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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 8 KB, 146x238, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4248114 No.4248114 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on using pixel art for a comic?

>> No.4248131

First and foremost a comic is a story, art is just a medium to tell that story.

>> No.4248138

Sprite comics have a stigma to them due to being everywhere in the past, but none of those used exclusively custom sprites. No opinion otherwise, it'd just be a cute gimmick if anything

>> No.4248284

some did.

i think in current year you could probably get some zoomers on board who never experienced the 2000s internet. if it's good

>> No.4248287

Like what? a comic that reuses sprites or a comic that uses original art for every panel?

>> No.4248289

Labor intensive.

>> No.4248311

just do it

>> No.4248380

More like, just try it. He’ll give up once he sees how much work it is, especially in backgrounds.

>> No.4248754

This, there's a reason it hasn't been done often, if at all. OP you're unironically better off doing a video game.

>> No.4248794

>In JPG format
I'm beyond triggered

>> No.4249673

Didn't you ask this already?

>> No.4249706

how much harder could spritework be than decent drawings?

>> No.4250707

It's not exactly harder. In fact, most people find it easier to make good art with pixels.
It's more like the difference between coloring all your art with colored pencils and coloring it with markers.
It's much more labor intensive to make pixel art than it is to make normal comic art.

>> No.4252424

How is downscaling labor intensive?

>> No.4252479
File: 38 KB, 650x450, Johnhussnasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what homestuck did

>> No.4252486

My demographic, just for reference:
37 Yr Old White Male, USA

I think pixel art of a -web- comic could be funny or cute, and possibly bad ass if you incorporate de-pixelization as a substitute for gore.

If you're going to use pixel art, you should focus on how that medium can assist in your storytelling and figure out how you can use that medium to your advantage.

>> No.4252503


>> No.4252712

Downscaling isn't pixelart

>> No.4252774

Then doom's monsters arent pixel art. Most pixel artists draw something, scale it down to pixelated size, then clean it up. A lot easier than just drawing pixel by pixel like a moron.

>> No.4252784
File: 41 KB, 720x479, Pmwa8J7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.4252797
File: 363 KB, 2326x684, asdasdasdsa12312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you know is a lie

>> No.4252827

Some other guys mentioned it above. Even if you downscale, pixel art requires a lot of cleanup compared to drawing at ordinary dimensions. It's often noticeable if even one pixel is out of alignment, so you spend more time fiddling with line shapes. Pixel art, being low resolution, is inherently more difficult to read than "normal" art too. Details and complex shapes, of a hand for instance, are harder to define in very low res, so you may spend a lot of time working and reworking one tiny area just to imply the shape you want.
This is all fine in video games where assets are recycled throughout the game over and over again. But making an even remotely complex comic, with new art each panel? You'd HAVE to reuse assets a lot, otherwise it turns into a years-, possibly decades-long affair.

>> No.4252830

That downscaled art looks terrible and very much not clean and pleasant like well-done pixel art.

>> No.4252834

That's a screenshot from monkey island 2, real game that came out in the DOS era you fucking retarded zoomer.

>> No.4252835

>Then doom's monsters arent pixel art
Not so fast, buddy. Yes a lot of the sprites and textures were based on digitized photos of maquettes but there was still plenty of pixel art skill involved.

>> No.4252838

nevermind, I missed the context of your reply.

>> No.4252840
File: 255 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right. What difference does it make when it came out? Owlboy came out this decade and its pixel art is way better because the artist approached it as actual pixel art instead of heavily compressed traditional drawings.

>> No.4252854

The point is that real games from 8 bit and 16 bit color eras used scanning, compressing, tracing artwork on a grid, even manual data entry through text in order to input images into a computer, so it doesn't suddenly become "not pixel art" because of the way it was created.

Besides, games back then didn't have the freedom to choose any palette they wanted from the RGB color space to fit specifically for their game/picture, since each hardware platform had its own specific palette, digital image manipulation tools were primitive, AND memory was limited so you couldn't just have a huge and detailed, non-tiled image as a background.
So of course modern pixel art is going to look better you fucking retard, it literally has no hardware limitations. Hardware limitations being the reason pixel art came to be in the first place.

zoomers kys

>> No.4252868
File: 105 KB, 600x600, Secret-of-Mana-2-SNES-Super-Nintendo-Game-Screenshot-1_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need you to justify why your favorite game looks like shit. It doesn't matter how the developers made it look like shit or what excuses you can concoct for them, the fact is it looks like shit. There are old games using pixel art assets that don't look like shit, and this isn't one of them. Regardless, when somebody is asking how to do pixel art, you know very well they aren't talking about channeling hideous as fuck Doom and Monkey Island, you obtuse idiot. They're asking how to make good-looking low-resolutions drawings using modern software and no hardware limitations. Why the fuck would it be any other way just because of how things were done in the old days?
Compressed images are not pixel art, otherwise anything I pull off of Google and downscale to 3% counts as pixel art, which we both know is not the case. Right now you're being a cranky old man and yelling at the wall about how it used to be this way, when the topic is something entirely different. Just as well you bring up N64 games in a discussion of contemporary video game graphics.

>> No.4252878

The argument isn't about wether modern technology has an advantage over old technology when it comes to creating pixelart but rather that simply downscaling artwork isn't pixelart. You seem to have misunderstood our use of the term "pixelart" in this thread since you posted an image that noone would have called pixelart here. We're talking about purposefuly composing artworks with pixels at a small resolution with a clean, defined look as an end result. Of course downscaling is a technique for many pixelartist but only for blocking out general shapes and getting the base of an asset done, like the other anon said there still goes a lot of work into the finalizatiom of those. Your reading comprehension is lacking.
And since you're the only sperg here throwing a tantrum noone takes you seriously anyway.

>> No.4252887
File: 2.88 MB, 320x240, 1533057995713.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4252920

>if it was not made in a modern graphics editor with no hardware limitations, it's not pixel art!!!111
Real games in 16 bit era were done using any number of techniques including downscaling. Being an underage retard doesn't mean that the definition of what is pixel art has to change to accommodate your shitty tastes. You could send the pixels to a computer using morse code, and if the resulting image looked like pixel art, it'd still be pixel art. The method by which you put pixels on a screen doesn't matter in a digital medium.
You are both retarded and should kill yourselves.

>> No.4252922

That's not pixel art you retard.

>> No.4252932

while this is very pretty i am slightly confused becuase the steps seem to imply the horizon line is above what we can see but it doesnt seem to be following 3pp or have enough distortion to be us "looking down" on it, of course, i know its just a limitation of how 2d art in games is, but im more wondering if it looks weird for anyone else?

>> No.4252939
File: 857 KB, 957x891, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4252964

The stairs are being viewed at a fair distance, therefore no distortion, and the eye level is cropped out. Possible to simulate the perspective with any photograph of real life.

>> No.4252981

You really have no reading comprehension. Not wasting any more time on you

>> No.4252983


>> No.4253239

>literally a black line of pixels over every pencil line
>wow bro I've got soo much space to work with lemme cross-hatch shade

>darkened outer lines when showing definition, some lines not even given a contour

You've clearly never done pixelwork before, so to simplify it: if your canvas is that big you're doing it wrong.
To see what I'm talking about, take the image in the video, drop it in a 100x100 canvas on paint, and redo it at that scale.

>> No.4253320

This. Any style can work if it's well executed.

>> No.4253325

pc98 is definitely pixel art homie

>> No.4253898

some styles like pixel art have never, and will never work and are just a byproduct of that era's technology, kill yourself you fucking piece of shit boomer

>> No.4253919
File: 1.02 MB, 721x504, 1533038003433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pc98 had amazing pixel art.

>> No.4253969

That looks like shit

>> No.4254210
File: 58 KB, 640x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking.

>> No.4254220

Yup still awful

>> No.4255964

doesnt make sense

>> No.4256157

i dont think it will work well.
However that may be me being a pessimist.
Try it anyway.