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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4292606 No.4292606 [Reply] [Original]

So /ic/ is talent a meme? This guy says so.


>> No.4292616

Talent isn't a meme, it's real and is the reason why most people won't make it despite working hard and working smart.

>> No.4292618

If talent was a meme, how do you explain >>4292475

>> No.4292627

i cant into moonrunes but if pics are supposed to be his and an argument that talent is a meme, he is just trolling
typical 14 year old would never draw like that without some talent

>> No.4292632

yes. talent is a total meme. the only people who claim it isn't are lazy /beg/s who stay in their comfort zone for years and never improve, then desperately search for a reason why they haven't made it yet to make them feel better.

>> No.4292637
File: 1.84 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to teach my friends to draw. Showed him the proko Loomis head video. Look at this. I was shocked. I thought anyone could do it if they had clear institutions. You need talent.

>> No.4292639

Instructions *

>> No.4292641

he also started in the third grade so there were some years already behind him at that point

>> No.4292646

What did your first loomis heads look like? Mine were pretty much like that too. I am obviously not talented, but I got a lot better since then (no I will not post work)

>> No.4292678

Yeah, anyone with clear instructions can just play Through the Fire and Flames, sure buddy. It's not like you need muscle memory or anything. Not like your need to PRACTICE this shit.

>> No.4292682

people who believe in talent are the people who grind boxes all day and then get upset when they don't draw like kim jung gi after a year
aka cope to not put in real effort

>> No.4292697

People who grind boxes are those that deny the reality of talent.

>> No.4292704

talent is a very real thing for stuff like imagination and aesthetics. The colors my sister picks are always super aesthetics despite her knowing nothing of color theory. For pure technique however I have never seen someone with a talent that couldn't be offset by just training. Yeah some people have better spatial visualization but nothing that training will never be able to compensate for.

Abstract things like imagination and intuitive aesthetic; that's the kind of thing that is far harder to obtain by training and is heavily dependent on very early education and intelligence or "talent".

>> No.4292708

It depends on what you call talent, i mean his point is if you actually worked before on your craft without knowing you might look talented. If you spended your youth reading and traveling, you might have "talent" with coming with ideas to be a good storyteller. High IQ might give you an edge on how fast you understand things, but you can't avoid the practice on drawing, it more a kin to a good violinist or pianist.

>> No.4292714

>Draws Anime
Opinion discarded.

>> No.4292718

The opposite of believing in talent is actually questioning the way you are learning things and ultimately finding that the learning process is just learning from failures, so no.

>> No.4292729
File: 340 KB, 700x420, Dunsparce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this world is so cruel sometimes. To think that your choices as a child really do carry over to today with our ability to draw. It's maddening. And the existence of talent as well. Seeing someone grow so much in a year, seeing them suddenly have Pixiv's level of quality, sickening, it sickens my stomach. Meanwhile the rest of us non-talents spend all day and all night just trying to make our deficient drawing click with us, that is to say those of us not wallowing in so much misery that drawing only happens every 2 months or so. And the worst thing about talent is that you can feel it, you can feel that something is your calling, art isn't a hassle to those who feel it, it's only a pain for a couple that wasn't meant to be, an attempt by some kid to defy the heavens. Pretend that talent doesn't exist all you like, perpetuate that everyone has their own pace to comfort your not gonna make it friends even, but talent is real, and it's exactly why there's people in your world who are light years ahead and they can't even explain why.

>> No.4292736


>> No.4292738


>> No.4292740

So what tools does he use? I'm pretty sure it's because he has an Apple iPad Pro 12.9 with the Apple Pencil.

>> No.4292742

Maybe the reason you suck at drawing isnt because you lack talent, but because you only draw once every two months???

>> No.4292743

My man you need to pick up some basic psychology books.

>> No.4292744

Nah its the

HUION 1060P V2 with extra sensitivity and now free sheeping available from their own wbsite right now, what he's using

>> No.4292777

Talent is definitely real. There are some things that some artists do that I could never see myself doing even in a million years.

>> No.4292796

>There are some things that some artists do that I could never see myself doing even in a million years.
Just do your own thing. Every artist has a stylization/s no one else but themselves can do. It is unique only to them. As much as how everyone's physical appearance is different. You just need to find what it is you can make that no one else can and that comes with time.

>> No.4292801

>most people won't make it despite working hard and working smart.
even though they do neither and /ic/ is proof of it?

>> No.4292811

I don't think talent is a meme however it shouldn't stop you from putting in your time and work into the craft.
you will get better, even if you don't have as much talent as someone else. keep trying

>> No.4292819

>Blabber about wanting to improve.
>Blabber about hating own art.
>Have an all time lowest upload rate.
>Bimonthly uploads are a rarity.
>Make no effort to hide that time is being put into games instead of art.
Not sure if this applies to you but why are some people like this?

>> No.4292837

Not him, but it's tiring anon. Shit gets tiring after not improving for long periods of time.

>> No.4292852

idk his stuff isn't that inspirational.. no idea how he would get the idea to talk about talent

>> No.4292859

also this >>4292811

>> No.4292862

you are just stupid

>> No.4292891

the thing is, even is talent matters, drawing just requires so many varied skills that it's not going to matter anyway in the big picture. Like if you have good color instinct that's great but does it really matter when you'll still have to train your anatomy/spatial visualization/shadows/imagination? It's a drop in the sea.

>> No.4292892

Why, because i think you can put all the time you want into something and not make any progress? You're right, I must be stupid.

>> No.4292893

But anon my deep deeps are one of a kind and are in no way lighter than that of other people. Procrastination is absolutely justified on my end.

>> No.4292921

Lets say Anon's A, B and C decide to start learning at the same time.

Anon A may have had previous experience with skills which can help them with art or the learning process. Maybe they worked a lot with their hands so they are dexterous or maybe they are a very visual thinker. They are quick to identify their faults and improve, they learn quickly so we may call them talented.

Anon B has had no experience with art related skills but they are determined and work hard. They struggle initially as they have not done something similar before but after awhile they start getting used to these new skills and eventually they get good. A random person looks at their art and says "wow you're so talented!".

Anon C doesn't think critically, they are lazy and get distracted easily. So when they look at tutorials, they don't take in all the information, they don't notice the faults in their own attempts and they make very little progress but they keep grinding for years because practice makes perfect right? except art requires thinking not just moving your hands around. We might call this person untalented.

But obviously there are many factors to this learning process and it is not as simple as these three examples. Anon A is the closest to what we consider talented but if they don't put in work, Anon B can surpass them in skill, it may just take more work. Anon C may get their shit together and begin improving, or maybe they've ruined their capacity to learn through years of bad habits, who knows, it's up to them.

Just be glad you aren't a C Anon or if you are, strive to become a B Anon.

>> No.4292938


>> No.4292955


being able to focus and work hard to achieve your goals is a talent itself.

>> No.4293004

Something is better than nothing

>> No.4293072

Even in this simplistic and unrealistic example you could argue that the stupidity of Anon C is part of his lack of talent.

>> No.4293105

I mean at this point we might as well just start using term High IQ instead of talent

Is what everyone is actually thinking when they make arguments about talent

>> No.4293120

>expecting someone to draw a decent face with a single video first try
What the fuck were you expecting? Theres a reason beginners are always given leniency and time to learn in every hobby and job. Humans suck at absorbing and retaining large amounts of information within a short time frame. You wouldn't give someone who's never cooked in their life a complex recipe and the ingredients and expect a good or perfect product.

>> No.4293133

Talent is a meme. But any good artist started young. This is a fact.

>> No.4293142

Does drawing anime shit since middle school and only starting to learn fundies at 22 count as starting young?

>> No.4293143

but you are summarizing all these things into talent or high iq when it is a variety of factors which a person can actually breakdown and focus on improving. Unless you actually have something wrong with you, you should be able to spend time improving.

I hate it when people call me talented because they use it as an excuse to not put work in for themselves when they are learning a skill. I take the time to slow down and think about the best way to approach a task, I put the work in look at my thought processes and actions when I am working on a task and I find it results in much quicker results than just grinding away for hours like is often recommended here. Drawing is problem solving, it requires thought to progress.

>> No.4293148

yes, it gives you familiarity with the pen and lines.

>> No.4293159

Talent is real, but most people work neither hard nor smart.

>> No.4293160

Everyone's first try looks like that you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.4293175

I hear it all the time being young matters but to what specific exposure even is required for a child to know? People act like it's not just the time spent so it must be something more. Something particular that gets jammed in kids brains sticking with them for years on end subconsciously. Even if later on they decide not to draw for a brief period only to come back but still retain this "sense" built in their youth. There had to have been studies about this with any activity if people really believe it.

>> No.4293191


talent is just a pursued interest. I think everyone in this thread should watch a lot of Kienan Lafferty. He's free, and you will learn that art is just a bunch of experimenting, instead of studying.

Art isn't like math where you read a textbook and get better. Yes, some books can give you a good direction on where to go, but depending on what you do with the information, it does not make you better at art.

Another thing worth mentioning, is that the education system (United States) teaches children to be uncreative. The art electives are LAUGHABLE. School here doesn't teach you to be observant, or analytical, which are two important things to know in art. The system is based around the need for people to work in factories. That's probably why children around the world may have above average art than what we consider here. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with talent. Me personally, i was lucky enough to have a family that encouraged me to be creative

>> No.4293200

Talent just means intelligence, and people complaining about not having talent juat don't want to admit that they're dumb lmao

>> No.4293201

Pursued interest is the best way to put it.

You draw something as a child, it's shit but someone tells you its decent, okay so now you try some more drawing for fun, literally only put a few hours in at this point but it's more than most people ever do so at this point you are a child talented at art. So might as well continue since you're 'talented' and then when you decide to actually study you progress quickly compared with those who have done nothing.

>> No.4293252
File: 133 KB, 935x878, KeysToDrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy says so.

He wrote "Though talent exists". He is a teacher and just reminding us that even the talented can only find the meaning of his art through the hard work of reaching the Pro level treshold: mileage+knowledge.

>> No.4293267

talent exists but is not worth shit enough to therefore be a meme

>> No.4293421
File: 136 KB, 356x583, 1578042087002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakura Wars

>> No.4293432

Draws leagues better than me when he was 18, yeah i'm not gonna make it.

>> No.4293451

>Kienan Lafferty
That guy is annoying as fuck. Just watch Marco Buicii, or Marc Brunet instead.

>> No.4293453

Classic focusing on features rather than the form of the head with simple abstract marks to show features as they follow the form. This is how a lot of head practice looks at first because Loomis never really goes into how you're supposed to go about the method clearly.

>> No.4293597

both of those you've listed are rather boring

>> No.4293675 [DELETED] 

>drawn quite a bit as a little kid thinking that its quite fun
>later on in early teen years notice how better professionals are valuing their skill
>eventually at some point not knowing any better mindlessly trace
>get so wrapped up in error and spend a long time just making fixes not actual drawing
>same perfectionist habits then contribute to my own original work not liking how worse i was than professionals
>my approach in art to improve or what i thought then as just how art works itself was tiring and nothing like how i originally did things just for fun like any other kid would
>still have the urge to do art as a passion with a better approach after realizing how wrong i was before but can't stop thinking about all that wasted time how it may have cucked any gains
i can't even tell what category i stand in if i started young or late with that power gap of stupidity i caused

>> No.4293678

>drawn quite a bit as a little kid thinking that its quite fun
>later on in early teen years notice how better professionals are valuing their skill
>eventually at some point not knowing any better mindlessly trace
>get so wrapped up in error and spend a long time just making fixes not actual drawing
>same perfectionist habits then contribute to my own original work not liking how worse i was than professionals
>everything i do now just takes so long to complete
>my approach in art to improve or what i thought then as just how art works itself was tiring and nothing like how i originally did things just for fun like any other kid would
>still have the urge to do art as a passion with a better approach after realizing how wrong i was before but can't stop thinking about all that wasted time how it may have cucked any gains
i can't even tell what category i stand in if i started young or late with that power gap of stupidity i caused

>> No.4293847

just draw

>> No.4293860

MS translation;
I have been a picture instructor with 93 students in seven years, and the results of my life combined.
The ability of the picture is determined by the amount drawn.
Design sense and pattern is determined by the amount of knowledge.
The good design is determined by the "combined amount".
Motivation is maintained by establishing purposes and means.

You don't need "talent" to reach the professional level.
Talent exists, but it is only when you become a "professional midfielder or higher" that it makes sense.
The presence of companions is more supportive than anything else.
If you do not practice that suits you, growth efficiency will fall dramatically.
Observation hypothesis experiment consideration is the drawing power.
Two-dimensional drawing is the shortest practice method.
-- He says talent exists, but you don't have to be talented to be a pro.

>> No.4293861

>Art isn't like math where you read a textbook and get better.
I'm a mathfag and art is actually like math(which is not how you describe it at all). Including how you need talent for both of them but can still get very far without talent.

>> No.4293865

The only way to argue that talent isn't real is to deny evolution, which seems to be very fashionable in the 21st century.

>> No.4293872

ah yes my good sir we evolved from monkeys I tell you! GOOD ONE

>> No.4293874

This explains the quality of this board.

>> No.4293878

Funny of you to bring biology in to this considering we are all almost biologically identical.
What you people like to see as "genetic talent "is 99% just youth development and influence.

>> No.4293885

>considering we are all almost biologically identical.
You cannot possibly be serious. You think you can take some 70IQ retard and turn him into a theoretical physicist with enough "environment"?

>> No.4293886


oh fuck off

>> No.4293889

Then someone with an IQ of 90 if that makes you any happier. How about turning an average genes guy into an olympic tier athlete (with the best training since childhood)? You don't believe your own bullshit.

>> No.4293895

>You cannot possibly be serious
Yes I am. And you should be too, considering this shit is taught in school.

You really comparing athleticism to drawing? Do you really need to difference to be explained to you?

>> No.4293902

>considering this shit is taught in school.
It's another episode of "get educated, racist!"
Then tell me how it's completely different from athleticism and how our brains are magicly all the same when the rest of our bodies aren't.

>> No.4293915

should we tell them?

>> No.4293920

are you talented? if not, then why bother practicing art if someone who has talent will easily surpass you

>> No.4293939

>hurr why have sex when someone else will have more sex with his big dick anyway
Because I like doing it and someone else doing it better doesn’t change that, retard.
Accepting that you will never be a big dick pornstar doesn’t mean you give up sex.

>> No.4293944

do you guys even like making art

>> No.4293946

I know I will never be one of the greats, but that doesn't mean I cannot produce art, maybe even good art. Basicly I second this >>4293939

>> No.4293948

Of course not, where the fuck do you think we are?

>> No.4293950
File: 891 KB, 1080x640, medievalmonsters7-1080x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys so obsessed with whether talent exists or not?
When you could be having fun drawing.

>> No.4293953

I don't particularly care about it in my personal life. It just triggers my autism when people deny reality.

>> No.4293963

>athleticism vs drawing
Drawing is cultural behavior, athleticism is not https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_behavior

>brains are magicly all the same
Almost exactly the same, not all the same. Identical twins raised apart might become a "talented" scientist and a "talented" artist, even though bearing the exact same genome. Or other might be "talented" artist and other one talented at nothing. Few people actually realize how brain really works, and how what you are is actually determined after birth, when your brain matures and shapes around the events surrounding it.

There has never been any "artgenes" and there will never be. At best there are very small differences as subsidiary from other visual functions of the brain, but is absolutely nothing compared to the effect of early age brain development. Blaming your genes for why your art sucks and you aren't literally a fucking psychopath or downie is anti-science and plain out pathetic. If you are going to be bitter about it, at least bark at the right tree.

>> No.4293996

Not only does that not even mention art, but you’re confusing art as a concept of personal expression and the actual craft/skill. Legit 80IQ post.

>> No.4294005

Art becomes more fun when you have the technical skill to produce what is on your mind.

>> No.4294025

Yes. So instead of bickering over talent, you could be improving technical skill to make drawing even more fun.

>> No.4294043

Talent is a meme. It's just people who happened to stumble on a better start, and have more foundation to draw from.

I learned this when I was like 11 and got good at something not drawing.

When I think back, people would say it was talent, but through my eyes, I was putting stupid quantities of hours into what I was doing and making shit every day. What I didn't have back then was complexes of neurotic self doubt and like 50 things picking apart my attention.

talent = the freedom of childhood

>> No.4294047

To be honest art becomes fun when you don't have social media to worry about and aren't constantly auditing yourself to the trends of the day. One thing that kills peoples initial motivation is other amateur hobbyists critiques over the internet, usually being useless advice like 'grind fundies', a totally incomparable situation to sitting down and talking with a real professional artist, or someone with good experience irl. Really if you want to succeed in art you'll just stop using the internet for a year and work a job and do art as a hobby. But then again, most people get into art because of their internet addiction and fear of getting any real job.

>> No.4294059

Ok yeah, there are some people who do really good on their first try, just like there are some 12 year olds studying physics at Oxford. Doesn't mean it's the norm. For most professional artists, the very first drawing they ever did in their lives probably looked like that (if nothing else, because they were about 2 or 3 when they did it and didn't have all their motor skills yet).

>> No.4294192

People who worry about if talent is real and other reasons for why they wont make it are true ngmi.

>> No.4294206

Based shill

>> No.4295082

What substantial difference even is 90IQ vs 110IQ? It can't matter that much. Unless you're saying every GMI artist is genius level IQ idk man smells like bullshit.

>> No.4295088

Talent is real in every aspect of human capacity. Some people are naturally better at maths,some are better at writing, sports, farming, human emotions and, of course, art.

>> No.4295091

>UGH I'm so untalented compared to <younger artist> I'm ngmi
>Why yes I spend 35+ hours a week playing mmos/overwatch/netflix and less than 2 hours a week drawing, how could you tell?

>> No.4295103
File: 26 KB, 287x402, 1565900886008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent isn't real

>> No.4295163

how do I regain having fun from drawing. I remember how I drew just for fun when I was a little kid. Now its just a rush to become good enough so a studio hires me and I can provide for my future family.

>> No.4295168

get a real job and do art as a hobby

>> No.4295301

Talent is a skill that needs to be developed but NGMI losers like to pretend its a magic quality to explain away why they are failures and its not their fault. When in reality they haven’t developed talent and skill because they dont work on it and its all their fault and their own responsibility.

>> No.4295314

Talent is love+time, the people who claim it's some intangential supernatural element that magically makes you good at shit just know they don't love their "passion" and therefor won't give it the commitment and discipline it needs to thrive.

>> No.4295315

Yes it exists since people have different genetics and environments. This is the truth and anybody saying otherwise is just wrong.

With that said, any normal person can reach extreme proficiency at most tasks, including drawing, provided that they do it a lot and think critically. That's why I agree that talent (practically) doesn't matter. Idiots need to stop making these threads and draw more.

>> No.4295332

>This person is in the same Discord as you.
>What should have been your art friend growing alongside you is occupied with games instead.
>They brood while you never say a word.

>> No.4295335

High IQ people, really high IQ people not 120 college normies, tend to be very unmotivated because shit's easy to them so they either only focus on one oneitis that's usually subjective and unattainable, or don't do anything at all and fall on drugs and alcohol to dampen their minds to society's level.

It's not intelligence, it's not genetics, it's not out of your control. It's habits and mindsets. And of course "untalented" people don't want to admit this because it's admitting your misery is of your own making and you've always been able to change that but don't truly want to.

>> No.4295351

The 90IQ person is the Starbucks manager who started working at 16 because they didn't like school. The 120IQ person is the barista who works at Starbucks to pay their $40K debt they aquired with their magna cum laude gender studies title mom and dad haven't even hung in the wall.

Advanced intellect starts at two deviations from norm, 130IQ. Genius levels start at three deviations, 145IQ.

>> No.4295369

then how do you know the athletes who have been training since childhood happened to be also gifted, and the IT guy whose parents never made him do sports isn't secretly the genetically ideal hockey player?

sure lots of kids wash out early, but maybe they're just lazier or prefer cartoons and would have been a champion eventually. you can't know.

>> No.4295382

I started doing boxing at 28 after leaving the army to become a commercial pilot and was told I would be middleweight champion standing at 6'2" with a 79" reach and great rhythm, If only I had been 8 years younger.

I never cared for the sport until my late 20's watching random youtube videos. I'm sure the same has happened to millions of otherwise would be champions. And would be doctors, and would be rockstars, etc.

>> No.4295395

>they memorized every minutiae of the lore and fandom lore behind every single character in a video game/tv show/anime
>know nothing about art basics like color theory or planes or construction

>> No.4295699
File: 16 KB, 125x125, 1552697835215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion on learning the Soroban (mental abacus)?
I bought one but got bored fast, even faster than with new drawing toys.

>> No.4295706

Anon... all that debt for a humanities degree? SAD!

>> No.4296192

/ic/ is full of teenagers that want to get as good as a pro asap (in 6 months tops), this board is retarded

>> No.4296201

if twitter told you to jump off a cliff, would you?

>> No.4296423

i only listen to good advice

>> No.4297060

You forget Anon D, Anon D has never studied, doesn't work particularly hard, and isn't very smart. Within a few weeks is making deviantart tier anime art from watching youtube videos in between playing video games and work. By the end of the year they are making pretty quality art with minor anatomical issues and making a bunch of money off patreon drawing the latest popular anime girls.
By year two he's expanded his portfolio to landscapes and life studies. and lands a lucrative concept artist job at his favorite animation studio, and causes a lot of butthurt from his more pretentious friends.

>> No.4299640

If you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment would you capture it or just let it slip?

>> No.4300188

I never really thought about that, but I don't see the point. Calculating shit is just mindless work that can be done by machines. The time it takes to learn some technique to do everything in your head is probably longer than all the tiping into calculators in your lifetime unless you type in elementary school tier things.
If your conception of math is merely calculating things via formla then the other guy is correct in that it has nothing to do with art.

>> No.4300206

His palms are sweaty. Knees weak, arms spaghetti. He’s nervous, but on the surface, he’s cold spaghetti. Meat balls, but he keeps on spaghetti. That he boiled down, the whole crowd wants spaghetti. He opens his mouth, but the spaghetti won't come out.

>> No.4300218
File: 699 KB, 720x540, lomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i watched the same video but idk... this was a long time ago

>> No.4300352

Talent is the culmination of associated skills that can be applied to art. It exists but not it's not some magical force that comes out of nowhere.

>> No.4300971

Except being lazy, easily distracted and lacking analytical skills are things you develop throughout your life. What we call talent or lack there of is really just a combination of all your past experiences.

>> No.4301301

The idea would be that being good at basic operations is some sort of fundie, probably line control.

>> No.4302666

Literally has never happened. Just because your friends were better at time management than you and could have fun while doing on doesn't mean they never studied or tried hard. They just didn't spend half their time procastinating and raging at other people like you did.

>> No.4302674

>Literally has never happened
You should back up your statement with some evidence before making such a strongly worded claim like that.

>> No.4303302

>t. talentlet

>> No.4303317

I don't really see it. I think drawing is more important for maths than calculating stuff, because you need to be able to visualize very complicated objects, sometimes in motion or with color.

>> No.4303333

How to i develop talent? I'm legit serious

>> No.4303362

leave this place and draw

>> No.4303369

Weirdly specific, maybe you're making assumptions about how intelligent or hard working this person really is? maybe you should spend more time drawing and less time worrying about this person

>> No.4303416

Not being lazy is also a talent. It has a lot to do with having good parents.

When you look at how incredibly productive professionals often are, you can't deny that it takes some kind of natural talent to be this disciplined.

>> No.4303741

Semantics are also important, so work on that.

>> No.4304428


I knew talent tards are retraded, but I never new it was this bad. Thank, you for letting me know the kind of person I'm dealing with.

>> No.4307037

Laziness, can it be overcome? (were you even lazy to begin with if you manage to overcome your laziness?)
Some artist have insane amounts of productivity to the point where it almost appears to be superhuman, can that kind of dedication be forced or does it need to come from a desire within? Do we need to erase all distractions out of lives perhaps?

>> No.4307042

To me the main reason for being lazy is not having a fullfilling life. If you are constantly depressed and unhappy you will simply lack the drive. Your mind will be occupied with your problems to the point you just can't concentrate anymore on something like art.

>> No.4307062

That sounds familiar. It's very difficult to keep going if there is no reward and no reward for your efforts in sight. An inherent enjoyment in art can take you a long way but factors outside your control will influence it nonetheless. What's also interesting is how parents who might advise you not to pursue art can really strengthen a desire to keep going. Had this happen to me, I wanted to do something art related, parents pressured me to go with something "safe". I made a great mess because I didn't know what I should've done with my life and now, I'm again pursuing art in my free time next to my wageslave job. The job helps keep life more or less stable and the desire to draw and paint is fueled by the idea that it might elevate my life to a higher level, maybe not financially but it may make it more fulfilling.

>> No.4307191
File: 44 KB, 566x693, DCE5B5B9-2E94-43D9-B4AF-5BC86ADDAE3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talent isn’t a meme. however you need to nurture that talent. which is my biggest regret. I fell off track bros.
drew this at 14.

>> No.4307294
File: 272 KB, 1000x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dredged up some cringy stuff i drew in 2015 just to show that yes, literally everyone has to start at /beg/

>> No.4307297

5 years for that? lol

>> No.4307315
File: 63 KB, 1078x718, 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I spent the first 4 and a half years being depressed, barely drawing (once every month max) like a lot of the people in this thread
It wasn't till October last year that I really started trying to improve, putting in around 4 hours a day.

I regret the time that I wasted, but ultimately there's nothing I can do but try harder going forwards.

>> No.4307325

That's neat advance anon, keep going

>> No.4309369

talent isn't a meme and you are ngmi.

>> No.4309374

post your work? lol
its still decent progress anon dw about the crab, they barely draw

>> No.4309588
File: 47 KB, 1000x560, cute foxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww hes so comfy and these colors are so cool

>> No.4309845

You can already see that talent exists, simply by looking at the names of really good artists. They simply sound extraordinary.

>> No.4309877

This has happened to me. Possibly done so easily by having ADD. Too many distractions and negativity flooded my brain with no way to ignore any of it so I'm just left thinking about it all as the days go by.

>> No.4309881

4 months to that? that's quick all things considered.

>> No.4309966

I'd argue it exists but it's not anywhere near as important as people think it is. Obviously some people are naturally more inclined to like drawing than others but almost everyone starts out equally shitty at it, the difference being the people who like doing it will continue to draw and improve and the people who don't will stop. I think just saying someone is talented discredits the thousands of hours they've put into their work and just implies they were born good at drawing, which anyone who draws well will tell you is bullshit.

>> No.4310211

Talent is real but it's not what you think it is. Most people view talent as an innate skill in academics or art, you are just born good at it! Yes, that is the dictionary definition of talent. But there is mote to it. Talent is the ability to learn effectively. It is the ability to study. And the ability to learn is the ability to study with discipline, to do something tirelessly every day to get good, the ability to study is to reflect on your mistakes, to see what you do for what it is, to see it honestly. Talent is the ability to focus on the betterment of oneself, the ability to realize what is holding you back, to know what to improve on and to know what will take you to the next level. Rather than constantly posting threads like, should I grind this? Is this book good? This is how I draw right? Should I draw boxes, is that how you get good?

Talent is this simple set of skills. Learning, studying, reflecting, focus, discipline. Simple, basic skills, that many people lack , and that is just how it is. A talentless person will never learn these skills if they do not change their mindset. You think you're not TALENTED? What's holding you back?

>> No.4310388
File: 201 KB, 591x554, 99B69A85-00DF-4028-BAF7-C0E32EC6EA55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halp, Anon.
I’m in your previous position. I’m literally sitting here with no drive and the thought of doing anything but LDAR feels beyond me.
I just don’t know how to get out of this state...

>> No.4310447

lol it's saying he was a teacher for 7 years or so. also look at his doodle from when he was 16 it's laughable

>> No.4310628

That pose is so stiff. But he is right though there is no such thing as talent. There's only hard work.