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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.54 MB, 2000x3100, Western art 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4297588 No.4297588 [Reply] [Original]

Can we finally end the whole "westerners can't draw anime" debate. Yes jap artists are better at drawing anime, but that's because its literally their culture, it would be like saying why can't Japanese basketball players compete with NA basketball players. It's not a fair comparison. That being said western artists can be very good like pic related.








Thank you for reading, hoping this thread doesn't turn into a shitstorm :)

>> No.4297592

imagine caring about what /ic/ thinks

>> No.4297600

No matter how many examples you give of this the fact is that there will always be a common belief that japanese are the only people that can competently draw animu. The belief is obviously wrong, but that doesn't mean people will ever learn that its wrong.

>> No.4297610

I think that what people mean when they make that point is that 90% of western anime art looks uncanny or "synthetic" and I mostly agree with this. however there are some really great western artists that are usually overlooked.

>> No.4297616


>> No.4297631
File: 431 KB, 970x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi! I am Kyou *23*

>> No.4297635

If you're a good illustrator it's more likely than not that you're doing it as a profession which means you need to make what clients wants to see which, outside of Japan, is typically not anime. It's only natural then that most of the western drawn anime you see is going to be made by hobbyists that aren't good enough on a technical level to make it look convincing.


>> No.4297694
File: 114 KB, 1080x1053, somenormalartist_80320619_190680075437324_6423365741009114909_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad,
>16 years old
Beginning to think talent isn't a meme bros.


>> No.4297702

I JUST got to this level at almost 24
Time to kill myself bros

>> No.4297900

Eat healthy, exercise, make use of modern medicine and making it to one hundred isn't unreasonable with today's tech. It becomes even more reasonable if you assume life extension medicine will continue to improve.

You can live long enough to surpass all the great masters of old who didn't live as long as you can.

>> No.4297908

>Another thread died for this
It's time to stop Anon!

>> No.4297941
File: 557 KB, 800x799, 1575668251526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP MAKING THESE THREADS. all of you niggers shut the fuck up. the whole debate is pointless because you can make excellent living with 1/2 the skills of any of the images in the op drawing anime and especially hentai. people putting the cart before the horse thinking they need to reach some elder god level before they can make it and none of you are even qualified to debate whether a givin western artist is good enough as a jap artist etc. you're all /beg/ scum and I KNOW IT FOR A FACT YOU SHITS DONT EVEN REPLY WITH ANY RETORT. you're all fucking /beg/ niggers shitting up then entire board and i hope hiromoot personally bans you by raping you and your entire family. crash your cars and die. JUST FUCKING STOP MAKING THESE WEST VS EAST THREADS YOU MONGS

>> No.4297947
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1576196434362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay talentlet

>> No.4297961

i'd post my progress image over the last 2 months but you wouldn't even believe me, lol. imagine if you had just drawn for 8+ hours a day like i did instead of collecting /ic/ memes.

>> No.4297974

I know a half-Japanese guy who's /beg/-tier because he's the type to make excuses, so I know it's not just culture or genetics.

>inb4 "it's because of the other half"

>> No.4297982
File: 15 KB, 692x607, 1574944536923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it weak shit

>> No.4298056

None of these look anything like anime though anon, heck they are not even close to chink or taiwanese copies of anime.

In other words,
>"Can we finally end the whole "westerners can't draw anime" debate."
there was no debate in the first place.

Westerners can't draw actual anime, then again idk why you are so obsessed with being recognized as japanese, since their artists will never recognize you as one of their own.

>> No.4298096

Post it, you can get heaps done in 2 months especially with 8 hour days.

>> No.4298174

>including Whyt Manga in that collage
A blemish on an otherwise decent piece.

>> No.4298176

Absolutely fucking retard post. Like, this has got to be some of the dumbest shit I’ve seen on here.

>> No.4298354

People like you are the reason we keep having these debates.
Whyt is not in in. I think you're getting him mixed up with Kuzomari

>> No.4298514

but its so bad.
Look at the hand
Look at the neck
Look at the clothing folds
Some of the shadows do not follow the form at all. The art piece is just anime and kinda colorful.

>> No.4298566

No shit it's not that good
>"""""""16 years old""""""
Post your work when you were 16.

>> No.4298610

Who cares if he's 16? If he doesn't improve he'll stay this /beg/ forever.

>> No.4298660

I was better at 16

>> No.4298681

>If it’s so talentless then I’d like to see you whip up some anime to show how easy it is to go from 0 to ur so talented.

>> No.4298939

Really?! Then you must be like super good now.

>> No.4299576

2/3 of these look good, 1/3 of these look Jap but it probably took extra fucking work to make them look like that aka going out of their usual style, and also why the fuck are the faces so wide, were these drawn by big boned obese pasties?

>> No.4299585

>It doesnt look like anime, bros

You weebs are gross, if OP didnt stated that thoose drawings where Made bu western dudes you would have literally nothing to say abou them, i'm pretty sure if OP posted some of that art and said "look, what do you think about the art of Satoshi Fukata" or any other made up asian name you surely would be praising it and his asian genes, weebs are a herd of fanatic brainlets who only care of the art was made by a chink or not, thats why you never grow as artist or people, you are braindead.

>> No.4299593

Lmao talk about projecting

>> No.4299608


First of all, learn what projecting means, then prove i'm wrong

>> No.4299610

Most of the drawings in the pic are either not good or not anime. All generic designs, the ones that aren't fanart that is.

On that note, there are non Japanese who can kinda draw, IMO, decent anime. Dmitry Grozov, David Liu, and BlueTheBone come to mind.

>> No.4299633
File: 995 KB, 3365x1035, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Westerners can't draw anime" is one of the stupidest things on /ic/, because it's just weebs telling themselves that they're destined to fail to excuse themselves for their own lack of success. If you took a bunch of Japanese anime art and Western anime art I bet most people wouldn't even be able to tell the two apart.
Actually, let's try doing just that.
Which ones are by Japanese artists, and which ones are not?

>> No.4299637

Could you explain why they are not anime? Because I don't see a fucking difference and you seem to have the reason pretty clear in your head, please explain otherwise your statement is your smoke.

>> No.4299638
File: 12 KB, 327x253, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, also
>Are you sure these people are entirely non-Asian? 'm pretty sure Koreans have magic genes too with how well they do in Esports.

>> No.4299639

>Actually, let's try doing just that.
Which ones are by Japanese artists, and which ones are not?

This kills the weeb

>> No.4299641
File: 2.10 MB, 2000x1124, party_at_my_castle_by_shroedinger-d35hwta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4299642

All the western artists I picked out spoke primarily in English, with no traces of speaking any Asian language on their social media, and one directly stated to be non-Asian.

>> No.4299657
File: 199 KB, 385x770, Dabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol people here are gonna interpret these as Western born Asians around the 20s or a college graduate 30+ year old who's had professional work then still throw in the towel. Tumblr's left its mark in people's memory, that it breeds mediocrity backed by an obnoxious mouth while Pixiv is a silent haven where elephants are the only form of speech.

>> No.4299661

I'm pretty sure the far left is non-jap. Just doesn't have that asian charm. Something about the nose. I think the next one is definitely asian. Next is non-asian. Next one feels like it could go either way but I'm gonna say non-asian. The swords ruin the composition. NO swords and I'd assume asian. Last one could also go either way but I think non-asian just based on the weird eyes.

how did I do?

>> No.4299662
File: 912 KB, 1280x1846, tumblr_mpqe20RMMe1qj79hio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom left and top row.

These are all semi-realistic, not much like animated TV at all. Here's an example of what I would consider anime style.

>> No.4300113
File: 128 KB, 550x778, krenz-cushart-160120-2_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Here's an example of what I would consider anime style
>posts "chibi" toddler like proportions

This is an example of what real "anime" looks like.

>> No.4300118

Silly anon, that much chub isn't something Asians find themselves becoming. There's no way it was made by one.

>> No.4300239

Why would you respond to an obvious autist?

>> No.4300271

asian, western, western, western, asian

>> No.4300410
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20200109-142639_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

???????? Hes literally chinese?? (left guy)


>> No.4300472

Weebs are retarded and a waste of oxygen, this thread is the living proof

>> No.4300493
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1920, yun-ling-night-lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan makes good anime drawings because its part of their culture.

Americans can't anime because its not part of their culture. They're better at doing tumblrshit and Disney furry porn since its ingrained into them.

Europe is better for abstract paintings and the Middle East is more renowned for geometric artwork.

It all boils down to what your surroundings and Geography is more renowned for.
If you have culture surrounding you, draw inspiration from it and see what you can make.

Don't forget;
Japan is inspired heavily by your cultures.
If you get rid of it, you won't have anything to truly make you different from the rest of the world, and Japan will see you and your art as nothing but homogeneous nonsense.
And the quicker you are keen to throw it away, the quicker the quality of you and artistic culture (the root of all cultural expression) will fall away.

Don't disappoint them.

>> No.4301205
File: 346 KB, 1280x766, tumblr_mqi4ib72B51qj79hio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which anime is that from? None.

And Sonoda draws much more than chibi style. Don't join the retards here who keep posting lineless digital fan art and passing it off as being “real“ anime.

TLDR If it's not directly from an anime, then it's probably not anime style.

>> No.4301234

It's just easier to be good at anime when you're nip or chink with the billions resources they have in form of stream and books

>> No.4301239

This just might be the dumbest take I've seen on /ic/

>> No.4301240

all western except the right one

>> No.4301242




>> No.4301263

Weeb in denial right there

>> No.4301273

different anon, it is an extremely retarded take

>> No.4301277

Do you even know what "anime" is short for

>> No.4301278

Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.4301286
File: 156 KB, 819x1024, 1572404638112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only something ngmis think

Here is a list if resources that Japanese artists have that western artists have as well

>how to draw books
>art classes
>art schools
>art tutorials
>art fourms
>livestream archives

And also to note, most of their stuff is simular or translated into japanese of what western artists have. Like pic related.

The only thing stopping you from improving is yourself, not your race or ethnicity.

>> No.4301294

west west west asian asian

>> No.4301296
File: 1.25 MB, 1494x1920, 1524354291064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4301298
File: 311 KB, 717x955, 20200109_230340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4301416

I didn't say that it's easier to be good at drawing
I said it's easier to be good at drawing anime
what are the west equivalent of the Youku/bili/nico anime "teachers"?
what are the west equivalent books of make character CG?

What you posted are based books that everyone uses for fundamentals, what I'm talking about is what comes later, how to style it into anime aesthetic.
Something that the west doesn't seem to fully grasp yet otherwise you can be sure that many would sell that shit, like steve ahn tries to (600$ for a garbage course)

>> No.4301431

>livestream archives
these are hard to come by, people are so stingy when it comes to livestreams. any good ones?

>> No.4301466

>draw the owl

>> No.4301479

Sub-human doesn't count anon

>> No.4301799
File: 56 KB, 555x555, 1576495526939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian, asian, western, western, asian.

>> No.4301897

From my playlist





>> No.4301903

Chinese aren't subhumans though.

>> No.4302185 [DELETED] 



>> No.4302196



>> No.4302235

people on 4chan are so lazy or retarded. imagine using ''hurr duur muh genetics'' as an excuse for everything. it's not your genetics, jason, you're fat, oily, disgusting, and have no skills at anything whatsoever because all you do is whine and sit in front of your computer 24/7.

>> No.4302243

White people in general, are entitled and expect everything to be handed to them. I am asian, and I was born and raised in Japan for most of my life, and recently moved to Canada. I have been studying as hard as I could since I started school, mostly math and drawing. White peopple say it's because I'm asian. No, it's not because I'm asian, I actually put effort and dedication into doing what I love.

>> No.4302328


weebs are idiots. don't bother wasting your time, anon.

>> No.4302346

it's not short for anything idiot its a french word stop posting

>> No.4302480

Anime is a dumb goal to be reaching for though

>> No.4302564

Yeah, this is like saying authentic Japanese cuisine is delicious with a bunch of Mexicans in the kitchen warming up bags of rice in giant comales. Western artists lack the discipline and patience to draw the convoluted, over exaggerated works the Japanese do, or Koreans or the Chinese. The same goes for the entire Eastern portion of the drawing world, they lack the dynamic proportions and realism only Western artists can truly achieve in their works.

Now if you both could only stay in your designated lanes, you'd eliminate 95 percent of the threads on this board alone, leaving room only for draw threads and artbook threads, which are really the only threads people need to focus on, anyways. If you're from the Orient and you're trying to draw realistic proportions, gomenasai my slanted-eyed friend, you're never going to make it. And if you're anywhere west of the Rising Sun, you can't squint hard enough to draw over-exaggerated eyeballs and fake titties.

That's just the truth.

>> No.4304091

but your love for maths could be genetic, right? certain brain chemistry is apparent in different ethnicities and some (not all of them, mind you) would have a natural predisposition due to multiple generations adapting to their environment.

yes, working hard is necessary to be proficient at what you do but you could have developed a natural affinity to mathematics because of an abstract understanding that can be tied to your cultural heritage, which, in turn, can be tied to your genetic biology.

i remember some russian gave some q&a somewhere and said that certain personalities are better at different kinds of maths. maybe that comes into play?

>> No.4304930
File: 1.35 MB, 913x1250, 412536142737423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]