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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4271993 No.4271993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>asked if character is underage
>actually is underage
>they probably fapped anyway
How many people have you converted into pedophiles without knowing it?

>> No.4272007

But she really isn't "underaged" stupid it is all fictitious nonsense.

>> No.4272017

well i dont think being attracted to children is edgy and cool so none probably

>> No.4272021

What makes you cope the hardest, bud.

>> No.4272025
File: 398 KB, 500x500, 1575583008603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asked if character is underage
>"wow wtf ur a pedo"
>all art is SFW
>call the dude* a pedo instead
>no replies ever again

*I say dude, but it's generally a woman who's letting her ovaries go to waste

>> No.4272026

I can present you with something I am making and claim she is as old as the ancient of days for all we care because it is a fictional figure based on whatever concept you perpetuate.

>> No.4272029

It seems you’re the one coping here apparently. You even went ahead and made a thread about this cause you were so triggered by literal lines on a paper.

>> No.4272035

This. If we go by that insane thinking then it's perfectly okay to fap to the likes of Lisa Simpson as she's older than most people who post in this hellhole, hell I'm 31 and she's older than me. Real shit is just wrong but drawings? get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4272055

not that anon, but according to the recent yt shit it seems like they decide if your content is for zoomers, that includes drawn characters who are resembling teens. After all "they look like kids so it must be cartoons for kids" is their logic.

>> No.4272068

>No u

>> No.4272078

Unfortunately you are not granted any rights to keep your content up as you agreed to whatever terms of service and use to publish content on their domain and they may remove your content as they see fit. There's a plethora of adult orientated games that has the same stylized manner which Youtube deems "for kids because it looks like it was made for kids" when in fact the content in question was geared towards a mature audience with the same attractive elements used to get your attention. Take for instance Conker's bad fur day - we have a anthropomorphic cute cuddly figure when taken out of context you would assume it belongs to a kid's show right? Well in fact the same figure is involved in hard drugs, heavy drinking, pissing, sex, is foul mouthed, violent, and even robs a bank and goes on a shooting spree.

Can you imagine the nightmarish hell hole you have to go through publish something because people take things out of context and assume it is a child therefore you are a pedo for illustrating idealized figures?

>> No.4272089
File: 654 KB, 640x634, 3c721c08efef74426ce60f6cf71c68a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we going to get internet savvy millenials in charge of making laws instead of the boomers we have now

>> No.4272168

if they percieved the character as 18 or over when thye had their dick in their hand, then you didn't convert shit

>> No.4272191

>but according to the recent yt shit
COPPA has absolutely fuck all to do with loli/shota and you're a retarded dipshit for bringing it up
>After all "they look like kids so it must be cartoons for kids" is their logic.
That's not at all how the bill actually reads. You're an illiterate fuckwit who let some youtuber feed their uneducated definition of COPPA to you and you swallowed it whole with no fact-checking on your end.
COPPA is a pile of dogshit and does nothing good for anybody, but you only do harm to any cause you fight for by being uneducated or misinformed.

>> No.4272192

The drawing was basically the 3000 year old demon meme, if it makes you question if its a child before fapping.
Then im sorry to say, you are indeed a pedo.

>> No.4272197


>> No.4272198
File: 2.02 MB, 1080x1080, tyr8jk626p241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sjw fag that religiously hates "underage" shit
>draws chibi chars having sex
I will never understand these peoples logic

>> No.4272202

only white women complain about cartoon girls, they feel entitled to everyones attention that even cartoons are threatening to them.

>> No.4272204

rent free

>> No.4272208

>t. Coal burning Nigger fucking blown out and used up Roastie whore.

>> No.4272225

>It's just size difference
My go to since it makes no sense then I stop replying and they fuck off

>> No.4272257

Im a very well known artist. Many of you like to hate me. Its crazy how my art turned people into degenerates.

>> No.4272261

i mean youre probably shit tier with a massive ego like every other namefag

>> No.4272590

I never understood this line of thinking. Why should fapping to an underage character determine your IRL sexual preference? You could be attracted to loli, you could be a pedophile, or you could be both. But there's no way that someone can make the pedo claim without external proof.

>> No.4272601

I hate that what the image you posted isn’t ironic.

>> No.4272633

Are you unironically saying that attraction to 17 year olds is pedophilia?

>> No.4272654

If you get off to drawings that appear to be pre-pubescent (that includes the elementary school student, Lisa), you probably have some latent pedophilia.

Keep it in check you disgusting fucks

>> No.4272942

nothing is wrong being a pete though. nuunce are alright unless you're actually committed to it unconsent and get find out

>> No.4272975

They hate it because they associate it with pedophiles and they hate pedophiles. They give themselves and their friends a pass on whatever because they're obviously not pedos, unlike those other disgusting fuckers. That's it. Seriously. There is absolutely no logic or consistency behind it whatever. It is based entirely on whether or not what they're looking at triggers the "omg pedo!!!" reaction in their brain at the given time.

>> No.4273043

Cops don't consider tumblrina definition of pedophilia anon

>> No.4273052

So how do I draw lolis and still stay being paid in patreon? Just only do sfw stuff?

>> No.4273122

Yes you retarded loli cuck.

>> No.4273129

do fashion lolis.