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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4304014 No.4304014 [Reply] [Original]

I know that I shouldn't expect to be good in just a year of drawing but it's not even that fact that makes me not want to continue drawing.
It's the fact that I find it extremely difficult of picking up the pencil and making another shit drawing. The feeling of sitting down and grinding through a bunch of drawings doesn't really seem worth it anymore too.
During the pain of making something that looks absolutely like shit, I end up thinking about the plethora of other skills I could be learning instead of grinding through yet another head drawing in the hopes of maybe being good enough to move onto something else.
>When is it time to just move on and give it up?
Am I just being a quitter? I don't know what to do anons... :(

>> No.4304015
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>inb4 pyw

>> No.4304021

Maybe you're just burned out.
How long did you draw every day for the last month or so?
Maybe dial it down a bit and see if that makes picking up the pencil easier.

>> No.4304032

>baww thread

>> No.4304036
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>> No.4304037

>When is it time to give it up?
When you make threads like these.

>> No.4304039

It sounds like you just need to man up and learn some discipline.

>I end up thinking about the plethora of other skills I could be learning instead
Grass is always greener, etc.

>maybe being good enough to move onto something else.
You don't just move onto something else. Art doesn't work like that. You'll always be revisiting concepts

>> No.4304044
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This is probably true. I did burn myself out recently and I might not have gotten over it completely yet.

I'll check this book out, thanks!

People always say that but I don't see professional artists grinding Loomis Heads anymore. There comes a point when the grinding stops and you can actually sit down and draw for real. Or at least, that's how I see it.
I could be wrong though. Maybe professional artists do grind Loomis heads for hours a day.

>> No.4304046

I always see professionals going back to fundamental studies like "grinding" heads, but they're not grinding loomis heads. And the purpose of their study is most probably be very different from yours. They're focusing on different stuff. There's always something new to learn.

>> No.4304048 [DELETED] 

how long have u even been drawing for a year?? You do know it takes many years to get good right?

>> No.4304049


>> No.4304050

How long have you been drawing for? Seems like you've been at it for like a year or 2. You do know it takes a long time to get good right?

>> No.4304054

If you are already giving up after 1 year you are ngmi

>> No.4304058


>> No.4304061
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Tfw in the exact situation but i dont even want to bother to start, ive been doodling on and off for a long time but never actually studied and i always say "Why bother?"

>> No.4304064

I get the same feeling, not that I'm going to give up, I just try and push myself to do more, I make art because I enjoy it, I dont care about making a lot of money or become famous, if I can make some decent money on the side thats fine, making art is more like therapy to me. But I do want to become a lot better though

Why does it take so long?!

>> No.4304068

OMG what a whiny little baby, just draw already piece of shit.

>> No.4304070


>> No.4304074

You're insulting you fucking loser. I've been in this road for more than TEN YEARS. It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll.

If you need our opinion to make a decision then just give up already. You don't have it.

>> No.4304080


>> No.4304103

Also reminder that it doesn't really matter how good you are in art, as long as you're competent and create works that people like, you can make it.

>> No.4304118

Just assume my work is shit. It's not but it makes no difference, I'll keep on going for 10 more years if I need to.

>> No.4304120

I genuinely wanted to see it, no crabs.

>> No.4304125

>It's not but it makes no difference
imagine being this much of a stupid stinky nigger lmao
go home and cry about why people don't like your little drawings oooh that's so sad here's a little napkin you little baby.
go on now and scribble your little faggoty ass fanart and post it on twitter where you get 2 pity likes from your parents you little gaynigger.
Fucking faggot ass nigger.
Nigger ass faggot.
Fuck you.

>> No.4304126

You're done when you're done. I will never be done until my hands are both crippled beyond the ability of use.

>> No.4304141
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I started improving significantly recently cause of adhd meds. Regardless of that, I didn't give up in ten years of improving very slowly, and I get better every day.

>> No.4304143
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Yea, I see Peter Han still does simple line exercises as warmups. But I want to know when I'll be at the point when those things, like Loomis heads, are merely warmups and not the main part of my day.

Haha, for sure. Hard to do so while burned out though. I'll still push through it, though.

Not exactly. I see varying degrees of improvement across different artists. Some artists say it took 10 years to get good while other say they've been drawing for the exact amount of time and are actually worst than me. I don't really think the amount of years is a good factor unless you also include the amount of time daily as well.

Maybe. But I never intended on being a professional. I just want to draw things that are in my head because I think that's pretty cool.

I wished I had more fun with art in the beginning. I rushed into learning how to draw because I wanted to learn this 'skill' like a few other skills I've picked up. I guess I was looking at it the wrong way.

We're pretty much on the same boat then. I don't really plan on giving up but the other alternatives make me not want to pursue drawing because of the very minimal amount of benefits compared to other skills--and the fact that I'm an adult already, which makes me worried about my future. At worst, I'll probably just draw for an hour or so a day while doing something else that I enjoy.

Tried. Didn't work for me.

I'm not interested in getting to the "top" just to be able to draw well. I'm hoping how other anons cope. I think it's pretty arrogant to think that you have it all figured out and that you can't learn from other people.

True. But still, I want to do it because it looks fun. It's just not fun now that I'm terrible at it.

I'm curious what your work looks like after 10 years. I posted mine. I'm sure that after 10 whole years, my drawing is far below whatever baseline you are looking for.

>> No.4304144

BTW this is a part of a bigger work that is supposed to look disturbing.

>> No.4304148

My 2 cents is the same as everyone elses: stop being a faggot.
Now I'll elaborate: I am just sitting down to learn to draw but i've been, and i am, where you are but on a different field (I've been working on a programming project for years with barely anything to show for it). Like you I stop because i dont feel like programming because it gets me nowhere, but every time i sit my ass down and program for a few hours i make something that'll make me feel happier, even if only for a bit, and also an idiot for not doing this sooner. Yeah it's hard, hard to sit down, hard to mash the keyboard, hard to look for hours at mistakes to fix, but at the end of the day you either progress or you dont. It's that simple. Can't really give drawing related adivce since iam a newfag in that regard, but if you want to draw something specifically (manga, webcomic, furry commisions) you can try focusing on that and figure out what you need for that and practice with that thing in mind.
There's a famous pianist guy who said he only practices an hour a day, but for that hour it's only piano and nothing exists. So there's also that. If you can sit down and concentrate on that for a single hour a day you're already going ahead of the curve.

>> No.4304154
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By being finished, I mean with the daily grind of exercises. Not with actually drawing...


I think it may just be burnout. I do the same as you and sit down and force myself to draw despite not really feeling like doing so at the moment. The problem is, I lack this "flow" or "zone" or whatever it is that gets you interested or invested in what you are doing after 10-30 minutes of drawing. Every new sketch I make is another stab at my stomach. The more I draw, the more difficult it is to continue. Eventually, I have to stop when that frustration turns into anger.

>> No.4304155
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Right now I'm working on this one.

>> No.4304159

I like it anon you already created your style, even tho it isn't my kind of art you are doing good keep at it.

>> No.4304163

Thank you. I'm still working on it, it's gonna get better.

>> No.4304167

>Every new sketch I make is another stab at my stomach. The more I draw, the more difficult it is to continue. Eventually, I have to stop when that frustration turns into anger.
Yeah i know this feel. Do you do anything with your art besides practicing? Honestly every bit of success can be really helpful with this.

>> No.4304170
File: 1.79 MB, 1200x800, inspiration 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see I told you no crabs, do you have an instagram or anything like that?

>> No.4304172

Mate just keep trying. Art is a long long process. What exactly were you practicing and for how long a day? How much did you do it for fun?

>> No.4304173

It's not bad, just not the type of thing I would enjoy looking at.

>> No.4304174

insta: hbsvictor

>> No.4304176

Face looks flat.

>> No.4304182

Thank you. Can you explain why?

>> No.4304183

Not to sound like a crab or an asshole, but were you serious when you said 10 years?
Did you take a lot of breaks during those 10 years?
Again, not to be a dick, genuinely curious.
I'm a /beg/ so I kind of want an approximation of what my art would look like 10 years from now.

>> No.4304188

Usually the faces I do in this style get stuck in uncanny valley. I'm looking for the sweet spot.

>> No.4304190
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Not exactly, which is probably why I don't see much use in it.
Originally, I got into it to create characters for Visual Novels, since I liked writing more than drawing, but I wanted to be able to draw the characters that I wanted without the hassle of dealing with other artists that may still not create exactly what I wanted which is why I pursued it myself.
One resolution was to work on the novel anyway, despite how shitty I still am because at least I am not grinding practice stuff all day.
Just a thought.
I'm not going to quit drawing, I'm just tired of feeling frustrated all the time.
But I'm happy that at least someone else can relate. It seems that most people on here don't really know what this feeling is like.

I try to spend a minimum of 3 hours a day but like the situations I mentioned earlier (me getting far too frustrated), I end up only getting to an hour sometimes.
I don't really draw for fun which is probably why I am in this position in the first place.
I figured starting that Visual Novel I always wanted to write would make me want to learn how to draw rather than forcing myself to learn because I 'have' to get good for some arbitrary reason.

>> No.4304193

wait what? didn't you draw this?>>4304015

isn't this like /beg lvl ?

>> No.4304194

I have ADHD so it was very hard for me to focus on "boring theory" which makes a huge difference, for a few years I worked doing something else and I also used to go out and spend time with women a lot.

>> No.4304196

I think it comes down to art style.

>> No.4304199

Personally I started improving a lot by learning the names of the muscles and bones, which I couldn't do without meds.

>> No.4304200

I'm guessing you're talking about the
>I wished I had more fun with art in the beginning.
part of the post?
Beginning here not meaning /beg/ but more the first half of the time I spent drawing.
I rushed into drawing doing 12 hour days and eventually burned myself out after a few months.
What I probably should have done instead was to have fun with it in the beginning and draw what I wanted instead of grinding a bunch of crap.
Not sure if this is intended to be a crab or to be genuine but I'll give you attention for now.

>> No.4304201

What did you practice though? The face, fundamantals? It’s ok to practice but what exactly were you practicing

>> No.4304205
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I started with learning the anatomy of the skull and then drawing it a couple times and then with the anatomy of the face and then drawing that a couple times.
Then I moved onto about 6-7 head drawing courses including Vilppu, Proko, Huston.
After that I drew a couple hundred heads but I didn't see much improvement using Huston's method.
I started to get frustrated so I came on here and people said to practice Loomis Heads. So I did that. I started to see some improvement after that but I think I started to stagnate.
Ever since then, I've been trying different courses on how to draw the head but I still can't seem to improve.
Though the worst part is that my drawings look even worst when I'm frustrated so I obviously have to deal with that first before anything.

>> No.4304210

Thanks for replying.
I already know most of the muscles and bones in the human body by name, the difficulty is actually drawing them in 3D instead of just flat 2D shapes.

>> No.4304211

idk man i got through that awkward stage by dunning-krugerpilling to keep me motivated while posting my work to get critique. trick yourself into becoming a narcissist or something and you'll enjoy the process much more.

>> No.4304214

You first have to put some work into your drawings before you quit. This sketch is way too simple. You are not even trying

>> No.4304215

Though the worst part is that my drawings look even worst when I'm frustrated so I obviously have to deal with that first before anything.
This can lead you into a circular logic
> feeling frustrated when drawing
> not drawing as much
> skills will degrade
> try to draw again, it'll look worse
> get more frustrated.
If you only want to do characters for VN stuff, which is a very specific thing, then try and get criticism from artists who do the same. People are shitty when it comes to looking critically at their own work.

>> No.4304217

Draw from reference. You are drawing from reference right? You're not just doing everything from imagination right?
There are lots of pictures out there of 3D stuff. You can just draw it and not worry about how to make it look 3D, it already looks 3D.

>> No.4304218

Practice imagining 3d objects in space while drawing them with as few lines as possible, takes some time but eventually you forget it's a blank canvas and start drawing exactly what you imagine, then you'll realize it all depends on your mind.

>> No.4304220

Firstly I wanted to say I have ADHD and I get your struggle 100% but you really have to keep pushing. You might have done these things already but I think you should firstly find one method and stick with that one for a bit. Since you have ADHD focusing on all of those methods to draw one thing might do more harm than good. 6-7 head drawing courses seems a bit much for me. Another thing is you’re symbol drawing. In the picture you showed, I’m not sure if it’s for a style or whatever, but I can look at that and tell maybe you need some more life drawing. They teach you to draw heads but drawing from life will make you improve no doubt. Also draw from other artists. If you see a loomis drawing, copy it. What loomis books have you read? There’s a pdf I can link for you that has all of them.

>> No.4304222

The problem is that all those courses are basically memes and any head drawing "method" is also a meme.
Just copy a lot of art that you like and do what they do. I REALLY hope those "couple hundred heads" weren't from imagination because as a /beg/ you should be copying good artists as often as you draw from imagination, if not more.

>> No.4304223

Also, when you draw from reference, don't copy, make your own body based on your knowledge of anatomy. You put the objects of your mind in the same place of the ones of the reference, don't copy what you see.

>> No.4304226

Maybe that's why you're not having fun, and why you're frustrated. Maybe try forgetting about all those courses and books for a bit. I'd go even as far as to say you don't need them to improve. It seems they're not working out for you, but whether you want to keep at it is up to you. Draw from imagination, draw for fun, draw whatever you want. Study whatever you feel like studying. Studying doesn't have to be unfun. Come up with your own methods, experiment. Studying doesn't have to be unfun mindless grind. Actually, you shouldn't keep a hard line between studying and drawing whatever for fun.
Make it enjoyable and don't force yourself unless you absolutely have to.

>> No.4304233
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So you've been drawing around a year. Drew 12 hrs a day yada yada, study proko, vilppu loomis, anatomy. OK. Just what do you expect to get from just a year of drawing? There are people that have been drawing for 15x that amount, and are still not happy. You're sounding really retarded saying you want to quit after being at it for just a year. Although I personally think art is for lazy fucking hacks that just want to stay home and leech off their parents. I do also think it's pretty hard to be consistent and actually "good". It takes a lot more time than you'd think anon. There are many times where you'll face disappointments, but if you keep drawing I believe you'll eventually get somewhere you'll be quite happy with.

>> No.4304239

Another thing I can tell you aren’t doing is looking at what’s wrong with what you drew. You draw a face. Let’s say you hate the ears. Start working on ears as an individual feature and incorporate what you learn about it into your art. It just seems like you’ve been drawing just to draw and aren’t being self critical enough. Another thing is that like I said it takes a long time. Don’t think of art as “I have to be good by x point” just compare yourself to yourself from yesterday or even a week ago to see your slight improvement

>> No.4304258
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I think I over-analyzed so much that I can't even trick myself into thinking that I may be good, I know I'm complete and utter trash at drawing.

I tried my hardest on this sketch and had no idea what to do with it after this. You wouldn't understand though since you are filled with the Curse of Knowledge right now. I look back at the drawings I made the first few days when I started drawing and despite trying my hardest, it seems like I didn't try at all. The better you get, the more it seems like you tried.

That's a good idea, I didn't think of that.

This one was from imagination. All I did before this was draw from reference.

I do that. I can literally put wrapping lines around the entire head while I'm drawing and it will still end up looking like shit.

I'm drawing from life as much as possible. I only recently started to copy other artists. I realized that drawing from life actually made my drawings look even more flat and like symbol drawings because I wasn't exactly sure how to simplify or stylize what I was drawing. The only way you can really draw exactly what you see if you plan on rendering it exactly, which I don't.
I just want to get good at general drawing.

They weren't from imagination. I only draw from imagination when I do a DAD or something--unless I get lazy then I just do a copy of another artist.
I'll probably do what you said and start just copying a lot of other artists since before this, all I did was draw from life--which doesn't really seem to be helping.

That's a hard pill I had to swallow. I'm trying but I think that I might need to copy other artists so that I know what exactly I can simplify.

Thank you! That's probably a good idea. I feel trapped with all these courses and the idea of having to trudge through another drawing is mind-numbing. Maybe I should just draw for fun, instead.

>> No.4304262

You have a pretty ignorant bias on artists and I'm sure that probably stems into other areas as well.
I've heard of people getting good at drawing in just 6 months at the least and others taking 2-3 years.
Others say it takes "10 years" but I doubt it. Not to mention that people that post their work after 10 years is either worst than mine or way beyond what I even care to study.

>> No.4304264

>all I did was draw from life--which doesn't really seem to be helping.
Drawing from life is pretty damn overrated if your goal is to draw any sort of stylized art. Being able to draw an object is only the beginning, the real challenge is being able to abstract, simplify, stylize, make it MORE visually appealing and beautiful than what it is in reality. Good artists have already solved these problems and you can progress much faster by learning how they did it.

>> No.4304265

People who say it takes 10 years are retarded and haven't realized it yet.

>> No.4304269

I get into the habit of mindlessly drawing which is probably my biggest downfall.
I think it would probably benefit me if I were to study just parts of the face rather than trying to draw it all at once. If I did it by part, I wouldn't be frustrated for too long. But that's just a thought.

>> No.4304270

Don't you have any favorite artists you want to emulate? Any direction? Any goals you want to reach?

>> No.4304274
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okay faggot, listen here, im gonna tell you my experience about it. There was a time when i felt like you. Then, I stopped drawing for like 6 months. However, i didnt stop paying attention to stuff around me, and the basic geometry that makes up that stuff. I paid attention to figure of bodies, faces, perspective of buildings and the streets i walked around. I paid special attention to the colors of the sky, skin, and I kept thinking "what colors do i need to mix to get this color?, stuff like that. Then, I started to draw again, and i realized Id learned a lot only by observation.

So stop whining, take a break, but dont stop thinking about drawing. Always keep it in mind, and then when you feel ready, get back at it. Im not saying that suddenly you will achieve magnificent quality, but im saying that the psychologic aspect of drawing is very important.

>> No.4304277
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So I have to learn how to draw it realistically before being able to stylize. You kind of contradicted yourself by saying that drawing from life is over-rated and then saying that being able to draw an object is only the beginning.
Should I try to copy more from artists or draw from life more?

I think that people who say this also believe in the 10,000 hour rule which is a pretty laughable myth at this point. Some skills require less than 10,000 hours and others require more than 10,000 hours. But the biggest factor is how far you want to go with that skill.
For the level that I want to get to, I highly doubt that it should take 10,000 hours.

>> No.4304280

My only goal is to be able to draw characters for Visual Novels.
I would say Kim Jung Gi, but I like him more because of the fact that he draws more than humanly possible rather than for his drawings.

That's a pretty good idea. I don't think I'll completely quit drawing, I just won't be forcing myself to draw for more than an hour or two a day.

>> No.4304287

Then it seems you don't have any clear goals or influences. Work to correct that. I'll assure you it'll motivate you a lot and give you clear goals to work for.

>> No.4304288

>I don't think I'll completely quit drawing, I just won't be forcing myself to draw for more than an hour or two a day.
Do recreational drawing. Take some VN artwork and trace it, or draw some art for some of your favorite VNs. It wont make you feel like shit(hopefully) but it'll still keep you in shape.

>> No.4304297

Both. Copy from artists and from life, a decent amount of each. I personally want to stylize a little later down the line and am mostly focused on realism so I draw from life and other artists a lot. I’m working on humans so I look at loomis and other artists to see how they go about it and mimic their process but I also look at pictures of people and draw those from life to get better at the overall process.

>> No.4304305

Also drawing from life isn’t overrated idk what that person is talking about. To break the rules you have to know them so if you want to stylize art and make things more appealing than they actually are then you 100% have to draw a lot from life to learn how to manipulate things in the first place

>> No.4304310

jesus fucking christ another one of these

honestly pathetic

>> No.4304318

Will do!

I used to trace before and I think I improved a bit. Maybe tracing will break me out of my stagnation, who knows? I guess I'll just have to try it and see.

Looking at how other artists draw from life would probably help too, thanks.

But shouldn't you know how to stylize to know what to stylize? It feel like a catch-22. If I keep drawing from life, how am I supposed to know what I'm supposed to stylize. But I can't just copy other artists since I have to draw from life for some reason.

Good Afternoon.

>> No.4304326

Oh please do show me an example of someone who is a complete beginner getting good in 6 months. Even kim jung gi drew 27 years before he got his first commission.

>> No.4304329

Didn't Sinix get good at drawing after 6 months?
I know he wasn't that bad in the beginning but it makes me wonder how truthful those "it took me 10 years to get good at drawing" statements are.

>> No.4304362

months, years are useless

most people I know got decent after about ~3000-3500 hours. average pro level at 5000-6000

>> No.4304375

Meh, OP. My goal is basically drawing as a hobby and git good enough to draw anons their waifu in the /a/ drawthreads, nothing else. If you never had a goal then why draw in the first place.

>> No.4304383
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Quit when you've analyzed your problem and decided it's something you legitimately can't overcome. I also have the feeling of wanting to quit for every second I spend drawing but I've decided not to quit bc I think my problem, my inability to apply fundamentals and my ability to draw what I actually see, can be overcome. I'm drawing my conclusion based on the fact that there are so many human beings who have had the same problem as me and have been able to become good at drawing. But with all this said, if I continue to make the same mistakes and not analyze them correctly for a long enough period of time, I'll consider myself a lost cause and just quit

>> No.4304391

>I tried my hardest on this sketch and had no idea what to do with it after this. You wouldn't understand though since you are filled with the Curse of Knowledge right now. I look back at the drawings I made the first few days when I started drawing and despite trying my hardest, it seems like I didn't try at all. The better you get, the more it seems like you tried.
Just copy from photos. Simply draw what you see. You learn through this too.

>> No.4304596


To get into this field of work you have to sort of become a masochist. You're gonna make a ton of shitty work for a long time. A really long fucking time.

>> No.4304618

It really depends on how long you've studied art. Even if you never touched a pen, you can learn fairly quickly if you are smart and studied other peoples works a lot.

>> No.4304661


Have you tried copying the work of Sugina Miki? She's one of the best artists in the Visual Novel medium in my opinion. She has good understanding of the fundamentals, and has a lot of art you can learn from. I am especially fond of her compositions.

>> No.4304684
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>> No.4304691

If your feeling down go straight to drawabox.com and remember if you are not having fun while drawing or you just wanna be the best you’ll never see improvement

>> No.4304693

How to pull numbers out of your ass: anon on /ic styleT

>> No.4304897
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Eh, what's the point of learning to draw if all the normies want is anime and porn?
Somebody just end my fucking suffering.

>> No.4304901

Post your anime and porn drawings

>> No.4304904

i have none

>> No.4304925

It's not about time, it's about effort, intention, and learning how to truly "see". You can't just grind through drawings without actively thinking about what you're doing, how to improve, how to recognize mistakes, and what the real world truly looks like. If you're struggling with something, don't avoid it, sit down and hammer away at it until it looks good, then move on to the next part you're struggling with. Before long you'll realize you've improved overall as you begin to apply the techniques you've learned fixing one thing to all other areas of your work.

>> No.4304999
File: 40 KB, 540x540, 31556876_2061069227468957_1205599746643722240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I'm not too sure about those numbers. I did count the exact amount of hours I drew for the first few months but then it got a bit restricting. I don't think anyone can accurately measure how long it really takes to get good because there are way too many factors to take into considerations.

I think I was just extremely frustrated. It's kind of a cycle to be honest.
Draw, Frustration, Push Through, More Frustration, Push Through, Want to Quit, Draw, Extreme Frustration, Put the Wacom Tablet Away as if I'm Really Going to Quit Drawing, and then the next day I take it back out wondering what the hell was I thinking.

I've been trying that a lot but it hasn't really been helping. I think copying someone else's style is better since you know exactly what to draw rather than having to guess and get frustrated. Though I am still going to learn the anatomy first, of course, I just don't really care about drawing it realistically anymore.

Not interested in the "field" but I see what you mean.

I only drew from photographs and never studied other people's work which is probably the biggest reason why I feel like I'm not improving.

No but thank you for the suggestion. I'll check her out.


I've done DAB and Peter Han's exercises so many times I can do them in my sleep. I do them everyday as a warmup.

>> No.4305006

>Recommending pop sci books made by pseuds
Please don't lead baby anons down this path

>> No.4305019

I downloaded it and deleted it the second I saw that the author was a marketer. Fuck marketers. I don’t trust those flaky cunts.

>> No.4305112

all three people that I know and work in the industry used an app called procrastitracker, it's not asspull.

i've seen similar mileage for vidya as well. of course the big disclaimer is most of these hours are dedicated practice and not doodling random crap doing whatever.

>> No.4305122

You're either born with talent or you aren't.

>> No.4305124

The author might be a faggot but his advice is pretty good.

>> No.4305129

I'm impressed by their savvy use of practice tracking. You have any idea how they managed their practice during this time? Like any particular progression, time blocking, exercise choice, etc?

>> No.4305486
File: 119 KB, 500x500, 1578514325012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't trust a marketer either, desu. Even if it is good advice. There are just so many books out there I don't really see a reason through read through one entire bad book just to get a small bit of information when there are others that I can get much more out of.

I don't really think they did this as much as you think. Nor would it really be that accurate unless they turn it on literally everytime they're about to draw and have been doing so since the first day they ever started drawing--which is highly unlikely.

Maybe. But I think talent is really only useful for determining whether you make it in the industry or not. And since I'm not interested in the industry, it doesn't really matter to me.
Though I think talent is more of a psychological behaviour towards something than some innate ability to do something.
Those with more talent in drawing tend to spend more time in it because they enjoy it more than those less talented. If you enjoy something, you learn quicker and with less frustration.
That's what I've experienced in studying the 2 or 3 other skills I've tried to teach myself in the past. Unlike those other skills, I don't particularly like drawing which is why it is more difficult for me to improve. But I think that has to do with more of the way I approach drawing than it does have to do with the fact that it "just isn't for me."

>> No.4305491

Hold on wtf.
I wrote "desu" and it auto-corrected to "desu"???????

>> No.4305492

Why is "to be honest" being auto-corrected to "DESU"??????

>> No.4305494

newfaggot stop sperging

>> No.4305498

>t b h --> desu

>> No.4305529

Lmao at these people wanting to be gods at drawing but not wanting to suck for 3-5 years and grind with nothing to gain.

Go learn programming or something dude.

>> No.4305588

>You’re projecting.
If I could change the title of the post, it would lean closer to how to deal with frustration while drawing. Wanting to quit is just one of the side-effects of frustration.

>> No.4305590

post a better book

>> No.4305597

You know how when you're learning music, you learn some really simple shit like TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR? You feel joy and think "HOLY SHIT I CAN PLAY SOMETHING".

If you can't feel this when you draw something, then I'm sad to say that drawing isn't for you. You're not drawing because you like drawing, maybe you like art though.

Yesterday I drew some foxes, I learned a lot from drawing foxes and why kemonomimi's are drawn the way they are from drawing foxes. I felt really good even though not all of my foxes were pretty and I'm stoked about drawing more animals today.

Seriously, why force yourself to go through all that if you don't like doing it? Do you want to prove something to someone? Do you want status (lol)?

>> No.4305603

Why learn programming when you'll never be those silicon valley guys who create their own startup and get millions in venture capital for some obscure product riddled with problems? You'll just be another geek in a cubicle--but hey, at least the pay is decent enough to put 70% towards rent on Greenbergs $8600/month studio apartment near googles HQ!

At least with art you have a chance to overtake a market. And because art is harder than programming you'll have the good feel that you truly have a hard skill.

>> No.4305604

>art is harder than programming


>> No.4305605

Not him, but I think a big reason why I draw is simply because I have nothing better to do. Constantly just watching twitch streams just becomes boring after a while. You need something to do, otherwise you go crazy after a while (I at least), and drawing has always been a good thing for this to me, because I love art and at least you are somewhat productive when drawing.

>> No.4305606

It is.

>> No.4305608

No lol. Just pulling that out of your ass

>> No.4305612

That sounds like a terribly miserable way to go through life. Why don't you try finding out what gives you joy instead of just passively doing things because "I have nothing better to do"?

>> No.4305615


There are 3rd graders learning to code in many parts of the world right now. Give an ex convict a pencil and paper and ask them to go through loomis and they'll get frustrated and quit.

>> No.4305616

You easily can get into programming by simply copy pasting codes from tutorials and slightly change them to fit together. Getting into drawing however is way harder. You can't just copy paste there.

And professional artists are way beyond programmers anyway. Programming is just like learning some weird language. Drawing is a real craft.

>> No.4305617

It depends on what kind of programming field you're going.

Web shit? Easy.

Graphics/IA/Simulations? Hard asf, hope you like math and physics too.

>> No.4305618

It probably is a terrible way, but that's just how I am. There isn't really anything which gives me joy. I think my biggest problem is decades of loneliness and myriads of mental violations. After a while your head just gets dull, and you simply "exist" and observe.

>> No.4305619

what a fucking retarded example

>> No.4305623

Most people "learning to code" are doing it for front/back end web dev stuff or for apps/games. I don't think anyone on /ic/ would escape from /sci/ and decide to pick up a completely polar opposite hobby.

And if OP is quitting something allegedly more easier than programming there is no way in hell he'll have the aptitude for programming AI simulations for the military.

>> No.4305625


Based and funpilled

Most people on here are people whos only real "hobby" and passion is watching anime or playing games. As they get older they start to feel unsatisfied and unhappy, having no skill or real passion of their own.
They then start looking for something to give them a sense of productivity or purpose.
They CHOOSE to start drawing because it's the closest productive thing lined to their current interests.
They have no real passion or interest in it, their only goal is to "git gud" enough that other people like themselves will give them the validation they've never gotten before.
Of course this is not sustainable and most quit.

>> No.4305629

what a fucking retarded response

>> No.4305633

suck my cock nigger youre fucking dumb i hope you trip and hit your head on a counter

>> No.4305636

Aww Janny wanna baabaa? It's okay I'll come speak to you in IRC.

>> No.4305649

ill knock your teeth out nigger

>> No.4305656


Why are you angry?

>> No.4305661

Allow me to borrow this thread a bit, should it be fun to draw? I would like to become good at drawing and i applied myself for a while but noticed that im quite results-driven so i had little enjoyment in actually drawing.

Is this where i bite down and practice?

>> No.4305664


Both of you absolute FAGGOTS shut the fuck up

>> No.4305669

A woman shouldn't butt into a mans discussion.

>> No.4305670
File: 61 KB, 600x1053, mindcandyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?


Have you never worked for something in your life? Never learned a skill?

And of course it's supposed to be enjoyable, why else do it?

Quit now and don't waste your time

>> No.4305673


Oh, the maly trait of arguing with other acne faced little nerds on 4chan

Go take a shower and then call your mom and tell her you're sorry for being such a bitch

>> No.4305688

>being on 4chan
>calling other people "acne faced little" nerds

oh the ironing

>> No.4305694

youll sure show me by doing exactly what youre mocking

big brain

>> No.4305698

I did play guitar for a few years and it was fun learning to play my favourite songs.

What makes you say NGMI?

>> No.4305701


You can just tell these people expect to progress in a neat linear way like a video game where you rack up experience; or, at best, a STEM discipline like programming where just stuffing your head with memorized knowledge, not to mention copypasting code snippets or googling a solution for every error code, can get you a long way.

It's not even that one is easier than the other--i'm personally shit at programming--it's just a completely different mindset.

>> No.4305703


Struck a nerve

>> No.4305712


Go be a woman in some other thread. You are lowering the average IQ of the thread with your presence.

>> No.4305715

>haha you called me a retard did i strike a nerve ;)))

dude you're epic owning right now!!

>> No.4305721

>should it be fun to draw?
You might not find fun in 100% of the process, but you should find some enjoyment and satisfaction from making art. Maybe you enjoy having a finished piece to look at and feel pride in, moreso than just making marks on paper, but you should find fun in some element. Otherwise, what is the point?

>> No.4305722

So on the one hand, we have you, someone who only does art because it's fun. On the other hand, we have someone who doesn't think making art is fun at all, but keeps working at it out of their love of the beauty of art, and their desire to bring more of that beauty into the world. Who's the real artist here?

>> No.4305724


Got you two on the same side atleast,now stop bitching like fags

Diplomacy win

>> No.4305728


You can have fun and still be a hard worker you absolute brainlet

And what the fuck do you mean "real" artist? It's for sure not being the one drawing anime tiddies

>> No.4305729

shut up you fucking retarded cunt
>diplomacy win
redditor moron

>> No.4305731

It's a temporary truce until you leave.

>> No.4305743


>> No.4305747
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>> No.4305766

This is so dumb I can`t even...

>> No.4305775


Do you understand how retarded you sound to others?

>> No.4305881
File: 76 KB, 500x280, you-fucking-potato-anime-irl-4669476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try gatekeeping. Already learned that "maybe this is not for you" is obvious gatekeeping bait from Sycra.

Drawing/Art is definitely not harder than programming. Programming just has direction and people willing to teach. People on art forums tell everyone to screw off and figure it out themselves which is why it is perceptibly difficult and why a lot of people take 10 years to get good but in reality it is just like any other skill. It's also funny how the only people that say programming is easier than drawing are the people that barely even know HTML--one of the easiest programming languages to learn. If I were to study programming, I'd probably do it to get into Cyber Warfare Engineering in the Navy but that's besides the point.

I guess I don't really have that problem since I do have other things that I can do and learn. Having those alternatives in the back of my head make it harder to continue drawing but I keep on doing so regardless.

True. But I've been pursuing hobbies since I started to realize I was wasting it all on video games. Drawing was 3rd skill I decided to pursue because I wanted to create stories. But nobody reads anything longer than a Twitter post these days (besides on here) so I wanted to add illustrations to my writing. I still won't reach as many people if I were to make a movie or animation but at least it broadens my reach.

What the fuck is this?

That's kind of my predicament too. The results come pretty slowly which is why it's sometimes demotivating. If you have the Dunning Kruger effect, you can trick yourself into thinking that just because you can draw a decent Loomis Head that you're "too far into this to quit" but unfortunately my DK ran out and now I realize just how bad I really am. Despite that, I find it more difficult to quit

>> No.4305899

>Programming is just like learning some weird language.
Do you want to know how I, a professional programmer, know that you don't know how to program?

>> No.4305909

It's not gatekeeping, I just don't see why would you spend so much time learning something that you don't enjoy.

Do things you enjoy, then maybe your life won't be so miserable. That's it.

Now, on the other hand, if you're doing it to get a job and pay the bills, I think it's also a bad way of going about it because if you don't enjoy it, you'll dread going to work every day.

See my point?

>> No.4305913
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, HNG - Thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know three different languages and I haven't found it any easier to learn programming.
Retards love to think in simple terms and then ignorantly spew that shit out on here like it's the fucking gospel.
Learn C++ then come back here and tell me that drawing is more difficult.
These fucking people...

>> No.4305919

>reddit spacing
please stop with the gate keeping, it's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.4305920

>funny how the only people that say programming is easier than drawing are the people that barely even know HTML
Oh but you are of course a professionak artist and know how hard it actually is, right?

>> No.4305926

please stop with the passive aggressive shit, it's fucking cringe

>> No.4305950
File: 277 KB, 706x412, 1564875900403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that barely even know HTML--one of the easiest programming languages
>programming languages
Are you high?

>> No.4305957
File: 514 KB, 1281x1074, 1574950989209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, this guy is pretty full of shit.

Definitely gatekeeping. Telling people that they shouldn't do something because "nature did not intend it to be so" or some other crap is definitely gatekeeping.

You don't sound like you know what you're talking about.

It's not? All I know is that everyone says that HTML is easy as shit. I personally tried studying C for a few weeks but it was a bit too boring for my ADHD, Call of Duty, instant gratifying 14 year old self.
I think I may be able to pursue it now, but who am I kidding? It's not like learning how to program is going to be any easier than drawing so I might as well stick to drawing.

>> No.4305967

Yeah OP go learn programming. Less competition for me.

>> No.4306009

>I know three different languages

LMAO, found the scrub. When you know how to program, the number of languages you've programmed in doesn't matter. What matters is that you know every programming paradigm. Then when a project asks for it, you can pick up any programming language that's required for the job or use the one you're most proficient in if possible.

>> No.4306012

No problem anon, I won't be sad when you suicide, bye.

>> No.4306015

> you thought it was a /g/ programming thread, but was me an /ic/ burnout thread.

>> No.4306030

Just wanted to give my two cents on the ease of learning programming vs drawing. Too many comments to reply to all of them so I'll just start fresh. I've been working as a professional programmer for a few years, first learned how to program starting in 2005 when I was 13, and right now I'm a year into learning how to draw.

For me, PERSONALLY, learning how to program was a lot easier and more fun than learning how to draw. Drawing is pretty tortuous for me, but I keep going because I want to achieve my end goal of being able to make the type of art that I want to see. This doesn't necessarily say anything about how inherently hard drawing or programming is, but it could just be that my personal talents are geared more towards logical/symbolic/verbal thinking than visual thinking. I was good at math and writing from a very young age but I was absolutely the worst artist out of all the kids I knew at school, I could not draw anything beyond a stick figure and had no desire to attempt to. There are lots of "I've been drawing ever since I can remember, and I hated math class" types who would probably say the opposite if they tried to learn how to program: learning to draw was easy, but learning programming is torture.

I certainly don't think learning how to program is just flat out easy though, far from it. So overall it probably depends more on the individual and their own talents and preferences rather than the inherent properties of either skill.

Some other possible mitigating factors are, maybe I had more brain plasticity at 13 than I do now which made it easier to learn things, and I definitely had more free time. So if I had tried to start drawing at 13 instead of 26, I'm sure I would have found it easier back then than I'm finding it now, but I still doubt it would have been as easy for me as programming was.

>> No.4306039

The better question is do you think it would be harder for you to learn to program right now than when you were 13?

>> No.4306041

One of the biggest differences that I've noticed between learning the two skills is that merely reading how-tos and books about programming can increase your skills (to a certain degree, of course you still have to write lots of code too), whereas with drawing, the books teach you very little and almost 100% of your skills come from you actually sitting down and doing the thing. So I feel like I have to exert myself a lot harder to learn how to draw, I can't just passively absorb as much skill through osmosis, but again, to people who have a more natural inclination for drawing they wouldn't view it as exertion at all, they would just view it as fun.

I will say that I've seen many people try to learn programming and eventually drop out and fail to stick with it because they find it too hard. I do think that programming requires a certain critical mass of intelligence, and if you're below the IQ cutoff, it's going to be insanely hard for you; it might just be impossible for some people. I'm currently undecided on if there are similarly people who are incapable of learning how to draw, although I will say that if I am one day able to draw, it means that anyone can.

>> No.4306044

Definitely. The age and the amount of free time are factors. But they're also not the only factors.

>> No.4306050

Hey OP if you're still here, did you come to some conclusions after a day and 160 replies of whatever the fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.4306070

Programming also takes 3-5 years to learn.

>> No.4306092

wow you're pretty much narrating my life story - also a professional programmer, bad at art as a kid, about the same age too lol. hope we make it, I will be angry for the rest of my life if I don't.

I would be much more efficient at learning because I have the fundamental background in mathematics and computer science and experience with learning other skills (such as writing). Programming is mostly about having a solid mental model of the system you're trying to create and good taste/best practices learned from observation and experience. A lot of this translates to art I guess, but it remains to be seen how far one can go with it.

>> No.4306127

The fact that you say that shows you're insecure and that you'll never actually make it in the professional world. Despite that, I've already said over and over that I don't plan on being in industry. It's just something I want to do for fun.

I mean foreign languages. When people compare computer languages to foreign languages, they are oversimplifying the difficulty of programming.



>Learned how to program as a kid.
>It was easier for me to learn programming.
Dude, I don't know if you don't realize this but you sound so much full of shit that I think you might need to get that checked.
If you were to switch the skills in your lifetime story, it would have been the complete opposite.
Personally, I don't count anything you learned before the age of 20 since you don't really remember those years and you learn much easier at that age.

That's exactly what I'm saying. The reason it's so hard for a lot of to begin drawing is because we never started as a kid. If you started as a kid, drawing is easy as fuck. For the rest of us, we have to work hard. Not that the former doesn't work hard, it's just a different kind of difficulty. It's less about getting out of the frustrating beginner level and more about getting to the industry level.

Exactly. It's basically just like drawing. It's not like drawing is some magical skill that is somehow harder than everything else. Most skills typically take 3-5 years to learn.

>> No.4306141
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>Figured this should have it's own reply since it's basically my conclusion. After this, I'll let the thread die if you guys want.
Yes, I did. I realized that I was only frustrated in drawing, not that I wanted to quit. Me wanting to quit was just a side effect of becoming frustrated in drawing.
Besides that, there are a lot of technical flaws in the way I studied. I used to only study from life because people said that studying styles was a crutch, evidently. I've decided that I'm no longer going to study strictly from life but to start analyzing and doing copies from other artists so that I can learn how exactly to draw something rather than frustratingly try to figure it out myself.
I also figured it would be a good idea to draw each feature and practice it individually, separate from the face, rather than try to draw the entire face all at once--which is extremely frustrating.
I'll start with proportions, move onto the hair, then move onto the rest of the features, leaving the eyes for last since I find those to be the most difficult.
As far as how long I'll spend, I'm not exactly sure. I'm still in the middle of a burnout but I still want to draw despite what my emotions try to make me do. I'll see if I can push through a few head exercises for at least 2 hours a day.
I don't really feel like the "I have to draw 18 hours a day" really applies to me since I'm not planning on being a professional. I do want to reach a point where I am drawing a lot but I want to increase my hours as my burnout effect starts to decrease to avoid burning out even worst.

I'm not quitting, I'm just frustrated.
I'm trying new things thanks to the answers I've gotten on here.
You guys have been a great help and I'm really fortunate to have had such great advice, thank you!

>> No.4306148

>Less competition for me.
Who says that you and OP would be in the same niche to begin with?

>> No.4306271
File: 99 KB, 746x512, k51ruvchmbf11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed, anon.

>> No.4306307

>That's exactly what I'm saying. The reason it's so hard for a lot of to begin drawing is because we never started as a kid. If you started as a kid, drawing is easy as fuck. For the rest of us, we have to work hard.

you guys all said you couldn't draw anything but stick figures as a kid--which means you drew.

you never had to draw for a school assignment? make a greeting card for your aunt? no one ever gave you some colored pencils and told you to entertain yourself for a couple hours?

the vast majority of people aren't exposed to programming until adulthood, and even then it has to be self-selected. you had the chance to see if you liked drawing and decided not to take it up.

>> No.4306400

Bad bait.

>> No.4307275
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 1551334748127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acting like gatekeeping is a bad thing
People in the artist community gatekeep because of retards like you. People that don't actually like to draw, have no ideas or stories they want to create, you simply fell in love with the idea of being an artist and the clout it brings. You thought it was easy because you saw some 16 year old savant making gains over a couple months. Dummies like yourself tumble into literally every corner of the internet saying the same shit.
>Oh I'm an artist
>posts dogshit piece with no fundamentals
>Waaaah, why am I not like this guy that has been drawing for 20+ years only after only drawing a single unfinished piece every other month for 2 years!?!?
Its the same thing every single time. You ask what inspirations you have, its a single basic bitch artist or show, you ask how many drawings/doodles you've done this week, its always 1 or 2 if you've even picked up a pencil this week. You tell them keep drawing, make room for sessions where you draw from real life, give them resources at the very least, and at the very most give them a redline and in-depth explanation as to what their doing wrong. 8 times out of 10 you get ignored and they tell you some bullshit reason as to why they didn't listen to you.
You don't want to do any of the leg work, drawing is not like coding where there's a linear progression and a simple line of deduction as to why something is going wrong. There's no one key to drawing good. (You) have to figure it out. Understand what you want you work to look like. Make mistakes doing pieces and figuring out what you did wrong. Observing and copying other artist to figure what you want out yourself. You've been sitting in this thread for 2 days responding with anime girl reaction pics like a under aged discord faggot instead of drawing. I already know how your going to respond so fuck you for wasting my time you fucking newfaggot.

>> No.4309362

it's time to give up anon.