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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 281 KB, 750x600, 1577233414835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4273951 No.4273951 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, i think talent is real

>> No.4273957

I started in 2015 too and I haven't made half that progress. wtf

>> No.4273958

Of course it is. There are many /beg/ retards that barely improved in that time span.

>> No.4273959


>> No.4273960

Based, this is the reason as to why most retarded /beg/ don’t improve no matter what.

>> No.4273962

They make too many talent threads instead of practicing. This is why retarded /beg/ is a thing now, kek.

>> No.4273963


>> No.4273964

naah that's 100% possible, because the person was young, younger brains are more flexible in the reception of information and have more affinity with learning long process things more fast, the point is that if you manage to push a teenager to do only one thing and focus her abilities in that, you can have a exponential progress, is mostly because their brains are more open minded to new inputs, old people can still do that but in general their ways of do things are conditioned so they have more difficulties.
That's why you see for example those young kids in the olympic games, or some kids that know how to plays instruments really good, is just that they focus on the shit

>> No.4273968

also is a ego thing, adult people allways have this inner ego problems when they try to enter in a new medium, but kids have can have less, more than ego is self-criticism, kids can be teach to manage the self-criticism better than an average adult in general, if you do it right of course, if not you have those guys who have all the flaws and draw like shit for all their lives.

>> No.4273973

The only realities are esoterica that dictate the shaper of the mind.

>> No.4273975

I’m the exact same age as her, I wish I started drawing at that time.

>> No.4273989

This is completely reasonable amount of progress for anyone that actually learns their fundies and makes focused practice everyday instead of mindless doodling. Call it talent if you want, but this person worked hard. Begs that just want to blame “talent” for their shortcomings instead of taking responsibility and doing the work are true ngmis.

>> No.4273998

>This is completely reasonable amount of progress for anyone that actually learns their fundies and makes focused practice everyday instead of mindless doodling.
pyw, how long you've been drawing and if you're a woman (transgenders do not apply) also post feet.

>> No.4274008

if you think this is talent you have never seen talent. Left looks like shit because she has no talent, actual talented artists make better looking art at 8 than what you'll ever be able to do in your entire life.

>> No.4274013

Seething crab couldn’t get out of /beg/

>> No.4274021

>doesn't post work when confronted

>> No.4274022
File: 69 KB, 480x559, 1576711590967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone above this post got baited

>> No.4274025

Not everyone is a retarded /beg/ like you, anon.

>> No.4274035

stop spamming your shit on /v/

>> No.4274036

why do artists always put their age in their progress shit don't they realize how cringey they'll feel in 4 years

>> No.4274069


>> No.4274171

To mock oldfags and make them seethe of course.

>> No.4274173

To make you seethe

>> No.4274188

/ic/ btfo

>> No.4274620

>talent is real
In the other news sky is blue
>that guy with 2000 drawn pictures who is still worse than someone who drew 100 pictures in the same time

>> No.4274629

>that guy with 2000 drawn pictures who is still worse than someone who drew 100 pictures in the same time

not really about talent thats just someone who isnt practicing deliberately or has a learning disability.

>> No.4274642

4 years almost 5 it's a lot! What are you fuckin retards talking about! If you focus on your fundies it's possible! Besides, she only draws faces so there's that

>> No.4274665

yikes the hair is pretty much the only thing that was painted and not a copypaste photo study, and the skill of the hair speaks for itself

>> No.4274669

Easily possible to do a portrait like this if all you do is drawing people from ref and never from imagination. I'd need to see more of his work to say whether most /beg/s couldn't do it. Nothing I produced looks this good but I didn't spend all my points on rendering.

>> No.4274676

1. 4 years is a lot
2. You all need to understand that copying reference 1:1 doesn't mean shit. This person could be copying pinterest photos all the time while their concept art/illustration/whatever folio is empty and sad. This painting is pretty, sure, but what is the potential for commission here? For all we know this person is capable only of doing 1:1 portraits and we can't say otherwise until we see the rest of their work. Just use your common sense

>> No.4274677

>only paints portraits
>for 4 years

If you don't get at least like this /beg/ level, there's something wrong with you. Ask her to draw a car or a full scene, then we'll see.

>> No.4274692

Also the older example is always some low effort garbage that they didn't spend much time on. Of course if you copy a photo, add colours and spend loads of time on it, it's going to look better than some shitty doodle.

Talent is real though, but people think it's this weird thing like you chose a perk in some RPG game and now everything you do is better, in reality it's heavily influenced by environmental parameters, including how much fucking work you put into it.

>> No.4275331

Retards. OP isnt talent. However all you fags who cant get here in 4 whole years are Anti-Talented.

>> No.4275336

to flex on begs

>> No.4275350

Basically this.

Having looked through their profile, the few pieces that don't appear to be heavily referenced/photo studies are significantly lower in quality and in an artstle that looks completely different to the one in OP's screenshot.

Only a pleb would comission someone to get an exact copy of the reference photo they provide.

>> No.4275367

talent is real
girls only care about looks
epstein didnt kill himself
none of you will make it

>> No.4275370
File: 508 KB, 750x756, 78B847ED-6275-4F2A-9F7B-9A057FE6D1DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her work from imagination looks pretty good imo

>> No.4275380
File: 616 KB, 1400x324, morgyuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems like their 2019 OC is super weak compared to their obvious photo studies

>> No.4275492

I am unironically close, except that I started my digital art in 2014.

Took me five years to get something like a photorealistic portrait.

Is a lot of really good progress but not totally uncommon if you practice every day.

Five years is still a lot.

>> No.4275676

Thats exactly why I'm saying "100 drawn pictures" and not "100 posted pictures"

>> No.4275696
File: 61 KB, 960x513, 1370314475829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting photo study meme to try and flex

>> No.4275698

this is disappointing

>> No.4275699

Conflicted once again by one tiny piece in this person's collection