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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 9 KB, 299x299, 151252151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4269627 No.4269627 [Reply] [Original]

>want to design a sentient anthropomorphic non-sexualized animal for my fantasy story
>lol what are you a fucking furry?
>want to design a character with animal motif
>lol what are you a fucking furry?
>literally just want to draw an animal or a dragon
>lol what are you a fucking furry?

Thanks for ruining animals, furries

>> No.4269631

Lol, you must be a fucking furry in denial

>> No.4269632

But are you a furry?

>> No.4269633

nigga just draw

>> No.4269635

No I 'ate em

>> No.4269639

>lol just draw for yourself and don't care what others think
I never understood this attitude and never will. What's the point of making something that you can't ever share with others? Are you a very lonely and sociopathic person? I'm not. Part of the gratification comes from appraisal from others. You may see it as shallow, but I think it's normal. Of course I want people to see my work and enjoy it. Why would I not?

>> No.4269754

>What's the point of making something that you can't ever share with others?
To have fun

>> No.4269756

Such fun

>> No.4269831

People like labeling things. It happens to everything on earth. Get used to it

>> No.4269960

You're right, but so is he. Receiving praise from others is very important, but so is doing what you actually want to do.
It's easy to fall into the trap of doing something that gets you praise from others, but makes you miserable. It's just as easy to fall into the trap of rejecting others for the sake of doing only what you want. You see both all the time, like porn artists that regret getting into drawing porn, and beginners who get ignored when they post their art online and end up adopting the "I'll just draw for myself" attitude for example.
The ideal I think, is to find a balance between them, and aiming to find something you enjoy creating, that others like as well.

>> No.4269967

draw what you want, coward

>> No.4269977

then draw stuff other people enjoy you mong

>> No.4269986

The thing is : draw what makes you happy and find people that enjoy it too, don’t pay that much attention to the others and stay in a positive environment

>> No.4269993
File: 66 KB, 500x628, 36141882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may be you have severe case of pic related? post your dog

>> No.4270007

right: furry
left: zoophile

>> No.4270008

>not making animal related characters and profiting off of furries shilling your work for free with normal fan art and lewds

>> No.4270011

>No I 'ate em
so not only are you a furfag, but a vore fetishist on top?

>> No.4270054

Just don't like 'em. Simple as

>> No.4270056

>if you draw a stylized dog you're a furry
You're part of the problem
There's nothing sexual or anthro about the dog on the right, it's literally just more detailed
Fuck off lad


>> No.4270061

There are some stylistic themes in furry art that are tells. The way fur is drawn in stylistic clumps is usually a giveaway, combined with overly expressive faces that only a dog fucker would draw.

>> No.4270063
File: 23 KB, 186x271, Rabbit SHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>want to design a sentient anthropomorphic non-sexualized animal for my fantasy story
>>lol what are you a fucking furry?
Find your balls, boy. The problem evaporates as soon as you can realize what they think of you doesn't matter.

>> No.4270065
File: 60 KB, 736x1229, 38f9424ef359da16ae2ea6708b1bfe82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter if you're good

>> No.4270067


>> No.4270071
File: 616 KB, 811x1147, Comic-Pages-Comic-Books-фэндомы-Full-Issues-2177426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4270077

I can't read this made up language just being silly.
would you be able to tell me the english name of the comic or who the author is?

>> No.4270081
File: 497 KB, 565x564, 1567448991209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been having the same problem thus been actively avoiding to draw anything that can be interpreted as anything specific to not attract the wrong crowds or be seen as some weirdo.
I've been holding back and It's hella frustrating.

>> No.4270085
File: 600 KB, 1582x2048, RCO059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good example
Blacksad, Google Images, Yandex

>> No.4270086
File: 999 KB, 1160x1600, x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4270091

>been actively avoiding to draw anything that can be interpreted as anything specific to not attract the wrong crowds or be seen as some weirdo.

>It's been holding me back and It's hella frustrating.

>> No.4270120

Just draw what you want it’s not that hard, don’t be a coward. I was like you once spending ages not drawing animal characters because I was scared of the label of furry and it was miserable because I wasn’t making the type of things I wanted to make. Now I draw animal characters all the time and am much happier for it, if you keep worrying over what people think you’ll never enjoy making art. Besides no matter what you make you will be judged, so you might as well make it something you like to draw

>> No.4270141
File: 192 KB, 710x419, 1555741555128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hindsight I think my post reads more insulting than I intended it.
>or be seen as some weirdo
Relax. The doubt is what makes you look like some weirdo. You are not, so there's no doubt, so you're fine. Q.E.D.

>> No.4270172

I feel this so much, animal characters used to be just cool, now they will always be connected with disgusting sexual perverts.

>> No.4271051

Just own the fact that you're a furry, anon

>> No.4271620

Furries ruined animals
Trannies ruined anime and videogames
Lolicons ruined children
Americans ruined freedom
Homosexuals ruined handsome men
Women ruined sex
Donald Trump ruined America
I ruined your mom

many such cases

>> No.4272530

I am not
I like naked women

>> No.4272587
File: 80 KB, 640x710, IMG_3650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of anthropomorphic animals but I HATE ,to end, how they are often stylised.I prefer stuff like pic rel

I don't consider myself a furry because I don't have much interest in anthro animals specifically and I think that being a furry means you like a specific form of stylised animal and I think it's silly to call anyone who likes drawings of sentient animals a furry

>> No.4272591
File: 81 KB, 588x598, IMG_3653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More examples of animals I like

>> No.4274505

I love beatrix potter's art. i need more anthro art like this

>> No.4274508

You like this nip stylization because it's basicly just an animu girl with bodypaint and a costume, western furry artists draw them like they wanna fuck animals.

>> No.4274517

>What've you got?
>Well, there's porn, fanart and porn, anime fanart and porn, anime and porn, porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn bestiality and porn, scat porn and diapers, space marines and porn, anthropomorphic animals in the style of Disney and porn...
>Can I have the anthropomorphic animals in the style of Disney and porn but without the porn?

>> No.4274547

I like most variations of furry design. They're just different and all have their uses.

>> No.4274569

I'm not a furry but least Western furries have the balls to draw them looking like animals with dog dicks and paws rather than "generic pink girl but with ears"

>> No.4274679

>Are you a very lonely and sociopathic person?
Yes, get the fuck out of my board.

>> No.4274793

To be fair, western shit isn't much better. Most mid-level and a decent handful of pros draw furries like the fur color is just spray painted onto the body. No consideration for how it may add volume, no thought gone into how fur would affect lighting of the form, and no attempt to actually paint/draw the furry outside of half-hearted jagged outlines.

>> No.4274852
File: 170 KB, 599x1000, IMG_3690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Null ghosts is the only time I actually like western styled furry art

>> No.4275238

Just fucking draw what you want retard, if you get accociated with furries then just brush it off, who gives a shit.

>> No.4275308
File: 72 KB, 199x195, stu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. As long as you're having fun drawing, who gives a shit if you draw furry stuff besides the retards on /ic/?

>> No.4275373

>giving a shit what people call you
ngmi might as well just give up right now

>> No.4276053


>> No.4276055

Because I care what other people think? Why is that considered abnormal?

>> No.4276067

>designs a sexualized anthropomorphic character with two penises
>lol what are you a fucking furry?
>irrelevant anon with no talent seethes on 4chan .org

>> No.4276068


>> No.4276138

are u a lil bitch that will shut down the moment his 4chan anonymous friends call him cringe because he drew something people who are retarded also happen to like? its perfectly fine to want ur shit to be enjoyed, but there is no bigger block to creativity than caring so much about what labels others give to you

>> No.4276143
File: 295 KB, 734x1069, 1576512395681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I lonely and sociopathic

>> No.4276384

>Women ruined sex
found the fag

>> No.4276388
File: 211 KB, 1500x1848, 8fcd730630f0739ea160f2b707bd3887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i much more prefer intentional gross stuff

>> No.4276454
File: 974 KB, 2844x2844, birthday_by_gawki_ddhfkkb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4276506

i can feel the insecurity through the screen, who the hell cares at the end of the day, really

>> No.4276567

If someone told you art is for fags would you stop drawing?

>> No.4277234
File: 684 KB, 859x461, bunnies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunnies are the best

>> No.4277489

this is in a weird grey area because they don't have animal bodies. although blacksad himself and literally any 'sexy lady' this artist draws are horror stories

>> No.4277495
File: 885 KB, 800x797, muchii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was literally a die-hard anthro artist in my teens and fucking loved how varied the stylisation can be when designing them. I had all these stories laid out and wanted to intertwine them with spirit and tribal cultures across the whole god damm world and knew how I could use it as a means of getting all kinds of worlds weaved together to create the most batshit fascinating stories possible.

I took inspiration from Europe, Asia, Russia and other niche cultures across the world in an effort to get a deeper understanding of the philosophy of the world in a greater light. I spent my entire teenage years fucking FASCINATED with the world and saw all kinds of people from different culture interacting to share coolshit stuff and thought; "Holy fuck, this shit is fucking rad. I'm gonna make this stuff fucking EPIC."

A way of using animals and their lives as a platform to get an idea of understanding how each culture treating its geography with respect. The potential of ideas was incredible! an you believe it? So fucking COOL.

I started posting my work online. My creations. I wanted to interact with other appreciators. COOL FOLK. It started fine at first. I got to chat with all kinds of nationalities and personalities. It was going so fucking swell. The stuff was detailed as FUCK.

But then "it" happened.

""They"" came.

And my god did they came.

Holy fuck. Fucking god damm hell, the erotic nature of those fuckers. WHERE WAS IT COMING FROM. WHAT THE FUCK.

Here they were; tonnes of disgusting faggot furries and degenerates harassing me and creeping on my friends to the point where they WANTED to spread the sexualisation of art.

My shit was clean and insanely SFW. I didn't approve of creating erotic anthro art because I knew what would happen to the art form but all these naysayers and alphabet army cunts screamed heresey and "fursucution" if I said otherwise.

And I got bullied out of it. I closed up and we all split forever.
Porn was in. And we were out.

>> No.4277514
File: 60 KB, 500x368, pearl flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a plethora of art forms come together before all of this.

The site was ran by people who wanted to bridge the borders of all kinds of artists together in order to share each others cultures and knowledge together to create the most fucking cool as shit that the world had ever seen.

You saw all kinds of people from different backgrounds showing their passions from their crafts and you got an understanding of how their work was inspired by the vast array of history behind them.

You were literally LOOKING at history! You were seeing art forms and artwork you would have never ever dreamed of seeing unless you paid out of the ass or drew out your erotic fanfiction to the masses in order to pay for you flights!


Shit that would never have seen the light of day back at home; pure unfiltered amazing fucking art that wasn't watered down by shitty centralisation and marketeers looking to exploit them all.

Anthro art was the culmination of such respect. If you didn't have a means of showcasing something, you could use god damm anthro art to breathe life into the art and cultural geography of your homeworld.

Nobody posted pics of themselves all that much unless they were fucking attention whore or faggots looking for dicking.

With an animal, you were expressing that you had a respect for those looking to visit your world, your creations and YOUR work.
You had no intention of fucking them over or going after them and destroying their soul.


And if you liked it enough that you wanted to be a part of it and share your own background?

All the better!

But if you wanted to start exploiting it all in the name of porn, you were in for a bad fucking time.

And they were not to be respected.
If they did it, doing it for yourself or fucking keep it away from us.

But they didn't.
They SAW what they could sexualise

>> No.4277528
File: 105 KB, 1024x683, 00xp-glasses-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they sexulised it HARD.

Think of what these platforms of potential could be used for to fullfill all of their sexual fantasies, the MONEY! The influence!
The bucks, the hard dosh and all of the thirsty orbiters parading around them all if they could only achieve a smidgen of the talent these artistic creators could provide!

Look at these corners and communities and see the amazing vast of creativity this artists were creating...

If they were capable of creating this amazing stuff...

..does that mean they were also capable of expressing their deepest sexual desires?

One that is never ever satisfied? One that can be achieved given enough hard work?

So, companies caught on to this; the ones behind this internet giants and the people in control of these tech conglomerates.
If the knowledge is readily available from across the land, reaching far and wide..
We can use it to our advantage and tell these degenerates that they can MAKE whatever they want!

So long as they whored themselves hard enough, of course.
And what better way to whore yourself to your delight?

By abusing the fuck out of this knowledge provided to them.

They took all of the information and the generosity of the talent provided by these die hard hobbyists that were intentionally made to bridge the world together to create the best kind of work possible to create the most disgusting and deplorable things easily accessible to people everywhere across the spectrum.

And it degraded and degraded.
Artforms got perverted. Stories got twisted and talent was discarded and abused in the name of sexual profit because it was hijacked by these same fucking assholes that destroyed my friendships and their cultures.
We were all hurt, and we receded ourselves away hoping that it would calm down, that someone would come in to put a stop to it all.

But it never came.
And we lost our earnings and our money. We saw degenerates perverting our creations and infecting troubled acquaintances..

>> No.4277544
File: 79 KB, 825x464, 7747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These troubled aquainteces were men and women who felt misplaced offline and saw these communities as a way of learning how to continually integrate in their homes.

They saw the great prosperity their knowledge could achieve but were mocked and bullied and abused by the kinds of people they so badly were avoiding.

Multiple people behind the screens and we all bonded in knowing that we could learn about each other in the best way possible across our computers, and wondered in awe at all of the fantastic things awaiting us in the future.

We could improve the craft and knowledge we shared with each other and make our ancestors proud knowing we could elevate the status of ourselves as artists higher and higher to the heaves and beyond.

All we needed to do was prove ourselves and have fun doing so. So long as we were left alone, we could make wonders. And anthro art was the best way of doing anonymously;

Pick an animal of choice that reflects you and your place back home.
Integrate the animals lifestyle into your work.
And boom; you have a profile to create amazing fucking shit.

I was seeing something happening though, but thought nothing of it.
More and more centralisation..
More and more control and more fear. I suspected I was just getting older but it seemed more parasitic and more hostile somehow.

Art was getting more psychotic wherever I went; more erratic and psychogically twisted and more trouble was spewing in these peoples lands.
I thought it was odd but I was thankful I was left alone at least.

But grateful for it when it would start falling apart.
My friends would start mutilating themselves from the harassment. My girlfriend harmed herself and broke down seeing her community torn to shreds because of the pervertors.
My idol was bullied into coming out and his art got more twisted and disgusted. He was on the path of really keeping himself together but his stories were used against him.

>> No.4277560
File: 49 KB, 379x532, WorgenHunterPromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More of these kind of things became common, and we all realised that our homes, or the 'platforms' was not doing so well either, and were not going to last with the kind of shit that was happening.

More hacks, more political interference..

More "diversity".

And some of us left, knowing how chaotic our previous communities were becoming. Some stayed behind but like those I looked up to, got held onto and infected by the layout of changes and the kind of audiences these sites were attracting. These disgusting cunts were left, but they all followed suit again.
It was somehow worse than before and even though the stories we came up with became more integrated in a more nuanced manner into our livelihoods and stories, the damage was done.

The same kinds of people hunting us down were getting all of the attention for the most innane of reasons and trending everywhere we went. Almost "encouraged" somehow.

Why? What the fuck was happening?

At this point, I tried again at posting my work and there was less interaction, more hostility and less care for the original aspirations we set ourselves out to do.
The louder it screamed the better, and figured that I might as well do anthro art again.

But the degenerates came after us again, and tried repeating the same thing once more. We all knew it was a lost cause because you would silenced into oblivion if you dared speak out, since their behavior, was "encouraged".

Our platforms became battlegrounds and despite all of the knowledge, it just got subverted and used against them. It was a pointless place to hang around anymore, and matters of the outside world took them all offline.

The end period of these places were amazing things, and interesting too.
But I will always hate degenerates and disgusting furfags for taking away what was such an important place for me and my friends.

I can't forgive them.
And I would prefer if they had a harder look at themselves before realising what a domino effect can do.

>> No.4277573


>> No.4277700

>Reddit spacing

>> No.4277802

>want to wank to buff cat men sucking each other's dick
>lol what are you a fuckign furry?

fucking furries ruining everything...

>> No.4278226

Just don’t stylize your anthros anything close to Disney or Don Bluth and you should be alright

>> No.4278304
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>> No.4278357
File: 145 KB, 1200x675, 1554302170361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so beholdent to the opinions of randoms on the internet to the point that you cease doing what you enjoy just because you got called a meaningless name. Unironically commit suicide you literal aspe.

>> No.4278360
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1567970565011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
