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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 654 KB, 1280x1790, before and after.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4235456 No.4235456 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post drawings before and after

Really interested to see these messy beginner drawings and the finished works they turn into

>> No.4235460

>looks worse
Every time

>> No.4235473

>ugly dull rendering and colors
>fucked up perfectly good facial expressions
just why

>> No.4235482

soul vs soulless

>> No.4235484

>rendermonkeys in a nutshell

>> No.4235489


>> No.4235490

Is this why your sketches shouldn't have chicken scratching?

>> No.4235501

No, he just completely fucked up in every way if he was even the one doing the inking and colouring

>> No.4235534

Restating lines looking for what looks right is not chicken scratching desu, that's just one of the crab's most popular memes, and you can see artists going over the same line and then refining it with an eraser in pretty much all process vids except for kim jung gi spergy style

>> No.4235544
File: 392 KB, 636x914, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those without autism

>> No.4235547
File: 937 KB, 669x947, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235560

no he just doesn't know how to paint

>> No.4235564
File: 617 KB, 1280x1829, f92cdb670918f9f0629ab734c14c2483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235568
File: 833 KB, 1466x2080, 84zTq4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235608

Aren't these Kiyoshiro Inoue? If so he definitely doesn't belong here, guy's got decent technical chops for a dojin artist.

>> No.4235628

oh shit I didn't even read the OP ahaha.
I'll just leave the post up though.

>> No.4235632
File: 909 KB, 527x2340, synechdoche-process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235704

unironically i prefer the sketches

>> No.4235731
File: 232 KB, 850x300, IMG_2710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235739

please dont ever say this to an actual artist about their work.
"oh you could have stopped 5 hours ago, all this shit just ruined it"

>> No.4235740

oh thank god you dont prefer them IRONICALLY, that would be LITERALLY cringe unironically

>> No.4235748

I'm convinced most mangakers don't know how to ink. It's like they're determined to suck the contrast created from restated lines out by deliberately not varying linewidth like they're using a ballpoint. How do you become skillful enough to create something that looks good only to intentionally fuck it up?

>> No.4235752

it always baffles me when retards start using memespeak like it means something. Can't risk being genuine and vulnerable lest people mistake you for being "le ebin troll"

>> No.4235754


>> No.4235758

Face reality

>> No.4235759

>color it
>it looks like shit

Why does this happen always

>> No.4235763

made it tier all the way through

>> No.4235764

thats not what a sketch is for. it seems people that dont draw dont understand at all. this thread is a good lesson to never show your sketches.

>> No.4235767
File: 32 KB, 748x410, oda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think oda must show only show off his shittiest sketches for this purpose.

>> No.4235768

Someone once said if your finished worked looks better than your sketches you're doing something wrong

>> No.4235769
File: 1.28 MB, 1069x1834, 87F2DAE1-083D-4BBF-9E80-658D074593DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason people who are good at drawing are shit coloring and people who are shit at drawing are good with colors. Trying to find the balance between the two can be hard, unless your like this guy.

>> No.4235770

>Make art that people like
>b-b-but it's not finished yet!
>Ruin it with bullshit
>There, now you have my permission to like it

>> No.4235772


>> No.4235773

this is 4chan you retard dont ever post that again

>> No.4235775

pure soul

>> No.4235777

>Make art that people like
theyre not meant to see that step at all. nobody liked it. nothing was ruined.

>> No.4235782

I’m sorry Anon-kun, please forgive me.

>> No.4235813

So because they "weren't meant to see it" means they shouldn't like it? What kind of bullshit logic is this? If people like the intermediate stage more than the finish work, then why bother finishing it? You're just wasting your own time to make lower quality art.

>> No.4235819

That's how you can seperate who is a hack and who is not. Hacks just care about technical drawing ability, color is a very abstract thing and they don't understand it because the have no real artistic vision.

>> No.4235820

Why not, it says there's probably something wrong with their final lineart, colouring, or rendering.
Normally a sketch should not be ruined by the final artwork.

>> No.4235830

Because they suck at painting.

It's a separate skill from sketching, you know.

>> No.4235835
File: 2.66 MB, 2450x3500, Scan_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's either misquoted or just a bad assessment.
Case in point, see attached picture.

>> No.4235842

I don't see how it is, sketches always have more soul than the final piece

>> No.4235871

ok more like this

>> No.4235877

>thread about posting before and after art
>49 replies 9 images


>> No.4235878

>sketches always have more soul than the final piece

no art has soul unless it's done by one of the upper echelon nips

>> No.4235897 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 850x1189, IMG_2711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235900 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4235904
File: 1.56 MB, 1843x998, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my own work but i think this counts?

>> No.4235909
File: 47 KB, 494x707, IMG_2715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All sketches have more soul than the final produ-

>> No.4235912
File: 128 KB, 1150x1600, IMG_2716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235932

Almost invariably those who say their sketches look better than their finished drawings don't draw as well as they think. The thing about a sketch is, since you haven't committed to any lines, you can read a lot into it that isn't actually there. It's like seeing shapes in clouds or inkblots. Clouds are clouds, inkblots are inkblots. Their nature is ambiguous, so you see what you want. A fear of commitment to a line, of deciding, lies beneath sketchaphilia.
The point of sketching is not to instantly make a badass drawing and then to trace over it 1:1 with stabilizer set to 10000%. You're supposed to rough out an idea and build it up to an ever greater state of completion. You continue to evolve the drawing from the initial (probably shit) plan, bring out the best in it, push the drawing in a more decisive, designed direction. You only do this by knowing, really truly knowing, how to draw the thing though. Not by guessing. Guessing no longer works when it comes time to commit to a line, and so "inking," as it's called, reveals weakness that many would rather ignore than confront.

>> No.4235945


>> No.4235947
File: 959 KB, 1339x1800, 1142283-jimlee_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The thing about a sketch is, since you haven't committed to any lines, you can read a lot into it that isn't actually there

Ah a fellow memer i see

>> No.4235948

Ho many threads for generic uninspired animu smut . do you faggots need?

>> No.4235951

God I wish these beautiful sketches weren’t ruined by the time they get in the comic.

>> No.4235958

You could not have picked a worst example for your point than Jim Lee. Have you seen the absolute frenzied babyscribbles his drawings start out as? Go ahead and check his youtube channel right now. These are finished pencil drawings ready to be inked for comics. In reality he doesn't start at this stage, he builds his way up exactly as I described. And when it comes time to ink, he doesn't timidly trace his own work like some amateur, as if everything has already been resolved and now, oh god, just please be careful not to fuck it up! He snaps his lines out confidently and lets intuition and experience take over. If he makes a mistake, he inks over it or uses white-out.
This term "inking" just stop being used outside very specific contexts. Inking is not some special drawing skill you practice separately from sketching. I mean it kind of is, but literally it's just finishing a drawing, it's a process not a step.

>> No.4235961

>w-well his sketches start shitty!!

Okay so the fuck what stop moving the goalposts

>> No.4235967

>The point of sketching is not to instantly make a badass drawing

Obviously you're intent on arguing with me in 4chan memespeak instead of reading and understanding what I said. Why am I bothering with you? I don't even know.

>> No.4235968

Cause youre dumb probably

>> No.4235975

So we're done here? You have no point? "ur dum, my fellow memer!, goalposts" etc.
Okay cool.

>> No.4235977

Ur just so smart and epic what can i do

>> No.4235981

You know this ironic cool kids aversion to sincere discussion is why you all stagnate and remain forever retarded at something as simple as drawing. How can you learn anything or see when you're too busy being cool and concise and doubling down on your retarded ways for fear of losing face? I only hope you're underage and you grow out of it. That's all I wanted to say. Go ahead and get your last word.

>> No.4235982

> i am smart and mature u r just a kid i bet ur a little kid, kid


>> No.4235988
File: 269 KB, 1400x900, 1552450866008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic

>> No.4235992

people need to hear this. artists will always overwork their art. you should always be reminding yourself that the piece is done before you think it is.

>> No.4236043

why does rendered look like trash? I love that work-in-progress look. It's more three dimensional, more soulful, more dynamic and lively, not as stiff

>> No.4236054

Because you have been conditioned by /ic/'s tribal mindset that if something is rendered it is automatically trash.

Or you are just baiting... it doesn't matter which because both options make a you a sad person.

>> No.4236055

Before looked better. Especially the expressions were much better.

>> No.4236057

That's how I feel about animation.
Keyframes look amazing, then once colors are added, it feels like mediocre anime.

>> No.4236058

>you can't even tell how delicious the legs are and everything until the end where it's rendered
What is this magic?

>> No.4236064

hol up yo. that was man?!

>> No.4236066

>all that understanding on the left was needed for the result on the right
To be fair though, the left has texture and the right completely lacks that flare.

>> No.4236078

nah. It's because trash-tier nip artists trace their sketches zoomed all the way fucking in with a lazy pen so that the lineart lacks any of the original dynamism and they cant correct for any glaringly obvious mistakes in perspective. To top it off with this particular case the artist has no idea of the light source and the colors lack any saturation making it look bland af.

>> No.4236088

What is that?

>> No.4236126

because it's completely bland with horrible color choices, lack of contrast, and almost everything soft edges. the blonde girl went cross-eyed

>> No.4236184

Really now Anon, I am quite confident that no matter how well rendered or detailed it would be you still call it trash.

>> No.4236266

I'm so fucking angry

>> No.4236269
File: 52 KB, 500x416, shaving-before-after-56337241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left: sketch
Right: clean linear

>> No.4236297

This but in opposite

>> No.4236487

Because he's bad at rendering, lighting and colors.
A lot of the thicker lines in the sketch seem to suggest shadow, but he isn't taking enough advantage of this in the final piece, which ends up with everything looking flatter.
The colors seem washed out because he probably just painted directly over the pure white background and he doesn't use contrast as effectively as he could.

>> No.4236494

Also he toned down the expressions of the moeblobs for some reason.

>> No.4236540
File: 477 KB, 1654x1248, 4738941-9486928928-WzpKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4236547
File: 3.14 MB, 334x501, received_2287721311544317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the few ones where I'm confident on the final piece

>> No.4236548
File: 187 KB, 667x1000, EBbZn_qXYAIFayJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But even then I had like 10 different rendering variations, it's just too many variables that might make it worse than the sketch.

>> No.4236561

What if I told you they were both shitty.

>> No.4236564

Pls don't. I haven't gotten much better since then

>> No.4236565

Not that guy but I must concur. They're both shit mate. We're not here to coddle you, if you're looking to play buttgrab fuck off to Jewbook.

>> No.4236566

Is it possible to get the grayscale with ink and washing, or is it best to use digital?

>> No.4236569

Just saying they're "shitty" without explaining in what way they could be improved isn't very useful either. That's not critique that's just crabbing

>> No.4236572

Be my guest. Care to explain?

>> No.4236575

Even if it's just "the face of the bearded guy on the left looks like it's melting" it's more informative and useful to the artist because it tells him what to focus on.

"It's shit" doesn't help him improve in anyway which is the purpose of critique.

>> No.4236578

Nah it's fine if there's nothing to explain, I knew I was getting risky posting outside of /beg/. >>4236575 wait I had never noticed that, nice. Now I'll try to do something good before this thread dies

>> No.4236584

You know you've just also said something ambiguous and useless, you might as well just call it for what it is a pile of shit. You know what else you could of said? Read the sticky, at least it tells him what to study on. "the face on the left" doesn't help them in anyway either and no focusing on specifics is not any better the entire piece is fundamentally flawed.

>y-you're just a crab! Snibbety snab x-D
We were all treated the same way and referred to the sticky once upon a time and we figured it out on our own use your fucking head and put two and two together. He needs to make his own observations instead of somebody spoon feeding him he won't learn shit if someone holds his hand. Stop coddling him.

>> No.4236593

>"the face on the left" doesn't help them in anyway
That's true the drawing is at that level where the most useful thing would be to redline it. It was just an example. Of course redlining takes effort and exposes your own weaknesses which is why you're not going to do it.

>> No.4237128

why couldn't this guy just keep drawing cute tomboy demon girls instead of traps and shota?

>> No.4237146

>"It's shit" doesn't help him improve in anyway which is the purpose of critique.
but it is easier, quicker and more satisfying to say "it's shit" I mean most people are only here to insult others because that makes them feel better about themselves.

>> No.4237150

If everyone had the same alpha mentality as you we would still be living in caves.

>> No.4237152

I might be retarded. I thought at first she had shoes on her hands

>> No.4237160
File: 214 KB, 1280x946, 8ef14c9c1c05fefdd9a39d6f405168bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know synecdoche is a digital artist, so you'll probably have an easier time if you're practicing with digital. Ink and wash is very difficult and takes a lot practice. You can always just use ink, and for greyscale use screentones. Someone in this thread has already mentioned Jim Lee - look up David Finch and watch some of his YouTube videos, he's a penciler when it comes to his comics - and has others ink for him, but his sketching and rendering helps create solid form, beautiful texture and fluid, dynamic linework.

>> No.4237167

Do markers count? OPM has quite the grayscale.

>> No.4237172

Still prefer the sketch. Sketches always have better economy of forms due to how fast theyre done. For example look at the shoulder in the sketch it has more of a for to it you can clearly make out the shoulder blade and angle of the shoulder. Final render its a soft blobby mess that lost the sketche's design feeling

>> No.4237198

Yeah it's because he had nice subtle shifts in tone in his pencil work and he just shit ink all over it.

>> No.4237217

depends who is saying it. if its a non-artist, they can fuck off, cos theyre seeing shit in the sketch that isnt there.

>> No.4237218
File: 177 KB, 270x278, 1575146996162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sketch looks promising
>"finished" work look like step 2 without next 10 steps
oh no no no no

>> No.4237226

>cos theyre seeing shit in the sketch that isnt there.
that's what art is. they're probably right either way, get your head out of your ass.

>> No.4237228

It's always the non-artists that prefer the full finished piece

>> No.4237230
File: 63 KB, 442x509, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when are the master mangaka on /ic/ going to step up and show us how the lineart should have looked? everything you need is here.

>> No.4237232

>get your head out of your ass.
no. i stand by my ass-ertion. never show anything but the piece that best matches your vision to the public.

>> No.4237239

Aren’t those different artists? I though it was a similar situation to one punch man where they bring in an artist to polish it for the unwashed masses, except the author isn’t a /beg/, he just doesn’t give a shit because he saved shouldn’t jump from bankruptcy.
Is also unironically soul vs soulless

>> No.4237247

best part is the left got published in jump

>> No.4237264

I know this might come as a shock to you but commercially published Manga is usually a group effort (depending on how famous it is). The basic panels and sketches are usually (but not always) done by the Mangaka and then assistants or even occasionally hired specialists that can range from a few to several people that actually spend time grinding out the fine details. It is a huge amount of work because there are strict deadlines (and theoretically also quality controls) that need to be met. And that is not even attending meetings with the publisher daily who are butting the workflow every week asking you change something because their ratings show it will sell better with those changes which then mess up the story and forces everyone to redo entire pages they already produced.

>> No.4237266
File: 93 KB, 786x874, linesbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey mr chinese comic man, pls show us your wip
>no they suck (laughs)
>plssss, so we can learn what unfinished manga look like
>ok, to teach
> /elsewhere/ wow, this guy sucks at finishing his work
weebs are preeetty fucking rude.

>> No.4237267
File: 70 KB, 478x571, yujd9b90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its weird because the hair have different roots between the finished version and the rough version. There are also a lot of details that wasn't follow up upon in the final version for some reason, even though judging by the sketch they seem to understand what they were, like the bangs, but flatten it out for the final version, I don't know why that is. The color selections are also very washed out and flat... I wonder if their screen is being calibrate correctly, maybe its actually darker and more vibrant on the ones that they are working on.

>> No.4237278
File: 462 KB, 1500x1210, 82FAF6B4-43CC-4BE6-884B-C8FC5211C76A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, nigger, I mean the left is an entirely different publication. It’s not a sketch, it’s the actual manga. The right is the tank where they bring in people to redraw it so they can sell it to the average pleb.
Just like ONE’s OPM webcomic isn’t a sketch for the manga, the manga is a redraw for the lowest common denominator market.

>> No.4237288
File: 55 KB, 456x614, 1560819279601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4237290

>washed out and flat..
is the story a dream sequence or something? if the rest of the doujin isnt coloured it could just be they dont colour much, and tried avoiding oversaturation but went too far. and changing the lines to account for colour detail, but the light colours working completely against that idea.
maybe there was a time crunch to get it done before a certain con.

>> No.4237316

i like these.

>> No.4237329

why has she got piss in her hair, are you colorblind?

>> No.4237354

piss doesnt stay yellow in hair, it soaks in.

>> No.4237396

Weak piss game detected

>> No.4237408

Why does it look so western now? Not trying to start shit, I could never figure out why non-asians paint/draw anime so differently.

>> No.4237418

>Why does it look so western now?
Because it’s not shit.

>> No.4237420

Oof, /ic/ is a cesspool

>> No.4237422

took you long enough

>> No.4237441


High quality bait.

>> No.4237474

im chinese you ass

>> No.4237480

Chinks are the burgers of rice

>> No.4237520
File: 779 KB, 954x1371, inkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an inking practice thread

>> No.4237549

Why you giving em gorilla arms?

>> No.4237576
File: 565 KB, 1680x2000, lineart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4237602

No, more 'artists' need to know when they are decent at sketching but shit at rendering, because they're trying too hard to control how they're rendering and not letting things progress in an appealing manner.

>> No.4237605

We have a winner!

>> No.4237610
File: 785 KB, 954x1371, gorillachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the arms looked to short in the draft, especially since they're moving forward in space. So this looks more correct? and thanks anon I would have never caught that.

>> No.4237612

much better

>> No.4237614

Finally some good ones.

>> No.4237631

>>4235456 i kind lile more the sketch, the expression on their faces look better

>> No.4237658

You said are they different artists and NO, they're not. And NO it's nothing like OPM. OPM is a webcomic that is being redrawn by another artist, with consulting by the original mangaka.

Hunter x Hunter on the left is what was drawn for the weekly publication while the right was redrawn (by the same artist) for the actual tankoban release

>> No.4237665
File: 143 KB, 1200x848, 2019NOV23_rococo_doodle_get_a_load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it does not offend me. My friends on komica occasionally say the same thing. Regardless whether I'm asian of not, I am kind of interested in if you based on your assertion on some sort of observable aesthetic characteristic or something that came from your instinct.

>> No.4238001
File: 383 KB, 595x842, 1575325142677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my life anons

>> No.4238029


>> No.4238033

Is zooming in for inking bad? I’ve noticed my lines look like shit on a technical level when I do it, like I have size jitter on, or they’re extra uneven and pixelated

>> No.4238035

Both done by the same guy (granted the right probably had assistants working on it as well).
Togashi is a very good artist, but he’s known for occasionally submitting rushed scribbles into Jump from time to time.

>> No.4238341

I read your post then expanded the image

>"wait, if these aren't shoes, what are they supposed to be?"
>zoom in 100%
>oh... wait a second

>> No.4238345

Putting down base colors with a few shades doesnt make them render monkies lol

>> No.4238353

Kringle, You are one ugly girl. You never finish anything and cant even bother to bring things half way. You dont capture movement, proportion with any of the charaters you draw. You are the definition of muh style. Stay in your little /dad/ circle jerk.

>> No.4238411

No zooming in is good. If it's pixelated you need a bigger canvas.

>> No.4238456

>being this offended by someone/'s tendencies

>> No.4238481
File: 366 KB, 735x1000, ink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4238544

id like to see rendering too.

its fair that you do the inks with intention to render if you want it compared to the original.

>> No.4238548

Man I've been taking so much time out for just inking this already y'all want it rendered too? Fuck.

>> No.4238642

imagine believing this

>> No.4238656

ask this anon >>4237576

>> No.4238817

not on yours specifically. id like to see it without the underlay of the sketch.

>> No.4238952

Why does it look like shit and progressively look worse

>> No.4238958

Drop the airbrush retard

>> No.4238962
File: 1.06 MB, 1875x942, Photoshop_qg8Ibg36PB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was also called western sometimes anon. I think it's about the subtleness. Despite looking simple, anime is very subtle, while "western" anime is too bold, from the lineart to the rendering, therefore they look like shit.

>> No.4238990

I hate people like you because you're right in what you say, but you're wrong on everything else, holy shit.

>> No.4238996

Maybe it's because the way japan does it is backwards and kind of wrong and the way the west does it is grounded in traditional fundamentals and is "technically" correct.

>> No.4239001

I don't get it?

>> No.4239002

Honestly, it's the lack of fundamentals behind the work that has a lot of that effect. Western stuff just looks like they're copying anime styles like a 10 year old kid with one of those bad "how to draw anime" books, not understanding the realistic anatomy or simple 3D forms that go into it. Westerners seem to have the idea that you don't need fundamentals to do stylized work, and in Japan they seem to understand that concept much better.

Plus I feel like westerners idea of anime can be a little different from Japan's in the first place. I've heard people call Avatar the last Airbender "anime style" listed right along with Miyazaki movies. So the influences are pretty different too.

>> No.4239004

You've got it backwards. Not that those people don't exist in Japan but in my experience, the majority of Japanese study their fundies and the majority of westerners don't.

>> No.4239016

>I feel like westerners idea of anime can be a little different from Japan's in the first place
I think this one is the most correct. Westerners draw something that looks almost anime but misses the mark completely and then they rationalize the differences in their own drawings as their own unique "style".

>> No.4239042

End your life right this moment, you piece of shit!

>> No.4239044

Who did you copy this time?

>> No.4239046

damn it!!!!!!!

>> No.4239047

Pyw or gtfo crab

>> No.4239049

Answer my question first.

>> No.4239051

Fuck you yankee trash. I live breathe and eat Texas. End yourself for not being part of the best state in the USA.

>> No.4239055

A state that lost the Civil War kek

>> No.4239058
File: 266 KB, 2072x932, norasuko before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4239060

Texas is the only Confederate State that was never invaded by the North. Texas didn’t “lose” it was those other cucks that screwed it up.

>> No.4239061

oh look, it's that faggot obsessed with norasuko again.

>> No.4239062


>> No.4239089

Tell that to fucking Repin paintings

That's it, you're just shit at rendering

>> No.4239091

The facial structure in the left panel is much better in my opinion.

>> No.4239102

And do you have any examples of preliminary sketches or studies alongside his work?

>> No.4239107

>someone once said
oh no

>> No.4239121

We can secede from the USA whenever we want, you know. That was our only condition for joining. Can your pansy-ass state become a country whenever they want? Nope. Texas was playing the long game while y'all dummies were playing the short game. Really speaks to how smart y'all were lmao. Texas master race

>> No.4239128
File: 88 KB, 683x738, e79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, this one's from cossacks

If Repin spends an hour on a piece, you can see an hour of his greatness in it. If he spends a month, you can see a month.
Spend less time drawing unfinished sketches, finish more pieces and maybe you'll close that gap

>> No.4239133

>Spend less time drawing unfinished sketches, finish more pieces and maybe you'll close that gap
/ic/ never wants to do this but it would help all of you so much more than only doing unfinished studies and never following a piece through until the end. It's like nobody knows how to finish a drawing here even if they do get good at things like anatomy or fundamentals.

>> No.4239139

Really shows how bad rendering can totally ruin a good sketch

>> No.4239295
File: 227 KB, 866x1268, Screenshot_20191203-221154_MediBang Paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a god damn gift
Good point

>> No.4239326

Please sort by newest on pixiv. Shitty artists are everywhere, you just get to see the good ones getting transported to western websites

>> No.4239342

im working on it, mom

>> No.4239365

bro when you realize someone is trolling just say


and move on

>> No.4239375

it's because sketches are less boring to look at

>> No.4241228
File: 1.17 MB, 2727x1359, process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is still in progress but its the only thing I really have atm

>> No.4241255

>stiff pose
>those eyes
>that rendering
>that shitty gesture
are you that faggot "emily" or should i say rush. your shit hasnt changed in the last 2-3 years.

>> No.4241264

I hate the way you block out the head almost as much as the generic open mouth anime face you made out of it.

>> No.4241276

qt girls

>> No.4241284

Who the fuck is emily

>> No.4241289

nice same fagging

>> No.4241290
File: 166 KB, 969x839, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize the shitty pixel brush and the fact that you cant draw hands and feet still

>> No.4241293

I think you should be more mindful of the texture of your handing, anonfriend. The random hatching on her hair gives it a rough and scratchy appearance.

>> No.4241296

I'm not sure why you're posting your work, anon. I didn't ask

>> No.4241299

nice try, but i know your shitty hands and eyes anywhere.

>> No.4241305

Sorry, but I'm not whoever this artist is, lol.
The only thing similar is that we both draw modern anime art style

>> No.4241320

I know who you're talking about and they don't render legs like that

>> No.4241332

God I hope im good enough to one day have seething faggots like you shit on me on /ic/.

>> No.4241342

I like the middle a lot more than how you're rendering it. Though it might seem generic, I like it.

>> No.4241349

What makes you like the middle more? I think the colors are really muddy and ugly there

>> No.4241353

It stylistically meshes well and the whole drawing comes together better.

>> No.4241368

If this shit is what you call “good enough” well be sorry for yourself that you wont even accomplish repulsive weeaboo trash.

>> No.4241412

Yaaaaaaas cope queen

>> No.4241434

>unironically believing this lie
Look up the Texas v. White supreme court case, and then feel free to cry over it during your bbq incest hick parties.

>> No.4241464

>bbq incest hick parties
this sounds fun. where do i sign up?

>> No.4241535

I'll have you know that I'm a tad disappointed you traded out the polkadots. I still love your work though.

>> No.4241541

Because fuck you I want my fetishes drawn too.

>> No.4241604

My definition of making it is now having crabs on /ic/ obsess over me like that, it's kind of a testiment of skill when people are so emotionally invested in putting you down.

>> No.4241610

>muh objective dogma
>from an """artist""" of all people
kys, autist.

>> No.4241662

Based for making everyone seeth for practically no reason

>> No.4241681
File: 140 KB, 1000x667, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. guy at skill level of pic related

>> No.4241686

looks good, disregard the other jelly cucks

>> No.4241944

ROFL, he's a fucking master of the craft. Stop acting so high and mighty, you absolute crab.

>> No.4241979
File: 970 KB, 1242x1208, 3B9535B0-C49E-4969-8492-8B0931744D5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you imagine ragging on a literal who when you draw like pic related

>> No.4242100

great stuff anon, love the rendering on the hair and the pose looks great.
I liked the dot leggings but that's just a taste thing

>> No.4242166
File: 793 KB, 2224x1668, stockings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anons. This is my first time really posting on here so I was a little off put

Is this better? I thought the polk-a-dots looked a little weird rendered. Also thank you for the kind comments :)

>> No.4242187

Definitely cuter, and with this piece I'd go for cute over sexy anyways.

>> No.4242201

This is actually pretty cute and you were able to nail the anime art style pretty well,though I preferred the red scarf

>> No.4242220

For real, why does she have a steamy pussy
But it is genuinely great you should finish rendering her clothes

>> No.4242251

Thank you anons :)
The scarf was originally going to be orange, but the client asked me to change it to blue

>> No.4242286

I love them. Very cute polka dots. Thanks for the efforts senpai.

>> No.4242973
File: 333 KB, 1158x649, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello im the real "emily",,,,,soz for random hate i legit dont know whos that guy but i think your work is super cute!!

>> No.4242981

Thank you ^^
Your work is cute! Do you have a blog?

>> No.4243239

What brush do you use for lineart?

>> No.4243581

Here I used "Dense pencil" ^^ but I duplicated the layer 2 or three times

>> No.4243598

i really dont understand why their abs stop at that point, they go basically up to the base of the chest in most people, i know its meant to be the ribcage, but it still confuses me, are they holding a vacuum pose or something?

>> No.4243605
File: 15 KB, 197x303, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a stylization of abs+oblique+serratus. Check pic related for example.

>> No.4243614

i still prefer the original desu, the shading wave it a sense of atmosphere and it not being evenly shaded also gave the illusion of bounce light

>> No.4243690

what's the trick then? I constantly feel like there's something off when i draw anime heads, i can't comprehend it

>> No.4243717
File: 35 KB, 293x410, figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are they holding a vacuum pose or something
yes plus bridgman

>> No.4243734

Not same anon but In general, I think Westerners are just not surrounded by specifically Anime illustrators. Most westener's only point of reference are screenshots from anime, which is often very rushed or sometimes sloppy drawings. In japan Anime has a big staple in japanese pop culture. And places likes pixiv are good resources if you wanna get good at drawing anime art. The west has little to zero effective books on drawing anime, because there is no genuine demand other than young children who want those kinds of books. So if you want to get good, you will have to look at japanese books and analyze some japanese artists you really like. There isn't really any other special trick, IMO.

Look at speed paints, ”メイキング” is a good term to use. Trace over other anime drawings, and really look at how these artists draw. Grinding fundies helps, but you will realize that a lot of japanese artists aren't /that/ amazing at fundamentals. Unironically, just draw and experiment.... lol

I'm the anon that drew >>4242166 , and I think I am pretty good at capturing the anime art style aesthetic. So I will list some things I have learned from studying:

>Lineart is really thin. Most of the time it is textured pencil brush. On 300 dpi I use about 3-5 pixel sized brush) This also means that because they are so thin, a few artists just don't color their linework
>When Item's are touching/intersecting there are breaks in the lineart. Be very careful though.
>When constructing faces, I find that starting with a circle and putting the baseline where the eyes will be basically at the bottom of the circle helps a lot.
>Shadows can have up to 2 "layers" of darkness if that makes sense.
>In general, rendering has been very wishywashy, some artists render a lot, and some dont. but one thing I have noticed is that "blushing" is used almost everywhere. (where you lightly airbrush specific areas.)
I have a few more but my comment is too long lol.

>> No.4243745

>Some artists use hard round brush, but the ones I follow use a solid brush and blur edges. Arguably the ones that use hard round are not perfectionists when it comes to rendering fabric.
>Hair has two "highlights" one main highlight thats brighter and a slight reflective light above it, where the color may be blue or something like that
>Lightly airbrush Skintone shadow at the edges of the bangs
>Sometimes skintones have two layers of shadows too. The first layer being a red/orangey blush color and the second being more desaturated and darker.

and thats pretty much all I know at the moment. Take what you will with this information

>> No.4243763

>almost fucking die drawing YYH for Jump
>get Jump by the legal balls for your next big manga because they tried to work you into the fucking grave making comics for them
>give them trash sketches to print in their overly-demanding weekly release
>tell them you'll fix it in the tankobon

Togashi is the GOAT.

>> No.4243873


i already did some studies from a japanese book on heads from different angles. studying these basic schemes helped me out a lot on getting the animeish vibes just because of using landmarks, to a point i just symbol draw some parts sometimes. what's funny is that these don't look off, but the parts i try to draw with a more fundamental approach look weird

>> No.4243968

no point in doing construction if you just throw it out the window in the final product

>> No.4243983

>they're not actually the same person

>> No.4243987

their work looks nothing alike lmfao

>> No.4243998

>tfw not just a ngmi now but also blind
N-no, this can't true.

>> No.4244402

Oh my god you are so impossibly fucking stupid

>> No.4245551

I wasn't crabbing, you faggot. I admire the guy and think he's fucking amazing.

>> No.4245566


>> No.4246223

why is her vagina steaming

>> No.4246264

that pussy b boilin

>> No.4246409

oh no no no no

>> No.4246426

This, if your not japanese pls just stop drawing anime, you are better at drawing steven universe style stuff.

>> No.4246444


>> No.4246517

complete the background you lazy slob
no your thicc gf characters are not interesting enough
work harder

>> No.4246667

Flip the image.

>> No.4247474

> tfw draw like a retard but paint like a pro

I have the exact opposite problem, no life in sketches and everything gets sorted in the painting process, this way paintings have fresh energy. This made my life shit because 90% of concept art work is done in the sketch and you never have time to paint.

>> No.4248979

the right was cleaned up and much of the centuries-detailed work has lost.

>> No.4249137

Any blog?

>> No.4249188
File: 342 KB, 1052x1600, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some pencilers even try when their stuff is going to be ruined by bad digital ink and coloring

Pic related, probably my favorite comic art. The one time I went to search for the originals because it was clear the drawings were badass but the final art was iffy

>> No.4249190
File: 406 KB, 1041x1600, PchIQOqV5ZqnsJfJa3B5-Lrhrwgs-pQAl5ZN_Y8-zsW7VcVZxVpSn3WYsshkxSDnxqk_9JZypvqcVA=s1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final version

>> No.4249198
File: 183 KB, 1031x887, Loki003003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4249199
File: 323 KB, 1034x859, h2PxjKHiAKuYs6cQzQF-gSPt3ITJSKVSd-7dSJfSIyGFucbcsHItyvl2xN2irpTJwKCstMAoMfhVmA=s1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4249342
File: 2.77 MB, 2000x2000, leyendecker study 01d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4249345
File: 1.78 MB, 2000x2000, leyendecker study 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4249367

Why so many lines?

>> No.4249371

>forgot to post the rest
after looks preddy good. Especially in the thumbnail.

>> No.4249382

Stop being lazy and finish your drawing.

>> No.4249437

didney worl

>> No.4249472
File: 178 KB, 640x482, 903DCD08-B2B3-4C99-8220-4A87599696D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based east Texas bro. it’s beautiful here

>> No.4249506
File: 2.41 MB, 1200x2493, Krenz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like those kinds of pics OP you should look for Krenz Cushart

>> No.4249606

thats defo not emily get ur eyes checked

>> No.4249708
File: 102 KB, 541x521, 4chan ink prac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge accepted qwq

>> No.4249710
File: 93 KB, 541x521, 4chan ink prac no hatching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hatching

>> No.4250024

Very nice.

>> No.4250235

thank you!

>> No.4250386

it's a study

>> No.4250393

I don't care, finish it

>> No.4250521

Damn that's actually very reinforcing, I like that.

>> No.4250568

All that definition drowned out by a shitty inker. How is this guy a professional? This is what you’re told not to do. Are there any publishers that don’t touch the pencils and just color over them?

>> No.4251790
File: 403 KB, 898x946, leyendecker study 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For accuracy since I'm not good at transferring measurements. I did this measurements as what I see without the help of the computer grid but my imaginary grid.
That's the target I tried to achieve :)
I-It's already finished, anon. I'm trying to apply this newfound knowledge to paint on my own drawings. I'll do another study again so d-don't worry.
Pic related is side by side comparison. The original's to the left and mine's to the right.

>> No.4251927
File: 573 KB, 1988x3056, 2663365b99ad6523c961d02fa6ac7f9f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They left Esad Ribic's pencils alone for Thor God Of Thunder. Just threw the colors on top, worked pretty well imo.

>> No.4252004

Seeing shit like this makes me glad most manga aren't colored

>> No.4252056

Good study

>> No.4252063

Honestly I prefer black and white over colors. With manga you get to see nice lines and good uses of tones and hatchings. The west fucked themselves over with coloring from the start and having it be a necessary requirement. Colors are for normalfags without any appreciation for good art. As long as they see pretty colors they're satisfied

>> No.4252580


>> No.4253083
File: 916 KB, 1580x1189, 2982372-nw19-02-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Togashi is a very good artist, but he’s known for occasionally submitting anything into Jump from time to time.

desu nowadays pixiv is infested with weebs for whom dA wasn't Japanese enough
But your point stands, even back in early 2010s I found like 1 good art in 10, and even stuff I liked has some issues

I love Brett Booth's pencils, but the colourists he picks make me want to tear my eyes out

>> No.4253087

Pretty colors and colorful monochrome > basic ass black and shit.

Seriously fuck you manga tards.

>> No.4253125

yeah no, at that point it's not anime anymore but a westerner rendition of some pseudo asian cartoon.
>not japanese
>not anime

copying moe blob eyes on a tumblr drawing doesn't make it anime anon

>> No.4253347

Krenz looks like he just pulls magic out of his ass. Also post the Ruan Jia one if you have it.

>> No.4253572

This is prove that drawing is a iterative process; There is always room for improvement.

>> No.4253961

>why bother finishing it
Idk, to get better at rendering?
The more you finish your scetches the better you get at the final product.

>> No.4253980
File: 195 KB, 720x720, 3bAzoSv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cope. Post your work.

Same goes for you.

>> No.4254255

top right is good

>> No.4254712
File: 1.17 MB, 2361x3056, f590e3388095f5db448e3a7f644bf9f9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black and white is way easier on the eyes and just makes for a better reading experience.

>> No.4255287

the issue with modern comic inking is the insistence on completely binary pure black and pure white, look how amazing it can look when the levels of a piece are left alone, it seriously gives a sense of scale by making it seem like its affected by atmospheric perspective

>> No.4255345

Why are you talking? You don't know what Anime is

>> No.4256647

I'm pretty sure that with the implied force that Thor used to hammer the giant in the chin, the mjonir would just pierce the skin and muscle instead of making it seem that it was punched DESU

>> No.4256674
File: 464 KB, 1020x600, beforeafter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4258767


>> No.4259167


>> No.4259177

I love how the pencil lines convey scale.
Because the giant has so much texture on him it makes each of those surfaces feel so much bigger.

>> No.4259179

I think mangaka should experiment with color, I think you could make interesting statments and enhance the impact of storytelling if some pages were black and white, some have a bit of color, and others to be full color.

>> No.4259229

Can somebody explain the refrence to me?

>> No.4261424

Wow so much seething.

>> No.4262429
File: 2.37 MB, 2000x1125, plzheelp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I worked on like 8 months ago, but its the only real before and after I have saved

was for an animation

>> No.4262446

How do I make progress animations like this?

>> No.4262453

uh, I did it a really stupid way by erasing everything in layers and then undoing and saving it as an image as I undid the erasing lmao

>> No.4262792
File: 1.71 MB, 1350x1920, Akebi Chan CH18 pg 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some webcomics does this like Musou Telepathy. And also Akebi-Chan sometimes uses color, and they look wonderful.

>> No.4262793
File: 2.15 MB, 1350x1920, Akebi Chan CH18 pg 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akebi Shilling warning

>> No.4262796
File: 1.67 MB, 1350x1920, Akebi Chan CH18 pg 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4264953

fuck,that looks bad

>> No.4264992

This is so fucking awesome