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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4281205 No.4281205 [Reply] [Original]

Time to post 'em. Also discussion/advice thread towards achieving goals for the year.

>> No.4281208

For me it's getting good enough for a decent school/portfolio prep, something with decent networking and employment focus like FZD.

>> No.4281210

My new years resolution is to stop making new years resolutions that I will never follow.

>> No.4281211

My New Year's resolution is unironically to paint at about the same technical level as Ruan Jia before the next New Year.

>> No.4281213

Which means making ones you will follow. It's always an option anon.

Best of luck, you got a regiment decent enough to handle that?

>> No.4281216

Thanks. But probably not. I'm just wingin' it. But my eye is steadily improving, and things are getting easier, so I guess that counts for something.

>> No.4281220

I'm gonna actually start making comics this year lol

>> No.4281223

Things getting easier is everything. Keep at it.

What about? Sounds like you've had some ideas in mind.

>> No.4281227
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make a new commission sheet and put more effort into selling my art, also do more full body characters. maybe if lucky break 15k follows and have more than 3 people watch me art stream for 6 hrs

>> No.4281232

To get to Japanese level N3

>> No.4281237

This year I want to:
>start painting
>sketch everyday
>get my degree in compsci
>N3 in japanese

>> No.4281238

I'll watch you. Name/platform?

I've been considering going down that road in spare time myself, have a Japanese girl I'm into learning english. Fulfilling so far?

>> No.4281241

I hope to have the technical skill to back up my observational skill. I can critique all I want, but it doesn't mean shit if I can't follow my own advice.

>> No.4281246

N3 in japanese and draw for more than a few hours a day

>> No.4281248

As everything has always said, put it to practice. So what will you do this weekend to make it happen?

>> No.4281266
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one of my goals this year is to study values and to foucs more on geometric shapes instead of complex stuff like anatomy

>> No.4281279

I failed my resolution to make a finished piece of month in my first year of drawing. No resolutions except trying to draw/paint at least an 30 minutes a day.

>> No.4281285

Reach 1000 Patreonbux already half way there after 13 months so I think it is doable

>> No.4281288

i will actually draw daily and not draw for a week and then stop for months.

>> No.4281289

Absolutely, I've always wanted to know a second language but I'm bad at learning them and didn't put in the extra effort. This I know I'll use regularly, so I've been working at it every day and I can see my progress before my eyes.


>> No.4281307

I will draw more of my husbando

>> No.4281311
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I will get a job unrelated to art and give up on being my own boss, since it's not working.

Other than that, my resolution would be not abandoning art altogether.
Maybe the lack of obligation will even motivate me to put forward all the piled up projects I've been beating around the bush and not developing.

>> No.4281312

pls. how did you do it?

>> No.4281316

porn duh

>> No.4281325

My wife got my a wacom intuos. Where do I begin? I would like to start drawing again as a hobby and work my way up doing commission on twitter drawing hentai.

>> No.4281330

Post frequently (I update my SM and patreon 5 times per week). put all your effort on it and shill hard (almost on the border of getting annoying). Interact with your followers, make them feel invested in your pursuit.

Think hard on how you can offer exclusive content without adding too much to your workload, PSDs are easy as shit to offer (mostly upload time and cleaning up and naming the layers) so that can go in a rather lower tier, Videos and tuts are more investment so move them to a higher one

I do nudity but I have never drawn anything explicit

>> No.4281335

Where you begin depends entirely on your skill level.

>> No.4281340

>had artistic talent and inclination while growing up.
>always drew creative stuff
>realize art doesnt pay so stopped during high school, didnt resume any throughout college except few things here and there.
>got good job in oil and gas and realized I'm unfulfilled want to be an artist like when I was a kid and create things all day.
>was going to save up money and go join an atelier or school.
>realized that if you dont have portfolio already they wont accept you and train you. Literally nowhere to get teaching since out of high school now.
>realized the only people who make it in arts are those who did formal training from youth.
>have slight depression that I'm nearing 30 and never going to live my dream now.
>suddenly feel an intense fury that I will teach myself and stop wasting time on games or whatever else and actually practice and learn techniques.
Anyway I'm going to actually put an effort this year. I'm not living the wageslave life even if I'm highly paid. Thanks for reading my blog. We will all make it but only if you believe in yourself.

>> No.4281342
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Draw less porn, or to be more precise, draw more SFW stuff. Maybe badass action scenes, that'd be cool.

Learn to draw more expressive and less lifeless faces, on top of general anatomy tidying up.

Improve my rendering and linework.

Get to 2500 followers on Twitter

Finish an art-related project.

>> No.4281343


>> No.4281344

It's only too late if you're dead, friend.

>> No.4281346

Thanks daddy

>> No.4281347

Keep drawing everyday.

>> No.4281350
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I hope you don't fully quit anon

Stop worrying so much about what audience/peers/family think of what I draw and embrace the stuff I really like.

>> No.4281356

Would you mind posting your stuff?

>> No.4281360

If it's of any consolation, my career has nothing to do with art. It's kind of nice in a way. I have an office job that ends at a decent hour, and it pays me enough that I can draw what I want to draw. I can take commissions when I don't know what I want to draw without having to worry about selling enough slots to pay the bills. It's a little weird accepting you didn't "make it" at first, but I think you'll find that there are a lot of ways to "make it". Best of luck.

As for me, my resolution is to finally use those art supplies I bought because the price was great despite not knowing how the fuck to use this stuff. I'm going to learn and make some good stuff. I'll probably make some terrible stuff at first, but eventually it'll be good stuff.

>> No.4281379

My resolution is to have enough material to get an artist alley table at a convention which will be extremely difficult.

>> No.4281383

I want to improve my poses and painting. I have friends who are great artists and I applied to put out a doujinshi at an event in Japan soon. I'm still pretty /beg/, but I'm doing it to force me to create something meaningful and fulfilling.

>> No.4281386

To die so I can start over as a real boy

>> No.4281404

Clearing my commissions backlog.

>> No.4281407

Well, my resolution last year was to start up an art page, get a decent amount of followers and start doing commissions, and I did that. So, this year, because I've gotten sick of doing commissions, my goal is to just increase my time spent drawing and seek critique more often.

>> No.4281408

Anyone got the thread from last year? I think I made one, but I've long forgotten it.

>> No.4281542

Need to save enough wagecuck money to afford it

>> No.4282096

Here you go, buddy. /cgl/ has an Artist Alley general. It's slower in the winter months.

>> No.4282135
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Start drawing every day, even if it's just 10-15 minutes. Even if I dont do a lot, what I'm looking for here is to build a habit to draw every day, since between being busy and being frustrated by my shit skills, I barely even draw lately.
>picrelated is my latest creation

>> No.4282144

I was in your position as well, started doing art again when I was ~30 and now I'm 33 and I noticed a huge increase in skill (I've also started doing oil painting). Practicing every day really pays off in the long term, I don't know how it happens but every once in a while your skill jumps to a new level and suddenly you can actually draw that thing you wanted in the way you wanted.

>> No.4282170

Develop a portfolio, with different kinds of works.
Also get back into traditional

>> No.4282248

I'm actually aware of /cgl/'s thread, it's quite resourceful. My issue is I don't think I'm at the level where my things worth buying.

>> No.4282280
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Draw eight hours every day until I hit intermid level. Should be doable. I'm already doing like five.

>> No.4282660

I need to work less. I've been killing myself this year.

>> No.4282719
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I need to learn how to work faster, I tend to work really slow or pretend to be busy while in reality I'm not actually getting much done.

I didn't have a good year this year, so I didn't even draw until August. I'm definitely going to do better this year.

>> No.4282721

>new years resolution
bro its the NEW DECADE stop thinking so small.

>> No.4282870
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draw more finished stuff for portfolio.
apply for internships or get a job.
post more on social media.
create more content for social media.

>> No.4282879

Quality over quantity.
Make sure each minute is a minute well spent. Good luck Anon, you sound passionate!

>> No.4282886

good shit

>> No.4282895

I'm being autistic with my resolutions this year and making a video for my intentions for myself.

>> No.4282901 [DELETED] 

dedicate myself to open my commission slots since my patreon is collecting dust over there despite being constant delivery. fuck patreon. also maybe I need to learn another way to colour my stuff efficiently yet it doesn't cut down the delivery quality.

>> No.4282904

Work even harder on my art.
Getting 100 followers on social media would be nice too.

>> No.4282907

i want to get a solid 1500 hours put in next year

>> No.4283033
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My gains this year aren't as obvious as my gains to a year prior, so I want to put real effort into improving this year and making my art look distinct by the end of 2020.
Put more effort into learning different coloring styles and incorporating backgrounds into my pieces. (Pic related, closest I could find to a desired goal.)
Make a "finished" drawing at least once a week, push for 2-3 if I can.
Post on each of my socials regularly again and gain at least 1K followers on each platform if not 3k-5k+. Try to hit 20-50 patrons on Patreon.
Launch and maintain a Twitch, eventually upgrade to a PC so I can stream comfortably.
Make at least $300 on art alone monthly while balancing my time with some sort of part-time.
Design a ton of OCs and finally make a 4koma webcomic and not abandon it.
Design at least dozen shirts, keep 'em up on Redbubble type storefront.

Slightly related to art but I also want to learn how to assemble and paint figures + basic coding for the purpose of programming video games. Hoping to incorporate these skills in Patreon activity someway or another.

It's a big list but I've been out of college for almost 3 years now and NEET'd about 90% of that time. If I can't force myself to put the effort and lay down the foundation to turn this art thing into a career by the end of this year it'll probably be time to consider going back and just looking for anything that can get me a living wage for the next 40 years of my life.

>> No.4283041

never seen anyone on /ic/ consistently stream for 6h/day for more than a month.

there was someone who did 10hour streams, but they gave up because no visible improvement.

>> No.4283156

You're going to crash and burn. Be realistic with yourself, especially being a neet who probably hasn't gotten anything done. I'm not sure how much you've done already but what you described sounds entirely unreasonable for someone who's around 24-25 and should know better. You're stretching yourself too thin and need to focus on specific skills. There's little value in being shit at a bunch of things instead of good at one thing. Once you conquer singular goals then you can branch out to others. You end up context switching so much and relearning everything you spent learning the last time that you never make any progress. As a beginner you make the most strides diving deep and concentrating. Pick one or two of those things and work on those. Especially with a part time job that's completely unrealistic. Nevermind learning programming and making games (hint: don't fucking make games it's a waste of time, you'll get further as an artist because there are way more programmers than artists).

Art as a career seems like a long shot at this point, not saying you can't do it ever. Get your education back in order to get a job to support yourself with it if that's what you want. Making money off art or music is a moonshot for most people who've been doing it their whole lives and went to school for it. Look at your situation and pick the simplest things to start with and get the ball rolling. Learn that you can't pick everything, don't bother saying shit that'd be nice to do but you'll never actually do it since you're lying to yourself.

>> No.4283158

Thanks, my dude. Trying to study smart.

>> No.4283200

2020 is gonna be about getting a following and maybe start to monetize my art, despite how shitty I feel about it.

If not then, then finally get that comic I wanted to do off the ground.

>> No.4283228

>start to draw again from scratch
>make a habit of reading books in free-time rather than shitposting
>improving mathematical ability because im a fucking irregular engineering student
>have a regular habit of drawing/doodling

>> No.4283444

Already doing 8+ hours a day drawing, but I want to spend more of that actually focused studying instead of just staying in my comfort zone.

>> No.4283447


-Draw more complete backgrounds. At least 1 every 2 months. More is encouraged but difficult due to time.

- Coming up with a clear process from start to finish. Thumbnail then sketch then refine then lineart? Reference before or after I draw the thumbnail or sketch? Do I change depending on what I'm drawing?

-Do more lineart. Figuring out if I like thin lines or varrying between thick and thin. Can be done more than once a week especially if it's for a commission.

-Continue learning about perspective. Especially rotation.

-Draw more images with a story. Learning about composition and storyboarding to illustrate a moment in time. Can be related to my 1 every 2 months complete backgrounds, but can be practiced at any point through thumbnailing.

This is an incomplete list, but it's a start. As long as I'm better and know more by the end of 2020 than I do right this second I've won.

>> No.4283511

To draw something and finish it.

>> No.4283534

Basically just spending more time drawing than on video games.

>> No.4283556

Ive been so preoccupied with learn the fundamentals that I didnt spend enough time drawing for fun and finding my voic so:

Spend half my time with studies and other with whatever I want (no studies but reference is fine)

Bite the bullet and play with inking instead of waiting to be ready.

Start with a small drawing time and slowly increase it to make drawing a habit.

Get a scanner and tablet to finally start posting online whether its social media or drawthreads.

>> No.4283570

Stop drinking. Stop playing as much video games. Eliminate most general time wasters and finish pieces as well as small drawings that are quick so I can post them on a regular basis aside the bigger projects.

>> No.4283614

overcome my opiate addiction

>> No.4283832

I'm not a fan of New Year resolutions. I don't think many people can even remember the resolutions they took last year. It just seems like the kind of goal that you take seriously for the first few days/weeks, then slowly forget about it entirely because you just realized it's harder than you thought. The only thing I can do at this point in time is to fulfill daily goals.

>> No.4283839
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My new years resolution is to draw every day and make use of these books I drunkenly bought myself for christmas since I never read and pdfs I download.

>> No.4285391 [DELETED] 


Make my art do good this no one apart from few people would complain...also actually make a webcomic. The only thing stopping me is backgrounds and being on model as possible.

>> No.4285398


>> No.4285402

>improve my fundies
>stop giving a shit what others think (do what ever I want basically)
>start getting out of my comfort zone (at the moment I’m trying get out of my fear drawing people interacting with each other)
>get a job

>> No.4285607

Try to overcome my yellow fever and make more than just studies of asian qts
Grind the absolute shit out of construction and capturing likeness
Work on environments, landscapes, and full figure drawings
Get over the fear of disappointing any followers I gain

>> No.4287284

Only problem with the yellow fever is if you live on the fence. All in our bail out.

>> No.4289911

Can I draw with you?

>> No.4291374

Draw every fucking day even if it's for a minute (hopefully more) if I don't see clear improvements after a year of daily drawing only then i have the right to think about giving up and looking for something else maybe 3d modeling or something. Also unrelated but i need to loose weight

>> No.4291415

find my style more and actually finish pieces. i have trouble figuring out how to draw in my own way and it makes me ashamed of my own art.

>> No.4292270

How are you going to study to reach your goal? Do you have resources like books or courses you use?

>> No.4293096

Best post I have ever read on /ic/. Godspeed.

>> No.4293167

No courses. The only books I have are for anatomy. The rest I'm just working out for myself through repetition and using reference and looking at lots of art.

>> No.4293173

my new years res is to be able to figure draw from memory without any errors.

also pass JLPT level 5

>> No.4293336

find my soul

>> No.4293349

I'm going to make a portfolio, start a patreon, make a short comic and start two longer one. One being a fan project and the other my original IP.