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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 410 KB, 1200x741, retard general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4297376 No.4297376 [Reply] [Original]

for all your art-related stupid questions and angry ramblings that don't deserve their own thread

>> No.4297395

how to get famous without using obnoxious hastags?!?!

>> No.4297421

I just want to make money from drawing monsters, guro and general dark stuff. But I get afraid of what people would think and lose motivation top draw.
But then I see other people drawing it and I get so motivated. But the shame comes back.

>> No.4297516


>> No.4297522
File: 264 KB, 1920x1278, marooned-1920x1278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howard Pyle "Marooned"

>> No.4297534

What's the best pen cleaner? I've heard it called pen flush too. Also I've heard some people use hair gel to reshape their brushes when they get all frayed, but can never find any in depth info regarding that.

>> No.4297566

If fame is all you want, drop art, and just make a spectacle of yourself on YouTube.

>> No.4297568

Is construction drawing just advanced symbol drawing, is observational drawing just training you to be a human photocopier.

>> No.4297589

I can't wait to make it bros. I'm so excited to draw and everyday is a blessing.

>> No.4297590
File: 89 KB, 498x416, 1577601988026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to draw more but my back hurts

>> No.4297596

Do people normally think of what their drawing like the whole scene out before hand or do people just improvise along the way when they are drawing?

>> No.4297597

Is there a generic name for all those layered file formats? (psd, sai, kra, csp etc).

>> No.4297599

A ton of networking.

>> No.4297602

Thumbnails and sketches exist to negate the difference.

>> No.4297611

Try drawing standing up, or sitting down, which ever hurts the least.

>> No.4297615

Get a new pseudonym and just do it anon.

>> No.4297772

>using the NGMIs that never draw to help the people who are actually drawing
OP is alright, what a nice way to add value to /vent/

>> No.4297841
File: 49 KB, 640x360, 15775255537770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played for 10 hours straight again, but this time I didn't went to sleep but was drawing for the whole night, fuck my sleep schedule

>> No.4297845

Why am I so scared of drawing and making things. I can’t get myself to just sit down and draw

>> No.4297853

The human brain is wired to avoid stressful things. You know you'll struggle when you draw so your brain says "why do that shit when we can eat chips and play games"
The only cure is to force yourself to sit down and start drawing for your brain to fuck off and focus on the task at hand.

>> No.4297976
File: 58 KB, 220x224, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to create drawings, something I might actually be decent at, but am stuck in university and destined to both fail and waste time

>> No.4297994

drop something else you do and allocate that time to art even if it's only 30 minutes a day.

>> No.4298013

1. how do I get good at drawing porn?
2. how do I make money selling porn?

>> No.4298017

1.Learn anatomy and study what makes you coom from good artists
2.Find a niche, post regularly to establish a following and then offer commissions

>> No.4298030
File: 53 KB, 428x347, 1276405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking afford anything to do color with. Pencil and printing paper is easy enough, but all paints and colored pencils cost too much and you need better paper than just printing paper for their use.

>> No.4298062

Save until you can fet a cheap small tablet and do digital with pirated software

>> No.4298083
File: 33 KB, 1000x1000, 518TQeZDoKL._SL1000_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My sister in law gave me an INCREDIBLY generous Christmas gift of a Wacom Cintiq 16, but the stand didn't come with it and they want the price of a AAA video game and a season DLC pass for this rinky dink piece of shit to hold it up.

>> No.4298117

funny because I have really expensive graphical design workstation sitting around, but I need to learn trad way for important reasons

>> No.4298300
File: 76 KB, 720x714, 1574453072365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you combine sqt and vent into the same thread? They serve completely different purposes

>> No.4298318

Any course recommendation on vehicle design?

>> No.4298395

Gouache? Ink? Boiled beets?

>> No.4298404

I hate the people that put in the #x100入り/#x1000入り etc tags on their own stuff in Pixiv without the numbers to back it.
That's all.

>> No.4298409

Is paying for ads on social media worth it?

>> No.4298420

Why would you not use hashtags? Use as many as humanly possible.

>> No.4298430

Time to vent. OK last year I worked the hardest and made the most progress I ever made but I'm still embarrassingly unskilled for my age. In reality I think on some level I didn't want to go to art school because I was afraid I would fail. I preferred to just hide behind that I'm not good because I didn't go. If money won't help you and a focused environment of peers with similar interests,healthy competition and expert teachers can't help you then you are ngmi. So I removed myself from the equation. I'm not in the art field at all. Now I'm struggling to teach myself. I'm improving but I'm not good. I'm not going to impress anyone and I'm not going to make a career of it. If you're young don't be like me. I'm old. I have some serious regrets.

>> No.4298440

Can you actually draw appealing stuff with a mouse?

>> No.4298459

Hello anon, good to hear you're making progress! I went to art school and dropped out to pursue a another 'safer' career option (as I'm from a third world country, art is generally not perceived as a good career choice).

Anyway 10 years later and long story short, I still love art, and am trying to teach myself, though I am supposed to 'know better' that I won't be making a career of it at this age (again, in our place anything that doesn't make money is unproductive and you shouldn't be doing it).

As cliche as it sounds, the fact that you can perceive your improvements is a sign you're making good progress. I've found some of my old art from uni days and it was god awful lol.

I definitely have regrets, like what if I had stuck through and graduated art school, but I think it's very cool now that we can find good resources and tutorials online (some which imo was better than the art school I went to...) Art materials/books are really expensive here too so I count it a blessing we have internet. It really all boils down to your own effort.

Good luck and all the best for your art improvement in 2020 anon. Let's do it! :)

P/S: Btw before someone flames me for not posting art I mostly just draw anime girls sorry I know /ic/ hates that.

>> No.4298467


>> No.4298507

>sorry I know /ic/ hates that
Most of /ic/ draws anime too (or tries to).

>> No.4298588

>I'm still embarrassingly unskilled for my age
hey dude maybe think about it this way: most people my age just accept their boring life and give up their passion, but i am doing my best and pursuing what i love

>> No.4298593


>> No.4298597

Sounds kind of like a lack of confidence stemming from not getting the validation you desire or expect is a lot of what is holding you back. Even if you think no one will care about your art, you should post it somewhere anyway. If you don't want to post on social media because getting 0 likes is bumming you out then stay active in threads here. You'll never get to the point where people notice and admire your art if you stay quiet and keep your head down. It's never too late to commit to art as a passion and hobby even if a career isn't for you.

>> No.4298604

I miss being a kid and doing this

>> No.4298617
File: 383 KB, 360x462, van gogh bereft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art forums where I hang and get 95% of my commissions is slowly becoming a minor- and tumblrina-infested hellhole and I really want to jump ship, but I don't get the same kind of traffic on da or twitter.

>> No.4298622

God fucking DAMMIT why is it so much easier for me to shit out art when i slap down vague approximations of form with color and shape than when I try to build up construction with a sketch? I feel like a special needs artist.

>> No.4298628

How viable is Krita compared to CSP or PS?

I'm a true /beg but I don't want to learn a software and then stagnate because it doesn't have the tools.requires to move to the next level. Plus unlearning one software for another is always a pain in the ass

>> No.4298635

Which ones? Almost all the art forums besides here and Crimson Daggers are dead in the water.

>> No.4298687
File: 642 KB, 783x960, 157684654523465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I am a NEET, how could you tell?

>> No.4298763
File: 136 KB, 356x583, 1578276152497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it take less time to learn chibi character design before going for realistic anatomy etc?

>> No.4298840

do you guys know a french guy that draws like kim jung gi but it is cartoons?


>> No.4299218

What is the line between 'copy a pose' and 'use a reference' ??

>> No.4299288

The artists I follow all keep raving about that blatant fujobait chink drama. Shut up, china hates homosexuals.

>> No.4299364

I'm fucking stupid and color squares make 10x more sense to me than color wheels

>> No.4299369

post regularly where? are there specific places for that? I don't imaging tardstation would appreciate coom-heavy art. Also, do I go full anon with this?

>> No.4299384

windex. concentrated windex.

>> No.4299397
File: 471 KB, 1080x966, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get good at making music in the same way i get good at drawing (and other hobbies)? Because to me it seems like making good music requires more actual talent and creative than drawing things

>> No.4299418

I need to know the same as this anon, what sites are the best for doing porn and getting comissions? also, how do i exactly shill myself in twitter when doing porn?
I know doing fanart and trendhopping helps, same as with doing fetishes, but what hashtags should i use?

>> No.4299424

these be coomissions

>> No.4299437

My values and colors and work from imagination are all going well. I can't for the life of me draw what I see accurately. If I just try to block in shapes with fat brushes in digital, it comes out better, but if I'm using a thinner brush or just pencil on paper, my drawings don't resemble the ref nearly as much. I seem to struggling with picking out the right lines to draw, or maybe I'm focusing too much on the lines I see in the ref vs the shapes? The overall shape/gesture turns out fine, but when I get into the details it doesn't look anything like the ref.

>> No.4299442

I'm struggling hard with the same exact thing so if you ever reach a breakthrough let me know brother

>> No.4299451

Anyone tried paperlike 2 yet
Is it still overpriced garbage?

>> No.4299500

I'm addicted to zoning out!

>> No.4299523
File: 24 KB, 407x250, dont know what i expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see other people still getting thousands of notes on tumblr
>so there's still some audience there then huh
>post there
>get a message saying my drawing looks whitewashed
I thought this shit was some overdramatic myth made up by clout chasers on twitter

>> No.4299528

for curiosity's sake, can you post official image of character and a color-picked square of the skin color you gave them (if you don't want to post what you drew here).

>> No.4299538
File: 4 KB, 200x210, 1468000700330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to draw something
>can't come up with a good pose or composition
>getting frustrated just makes it harder

>> No.4299564
File: 14 KB, 276x381, comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left is color picked from the official art I referred to, right is crops from my post
unironically I'm pretty sure it's the lighting

>> No.4299590

is this board just constant bitching and complaining should i leave here?

>> No.4299598


>> No.4299605



>> No.4299651

this is 4chan so yes

>> No.4299656

Yes, this place is full of /beg/niggers and unstable people
there is little of value here

>> No.4299659


>> No.4299715

find a place that sells single stock. you dont need all the colours. start with a orange and blue. spend money left on better support. buy new colours when you have cash available.

>> No.4299717

only other one i can think of is wetcanvas.

>> No.4299767

Is it a good practice for a beg to eye ball proportions when drawing from life and feel them like how vilppu does?

>> No.4299771

Someone give me the secret to drawing aesthetically appealing fingers
Or link resources
Why can't I figure them out?

>> No.4299821
File: 34 KB, 540x513, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter how many legs I draw and study. The entire lower half of the body remains fucking impossible. Somebody please help me.

>> No.4299905

observe the low inhib low selp-esteem zero drive zoomer in it's natural habitat

>> No.4299906

who is this

>> No.4299982
File: 106 KB, 618x557, DBDTyikVYAA0bgV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to write better?
I'm working one some one-shots, have some ideas for them, but keep stuck on my inability to structure the story

>> No.4300016

>get gud at drawing heads
>move on to figures and body anatomy
>after a year I notice my new heads aren’t as great as my old ones
>look at my notes, realize out what’s wrong, and correct it

I imagine the same shit is going to happen to my hands, feet, torsos, etc, and I’ll have to keep going back to the fundamentals. Is this sort of thing normal? Or am I doing something wrong?

>> No.4300019

>realize what’s wrong*

>> No.4300027

There's people who don't realize whats wrong with their drawings for 10 years, you should be grateful for being not stupid

>> No.4300039

It's normal for now because you are at a level where you need to focus and study things disparately. Once you get better you'll be more equipped to study things all together and you'll have less of this issue.

>> No.4300045
File: 3.12 MB, 1521x1137, 1561015799785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get value. i have viewed several different resources that basically tell me value is shadow. thats all it is, white is where light is black is where light isn't. but that doesn't account for things such as black pants, which clearly have a darker value than most things anywhere anyways regardless of light, you can view this in grayscale. so do these said black pants have a lower value than say a cast shadow? and if so, why? how do i separate dark hues from dark values if they seem to overlap more than people ever mention?

>> No.4300298

SFW furry is a shitty spot to be in, you get no attention from furries because it's not fetishistic and you are labelled as a furfag by everyone else. Even if you are really good it's shooting yourself in the foot.
Value is not shadow, as you pointed out a dark thing has a darker value by local color only. It's just "how dark does this area look" in a way that is detached from the objects you are representing. You generally have a simplified scale (3, 5, 7 shades) that you use as a starting point. Values are a design element to unify your picture both in composition and in matching colors, if you squint and see that the color you want to paint is about as dark as the other color you just painted, you only have to match the hue. Imagine that there's a white shirt in shadow, and black pants in the light, assuming they have the same value, you incorporate those two things as the same shape in your composition.

>> No.4300303

this is a valid questions, many people get confused about it
colors have their own values as them, try to paint red, yellow and blue dots and convert to grayscale, you will see differences. so black naturally also has its own value which is very dark. it absorbs a lot of light, unlike white that reflects it - and we see colors and value *only* because of the light reflecting on objects - so when an object is black, we cant really see much. there's a nice sentence in Itten's book about color: "colors are the children of light".

you have to take a dual approach here; objects have their own local colors that have their own values, but also the light or lack of thereof can bring that value up or down.

the black pants here do have a lower value than the cast shadow, correct. they absorb more light than the dude blocks. so you were kinda right here:
>white is where light is black is where light isn't
but the more accurate version is:
>white is where 100% light is reflected, black is where it's 100% absorbed
so again, the dude prevents the pavement from absorbing the sunlight, but its still weaker than the absorbing "power" of his pants (Lol).

i hope that helps you somehow. if i made any mistakes feel free to correct me

>> No.4300334

What is the zoomer age range?

>> No.4300492

what is a good way to work to a scale? i am planning out something that will be printed at a4. but it is such a large file size that [full view] won't help me.

>> No.4300502


>> No.4300503
File: 12 KB, 271x243, IMG_4062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the art I made using only my touchpad in an /ic/ draw room is more lively than my regular art

>> No.4300655 [DELETED] 

So it's been a while since I painted with acrylics and everything was fine until I tried using the blue paint, it looks like it coagulated?... The weird thing is that all the other paints are completely fine is just the blue one that is like this. Is there a way to fix it? I tried shaking it, I mixed it to see if it worked and as you can see it doesn't.

>> No.4300658
File: 3.20 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200109_165020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's been a while since I painted with acrylics and everything was fine until I tried using the blue paint, it looks like it coagulated?... The weird thing is that all the other paints are completely fine is just the blue one that is like this. Is there a way to fix it? I tried shaking it, I mixed it to see if it worked and as you can see it doesn't.

>> No.4300667

Is it a good or a bad idea to ignore anatomy while learning stuff like gesture/form/perspective?
Or rather, when should i start to learn anatomy?

>> No.4300673
File: 135 KB, 826x1080, sims4qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does skill it truly matter for something like a comic/drawn story?

>> No.4300683

What are some good exercises to train my mind to use more dynamic perspective? What are just some good perspective exercises in general?

>> No.4300755
File: 620 KB, 1920x1080, 4878353E-1A7A-42B3-A8FE-34DEB9AC8ABC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen of /ic/, I have been faced with a problem.

As a /beg/ artist I have a massive ego and pride. It prevents me from immersing myself with different artists that are better than me and not learning from them. Truth is, there are just some styles that I really fucking hate, like the Tumblr western cartoony styes, and with that I completely dislike the person and don’t regard or consider their advice.

How do I stop being so prideful and jealous of others?

>> No.4300796

Kill yourself

>> No.4300809

Anon of /ic/, I have been faced with a problem.

As a normal person I have an understanding of perspective, empathy, and other non-autistic views of other people. It prevents me from being a massive self-fellating cockslut when thinking about other artists regardless of style. Truth is, there are just some artists' attitudes that I really fucking hate, like /beg/s who know they’re /beg/ but continue to say pointless stupid shit, and with that I completely dislike the person and don’t regard or consider their so-called issues.
Stop being autistic and go draw. You sound like a huge faggot. Good on you for identifying you have a problem at least.

>> No.4300830

Can I make a living on drawing feral Pokemon porn alone?
I love drawing cute creatures fucking each other, but I'm worried feral is too niche.

>> No.4300842

cos its annoying

>> No.4300845


>> No.4300854

Niche won't bring in the big bucks but will most likely have a dedicated following and donations

>> No.4300959

What is an "art trade"?

>> No.4300966

I draw something for you, you draw something for me.

>> No.4300972

Jesus, no need to be such a prick. Thanks?

>> No.4300974

It's a commission but you get paid by comission

>> No.4301070

Try thinking, "If it's so easy, I'd be able to do it"
And then try it for yourself. It's very humbling.

>> No.4301311
File: 621 KB, 640x800, cat with a hat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>register for "experimental drawing" class
>it's a bunch of mixed media shit

>> No.4301317
File: 40 KB, 540x509, 7FE2859A-6F80-4FA6-8F6A-72422C06B0F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well what did you expect you tard? what’s with normies and hating mixed media? do you even like art?

>> No.4301320

drawing, anon, that's what i expected

>> No.4301323

there’s also the key word experimental. there are tons of free PDFs and regular drawing courses that teach conventional drawing. you do understand that there are mediums other than digital, right anon?

>> No.4301362

how the fuck do i stop mindlessly drawing
why the fuck does my brain shut down every time i sit down to draw

>> No.4301428

How people come up with ideas. From pose to what the characters or what actions are taking, and especially background/setting. I have almost no clue what to do, do people just get ideas off a whim then explore it or what do people do to come up with stuff?

>> No.4301432

what kind of class doesn't have a description on the registration page or even a materials list?

>> No.4301439
File: 79 KB, 1370x770, 4314331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so fucking burned out
I can't fucking draw anything, but I need to, I have limited time before I need to give up

"just draw" my ass, I have easier time eating a pen than holding one

>> No.4301454


>> No.4301469
File: 50 KB, 500x224, plexperra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't bring myself to draw more?

>> No.4301582

I am motivated to draw because I despise artists and want to be able to insult them from a position where they cannot just brush it off as bitterness from a no talent hack.

>> No.4301647
File: 59 KB, 720x557, 1573601025813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just too autistic to do proper shading/rendering. I watched the tutorials from sinix and ctrl+paint, but my results are not even mediocre.
Anyone here knows some really good and efficient shading tutorials?

>> No.4301651
File: 3.86 MB, 1800x2400, IMG_20200110_050812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tf do you learn to render like this!!?

>> No.4301655

Not sure how others are doing it, but for me it begins with one inital idea. Browsing Pinterest helps to find interesting stuff. As soon as you find an interesting setting you can build everything on that. Was it some some medieval chinese armor? Build a story around it. Which timeline? How did people live back there? Which weapons did they use? How did they greet each other? Which stylistic elements of that time period can be used? Etc. etc. The longer you invest in the story around your picture, the more ideas you get.

>> No.4301656
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, chingchongjesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its absolutely possible, but you are far less precise, less fast, have less control and it is BAD for your wrists. I cannot recommend doing this unless you have some kind of weird super ergonomic mouse.

No, but your chibis will be much more dynamic and overall more interesting if you have good knowledge of human forms. You will have much more control. But you can tackle it chibi first and then start working on realistic forms later. Your chibis will not suffer so much, but they would benefit greatly from you knowing more about human anatomy.
this is mostly because cartoons rely more on illusion than they do on realistic form, but that being said the best cartoonists are always the ones that have both a good grasp on the illusory 2D part aswell as the realistic 3D part.

marco bucci https://www.youtube.com/user/marcobucci

this is very difficult, especially with faces as people are particularly sensitive to those. but one tip is, depending on how close you are to the subject, you may want to close 1 eye so you arent trying to mix information from two different perspectives. this is most obvious when people try to draw something like a hand pointing towards the viewer and using their own hand as a reference. they keep both eyes open and struggle immensely because of it

i think moderndayjames has a video (probably just talking about shapes in general) that shows him drawing 3 different hands in the same poses, all with different shape design (square, triangle and circle i believe) that helped me lots with drawing hands

coming up with ideas is not 1 skill. you can mix things youve seen recently, look for references, draw inspiration from the works of others, or try to deconstruct something into smaller elements and play with those. like everything else these are skills, and the more you do them the more naturally they'll come to you with time.

your artwork < whether or not what u said makes sense

>> No.4301708

lol this is a photobash

>> No.4301949

How the fuck do you fucking cope with the feelings of inferiority.

>> No.4302052

You don't, Improve until you don't.

>> No.4302122
File: 264 KB, 600x763, 2-studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning to draw is the same thing as learning the chords for whatever instrument you play, it's just a skillset that you then use to make art/music. Someone is'nt a good musician because they can play an instrument the same way someone isn't a good artist just because they can draw. That's just the first step. Learning a skill is the same whatever it is, and mostly it boils down to practicing that skill as much as possible and having some common sense.

>> No.4302250
File: 123 KB, 1800x1500, 1558095978272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to the sad lonely and horny poster? Did he finally get a gf? I miss him.

>> No.4302255

iirc he said something about moving on to another bit, but I can’t remember what that bit is. might be coom?

>> No.4302342
File: 21 KB, 250x180, 1575540975216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you guys I think I get it

>> No.4302392

He became his own gf

>> No.4302433 [DELETED] 

you can't just post buzzwords becuase you don't like thing, anon.
It's pretty obvious what photo elements wered used.
The entire figure is painted (likely using some refs)
The textures on the skin are a combination of textured brush, small round brush for specular and blemish, and texture overlays.

The bracelets are also marble texture overlays, or they could also be hand-drawn and duplicated and slightly warped to match the shape of the bracelets. Photobash means majority of if not all of the elements in an image were composited with photos.

>> No.4302438


you can't just post buzzwords because you don't like thing, anon.
It's pretty obvious what photo elements were used.
The entire figure is painted (likely using some refs)
The textures on the skin are a combination of textured brush, small round brush for specular and blemish, and texture overlays.

The bracelets are also marble texture overlays, or they could also be hand-drawn and duplicated and slightly warped to match the shape of the bracelets. Photobash means majority of if not all of the elements in an image were composited with photos.

>> No.4302547

What is good resource that will help me understand dynamic poses/foreshortening

>> No.4302561

Movies, real life, your mind.

>> No.4302604

Figured. I've seen some SFW fury artists make bank but they've basically been in the game for an incredibly long time so they've had like a decade or longer to grow their base. The other clean artists I've followed specifically because their wor was clean and amazing, in the past two years, have all turned to like 99% porn. I made a new account, spent about 20 minutes on an embarrassingly shitty nsfw picture and got more fav's and even a comment compared to my regular stuff... which feels really disheartening.

>> No.4302702

what do they mean?

>> No.4302704

it means 100 or 1000 users bookmarked it I think. it’s a way for users to sort of work around the paywalled sort by popularity.

>> No.4302759

I see thanks

>> No.4302761

How fragile are tablet pens? Do I have to be careful about pressure or drawing angle? What are the chances of the entire thing breaking if it falls tip first into the ground?

>> No.4302769

It's something deviant-tier artists are filling your pms with

>> No.4302791

I have absolutely no clue what "the fundamentals" are, and no one wants to tell me.

>> No.4302798
File: 187 KB, 700x600, UpFQ3pB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4302818

i don't know what this is, it isnt loading

>> No.4302823

Was this board always so shit?

>> No.4302828

I feel like there are more people posting now but the post quality hasn't changed that much. You had the same type of shitposters years ago.

>> No.4302904

The fundamentals - line, form, contour, shading, perspective, etc. The building blocks of art, the small steps you learn, and then use to create a finished work.

>> No.4302911

The shitposting is real, but there's way more emphasis on porn and social media. A couple of years ago it was way more Loomis grinding and bizarre theories like "real artists never use rulers". And way more emphasis on "dream jobs" like concept artist for gaming. The last couple of years was "HOW DO I DRAW 24 HOURS A DAY SO SENPAI ANIME STUDIO IN JAPAN HIRES ME?" type stuff.

>> No.4302917

I get unreasonable moody when trying to draw things out of my comfort zone and I invariably don't immediately get a great result. It's a palpable sensation of tension that makes me choke. Only way to learn I guess.

>> No.4302924

no. Line and contour are not fundamentals.

>> No.4302948

Yes they are, don't be autistic.

>> No.4302952


>> No.4302953

It's the double-chan thread moved to a new site

>> No.4302974

It's the same shitposting with different subjects
>no rulers/ligameme/talent is real

>> No.4303047

>he didn't study lines

>> No.4303048

As a boomer, how do I into social media? It has never been appealing but it's something I have to get into.

>> No.4303050

Have you tried reading the fucking sticky?

>> No.4303064

Use a NON screen display tablet and look at a monitor that's at the proper height. Keep your feet planted on a surface (if your table is to high for it to be the ground just put a box or a pile of books or something) put an alarm to go off every 90 minutes for you to stand up and stretch and drink a small cup of water.

If you HAVE to draw traditionally you NEED to be drawing on an incline. Probably at least 30 degrees but ideally steeper.

>> No.4303092

I'm a beginner learning to draw.
I'm working on learning to draw a confident line only using my shoulder. I've been practicing by taking normal ruled paper and drawing a line a couple of time over each line on the ruled paper and moving on while keeping my wrist and elbow locked.

My lines are crap compared to my elbow and wrist lines but I've only been doing it a day.

So will this actually help? I've heard it from two sources now.

>> No.4303097

You only need one good horizontal and vertical line minimum. Then you rotate the page and use the same lines.

>> No.4303101

Are tablet drawing gloves washable?

>> No.4303123

>took a break for like a month
>forgot how to draw face from any view asides from profile and face foward

>> No.4303178

Any tips for maintaining wrist/forearm/elbow health when drawing for multiple hours a day? I already do stretches nightly.

>> No.4303180

>I am only one learning draughstmanship
>everyone else is finding friends and mentors for their fashion design, NGMI or copy-a-photo work
>tis a lonely path
I at least expected a smattering of people interested in drawing in some way or another.

>> No.4303300

How the fuck are you getting wrist pains, only thing that hurts after 10 hours of constant drawing is a crater from the pen on my middle finger

>> No.4303303

if you're drawing digitally remember to hold the pen as vertically as possible. The height of your desk is also important as the elevation you're drawing in might strain your joints.
When I used to drw for 8 hours a day I had the same problem until I did this aside from the constant stretching. Also rest from time to time.

>> No.4303392

do people use references when drawing storyboards?

>> No.4303413

Well then youre ngmi. The only ppl who dont use hashtags are those with a huge enough following that it doesnt matter.

>> No.4303414
File: 86 KB, 366x324, 81dca95540632806fd21057d858f9ff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this board have to suck so much? It's the only art community outside of discuck I know of and I hate it. I still have to hide a shitton of threads like the "is this real" one.

>> No.4303415

Not rly unless the pose is weird. Storyboards arent abt accuracy.

>> No.4303420

It happens but youll get it back fairly quickly. It's like any other skill.

>> No.4303781

I think it's a combination of the desk being too high and a tiny ass tablet (ie no room to move whole arm).

>> No.4304168

I sometimes wish ic worked like a coin operated machine. To browse the site for 30 minutes you must post a drawing.

>> No.4304178

I fucking hate it. The drawings I post with out hashtags gets less likes and view then the ones with out hashtags. I don't have a large enough following to not post the hashtags.

>> No.4304181

Taking a community college drawing class.

I suck, any tips on drawing still lifes? Any tips appreciated I'm a total beginner.

>> No.4304195

Do your sketch and clean it up so its nice accurate lines (use visual measuring) then fill in the background values first thing, every time. This shit helps so much because value is relative to what's around it.

After that block in your shadows and go from there. And don't forget to feel the form (draw as if you're drawing on the object if that makes sense) rather than shade in flat lines. Always go from general shapes and forms down to smaller and smaller ones. Never go small first and big later.

Honestly your teacher should be telling you guys this stuff.

>> No.4304228
File: 18 KB, 400x371, why am i stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't do more than one object study on a whole sheet of paper.
Other studies distract and scare me.

>> No.4304238

>Have spent like 2 and a half years on an idea, trying to develop it (an animation)
>had tons of problems with making it work, still a ton of unsures
>yesterday decided all of a sudden to just try something else entirely
>in that day come up with idea for animation with characters that work and it was just a lot of fun
Aaaah it's such a conundrum. I feel like if i just decide to pause my other thing ive been on for 2 and a half years now and do something that came outta nowhere and just "fits" and i can write to animate, then those 2 and a half years just went POOF.

But the 2 and a half year thing just nothing comes to my head regards it. Sunken cost fallacy and all..

>> No.4304323

yeah i do. usually beacause the script says 'tim holds a crocodile' and you need to look up a crocodile so you know what to draw

>> No.4304328

Anyone here uses SAI 2?
How do the layer lock/protection settings work? There's a couple options that were not in SAI.

>> No.4304332

what work did you do on the first one? any actual animation work? or just brainstorming?

it sounds like you had too much fear of failure invested in the 'one big project' that was stopping you from freedom

>> No.4304377

Just a bit of character design, a completed rig, basic movement/walking. You are right about the fear of failure, since it's been so long the back of my head is just going "you HAVE to make sure it'll blast people out of the water or it was all a waste now". But everything i wrote for it i ended up feeling like it sucks.

>> No.4304429

I hold the pen at a 45 degree angle. Why should I hold it vertically? It seems worse.

>> No.4304432

>trying to draw little red riding hood
>find out I can draw wolves

>> No.4304433


>> No.4304465

So much to learn, atm I'm learning loomis heads, anatomy, gesture drawing, oil pastels, landscapes, I tend to do too much and get overwhelmed.

>> No.4304528

>half a day of getting nowhere with my drawings
>at like 1 am, finally start getting into the groove
>30 minutes of decent sketching
>ok, I got this, time for bed
>wake up next morning
>bad again
Fuck you brain, why don't you retain information.

>> No.4304633

are you at the start of the program? i remember having tons of design and photography students in my first drawing/arts class, but the rest of the drawing and painting classes were absolutely filled with drawers and painters

>> No.4304646

Better for your wrist in long sessions and your nibs don't get pointy. Also easier to keep the arm in the air but that's just me.

>> No.4305138
File: 186 KB, 726x609, indeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use deviantart
>browse through the newest section
>find some okay artists, good enough that I can't come off as disingenuous.
>still don't give a shit about their work 90% of the time
>check the number of followers, the rate at which they gained them etc
>if both are pretty low, I favourite, comment, and watch them
>do this because a good percent of the time, they'll interact back
>if they follow back, I permanently will add their posts to my favourites
>if they don't do anything immediately, keep it up for awhile since sometimes they'll follow back after you've been active for a bit
>if they still don't, allow my interactions with their posts to very slowly taper, and unfollow eventually (also go through and unfavourite all of their works so there isn't so much clutter )
Seems to work. I only have 10 mediocre drawings uploaded, but 50 followers. I wonder how shitty of a person these interactions make me. Though, what I'm most worried about is what if people catch on? I try to be as subtle as possible. I don't do it too often and I wait until users are inactive or have enough followers they won't notice I've unfollowed. This has also sorta has a bad effect on me as well. I always feel like every interaction people have with my posts are fake, even those who followed me without the process and consistently favourite my posts

>> No.4305159

draw more and browse less and you'll get those 50 followers without doing all that shit

>> No.4305170

>all this for deviantart

>> No.4305242

If I like the idea of drawing and creating things I enjoy and making fanart but whenever I try drawing or practicing fundamentals I feel depressed and never improve does that mean I'm not cut out for drawing?

>> No.4305263

I bet you're one of those fags who sends a private message that you no longer like someones works before unfollowing them. Nobody gives a fuck

>> No.4305270

get a back brace

>> No.4305273

I'd care if I got a message like that, but I only have 5 followers so it would actually mean something.

>> No.4305303

You owe it to your followers to improve and stack their feed with your constant improvement. I only started using social media last year and the most enjoyment I've gotten out of it is seeing how the people I follow keep learning and improving.

>> No.4305327

Eh, none of them ever gave me a comment so I'm not really that invested. The only comment I ever got was by this weirdo mermaid fetishist that people mentioned in that other thread.

>> No.4305334
File: 10 KB, 219x187, 1566740045771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does "pyw" mean? Is it the new ngmi?

>> No.4305335

Wait i'm retarded, it's post your work. Disregard this post

>> No.4305336

Expecting things from people to give you a reason to reciprocate and then being mad about not getting what you want is dumb, anon. If you want feedback give them a reason to give you feedback.

>> No.4305362

What gave you the idea that I don't interact with people?

>> No.4305374

I'm talking about improving your art and output, that's what gets you feedback and followers. If you have 5 followers you have 5 people who are going to see whatever you post and even if they don't like or comment they'll see it and have a reaction. Give them a reason to have a reaction that leads to action.

>> No.4305400
File: 16 KB, 512x512, 13468467464587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't draw for two weeks
>get better at drawing

>> No.4305422

is there a name for this thing?
it happens to other things too like when you play a game after a lot of time not playing it you feel a lot better at it

>> No.4305423

idk how to explain this but your brain is working for you

>> No.4305424

Sometimes you need to let time pass by and let things rest in order for them to set.

>> No.4305552


So its true for mental exercises as for physical?

>> No.4305592

Are there benefits in using a square brush instead of a round one?

>> No.4305594

better edges

>> No.4305600
File: 346 KB, 1920x1080, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to find a femanon who draws, do I really need to go to school for that, I don't want to leave my apartment except to buy food and take out trash.

>> No.4305609

I’m about to be in your position.
Once I finish Uni, that means I have to get a job or I get kicked out.
This means I inly have 1-2 more weeks left in this winter break to play vidya all day before beginning my wagecuck life.

>> No.4305651

where can I read more about edge control?
It's still a nebulous concept to me

>> No.4305690

>I have to get a job or I get kicked out
Must suck having parents who hate you. Or being American.

>> No.4305700

>haha i can leech of my parents and stay a child forever, girls dont want to touch me because i live with mommy, youre such a loser! stupid american!

owned, epic style

>> No.4305704

>haha my stupid son didn't get a job in time, guess he'll have to become homeless now and take some heroin or something, not my problem!

>> No.4305710

based and neetpilled

>> No.4305711

oh i see you have bad parents who didnt prepare you for the real world, you'll learn how to work eventually. maybe

>> No.4305717

>toasty soon to be wagie.

>> No.4305723

I keep needing to unsinstall and reinstall my stupid faggot huion driver every couple of days because it fucks up when my laptop goes to sleep and the pen pressure and aspect ratio get all fucked up and i haven't found a solution online for fixing it other than uninstall reinstall over and over and any small barrier of effort just smashes my already lacking motivation into nothingness reeeeeeeeee

>> No.4305725

>making money and being an adult bad

weael world scawy ;((( mommy i want a switch for my 26th birthday!!

>> No.4305727

I hope so. If my mom was American and all else being equal, I'm 90% certain I'd become a homeless drug addict soon tho.

>> No.4305730

This is why I threw my huion into the trash and bought a used intuos 3 which is indestructible and actually works.

>> No.4305756

Not even close, so much cope in your comment wagie.

>> No.4305769

You have to cope harder, wagie.

>> No.4305770
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i feel like all groups after a while gets repetitive like
it doesn't matter where i go everything starts to get so dull

>> No.4305773

You have depression.

>> No.4305896
File: 619 KB, 884x1405, D0FBED6E6B66422A927B6A91DC8D3444 Copy~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird but studying engineering is what made me realize how much I hate everything except art.
That desperation to "make it" before I'm forced to join the workforce has made me improve by leaps and bounds.

I have less than two years left.
I keep getting stress dreams, but I'm not going to be some Excelfag CADslave faggot.

>> No.4305951

Why are normies so content with being so basic and average, and then they crab on others who try to do more and be something.

>> No.4305959

>but I'm not going to be some Excelfag CADslave faggot.
You can use the money to finance your art related endeavors until you make it, though.

>> No.4306119
File: 60 KB, 500x458, tumblr_n1znn5oAch1tq3mkmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw competently. Good even. I'm proud of the progress I made. The problem is that everything I want to draw has been drawn before. I used to have all these stories and characters but I realised their all copies from my favorite artist and their works. I try to put my spin on it but it seems so boring. It's honestly depressing. I want to make stories of my own but everything I have is just a carbon copy. How do I fix this?

>> No.4306217

Take up writing.

>> No.4306258
File: 980 KB, 471x363, Bob Ross is telling you to go draw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people on /ic are here to actually learn to draw?
How many people are just here to shit post?
Like this there a poll?

>> No.4306331

it wasn't a waste if it got you this far, you can only learn by doing.
i sometimes find that when i am very emotionally invested in something, i find it hard to make cuts or changes to it, even though it becomes a sprawling mess with too many characters and worldbuilding. maybe leave it in a drawer for a while, work on your new project and come back to it with fresh eyes

>> No.4306334

watch and read more varied things, if you combine two ripoffs it becomes original

>> No.4306344

how much ass will i need to kiss and boots will i need to lick in order to be successful?

>> No.4306431

>The only thing I feel comfortable drawing are awful caricatures of myself being pathetic or dying
>Can't draw normal things or anything I want to draw because I don't feel like I'm good enough
>Don't want to practice because I don't believe I'll ever be good enough
What do I do?

>> No.4306460

Kill yourself.

>> No.4306497

Anyone know any good resource for referencing lighting on organic objects?
>inb4 draw from life
The surfaces of objects confuse me and I'd like to get a better understanding of how the light SHOULD be on a matte surface.

>> No.4306501

Anyone kno how to color darkskin

>> No.4306503
File: 42 KB, 332x500, 6A7497F3-3F30-4ADD-93A7-E77F23D43D5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m wanting to draw a desert landscape similar to this in photoshop. what would be the best tutorial for learning how to draw a painterly landscape? any videos, links, info graphs or even just general tips would be great.

>> No.4306510

I can't tell which is less mature, posting art publicly but in the description saying "I'm not very happy with it. :/," or people who are overly proud of their art despite it being a poorly drawn freehand.
At least the freehander is happy with themselves.

>> No.4306512
File: 85 KB, 640x800, Underclass_girlwithbluebg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add more red to the shadows

>> No.4306522

the overly proud, despite quality, is not bad (especially when they mention they're hobbyist or just drawing for fun). however, I've had one once try to give me advice (without prompting) and told me essentially "well we're all good at different things, it's not bad for you to only be able to do one thing!". This was, I'm sure, not intended to be insulting, and it rings true in some ways, but getting it from them needled me a little.

>> No.4306615

Please respond.

>> No.4306644

they're pretty hardy but i wouldnt drop it down the stairs or anything. ive dropped mine tons about 2 feet or so, if you have carpet it pretty much doesnt matter at all.

>> No.4306738

I'm starting to paint some landscapes using oil and some (read: all) of my paintings are dogshit. I don't want to keep them, so I'd like to re-use the canvas if possible. Anyway I don't want dozens of shitty landscapes cluttering up my apartment. Varying suggestions online, can anyone advise?

I see oven cleaner being suggested, sandpaper, turpentine, but people foam at the mouth at these suggestions like I'm gonna paint a Rembrandt and if I clean the canvas this way it won't last four hundred years.

>> No.4306750

Paint your walls, ceiling, your entire house, there are so many flat surfaces. Only a moron limit themselves to just canvas.

>> No.4306757

I like the idea, but I don't think my landlord would appreciate me painting his nice beige walls with shitty Bob Ross copies

>> No.4306768

Suck your landlords dick then, eat his ass.

Do you need that much hand holding? Next you'll be complaining about surface treatment, oh the wall texture doesn't hold oil, I can't do it because of this, because of that. Stop coming up with excuses. Start being creative. That means you solve problems. Not coming up with what will go wrong. Because it will go wrong, just like your life is a mistake, but you roll with the punches.

>> No.4306776

Mate I just want to paint some landscapes, not become an art hippie. I just want to know if it's a reasonable idea to remove the paint off a canvas or if I ought to suck it up and buy clean ones. This is the stupid questions thread, that's why I'm asking the stupid questions.

The nearby art store sells oil sketch paper, but I am not sure if that would work well. Seems like there'd be a big difference between that and regular canvas.

>> No.4306782

I can't help you because you don't even hear your own excuses.

>> No.4306786

Okay well thanks for your attention anyway, I guess

>> No.4306842

What about the tip? I'm actually more worried about the mechanism/sensor that holds it than the nib itself. Can it be damaged by an extra hard stroke or something?

>> No.4306854

you shouldn't ever really be making a stroke hard enough to damage it.
a tip for using a tablet pen is to hold it in a relatively loose way; you can mess with the pressure settings to get something that lets you apply the minimal force and doesn't need a vice-grip to get a line down.

>> No.4306864

Thank you.

>> No.4306865

Control Paint has videos on that. It has to do with selections.

>> No.4306958

Should I try to draw things that i believe are beyond my capabilities even if the ideas are not the greatest? Or rather I'm starting to wonder if the lack of faith in myself and faith in my ideas is hampering growth from trying new things and progress in art. Like I already believe I already failed before I even pick up the pencil and have 0 faith in myself that i will even improve, which utterly destroys any motivation to try.

>> No.4306962

If you're learning, canvas paper is fine. The important thing with oil is the gesso - you can gesso up a panel of cardboard if you need to. We use canvas because it's easy to work with, it holds the gesso extremely well, and it's lightweight - that's why artists switched to stretched canvas over wood panels.
And, go ahead and scrape a painting off, I do that for failed paintings, and then just put a fresh coat of gesso over it. Archivists are still finding failed painting underneath classic works in museums. It's nothing new.
You can paint on a flat rock, as long as you prime it. When you're learning, who cares? I barely kept any paintings from my first year or so of oil painting.

>> No.4306963

Challenge is good, but so is producing finished work at your skill level, whatever it is. Too many failures will eat at your confidence. Baby steps. Get some good work done, before pushing on to the next level.

>> No.4306969

how do you shade dark valued objects

>> No.4306990

Adjust the value scale for the lighting. Determine the lightest value, the darkest, and the midtone. Go from there.

>> No.4307234
File: 467 KB, 500x275, me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys cope with "work vs art life"?
Hell, full-time job is already mentally exhausting that whenever I came home all I can do are just eat and sleep.

>> No.4307323


>> No.4307342
File: 843 KB, 811x731, IMG_20190827_230520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for any good ambient occlusion tutorials/guides/videos.
I mainly interested in when it happens (like does it happen only if two surfaces meet at an acute angle or does it apply for obtuse angle too)
How large these shadows should be? What are effective methods of painting them digitaly

>> No.4307355

find art friends to encourage you during your free time, bust your ass drawing on the weekend

>> No.4307439
File: 308 KB, 1239x1600, figure-drawing-proportions-worksheet-body-pin-by-sarah-son-form-in-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you go from making the proportions exercises like the pic, to make different posses and angles? You just keep grinding the model until everything clics on your head and you can work the body at different angles?

>> No.4307745

>Honestly your teacher should be telling you guys this stuff.
he's going to community college. I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.4307768

It happens to me in golf. You take break from all your bad habit and natural tendencies and reset to a unbiased mind

>> No.4307772

wtf is that shit? just copy from Wakt reed's boook about the figure it was an actual good model in several angles.

>> No.4307781

It doesn't matter if you're original or not. Draw more of what you want to see in the world. Even if you don't eventually come up with that new brilliant idea, it'll be fine because you are making something you enjoy whether it's original or not. drawing isn't just a Holy Duty, it's fun. Having fun is the most important part. So long as you do that, it doesn't matter what you draw as long as you do your best, which I know you will do, Anon.

>> No.4307816

>How many people on /ic are here to actually learn to draw?
I'm constantly astounded by how much I don't know, so i frequent here often because some Anons will post something in passing which will lead to whole new exploration. Even if i don't come here to learn, I do end up coming out better than I come in, which is more than what I can say for most boards.
I sometimes shitpost for bants when someone is also not putting in the effort they should, but when i see genuine posts, I respond in kind.
There's a degree of selfshilling involved in "making it", but you also need to have genuine enthusiasm for your craft and what you do, so that you're not bogged down when you try to draw. Just do what you do best and people will start to notice when you've done enough time and effort into something you're proud of.
What I like to do, when I feel inadequate in my skill, is draw what I want in the worst way possible. Absolutely take the piss. Maybe go into a drawthread or prompt thread and absolutely make it as ugly as possible. Make scratchy lines and horrendous color combinations. Go for the absolute bottom
After a while you'll find you're arms are looser and your mind unburdened with the stress of nitpicking every small detail.
Then you can try going to work
Followers aren't important. Friendship is. Reaching out is great, but you should try a to make more meaningful connections for all that effort. A thousand followers who glance and say "neat" are not as fulfilling as one who actually comments
When you're in the "zone", don't expect to get back in the zone so suddenly. When you go to bed, you aren't spending thirty waking minutes of consciousness apart between when you draw and when you start back up, but 8 or so hours of your body resting and relaxing the nerves and tension in your muscle memory.

>> No.4307843

If you're burned out take a break. It's okay. After a while you'll be thinking about how much fun it is soon enough if you genuinely enjoy art
I think it comes from a line of logic going like this
>Draw thing
>"Can I push it further"
>Draw more
>"Can I push it even further"
Rinse and repeat until it looks completely ambitious. Always ask questions, even if you have to answer them yourself
As much as you have if you try your best. You'll always be good enough to draw a story. All you have to do is start and never stop trying to make it better than the last panel
Read more books.

>> No.4307946

i take everything here with a grain of salt but what i really like about posting here is that people don't pull punches. if someone thinks something in your work is shitty, they aren't afraid to say so. and sometimes it's unhelpful criticism, but sometimes it's also what i need to force myself to step back and evaluate how i can improve. i just want brutal honestly.

>> No.4308194

Is it preferred to trace over, or draw while seeing when learning? I'm also trying to adjust my Wacom tablet settings for GIMP, any additional tips?
And if so, is it better to draw each arm/leg zoomed in or should I try to draw the whole thing on my screen without zooming in?

>> No.4308199
File: 21 KB, 480x360, i can&#039;t do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I just lack imagination or a good visual library?

>> No.4308335

the latter is the only thing you can change, so the only thing worth worrying about

>> No.4308413

Is twitter the best social media site to post my art online now? How much of my old work should I post? Do people tend to share their sketches or just their finished stuff? How the fuck do I settle on a unique name?

>> No.4308457

Not venting but I still want to share
>Want to draw cartoons for fun
>Read a thread on /co/ about how twitter cartoonists are pedos, have had issues with people among other shit
>Suddenly don't want to draw cartoons and just do art on my own
Though, is it really a good idea to isolate myself from everyone? Or it is more viable to just stay as an anonymous artist without any kind of recognition?

>> No.4308470

If you're that afraid of controversy, just hide from everyone. We live in an age of inescapable slander, so make sure all your accounts are named differently etc otherwise.

>> No.4308481

Oh definitely. I do have different accounts for SFW art and NSFW art and I think I'm sure you can't connect them. I didn't do something as obvious as
>KrazyBonesTV = KrazyBonersTV

>> No.4308488

just don’t be a pedo retard

>> No.4308560

how can i get out of the grind mindset?

>> No.4308714
File: 112 KB, 568x1198, 8939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there fundamental rules and/or general tips on posing characters?

>> No.4308725

stop using references for a while and doodle things you actually enjoy

>> No.4308764

Do the poses yourself to see if they're possible.

>> No.4308768

How can I go about making money on Red Bubble and stuff? How does copy right work for these sites? Is it worth trying to make money on these platforms?

Any experience from ya'll?

>> No.4308797
File: 87 KB, 734x1187, 1301cb7dd66fc2b4862f171852e1eb13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4308803
File: 151 KB, 797x1013, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get out of this? Looking for genuine advice, It's actually killing me.

Start drawing about 2 years ago, super motivated to get good at art. Look for advice everywhere, look at every video and book I can get on how to improve.
Make a routine for myself and get my life together. Work on my artwork almost everyday, my work gets good enough to impress my parents.
Life is going really good, feeling a massive sense of accomplishment, feel like I finally have something to work towards and have something I enjoy doing.
Working hard daily to make artwork I am proud of.

Eventually start college. The work load is unbearable, literally have almost no time to work on my art and am always exaushed when I get home.
Feel extremely sad, disapointed and fatigued all the time to the point I can't even enjoy my day normally. This goes on untill college ends.

Successfully finish college a year later, did work on my art whenever I could but really didn't have very much fun with it.
Now have alot of freetime to work on my art but feel completely and utterly burnt out from drawing.

Wake up and don't even have the motivation to get out of bed. If I get up and decide to do anything other than art I feel guilty.
If I try to do artwork I get a five mile stare just thinking about it. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I know this is retarded, I know I dug this whole myself but I am here now and I really want to fix this.

>> No.4309064
File: 33 KB, 334x499, Twilight of the frontier army cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been actively looking for the the name of the painting and the name of the artist they used for the cover of this book.

And I can't check my physical copy of the book because it's in a different state in a storage unit. Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.4309251

any pdfs or links for doing perspective city drawings?

>> No.4309259

Honestly, I'd probably see a therapist. Sounds like a bit of depression. You might not even "feel" or "think" you're depressed, and you can be. I had anxiety and didn't know it. It was a ticking time-bomb and I had no idea I was holding onto it.

>> No.4309262

Yeah, this is depression. Do you have a lot of friends?

>> No.4309274

How can I sign up to cgpersia forums?

>> No.4309348

Gesture is probably the most important thing. Besides that, maybe body language?

>> No.4309357
File: 194 KB, 2669x1614, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on with CGpeers?

>> No.4309372

There was a website like that
with thousands of sphere of texture rendered
but fuck I forgot it. posting this reply in case it comes back to my head

>> No.4309381

push it you bitch. I had the same problem, but try to start a drawing, at least for 15 min and you will start getting in the zone.

>> No.4309452

>be an experienced freelancer running their own business
>only work for legitimate, registered agencies under contracts
>accept no offers from randoms on instagram
>some guy messages you saying he wants to set up a business, he has a pretty cool idea on what to sell and he wants your drawing on it
>think "wow... a guy who wants to set up his own business... just like me a couple years back... i'll give him a chance and be nice to him"
>offer a competitive price and request 40% instead 50% downpayment
>guy asks if he can have a sketch for free
>*sigh* fine he can have a sketch for free
>send sketch
>guy accepts
>ask him for invoice details
>a few days pass
>he sends his details
>send an invoice for 40%
>guy is surprised that there is a VAT tax added and is clueless about how to make a bank transfer
>explain everything to him
>he follows with a downpayment
>start working
>send him previews of stuff upon completion (not source files)
>been couple days
>no response
Is this what doing B2C commissions is like? Fuck this.

>> No.4309517

pls help idk how to paint in photoshop and make it look good

>> No.4309534

please respond

>> No.4309587

Are there any active /ic/ communities on deviantart? I'm babby-tier, but I want to learn from people who are better than me who will give me the tough love I need to make it.

>> No.4309589

Also I need friends, I'm so lonely

>> No.4309593

Im starting from day 1, how long am I going to be drawing basics shapes and triangles, and is this even a good way to get started?

>> No.4309650

>is this even a good way to get started
No, you can do it on the side but don't let this be your main "drawing" activity.

>> No.4309711

does anyone else do motion capture themselves and get their brother to take pictures of you doing retarded poses?

>> No.4309861
File: 152 KB, 471x411, little faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asides from being god tier at art how in the fuck does one get anywhere on twitter without shilling fanart off flavor of the month waifus or gay jojo porn?

>> No.4310259

so fucking glad I managed to see something at the right time before that faggot removed the post information


>> No.4311429

How do I register for CGPeers?

>> No.4311637

Make gift art for artists you like and tag them, join group chats too

>> No.4311658

>start making switch to digital
>art looks like its draw by a toddler
Fucking kill me

>> No.4311997

Make an OC and fantasy world and draw them relentlessly.

>> No.4312000

how do you join twitter group chats

>> No.4312510
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 125468463456876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to play a quick upward match before drawing but pick hightower on accident and was market gardening for 8 hours straight.

>> No.4312534

How do you guys go through artbooks? You just chip away at reading it and then grind some of the exercises or what? Got to admit I'm terrible at reading nonfiction.