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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 405 KB, 359x371, 1489878245312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4260809 No.4260809 [Reply] [Original]

Cutesy shit is the same tier as porn, its sole purpose is to be mindlessly consumed and then forgotten about. In fact porn is one tier higher since it demands a degree of techinical skill. Try and prove me wrong you saccharine hacks.
Pic related, it's how I greet "cute" "artists".

>> No.4260810

oh wow, he's definitely angry. yikes.

>> No.4260812

Then what are people suppose to draw then? Fruit?

>> No.4260813

Every art piece you make in the digital age is viewed and consumed for about 5 seconds at most

>> No.4260814

Stupid frogposter, a thread punched your mom in the gut while you were still a fetus for this.

>> No.4260819

cute sexy fruit

>> No.4260832

>Try and prove me wrong
as an nsfw "artist" your only appeal is pleasuring other men and making them coom

cutesy artists just create fuzzy sugar shit that makes people feel cuddly

>> No.4260836
File: 3.39 MB, 2700x1642, 30752b4dd8d2495b53cee47f5e7dd01f4d36cab333a4e8-LZI9JY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how will tradfags cope

>> No.4261160


>> No.4261676

go away /pol/luter

>> No.4261780
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In the trash you go.

>> No.4261944
File: 143 KB, 973x1002, 1557207187951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if this was the same moderator who decided to start banning porn on /b/

>> No.4261962


>> No.4261963

I think you missed a word. Anon said digital age, not digital art. ALL of us are affected. Trad art goes on the Internet, too.

>> No.4262069

that was fun for the 5 minutes that it lasted for. I wish porn would be permanently banned from /b/, it was so enjoyable just being randomly silly with other anons without being surrounded by disgusting fetishes.
There was a lesson to be learned from that small window of fun, and it was that porn consumes all and cannot exist alongside anything else as all that neighbors it suffers from its corrupting effect.
If I ever make some kind of forum in the future I'll have to remember that experience so as to not make such a mistake.

>> No.4262180


>> No.4262193

it isn't just "porn" thats a problem, its also not defining what "nsfw" means. go to /mlp/ and just tally up all the fetish threads, for example. eroticism is such a strong incentive, thats why it will consume boards that allow it (rip [s4s]). i wonder how many artists here started drawing for porn, im guilty of it myself

>> No.4262228

That board is also full of grown men that like a cartoon meant for children. It was created as a blue board because the originals wanted to keep it family friendly, as a lot of them were just people who liked the show, or were fans of an animator. Wholesome dads and shit. This was before the degenerates and waifufags crept in and developed from these people. If men will watch anime and make hentai of it and claim waifus or make tulpas, they'll do the same shit with p*nies. It's just otaku nature.

Now especially it's just become a breeding ground for fetish shit. Drawthreads are full of porn they just link to it rather than posting the images. And then there's threads full of written erotica, one for every fetish.

I don't think it's so much failing to define what NSFW is (though I think it was a huge oversight not to include written erotica), it doesn't matter if it's allowed, adults have dirty minds and they will always find a way around rules to get their porn fix.

>> No.4262249

Ok boomer.

>> No.4262402

>implying I havent spent a atleast a minute looking at certain drawings to take in all of the artistry
might just be me being a pornfag that tries to learn a bit while fapping, I mean if I fap to it, its got something Id like to have in my own art

>> No.4262411

I completely agree, in theory we already have porn boards that those cunts could go to but since everything is okay on /b/ they just stay there

>> No.4262416
File: 174 KB, 299x240, 1576221286540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe somethin' fuckin' original?

>> No.4263484

>skeleton in a helmet
i mean if you can simplify everything cute or funny as one thing ill just call you an edgy faggot

>> No.4263499

This right here.
Even blue boards aren't safe from nsfw. Some fetishes seem 'clean' on the surface, but are actually porn to certain degenerates. Like a character who's drawn barefoot or a fully-clothed woman shopping for Wonder Bread or a fat/pregnant character with just the stomach exposed.

You'd have to really understand degenerates on a molecular level to completely stop the nsfw/fetish posts.

>> No.4263516
File: 189 KB, 640x480, 1561173757374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well some shit clearly could be defined better. for example, people get mad when they are banned for posting cropped or censored porn. where maybe they put a tiny black box over an asshole and that suddenly makes it alright. it would be a funny culture but i think if you are able to masturbate to something it shouldn't be allowed, which is obviously up for interpretation. im just imagining the inane cumtributes just to get some people banned

>> No.4263692


>> No.4263770 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 1601x1136, 38348331_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you day BRO

>> No.4263783

All art is on the same level as porn.

Humans are just base animals, and art pulls out our very simple emotions and instincts to make an impact.

>ooh pretty colors
>muh comfy art that causes safety feeling
>"cool" art that stimulates the brain with excitement or detail
>scary art that evokes the discomfort/unsafe feeling
>edgy art that stimulate's teenager's rebelliousness
>cute art that takes advantage of the "cute" instinct humans have that makes them take care of babies
>"depressing" art that makes you feel sad and then gives catharsis

It's all the same as sexy art that makes you coom

>> No.4263850

i disagree, different emotions have different value. the only value of eroticism is that you reproduce and obviously porn does not allow you to reproduce. unless you are of course the artist who then creates works for the explicit purposes of being pornographic. but if you just look at porn you are below human because it doesn't serve a practical purpose

>> No.4263862

Art doesn't serve a practical purpose at all

>> No.4263866

True to an extent. Most people here who post the kind of shit you are talking about haven't bothered to buckle down and learn so they post low quality, extremely flat looking( and I'm not saying flat looking is necessarily bad in the hands of a skilled artist), work with seemingly random colour choices. Then label it as "cute".
Funnily enough when they are called out for the attention digging and their willful shortcomings as an artist, even if its constructive, they will immediately go to 1 of these 2 bs excuses: "that's just my style!" Or "well I'm more about character design than technical skill anyway!" Which is hilarious because they haven't practiced enough to have a style, let alone grasp basic concepts, and it shows because the work of these people supposedly focused on character design is a direct,yet much shittier ripoff of a better cartoon artist. Good example is Bryan o'Malley, guy who did Scott pilgrim, theamount of these "cute" posters you speak of that post awful looking scott pilgrim lookin' ass ripoffs is disgusting.
Sadly there are some good people that post great cutesy stuff, I remember a guy here in int recently who did these small woodland creatures in cloaks and some with bionic limbs, it was very original and well done.
Still, although technically skilled ones are fine, "cute", anime, and porn people need constant and separate containment threads, those 3 groups generally shit up the whole board for anyone actually looking to improve, especially with fundamentals that those groups often skip over in pursuit of their cherries on top.

>> No.4263877

>entertainment is not a practical purpose
i dare say sex, let alone porn, is a mindless addiction and that nobody is truly 'entertained' by porn only satiated of their addiction. you see a nice landscape and imagine the smells, imagine the sounds, its not just something you look at when you need another fix. i for one debate deleting my porn every single time i finish, meanwhile i never think "im going to delete my landscape folder today" for even a second

>> No.4263915

Maybe you should get better porn. There's so much disgusting shit on the internet that I don't blame you but eroticism can be done tastefully. Just get some standards my man. If your porn disgusts you after you finish it's bad porn.

>> No.4263928
File: 77 KB, 300x360, 1566768503541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original shit
>in memethousandtwenty
Normies would reject originality even if god itself where to create something new before their fucking eyes.
It's all about dem sweet marketing and consuming the same shit over and over.
Stop asking questions.

>> No.4263946

can i just draw cute shit that makes me smile without getting someone salty because it's not a Loomis/vlippu study

>> No.4263987

considering this is /ic/ and rather relevant to the conversation, what are some pornographic images with artistic merit you think? and i dont just mean 'well drawn' i mean, something you would even look at while not horny. i cant tell if im moving the goalposts, i look through my own porn collection and think "i could delete every single one of them and not think of even one until i was horny again"

>> No.4264391

i think thats just something overlooked when critiquing. i have drawn very few cute things but each time i do i feel outright overjoyed

>> No.4264661
File: 170 KB, 805x1089, 2412799 - Patchouli_Knowledge Touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but there are some porn pictures I have that I never have fapped to and I think about them from time to time.
Pic related for example, I think about it every other week. I love the way it is colored and how it is drawn and how soft she looks in it.

>> No.4264940

Anon you are replying to here.
Pathetic, you are literally saying the exact bs excuses and deflection I was talking about, saying you dont value technical skill as much as character design or that shit art is just 'your style' isnt an excuse for a complete lack of competence. I even said that there are people on this board that draw great cutesy stuff that have obviously put in hard practice and aren't just looking for affirmation.

Judging by your response and the convenient glossing over of what was actually said in my comment you aren't one of them, post work dude. Yes people can draw cute stuff, anime stuff, porn. Its just 90% of the people that do so here are objectively incompetent because they are too lazy to learn anything and chalk it up to style or the like, and have no interest in advice/critique, however constructive, because you just want people to say it looks great when its sloppy, lazy garbage. Never did I say everything has to be Loomis style, just sick of you faggots that think you can develop or even work in any preexisting style competently without putting in practice.

The eyes you have for your own shit work are that of a mother looking on her severely deformed, disabled child and calling it beautiful, and being viciously defensive with anyone looking through more objective eyes.

Go fuck yourself, and again, post work

>> No.4264948

Also if it's really just for you, to make you smile, you wouldnt need to post your trash here, because it's a thing you do for you, to make you smile right? not to be competent, or get attention and that would be fine. it's obvious that's not the case, because again, you post your shit here fishing for compliments.

>> No.4264966

>I love the way it is colored and how it is drawn and how soft she looks in it.
>it's definitely not about the giant bare tits covered in cum
riiiight. why are coomers so disingenuous?

>> No.4264969

Because you cant offer critique on how a drawing makes an individual feel dumbass. Only on tangible things.

>> No.4264973

You could post it and not make people "salty" if you retards did have a containment thread that you stuck to.

>> No.4265005

>it's definitely not about the giant bare tits covered in cum
I never said that wasn't a factor, the question was weather you think about the pics when you're not horny though.
I legitimately think it is a very soft and pretty picture, if you can't see the artistic value in it solely because it is pornographic then that is your problem.

>> No.4265422
File: 338 KB, 2048x1536, 1573176011566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never really thought of it that way

>> No.4265435

That just shows you are scared, anon, scared of being forgotten. Coward.

>> No.4265441

I dont understand why "art" is treated here as this homogenic, huge abstract being and people keep arguing about what deserves the name and what doesnt. This is like saying all literature is just "literature" and trying to compare harry potter fanfics to 100 years of solitude or whatever. There are good ya novels and there are good poetry books, just like there are good porn or cutesy drawings and good concept art, they all have different purpose, audience, they require different set of skills and belong to completely different worlds, sharing barely the tool being used. Of course some of them are meant for easy, quick consumption and don't evoke any emotions in the viewer, but what does it matter if it was never meant to?

>> No.4265790


>> No.4265800

They are the same. But why get mad about it?

>> No.4265804

Because they're not very smart

>> No.4267353

Don't even bother, you're just wasting time trying to drill some sense of taste into cutetards liking their pathetic childish weebshit instead of actually rubbing two brain cells together to make something original.

>> No.4267356

i see frog i don't read and hide

>> No.4267454

Everything is a remix. Your picture is not original. It is the combination of several ideas:
1) personification of death as a skeleton
2) lack of facial features (like with a face-covering helmet) equals danger
Both of these predate time. They were added to a relatively new (but already something explored both in literature and visual arts by the moment of creation of the clip) theme of devastating modern weapons.

>> No.4267548

This is the generic Big tiddie anime girl number 3737838338, it has nothing special you braindead fuck, it cant be more generic to be honest.

>> No.4269053

I dont wish for a ban outright ban of porn on /b/ as it whould take away from the boards "anything goes" ideea... but a community driven reduction of porn boards whould be nice so that there is a porn thread every 1/25 stuff that isnt porn

>> No.4269095

Porn requires a good understanding of human anatomy

cutesy stuff requires a round , bubbly artstyle , said artstyle is usually very cartoonish in nature

>> No.4269097

We live in a society

Pepes rise up

>> No.4269102


It is next to impossibleto be 100% original because

A. Our brains work in similar fashions
B. Someone has thought of it before

You are bound to find a trope in about anything you see , granted you are aware of said trope and actievly looking for it