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File: 141 KB, 1240x1240, PenNameForLewdArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4239692 No.4239692 [Reply] [Original]

Having a tough time deciding on a pen name for lewd art.

I'm at the point where I'm okay enough to earn a few bucks on simple stuff and quite a few miles away from really high end stuff.

I can't decide on a name/alias for lewd art.

On one hand, I want to use my real name because I just want to draw and to not care about what my fake name is on the internet. I fear if I choose a name I don't like, I might one day get dissatisfied with it, want to change it, and then anyone who follows my stuff has to find a new name.

On the other hand, I fear if I use my real name, it might limit the sorts of requests I'm willing to take on (I might be afraid to put my real name on some really nasty stuff). I don't want to feel limited as to what requests I can I fulfill because I'm still new enough that I can't be picky and I really do want to actually make money.

There's also the problem that if I choose a pen name and I make something I really like under that name, it becomes difficult for me to share that with people I know in real life since they'll easily see the other really explicit things I've been up to.

How have people here on /ic/ navigated this? What sort of advice would you have for me? I just want to draw and I'm really bad when it comes to overthinking nonsense like this.

>> No.4239711

There have been multiple threads about this before just look up 'art name' on your favorite ic archive site
Don't see why we need an entire thread to choose a username for You and your essay but good luck

>> No.4239759

Take a word. Lets go with "Butterfly"

Change said word a bit. I removed "Ter"

Change again. I appended "-ext" to T

Let's keep editing the word a few times

Now we have "Buxfleny", a unique-sounding word. Do it with a different word, or take it; I don't really care.

And realize that "NSFW pen names" don't exist. Just names. Apple, Ford, Target, Best Buy, Shell, and many others don't give any hint as to what they do.
What you do with your name is what matters.

>> No.4239761
File: 39 KB, 276x546, 1571048340012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Coomers aren't human who cares if you get harassed?
- Make an unwatermarked version of your drawing and then you can show it to everyone by sending them the file directly instead of your Twatter. Mirror it for good measure;
- Your name is now SlumberShoes, welcome.

>> No.4239778

How about "GayRetard69"

>> No.4239784


>> No.4239795

One of my friends used their real name for all their art and comissions.
They later changed it because if they were ever to get into the professional biz as they want to it would suck to search their name and see that they used to make a living drawing hyper furries for 30 bux a piece every day.
It pays well but its not something to put on a resume.

>> No.4239797


>> No.4239821

seconding this

>> No.4239831

Miso Horny

>> No.4239853


>> No.4239907

Just remember that whatever name you choose, people WILL recognize your art eventually. For example, "Tatsubon" the author of fluffy yuri " Tadokoro-san" turned out to be a depraved hentai artist with a futa fetish


This has literally cost her thousands of dollars as yuri fans dump her works in disgust

>> No.4239919


>> No.4239943

>literally thousands of dollars
she probably made an ungodly amount of money from the hardcore stuff. there's so much hardcore stuff coming out in japan that is so high quality (artwise at least in comparison to western smut) that it must be lucrative

>> No.4239956


>> No.4239960

robbie mcmuffin

>> No.4240096

how about Penix

>> No.4240129


>> No.4240138


>> No.4240247

Translate your name to another language, for example Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc

>> No.4240257

Do your normal username but backwards

>> No.4240262

She's clearly not even trying to hide it. Exclusive yurifags that will drop her is a microscopic minority among a minority, and they're probably non-paying Western fans. Pretty much everybody else won't give a fuck.

>> No.4240265

This. I mean, the guy who designed the characters for Lilo and stitch draws porn and nude pinups all the time. The blonde lifeguard girl in the movie was actually a character from his lewds. And he drew all his lewds and Disney stuff under his real name like a real man. Nobody gives a fuck about it either.

>> No.4240272

Splooge from Lake Flacid

>> No.4240290

I feel like OP is trying to get his hands on some degenerate drawing, probably some furry shit, also Chris Sanders pinups are pretty tame.

>> No.4240292

MC roast beef
Squirts a lot
OLAF destroyer of ass

>> No.4240471

>probably some furry shit,
I'm dying laughing at the fact that the first "degenerate" thing you though of is furry.
Nobody aside from out of touch people or prudes would give a flying fuck about furry porn unless it was straight up feral or cub, or was attached to something weird like glowing genitals or was rendered uncomfortably realistically
None of you bothered to read the OP in full and are thusly part of "The Cancer"

>> No.4240501
File: 1.34 MB, 680x510, 8b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use your real name for SFW stuff and use your name spelled backwards for porn.

Or just go all in, disregard what plebs think about you drawing porn for cash and publish everything under your own name.

Hear, hear!

>> No.4240596

just use fucking anything, it doesnt matter if youre good enough

Look at "justmegabenewell", names a literal meme but he has his audience

>> No.4240625

i know some guys who uses their real names, based as fuck, they just don't put the complete name i mean the letter by letter, because doesnt look very appealing if your name is boring. So if your name is... let's say in spanish "José Carrasco Muñoz" you put Jose C. or "José C.M" or in english like those presidents; George Walker Bush is "George W. Bush" or you could put "W. Bush".
Also using your name with somekind of creativity is more ok with your inner self, so later there is less chance that the name you use will dislike you over time

>> No.4240690

doesnt matter as long as it's unique enough that your work is going to be the first thing that's going to show up when it's googled

>> No.4240774
File: 64 KB, 970x545, 1572820026243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't use a full-blown fantasy name. I forgot so many artists because their name was just some weird gibberish name you would give your Skyrim character. Just pick to two words and combine them.

>> No.4241183

my handle for loli art is ginko i just choosen plants lol

>> No.4241300

>I might one day get dissatisfied with it, want to change it, and then anyone who follows my stuff has to find a new name.
And I'm bored. You know what you should do? You should take up the name of someone who's already switched accounts-after all, you just stated their audience doesn't migrate

>None of you bothered to read the OP in full and are thusly part of "The Cancer"
90 % of those are mocking you, how are you this stupid?
No seriously, how are you this stupid?

>> No.4241311


>> No.4241324

>how are you this stupid?
How are you this illiterate? It doesn't matter if they're mocking the OP, their joke rests on the fact that they didn't fucking read the post.
>You should take up the name of someone who's already switched accounts-after all, you just stated their audience doesn't migrate
It should be impossible for someone to find this site and be unable to read or know how the internet works.

>> No.4241330

>This has literally cost her thousands of dollars as yuri fans dump her works in disgust
Man, I'm starting to think that when I make an account then I will post cutesy pictures and softcore lewd stuff in quick succession so that I don't amass a following of pissbabies to begin with.

>> No.4241336

The page you linked to doesn't exist.

>> No.4241356

>How have people here on /ic/ navigated this? What sort of advice would you have for me?
Yeah, I chose a random name from a song title for an old song I like. Just keep it short and sweet and unique enough that you don't have to use numbers. Nobody cares and a few weeks after choosing it neither will you.

>> No.4241388

>Nobody aside from out of touch people or prudes would give a flying fuck about furry porn
Anon, most people get weirded out by furry art even if you're doing SFW content only

>> No.4242212

Take your initials
Reverse them
Turn them into letters/numbers that look similar (5 to S, O to C, etc.)
Extrapolate something dumb from there

The One True Chad move is to go public using your real name; stop trying to hide/disassociate your NSFW stuff because it will just get you into trouble later.

>> No.4242444

Triggered furry weirdo absolutely seething

>> No.4242466

They certainly like to exaggerate, that's for sure

>> No.4242485

Furries sure like to downplay how creepy they are, that's for sure.

>> No.4242526

You could try a combo of your real name and a pen name, list your art as created by your pen name and reveal yourself as the pen name elsewhere.
While people will be able to see who the artist is if they research it, your name won't be readily available to everyone who is just looking at your art

>> No.4242546

Do corkscrew
Screw Cork
I ain't picky

>> No.4242568


>> No.4242590


>> No.4242672

Penny Painter Shekelburg

>> No.4242674

Art Whore
>"I'm not a slit who does it for fun, I'm a whore who does it for dosh"

>> No.4242720

every recent artist i've seen with a good name always makes reddit-tier shit art.
Just use a regular MMO/Forum-tier username and be consistent.

>> No.4243786

pick a phrase from a cartoon you like
>pee pee time
now rip out a bunch of vowels
now make it stupid
and you're done yay

also this thread fucking sucks fuck off

>> No.4244053

random word + chan

>> No.4244385
File: 471 KB, 678x549, unknown-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I have changed my name like 3 times now, and each of my blogs is under a different one because one costs money to change, and another cannot be changed whatsoever.
The boorus that have my art on them don't even use my most recent one as a tag.
Worst part is, I want to change it again because it's fucking retarded and hard to remember (just some gibberish that's hard to pronounce). It's not even spe ial or meaningful to me so idk why the fuck I decided on it. At points I just want to delete all my shit and restart as someone else.

TL;DR make a name that is easy to remember and pronounce, and make sure you can REALLY fucking stick with it cause changing it a year in will only bring confusion.

>> No.4244905

lewdy mclewderson

>> No.4246308
File: 72 KB, 520x733, 4368ffd91b26eac05e1b708ed2c63a68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute word + animal
It's memorable and you could also use the animal as a persona. I know plenty of artists who do it. Make sure it has a positive feeling to it.

>> No.4246341

>How have people here on /ic/ navigated this?

Don't be a fucking retard and use any part of your real name when you post lewd art.

One fucking day it's going to bite into your ass hard and you will regret it big time.

>> No.4246757

Real men post porn under their real names. Real men do not fear regret. If you're going to regret getting found out, don't post NSFW shit anywhere

>> No.4248222

David Duke

>> No.4250020


Good enough

>> No.4250507


>> No.4252306

Isn't it kind of obvious?

If it's just softcore, pinups or whatever it's probably fine to use your real name.

If it's straight up porn and you fear backlash - use a pen name.

>> No.4252336

Pen names don't mean shit. If you post porn on a pseudonym, and post sfw shit on your real name, the autists of the internet WILL figure it out eventually. They will compare your style to other similar artists until they find your sfw account.

It's inevitable. They will find you. It's best to just be open about it and have separate accounts but link to each other.

>> No.4254041

play with your name change it in a way no one can find (you are a french and you like jap name?
change it and make it sound jap)
charles lee char

>> No.4254045

I don't think they are intentionally downplaying it, >>4240471 actually believes that normal people don't think furry art is weird. This is part of why people are creeped out by furries.

>> No.4254133

Perfect choice.

>> No.4254426

I’m not giving you a name, I’m just amused that you’re crafting a name completely different than your SFW name. I thought I was the only one.

>> No.4254451

>I don't think they are intentionally downplaying it, >>4240471 (You) actually believes that normal people don't think furry art is weird.
Unless someone has a comprehensive study measuring what average people think of furry art this will ultimately just be your opinion against theirs.