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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4302689 No.4302689 [Reply] [Original]

Seems this place is more about shitposting than actually giving constructive critique, is there a better more active place online?

>> No.4302696

I’d say R*ddit but people are too nice there

>> No.4302703

Not op but is reddit really helpful?

>> No.4302706

Join one of the good discords

>> No.4302709

Eh somewhat. There are a few subs dedicated to art criticism and becoming better at drawing but sometimes criticism gets swept under the rug because karma. I think it’s at least an option.

>> No.4302710

what are they called?

>> No.4302711

Oh yeah discord is good as well. There should be a discord thread floating around here somewhere

>> No.4302747

I don't get karma or gold.
What are some good sub threads?

>> No.4302757

Do you mean subreddits?

>> No.4302760

Yeah. I clearly don't use the site often, sorry. Which ones are the good ones for art?

>> No.4302763

Ehhh r/drawing, r/learn art, r/art fundamentals, r/artcrit are pretty decent

>> No.4302803

There is no better place for crits than /ic/ because everyone is out to tear your shit apart. I've gotten praise a handful of times in here and I remember them almost word for word because I know they gave me the truth.

>> No.4302815

Sure but its mostly trolls that dont give anything constructive and most are begtards.

>> No.4302837

>t.addicted to adrenaline
Ask yourself really really carefully, did the critique actually improve you or not? Most normal, adjusted people burn out under constant negativity. There must be some reward for their efforts, even if they are lacking. Do you enjoy punishment?
To clarify, I think brutal critique is necessary for growth too.

>> No.4302843

the problem with /ic/ is that it's 99.9% /beg/s and once you cross that threshold you don't get any crits because most people are worse than you

>> No.4302845
File: 764 KB, 1476x1493, 2314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was gon shitpost but i decided to do some painting in csp.
im still beg, no cyberbully pls

>> No.4302853

Yeah, no. While /ic/ does have SOME good critics(figuratively, <5%), most of it is filled with dumb skillless crabs who shit on even really great artists. That is their """critique"""-- pedantic and petty bullshit that doesn't improve an art piece. And of course, like the skillless crabs they are, their """critique""" is often wrong. Some shitters even unironically resort to garbage like "soul". OP, do not bother with this board. Proko is gonna open an art forum for art critique and community, you'll have to wait. This place is unsalvageable, other than for shitposting.

>> No.4302860
File: 46 KB, 800x330, 34UnhpTSqVP49qV6_0zdQmQUeJVcBWiAEidsieulmws.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. This place is fine. The only people who have a problem with it are just new. They lack the skill of subconsciously filtering out shitposting while browsing. I don't even see the shitposts anymore.

>> No.4302865

Literally every single one of the best threads I've seen here got deleted.

>> No.4302879

so much this

>> No.4302910

critique >>> praise

>> No.4302927

>what is this Readit that you speak of? Haha, I've never heard of it. s-subthread you say? Man this is so foreign to me, it totally have never been in that website. I'm clearly unfamiliar with it.

>> No.4302931

I have yet to use it

>> No.4302933

gesture and pose is wrong

>> No.4302941

Just because I have heard of a site doesn't mean that I don't know how to navigate it or use it. Let alone care enough to learn the hip lingo. Like I know furaffinity exist but I don't know what the site looks like off the top of my head or let alone how to negative it. I'm not a faggot.

>> No.4302943
File: 539 KB, 527x749, 8ePOhka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not wrong

>> No.4302986


>> No.4302990

I've been here for 7 years and it just got worse, I only come here for the shill thread and the resources

>> No.4302992

someone buying your stuff >>>praise>>>ic

>> No.4302993

Critique >>>Sincere Praise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitpost

>> No.4302995

facebook groups are better than this sluggish shit hole.

>> No.4302996

http://wetcanvas.com jej

>> No.4303006

no that place is for people that actually get pieces finished

>> No.4303008

>scathing criticism = good criticism
lol no

>> No.4303081
File: 743 KB, 616x587, 58dad995e906c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2013 was 7 years ago

>> No.4303096

The account doesn't even exist

>> No.4303138

Sinix church and BST are pretty decent.

>> No.4303141

Bst? I like cos, but it feels so slow lately

>> No.4303142

Brush Sauce Theatre I think. https://discord.gg/bytc8w

>> No.4303145

Thanks, will give it a go

>> No.4303227

Anon please comeback to /beg/

>> No.4303367

Critique >>>Sincere Praise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitpost>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Absolutetly Nothing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C R A B

>> No.4303421
File: 119 KB, 934x562, advice from ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pehaps there is some good crit here , but i have someone tell someone else that he needs to shade a face like a box

Exactly like image

>> No.4303423

also excuse my shit digital skills

>> No.4303458

there's barely any value contrast, focus on greyscale before you jump to colors

>> No.4303588

Because of 4chans meme translations "based"

>> No.4303591
File: 14 KB, 314x137, sai_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually come here for critique, you're a fucking retard.
I've since stopped coming to this board after I realized that you will never get anymore good critique because nobody else but /beg/s actually visit the /beg/ thread.
That's what happens when you create containment threads.
This board is utterly useless and it's only value is in shitposting.

>> No.4303617
File: 161 KB, 341x442, 1578354868408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comes to this board for critique.

>> No.4303639

/ic/ has helped me greatly improve my art. The constructive criticism is shit, but you'll at least get someone's honest answer.

Actually a quick unadulterated impression of your art is important for improving in many ways. It's like a consumer report of your product, after all what you've made is a production with meaning. Also, keep in mind /ic/ is frequented by people who want to see you produce something they like, or something novel. Personally, I like this board for how raw it is, actually there is a lot of soul here, there's soul in reaching for something we don't have or know how to get, and it shows in all our work.

>> No.4303667

>frequented by people who want to see you produce something they like
really? those people must have starved to death, cos i dont see many actually posting their own stuff.

>> No.4303670

No! no one responds to my posts..

>> No.4303742


Reddit only has trash tier artist.

>> No.4303744
File: 1.82 MB, 2383x3865, IMG_20200111_174506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips?

>> No.4303773

Try to place your lines with more confidence.

>> No.4303787
File: 1.85 MB, 3464x3632, sketch final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its in the sketch stage
like right

>> No.4303802

> Any tips?
Yeah post in /beg/

>> No.4304302


>> No.4304324

Your sketch stage is too messy.
Try to be more definitive with the lines you place.

>> No.4304384


>> No.4304392
File: 8 KB, 285x177, IMG_4526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feels like 2013 was just yesterday

>> No.4304395

I agree. I’ve seen really bad pieces of art get tons of praise without criticism there just because people liked the message or the aesthetic. People even do this in the art critique or learning art themed subs.

>> No.4305160

He means you're making weak lines even in the sketch. Try to mimic someone like Vilppu when you're sketching, don't just mindlessly scratch away at the page.

>> No.4305522
File: 21 KB, 316x320, h6Z_SsLSrl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sub is fucking shit. The only people that actually get critique are the people that don't really even need it or weren't even looking for it. It's the kind of fags that post their work on multiple subs to try and get traction.
It's fucking annoying and is why I left and came here.
Despite the critique here being shit, it's much better than being ignored entirely.

>> No.4306055

Is there a discord for porn/pinup artist? Like not just cartoons/hentai?

>> No.4306072

OP here

This thread proves my point, everyone here is an animefag and only critiques anime garbage, where can one get good criticism that isn't too kind on real drawings?

>> No.4306073

No one fucking cares about "real drawings".
Who is buying "real drawings"? No one.
Who is buying anime? Millions of people worldwide.
That's why people draw and critique anime.

>> No.4306080

I don't see any anime in art galleries, plenty of people appreciate and pay alot more for trad art.

And btw you still need to learn the fundies in order to draw anime.

>> No.4306630

Unironically this.
If you're bad you'll get shitposted and if you're great you'll get shitposted. If you're in between you won't even get noticed at all

>> No.4306657

this makes no sense.

>> No.4307500
File: 67 KB, 640x416, 1562386345358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see any anime in art galleries
where's your exhibition on the louvre?

>> No.4307509

You don't see a whole lot of trad art in art galleries these days either, it's mainly dead sharks and buckets of shit and things like that.

>> No.4309543

Buckets of shit are more interesting than anime.

>> No.4309545

Why are you even here? What kind of art do you like?

>> No.4309554

The only other place is plebbit, I like impressionism, sketchart and some abstract if its done with some skill

>> No.4310927

discord can be quite the roll of the dice
I remember going into two discords specifically set up for artists and they wouldn't allow criticism unless the artist asks for it
on the other hand, i also joined a youtuber's discord and she had a place for people to post shit for critique, and it was a decent place for that

>> No.4312903

>a youtuber's discord
Which discord?

>> No.4312913

Sorry, what is a “crab”?

>> No.4312917


Someone being negative toward others because they themselves can't/won't improve.

>> No.4315915
