communities make me feel miserable. I feel like I can't belong anywhere.

>> No.4335032

just change the captcha from noscript to javascript, mine's done the same.
(site -> 4chan -> settings)

>> No.4335041
File: 200 KB, 378x333, 1569443226319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become friends with a bunch of great Japanese artists through Discord
>they're all relatively popular. One has 17k+ followers, others are 7k, 5k, etc.
>they accept me as a friend and even have invited me to Japan, hung out with them
>they all draw doujins (no porn)
>some have even invited me to 1-on-1 calls just showing me stuff on screenshare
>get an inferiority complex because they're so fast and good at drawing
>feel upset every time my art isn't up to par with them

I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I feel incredibly 'small' whenever I'm around them. My art isn't that great in the first place, and I just really want to be on their level or near it. I've showed them shit that we all use like Loomis, asked about gesture drawing, etc. and they didn't do any of this shit. What the hell am I missing? Why is my art so stagnant and boring when I 'tried' to grind and study from these books when these dudes just did what they liked and just got better? I try to draw every day even an hour, so I'm just not sure anymore.

>> No.4335044

What's your work look like? We could give you some pointers. Post it!

>> No.4335049
File: 21 KB, 488x386, unknown-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this, but only for stuff like pic related

>> No.4335050

I'd post it but I really don't want to be recognized by any of my english friends on here. It's slightly /beg/-tier. Not sloppy but nothing special.

>> No.4335061

Does anyone else get annoyed when you ask an art related question and you get linked to a YouTube video or a pdf or something? It feels like the other guy doesn't actually understand the material either (because he's unable to explain it himself) but he acts like he DOES understand it. It really bothers me.

>> No.4335125

I can understand something but have a hard time explaining it in words. Honestly, it's usually easier and more effective to just give the source of your info because they are far better teachers and have more expertise.

>> No.4335129

Post stylized bodies, I am envious of your growth if they actually look ok.

>> No.4335199
File: 136 KB, 500x346, __matoi_ryuuko_and_simon_tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann_and_etc_drawn_by_omusubi_sanmyaku__0d613f4d4abddbb6bff392452e5ef139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i'm done trying to make friends. Been actively trying to engage with people at my college that have similar interest to my own, but everyone always gives me that "weirdo" look like they never actually want to talk to me and are just responding to be nice. I guess it's just a problem with myself that i'm not aware of but no one is telling me.
It's been like this for years so i'm kinda use to it.

>> No.4335222

>It's not a pasta
Holy shit anon, I hope you make it

>> No.4335224

A roastie would expect people to reach out to them and not have to do the work themselves.
Relationships are a 2 way street, you don't have to cross it yourself, but you should at least make the effort to meet people halfway.

>> No.4335232
File: 219 KB, 1365x1152, samdilleimans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i fucking want to hurry up and improve, ive been drawing maybe 4-6 hours everyday since October last year and every year ive lost already (im 19) hurts

>> No.4335235
File: 3.80 MB, 1862x1921, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talent doesn't exi-

>> No.4335248

If you take this seriously you deserve to not make it

>> No.4335343

Hard work beats talent

>> No.4335354

an hour a day isn't very much.

the secret that isn't a secret to art is that getting better is basically just a matter of drawing a lot. like a lot, a lot.

>> No.4335401

>I try to draw every day even an hour,
You won't see shit on an hour a day.

>> No.4335425

maybe you try too hard

>> No.4335554

Maybe. There was a guy in my graphics class playing a switch and I walked up to him asked him if he wanted to play a game together. He said yes but looking back on it i might have pressured him into it. I think i was the only one enjoying the experience anyway... I asked him again a few more times and he always said he was busy.
Perhaps i'm just not very approachable. Could be my face. I tried talking to other people about different things the conversations are cut short. I probably get talked negatively about when i'm not looking

I guess i'll stop actively looking and wait for someone to approach me. Just frustrating

>> No.4335571

Is this how you justify drawing zero hours a day?

>> No.4335591
File: 752 KB, 726x1448, slain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only thing i want to do at all is learn how to draw
>drawing the same shit over and over to get better is excruciating
>don't want to figure draw because it will look like shit
>don't want to draw something original because it will look like shit

>> No.4335617

for the art one you can do that after studying and internalizing the construction of the head and learning basic color theory.

>> No.4335624

Source: anon's head

>> No.4335631


>> No.4335633

>imagine being one of the one in 8 million people who can blend colors accurately

>> No.4335668

I started at 23. I wish I started at 19. I empathize with your frustration, but you’ve got lots of time to improve and grow. Hell I’ve had people who started at 30 tell me the same thing. You got this bro.

>> No.4335738

make sure every thing is in the right height and angle. I use a kneeling chair for 2 years now and never got the back hurt again (I have flatback syndrome,so is like a miracle to me). still, stress can afect diferently depending of the individual, but back pains seems very common and kneeling chair are not for everyone. for some people just doesn't work or is not confortable.

>> No.4335976
File: 32 KB, 271x400, 1578055382597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw since I was 3
>stop during highschool for a year or so
>breeze through the courses and books, skim through texts and guides
>some help, some barely even register for me, bridgman was especially helpful
>realize too late I spent my entire childhood and adolescence on lineart and that color is a completely new frontier
>fail horribly the first time I try making a landscape drawing or character in the tradition drawing method, can't detect the right color for shadows and lights
>my autism keeps me from using digital wizardry like multiply and screen layers
>my ostentatious self-worth keeps me from starting from scratch or shading simple designs like rocks and small buildings
>It's been over 4 months and I still have not made any subtstancial progress besides detecting colors right and the correct amount of highlights and lost edges to use
I've never actually hit a wall drawing before, always thought i was talented or some shit until this happened

>> No.4336299
File: 191 KB, 446x668, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 10.20.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Practice alot
>Seeing people draw what they love despite not being technically skilled at all in drawing
>Mfw the problem might just be that I'm not creative at all

>> No.4336300

>feeling a bit sick
>draw in bed instead of getting to my desk
>laptop overheats and dies
>motivation gone
>feeling more sick

>> No.4336413

conditions for (my) successful practice

1. I can't work for longer than 15 minutes without a break
2. Some light music must be playing in the background
3. Need to be contemplating some non art related topic.

>> No.4336968

I never kept track, but it was def. an hour plus.

>> No.4337650

How do you keep yourself from going on Twitter.
I’m gonna be honest with myself and with my skill and posting frequency I’m probably gonna be stuck at little over 250 followers for a while. How do I keep myself from checking social media so I can just practice.

>> No.4337664

>Need to be contemplating some non art related topic
care to elaborate?

>> No.4337670

I'm realising now that my art hasn't improved since I started 3 or so years ago. Despite drawing for at least an hour every day for one of those years, I still draw like a child.
I've made clear progress with the language and instrument I've been learning, and I've only been doing that for a few weeks and months respectively. Maybe it's just a lost cause.

>> No.4337682

ok boomer

>> No.4337684

>Despite drawing for at least an hour every day
There's your answer. You should draw for a hour and a half.

>> No.4337694

I'm too dense to know if you're being facetious or not, but surely after 400 or so hours of drawing anyone else would have improved a little bit?

>> No.4337707

This is really charming
Would make a good sticker or something I think

>> No.4337708

Even somebody who doesn't try at all would improve in this time. Maybe you're too hard on yourself. Post some older and newer pieces.

>> No.4337728

post your work and we can recommend practice/books

>> No.4337731

400 hours from absolute zero is nothing, especially if you don't have any natural talent pulling you along. I didn't feel like I could actually start learning until somewhere north of 1,000 hours, before that it was mainly just aimless flailing and getting comfortable with the pencil.

>> No.4337732

Also, 400 hours in 3 years? Are you kidding me? I know we can't all put in 8 hours a day because of work/school, but even if you're busy with other things you should aim for at least 2 hours a day.

>> No.4337743
File: 16 KB, 198x328, 1580053111271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing in the art world my youngling

>> No.4337753

>Too dense to detect sarcasm
>Too dense to be good at drawing.
Pick two.

>> No.4337758

buy a 22-24 inch cheap monitor tabled

>> No.4337961

It's my objective right now, but it's absurdly expensive in my country, even the XP Pen i want is like 3-5k bucks

>> No.4338018

Should I even be drawing when I have no self-esteem and think about killing myself daily? It's not helping with the first part, and that's contributing to the second.

>> No.4338025

Do you have anything better to do?

>> No.4338028

Keep drawing but treat your depression

>> No.4338031

Play the piano I guess? Unlike drawing I've felt a sense of progress doing that.

If I could make the feelings of inadequacy go away I would have done that years ago.

>> No.4338548

I have the worst client with the worst deadline right now, I can't imagine what's going on inside his head, I don't know what the fuck is going on in general, why I wasted my years studying fundamentals and principles if every single letter from him is "hey make this thing fucking worse, fuck shit up, ooooooo yeah that perfect", I can't fucking do this, if this shit it going to have my name attached to it it's fucking over, I'm losing my mind, I work for 14 hours every day, I'm not a person, I poop on canvas, I'm switching

>> No.4338565

yea draw . focus your energy toward something. set goals. make a routine. stick to something, improve at something. might want to see a therapist tho and dont smoke weed.

>> No.4338976
File: 9 KB, 354x225, 123568767878989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok this time I will draw with thin lines
>sketch, thin enough
>linework, thin enough
>colors, render, etc
>finished picture has thickass lines
What does this keeps happening

>> No.4339132

I'm worthless

>> No.4339133
File: 209 KB, 1046x328, 20200121_001834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be korean
> listening dark shitty music and jackoff every night 01:00 AM
>wake up it's 7:00 AM unplesant and dry as fuck
> go to workplace (forcefully hired by parents)
>can't focus for shit just doodling some crap
>go back to home, tired as fuck. listening dark shitty music again and draws anyway
>making short comic recently and fucking around clip studio
>looks like crap but have to draw anyway because i have a regret about art
>already realize i will ngmi and never become skilled artist (artist who i respect) just decide leave message on comic before i die

Who fucking cares i'm garbage i don't need fucking hugbox just waiting day to die

>> No.4339337

Am I the only one who enters a fucking trance when I start working on a drawing? I can't focus on anything else. Sleep is a non object. I just want to put hours into my project. Not sure whether this is artist or autist shit, only happens when I feel really confident in a piece.
Tfw it turns out like shit anyway

>> No.4339344

happens to me all the time

honestly it feels amazing to be so invested in something thats not a huge waste of time like video games

>> No.4339513

How the fuck am i suppose am i suppose to make a face consistent in the facing forward view any little change in the jawline make it looks like a completely different head

>> No.4339815

a lot of the pages of less popular artists are outdated as fuck for this reason
no one wants to sift through this shit

>> No.4339955

It feels amazing, but it also keeps me from investing in things that are more productive than art. It takes over everything.
Did art ruin my life, or is it the only thing worth living for?

>> No.4341209

put those negative emotions into your art

>> No.4341371
File: 3.03 MB, 2614x2013, Illustration35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want friends I started posting my drawings to twitter hoping to make a group of art friends to draw together and hang out with. id say my drawings are decent, i have many mutals with japanese artists that i love and almost 500 followers but still no art friends. I don't really know how to approach ppl on twitter (do i DM them or ask for discord or just comment on their work>??) when i do dm ppl the conversation just kinda stops. Also the language barrier is hard to deal with id feel disrespectful trying to talk with someone in broken google translate Japanese soo idk i don't even deserve all the followers i have. i dont put effort in my drawings, i just scribble on the canvas (don't even do a final lineart layer) most of its from a drawing blowing up because of a retweet. i have irl friends i play games with and stuff but they arnt really interested in drawing and art like i am. i thnk im an ok person to talk too id rather just have 150 close followers and more close mutals i can talk too play games and draw with 500 followers isnt even alot but im afraid if i get more ppl would be afraid to approach me this is such a stupid problem maybe ill just make my twitter private and try to make freinds with the ppl who do follow me and i hate big art discords because they scare me. friends games music and drawing distract me from the fact that this world is hopeless and when my other friends are offline i feel like shit. I dont want to die so theres no escape maybe i have a mental illness but im black so my family wont believe me (pic related my work)

>> No.4341431
File: 494 KB, 500x281, J26Pz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my frustrations and anger come from not being able to get laid. I have little social skills but it's not that I don't talk to women, i'm liked by people, just not liked enough by girls to fuck me. It's been months since the last time I had sex, and is all I think about, the times I get pussy it doesn't seem that important, when I'm missing it I feel that I'm missing some important organ or something. Focusing on drawing, cine and teaching, all that shit that I like numbs the pain, but I feel so fucking sad all the time and is overwhelming to the point that I think of killing my self, because I'm not getting laid, I know how pathetic it is and knowing it makes it worst. I hate myself, my personality, and the fact that I chose to get better at drawing than something more sociable, like playing a guitar or something. Girls don't pay attention to the guy that can draw like bridgman, they give the attention to the guy that can play some shitty chords on guitar. And this shit has nothing to do with my looks, it's a matter of my shit fucking personality. Why am I like this? How do I change this? I feel like Pam Poovey in the early seasons of archer, only darker and with no Lana to have pity sex with me.

>> No.4341431,1 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus fucking christ are you a duplicate of me? I would love to be your friend