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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.18 MB, 597x858, Screenshot_2020-01-01 Potrait of a Carthusian, 1446 - Petrus Christus - WikiArt org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4286067 No.4286067 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4286077

I used to use my wacom drawing pen to masturbate and thats how i broke my first tablet

>> No.4286080

i hate everyone here but i enjoy BTFO'ing people worse than me and making fun of retarded faggot weaboos so i keep coming back.

>> No.4286081
File: 77 KB, 544x527, 1575534700393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4286082
File: 986 KB, 1280x720, BadCivilization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4286087

I'm good at traditional but not digital even though I've had this fucking tablet for 4 years.

I took a traditional painting class and improved leaps and bounds but the skills do not translate into digital at all.

>> No.4286088
File: 2.85 MB, 300x236, 1428764868332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to whatever shit board stapled this garbage template thread to your forehead

>> No.4286100

I only do art because everyone has told me all my life I have some real talent and I feel like if i don't pursue an art career i'll disappoint everyone including myself. I have no passion only obligation.

>> No.4286105

you can only do gay things with a pen

>> No.4286116

i have started photobashing my backgrounds. i'm not proud but my normie followers don't seem to care

>> No.4286125

I never ever read a book of Loomis in my life.

>> No.4286128

You're a spineless fuck. Do what you want in life, not what others want you to do. You're not obligated to anyone. Go find your real passion.

>> No.4286129

I have masturbated to the picture that Goku told me not to masturbate to.

>> No.4286131

i quit art because the only people that get good at it are redditors, women, weeabos and the mentally ill
>inb4 cope

>> No.4286133

no, you quit art because you suck and so you made a bunch of excuses about why it was okay to give up

>> No.4286169

I have no excuse to not make it. I have time and money to live while practicing. I have art education books, art education videos. I have supplies traditional and digital. I have access to life drawing and instructors. I have access to artists through friends and family nepotism.
But everyday I sabotage myself by procrastinating my education. Im going to wake up in 5 years and realise I threw away everything because I couldn't discipline myself.

>> No.4286174
File: 85 KB, 1366x768, 1531967008950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only really likes to draw torsos
>feels like their mask fetish is only a thin excuse for not drawing faces
>finds any excuse to include unconventional/inhuman features

>> No.4286176

if we are using strawmans ill just assume you belong in the mentally ill category and therefor can disregard your opinion. go render something before you get too mad

>> No.4286646

> gets off with a pen
>you can only do gay things with a pen

ic is full of people that think girls don't exist

please elaborate.

>> No.4286648

that picture drives me wild. not even the original one, just the one with goku in it. something about the expression on the girls face. aaaaaaaaahhhhh.

still haven't succumbed yet though. I'm staying strong.

>> No.4286649

I genuinely hate drawing
but i cant stop

>> No.4286657

I trace over 3d sometimes because I hate drawing part. Also I think sometimes there is no way to invent a figure in some really complex perspective without reference, so I console myself that using 3d is like illustrators of the past used hired models after vague compositional drawings and gestures.
As much as I hate drawing I like to play with colors schemes and paint and render in general.

>> No.4286659

I hear culinary is the way to go friend, its not like youre smart enough to do programming. Other blue collar work is good too. Using your head kind of job, not so much.

>> No.4286670

Spend way too much time drawing women lately instead of other things like animals, vehicles, landscapes and still-lives like I wanted to.
Life figure drawing is very addicting.

>> No.4286673
File: 68 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20191125_183231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4286688

I drew coomer art when I was 14 for attention, I actually got the attention and people asking for commissions. Why did i stop? I could've been famous.

>> No.4286735

I confessed, please don't quote me so sneeringly!

>> No.4286740

Post some

>> No.4286798

I don't draw everyday

>> No.4286804

I draw every day but I'm making no progress and it even feels like I'm going backwards.
I could draw human figures fairly well a few weeks ago but ever since I started studying anatomy nothing seems to make sense anymore when I try to draw a figure and it just comes out looking like a mess.

>> No.4286904

draw skellies for construction practice
then add in some muscle once skelly's mastered

>> No.4286977

i cant stop drawing girls with dicks, and i hate it

>> No.4287011

i think its /b/

>> No.4287015

Absolute madlad

>> No.4287021
File: 56 KB, 284x177, plague doctor boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are they wearing a plague doctor mask?

>How are the people supposed to not succumb to the great pestilence if they dont wear plague doctor masks good sir