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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 142 KB, 385x319, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4294781 No.4294781 [Reply] [Original]

he's back lads, what's your excuse for not watching his video right now?

>> No.4294786

>never draw with the most useful tridimensional shape which is an easy and natural to add volume to lose gesture
I fucking hope this fag gets asscancer with his clickbait shit

>> No.4294796

pretty sure he posts her...
or that style has become generic

>> No.4294830

Is he critisizing the artist in the picture? he can fuck right off if that's the case.

>> No.4294855

haven't even watched the video and I'm pissed he's using grassflu in his thumbnail

>> No.4294864

hes insufferable and too much cocky for a guy with tumblr tier artstyle. Id watch him if he was more talented, i do not aspire to be him and his art doesnt have anything to give me

>> No.4294874
File: 65 KB, 335x577, 10834108156731506698a1e6417cad911bbb81b3dea4f620a1dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so he's a nobody trying to shit on a somebody?
No point in watching the video with that clickbait shit anyway.

Remember to hide his threads and click on "Don't recommend this channel again" to train your Youtube suggestions

>> No.4294880
File: 7 KB, 219x230, 1578263716084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4294883

he doesnt really talk shit about anybody.
he's an animator/cartoonist and all his vids are about taking complex shit and simplifying it towards animation.
his proko vid was funny and prokos response is pretty funny.

hes good at click bait.

>> No.4294884


>> No.4294888

can someone give me a tldr about this guy? i never watched any of his videos, what are they about? like is he trashing these artists or its a clickbait

>> No.4294898

He isn't really trashing the artists, he usually praises them but points out some stuff that differentiates his domain (animation) vs theirs (illustration). For example in his Proko video he often talks about simplifying shadows so the form is easily visible, rather than using super detailed shading a draftsman like Proko would use. I still appreciate the tips and info he gives out in his videos, because it applies to what I'm learning, but man his whole persona and clickbait titles are starting to get on my nerves.

>> No.4294903

oh okay i see. thanks
yeah ive just opened one video and his behavior looks very forced

>> No.4294907

Fuck off Ethan Becker.

>> No.4294917

He's sort of right, you should always avoid shapes that don't suggest corners, because the ambiguity means nothing. Ovals are very good for being placeholders though.

>> No.4294930


>> No.4294963

Ethans a shitty artist and a certified faggot

>> No.4294967

Plenty of accomplished pro artists use sphere/oval construction. If it works for an artist, it works.

>> No.4295006
File: 235 KB, 983x1033, ForceShapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The title is clickbait garbage but probably he is referring to a principle explained by Mattesi in his Force books.

Ellipses are symmetrical shapes, and Mattesi suggests using unbalanced shapes because they have a clearer direction.

>> No.4295077

I actually thought his videos were ok until I saw his atrocious """art""". Literal /beg/ tier. That Spiderman drawing is better than anything he's ever done, and he thinks he's qualified to give advice. Fuck him.

>> No.4295086

He actually turned off comments lol

>> No.4295097

>always doing ovals in their life
This is me. It hurts. I wanna get better and be a better person.

>> No.4295108

Post his art

>> No.4295111

He pretty much never criticizes other artists. He often uses their art as examples because he LIKES them so it makes it easier to show good/bad construction, shadows, figures, etc on their art

>> No.4295113


>> No.4295143

better than 70% of /ic/

>> No.4295145

>the guy with the shitposting approach to art education turned off comments.
welp, this is the end of his youtube career might as well make a "I sucked Jazza's cock video" now.

>> No.4295178
File: 1.38 MB, 1334x750, IMG_4367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it, I'm not joking, look at his "Delinquents" video

>> No.4295206
File: 93 KB, 923x826, fdsfddfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ok so another sycra meme 'artist'.
god im tired of these dudes with cintq and beg skills telling everyone how to draw

>> No.4295221

his qualification is actually having worked at studios on animation as a paid job, not owning a cintiq

whether you think his art is actually good or western animation is a joke is a separate issue

>> No.4295266

The second one

>> No.4295339

He set the video as "made for kids", I think that removes the comments

>> No.4295371

>pretty sure he posts here
who do you think makes these threads?

>> No.4295385
File: 7 KB, 212x200, UtAAsWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4295477


What the hell dude, This guy is a beginner or what?

>> No.4295488


>> No.4295495

I can see them just fine

>> No.4295501

Absolute crap

>> No.4295534

good shape design = drawing bloated figures with huge-ass lips and tentacle hair

>> No.4295574

Why does he only ever draw blacks?

>> No.4295581


i meant art work.

>> No.4295584
File: 13 KB, 480x360, read niqqa read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uploaded 10 minutes ago

>> No.4295591

If what I hear about him is correct, he probably has some sort of inner struggle having worked at studios, and yelling at other people for the same mistakes he has made is his way of coping.

He's probably been force-fed everything he's been talking about by other more experienced artists. He's basically a factory-made artist, made to copy and be like those who are better than him, and he doesn't want to feel that way and so makes these videos.

>> No.4295711

Jungle fever

>> No.4295791

Yeah I watched it, he says he destroys her in his insta but he only praises her work. So it's all clickbait. Pathetic

>> No.4298167

For yucks I tried using nothing but wedges for a character study and damned if it didn't help out.

>> No.4299459

The same reason most other artists only ever draw whites? Because they want to

>> No.4299464

he's a talentless retard.
you're a shill.
you talk like a fag.

>> No.4299517

You guys are fags those are pretty nice heads, it’s just the rendering that could be better

>> No.4299525

also these were a series of his "taxi sketches" while he was on vacation, many of them are unfinished or rushed. he actually has some decent work if you check his earlier posts, like those fight scene ones (pls no call me a shill)

>> No.4300143

>tumblr nose

>> No.4300153

>pls no call me a shill
sure thing, ethan

>> No.4300160

I despise his clickbaity titles more than his content. It was funny the first time, but he can go fuck himself.

>> No.4300162

His knowlege is not bad and he uses other artists work as a springboard to discuss certain things to improve in art. But he has an extremely obnoxious art persona and editing in his videos that make me can't stand the sight of the cunt.

If he cut it out with the stupid clickbait and edgy persona I'd personally watch his videos a lot more.

>> No.4300175

I guarantee you would never question why someone only draws white people or vaguely easy asian people. Personally I think it's weird to ONLY draw black characters but if he has an affinity for dark skin tone characters who gives a fuck. It's better than only drawing white and east asian characters at least because the world is already inundated with that.

>> No.4300249

SJWs screech at people all the time for only drawing white characters.

>> No.4300257

Yeah, and everyone thinks they're annoying cunts.

>> No.4300560


It seems as though to me that the far-right are just as bitchy and if not, worse than the left at seeing something drawn that isn’t your own race.

>> No.4300579
File: 37 KB, 550x532, 2mVNtLPQZzUZvcUE9LQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up retard. You skeptic "enlightened" types are worse than /pol/turds

>> No.4300636

not my fault you've made politics your personality

>> No.4300649

>imagine having strong convictions xD
As i said, both SJW's and poltards are better than you, spineless idiot.

>> No.4301802

post work, faggots

>> No.4301879
File: 420 KB, 445x931, Döp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Spiderman Doppio

>> No.4302351

leave this place

>> No.4302608

I've watched many of his videos recently, he always makes them click bait on purpose. It's actually to attempt to attract /ic/ crabs since they are the most in need of decent advice in drawing. He doesn't shit on the artist at all, he just points out trends he think will be useful to teach others by observing the alleged click bait artist in the thumbnail. Sometimes other artists make funny responses back in the same way he does. He is tongue in cheek during video intros then his sarcasm will let you know when it's over.

>> No.4302638

This thread also just realize he makes a point almost every video that he was hired as an animator or story board artist. He will mention the difference from animations, the point being to communicate clearly what is happening frame by frame vs an illustration. He also mentions using it as base helps you design wise till you wanna render, you have to actually draw out and plan the frames/character designs to be very easy to read and understand. While he always draws with reference, he makes a good point to build up your visual library solid and keep it refreshed. I like to swap between reference and no reference, if my head is unclear but I still want to work longer on a doodle I might check some ref to clear up what I'm missing about form. I've binged most of channel the last week and it's very calming to me to improve my foundation with goals of having a visual library I can doodle freely out of my brain from. Am I paid yet? No. Am a good artist? Not really. Do I think I'll stagnate and never improve? Hell no, I can visually see my progress as time passes learning more and more from successful people willingly to take the time to share how they complete their projects. This won't reach many crabs ears but I've lurked this board a long time and I want to help people realize art should be their improvement journey! Something tangible that they can feel develop overtime even if a day spent doing a shitty drawing gets de-motivating. I don't want people to give up so easily but still browse art wishing they could do stuff, even if it's not professional. It's a cathartic feeling having tangible improvement in your hands
I just want people to feel they can make it to their current goalpost, setup a new goal post, and strive to a better and better goals.

>> No.4302660

butthurt ngmi's whining because Ethan made it.

>> No.4302805

I love how much better I'm getting watching this guy, while you guys shoot yourselves in the foot on full-auto. Enjoy being a starving artist while the big boys get paid.

>> No.4302812

>Tumblr "I have a serious cold" noses
>Even on dark skinned women
>even dark ones on light skinned women

>> No.4302825

Enjoy your niggerfaces bro

>> No.4302880


>> No.4302912

You can tell it's good advice because ic shits on it. Love this guy.

>> No.4302921

Yeah bro if you wanna draw like this >>4295206
then sure follow his advice.

>> No.4302940
File: 135 KB, 1024x768, 1552969141852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, he lost me the second I saw the bent cigarette thing. Smoking just disgusts me so much I can barely stand to look at it, even when it's used as a joke.

>> No.4303000

See I know that you're stupid because you think people give advice so you can draw like them and not just better.

>> No.4303016
File: 93 KB, 1083x1080, 1522002774913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh wow these anons sure are critical, probs have better art
>go to /alt/, /int/, /asg/
>all completely shit
really makes you think

>> No.4303019

you both are the same you snot-nosed child. fuck off and die.

>> No.4303024

Never claimed his art was bad, just that the smoking thing is gross. But ok.

>> No.4303035


>> No.4303509

Serious question, does anyone have any guides on how to draw in the style in the Thumbnail? I've been studying Loomis and am looking for a fun side project while I grind my fundies, and I just really like the Thumbnail Spiderman's design, especially in the face.

>> No.4303554

>Not picking a retard camp where people fling shit at others like monkeys and throw you under the bus if you don't tow the party line 100% of the time is equivalent to being spineless
This is why the entire world will always see America as some disgusting, barely 1st world shit hole populated by inbred retards.

>> No.4303561

>he thinks that political conflicts only exist in America and the rest of the world is a utopia
Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4303566

>Everything is black and white. Its either or.
Nigger, you are an illiterate monkey, unable to understand a post, calling people spineless that refuse to take part in idiotic tribalism on a mexican dolphin sighting forum. Eat shit and die.

>> No.4303571
File: 167 KB, 1200x656, CrY2XnEVMAA2I3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

study it. flip it. greyscale it. apply it to your own references.

>> No.4303573

Thanks anon

>> No.4304166

Honestly this feels like people trying too hard to analyze things.

>> No.4304235
File: 1.50 MB, 2904x2160, 12132131313132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Huston wants a word with you

>> No.4304354
