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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4298889 No.4298889 [Reply] [Original]

I can seem to do understand Loomis figures just fine, but when I try to do something from imagination It ends up like an abomination. I am a talentlet? I am Just unable to draw? Should I just leave art altogether?

>> No.4298892

What do you expect to gain from posting something like this? What do you want people to tell you? Just fucking draw

>> No.4298899


>> No.4298906

Loomis is just a waste of time anon.

>> No.4298907

>OP makes a thread like this

>> No.4298908

Stop making whiny self deprecating posts begging for validation and draw

>> No.4298913


>> No.4298915

If it's any solace, looked the same for me and tons of others. This is normal if you aren't super talented or drew a shitton as a teenager.

>> No.4298919

If those are from imagination, they're fine. Just keep practicing.

>> No.4298949

it takes practice wtf is with all these gloomers giving up after barely trying, get your shit together and keep drawing

>> No.4298957

Well now you need to figure draw. Using loomis deconstruct the figure repetitively for memorization. Drawing is memorization, Loomis is an aide for it.

>> No.4299030

The answer is always yes.

>> No.4299044

Don't leave art, but you should probably seek a therapist and I mean that in the least demeaning way possible. You probably want validation from this board because you have no other place to get it from and/or from a lack of emotional support during your childhood if my armchair psychology serves me right.

>> No.4299051

No, you just have to keep learning and keep drawing.

>> No.4299059

>Should I kill myself?
>Should I just leave art altogether?
Why are you being so fucking dramatic? Drawing nice figured in general is a challenge even with reference, it will take years of practice to draw a figure from imagination exactly how you want. Art is a process that takes time and energy to get what you want, quit giving up so easily

If you’re reacting this harshly to an art failure as trivial as not being able to draw a figure the way you want it, something that can be refined so easily and takes a ton of time to understand, then art might not be for you.

>> No.4299065

>Should I Just kill myself?
Yes, but you can't improve when you're dead. If I were you I wouldn't be stressing over drawing from Imagination just keep using reference until you feel confident enough, keep practicing.

>> No.4299068

this is literally suicide advice

>> No.4299112

Grinding Loomis is a stupid fucking meme. You shouldn't be learning anything from just 1 artist or you'll become a crappy clone of them. Look at stuff from Loomis, Vilppu, Bridgman, Hampton, Hampton, Proko then stuff from artists that make you want to draw (For me Sakimi, Araki, Rosschan, Slugbox, KNKL(And every other Riot artist)), and draw on lineofaction or quickposes. Eventually you'll have your own method, and you won't hate your art for looking like an offshoot of another artist's style.

And none of that "should I stop drawing/kms" babble. Being shit at art should make you want to get better, not stop, that's the true way to be gmi

>> No.4299147

How do I draw accurately from photo ref without using gimmicks like grids?

>> No.4299170


>> No.4299803
File: 374 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20200107_165240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this method help more?

>> No.4299846

No, you don't understand Loomis figures, because you're not constructing human figures correctly. You're treating the human form like legos, and are using the wrong pieces, in the wrong places. The intent is clear, the execution is highly flawed. Just copying Loomis is just part of it - you have to understand how a body actually fits together. Your hips on those figures are impossible and broken, and entirely too low on the left, and you have her vagina halfway to her knees on the right.

LOOK at the human body. LOOK at how the forms fit, and how they change when they move. IMAGINE the skeleton and muscle structure. If you can't imagine the body in that position, find photos and figure it out. Loomis is used with ALL OTHER learning exercises, to be able to visualize a basic human body in your mind, and translate that to the page.
Stop with the childish despair, and apply yourself more. Keep doing it until the lightbulb goes off over your head, and you get it.

>> No.4299902

based accurateobservation-poster and emotionalintelligence-pilled

>> No.4300168

first, you don't have my permission to kys
second, drawing from imagination is the final form so don't be captain skippy and think you won't have to grind like a mothercrusher to solidify and apply what you're learned

fucking petulant millennial zoomers want everything right fucking now

don't ever come around here playing life is unfair games on us, we know better

now go back to drawing

>> No.4300250

>hic hic
>art hard
>gunna kill muhseff
we're not your mom
fuck off