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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4262128 No.4262128 [Reply] [Original]

ic is probably one of the most emotional boards on this website. has anyone realized that? people here have very strong opinions and seethe very easily, they're jealous of better artists, they look down on lesser artists, they claim to be dedicated to improvement but spend most of their time seething over irrelevancies, drama, tumblrfags etc etc
why is that?

>> No.4262131

A thread died for this when you could have posted your question in many other threads with relevant topics.

Thanks for shitting up the board, newfag.

>> No.4262132

A thread got emotional for this

>> No.4262133

This really says a lot about our emotions...

>> No.4262135

People are just overly sensitive and think it's an ok use of their time making threads about emotions and drama rather then being dedicated to improvement.

>> No.4262139

the genuine honest answer is that most of the users on /ic/ are teenagers

>> No.4262175

Art is a very personal thing, even when done on a low level. You put in a lot of time and effort to try and improve, you read a bunch of books, watch videos, take courses, do countless studies, etc. And then you spend hours and hours day after day practicing your craft. Then maybe one day you spend hours on a drawing, post it on /ic/ and some guy just responds with "loomis", "/beg/, "it's shit", "give up", etc. And these comments may be valid but that doesn't make them sting any less for a lot of people. On other boards you can just brush it off when someone flames you because they're just responding to a thoughtless post you made, but on /ic/, by attacking your art it is as if they are attacking a very real part of you and that alone can make even a harmless shitpost feel like a deeply personal attack. This can often cause emotions to run hot and leads to a lot of useless back and forth with little to no meaningful dialogue or constructive criticism.

>> No.4262179

Google crab mentality. A good chunk of /ic/ has this issue. That's all it is. They just know they're NGMI and want to drag others down and distract them because they're salty that they'll never make it. Basically, "If I can't make it then no one here will"

>> No.4262192

cringed hard at these replies

>> No.4262202
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Cringed when someone posted this

>> No.4262205

currently cringing reading this

>> No.4262206

Holy shit, artists are usually people with strongly held opinions? Who could have figured that one out
>everything is crabs
low iq take

>> No.4262208

Has there ever been a poll? I hope this isn't true.

>> No.4262211

>Holy shit, artists are usually people with strongly held opinions?
Nice stereotype.
>low iq take
There was a fag who made polls about a lot of things. Should be in the archive.

>> No.4262213

Yes but it usually comes out that the majority are between 24-30 or something with stragglers above and below that.

Unfortunately, at least last I saw a poll done here, /ic/ is a bunch of adults with the emotional maturity of teenagers.

>> No.4262217

Unfortunately for you, there's nothing about age in any of these.

>> No.4262234

artists often have strong opinions. You will never convince me otherwise

>> No.4262241

Oh? You must've done your research. Give me your statistics.

>> No.4262245

there are far more emotional boards than this

>> No.4262253


There's the most recent one I can find. It's been a long time since we did an age poll, but it used to happen far too often. Also, it's probably easier to find threads with the OP asking people to post work along with age/occupation etc.

>> No.4262256

It seems like a really logically sound conclusion that people who make it their goal in life or who dream about representing a very specific, often personally held, perspective and artistic vision are the exact type of people to have strongly held opinions. I don't feel it is at all necessary for me to validate this idea with data, nor am I even sure that any kind of comprehensive analysis has been done to measure whether or not artists are more passionate about their opinions than the general population.
I also don't understand why you have an Immovable Rod up your ass about my opinion on a stereotype of artists. There are infinitely more pressing things you could be pestering people to validate their views on.

>> No.4262264

huh, I expected a lot more in the 30-40 range. That would've explained the conservative-ness.
>It seems like a really logically sound conclusion
Some also think it's a logically sound conclusion that they're prophets or in a demonic possession.
>conclusion that people who make it their goal in life or who dream about representing a very specific, often personally held, perspective and artistic vision are the exact type of people to have strongly held opinions.
If you remove "artistic vision", most of your attributes could be applied to any skill. It's as if you put art on a pedestal. It's not an objective or an unbiased view.
>I don't feel it is at all necessary for me to validate this idea with data
No matter how you convince yourself or how strongly you feel about something, it is absolutely necessary to provide evidence and/or proof.
>nor am I even sure that any kind of comprehensive analysis has been done to measure whether or not artists are more passionate about their opinions than the general population.
That is why we don't assume and stereotype things.
>I also don't understand why you have an Immovable Rod up your ass about my opinion on a stereotype of artists. There are infinitely more pressing things you could be pestering people to validate their views on.
It's a public thread on a public board.
So. Since you seemed to be implying in >>4262234 that your stubbornness as an artist applied to all other artists, by using your own logic:
>most artists are bigoted and have strong baseless opinions.
Ok. Got it.

>> No.4262266

Such as? besides /r9k/

>> No.4262272
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>No matter how you convince yourself or how strongly you feel about something, it is absolutely necessary to provide evidence and/or proof.
Cool. I don't feel like doing that this time
> Since you seemed to be implying in >>4262234 that your stubbornness as an artist applied to all other artists
I never implied that all artists share all of my attributes or that I'm stubborn and bigoted. Today I am tired and do not feel like spending 6 hours reading through dry research papers on a topic I'm not particularly attached to so I can explain why a board on 4chan is how it be. I am so sorry that on today of all unfateful days I stumbled upon the landmine that is your autism

Maybe check that chip on your shoulder before you venture into the depths of the chan. Just because you think you have a target in your sights doesn't mean you really do.

>> No.4262290

>trying to get away from posting evidence
I expected nothing more.

>> No.4262291

Sorry, anon. I'll remember to always post at least 6 peer-reviewed articles every time I have an opinion.

>> No.4262293

> /ic/ is a bunch of adults with the emotional maturity of teenagers
4chan itself is a bunch of adults with the emotional maturity of teenagers.

>> No.4262297

>it was just opinion!!
kek, stop defending.

>> No.4262302

Just remember that you've set the standard. For the rest of your life if you ever dare to speak an opinion that you don't have multiple sources at the ready for then you're a hypocrite of the highest order

>> No.4262311

no one's going to sleep over being a hypocrite

>> No.4262314

>defending even more

>> No.4262316

I'm not wrong on that last one though

>> No.4262317


>> No.4262323

kill yourself

>> No.4262325


>> No.4262393

Have you ever been on /pol/?

>> No.4262396

Instead of bitching YOU could be the ones improving faggots.

>> No.4262399

4chan is a place for angry/bitter people and when people suck at something they care about that makes them even angrier, from what I've seen all "creative" boards have this "not gonna make it" mentality and people calling everyone shit

>> No.4262409

When 90% of artwork created by /ic/ is shit compared to other websites. It really makes you think about that huh?

>> No.4262418

I'd say /ic/ and deviantart are pretty even in art quality, /ic/ just has bad gesture drawings and loomis instead of bad sonic porn.
And what other sites are there for art to compare to? You'll only see good things on something like twitter since thats the only content that will be popular enough to land in your feed.

>> No.4262442

Tumblr unironically, instagram(slightly better deviant art), twitter like you said, and deviantart. I’m not going to mention art station, since that’s just unfair. Also deviant art and /ic/ aren’t close in comparison at all, you have to be delusional to think that.

>> No.4262443

>has anyone realized that?
>why is that?

whoa anon, like yikes

lurk more

>> No.4262460

/ic/ is one of the best places to get resources, but it’s ironic even with these resources that majority of the artist here are still shit.

>> No.4262462

[a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg] [i / ic] [r9k / s4s / vip / qa] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n /

>> No.4262463


>> No.4262466

thats just the alphabet?

>> No.4262607

there was one just a few months ago. iirc the biggest split was mid/late 20s which would make sense assuming most of the anons from your poll are still here

>> No.4262818

this. the only thing worse is posting your face (in a rate thread for example) and the feeling of dread before hovering over those (you)s

>> No.4262823


Artists never show emotions or have strong opinions about anything and if you disagree you deserve to be raped in the pillory

>> No.4262825

/biz/ maybe. but people get advice on real-world stakes there so it's understandable.

>> No.4262883

Sounds a lot like /fit/

>> No.4262924

just look at the flockdraw thread rn. /ic/ is baby brains.

>> No.4263119
File: 211 KB, 750x626, 7D3A97B2-CD63-4B3D-AB4D-CFD66B70771F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s what naturally happens when you get too many artists in one place.

>> No.4264155

there's a high amount of survivorship bias when it comes to the content you see on any sharebased platform. you wont see the lowest level artists pretty much ever unless you know them personally or go looking for their work. on /ic/ every image is treated non preferentially & you have to sift through the chaff yourself so it seems like there's more of it.