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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4259824 No.4259824 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4259826

It's up 7 hours ago. You just want blatant shitposting on /ic/. Fuck off

>> No.4259836

what is the point of this videos? Is this for brainlets? After watching first Proko video i think it's very clear that answer is: "draw your whole life" guy just draws alll the time his whole life, instead of playing video games and stuff. You can't just do that now on will.

>> No.4259871
File: 273 KB, 500x500, Cyrus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate playing catch up so much. Being years behind on training the arm to look appealing and having less steam for each consecutive day.
I just want nice lines. I just want to replicate images and retain their lasting quality.

>> No.4259873

Shut the fuck up stan.

>> No.4259887

why would anyone want to draw like him

>> No.4259890

If you really think that Stan or someone from his team really care about 4chan - you are delusional. They have more than enough following on real social media - they are number 1 in the business now.

>> No.4259900

>>do you have a mini me that can visualize the scene before drawing

method acting for artists coming soon to a stream near you

>> No.4259935

anon you’re the brainlet. you’re the one that can’t put down video games and draw. do you not get it? the answer is simple but it’s the correct answer to “how do I get good at drawing?”

>> No.4259937

Hi proko

>> No.4259942

>Proko x KJG crossover
What the fuck is going on? I thought normies didn't know KJG. Did /ic/ spread its influence too hard? Now everyone knows his secrets.

>> No.4259947


Less competition for me, though. Let them chase his art.

>> No.4259949

He's got over a million followers on insta, hardly obscure.

>> No.4259984

>noooooooo my obscure chink stop making him famous nooooooooooooo

>> No.4260000
File: 185 KB, 750x742, KARKINOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That picture

I used to think that /ic/ was a tragedy, but now I realize, we are a KJG sketch.

>> No.4260003

Oh nononon ahhhahahaha, nice quads by the way

>> No.4260009

>kept drawing and accidentally found and reinvented fisheye perspective
What a beast

>> No.4260015


>> No.4260018

>...you can use your knowledge of human anatomy to hide your ignorance of ...FROG anatomy


>> No.4260028

>visualization meme
>perspective meme
>fundamentals meme
What a disgusting video of meme tips. If I wanted those, I could just have continued to browse /ic/ and ask crabs. The best take away though was to not have a girlfriend for years on end and only draw which /ic/ seems to already be adept at. Just give or take ten more years.

>> No.4260036


Ok. This is epic.

>> No.4260059

But I want to draw like Sui Ishida.

>> No.4260104

Goddamn it, Proko.
Finnish the anatomy course.

>> No.4260116

>he drew in a fit of rage because he couldn't get a gf
That explains it all, he harnessed his incel energy and became a god.

>> No.4260120

omg he can draw from imagination, nobody in the world before has been able to achieve -- oh wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsMbSTmhVXU

>> No.4260135

>comparing the complex scenes this chink can pull with some normal stuff

Retarded, what is awesome is not the fact he can draw from.imagination, is what he draws.

>> No.4260146

proko browses /ic/

>> No.4260149

>proko is a crab who can't draw from imagination
>even places a huge emphasis on anatomy but never finishes his studies
It explains so much

>> No.4260161

Anon, that's a very crab thing to say

>> No.4260164

Ok prokoomer

>> No.4260166

>proko never finishes his studies
What do you mean?

>> No.4260168

>Bring someone down to your level to feel good about your lack of progress
>Dismiss their success as coincidental and invalid
>Find weaknesses that don't actually matter to claim they're actually a bad artist
Like, the definition of crab

>> No.4260189

Does anyone else think kjg is a meme? Wow wide angle lens of unappealing subject 10/10 amazing

>> No.4260191

No, I think people's perception of his skill is a meme though. He's just an honest guy who draws and people draw conclusions.
>drew since six and didn't publish until 27
>people think this is a good outlook

>> No.4260195

i guess everything is a meme now

>> No.4260201

Truly the worst timeline where being people will fake being ironic and draw in unironic people.

>> No.4260224

I think /ic/ needs a few new filters. one, filter crab to chad, and two, filter appealing/unappealing to gay/retarded. what do you guys think?

>> No.4260227

filter soul to shit

>> No.4260237

no, better to filter soul/soulless to a dick/dickless
>wow anon that has a dick
>dickless trash

>> No.4260238

thats pretty good

>> No.4260321

Can i get that first two-second "Ba ah ah ah" on repeat?

>> No.4260335

You get points for sharing tac au tac with the rest of this godforsaken board but I'm going to have to give you a failing grade for embedding it in a shitpost.

>> No.4260355

keep crab, but filter soul for dick and anime for cartoons

>> No.4260357

>not filtering crab to cute anime girl

>> No.4260359

I have the impression it's his editor/cameraman guy.

>> No.4260362

>tfw you remember Proko isn't just one guy

>> No.4260372

how can one access this power?

>> No.4260373

Draw for a decade while l and h.

>> No.4260375
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>> No.4260463
File: 85 KB, 205x288, stfu stan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4260506

guns? he draws lots of guns. and weird sex.

>> No.4260564

preko looks like a dunce

>> No.4260566

This video is so strange. What was even the point of Proko at all? He just asked questions, didn't even realize it was a Proko video for the most part. And it's not like Proko will learn from this and become better at drawing.

>> No.4260573

It’s called an interview...

>> No.4260579

You need to go out more. Everything you like is normie as fuck nowadays, including armpit porn.

>> No.4260615

Based retard

>> No.4260618

New proko videos are the best because he sits back and gives better artist spotlight

>> No.4260628

still the vids are up here the min it goes live on yt, hmm it's as if someone somehow needed the extra clicks boost..

>> No.4260633

no that's like 90% of asian culture nowadays (especially korea and china) who deliberately avoid relationships or any form of bond until they are financially secured, after all asian women tend to leave if their partner can't provide

>> No.4260711

it's actually me. I do it. I have notifications on for proko's videos and the instant he posts one I make a thread about it here.

>> No.4260729

Whats so appealing about Kim's work? I always thought it looked kind of gross and rather erratic looking at the same time.

I mean, you could pull out the "muh subjectivity" card to shut my thoughts down but is it because of his technical abilities that people find appealing?

>> No.4260731

at least you're honest Marshall

>> No.4260732

Because his raw technical ability is literally unmatched. There's pretty much no one (some people come close) that can freehand scenes with that level of complexity completely from imagination. I don't really like the end result either, but the process is very impressive.

>> No.4260853

wrong. You don't put down thing you like and do thing you percieve you need to. KJG never have to do this, he never put down thing he liked in order to draw, he likes to draw in the first place. (He is older, so there was no such distraction back then lucky for him)

He never had to put down thing he liked to practice, he liked the practice itself, watching his videos or lerning more about KJG cant turn your desires and habits in to similar to his. This why those videos are just clickbait for views now, actual answe to why he so good is: he wired his brain in childhood to be practicing 24/7 and enjoing it. Can i do it now? Most likely not.

>> No.4260854
File: 90 KB, 1080x807, IMG_20191217_095440_218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's inspirational. Sketched this at work just now. I know it's shit but it's better than I normally do. I'll do it over again later. Love this guy.

>> No.4260856

he said he outsources marketing. guess he hired some lazy sunnabitches

>> No.4260988

ok time to practice
see you all in 20 years lads

>> No.4260999

KJG is a scam artist.
Look at any of his demonstrations, notice the weird cuts in both audio and video.
He probably takes breaks every 2 or 3 minutes to plan out his drawing with construction lines on a piece of paper or he looks at refs while the camera is turned off.
Stop falling for these obvious scamming ass asian niggers.

>> No.4261003

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.4261004

>he hasn't seen KJG irl and watched him draw for a whole two hours
Do you even /ic/ faggot?

>> No.4261073

He openly admits to using references.

>> No.4261076

Lots of butthurt over a guy who just loves to draw.

>> No.4261088

he's just an artist, maybe you've been using that title way too lightly for yourself?

>> No.4261170

I've just started browsing this board and jesus fuck all my willpower to keep drawing is gone after seeing this man. There is literally no reason to keep going, I'll never be this good. I'm finding it difficult with perspectives at 22 and he's been doing it since gradeschool

>> No.4261181

just have fun stop being gay

>> No.4261210

what does ic think about karl kopinski? not sure if there was a thread about him when his videos were released.

>> No.4261219

this. If you can't you simply don't want it enough

>> No.4261241
File: 39 KB, 640x853, 1575646804731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole conclusion of this video is:

>> No.4261265

So wait,

You see an artist that’s better than you and that’s the reason for you to “give up”?

Were you hoping to be the best artist of all time? Is he the best artist of all time? Is his way the best way? The only way?

No you’re right, with him around there are no other clients for any of us. All the companies are going to hire and contract KJG and no one else.

>> No.4261271

This guy makes drawings that look reddit

>> No.4261282

No, did you even watch the video? You have to astral project a miniature version of yourself into the dream realm, have him parkour into the perfect drawing spot, have him master life drawing and then just let him do the drawing.

>> No.4261302

Just shut the fuck up. Just fucking go home.

>> No.4261315

it's still impressive that he can do all these things just from memory but I wouldn't call his art appealing.

>> No.4261317

>Being years behind on training the arm to look appealing and having less steam for each consecutive day.
Did you tear a muscle in your drawing arm or what do you mean?

>> No.4261338

Muscle memory is a huge factor in literally any physical skill, including drawing.
Starting out at a young age when muscle memory is easily gained will put you miles ahead of someone starting in their late 20s or later.

>> No.4261360

Boxes are just a meme. It turns out he draws the boxes over the artwork and not before like /ic/ though.

>> No.4261364

All non-insectiod life has the same anatomy in bones and muscles

>> No.4261366

n-no... all those boxes I drew... for nothing...

>> No.4261415

nice interview mr. kim "call-me-if-you-need-akira-toriyamas-style-but-cheaper" gi

>> No.4261943
File: 70 KB, 629x1024, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chad marshall

>> No.4262052

You people will never exactly be like him or like any other artist it's good to take inspiration and copy certain elements from artists but if you're gonna decide how good your art is only compare it to your art 1 year ago (if you even have been drawing for a full year)

>> No.4262056

good stuff anon

>> No.4262077

he's a good lad. Must be tough having to work next to Kim Jung Gi, it'd be a real humbling experience.

>> No.4262182

KJG understands the idea that boxes really do provide the clearest sense of perspective. However, it doesn't look like he uses them as guidelines but just a way to understand perspective without putting billions of lines on paper.

>> No.4262189

Yep. Also KJG does perspective sketching, so he doesn't need the guide lines anyways. He's just trained his muscle memory and visual library very well.

>> No.4262313
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put down the pencil 2 years ago and I gotta say it’s completely streamlined my approach to drawing

>> No.4262758

Worth paying attention to some of the things he says which highlight his own progress:

1) He used to do a lot of underdrawings with pencil at first before inking over them. This is the norm for the inking/traditional/tattoo world.

2) It's okay to start with a pencil, but don't erase either way. He emphasizes not being blocked by the fear of making a mistake, but going through it.

3) He would have to draw something multiple times until he gets the right representation of it.

Think of all the times you've drawn a hand horribly and how that one extra plane break or the curve made a huge difference. These are true gains made from drawing that accumulate over time that no amount of explaining can replace.

The last thing to point out is that majority of his work isn't colored or rendered. He predominantly has two tones: the paper, and his shadows/contours.

Yes,he has his finger ink smudging nonsense that he throws in there for flair, but his work reads well without it. And yours will too.

It's funny he gets pissed off by people asking him about the brush pen. Loomis, Vilppu and a lot of other traditional artists shaped their pencils to be sharp on one side, broad on the other, to achieve the same kind of calligraphic effect, and nobody bats an eye. But behold, the brush pen! and they lose it.

>> No.4262767

how long had you been drawing before that?

>> No.4262773

>his work reads well

>> No.4262781

Tracing = stealing
Art theft=rape

>> No.4262786

good good hmmmmmm yess

>> No.4262803

You honestly think KJGs work doesn't read?

Show me in one of his massive bukkake fisheye'd lens collages where he has shit flying all over the place what object or shape or form isn't clear to you.

>> No.4262806

So what can beg learn from this?

>> No.4262889

Nothing that isn't discussed elsewhere in many different ways, but it never really comes across the way one hopes.

/beg/ all have bad proportions, really bad symbol drawings that are then taken to extreme when trying to render volumes out, and culminating with really narrow bands of values - the lights are too dark, the darks are too light, and it all ends up looking flat without enough turning of forms.

KJG states multiple times that it's primarily about observation. This is more difficult to explain to /beg/'s than it appears, because if it was easy the thread wouldn't always be up to tits in terrible drawings. Even getting them to draw a square grid and map over landmark by landmark would be an improvement, but nobody wants to be a xerox, right?

So to answer your Q: not a whole lot.