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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 124 KB, 971x573, draw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4270572 No.4270572 [Reply] [Original]

Do you hide your drawings when family / friends are around?

>> No.4270589

I hide my drawings in a locked suitcase because everyone steals a look at my sketchbook.

>> No.4270590

More of a briefcase actually but I could probably fit a modern suit inside...

>> No.4270591

no because I don’t draw porn

>> No.4270602

No I don't really draw

>> No.4270636

I always hide them, but I also have a family sketchbook and a real sketchbook for smut.

Since I’m always telling people that I’m drawing, I should have something to show for it.

The only person on earth who has seen both sets of drawings is my wife

I’m not sure what I would do if I had kids...

>> No.4270637

No, cuz i don't have a family or friends.

>> No.4270660

My artwork is very intimate but I think the point of art is fishing as deep as possible into yourself, so I don't hide anything. It's obvious what my kinks are but it's not what makes me the most uncomfortable. If you are confident that you have good taste you can get away with weird art.

>> No.4270706

I try to find a reason to show them off

>> No.4270713

I mean the thought of people sifting through my sketchbooks while I'm not around makes me want to die but I don't make spectacular efforts to hide them either. I try to draw really late at night so no one looks over my shoulder or talks to me.

>> No.4270724

Yes my mom makes fun of.me for drawing animu

>> No.4270726
File: 64 KB, 970x545, 1572820026243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when family / friends are around

>> No.4270729

just dont draw laughably embarassing porn like a teenager

>> No.4270733

I'm not a degenerate who draws degenerate art so no :) my family enjoys my drawings and hangs them around

>> No.4270961

your mum cool

>> No.4272259

I keep two sketchbooks. One is for me, and the other is for people who aren't me.

>> No.4272263

I have two sketchbooks and a binder
The sketchbooks are for clothed studies, random drawing, etc
The binder is full of printer paper
I store all of my nude studies and porn drawing there

>> No.4272265


>> No.4272290

Only when doing nude studies

>> No.4272291

No because i don't draw degenerate stuff, same thing goes for any real artist.

>> No.4272305

I know where that's from OP you lil pervert

>> No.4272308

I hide everything, but I don't really draw porn. Naked people no genitals, no lewds.

>> No.4272309

0/10, please drop out

>> No.4272350

Nope because I don't draw porn but I do life drawing. If they get immature about it I laugh at them and make fun of them.

>> No.4272501
File: 306 KB, 540x1126, A6F9CB53-9DBD-4057-920C-07551B73FEDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4272510

ah, there's nothing like loudly morally highroading family members for giggling at peepees

>> No.4272563

Imagine modeling for some art college only for people to laugh at your out of shape body and pathetic genitalia?
That would suck.

>> No.4272576

There was a guy that modeled at mine who had the body of the Tasmanian devil, I shit you not. We all made fun of him after he was gone though, never in front of him.

>> No.4272632

Yes, I only share my art in very specific places. I’m not a good artist, I’m far too insecure to show my work to anyone but a few, and even then it’s more to show progress than anything

>> No.4273074


Post your work so we can make of you.

>> No.4273133
File: 268 KB, 1226x848, 1573103085446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my family who hiding when I draw

>> No.4273144

post your mom

>> No.4273565

what an absolute chad

>> No.4273592

That’s the face of someone who’s disappointed in himself for what he’s drawing, just to make money. Also, wtf is that wall? Is he hosting it in a restroom?

>> No.4273707


Kinda reminds me of a friend I had that did these deviantart-tier fat furry stuff. His mom found out and thought it was great and didn't quite realize it was suppose to be pornographic and hung some stuff on the halls of their house.

>> No.4274239

>tfw you want kids but are too ashamed of your life choices to have them
the only thing that gives me hope is seeing those hardcore Japanese porn artists with happy families

>> No.4274315

this is what talent looks like

>> No.4274363

I don't draw traditionally and none of my family can get into my computer

>> No.4276403

Family? Yes. Friends? Nope. GF? I use her as a reference

>> No.4276423

Yes. If they saw my garbage I would kill myself. I have to get "ok" enough before anyone can see my art. There's no reason to show off /beg/ skill.

>> No.4276574

I do, my dad is a painter and I always feel very nervous when he's around. With my friends I don't mind, but I'm iffy with my family

>> No.4277147
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Yes, i event burn some of the old ones becouse i feel ashamed if somebody found them in the garbage

>> No.4277183

>family / friends
I got ride of those
it's a waste of time, If i want to git gud I need to get ride of all distraction
I already reduced my 4chan time to 10 minutes a day(time on 4chan when I take a shit doesn't count)

>> No.4277194

This is me. Except I don't draw anything remotely lewd, crude or gore. As a kid I used to always run up to my mom telling her, "look what I drew!" expecting praise but getting shamed for drawing human figures. She's a a bit of a religious nut and looks down on drawing human figures because apparently it's like "you're trying to play god" or some shit. So as I matured I grew super embarrassed to show any family my art since it features Human characters all the time. Even though my mom has mellowed a bit towards me choosing art, I can't break this mental habit of hiding my art and feeling insecure about it in front of family. I always minimize my drawing app when they come into my room, and on the few occasions she asks to see what I'm doing I just show her some random windows on my drawing program to confuse her with computer witchcraft. I tell the senpai that I'm doing graphic design instead of illustration.

>> No.4277540

I hide the porn, but SFW stuff my mother is always eager to critique.

>> No.4279751


>> No.4279762

Chad and mega based

>> No.4279764

Sauce on that fujokino pls

>> No.4279768

furries are degenerates, not to mention the inflation combo, however I will admit that putting that shit on display is an absolutely based powermove

>> No.4279791



>> No.4280013

Reminds me of a guy who would animate buff gay dogs making out in my animation class, something the class would later have to see.

>> No.4280017

He's... not a bad artist.

No further comment.

>> No.4280019

Yes, I literally copied Light Yagami's trick and have a trap set upon my drawer, if someone opens it wrong chemicals will go off and the sketchbook will be destroyed

>> No.4280239

She sounds gay, you should show her some titties.

>> No.4280250

>Cow tits
>Barrel hips
I also draw scandalous depictions of the female sex, but he should still be ashamed of himself.

>> No.4280267

My mom goes through EVERYTHING I own. She'll even dig through the trash when I'm not home for no reason. So she's bound to have gone through my thrown away sketches at some point. It's not like it matters anyway as I have literal hentai books on the bookshelf so even if anything is discovered it's not like it'll be shocking anyway.

>> No.4280343

>mom goes through EVERYTHING
Even your cum rags?

>> No.4280348



>> No.4280491

I realized how bad I was and decided not to let anyone see anymore.

>> No.4280504
File: 82 KB, 1024x768, UB3EdrEq-C8TfhSG-ktHtGWe6R5wppyK_s-KYKZs_YU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When what's around?
Family doesn't give a shit about anything I do, same with friends.

>> No.4282266

My wife likes my art, but isn't interested in the subject matter. Not embarrassed by anything I draw

>> No.4283149

No because I am SFW.
I can show my art to EVERYONE.
I can get feedback from EVERYONE.
I can get followed by ANYONE who likes what I do.
I can get commissions from ANYONE from ANY AGE.

>> No.4283198

And yet unfortunately nobody cares because there's a thousand strictly SFW artists for every artist willing to draw what I (the metaphorical "I") want to see.

>> No.4284284

Post feet please

>> No.4284301

No. They’re always suspicious I’m drawing porn anyways, so hiding my art would make me more suspicious.

>> No.4284312

>credit to my mom for taking the pic
absolutely based

>> No.4284313

Yes because they are never good enough.

>> No.4284314

No because I am SFW.
I can't show my art to ANYONE.
I can't get feedback from ANYONE.
I can't get followed by ANYONE who likes what I do.
I can't get commissions from ANYONE from ANY AGE.

There, fixed for you SFW bro.

>> No.4284320
File: 72 KB, 1080x969, 1574193405596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends, I have shared a lot of works with others, I even showed nudes studies to my mom, but unless Im somewhere where everyone is drawing, I cannot draw while someone is watching me. It is something about being ashamed of how bad my pieces look before polishing them. I think this stiffled me badly, because I cannot doodle in public or when Im bored.

I dont understand how someone would be so embarrased to the point of throwing away their work. Once I finish something, Im very pleased with myself. It might end up looking crappy for my future self, but even if it does suck, I still feel pride if I put my all into it.

>> No.4284452
File: 20 KB, 600x350, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>however I will admit that putting that shit on display is an absolutely based powermove
ic is great.

>> No.4285445

Wow. So pure and cute uwu

>> No.4286647

Drawing is a very emotional and personal thing for me
I dont want my rotten family to look at it, they dont deserve to have that insight
I dont hide it around my friends though

>> No.4286755

I don't anymore. I don't draw porn though I draw plenty of women, I have a lot of studies and since I also go life figure drawing often, it feels like these drawings are justified and I no longer feel embarrassed to show it if someone wants to see. Figure drawing is a good exercise, I improved a lot since I started doing that.

Though what bothers me most is that people I see at figure drawing class or my colleagues at work all seem very positive about my drawings and have given me plenty of compliments and even showed interest in owning something I made. (heck it's a good feeling when the model asks if she can take a picture of the drawing you made of her) but my parents or siblings not once complimented me. I sometimes paint in their presence, I often leave my work lying around, I also have lots of drawings of animals and vehicles which should be "safe" and I even pushed some of my drawings of old cars in the hands of my dad and he didn't say anything about it, he just looked at it and tried to talk about something else entirely. My mom doesn't even seem to acknowledge the fact that I draw and paint. And my little brother just jokes around and goes "haha drawing naked ladies again?".

It leaves me so conflicted, is it just my autism which doesn't pick up crucial information?