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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4282275 No.4282275 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking about all the artists I've been learning from recently and something hit me; there are no good female draftsman instructors.

And when I say good, it has to do with popularity through value and ability to teach and is not something to be taken literally.

For example, here are all the good at instructors that I can think of off the top of my head.

Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Scott Eaton
Steve Huston
Scott Robertson
Peter Han
The random guy on /ic that I assume is a male

Hell, I'll even give Proko a spot even if he is a one-hit wonder.

I just don't see any females on my list of 'good' art/draftsman instructors. I even gave Sakimi-chan's course a try but it was exactly like Kim Jung Gi's course, where Sakimi-chan is extremely intuitive and disgustingly unanalytical.

I'm wondering why this is this case. Or if anyone has recommendations for a GOOD female art instructor.

>> No.4282276

>when I say good, it has to do with popularity

>> No.4282279

>Can't read past 10 words

>> No.4282291

Who the fuck is that??!!

Patreon artists don’t fucking count, lmao.

>> No.4282299

Why the fuck does that matter? So we are only doing things because gender now? Fucking retard

>> No.4282308

Nice blog, idiot.

>> No.4282323

They either have no interest in teaching. And if they do, they're unable to compete with the existing, popularized examples you've listed despite teaching the same fundamentals.

>> No.4282327

What do people look for in a art teacher?

>> No.4282330

>Sakimi-chan is extremely intuitive and disgustingly unanalytical
This is probably the reason. Analytical and systematic thinking are male traits. Find me an educational domain that isn't dominated by men, at least at the top. I genuinely cant think of a single excellent female educator in any field. Maybe they're just too busy not being autistic to waste time on the internet?

>> No.4282331

>he doesnt know based TB choi
>he doesnt know based Samantha Youssef
>he doesnt know barely based Istebrak

>> No.4282332
File: 167 KB, 872x1047, D9fCeUAXkAAQnJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samantha Youssef probably counts. (second and third books never ever).

>> No.4282336

cos you gay ha ha nice question mark picture, I will save it. Also it kind of fucked up that you only know so few instructors. I don't think you even want an answer, even the most basic bitch web search would have netted you more than that

>> No.4282339

>female art teachers
they’re busy teaching pottery at your local high school and pulling their hair out due to a lack of budget. they’re not out here teaching weebs on the internet how to draw anime. that’s neither a good or bad thing, it’s just how things are.

>> No.4282363

What is between their legs.

>> No.4282373

How does that make them any better?

>> No.4282383

you can paint with dick and not with pussy
so women can get fucked

>> No.4282389

You can squirt paint out of a pussy

>> No.4282398

This thread went full retard un seconds.

>> No.4282403

Welcome to /ic

>> No.4282406

Love her work, to Bad the second book is in hold, hope she start taking prívate classes again because artist like her are in a extinction.

>> No.4282411

>”off the top of my head”
Anon, I think learning to draw is the least of your problems.

>> No.4282419
File: 480 KB, 800x955, drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont. She cant draw anything besides floating flat black and white faces. Just go to her website and see for yourself.

>The random guy on /ic that I assume is a male

Women just usually have less determination and confidence which is really required to be a succesful teacher, thats how I see it at least. We dont have the same "force" to go through life and push with our ideas. I met many good fellow female teachers while I was teaching but of course neither me or they arent popular, it's all private schools/art college jobs. Still, i dont think saying good=popular is necessarily true. I can think of many good-but-not-so-popular examples, like there's a female traditional art instructor at cd projekt red (sylwia bomba; the team is required to take painting classes from time to time), but then i'm sure most guys here think that the fact there arent any big female names in the industry means they simply suck and theres no point in arguing.

so to sum up women just usually dont have the balls to do it.

picrel are my drawings to give an example of the level of my work (traditional at least because thats what i used to teach)

>> No.4282425

Chris Hong is pretty good, although, ironically, while I love her style (check out her portraits of real people), I'm not a huge fan of her subject matter (which is mostly cutesy stuff)


>> No.4282429

Youtube has tons of female "teachers". You don't need to hold a degree or be an old <insert /pol/> guy to teach someone a new trick. I love to bash on women as much as the next guy but don't be stupid.

>> No.4282430

Good = Being able to teach by being analytical.

I don’t care how good you are at drawing, Anon-chan. I care about how good you are at teaching.

Being good at drawing ≠ Being good at teaching.

Kim Jung Gi is a prime example of this.

The point of my post was to bring awareness of the fact that there are no good female art INSTRUCTORS. I never said there were no good female artists.

And I honestly don’t care about a Mr. or Ms. Fuckie Fuck in XYZ private college. I’m talking about instructors that we can all access. Like Glenn Vilppu and Michael Hampton.

>> No.4282435

Because women can only acquire teaching positions through sex and most women who pursue art are too ugly to fuck or lesbian or both.

>> No.4282436

>YouTube Teachers.
Stop with this joke already. Art YouTubers, besides an extremely tiny amount, teach to promote themselves rather than to actually teach.

So you basically get a bunch of Meme Crilley clones. Which is probably what most, if not all, female YouTube “instructors” are.

>> No.4282448

yeah of course, i meant "ideas" as in your own understanding of fundamentals and ability to explain that to other people. i didnt think you meant just artists in general. if i thought that i would give you a list of dozens good female artists.

>And I honestly don’t care about a Mr. or Ms. Fuckie Fuck in XYZ private college. I’m talking about instructors that we can all access. Like Glenn Vilppu and Michael Hampton.

okay, the thread title is "why are there no good female art teachers/instructors", again, the fact that someone's work hasn't been turned into a video coursed and made available online doesnt matter they arent a good instructor. there are many good male instructors besides the ones you posted, but you can download their courses, so whats wrong with them? As to why there arent *popular* good female instructors - my answer still applies, its just lack of charisma. That's the reason I can come up with.

>> No.4282451

i meant you can't* download their courses sorry

>> No.4282464

>the fact that someone's work hasn't been turned into a video coursed and made available online doesnt matter they arent a good instructor

Yes it does. If there are recordings of Robert Beverly Hale’s classes back in the pre-smartphone days, then there is no excuse, that if an instructor was actually good enough, that someone wouldn’t have decided to record the lecture.

My guess is that the best female art instructor is only as good as the most average male instructor.

>> No.4282473


So you think Scott Robertsons how to draw is a complete art center $1299.99/semester edumacation in a tiny $35 book and NOT to promote himself? I guarantee you he shills his book in person but tells you, like any college class, that his book is not necessary for the course and that his administration tells him to include a textbook for students to get a well-rounded education.

>> No.4282480

t. supreme incel

>> No.4282490

dude, you can't be serious. there are a lot of fantastic tutors whose work hasn't been digitalized, why are we even discussing that? even peter han's mentor to begin with, Norm Schureman, he only published an artbook before he was murdered afaik. He was a legend.

>> No.4282497

>will secure sycra's spot over proko's
pleb detected. argument invalid

>> No.4282506


Being good at drawing ≠ Being good at teaching

Not sure why I have to keep saying that.

I'm sure Norm Schureman was amazing at drawing, but so are thousands of other artists.

Finding a good art instructors is extremely difficult, on the other hand.

>> No.4282511

are you implying norm wasnt good at teaching? because thats just beyond retarded.

>> No.4282513

YES. I am implying exactly that.

>> No.4282516

okay, /thread then. you dont have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4282522

Post his lecture then, buddy.

>> No.4282529


Exactly what I fucking thought.

>> No.4282563 [DELETED] 

>sees no reply after 5 minutes and gets explosive diarrhea
can you not read? i said his lectures havent been recorded or digitalized in any form, peter han's dynamic sketching is an attempt at preserving these. just read about him and stop acting like this because im embarrassed for you

>Peter Han just shared some very precious videos of Norm Schureman drawing and teaching at Art Center. Many of our teachers at CDA are former students of Norm's and many of our classes such as "Vis Com 1: Dynamic Sketching", "Sketching for Environment", and my character design classes are all inspired heavily by Norm's unique teaching style in drawing and creative problem solving for design.

if you still dont understand that not having your lectures recorded doesnt mean being a bad teacher then i dont know what else i can tell you

>> No.4282570

>sees no reply after 5 minutes and gets explosive diarrhea
just literally google him and stop acting like this because im embarrassed for you. claiming you know so many good tutors but not knowing who norm is - what are you on? all of peter han's and drawabox shit is literally based on his class and it still hasnt been digitalized

>> No.4282605
File: 370 KB, 853x853, 1569293752691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Those who can't do, teach."

Ever heard this sentence? It only applies to males.
For females, it's
"Those who can't do, marry a rich husband."

So all the competent females are employed in the market, and if they can't compete in the market, they just toss it aside or make a vlog or some bullshit, they don't depend on it.

>> No.4282615


>> No.4282672

Female art instructors seem to do better as mentors rather than instructors when it comes to higher level education. So you won't see them as much in online instructional courses compared to the names you know. But they're teaching at schools or art centers just fine.

As others have said, most females probably never had to fall back on teaching to make a career or living. And with analytical and systematic thinking being typically male traits, they'll tend to dominate the space for the type of instruction people want to buy or be willing to record for what people want to buy.

>> No.4282970
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Woman are more interested interacting with people I think. They're also avid multitaskers and most likely take on a lot of roles. Writing a book takes a lot of focused dedication and probably doesn't interest Women like it does Men. That's just my opinion though

Drawing People: How to Portray the Clothed Figure by Barbara Bradley is a really good book. Going by accounts by many art students, she was a much loved instructor. Her book however wasn't able to be finished properly. I can't remember why. She released it anyways because her past students wanted a book about clothing from her so badly. I have the book myself and really like it. It's so clear about folds and teaches you how to use reference in a way where you can manipulate the folds to suit your need or purpose. It also touches on drawing technique, proportion, life drawing, drawing children and maybe some other things I can't remember.

Sorry for the crummy picture, really you should download a pdf and skim through, there's a lot of useful pictures on folds

>> No.4282990
File: 780 KB, 967x793, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some more stuff from the book I collaged real quick. I think she's not so well known because she was from the same time as Loomis, they were taught the same techniques and their books overlap

>> No.4282993

I’ve been thinking of buying this book, and your post has convinced me to go for it

>> No.4283052

So, who is a better teacher at learning to draw what you see (in front of you)?
Who did it better?
Betty Edwards with "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"
Bert Dodson with "Keys to Drawing"

>> No.4283058

thinly veiled incel thread

>> No.4283186

yikes, there are top tier female asian artists who do have a few classes just for fun, but since asia is way more patriarchal than the west, so those who are interested in doing art rather go to one of the renowned male teachers like krenz or ruan

>> No.4283193

Because their female