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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 198 KB, 1080x838, 20191129_004545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4232280 No.4232280 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, even if you do attain skills, you're still in for pain and suffering.

>> No.4232345

I like his drawings but I don't like fishing for pity

>> No.4232346

>OP talking like skills are a definite one time thing and not a range
Pain and suffering will always be present, without it creation is impossible. Creation from happiness and love? Never heard of such a thing.

>> No.4232369

bruh if this mf can't make it how the fuck do we have a chance

>> No.4232374
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Didn't stop me.

>> No.4232376
File: 6 KB, 212x238, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that fanart
>no evidence he's ever worked on an actual project from a quick glance over
>inconsistent art style and whiny complainers attitude
>probably hasn't tried to network at all
>why am I not getting hired?
Art industry is all about sucking ass and making others lives as easy as possible.

>> No.4232406

Jesus Christ this is demotivating, he is better than I even set my mid to long term goals to. Guess I'll forever stay a hobbyist. His biggest weakness seems to be drawing women so maybe that's why? I hope that's why.

>> No.4232409


>> No.4232412

That's not true! There's an infinitesimally small chance that I'll blow up, get fat stacks for a short while, and then be able to retired for the rest of my life.

>> No.4232419


Imagine sitting on the couch, your hand wrapped in gauze, feeling like it's periodically being dipped in an invisible vat of hot oil.

>> No.4232427

I guess you failed no nut november.

>> No.4232429

>Western cartoon trash
>depressed and suicidal
>mentally ill


>> No.4232432

wtf! i give up!

>> No.4232436
File: 103 KB, 424x283, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pyw. No way you are better than this guy.

>> No.4232443

>have a stable and satisfying career
>draw as a hobby
this is how you do it

>> No.4232444
File: 170 KB, 498x399, 1550372691408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>All that fanart
>>no evidence he's ever worked on an actual project from a quick glance over
Just came here to post this.

Being good is good, but you have to be 10 times better if you want to compete solely on a popularity basis and no projects.

>> No.4232445

how can people that have something be depressed? i earned my depression, shit at art, shit at programming, shit at school, no friends, no job, etc.

>> No.4232451
File: 16 KB, 480x480, 1574624020249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to have done projects to get hired for projects

>> No.4232452

What makes you think he has something? His art is apparently unsuccesful and for all we know he is shit at everything else and has no friends either.

>> No.4232466
File: 62 KB, 192x222, 1561298811639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I said.
You need to contact people. And if he did any projects, that should show in his posts.

Unless he's working with projects that make him want to kill himself even more than not getting hired, thus he doesn't publish anything about it.

>> No.4232475
File: 19 KB, 340x508, emilcioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im always in pain and suffering

>> No.4232493
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>> No.4232498

>literal trash tier deviant art kid
>everything is cartoony, blocky, and caramel looking
>can't draw a good face to save his life.
>complains on social media that he cannot get a job

what a little faggot

>> No.4232504

How do I find people to contact for projects? My local city is absolutely barren of opportunities.

>> No.4232537

pyw, he is better than most in the draw thread.

>> No.4232541

if you do smut then art isn't a pipedream
being an 'artist' is a pipedream. those days are over

>> No.4232562

I ain't putting my name on online drama. I've got mouths to feed with my art.
Take my word or don't, this is not what a serious artist looks like.

>> No.4232611

>You can't tell that someone is subpar in skill ontop of being unfit socially unless your a master craftsmen art director.
You post your work faggot.

>> No.4232641

He's objectively one of the most skilled draftsmen that ever posted on here. Anyone who says his work is bad is an idiot. It's absolutely not his skills that are the problem.

>> No.4232649

I am better than him and fuck you. And nobody cares if I'm better than this tart crying for attention either.

>> No.4232655


You're going to tell me he's a storyteller as well?

>> No.4232659

I'm telling you he's good at drawing. Anyone who disagrees have zero credibility and can be dismissed as the clueless idiots they are.

>> No.4232665

That doesn’t mean he’s worth hiring.

>> No.4232666

Nobody will hire this mentally retard no matter how good he draws.

>> No.4232685

I treat social media too much like a journal, which isn't professional, my apologies.
Don't be discouraged about 'making it', my failures in life are much more than my art, I'll try to do better.

>> No.4232688

That's my point. If he's not getting work it's because he's doing something wrong in other areas, not because he's lacking skills.

>> No.4232705

chin up m8 the thread and whatevers probably going on in your dms is proof enough that people give a little bit of a shit about you

>> No.4232713

>draws porn
>wants to kill his art career shortly after
Really makes you think

>> No.4232722

What porn? And thdark has always been like this anyways, as far as I know.

>> No.4232725

Cant he draw because he likes it?

>> No.4232736

Clearly you do, since you wanna bitch about it, dumbass.

>> No.4232738

You just make your own project. Make something that looks professional. That way when someone looks through your portfolio the person will see it and go "oh, who'd you do this project for?"

It show you have the skills as well as showing that you're a self starter.

>> No.4232751

exactly how stupid are you, OP?

>> No.4232752

Cry more shitcunt

>> No.4232755
File: 95 KB, 724x720, 1575035485306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still hasn't posted his work

>> No.4232767

I'll post it once you get off his dick.

>> No.4232778

Should have done NSFW

>> No.4232782
File: 737 KB, 640x942, 1563435625404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4232789


>> No.4232796

There was no need to attack me with that list anon...

>> No.4232798
File: 27 KB, 720x833, 1550318570612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is arguably better than you and 80% of this board

go away crab-chan

>> No.4232802

>he thinks ones skills as an artist are linked to their hands.
if youre skilled you could make masterpieces with your feet or elbows or even eye trtacking, it would just take a little longer

>> No.4232803

what is that?

>> No.4232804


>> No.4232805

His photostudies are good, but his style is generic Tumblr shit. Why would anyone choose him for his skill when he deliberately makes his works look unoriginal and uncreative

>> No.4232813

>but his style is generic Tumblr shit.
Who else draws like him?

>> No.4232818

every basic bitch on tumblr

>> No.4232822

You can't seriously look at this https://www.artstation.com/thdark/albums/all shit and tell me it's memorable or unique

>> No.4232826

pyw, I will post mine. This is nonsense.

>> No.4232845

His style is pretty recognizable and memorable to me.
I've only been exposed to one of his works from 2 years ago, and yet I still remember him distinctly and clearly to this day. Can't say the same to a lot of other artists.

>> No.4232867

Lead by example

>> No.4232873

thdark doesn't market himself very well at all imo. he posts work maybe like twice a month.

>> No.4232880 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4232890

desu his style kind of falls in a weird niche where it's too anime influenced for capeshitters but also not anime enough for easy retweets from waifufags who just want fap material.
this would be fine if he were doing some kind of of personal project that could build an audience around him but as it stands he does just enough to be liked by other drawfags and ignored by everyone else.

>> No.4232892

Why do capeshit fags hate anime?

>> No.4232915

I know you're not because I've always been in pain and it never registered as suffering

>> No.4232922

Don't listen to this dude : smut artists want to corrupt you.

>> No.4232924

I don't know this guy but now there's this trend with mildly popular "artists", which is saying
>boohoo, I marketed myself up the ass and pandered really hard but now that I'm popular I am so unhappy ;-(((
>boohoo I can't make the art I rly want to make 'cuz my fans have the final say ;(((
No you faggot, you are doing exactly what you wanted to do all along. Because if you had one ounce of self-respect you just wouldn't do that shit. You have been doing, cynically, what you wanted to do because you saw nothing wrong with what you did. You don't have any original ideas besides fan-art or the stupid shit you drew to "get fans" because if you had any you would be drawing that, and only that. Because when you need to say something you just want to say THAT, it's stronger that you, you can't simply decide "I'll do this other thing instead" unless you didn't have anything to say in the first place.
I usually ignore these threads but this attitude is infuriating. You know what's worse than this? Giving up. Not having anybody give a shit about your work because you don't have any hashtags for it, because it's not porn or other stupid shit.
Not only they got their fucking cake, they're eating it too, and they're complaining while they fucking eat it. Or they blame "social media", social media is just a tool, it's the people who a responsible. If people start selling crack cocaine and destroy the youth it's not crack cocaine's fault, it's the people making it who are responsible. You saw that something worked, you did it, you ruined things for artists who really care, but you dare complain, don't you fucking complain.

>> No.4232925

Yeah it should really make the people who want to draw these subjects think (outside of their pants)

>> No.4232930

And of course they know what I'm saying very well, because they probably just saw someone else do it and it worked, so they're doing it too.

>> No.4232935

Not even remotely close to what he's complaining about.

>> No.4232949

Stop trying to make people fall in that trap.
Suuure, your degenerate art will be featured in galeries & huge billboards for everyone to see...

>> No.4232968

not a pornfag but
>sasha grey ended up doing actual acting and wrote a book
>majority of people think porn is actual art
>that anon who carved a dragon.jpg
you really think you won't see dick in vegene in museums 5 years from now? I've already walked into an exibit of a guy who drew girls getting fucked by ugly old men, it just needs to go mainstream

>> No.4232973

imo the actual problem is the fear of being confronted by society because of that.

- your family will look down on you, just like the normies around you in life.
- internet normies will try to cancel or report you.
- you will be shy to tell anyone about what you do.
- for any other job, that can be an stigma.

but if you don't give a fuck. is not a real problem. just keep drawings legal. and by that I mean: don't post porn in sites where children are not restricted from access.

>> No.4232981

we're almost at a point where if you object to your daughter sucking cock for a living you are shunned for being a bigot
not to mention porn artists don't even need galleries because they make more than 99% of actual artists

>> No.4232994

dunno. in this day and age only fat feminist bitches are allowed to suck cock without problems. if you're a man. you will get banned from paypal , patreon and another platform.

being a cam whore is a lot easier than draw lolis.

>> No.4232996

>>majority of people think porn is actual art

>> No.4233008


It's an allergic reaction to a chemical at my old job that made a huge chunk of the skin peel off my hands and left festering sores on my arms. I still have scars on my arms, but not my hands, because my body basically had to regrow all the skin on my fingers and palms.

>> No.4233025

He already did, under a different name

>> No.4233036

That's metal as fuck anon, its like an origin story for some kind of art superhero

>> No.4233044

It's his style, it's not very applicable in today's industry. What he needs to do is up his painting skills and get rid of the linework or go with entirely new processes like using 3D and photobashing to push his artwork.

Or do porn.

>> No.4233045
File: 98 KB, 1180x404, Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 11.44.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like some old fashioned /ic/ tough love for motivation.

>> No.4233078

some people view all anime as ew weird waifufag-attracting weeaboo garbage, which is only somewhat true haha. capeshit fags are usually kind of autistic too

>> No.4233081

Good on him. Hope he makes it someday. Everyone should approach /ic/ with this same mindset.

>> No.4233082

>taking things said on ic at face value

>> No.4233095

Just glanced over his portfolio, he's good but only does one, really specific style. There's not much range or breadth in his work. So he's only going to be attractive to employers who are looking for that specific style.

>> No.4233111
File: 3.69 MB, 2200x1551, 4l6vjmfwaue31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market is already too saturated with this trannie/girly art style.

>> No.4233115
File: 31 KB, 670x503, the deers troubles are over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of crabbing in this thread depresses me. People think they're helping by beating into someone's head that they're shit, even when they're genuinely one of the most skilled people to come out of /ic/. What a shithole this board is

>> No.4233116

Glad he's not such a weak willed fuck. Never stop trying

>> No.4233118

How is that a tranny/girly art style? What's a masculine art style then?

>> No.4233120

Even if I didn't know I could easily tell that drawing was made by a man
Can you guess how

>> No.4233123

>trannie/girly art style
Does that just mean "any style I don't like" now?

>> No.4233127

how? because theres a heavy focus on detailed mechanical things?

>> No.4233129
File: 215 KB, 1080x1351, thdark_66988520_364437660897817_8990536647994526133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on youtube, all the art tutorials done in that style are done by girls.

>> No.4233132

Link one example

>> No.4233133

Yah. Girls usually abhor drawing that stuff. Even girls who are really good at drawing just don't like techy subjects, and this guy seems to straight up love it.

>> No.4233134

>Go on youtube
No. Fuck you

>> No.4233135


>> No.4233136

yeah i do notice that. girls are more focused on people and guys more focused on things. I think there was even a study on it, they found male babies spend more time looking at things, toys etc. and female babies spent time looking at people's faces more

>> No.4233138


>> No.4233146

now i think about it it makes a lot of sense in evolution. females in the tribe who could read others emotion bred more successfully and males who understood the physical world better were probably better hunters and providers

>> No.4233175

Thdark I have always liked your stuff, especially your robots and machine designs. You know the saying that your job as a commercial artist is to provide a solution to a problem?

When I look at your stuff on artstation I don't really feel like I get a clear idea how your art would be used for a commercial project. Even though you have a couple of different categories they all look interchangeable. Your concepts and designs are not presented like you would expect concept art to be presented - they're essentially all finished illustrations. No ortographic views, no sketches and idea explorations of different silhouettes and color schemes and what not.

I'm not getting a clear idea what you want to do with your illustrations either. They all feel a bit random like it's just your personal work dumped from deviantart. It's as if you are marketing yourself to draw people's OCs.

>> No.4233180

>Thinks that going into a gallery is making it


>> No.4233181
File: 253 KB, 1152x2048, 1510614922861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor thdark. I hope he'll find his purposes.
But can someone explain to me the reality of making in the business side of art? Being able to draw well is one thing, but marketing yourself is on another different level when you didn't go to art school with prestige that they give you.

I mean there's art end goal, but the reality is blurred when you realize you also need to make your business end goal too.

>> No.4233188

I think his art works fine for commercial art, but his style seems niche which would only capture a few certain brand or IP (ex game/nerd culture products.) I'd say he should start networking more at convention while working on the side until he land on a stable project, it's really is competitive nowaday. Best wishes to you Thdark.

>> No.4233191

start a small comic or short stories man, build yourself a website to polish your portfolio.

>> No.4233195
File: 18 KB, 236x284, 1526362025666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art school with prestige that they give you.

>> No.4233198

anon you don't go to art school for the class you go for the networking.
You realize that there are scholarships and intern program that will only open if you go to that specific school.
Same shit with your shitty college, if you don't take the opportunity to grab the chances but graduate without applying for intern before you got you toiler paper you basically flushed a fortune down the toilet. Which is why you're still shitposting to this day.

>> No.4233199

Keep making excuses so that you can keep not drawing, faggot.

>> No.4233200

ok, crab.

>> No.4233204

I know it's classic 4chan to not even know how to use your own memes right but he's just telling you the actual way to improve

>> No.4233206

I mean it's a nice plus if you make connections, but you should obviously go to art school to hone your craft first above all. Anything else is faggotry

>> No.4233207

What did you expect from here? No, like seriously?

>> No.4233210
File: 84 KB, 800x763, 1542258407051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know, but why would you think I'm using it wrong, lol

>> No.4233211

Someone telling you to work harder is not a crab
Someone telling you to give up because you're NGMI and didn't even go to art school for the mad prestige would be the classic crab

>> No.4233216

that's not the point, I know this place enough to know these type of people come with two faces, but since you're seems new so I'll leave it here.

>> No.4233248

>have a stable and satisfying career
>in 2019

>> No.4233272

Reminds me a bit of harrodeleted
I think his style is fine and it isn't even Tumblr unless by Tumblr you mean Western + Cartoony, but what makes me laugh is that you think his style is not "unique" enough. As if all the fucking forgettable garbage that is on ArtStation were more unique than this.
If anything this is more original and personal than 99% of what's on ArtStation and I will remember this guy tomorrow. I'm not even a fan of the style.
The only technical fault I can think of is that he doesn't fully render everything and goes for a cel-shaded look. I think his art might fit into android games etc. but the portfolios I see for that are fully rendered. But I think we're ignoring the elephant in the room here, which is that the art market - any market except porn - is extremely saturated.

>> No.4233279

all life is pain and suffering, just make it the pain and suffering your willing to endure.

>> No.4233344

Thing is, uniqueness and consistency is not what art directors are looking for. They're looking for flexibility in both style and subject matter.
Never in an interview I was asked why my portfolio is not more consistent. Plenty of times I've been told they would have liked to see more X or Y or asked if I can do Z. And that's when I try to build a portfolio that has as much breadth and diversity as possible. They aren't just looking for someone who's a perfect fit for their current project they're looking for someone who's useful even in their next project or the one after that. Unless they're hiring a freelancer for some one time thing but it should go without saying that if anything flexibility is even more important for freelancers.

Having a unique trademark style may help if you're trying to build a brand for yourself and win online popularity or whatever but that's a case of selling your work directly to the audience, a very different ballgame. Companies looking to hire someone don't give a rat's ass about your personal brand.

>> No.4233414

That depends. It comes down to specialist vs generalist.

>> No.4233419

That's life. That's art. Nobody said it was going to be easy. Only the strong survive here. Good luck d/ic/ks

>> No.4233459

>first artist makes tons of interesting, original, creative work constantly
>second artist is a Xerox machine that spends "le 600 hours" on Morgan Freeman
makes you think

>> No.4233986

Making art never paid well, it's a wonder that there are some good artists that can live off of it.

>> No.4234003

Exactly. If you have too much of the same shit they will think you're a one trick pony. They want to see that you can draw anything.

>> No.4234004

I would be OK with the comic taking a shit on them wacky "creative" artists if people weren't constantly lamenting that everything is samey, boring and soulless and pointing out that the "creative" works are much better, but when you make "creative" work they ignore you unless you start pandering and degrading your work until it's as boring, samey and soulless as the rest. Implying that "creative" artists don't work as hard if not harder than the reliable workers.

And now that I think of it this is the exact same situation as shallow thots who only go for PUAs but complain they feel used. You even get the same treatment as the incel "nice guys" if you want to make art instead of just pandering. A lot of human qualities now are being derided in favor of some formula that is being pushed so hard it actually ends up working. I fucking hate social engineering, most of the hopeless virgin zoomers I see on /adv/ would have been totally fine 20 years ago. They're normal people acting normal. Everything is going to shit while putting the blame on you if you don't succeed somehow. OP could have been 10 times more creative and skilled, have a completely different style, have more soul / less soul, it doesn't even matter, if you don't succeed the blame is on you. This board always does it, society does it. If you are depressed the blame is on you. If you are poor and work a dead end job the blame is on you. It's a way to keep people from collectively rebelling against this awful system.

>> No.4234019

Redpill 'em baby

>> No.4234025

How did Ilya Kuvshinov get a job then?

>> No.4234040

Nepotism is rampant in the art world

>> No.4234041

People here are just shooting blanks, while thinking they have reached the absolute truth. It's absolutely hilarious.

From this thread, here are the reasons why thdark have not made it yet:
>thdark's style is too unique/personal while at the same time being too generic.
>His subject matter is too diverse and inconsistent, while also being too narrow and samey.
>He does too much fanart, but he also does too little of it.
>His style is too feminine, while also being too masculine.
>It's because he draws porn! Or is it because he doesn't draw porn?

Nobody in here have a clue.

>> No.4234042

You're the idiot here.

>> No.4234047

>Nobody in here have a clue.
It's because >>4234004
OP gets no sympathy from me for participating in the pandering Olympics with fanart and porn. People who "do what it takes" to get attention and money are the reason why this awful system exists and creativity has gone to shit.

>> No.4234050

Keep on firing those blanks, sherlock. I'm sure you can one day transform thdark into the next ilya/sakimi.

Did you even read my post? You're doing exactly what I was mocking you for.

>> No.4234053

>the next Ilya/sakimi
Fucking disgusting you think I'm shooting that low? You really are retarded.

>> No.4234054

>Did you even read my post?
Yes and I replied that the reason is that there's a narrative set up by boomers where if you fail, the fault is always yours. It doesn't matter what your work looks like, if you are not successful it's your fault and the system is perfect.
That said I have no sympathy for artists who participate in the system instead of pushing for a change. If you want to be an industry artist or a professional panderer then you have to go all the way, you should stop deluding yourself you can retain some of your taste or pretend you're actually a creative person. You're just a worker in a professional environment, so you either quietly leave or push for a change in the states. Complaining while running this rat race is retarded and only validates it. Artists should stop bending over and find another system instead of complaining about the one they agreed with.

>> No.4234056

In terms of income, ESL.

>> No.4234058

But the thing is that thdark doesn't even do porn, and his "fanart" only fills up 1% of his works (it's also mostly niche stuff that he obviously genuinely like). I don't know why some people here are claiming otherwise, did they even take a glance on his portfolio?

>> No.4234063

Pfff as if income is all there is to it. I do what I enjoy and it pays the bills, my friend. No need to shill out fanart nudes with six fingers and bad perspective on patreon

>> No.4234069

>I don't know why some people here are claiming otherwise, did they even take a glance on his portfolio?
Because people are drones and the narrative says that if you fail it's your fault so they'll find anything plausible to discredit you. Every now and then you see skilled artists complain, and they're always torn apart bit by bit - not even by the higher ups who push the narrative, but by less experienced and less skilled peers who experience the same frustration - and the more they prove themselves the further the goalposts are moved.
This is a rigged game where only certain people win, but as of today it's your fault if you participate.

>> No.4234071

That's a cute sentiment, but it's entirely unrelated to this thread which is about people shooting blanks on why isn't thdark more financially successful.

>> No.4234078

It's because he sucks and is a whiny bitch.

>> No.4234088

Keep those blanks coming, you'll get there eventually.

>> No.4234414
File: 62 KB, 850x637, 122353452435312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.4234532
File: 1004 KB, 3264x2448, 2013-10-23-16-15-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never have your lolis featured in the Art Complex Center of Tokyo
Oyari is a truly based man. One can only aspire to become like him.

>> No.4234539

always insta unfollow artists who begin posting this kind if shit, it's utterly pathetic.

>> No.4234663

Only problem with this dude is there's no real market for the type of work he's doing.
Name me 5 recent projects where this dude's art would fit in

>> No.4234669

That's because he is a male, if he was a tranny or a girl he would be selling prints non-stop and have a huge patreon.

>> No.4234674

If he was a chick he could just dress like a slut and stream himself drawing and rake in all the money from thirsty ass niggas

>> No.4234680

There's some truth to this, simply because every female artist I see only RTs and networks with other girls, while male artists virtue signal all the time and also retweets girls hoping to get something in return but they never do because they're male.

>> No.4235098

No it's just some people are right and know it and others are clueless and wrong

>> No.4235349
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>> No.4235492
File: 211 KB, 1400x875, yande.re 51532 sample charlotte_francia juni_argiano li_shuhua littlewitch loli megane oyari_ashito pajama pantsu quartett! wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His aesthetic is awesome, too bad the heads he draws can look weird sometimes

>> No.4235496

He's a pedo who should get shot like all japs.

>> No.4235527
File: 36 KB, 241x403, 1369180096825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm younger than him, have 5x the amount of followers, and make a very comfortable living though my art.

And people look down on NFSW

>> No.4235530

Women don't like drawing cool mechanical shit.

>> No.4235535
File: 1.62 MB, 300x265, 1512320484356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably no where near his skill level, though.

thdark may not have a gajillion followers, but I respect his skill as an artist way more than some stupid cumbrain who has to resort to cheating by taking advantage of people's horniness

>> No.4235541


>> No.4235545

Good thing your respect doesn't pay the bills then

>> No.4235550

Fuck off BBCchan.

>> No.4235553

They do, which is why you're a shut-in and can't be open or proud about your job.

>> No.4235561

I have a doppelganger SFW account that I show friends and family so that isn't a problem.

>> No.4235591

I highly doubt a coomshitter can make appealing and meaningful SFW.

>> No.4235592

all animus heads look weird

>> No.4235593

Good man

>> No.4235594

You're still a nobody compared to the thdark at the end of the day.
Doesn't matter how much good boy points you get for drawing your little porn doodles

>> No.4235606

>p-people like you can't exist

The whole idea of being successful at NSFW art is to make appealing artwork. It's not too much of a stretch to put some clothes on a character.

Whatever makes you feel better I guess. Have fun never making a thin dime with your artwork.

>> No.4235607


>> No.4235609

Statistically I'm 5x the somebody compared to thdark.

>> No.4235612


>> No.4235665

>Implying respect from here has any value.
Who would care about gaining respect from 4chan anons here. Fucking priceless, you think that has any value.

>> No.4235901

I hope you're putting money into a 401k

>> No.4235991

>it's another 'puritans seething at nsfw artists being more successful than they will ever be' episode
loving every laugh

>> No.4236082

And im willing to bet that it has significantly less attention than your fucked up porn account.

>> No.4236173

Cope, you are just a bunch of seething crabs that aren’t making it. You could be using that time to draw, but NOOO you just wanna sperg out, like some autistic dumbass. Go ahead keep bitching, like you’ll get anywhere in life, lmao.

>> No.4236192
File: 210 KB, 1280x548, tumblr_5d2ffa58d21ca3258f8d26b6cbeb7c72_e9d33908_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying porn artist make enough for a living wage
check out this bad boy.
at the end of the day, trannies and gays always win. They have more networking power than any creative pleb could achieve.

>> No.4236231


>> No.4236242

Twitter's stock is in free fall. The freedom porn artists enjoy currently are on the verge of collapsing; there is are a multitude of reasons Jack Dorsey has threatened to flee to Africa.

Enjoy the show. Keep up the grind. Start developinf connections with other artists, indie developers, and professionals now. Come Christmas, the course of history will forever change.

Godspeed, vanguards.

>> No.4236254

>just cut your dick off and take it up the ass for internet points
do I have to?

>> No.4236256


>> No.4236261

Yes, it’s easier than gaining connections from industry art jobs(Disney, cartoon, etc*)

>> No.4236428

It's a longshot, but I sure as hell am going to enjoy the journey and find my way to where I need to go.

Good luck, everyone. The world is about to get very interesting.

>> No.4236588

>Its another you have to respect me getting money for sucking dick and being pompous about it while everyone struggles to make it the honest way, episode
You NSFW peeps sure do seem to have a problem with how others perceive you.

>> No.4236608

>the honest way
Loving every laugh

>> No.4236613

Cope porn fag. I guarantee you patreon is eventually going to ban nsfw with twitter soon to follow.

>> No.4236620

The art industry is full of nepotism. But harshest part is that every profession of it is highly competitive and the bar is always rising. If don't have a clear end goal, you just might not end up anywhere.

>> No.4236976


>> No.4237054

Cope harder puritan, you people say that forever and act as if online porn hasn't existed long before both of those.

>> No.4237061


>> No.4237134

based hobbyist anon

>> No.4237208

You have to ask yourself 'why would people give me money for this', and when looking at thdark's work the answer is 'they wouldn't'. Despite retarded crabs claiming otherwise, his skill is not the problem (in fact, he's probably a better draughtsman than a lot of people getting paid for their shit). But skill is not as important as people think, what's important is being able to full fill a position that's financially relevant.
Why would someone pay him for his art? His style is not going to get him hired as a concept artistic, it's not going to get him hired as an editorial illustrator, a quick glance at his social media tells me he doesn't sell prints, he doesn't draw porn, his style would be suited to comics but he doesn't draw comics, etc. Like where does he expect the money to come from?
Brutal reality is that art is an extremely oversaturated market, and if your business game is not on point, you're not gonna make it regardless of skill (unless you get lucky).

>> No.4237211

No it's really just because he sucks

>> No.4237219

Hello thdark! Is that really what you tell yourself to feel better about getting fired and having no career? Do everyone a favor and read the sticky, if you'd practice your fundies and get a real style then maybe people would want to hire you :)

>> No.4237603

Not true.
>t. a graphic designer that tries to be the latter and gets shit on for not being the former while demanded to do the latter's job

>> No.4237607

>you won't see dick in vegene in museums 5 years from now?
>5 years from now
Anon, you haven't been to many non-bible related museums, have you?

>> No.4237638

Successful Artists are business men
Learn to sell

>> No.4237652

Absolutely agree. Too many artist even at low levels sacrifice artist integrity for that next pay check.

>> No.4237683



>> No.4237686


puritan faggots BTFO.

>> No.4237744

Actually insane how so many of the greats only got to make their mark on the world through connections instead of their skills. Sure there are exceptions like Van Gogh, but he was only recognized after he died poor as fuck.

>> No.4237774

>collect autism bux
>draw as a hobby
>chase girls on the site
this is the true way

>> No.4237776

>Van Gogh
pick one

>> No.4237786

>tfw years making loads of money off furry fetish art
twitter and every platform can all die, I'm forever safe with my loyal public

>> No.4237789

every artist who touches this board stays a ngmi no matter their skill level it seems
this is the second time in a week an /ic/ eceleb gives up

>> No.4237792

This is beyond based. This is foundationed. Earthen. Pillared.

>> No.4237816

What's he trying to do anyway? Make money by selling prints and doing private commissions? He should apply as a concept artist to visual development studios. Storyboarding pays very well too, although the work is dry. Medical illustration is another dry but big money job.

>> No.4237822

irrc there was an /ic/fag who draw life illustration everyday and made it within one year, then he fucked off else where after he got famous on reddit.

Pretty sure Shen the bike cuck comic guy visited 4chan. He was in /co/ but probably lurked /ic/ back then too.

>> No.4237935

Indeed, this is the absolute core of based, the powder inside the redpill
I found it hard to swallow at first, this is too raw, but real at the same time

>> No.4238090


>> No.4238104

Wolf biter?

>> No.4238117

What’s the monthly cost of living where you are?

>> No.4238162
File: 654 KB, 886x965, 1944029334936e8ab8d054d17d5a04b04eb3fdff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry when we create the virus to wipe out the triangle nosed menace, then we'll finally have an industry that rewards people for their talents than charisma.

nah but seriously I feel bad every time I see these sorts of things. I saw him pop up in the stylization threads when I frequented /ic/ and I really love his work. How he organizes and balances his details on mechas were well done and comfy as fuck. He sounds like a good guy personally too.

>> No.4238181

Van Gogh was friends with other famous artists of the time tho
Without that he'd probably stayed obscure.

>> No.4238182

>collect neetbux
>keep your integrity

>> No.4238202


>> No.4239013

The sheer amount of people in this thread dogpiling on this guy and then trying to pass it off as wanting to help him improve is staggering.

It's nice that he's taking it in a good way, but let's not pretend that most of you weren't here to put him down and feel better about being an NGMI.

>> No.4239024

I don't want to help him I just think he sucks. That's obviously why he lost his job along with being whiny on Twitter, he's probably a whiny person irl and someone couldn't stand being around him.

To get jobs as an artist you must be at minimum two of three things:
- Very skilled
- On-time with deadlines
- Friendly/easy to work with

He's not skilled, at least not more than your average first year art student, so in this way he's very replaceable. He seems like a whiner from the way he acts online, maybe he's different irl but I doubt it if he's going to act like that on a public forum. And I don't know how he is about deadlines, as I've never worked with him or commissioned him.

At best he's got 2 out of 3 requirements. At worst, he's got 1. He had to have fucked up somehow to get fired. Either that or the employer had to let people go because of budget issues and he's taking it easy too personally.

>> No.4239026

>taking it way* too personally


>> No.4239029

post your work loser

>> No.4239033


>> No.4239035

>He's not skilled, at least not more than your average first year art student
By what definition? That's such a vague criticism that I can't see your perspective.
Even a cursory look at his work would show you skill with stylization and mecha design that is professional level.
Pointing out flaws or shortcomings in his pieces is one thing, but to wholesale claim that he's not skilled in the slightest is ludicrous.

>> No.4239037

He didn't get fired from his job.

>> No.4239039

>look up museum
>run down infrastructure, looks like an abandoned apartment complex
>exhibits are nothing but small prints from obscure artists
>not mentioned in any articles featuring Japans famous art museums such as Nezu or the Ota Memorial

This is what pornfags call achievement as indie comic artists take off.

>> No.4239040
