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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 246x205, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4310104 No.4310104 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a complete /beg/ and I been drawing boxes like an autustic robot.
-Should I continue with this boring shit or should I move into dynamic sketching instead?
-Im also doing the gesture course of Brent Eviston and I found it really apealing and entertaining

>> No.4310107

pyw so we have an idea of how you are doing.

>> No.4310109

fuck draw a box, do dynamic sketching

>> No.4310112

someone post the painting

>> No.4310114
File: 154 KB, 954x1190, 09431256721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do dynamic sketching

>> No.4310117
File: 537 KB, 1280x862, tavernatsunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ere ye go lad

>> No.4310120




>> No.4310123
File: 2.17 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200114_191448870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This are the only drawings that i have that aren't boxes or fucking lines lol.

>> No.4310125

> I been drawing boxes like an autustic robot

Daily reminder that Draw A Box is a course of lessons with exercises in sequence and anyone who is literally just drawing boxes nonstop is not following the god damned directions.

>> No.4310127

do lessons 1 and 2 then stop, don’t do the 250 box challenge. also depends on what’s your endgoal

>> No.4310130

Pyw :)
I’m curious what the crab’s work looks like.

>> No.4310133

I mean I know that, its just that I tried the 250 box challenge and i dont think that Its helping a lot.

>> No.4310137


it helped me understand perspective by the 50th box. then i stopped and move on to the next lesson. as for figures and heads. steve huston and michael hampton is what I learn from.

I just use drawabox to get used to actually starting drawing.

>> No.4310139

Post your works and i'll post mine

>> No.4310144

Looks pretty good.

>> No.4310152

This is what I mean, a lot of people throw shit at Peter Han but to a pleb like me his work looks good.
But I also see a lot of people saying that the way that he teachs is good and since the dude from dab is his student you should do dynamic sketching instead.
Im thinking on just grinding loomis and then move into Hogarth and Bridgeman since i want to create some THICC drawings.

>> No.4310159

i actually did the whole 250 box challenge and stopped after texture dissections. i mean, i did learn perspective but after the dissections i was just fucking exhausted with it and stopped doing it, i wouldnt recommend it for anything else than learning basic perspective. the main outtake from this is you arent drawing what you want to so you wont progress, i think this whole "you cant draw anything you like until you grind fUnDiEs" thing is just harmful and bullshit in general

>> No.4310160

>My opinion on drawing boxes
a complete waste of time

>> No.4310281
File: 111 KB, 760x760, DbBPBi5UMAA1nAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you fucking do don't waste time on Drawabox's more "advanced stuff" unless you want to waste time or have art that resembles this.

>> No.4310302

man you guys are such faggots. 250 boxes is nothing, boo hoo i was exhausted by an extremely basic texture exercise
op if you have the spark you can do 250 boxes in 1, maybe 2 days. it took me only 12 hours and anyone complaining about such a simple, fundamental exercise is COMPLETELY shadowbanned from making it.

>> No.4310317

i didnt say the boxes were tiring, didnt even say how much time it took me and i said they actually helped me, i said i got tired with the course in overall, why do you have to be like this? go to prokospam and leave discussion to people who actually draw

>> No.4310348
File: 59 KB, 600x849, SHADOWBANNED from making it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4310385

Drawing boxes until you really understand how they work and you feel comfortable drawing them in any position and any size is definitely a good thing.
I wouldn't be so autistic about it like 99% of the drawabox students who think they have to draw 1000000 boxes or else they won't make it.
Honestly, the entire drawabox course is built on dynamic sketching exercises.
And in dynamic sketching you just do the drawing boxes exercise for week 2 I believe and that's it.
It's not even considered that important of an exercise and Peter puts more emphasis on learning to combine different forms instead of just knowing 1 form really well.
Maybe that's why the drawabox guy never learned how to properly draw.
Hell, he's lecturing people on perspective yet none of his drawings look like the creator even knows what perspective is.

>> No.4310411

Is that Sir's work?

>> No.4310422

Stop drawing boxes. Get into drawing from life. (or reference)

>> No.4311244

no idea whos sir but i drew that and im not him so thats not sirs work

>> No.4311288

Isn't the guy who created draw a box's art work even worse?

You had a need to start a new thread and didn't even check the archives for this same question that has been asked a hundred times on this board? Dynamic sketching basically teaches all what draw a box does and more. As long as you have perspective down, it's ten times worth it to take dynamic sketching course then draw 250 boxes in a row. But do drawabox if you're that broke.

>> No.4311302


>> No.4311394

Unironically this has a good composition and value scheeme, maybe the drawing and color choices arent the best.

>> No.4312039

>it's ten times worth it to take dynamic sketching course then draw 250 boxes in a row
Why would you pay for the course when it's in the video course thread for free?

>> No.4312132

lol you know what the draw a box guy's art looks like right?

>> No.4312154

Better than yours, I’m sure.

>> No.4312263
File: 306 KB, 578x577, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hope so considering they've set up a website dedicated to teaching art.

The draw a box guy's name is Irshad Karim (uncomfortable) and hasn't posted personal art in over a year, pretty sure he's too busy getting 4k a month from patreon teaching boxbrains like you what a cube looks like.

>> No.4312347


its okay for a complete beginner who have never truly draw before. like zero experience. it helps them to take the first step towards drawing.

this site give you free resources for a structured lessons. you can get free crits on their discord or reddit. personally I would recommend it to a complete beginner. go through it once then start looking for other sources like Michael Hampton videos or a complete figure drawing lesson.

>> No.4312362
File: 74 KB, 640x530, 4D35C31F-3122-4FF2-B0E3-217D17F42CAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried watching one of the draw a box videos on youtube and the guys voice annoyed me so much i couldn’t finish it. thought he was a lesbian at first. anyway I’d recommend Hogarth and Scott Robertson autism over that particular brand of autism.

>> No.4312366

they're all different topics though

>> No.4312378

yeah but I’m just talking about general art instruction books. anything you could learn about perspective from draw a box you could learn in greater detail from Scott Robertson. besides, what has the draw a box guy worked on that was successful in any capacity besides teaching?

>> No.4312383

Are you getting mad that someone is making a career out of drawing without actually drawing?
That's pretty fucking impressive, though.
If you can't see that fact, you're just a delusional /beg/ that will never get out of the cycle of doing trashy anime waifu commissions for $10 each.

>> No.4312400

I think you misunderstand what I mean, I'm not saying draw a box is good lol.

I think draw a box - or preferably dynamic sketching - should be for very beginners as it will help them with basic stuff like line confidence, visualisation of forms, textures and some basic perspective.

Scott Robertson is great for perspective and will teach you pretty much everything you need to know about it but it isn't for people just starting out so this is why I mean they cover different topics.

Similarly, Hogarth is good for figure drawing but if a person can't even visualize and give depth to a drawing of a cube or a simple organic such as a plant or insect, jumping straight into figure drawing is a bit much for someone new to drawing. My personal preference for figure drawing is Hampton however, as I prefer the simple structure of his book, his drawing style (hogarth exaggerates his muscular forms too much for me to find appealing) and there are great videos you can find here to compliment your learning.

Draw a box is just a watered down dynamic sketching from someone who took the course themselves and isn't even at a professional level of art.

>> No.4312408

I agree it's impressive, especially considering his skill level. However, I disagree with anyone who finds draw a box better than dynamic sketching or anyone who thinks Irshad Karim is a better artist than Peter Han. Do you disagree with that?

>> No.4312424
File: 2.06 MB, 2956x2456, SCN_0012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photobashed in boxes to avoid drawing them

>> No.4312425
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1546554283290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing about this faggot is that to draw anything at the level of Peter Han, it would take him 20 to 30 hours where Peter Han would have been able to draw the exact same thing in 1 to 2 hours.
Not only that, but he chooses to pick out this one specific image out of the thousands of drawings he's done.
>Literally anyone that crabs should be required to post their work immediately or they lose all credibility.

>> No.4312997

I get what you’re saying about actual beginners, but my point is that there are people here who’ve been drawing for years that still call themselves beginners and they don’t try to push themselves past the most basic fundamentals. draw a box nerds will, well, draw nothing but boxes over and over. I guess that’s good practice but if you’re more worried about mastering an exercise than actually pushing yourself past your current abilities that’s bad autism. good autism is trying to do something that’s maybe a little too advanced for you until something really clicks. shoot for the moon, land in the stars. if you read or try to do something that’s past your current skill level, it’s not going to kill you. you’ll likely fail but learn a lot more that way.

>> No.4313000

Reminder that we had a 200+ post thread about this one drawing and not a single person shitting on it was brave enough to post their work or redline it.

>> No.4313082

Lmao props to you for even attempting this with your absolutely nonexisting drawing skills, it really takes courage to put ugly shit like this out there

>> No.4313384

it might be courage if it had my name attached to it but it's just an absolute lack of caring.

>> No.4313403

you know he gives a personal lesson critique for all these patrons right? once every two weeks.

what have you done for the art community?

>> No.4313411
File: 77 KB, 750x732, etrub7pf0ag31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying out here too OP. Still on lesson one and I've quit several times. But if we stick to this course we'll know how to draw:

3D shapes
animals, insects, plants
objects and vehicles

It gives us the tools to be able to go out and tackle all these sources people talk about. Sure you could just jump right into Scott Robertson's book, but we need training wheels. Other's may not, but that doesn't mean they can dismiss a good source because it's useless to them. I'm still waiting to see someone who did DaB and regrets it.

>> No.4313422

that's great, hope you enjoy your box lessons bud

>> No.4313446

>Unironically this has a good composition
this is the actual image.

>> No.4313529

you learn how to draw boxes in only lesson one

keep crying

>> No.4313533

what he teaches he draws well

>> No.4313694

stay mad about your box king

>> No.4313722

Not really, all boxes and cylinders are poorly drawn

>> No.4313725

you seem to capture the aspect of the 3-dimensional plain judgings by the lines around the body's' figure you can tell how the object should look in this space. keep at it, add additional detail, and then add detail to said detail. and so on.

>> No.4314551
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The artist I know that uses it, rather practises it alot is Hozure, who does splasharts for Riot Games. He said that it's needed to understand basic things and still does exercises with it, despite being rather impressive

>> No.4314577
File: 2.11 MB, 504x279, 9BD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
