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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 18 KB, 400x417, da_cringe_drawing_by_idontknowwhatttodo_dd6nup3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4297095 No.4297095 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realized you didn't have the spark?

>> No.4297128

22 ;__;

>> No.4297138

I was 23 myself.
Too late to go into college for something useful like CompSci or medicine.
Kills me to think the amount of hours i've wasted pursuing art baka.

>> No.4297140

25, this year. I don’t think I’ll ever be better than mediocre tumblr-animu garbage >>4297128

>> No.4297142

23 is too late?


Where on earth did you pick up that idea? I know someone personally who became a doctor in her late 30s, started when she was 29.

>> No.4297172

At some point in college I was told myself that I don't have what it takes. I felt something break in my heart. And from that day I struggled to continue being a artist. I dropped out of college like 7 years ago.

>> No.4297176

Probably because there are 23 years olds and younger out there who are doing all sorts of incredible and flawless work, getting published, etc, being genius savants already. It feels like everyone else is already doing what I wish I could do. Why even bother, the world will be the same whether or not I bring my shitty creations into it

>> No.4297220

i assume he must've had wealthy or extremely supportive parents.
In my city, minimum wage jobs (the only jobs i could even apply to) can only pay for the bare minimum essentials

>> No.4297238

Can't afford living space and even if i could landlords rather rb'n'b their rooms

>> No.4297246

started at 21, now im 23 and... ngmi

>> No.4297283

I had the spark when I was a kid but I lost it.

>> No.4297306

dont hate your life based on what people put on social media bro

>> No.4297369

What a miserable bunch, the only person who can stop you from making it is you. You either want it bad enough to keep pushing yourself to improve or you don't and then you might as well start searching for something you're actually passionate about.

If any of you gloomy folks want to get back on track here are my tips for you:
- Improving at art isn't about mindless grinding for hours every day. It's problem solving that you have to push through and sometimes you will get stuck, when that happens take a break for a bit, switch it up with new subject matter or try out a new way of making art. You have to figure this out for yourself and see what works best but it takes effort.
- Find your inspiration, if you could steal the art skills of any artists who would they be (pick atleast 3 so you don't just become a clone), collect their art in a folder. Look at what makes their art look like it does. Your inspirations will most likey change over time, embrace it.
- Study and break down art concepts into specific skills (fundamentals), there are plently of resourses available, read the sticky, watch youtube videos and look at tutorials on pinterest are just some of the free options.
- Pick some of these fundamentals and work through exercises you find from the above resources, come up with a routine so you put a few hours of work in for a few weeks (Atleast 1 hour a day for 8 weeks works well) then practice a different set of fundamentals. Rinse and repeat.
- Remember to also apply what you've been learning weekly into creating your own art, this is where creativity comes into it. It won't always look great but use what you're learning and experiment with it. Be open to inspiration from your studies and combine them with your interests.

In summary, life won't last forever and when your time comes, either you can be proud of the effort you've put in and the progress you've made in your journey or you can be disappointed because you gave up. Up to you.

>> No.4297382
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Never to late to get degreed. In his fucking 60s my dad worked a full time job as a project manager for Boeing and went to school full time and got his associates, bachelors, masters, and stem cert. He's in his 70s now making no less than $90/hr. Mother fucker is my hero straight up.

To answer op question: last year, 27 years old. But being creative is the only thing that makes me happy in this existence so I'm just going to do what I can that makes my fire stay aflame, whatever it may be. If I have low imagination, at least I can have high technical skill. That's an asset right there.

>> No.4297389

tl dr

>> No.4297390

dude stop with these essays Wtf nobody cares

>> No.4297393

You're right. Gonna work harder

>> No.4297396

This only works If you have talent. For those who have it it is a good checklist

>> No.4297407

Its 4 bullet points. Took me less than 30 seconds to read. I'll translate it into adhd zoomer for you brainlets:
- Work smart and hard, dont just grind mindlessly
- Find art you like
- study it
- practice fundies
- make art for fun
Either make art and be happy that you tried or fuck off and die a pathetic faggot.

>> No.4297544

So fucking thankful I chose IT, art is just a side thing so me being shit at it is fine whew...If I was in your place tho ;-;

>> No.4297546

They had help, I’m assuming you never did and struggle with mental health issue like the vast majority of this site?

>> No.4297594

ngmi zoomers
gmi chad

maybe talent is just being the 1/4 who can be bothered reading 362 words

>> No.4297614

you can see the difference in attitude between those four replies and you can tell who is most likely to do well from just that.

>> No.4297801

well, yes, schizoaffective. but I would never tell anyone about it and I’m afraid to get medicated. I don’t know if I deserve help or to be not miserable

>> No.4297817

sometimes I just like to say the opposite of what I think. ya know, shitposting.

>> No.4297839

right now
I dont want to draw anymore

>> No.4297869

then you have nothing to worry about right? you're gonna make it :) right?

>> No.4297922

I dont push myself only from the fear that if i do i still wont make gains its the doubt that continues to kill me for years on end

>> No.4297928
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an anime stylization thread, two threads asking for critique that belonged in /beg/, and a thread complaining about loomis being outdated died for this.

>> No.4297945

If you know that then you can change, if you know that and you continue to do nothing, it is more like a step backward actually. I'd rather keep trying and continuously failing than just doing nothing.

Start easy, pick a book or lecture series and start working through it. Set a weekly deadline for each chapter and just do something. I'd recommend peter han's dynamic sketching or hampton's analytical figure drawing, both of which are in the current video course thread.

>> No.4298253

Why do people tend to go by the exception when trying to convince themselves that they can still do it?
i don't get it. It seems like pure cope to say that someone in their mid 20s can still reach their dreams if they work "hard enough".
The majority of people don't.

>> No.4298261

the majority of people dont work hard enough. many people who think they're working hard arent working nearly as much as they think they are.

>> No.4298262

I have the spark, I just have no drawing talent, in fact I have anti-talent, my brain is definitely geared more towards logical/verbal thinking and it's a struggle to do things visually. But I keep soldiering on.

>> No.4298271

Hard to say, somewhere along the line at 24-26 (just turned 26). I'll still strive to get better, but I know I'll never be good.

>> No.4298287

Countless examples of known figures working hard and not making it and of people barely caring for art and making it.
Some examples of what lack of talent does to you despite effort :
>Uncomfortable/Irshad Karim
These among many others have, after grinding for years, not achieved any real skill.

>> No.4298293

I think talent is VERY real but at the same time I also believe people can make it pretty far without talent, and there can be other factors to explain the failures of Sycra and VCK besides lack of talent (which I do agree they lack), for example having bad taste, not being ambitious in getting out of their comfort zones, Sycra being a literal schizo, etc.

>> No.4298296

14,i never had the preconcieved notion that i'd be some legendary artist or something.I just want to be third rate at the least.

>> No.4298307
File: 39 KB, 474x639, 148772376418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone hese is depressed because they won't paint the next sistine chapel anon.
Most people here would be content to draw their waifus at pic related level yet they can't manage to be reach a third of the mastery required after years of dedication

>> No.4298313
File: 56 KB, 576x500, ef7cde4cf8ee6f9b0165da4a49a831c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't say you're wrong, but then you get mofos like Velazquez, who famously didn't care much about painting or art in general, produce this quality works since at least as young as 17. It's understandable that some of us become demoralized, wouldn't you agree

>> No.4298340


>> No.4298355

(Warning: poor/bad english)
I think these negative feelings started since my 18, now im 21. Since i started artschool i feel too intimidated around my classmates because their level and art motivations. In my case I receive positive feedback about my homeworks but my professors said me that i need to do more personal artwork.
Im trying to follow this advice but lately, im feeling like im transforming in a photocopier since November, im very worried about that. Last year i was able to draw poses and faces from imagination now im very insecure with my skills and knowledge, i dont feel very motivated too.

>> No.4298361

I assume your classmates are all no-skill "altternative" teens aren't they

>> No.4298384

Meh, not really. Just like I don't get demoralized over not being born rich or not being born a math genius or whatever. I think I can get to the level I want as long as I keep working at it. So what else is there to be upset about?

>> No.4298387

Well, im thirdwolder so everybody needs an alternative here. I have colleagues who are construction workers, craftsmen or teachers in other areas of education because they are like in their 25-40s and have family and stuff like that.
About my peers close to my age, I don't know if they would fall into that category (no-skill), but they have more artworks and collaborations outside the school. Many of them sells their works too.
With my insecurity, i really didnt push to me to do that. Sometimes those decisions makes me feel like im not in level, or passionate or interested about this career.

>> No.4298412

ngmi, if instead of feeling bad for yourselves you started to work hard you would improve.

>> No.4298416


>> No.4298503
File: 1.98 MB, 498x373, Cutie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prepubescent girl

>> No.4298636

just an example bro

>> No.4298770

Nothing in particular since you're most likely not a talented individual in the first place, just doodling like always for self-satisfaction and unwinding after a long day.

>> No.4298771

Do it for yourself, humble victim of social media.

>> No.4298774

The answer is since I started as a child, around 10. I never had any particular aspirations back then, just wanted to get that pidgeotto side view talon up right. Then move to the next stuff I want to doodle.

>> No.4298792

What's with people claiming attractive characters are always sexually undeveloped?

>> No.4298810

pedo projection runs deep

>> No.4298884

>I don't think anyone hese is depressed because they won't paint the next sistine chapel anon.

I am

>> No.4298886

start training, and you'll be able to do it.

>> No.4299099

no one said that, pedo. you thought that up on your own

>> No.4299495

Do me a solid would you?
Look up a game called Arma 3 on Youtube and after you get what it's about, buy it later.
It's a slow, teamwork-based military simulator with a lot of in depth mechanics and downtime between the exciting parts. A lot of chances to talk to people and a lot of things to talk about.
You sound socially isolated, I am too. I keep coming up with excuses not to try my plan.

>I don’t know if I deserve help or to be not miserable
And relax; no one wants you to be miserable.
As a point of trivia there is higher learning for adults, too

>> No.4299502

the spark is always there you mongloids.

best way to get it back is learning how to lucid dream, from what ive read.

>> No.4299938

Please go and get help, getting therapy and being medicated could change your life. It helped me manage my mental health issues better, you deserve to be happy. Just be careful about taking the super heavy stuff like opiates or benzos.

>> No.4299948

>Just be careful about taking the super heavy stuff like opiates or benzos

>> No.4299962
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But I said "Fuck it, I'll learn how to draw and don't need any spark" at 23.
Wish I realized that sooner but I can't turn back time. At least I'm happy I picked it back up.

>> No.4300170
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Because she looked 11 years old to me.
Oh,shut the fuck up.she does not have the form,height or facial structure of a woman ,therefore she's prepubescent.
Yes-i know it's anime.

>> No.4300177

>every character that's hot as fuck must be underage
ok pedo

>> No.4300180

Ask me how I know you're European?

>> No.4300182

Because i'm rational and witty?

>> No.4300190

Shit tier bait Aart,that's why.So you're either western yuro or a self hating burger.

>> No.4300199

>Shit tier bait Aart

>> No.4300200

>big tiddies

>> No.4300209

this guy's a pedo i'm telling you.

>> No.4300220
File: 103 KB, 600x630, dejah_thoris_1_by_paulrenaud-d34x8v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"he he he ,you obviously have shown no interest in prepubescent girls therefore you must really like prepubescent girls.
You're the one saying she was hot.
Shit bait.

>> No.4300222

didn't even post that gif u retard.

>> No.4300224

I posted the gif of me saying it was odd he saw that as a waifu,want a screen shot?that was the point of my post cavebrain.

>> No.4300229

>people see hot adult women as waifus
>this is somehow bad
What the fuck are you on about pedo scum.

>> No.4300230

This is an adult?
This is why I wish IDs were a thing here,either you have terrible reading comprehension or you have me mistaken for another anon.

>> No.4300241

How many prepubescent girls do you see with those kinds of tits and ass you retard?
One would think someone browsing 4chan would be able to differentiate regular anime from actual loli. twat

>> No.4300243

>This is why I wish IDs were a thing here
You probably want upvotes and a karma system too don't you.

>> No.4300247
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I'm going to break off from this bait before I end up in another prolonged conversation.

>> No.4300254

>gets smashed
>"r-right i'm gonna disengage, totally not mad"

>> No.4301380

Cause it's addictive and could lead to you abusing even harder drugs, the withdrawals are hell are well. I'm just saying this as a precaution, if you have an addictive personality don't take those drugs.
Also, if you feel like this site is affecting you mentally, take a break. I suffer from a multitude of mental disorders as well and I haven't achieved much in life because I didn't get treatment thinking it'd get better on its own. It didn't, I'm currently in treatment and doing really well.
Hope things get better for you man, I don't know you but remember there are other people out there struggling with the same shit you are. You didn't waste time or your life, it's not too late unless you're in a coffin. Go out there and make yourself proud cause at the end of the day that is the only person that matters.

>> No.4301392
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This is what I'm fucking talking about. I hate when people say, "you'll never be good at drawing because you're always learning." It's bullshit. There comes a point when you eventually stop grinding shitty, boring fundies and actually sit down and just draw. Unfortunately, I'm still a sad /beg/ since I get frustrated every 10 minutes I spend drawing :(

I haven't literally laughed out loud in a long time. Got me with this one.

>> No.4301396
File: 129 KB, 863x993, ENZ5BEnUUAAcu_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even good artists still learn. A lot of industry pro artists still do studies, and many share them, pic related is an example. Even as you get better and better, you still won't be satisfied with your work, and if you watch pros work you can often see they make a lot of mistakes too.

>> No.4301414
File: 64 KB, 1107x1007, 1576293428983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you mean.
I just hate how I get that intense frustrating feeling everytime I draw something that looks like shit. I wish it was easier to control my emotions somehow. It makes it a lot harder to sit down and draw because I don't want to always be frustrated.
Though I don't get it now that I typed that out. How come I can still play video games despite being extremely tilted and frustrated? I sometimes am so tilted that my hands start to literally shake yet I keep on playing. But for drawing, I get this sinking feeling everytime I think about sitting down and making another shit drawing.
Am I just NGMI?

>> No.4301486

drawing requires much more patience and effort than video games lol

>> No.4301492

what the fuck is a spark? I swear every time i come to this website there's a new scheme to try and confuse/discourage beginners

>> No.4301500

dw this is mostly a pity party thread

>> No.4301740

The only spark is the drive to get better. If you give up because of an arbitrary age, you never had it.
Keep grinding and actually studying rather than just drawing junk food and wondering why nothing’s different.

>> No.4301744

Can#t even think about why you guys think like that... a lot of people here love animu... but it seems like they never rly listen even to the message animu tries to give you... Naruto, Luffy, Son-Gaka, Freesa, Bulma, Curryrin, Sailor-Sun ... they alawys told us to never give up and yet you guys are listen' to the ones never met these cool imaginative people... if you guys lost your spark get it back cause only the evil alaways tried to steal our passion....say na to that and go through the pain, fight against your circumstances - Love ya peplz

>> No.4301747
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20191111_200929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the spark i just need memes

>> No.4301796

T someone who is depressed as fuck and keeps dropping drawing even though when I draw it puts me in a zen-like state where I never crave a cigarette

I know I like doing it, even if I make trash I know that I'm improving and I like that feeling

But then some IRL shit will make me depressed and put me in a self destructive mood, then I spend all day procrastinating and after a extended amount of time I lose the spark to begin again until I crave into my own brain telling me i'm retarded

Any advice to counter this, I am currently re-doing my fundamentals because anatomy has always been a bitch for me and I don't want to fall of the wagon again because it's already happened about 4 times

>> No.4302148

Based and Put-in-the-work-pilled

>> No.4302198

You will encounter many obstacles in life but it is up to you to move past them.

What works for me is committing to a new 'improvement project' so pick a book/video/tutorial series and work through it, give yourself realistic deadlines but stick to them so that you finish the work even if it isn't perfect - because you can always repeat it later. By doing this and rotating through fundamental studies as well as applying it to personal work, you'll improve fairly quickly.

>I am currently re-doing my fundamentals because anatomy has always been a bitch for me
It's good to go back to the fundamentals but don't let anatomy stop you. Keep trying anon, if one concept doesn't make sense keep searching which you work on it. Plently of information available, you just have to search for it or ask.

>> No.4302201

read this >>4297369

>> No.4302212

Some of you people really confuse me.

I get being frustrated and tired, worried about not progressing and all that

But these feelings are not supposed to be constant, why do you draw in the first place?
Is it even enjoyable for you?
Some of you are sitting at home drawing stick figures and worrying about if you're gonna be able to live off yourt art in the future, that's crazy
That's like me olaying football at home with friends and then breaking down because I might not make it to the nfl...

Drawing and being creative should be enjoyable, and I'm not talking about enjoying the final product.

The PROCESS itself should be enough

If you're still a teenager you can ignore most of this, and I'm gonna sound like a boomer now but.... Things will level out as you get lder

>> No.4302324

>I'm gonna sound like a boomer
You don't say

>> No.4302331

hes right though zoomie

>> No.4303488

10, tops. Is it worth learning from scratch at 25?

>> No.4303499

You have to describe "worth" for you, if you see yourself improving time after time, and want to put in the hours and sweat, starting from scratch is always the best option, cause fundamentals are always the main thing in every subject human knows. Fundamentals can be even created by someone in a new way, so starting from sratch is like saying starting to understand and gettin good at something.
And the age - art/drawing is a profession you can still work on with 70/80+ depends on the health-status.

Nobody can tell you if 25 or 15 or 40 yrs. would be the right time to start, it depends on your love for the skill, we can't predict the future.

>> No.4303534

29 here. Doodled a lot when I was younger but never really studied properly(had no idea how). Lost interest in drawing in 2004 and never really got it back until 2018. Now I'm in my late 20s and my shit looks like stuff teenage girls on DeviantArt used to do. Not to mention I'm in bad health and pressure is on me to leave NEETdom to enter into wageslavery to help pay the bills. My life is a fucking waste.