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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 78 KB, 640x1536, 3DF4F0E8-5270-4995-9054-ADCC68AC6C4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4307992 No.4307992 [Reply] [Original]

What ever happened to this guy

>> No.4307993

he became the only name that newfaggots who try to look like oldfaggots drop

>> No.4307994
File: 701 KB, 1120x1280, 6E38AD8C-B926-48E0-A709-741F4BCA5CDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s more of his work

>> No.4308003

he streams fairly often, it takes him an obscene amount of time to draw anything though

>> No.4308004

/ic/ bullied him for giving critiques when asked. Also bullied him for being a pedo because he draws lots of young animu girls. So he left. Not surprising, you guys are toxic as hell and don't deserve to get help with anything anyways.

>> No.4308006
File: 245 KB, 1350x600, 6D4D01AB-421E-450E-900C-EF4A671DBFE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4308009

/ic/ chased him away because he draws lolis

>> No.4308014

Just post the whole album

>> No.4308016

>>4308009 shii as long as I get a critique I’m fine

>> No.4308028

It’s sad a lot of us can’t tell the difference between the food and hand

>> No.4308029

You got a link? I want to see teal draw again

>> No.4308033

Damn he has to comeback /ic/ really needs him

>> No.4308035
File: 1.47 MB, 498x278, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4308038

i hope he doesnt i want you fags to reap what you've sown

>> No.4308039

The hero /ic/ needs, but not the one /ic/ deserves.

>> No.4308050

He should stay far away from this shithole

>> No.4308062
File: 380 KB, 720x818, 5p9kdarovko21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the teal line guy master of all fundamentals when /ic/ needed him the most he vanished

>> No.4308063

>master of all fundamentals
i mean he was decent but lets not get crazy here

>> No.4308069

He actually still posts here from time to time. He don't use that pinkish color for redlines that often anymore though, probably to distance him from the teal identity. And he's now more focused on painting too.

The reason why he suddenly disappeared is probably a little more complicated than just getting bullied by /ic/, but I guess only his circle of friends knows the real reason.

>> No.4308074

He has a board on that other chan

>> No.4308084

I still don't get why he has such a huge following. All his characters have blobby alien heads with misaligned facial features.

>> No.4308086

Redline them

>> No.4308087

I hate this board, he could've even been a communist jew and I would've been ok with it, why bully him off?

>> No.4308088

is teal the guy who a few months ago showcased some painting tutorial using female torso as an example?

or is that some other redliner, that anon was bamf

>> No.4308094
File: 9 KB, 206x205, tealdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really have to redline how these eyes are different shapes and imply angles that don't match the form of the head? It's apparent in all his work, here you can just see it at the construction phase.

>> No.4308099

some dude that newfags pretend to know that did redlines and kiddie porn? who care

>> No.4308114


>> No.4308122

>choosing the roughest head of them all
Nice cherrypicking
And yes, I would like to see a redline

>> No.4308148

that one is wonky, yes. but you should choose his best work and redline it if you want to prove your point

choosing weakest piece is whatever. judge by the best or bust

>> No.4308157

The same thing that happens to every decent guy here: he makes it, and is too busy doing work to shitpost with crabs anymore.

May we all arrive there one day.

>> No.4308178

Imagine choosing a really crude sketch to bitch about, i'm SO happy guys like you will never make it, because you are an absolute retard.

>> No.4308180

Which board? Link please

>> No.4308207
File: 114 KB, 590x646, tealredline.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teal's stuff is just so wonky to me. Are you guys legit Teal shills or just his sockpuppets?

>> No.4308216

I honestly cannot tell anymore if you fags are pretending to be retarded or legitimately have some form of mental handicap.

>> No.4308219

t. Teal

>> No.4308223

holy shit ahahaha

>> No.4308228

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

>> No.4308229

oh nooooooo, teal bros looks like he got us good!

>> No.4308231

Your shitpost is boring man, please stop

>> No.4308232

Oh no no no no, hahahaha

>> No.4308243


People are extremely bitter here and often spend more energy on why they can't do something instead of just doing something about it. While there are some good harsh, but needed comments it usually get drowned out by vapid arguments that don't help anyone.

That's shit, this is shit, they're shit, shits shit. A good critique acknowledges the good and the bad of any drawing, but because no one wants to the mention anything good so we're left with this self fulfilling void. I'm not advocating a hugbox, but you end up having to wade through heaps of trash for a genuine critique.

Now I've gone on a tangent.

I wouldn't doubt that they come around now and again and post, but you really learn to pick your battles.

>> No.4308372

You're just not looking in the right places.


>> No.4308375

fucking dumbass.

>> No.4308399


>> No.4308411

Good eye, fellow tealbro

>> No.4308412

Here are the rest of the redlines from 2013

>> No.4308414


>> No.4308416

can someone explain what's wrong with the redline please i'm /beg/ and retarded

>> No.4308449

Symbol drawing with 0 depth.

>> No.4308459

As if Teal doesn't draw all his characters with 2 left eyes.

>> No.4308471

He got megacancelled for being a paedo retard

>> No.4308500

I created that album in 2013 and I'm still here. Feels like yesterday.

>> No.4308526

How has your art improved since?

>> No.4308611

All he can draw is one type of thing, and it's mediocre at best. His shills only spergout over him because he caters to their niche fetish of lanky lolis. Just more worthless coomer-level shit.

>> No.4308665

teal's drawing has the implied illusion of volume by keeping distances and relations between features and the head as it moves.
Anon's redline has comic book shortcuts slapped into it. The head doesn't have that massive dip between the cheekbone and the brow. The eye socket is filled up with muscle, fat tissue and the eyeballs. That sunken eyes thing was used in comics to make a drawing as small as 1/4 an inch read as a 3/4 view of a face. It's a complex emoticon, not a simulacrum of reality.

On top of that he drew the pupils as curve plates floating over the eyeball when they're in fact flat inside the eyeball like in the original drawing.

>> No.4308848

>top of that he drew the pupils as curve plates floating over the eyeball when they're in fact flat inside the eyeball like in the original drawing

But thats how the should be drawn more realistically, you can see that on almost all Disney films, even the 2d ones, iris and pupils also follow the perspective when the eye turns and moves, they are not fixed you dumbass, that anon redline is crap but you are also saying stupid stuff.

>> No.4308850
File: 372 KB, 222x240, 1575929661936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.

>> No.4308881
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 1557310702.1267_UgysAp_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall both need loomis like do you loomis bro wtf

>> No.4308903

Doesn't he go by simon?

>> No.4308917

>this is the kind of retard who replies "this looks wonky" in others threads
I guess this is why pyw is such a thing, too many fucking bitches with no self awareness around here

>> No.4308919


>> No.4308926


>> No.4308927

is Conoghi the same as SImon? does someone has Simons patreon page link?

>> No.4309000


>> No.4309009

pls be a shitpost

>> No.4309077
File: 22 KB, 640x384, 929D12EC-A14E-43E2-9F80-F84E23DD1E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just going to leave this here


>> No.4309098
File: 338 KB, 900x900, 1383112802482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he actually goes out of his way to help people. How often can we say about the rest of this board?

>> No.4309178

Simon is still around and probably still lurks.

But due to his thin skin and possible autism, he doesn't bother doing redlines anymore.

>> No.4309179

He's a pedo lolicon artist.
That's quite literally the only reason anyone even bothers remembering him.

>> No.4309181

8ch got taken down and all those boards were lost like months ago dude.

>> No.4309187

He's still around, also if you search hard enough you can find his twitter where he post all his art.

>> No.4309216

wrong, people remember him because he was above average at fundies and would actually take time to redline and help people

>> No.4309228

Prove that he's a pedophile. You sure like to throw that word around when someone starts drawing children, don't you?

>> No.4309230

im hollerin

>> No.4309231

>muh lolicon
Do you think the majority of people on this board would care about that?

>> No.4309343

bruh, I just image searched Conoghi and now I think the FBI is going to come in bursting through my windows. Would not recommend.

>> No.4309376
File: 440 KB, 3400x500, 7Hi9tnL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never understood why some people get off to his stuff so much and constantly repost it. he's the definition of "can only draw in >muh style"

>> No.4309388

pyw or stfu

>> No.4309392

compelling argument

>> No.4309400

And so is yours

>> No.4309544

Neither are any good. Jesus Christ, when are any of you retards gonna realize what makes things appealing and what doesn't.

>> No.4309565

they’re entirely different people, the artstyle and general coloring don’t match up

>> No.4309598


Posts like these are why he left. I hope he doesn't come back. let him enjoy his work in peace.

>> No.4309601

pic unrelated?

>> No.4309626

but there's 3 styles in your pic

>> No.4309659

Agreed, he's better staying far away from /ic/.

>> No.4310186

If you bothered to read the thread in depth, you'd know that he's still here despite flying under the radar.

>> No.4310218

>Simon bullied off /ic/
>Tehmeh left and shat on this place because of the attitude
This board is trash.

>> No.4310336

doesn't he make unironic western loli porn?

>> No.4310355

No one cares it’s fictional if u can’t tell the difference than hand me your device

>> No.4310391

I didn't state that drawings are real, I stated that he's a degenerate.
Learn the difference, faggot.

>> No.4310428
File: 41 KB, 1243x317, 4D20346A-612B-49BA-959A-AF1F757E69C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looked up TehMeh
Wow. Didn’t even know this.
I guess I was wasting time just doing studies when I should have also been trying to draw from imagination.

>> No.4310801

So watch videos on a second monitor and draw while your watching promo teach you loomis ??? And try drawing from imagination >>4310428

>> No.4310810

What a chad

>> No.4310819

Absoluetely based

>> No.4311571

Teal guys art genuinely looks wonky here. there isnt any sort of jawline to set the angle or position the other features. the face is just floating on a vaguely head shaped object.
And i get it the roundness is the art style but round doesn't have to mean gooey.

>> No.4311594
File: 55 KB, 900x810, sqQlid7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4311883

jesus christ lmao

>> No.4312078
File: 406 KB, 1000x600, NewCanvas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not great at actual head construction. He hides a lot behind "muh style", and although he's half decent at pointing people in the right direction, he really shouldn't be worshiped and portrayed to be a god which /ic/ does a lot.

I really like this about him, and I can see why people loved him for it. He explains in depth what he's doing and creates helpful guides to point the person to the flow of the drawing. Good gestures but poor anatomy.

Pic related is not meant to be an exact copy, but instead a portrayal of how the head should be constructed. Underneath I drew a skull so that way I'd be able to place the landmarks properly. Some mistakes to point out in the original drawing. The eyes are sunken in, the cheek fat pokes out like a bone, the jawline + chin is inconsistent with the line he drew compared to the outline of the face, the mouth is closer to a side angle and the nose is in the wrong perspective. I'm sure there's more that I forgot to mention, but again, Teal was just another artist that came and went like many others before and after him. He shouldn't be worshiped. He's not even as good as I've seen people make him out to be. Chill.

>> No.4312145


Also your (her) left eye is totally fucked up, for a guy who brags so much having the eye dislocated that way is comical.

>> No.4312285

this is getting out of hand use some fucking guide lines

>> No.4312286
File: 80 KB, 564x845, 6dc947f57bcb7340f10b0ca87e57c08c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4312288
File: 129 KB, 497x1604, c8f9793a187f84829f55b91370007540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard can it be

>> No.4312291
File: 78 KB, 564x760, eeb0c703ba8232f835a2e32b13fb76e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly why you should learn drawabox you'd be amazed with with all the things you can draw from a box

>> No.4312498

Post your work.

>> No.4312507
File: 186 KB, 478x600, NewCanvas1-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for a guy who brags so much
At no point was I bragging. Here's the image without the sketch beneath it. Either of you can red line it or post your work.
You might need to educate yourself on that the face isn't a flat surface without any curves though.

>> No.4312509

when is he gonna go away
worse than mikuposter

>> No.4312515

Seethe more

>> No.4312516

conoghi isn't teal line guy

>> No.4312525

Dude commented awhile back that he just doesn't post as much because he's already covered most of the main issues people face in his previous redlines. I still think I see him post critiques every once in awhile, though.

>> No.4312532


the original drawing from the redline that everyone is shitting on is clearly wrong

the amount of delusional anime posters that worship anything stylized/anime-adjacent on this board is disgusting

>> No.4312557

You don't see that the chin is dislocated? Like someone is punching the right side of the face?

>> No.4312600
File: 188 KB, 478x600, chin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4312651

Yeah I read that. I'm still curious why he suddenly nuked his blog though. I think he had some IRL issues.

>> No.4312707

Keep up the good work Quick Draw McGraw XD

>> No.4312721


>> No.4312741

Oshii, invest half the time you waste, trying to shit on better artists, into studying construction.

>> No.4312748

Like a larger or smaller box in your choice of three angles!

>> No.4312766

The second pic is also anime stylized

>> No.4312767

it's not like this is an anime imageboard or anything hahahaha

>> No.4312821

>that neck

>> No.4312838

based advice

>> No.4313036

>when you can't tell the difference between the jawline and chin
fucking lol holy shit. learn anatomy. theres nothing wrong with what she did.

>> No.4313037

It's stylized, but it's not anime.

>> No.4313080

teal was a key point for me becoming an artist. I had recently decided to try and go pro with art but didn’t have money for college or know how to find good learning resources or figure out fundamentals. I never glanced at /ic/ seriously or knew about the sticky until I saw some of his redlines get shared on another site, I came here after seeing those and even though most of the people and threads here are silly or even detrimental, I learned a lot about how to find good teachers and how to recognize good learning resources/programs and obtain them. I have been studying art seriously since (6 years, I’ve only posted a handful of times, mostly I check here for useful things).

>> No.4313098

The greatest advice

>> No.4313303

I think this here is proof that Teal himself sockpuppets these threads. Which is a shame because he already has a following, he has nothing to prove here. Imagine if Shadman did that bullshit around here.

>> No.4313319


>> No.4313439

I mean those shitposters where shitting on a very competent draw for no reason it's comical.

Tells a lot about ic where even a good demonstration of skill will get you haha's.

>> No.4313474
File: 335 KB, 1651x1543, 1538678544996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean those shitposters where shitting on a very competent draw for no reason
How new are you? This is what always happens on this shitty board, there is a small rootless clique that is turning the people of /ic/ against each other.

>> No.4313756


>> No.4313787

he still on twitter, though.

>> No.4313810

>leagues better than me
>gets like 15 likes on average
fucking hell no wonder he hasn't posted in like 7 years

>> No.4313821


>only gets 15 likes


>> No.4313826

putting art online becomes depressing when you realize no one cares about what you make because it starts to make you doubt your skill and creativity. we're all sluts for scraps of validation here.

>> No.4313883

Get your fucking life together jfc.

>> No.4313887

desu, photos can have weird perspective issues due to lens distortion, so saying that it matches 1:1 with the ref is not a good argument.
Also, the artist's job is to reconstruct the reference and redesign it so that it looks good, not to copy it. A photo or reality is not the ultimate authority of what is "right", the artist's taste is.

>> No.4313901


>> No.4313931

kill yourself retard nigger

>> No.4314169


>> No.4314185

You could do it in gimp. There's also websites, but the compress it pretty bad.

>> No.4314335

Yes sure.

But in this case firez study was spot on and the critiques were laughable. Don't steelman shitposters by giving them some higher insight (they don't have).


You think this guy understands anything about lens distortion or shape langage ? C'mon.

>> No.4314354

Neither is the left one. Both are anime influenced to varying degrees.

>> No.4314613

That doesn't make them anime. The whole point of the redraw was to show the anatomical errors that the original had that hid behind it's style and lack of knowledge. Marmalade did a good job representing that and her critique shouldn't be discarded just because her art is also stylized, since it has correct anatomy.

>> No.4314619

Use Krita.

>> No.4314621

they hated anon because he told the truth

>> No.4314650

No I’m talking about how to record drawings like how you would record a speed painting ???!

>> No.4315022

Because /ic/ found it and started stalking him outside of 4chan constantly

>> No.4315332

>lens distortion or shape langage
Explain if you know it. Or better yet, redline it.

>> No.4318199
File: 109 KB, 1024x825, ZmV5a2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desu, photos can have weird perspective issues due to lens distortion, so saying that it matches 1:1 with the ref is not a good argument.
Spot on.
Real photos of the same thing can look completely different dependent on the placement of the camera, lense, distance, cropping etc.
In that pain over the photo is taken from around waist height making her shoulder seem to be way too high and her head smaller, but since its just a 2d picture with no depth we cant tell if its a matter of the way it was taken or if its some post PS correction or whatever.

>> No.4318210

>Weird perspective issues
>Lens distortion
Well it's lens projection, which isn't an issue, that's why you have many types of lenses, for all the different types of projection and images you get out of them. Most artists are mouth-breathers though and will never take any ''''bold and innovative''' steps like learning about photography to aid their art.