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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4285245 No.4285245 [Reply] [Original]

TFW drawing porn finally crushed your soul.

Don't stay in porn too long guys, it's like sleeping under radioactive ore, you may be fine for a while but more sooner than later it will kill you, get the quick bucks and then get the hell out of there.

>> No.4285246


>> No.4285270

I think its fine if you dont masturbate... r-right?

>> No.4285560
File: 486 KB, 1024x1024, 1575981784185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW drawing porn finally crushed your soul.
>Don't stay in porn too long guys, it's like sleeping under radioactive ore, you may be fine for a while but more sooner than later it will kill you, get the quick bucks and then get the hell out of there.

>> No.4285643


>> No.4285691


>> No.4285702

that's a bit silly since drawing nsfw is the only appeal for many many artists, without it their lower begness becomes too apparent

>> No.4285705

What you can tolerate doing and what other people can tolerate doing aren't always the same thing. Maybe you're just bitch-made and can't handle the hustle

>> No.4285999

It has been 3 fucking years of drawing the same shit with different characters
"Put benis in vageeena show beeeebs"
Can't stand it anymore, i'm going insane

>> No.4286006


>> No.4286043

Like straight up hardcore shit or just nudity-lewdy things?

I think that is the issue, I do vanilla pinup shit but I try to use the silhouette to create interesting compositions, convey mood with lightning and textures, etc...

I'm not looking at people who do straight up porn as lesser artists but try to come up with artistic value whatever your subject matter is

>> No.4286049

i just made it out, was a decent nsfw artist but i realized it was just a steam valve for my raging repressed sexual loneliness. now im drawing what i want and my passion for art has returned and i get lots of compliments since i now have stuff i can show normal people. draawing one subject over and over and over is limiting. you can get pretty good at human anatomy but you improve much faster drawing a variety of things.

>> No.4286148

>Drawing porn for money and not because you enjoy it

>> No.4286151



>> No.4286496

Thread ended here.

>> No.4286504

>I like pizza
>i'm going to have pizza for all meals from now on
>I will totally not end up hating pizza after a while


>> No.4286598


>> No.4286599

You're coming back to the right path, it's good.

>> No.4286623

>food analogy
Okay retard.

>> No.4287323

Congrats on pulling yourself out of that hell as well, anon. Godspeed.

>> No.4287367
File: 192 KB, 800x1000, 1487983144842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some people that wouldn't mind that. There are probably some hardcore musclechads that wouldn't mind eating chicken breast and broccoli for the rest of their life.
Additionally there is a difference between the statement "I spent 3 years eating nothing but pizza, and so now that I'm bored of it I'm going to try something else" and "I want to warn everyone that pizza is DANGEROUS and SOUL CRUSHING. Do not eat pizza unless you absolutely have to, and if you have to eat pizza then you have to be vigilant and make sure that as soon as you can stop eating pizza you drop it like a rock and run for your life". Just because something can get monotonous doesn't mean that its some kind of fucking soul curse that will kill every person that even dares interact with it for more than 2 picoseconds.

>> No.4287369

Dont make posts like this you fucking retard, replying to other retards and keeping shit threads top page

>> No.4287375

Retards propagate unless you go out of your way to stop the retardation. I apologize for bumping the thread but I had to reply.

>> No.4287391

Thats why i replied to you

>> No.4287399

>no u
excellent reply, congrats on bumping the thread as well. Such a high IQ individual.

>> No.4287405


>> No.4287438

There are hundreds of recipes of how to do pizza. Some of them even use different dough. If you just eat the same pizza from the same bakery every day and can't do one yourself it's not pizza's fault it gets boring. You are just too lazy to take a step out of your comfort zone and see the whole world filled with different pizzas.

You never loved it in the first place.

>> No.4287462

Not him but no matter if you put pepperoni or pineapple on it: at the end of the day it's still pizza, with the same 3 basic ingredients that make it up.
Don't get me wrong. Erotic art can be done right, but this kind of stuff is so hard to come by and sadly everyone who is basically a low to mid /beg/ who picked up some rendering tricks from some popular lewd artist puts out so much literal garbage lately. And since the people who consume this kind of art only care about penis in vagene it actually gets further encouraged. This creates a bad reputation for artists who actually try to make good art with that topic and be creative in that field and I surely was guilty of it too. I'm so glad I terminated my profile, eventhough it was doing rather well but I think it was the right thing to do. I'm fine with the lower numbers I'm getting now.

>> No.4287473


you guys are genuinely fucking stupid

>> No.4287475

>Not him but no matter if you put pepperoni or pineapple on it: at the end of the day it's still pizza, with the same 3 basic ingredients that make it up.
You are one of the most sad people I've ever met.

>> No.4287477

Fuck you. Pizza is serious business.

>> No.4288003

wtf is a "pizza-related napkin", pizza experts?

>> No.4288051

I'm in my 6th year and I still love it. NSFW isnt for everyone.

>> No.4288426

This pizza metaphor is moronic. Even with pizza, there a nutrients such as high calcium and can be highly customized for nutritional value.

Porn is junk food for the mind, subverts self-image and enjoyment of sex, and a drug to the soul. Its entire existence is to get men and women to release and instills false expectations of sex and relationships. There is a reason Israel, upon annexing the West Bank, erected porn threaters: to control the population's birthrates and sedate the men.

It should be regarded as substance abuse and a front for the sex trafficking industry, not food.


>> No.4288645

>Retards propagate unless you go out of your way to stop the retardation.
Ha, ha, what? Yeah, fucknut- you stop the retardation by not taking him seriously. He doesn't actually believe what he's saying.


>> No.4288772

>kikes and pornfags seething

>> No.4288816

Depends entirely on how much you let it get to you and how you consume it. Everything in excess is unhealthy.

>> No.4291435

im glad (in a slightly envious way, because obviously i didn't try to fail FUCK) i failed when i did try to get into porn. those few weeks when i was doing that fulltime i didn't feel like i learned a fucking thing. ive just been grinding since and i feel like ive learned a lot. to think i would have felt stuck in it if i made even one patron

>> No.4291469


>> No.4291497

then be fucking creative, theres an infinite number of sex positions and camera angles you can draw those from
Theres people that have drawn porn for more than a decade now and they wont stop anytime soon

>> No.4291525

>theres an infinite number of sex positions and camera angles you can draw those from

Yeah but only a handful people like, so there, is not like they ask for that crazy kamasutra level shit, you dumb cunt.

>> No.4291549

who cares what the people like you, sometimes you gotta do what you like

>> No.4291760

What a needlessly hostile response.

>> No.4291762

This is not your safespace you gay snowflake.

>> No.4291763

been doing it for 9 years and i love it more than when i started

>> No.4291765

Yes, but this thread is about making money of drawing, anon.

>> No.4291971

Yeah, and that there is no money in it unless you are willing to sell your soul. OP is right. It is not worth as a business, long term.

>> No.4292171

theres only one POV and its yours, anything else is cuckoldry and it sure is boring to do pov missionary creampies all day

>> No.4292438

It's not selling your soul if you enjoy it.

>> No.4293209

Is it cuckoldry if you film yourself fucking a chick and then watch it?