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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 91 KB, 1024x683, Kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4223876 No.4223876 [Reply] [Original]

People liked the last good vibes thread so I figured we should keep the positivity chain going.

> Started doing fanart for a game
> People liked my stuff a lot/said I could do that style really well
> Randomly my ability to do that art degraded until it was really bad
> Lost a lot of motivation
> Randomly decided to try again
> Not the best I've ever done but much closer to my peak
> Instantly gain a lot of motivation
> People say I should start doing more fanart again

What good things have happened in your art lives anons?

>> No.4223901
File: 6 KB, 342x147, smug brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be crap
>be drawing a bit for once in a long time
>family say "hey that's good, anon"

>> No.4223911

Link the last thredd?

>> No.4223926
File: 20 KB, 346x274, 76ef2a3223e9ea8cc61209cd7b9a17f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread got pushed past page 10, idk how to link to archived threads

Unironically, its nice to have support from your family, even if you dont think you're work is that good at worst your family is supporting you to continue art, at best they also love your work.

>> No.4224029

I started working with more blender models as reference and I'm noticing better work because of it. Before I was purely using google images for models and references

>> No.4224509
File: 28 KB, 400x400, lTS-u1Iu_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great news anon : ) Getting a new source of references is certainly useful in art and I'm glad you seem to be making good use of them.

>> No.4224518

Now that's just avatarfagging. Boo.

>> No.4224545
File: 1.87 MB, 400x225, 1573569960564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go >>4204581
>tfw going through the bottom of the art curve and feeling absolutely miserable

>> No.4224866
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 4e2042c3f0e48253057860b55e5c34aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worried about finishing project
>gonna fail
>about to give up
>start spiralling
>decide to sit down and try it one last time
>not my best work but nice
>unironically looks decent
>actually happy with my work
>glad I tried

>> No.4224899

I think I'm starting to see the light. Still wish I could sell enough to make a few hundred a month... it's such a small goal.

>> No.4224933

Computer exploded the other day.
Hook up old gear. Works for a few hrs.
Dies. Comes back to life next day just to die again.

See family, make joke about money for new pc since i have none. They agree because art related.

Getting a new rig

>> No.4224960
File: 25 KB, 484x426, c0f190ddb0be5673e400a5f1006716db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stopped taking antidepressants
>mood is much better and brain fog is gone
>finally getting my hours back up after months of averaging 2 - 3 a week

>> No.4224999

>go to school for BA in graphic communication in the early 2000's
>See other students work and really admire it, but my own work seems lackluster in comparison
>get frustrated and change majors in order to get some income cause I'm approaching my mid 20's with no safety net.
>Stop drawing, sculpting, and painting for the better part of 13 years
> Fairly financially secure, but miserable, so I start a painting with my out of practice ass.
> Work on it for months back and forth, but finally give up on it
> Start another painting, but this time learn from the things I did wrong initially
>Actually turns out OK!
>decide to try Inktober out last year and actually finish on time
> Small following on instagram, all of them are doing something cool so I get inspired from them
>consistently draw and paint for the last year or so. Make some small gains cause I'm only doing anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours most days.
>Complete second inktober, and planning a small animation project for spring next year financed by my 9-5
>Dunno if I'll make it, but things are much better now because I didn't quit.

>> No.4227696
File: 35 KB, 570x738, il_570xN.812851812_j4vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool to hear! Glad that you managed to push through and give the work a try - doubly glad that you enjoyed the result! Keep on working anon.

A few hundred might not sound like much - but really any amount of money is hugely respectable! Someone willing to give away some of their money they spent time and effort working for just for you to draw something for them is significant even if its a smaller number than you hope.

Rad that you've got such a supportive family for you and your art - hope you enjoy the new rig.

Glad that you've begun to feel better about yourself, hopefully, you'll continue on the path of self-improvement and feeling better no matter what methods you go through.

Awesome anon! So cool to see you return to the things you enjoy in life, especially that you enjoy the work you make and intend to create more. Goes to show there's no one age you start doing art at - everyones journey is different, with different starts and stops - so I hope yours continues to be self fulfilling.

>> No.4228836

Got back to drawing recently
I'm still shit but hell yeah it's fun as fuck and even if I'm doodling a lot I still enjoy myself

Have a nice day all

>> No.4229443
File: 50 KB, 171x250, 1572754218156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK i'm finally getting better at loomis heads and it feels so fucking good

>> No.4229445


>> No.4229517
File: 63 KB, 1242x1180, 1574727307538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit an art block after non stop drawing
>over worried about how long it will last
>csp crashed overnight
>Had to wait a couple of days to reconfig everything
>suddenly, everything feels right again when drawing

Resting a bit really does help bros

>> No.4229559

>didn't like my poses or faces, felt like my drawings never looked right
>suddenly got inspiration and churned out many loose sketches that still look nice and felt good
>improved my line economy, now my lines aren't as sketchy
>can draw hands now from several angles
>hope renewed that I'll be able to make a webcomic with my current skill level

>> No.4229624

Based Kermitposter, thank you for existing. Life is not so great right now but your words are exactly what I needed to feel better. Please never leave.

>> No.4229670
File: 1.88 MB, 240x220, lucid_lizard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last month, for some reason something finally just 'clicked' and I've begun noticeably improving with fundies I used to regularly fumble with. Every time I draw now I end up developing new strategies/methods and adapting them to my process. It's a really cool feeling.

In the past I was motivated by the chance of popularity, wanting to make a great "opus", etc. I've gradually stopped giving a shit about any of that stuff, coming to realize that drawing is just fun in and of itself. I don't really need any other reason to draw besides just "because I'm having fun" and "because I want to make a cool picture".

I think my motivation for drawing becoming more "pure" is having a positive effect on the work itself. If you're stuck in art block, find a reason to WANT to draw, draw something you give a shit about.

Keep going, anons. I believe in every one of you. Find your personal (and I mean embarrassingly deep personal) reasons to draw and follow them shamelessly. That's what soul is.

>> No.4229695

>Find your personal (and I mean embarrassingly deep personal) reasons to draw and follow them shamelessly
>draw big tiddy animu meido
>gf starts asking if I like big tiddies more

>> No.4231915
File: 5 KB, 290x174, 12657457343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like good vibes, there are people outside of my account who comment same shit over and over again, haha cute haha sexy haha great colors like shut the fuck up I get it first time you posted in under the first picture

>> No.4234726
File: 2.58 MB, 1191x2019, kermit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great to hear anon, even if you aren't confident in your skills it's nice to hear that you're able to enjoy art regardless : )

Love that you're feeling more confident in your work, and that you're getting better at technical aspects of art - hopefully you can continue this path of progress and keep up the positive outlook!

It really can! Glad to see your break has paid off for you and that you're getting back into the swing of things.

Really great to see you've managed to start improving, we dont all improve at a constant rate - we often experience bursts of progress and its cool to hear you've gotten one yourself.

No problem anon, just like to spread positivity.

Thats a great attitude to have anon! Not everything needs to be some great big meaningful to humanity piece - its good that you've found joy in creating what you want to create, regardless of the reasons for it.

>> No.4234785

Kermit poster's words are fake nice

Don't listen to him

>> No.4235388

You deserve a medal, mr frogman. I hope you can keep this going.

Something good in my art life, hm. Probably deciding to carry on with my dreams, albeit in a slightly different approach. A truer one though. Very important.

It'd be a lot of effort to go to, don't you think?

>> No.4235498
File: 296 KB, 670x440, petmd-cat-happy-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a g-pen to try out. Oh fuck, I think I've discovered my favorite medium. I feel as though I've gotten back that inspiration and drive to draw whatever comes to mind that I had as a kid. I've almost completed the bristol sketchbook I bought a couple of days ago. That is not to say everything I draw comes out great, far from it, but I've learned to not fret over bad drawings and just focus on making the next one better. Man it feels good.

>> No.4235512

I quit digital altogether in favor of paper, feelsgudman doesn't it?

>> No.4235707

Ok i just googled "g-pen" and found some sort of vape but I doubt that is what you were talking about.

>> No.4235716

A g-pen? Like the ones you dip in ink? I tried tachikawas one in the past and my experience is the opposite, never really liked it. It just doesn't feel casual enough for sketching, compared to a felt-tip pen like Microns.

>> No.4235751

Felt pretty good about a head I drew yesterday.

Hope your having a good and productive day, kermit.

>> No.4235922
File: 10 KB, 300x260, 442-Tachikawa-School-FIne-kyna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Add "japan" after it and you find all kinds of them. Popular among mangakas.

I got that Tachikawa one, yes. I also tried Microns years ago, they never really worked for me, but that may have to do with my lack of skill back then. I don't know what it is about this one, but it just gets me excited to draw.

>> No.4236376
File: 49 KB, 769x428, 1570024709917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4236459

shouldn't be only inktober bro

>> No.4236536

I got fed up with wageslaving and want to give a final shot at art career before being dead, but I've been far from pencils so long, I don't even remember what I like anymore. I don't like anything anymore. I keep creating excuses to avoid drawing.
Please help me

>> No.4236592

>>get frustrated and change majors in order to get some income cause I'm approaching my mid 20's with no safety net.
What did you switch into?

>> No.4236595
File: 349 KB, 413x652, 1560208566454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his default is null instead of quiet contentment

>> No.4236603
File: 322 KB, 250x305, kirbyheadphones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not an artist, just a casual doodler
>friend is having a rough year
>doodle a bunch of his OC's in a big collage paper, both sides, and mail it to him
>his mood has been better lately

>> No.4236621
File: 71 KB, 1024x768, ffd883fcf79d7d9721acec967bd713dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good friend

>> No.4236986

Nigga you don't need skill for webcomics, jus start and see where it goes. But it is better to plot some time beforehand. Ideas matter more. If this is your first one they make it and get this shit out of the way as soon as possible. Try to keep it nice and simple, don't bust your nuts on pointless shit and get to the core right away then build from there.

Btw if your comic is dumbass jump shounen capeshit muh deep lore tolken fantasy with anime bitches YA derivative drivel please miss me with that shit, its not even funny.

>> No.4238845

Everyone pray so my new pc gear isnt doa when ups drops it off. Its always the mobo.

>> No.4239096
File: 68 KB, 888x894, boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rounding up the anatomy after two years of extensive study

>> No.4239366

damn, I had the same feeling when everything just "clicked" somehow. good feeling anon.


>have gf
>gives me time to practice drawing after work, when I say that I need it, does not insist on spending time with her
>sits by my side most of the time, lurking web
>"Oh, anon, that's really good, you are on the next level I'm telling you"

I know she knows its shit, but damn it gives me energy to continue.

>> No.4239395

I'm liking the vibe of this board right now. Most people are trying to actually give real critique including what they like and what needs to be fixed, and how to fix it if they know what to do. But it's not a hugbox full of "muh style" and "I didn't ask u for critique only compliments fuck off" fags and if someone's being a complete idiot they still get called out.

I know this kind of thing comes and goes in waves here but I wish /ic/ was like this instead of pure jelly and toxicity more often.

Keep it up guys.

>> No.4239484

dont listen to this anon. and dont forget to add the 5 page prologue about the magic systems

>> No.4239491

>Clear years and years of papers and college shit
>Somehow my most recently sketchbook with half of my Inktober end up in the same pile
>Throw it without realizing
>Lose motivation for some time, thinking about quitting
>Many followers, friends and family try to cheer me up and leave wholesome comments
>Decide to give it a try once again.

Let's see where this goes

>> No.4239505

Drawing waifu's for /a/non. They're just so happy someone would take the time of day to draw for them they don't care how it looks. It's oddly motivating it even broke me out of my most recent bout of art block.

Also don't forget to break as many of the rules you wasted our time explaining to us for a year the second you write the heroes into a hole they can't escape.

>> No.4239701
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, m1vtxeh2ivr11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Finished a drawing

>> No.4239713

Nice. That's the best feel. Do it more

>> No.4239733

Only place to go is up, it’s all gainz from here buddy

>> No.4239885
File: 32 KB, 770x544, 1520330-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that this thread has people posting in it still : )

Pen looks really cool anon, it's nice that you've gotten so inspired and found a medium/method of art that you really get into. Also good to hear you're learning to be more positive even in the face of art you don't like - turning it into a positive drive.

That's good to hear anon, drawing good heads is a great step and I felt great when i first did a decent head (still not that good at human heads though). Thanks for the kind words.

This sort of life-changing motivation is always difficult, so even though it may be difficult I wouldn't want you feeling bad for struggling - it only makes sense your brain would want to avoid such risk even if you know its better in the long term. This sort of advice is typically personal and I don't know you - so I can only suggest you try and make a good foundation (health, friendships, etc) which should make enjoying a hobby such as art and being confident to change life paths come more naturally.

Agreed, that's really cool of you anon. We need more people like you in the world.

Wishing you luck anon

Congrats! Good luck for further work/education

Even if you aren't confident in your work, its great that you have someone that's so supportive of you - hope it continues to be great for you anon.

I'm a bit of a softie but I have to agree that this board is p good right now - just aiming to keep it that say/make it better.

Cool as to see you have so much support - best of luck to you anon.

Glad you managed to get some support online and break out of your slump - good on you

Thats' good anon, hope you can keep the ball rolling : )

>> No.4240191
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>not that good at drawing
>try to draw some lewd Pokemon SwSh art
>post it on my new twitter
>instantly regret it
>put too much time in, don't wanna delete
>close out twitter and seriously contemplate quitting and making a fresh account
>finally get the balls to look at my twitter
>It got likes
>holy shit
>got my first retweet
>and another, and another!

Part 2
>just chilling looking at other artists
>find a cool nip artist, good stuff
>follow him
>he follows back
>genuinely didn't expect a follow back, just liked his stuff and wanted to follow

We're all gonna make it, brahs.

>> No.4241690
File: 205 KB, 400x400, TristThumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw for /co/ drawthread
>just doesn't work out
>still post cuz it took me too long
>2 anons liked it

>> No.4241701
File: 37 KB, 744x815, HappyDays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I feel down, I look back at this simple message and smile.

>> No.4242615

felt really good for once that i drew a fanart sketch last night and posted it on twitter, which somewhat got likes/rt

aannnddd in return i got sick yay, time to get back to retail work under this condition :^D

>> No.4242627

New pc has arrived.
9pm it was delivered.
To tired to put it together.
Still psyched.
Pray i dont break anything.

>> No.4242845

This picture has great validating energy.

>> No.4242932

Based Japanese

>> No.4242939

Good luck. Remember, screw shit in hand tight only, and proper cable management is key for good airflow.

>> No.4242974

>screw shit in hand tight only
What does this mean?

>> No.4242985

It means only screw things in as tight as you could by hand and still be able to unscrew it by hand. Don't go ham on the screwdriver and just crank that shit because you'll break something. If you're a hamfisted strongman who could tighten it all the way and still get it out without tools somehow, then tighten only enough that it is secure and won't pop out if the case gets kicked.

>> No.4243068

I'm finally finishing work on a regular basis. I understand now. I am becoming enlightened. Ascending. To Nirvana and beyond. Feels good man.

>> No.4243164

Getting more coffee before i start in on this mofo.
Not my first rodeo.

>> No.4243176

Well then why are you concerned about breaking shit? You got this man. Enjoy the new computer :)

>> No.4243913

it works!

>> No.4244107

I was having trouble with my G nibs until I bought some India Ink (Dr. PH Martin's Bombay, good shit) to use instead of the Sumi ink I bought years ago, it's made a load of difference. I recently ordered some Maru nibs that I'm excited to try, can't wait for them to arrive.

>> No.4244955
File: 2.73 MB, 540x899, 2db.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cintiq came this week. Opened it today.
Feels pretty good. Like over all.

>> No.4245468
File: 29 KB, 510x477, 1570290118015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi. i made a new art discord server. the rules are:
-you can only post content you've made
-the content cannot be already on another social platofrm
-you cannot post anything in the server to another social platform

i want to fill up the server with art "games" like draw this in your style, and "save the princess with your drawing skills" and stuff like that. slowmode is enabled too (1 minute cooldown between posts), to promote longer posts rather than a lot of small ones.

>> No.4245471

i forgot the link.

>> No.4245757

>Brain.exe not working
>Showing coworkers some art I made on Imgur and 4chan cause nowhere else
>Try to draw attention towards the drawing and not my username
>Boss (super chill) laughs, "Wait, your username is... ButtFartRapeDick? What the hell, why?"
>He laughs, I laugh, he shares a story about how he used to get banned on WoW for having stupid names
>Set all my favorites to private now

>> No.4245801
File: 1.14 MB, 500x447, hgshgfsd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw a cute anime girl
>try to draw a cute anime girl
>actually drew a cute anime girl
>tape her to the wall to see her smile everyday and remind myself of the joys of drawing

>> No.4245888

I like this idea. Idk about joining anything from here though.

>> No.4245889
File: 440 KB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be youngfag
>sign up for private art lessons
>there are only cuties here with me
>have fun while drawing with cuties every week

>> No.4245977

>make nsfw twitter
>immediately get almost 400 followers after after like 4 posts in two days

Kinda bittersweet as my real art gets no attention but I’ll take it

>> No.4246139

>go to figure drawing session
>done it before but still a bit anxious as last time was a complete mess
>model is an absolute cutey
>has a slim frame and really soft looking skin
>feels like my skill was improving by the minute

Man, sometimes the girls that do the modeling can really bring out the best in you. I once had an older lady which isn't bad per sé but her poses weren't very good and she had trouble staying still and "finding" her poses.
But when you have a girl who can stay still, get some interesting poses without a thought, and looks appealing to top it off, it will make drawing her a lot more fun and enjoyable.

>> No.4246692

basically they want more of that content you made, even if you don't post much frequently anon

just give 'em a really good quality work that they'll love

>> No.4246746

wow. maybe I'll do that...

>> No.4247215

yep, every time I have made a big jump in skill it was always preceded by a short break on the subject i was studying and trying something else.

>> No.4247232

Haven't seen avatarfagging in years.

>> No.4247267

man putting the amount of hours I do in a notepad every day sounds like a really good idea and idk why I never thought of it.
thanks anon

>> No.4248095

It's really easy for a porn artist to get followers on twitter as long as it's mostly fanart.

>> No.4248113

As someone who has an ugly face this would be for me a nightmare scenario.

>> No.4248127

I've been stagnating for years, notably above average but not nearly as outstanding as some of my peers in my fandoms. Specifically, my best now isn't significantly better than my bests from the past few years.
However, my average art hovers much closer to that ceiling so hopefully I can break through soon.

>> No.4248213

What the fuck does having an ugly face matter? You're not the model

>> No.4250486
File: 151 KB, 960x720, 1535675256247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was dreading coming back to drawing after a 4 month break, thinking I would lose all my skill. Turns out I'm just as good as when I left off, maybe even a little better in some areas.

>> No.4250496

>did several sketches yesterday at school
>felt cathartic
>actually designed some creative characters for the first time
>thought that I never had creativity before but now I know that I just have to let loose

>> No.4250577
File: 34 KB, 825x464, kermit-the-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing number of responses guy, really proud of all the positivity : )

Great positive thinking anon. Glad you stuck through with the art and managed to reap the rewards of sticking with your decisions, hope things stay on the up and up!

Drawthread anons are great motivators, glad you too got motivation from them/glad you still posted your art even if you weren't fully satisfied and got to see the positive responses.

That's' so cute anon, wholesome Japanese guy.

Hope you get through the work sick, still cool you managed to grab that positive thinking and turn it into something you got good likes/rt with

Gl anon, hope the build goes well :D

Really glad to hear that anon. Getting work done consistently is the gift that keeps on giving, you're gonna improve more and be able to post more regularly/get those likes/rts that can be useful to further motivation. Best of luck.

Rad anon, hope its useful :)

Wholesome stuff anon, hope you can take that motivation and improve yourself/increase your joy.

>> No.4250581


Wholesome stuff anon, best of luck to your art progress/life in general

While I dont have nsfw, the very few cutegirl stuff I've posted tended to get more attention. It doesn't mean your other work is worse, just that theres a bigger audience for the nsfw stuff. Keep trucking - you've already got lots of momentum really fast so clearly you've got skill.

Cool you got a great model, double cool you managed to start improving - best of luck in the future.>>4248127

Even if your best work isn't improving at a significant rate, its still good progress that your average work improves over time. Having everything be pretty good can sometimes be worth more than having a few pieces be amazing if the rest is below average - good luck breaking through that wall.

That's super cool to hear anon! Best of luck continuing after the break you've had, hope you stay strong!

Cool as hell to hear that, creativity is something people can struggle with - but its always a great feeling when you get good ideas you feel comfortable drawing.

>> No.4250834
File: 414 KB, 480x361, 1562291354354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I started learning I was worried that It would take me forever to learn. But In my opinion I'm learning faster then I ever thought I would. Most of the stuff in the fundamental books are teaching me things that I grasped really quick (though I'm still practicing the stuff the books teach me since I'm obviously not gonna be perfect first try). I even posted something I plan on finishing and coloring (when I get a drawing tablet to color) and even though I said It's not good and still /beg/ people responded saying it's not /beg/ at all (even though I still think it is since It's really just a copy and wasn't drawn from imagination) which gave me even more inspiration to draw since I think negatively about my drawing ability a lot of the time.

Even though I got a lot of the stuff from the fundamental books really quick I still need to work on drawing from imagination since I'm still not that good at that and some things are always off that I'm trying to rectify. My linework is horrible though has improved a tiny bit over the past month I've been learning, I'm hoping it'll get better after a while but not for a long time since it seems to be getting better at an extremely slow pace. I still need to start learning some things though like color and anatomy and better construction.
But so far the month I've been learning has gone really well and I'm proud of my progress even though I'm still shit at drawing. I can say though that I am still having fun.

>> No.4250895

>Haven't drawn in 10 years
>Randomly decide to give drawing a try once again
>First drawing is a study of some random woman in a movie
>End up taking 3 hours
>End up being on of the best drawing I ever did


Based JBP poster, love the thread