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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1015 KB, 2000x2000, Kiki_the_cyber_squirrel_mascot_of_krita_plastic_model_photo_03_low_angle_rear_view_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4221766 No.4221766 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk about Krita here.
>muh krita slow
demonstration here https://streamable.com/wbrae
Although it needs to have the HDR settings disabled.

>What's so good about Krita?
You don't need to hop to PS and back.
If you like drawing in CSP but you need to edit something, finish or colorize in Photoshop you will love Krita. That's why I chose it. With Krita you can start and finish all in one program without hopping back and forth to edit anything. It saves a lot of time and ass pain.

Krita also has some cool features of it's own.
>you can lasso cut, transform and liquify an entire group of layers
If you want to fix your character's face just a little or move the head but it's made out of 50 layers you can.
>sick perspective rulers
a complicated 3 point scene or some crazy fish eye - yes you can and it's easy.
>cross channel curve correction
some very advanced editing (colorize specific values, or even specific transparencies, or make transparency depend on values however you want)

>> No.4221767
File: 114 KB, 466x396, 1517502177132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to fix your character's face just a little or move the head but it's made out of 50 layers you can.
Imagine having this many layers for a fucking drawing.

>> No.4221768

is that kiki fig available anywhere for purchase?

>> No.4221773

I bought csp, but I will joing the krita shill bandwagon.

They are our best hope against shitty suscriptions. CSP charges a suscription for ipad and nothing guarantess dektop will remain as one time payment.

>> No.4221774

Grow up manchild.

>> No.4221776

I like krita but they need to work on the way colors blend. I know they improved it with the creamy brush flow mode but its still not as good as csp or photoshop even when I use 16bit color depth

>> No.4221779
File: 20 KB, 470x470, c8Kr4xSM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Draws
> Doesn't consider self a manchild
> Argues on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum
> :^)

Ok boomer

>> No.4221783

Imagine wanting to be a boomer.

>> No.4221787

I rather donate to krita than to pay to Photoshtop

>> No.4221792

Happy to report that the latest beta version finally makes it useable on macs.


>> No.4221806


Krita team are working on Android and iOS releases too.

>> No.4221807

Weird. It's not supposed to.
I suspect it's a matter of different stock settings or something because the big problem is that apple just don't support openGL and krita devs cant be asked to rewrite the entire thing in metal.

>> No.4221811


Some nice brushes here.

>> No.4221814

The artists sells them from his personal website.

>> No.4221872
File: 143 KB, 780x410, 8e8c30873633b11743f912fbe33ed249fb4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to spam my favorite brush sets again to keep the thread bumped, starting with my favorite. Thanks for the krita general!


It's similar to a lot of those "painterly" photoshop brush sets from a lot of popular concept artists/illustrators. The real advantage to this brush set is that you can use the non smudge brushes at any brush size without lag. The creator of the brush set managed to create textures from just the brush tips, not by adding texture patterns. So they run faster.

Even if you don't plan to use any of the texture brushes, I would recommend installing this just for the hard round brushes. The hard round brushes in this set are similar to the default one in photoshop. Way better than the default hard round brushes that come with Krita.

>> No.4221880
File: 192 KB, 650x805, categories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mainly like the brushes from the "g", "v". and "y" columns. The cloud/fog brushes have been surprisingly useful.

The first two brushes in column "v" are similar to the rainbow "meme" brush that aaron griffen uses in his art.


I was able to fully recreate the meme brush in Krita by replacing the brush tip from one of the first two brushes with the brush tip from aaron's brush set. I try to post it if anyone wants.

>> No.4221885
File: 2.63 MB, 1005x2754, GUMROADcover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My favorite one from this collections of brush sets is the "pen and pencil" one. Screentone one is also cool too.

>> No.4221898
File: 805 KB, 1005x1495, brush_20pack_20demos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mainly like the "Ink" brushes. The textured G-pen ink brushes are nice to use.

>> No.4221904

Has the software quality gotten any better? Last time I used it 2-3 years ago, it was incredibly buggy.
And what hardware are you using in the demonstration?

>> No.4221907

yeah bro that's crazy haha

>> No.4221909

The Layer Chad

>> No.4221915

>designed by TysonTan
FUCKING HELL why are his mascots fucking EVERYWHERE

>> No.4221916

>Has the software quality gotten any better?
They had a couple of performance upgrades and then a lot of debugging updates after that.
Right now it's stable and pretty fast.
Doesn't feel slower than CSP, but in the same time CSP is suffering screen tearing and the transform tool is fucking slow.

My hardware is Ryzen 2700X with some fast ram and a Vega gpu.

>> No.4221942

>Lets talk about Krita here.
OK. Let's talk. Where can I get that figurine?

>> No.4221953

>CSP is suffering screen tearing and the transform tool is fucking slow.
holy shit i thought this was just my computer

>> No.4221955


>> No.4221975

No apparently it's just the best they can make.

>> No.4221991


>> No.4222001

How the animation on it? I have a janky Medibang+DavinciResolve setup, and am looking to switch out.

>> No.4222040

Krita performance settings
I don't know what ships by default but once i got 4.2 it was basically crawling at unusable speed.
>disable HDR - that's the big one
>enable texture buffer and set to Angle (if on Windows)
>open performance settings give it all the ram to use, some internal pool, all the CPU cores etc
>in view menu enable the instant preview feature

Also if you click way outside of canvas it actually paints there and makes your layers way larger.
That's fixed by cropping.

I don't animate shit but it looks like it's a big feature to the Krita team.
It's 150mb and for free so give it a shot.

>> No.4222064

because he does it for free.

>> No.4222115
File: 153 KB, 462x435, 1469376673831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you go too fast, the stabilizer can't keep up and ends up making segmented lines instead of a smooth line

>> No.4222123
File: 27 KB, 889x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comparison between sai and krita. same motion, same speed.
in before >need the stabilizer

>> No.4222148

>he needs the stabilizer

>> No.4222153

I know but it's true. it doesn't mess up my lines anymore. It's actually usable now.

>> No.4222160

Just android, sadly. They said they can't deal with apple's license.

>> No.4222163

the fuck's wrong with the left one? is that krita? are the stabilizer settings ruining your lines?

>> No.4222189

I would probably switch to krita from CSP if the line art wasn't so horrible.
Lot's of jagged curves and the start of a line is always straight with and without the stabilizer while in CSP It's completely smooth.

>> No.4222198

is krita heavier or lighter than CSP?

>> No.4222215

Is krita the only program that has gamut masks?

>> No.4222218

I wonder how much porn they made of this mascot

>> No.4222266
File: 437 KB, 3508x2480, ew5o2hyowstz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you get something like pic related? I had the same problem. You have to go to your wacom settings and disable "double-click" in Krita.

>> No.4222284

Tried that already. Also disabled windows ink and reinstalled drivers multiple times.
Krita is the only program where it happens

>> No.4222289

It's also not that bad. It's only a very small part of the line that basically no one would notice unless I pointed it out but it still drives me crazy since I notice it on every line.

>> No.4222689

Krita has it's own tablet settings and curve. Maybe you can fix it there like cut off the lower 1% or something.

Or ask their support, that's not supposed to happen.
I never had this issue on either of my tablets. For me everything runs great in Windows ink mode (both tablet in ink and krita in ink mode)

>> No.4222695

Recently my laptop broke and now im using one with Ubuntu, which runs krita and not photoshop. Ive been usinf Krita for about a month now and i fucking hate it. I want Photoshop back so bad, fuck krita and fuck you blatant developer shills who advertise here

>> No.4222738

It's truly an embarrassingly terrible program made by very incompetent yet overconfident developers. Kritafags are the vegans of the art community.

>> No.4222828
File: 55 KB, 1415x2000, 4Panels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is krita any good with comic making ?

>> No.4222838

Krita has panel templates and speech bubbles, allows you to make your own and manage.
There are screentone filters and brushes
The text tool is ass though.

>> No.4222842

Clip studio paint is infinitely better, designed for that

>> No.4222852

Maybe I'd be using CSP if not for the the tearing and poor performance

>> No.4222853

Get a better computer i guess idk

>> No.4222854
File: 833 KB, 4138x2299, bearstudy2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah krita is fantastic if you avoid blending. Pic related is a painting i did in krita without any blend brushes, just hard round and soft round with a little bit of texture.
If they give us correl painter or csp style color blending, krita will be unstoppable.

>> No.4222856

Its really unstable and crashes a lot. Once they fix that it will legit be my favorite lightweight frame-by-frame animation tool, but right now its not the best

>> No.4222858

dont use stabilizers you fucking autist. They're a crutch

>> No.4222859

Can anyone confirm if Krita ever reaches a point where it's legitimately faster than photoshop on a high-end pc?

Because I'm on some truly generic hardware, I've adjusted all the settings to get the best performance out of Krita, and Photoshop still runs about twice as fast under the exact same testing conditions. Sounds like a hoax to me.

>> No.4222860

Cool bear bro.
I know what you mean.

Its just the settings.
Out of the default blending brushes there's like one that is actually juicy and blends like you would expect and the other not so much.

I hope we get more 3rd party brushes and plugins, if Krita had a community like Blender that would be fantastic.

>> No.4222862

My computer is good already.
So i had to get a better software instead.

>> No.4222863

For me ps isn't as snappy when drawing at a reasonable resolution with a small brush.

When I get above 8K and whip out a massive textured brush - yeah PS can't be beat and krita begins to struggle.

But on a smaller scale i feel like Krita is a little snappier

>> No.4222864

I use Medibang at the moment. Doesn't have a lot of features but the responsiveness of it makes it worth it for me.

>> No.4222865
File: 185 KB, 1044x869, 831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4222871

Add tweening so I can do camera moves and I'll abandon CSP.

>> No.4222872

Clearly not if ur program is acting up as ive never had any of those issues. Get an antivirus

>> No.4222874

any tips on how'd you render like that?

>> No.4222881
File: 30 KB, 923x585, Onion_skin_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's there, but they call it onion skin.

>> No.4222929

The blending is the only thing that's keeping me from using Krita. If they get it on par with the other big software I'll switch.

>> No.4222945
File: 1.24 MB, 3759x2160, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what exactly you want but I think you should just try some third party brush or tweak the default to your taste.

>> No.4222948
File: 411 KB, 1015x1298, unknown-2~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually blend like this, but this is kinda fun.

I still don't really know when to use a blending brush.
I just blend like I'm in Photoshop

>> No.4222989

That's one of my favorite brushes. but something's still not right. its like a code thing that needs improvement. It feels like I have to fight to get the values that I want in Krita. I've used Krita for about 1 year now, Photoshop for 4 years and Clip Studio for a few days and I can feel the difference from just a few minutes of using CSP.

>> No.4223002

newbie here, I don't understand, what's up with krita's blending and why's it not as good as csp or photoshop?

>> No.4223306

>be curious
>install this program
>open up a .jpg picture to change balance
>takes a while to find setting entry in menu
>move one of the sliders slightly
>entire computer lags to a halt while previewing
>uninstall within 60 seconds and do this flawlessly on CSP

>> No.4223313

Say, are you drawing in a gamma-corrected or flat colorspace?
Practically every other digital painting program keeps image data in one and converts to another for various color math things. Krita on the other hand uses one or the other for everything, meaning that you either get smooth black-white gradients or non-muddy color blending, and never both at once.

>> No.4223317

someone who understands his craft, and on /ic/ of all places..

>> No.4223325 [DELETED] 

The only distinctly non-muddy blending i ever seen is PS in LAB mode and SAI.
And most of the PS features don't work with LAB anyway. CSP is as muddy as they get.

>> No.4223327

Is this >>4222945 muddy?
This is a flat colorspace as you can see on the color wheel and the blending looks jucy to me.

>> No.4223498

yea, it's krita's stabilizer. if you go too fast, it can't keep up.
I tried to post it in the krita forum years ago, and none of the devs saw anything wrong with the left one.
>nooooo stop using certain tooooools!!!!

>> No.4223517
File: 415 KB, 1600x879, img(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh stabilizer
Works on my hand.

>> No.4223520
File: 68 KB, 1024x1024, dropped_glasses__wip__by_cpt_katawa_dd5xar7-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4223551

You could be pablo fucking davinci michelangelo. The fact of the matter is that a functioning stabilizer is a basic standard nowadays, and now even Photoshop 2019's stabilizer is better than kritas.

>> No.4223567

I'll see if it even happens to me when I'm back home tomorrow.
Maybe i just never go so fast, maybe it's not actually happening on my machine.

Were you guys having this with the regular "weighted" option or the "stabilizer"?

>> No.4223846

Krita's blending is really simple and flat, while csp and correl painter's blending behaves similarly to how oil paint would behave irl. It makes painting in csp and correl way more intuitive and dynamic.
Krita's blending and natural medium tools are exactly like the ones in paint tool sai. They're very digital and only good for simple anime coloring.

I honestly don't think photoshop's blending is good. I don't think photoshop is good for anything except photobashing desu. Other programs do both painting and lineart better than photoshop.

Start with a good sketch that really defines the form of your subject.

paint with a large brush until the big shapes look good, then move into smaller and smaller detail. Strokes should follow the contour of the form always or the result will look bad. You can get away with not doing this with more traditional looking brushes, but if you're using a hardround you should follow the contour.

If your painting is starting to look a bit muddy, put a sharpness filter over it and continue painting on top. It will really define your brushstrokes/texture and tell you what doesn't read well. You can also mess around with the HSV and levels sliders to get more accurate colors and values.

Complimentary color goes a long way. If there's not many complimentary colors in your reference you can fake it by placing color notes (little dots of complimentary color) around the canvas, but don't go overboard with it. In my painting i used teal to contrast the overwhelming warm colors.

>> No.4223849
File: 99 KB, 1200x979, stabilizertest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems fine to me. what do you have the stabilizer settings set to?

>> No.4223871

Eh? Photoshop's is just fine.

>> No.4223879

Ok so I just moved from Potatoshop, can anyone advise me how brushes work? There is no smudge - I'm guessing it's just a brush now.

Can the right click menu be customized? Are the standard brushes good enough or can something more be done?

I like everything so far, but grouping / clipping / laggy filters is definitely inferior.


>> No.4223884

for a free program, krita is fucking fantastic
i got started using it, still go back to it from time to time because of how intuitive it is for me
color blending is a bit of an issue though, i usually find that i have to fuck around with some airbrushing in order to get the exact shades i want, but that could just be me being bad

>> No.4223945

Ummm. How do I scroll the brush window with my pen?

I've pressed like.... the two buttons on my pen and modifiers... the fuck?

>> No.4224049

Photoshop isn't even for drawing you dumb faggot. Enjoy your garbage hotkeys.

>> No.4224055


You can make "smudge" brushes using the color smudge brush engine. Krita comes with a few default blend/smudge brushes that you can adjust to your liking. Here's a boring wiki page about it. There's probably a lot of better video explanations on youtube


>> No.4224057


>> No.4224113

No. It's a good program period.

>> No.4224114
File: 192 KB, 1179x604, seeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno

>> No.4224135

Nice bait.

>> No.4224179

Beg retard detected. Fuck you I will use stabilizers for inking.

>> No.4224205

>Brushes window
>Diaplay ALL brushes
>The purple brushes are blending
>Green are textured watercolor something
>The white brushes are smudge

Krita has a bunch of smudges and some are pretty good.
They even work as a faster liquify for rough sketches.

Dude what?

>> No.4224471
File: 665 KB, 3762x2160, sddfdsfdsfccccvdsfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jerky lines
Hey geniuses I just fixed your problem.
Solution in the video.

it seems to ONLY glitch when you are using delay(pull rope) without the stabilizer itself.
THIS is the stabilizer value like in CSP or sai
This is pull-rope mode
So you basically disabled the stabilizer but eenabled the pull rope and then complain.
Are you actually stupid or just assblasted CSP shills?

>> No.4224483

I just figured out that the entire "Krita has no stabilizer" meme came out of people literally too stupid to enablee the stabilizer and use it.

>> No.4224493

> still not using krita
> still not using krita with multiple monitors
> still not having one fully zoomed out and mirrored canvas open on a second monitor by default
> still not using linux with one normal mouse cursors and an extra mouse cursor for the cintiq to be able to shove all the not so frequently used menus on a third monitor to have even more drawing space without having to switch full screen canvas off and on all the time

No wonder you guys ngmi

>> No.4224497

You'd be right, if I actually used the stabilizer.
The problem isn't the stabilizer because the lines start in a straight line and when you make any kind of fast curve it's like the program doesn't understand what you just did and just fills in a bunch of segmented lines that end up at your destination but aren't accurate to the motion you made.
CSP, Photoshop, SAI and even fucking paint don't have this issue whatsoever.
I like that there's an open source free software that wants to compete with larger expensive software, but there's a reason those cost money.
You get what you paid for.

>> No.4224500

The stabilizer does suck compared to others though.
Way more laggy even with the delay at 0.
The only thing krita's stabilizer is better at than other stabilizers is perfectly straight lines.
Curves never seem to go the way you want them to because of the lag.

>> No.4224512

Then it seems that something is off with windows ink, or driver, or something in that field.

>Way more laggy even with the delay at 0.
Anon, you don't seem to understand.
The lag IS the stabilization, every stabilizer works by waiting for your input and then averaging your movement.
A small stab value will wait for a short time and then make an average out of your moves over that short time hence the short lag.
Some massive high stabilizer like S-7 in SAI is waiting for a long time and them making a long lag.

>stab settings
>straight up disable the Delay because it sucks and nobody uses that
>then tweak the DISTANCE setting
>low is some minimal stabilization feels really snappy
>1000 is a super slow motion stabilizer like S-7 in SAI

CSP by default just doesn't have high values for stab so it would feel faster.
But in reality you can manually enter 2000 and that too will be super slow.

>> No.4224515

>Anon, you don't seem to understand.
I get how stabilizers work, I'm just saying that Krita's stabilizer is one of the worst there is.

>> No.4224516

Ok, this is epic.

But it has nothing to do with the discussion - you don't need to move things around if you plan beforehand - it's what the artist in your video does, avoiding headache after he's unleashed 280 layers of scattered details.

>> No.4224519

>you don't need to move things around if you plan beforehand
and if you don't you'll need to move this around. shit happens

>> No.4224521

The point is you can liquify your line art and your color layers in the same fucking time.

>> No.4224524


NGMI, 3 months of single-layer painting for you.

>> No.4224528

I dont think you know what tweening is

>> No.4224538

not even baiting. your art will always be souless amateur shit if you use a stabilizer.

>> No.4224615

stabalizers are on by default in CSP sai and now photoshop

>> No.4224628

Somewhere in the settings you'll find a thing called kinematic scroll. By default you can drag around in dockers with the middle mouse click, but I've changed mine to touch.

>> No.4224634

To mention liquify - why is it impossible to use? It lags as hell on 4000x5000 reso, 3 layers.

I have 24 Gb of RAM, i7 6700 3.40 Ghz, GTX 1060 3Gb

>> No.4224635

This is gamma-corrected yes. You can see how the curve isn't linear. >>4222945 is in gamma-corrected color space as well, you can tell from how the interpolation between the two given colors is darker than it needs to be.

>> No.4224676 [DELETED] 


Bro I can't wait a way to scroll the window. Am I blind or what?

Can't find the kinematic thing either. I'm pretty sure I downloaded the latest krita not sure whats going on.

>> No.4224678 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 414x433, Snipaste_2019-11-24_13-10-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4224737

>Vega gpu.
CSP doesn't really use the gpu for anything.
all that matters is CPU single core performance, go ahead and open resource monitor and you will see 1 core at 100% while all the others are at 0%

>> No.4224746
File: 119 KB, 400x300, 69976-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>install krita
>try to reconfigure workspace
>cant drag and drop colorpicker to the other side
>included "minimized workspace" takes up half my screen, but moves color picker to the other side
>cant find list of other function windows to drop into current ui
>cant minimize color picker into an icon button
>tools menu bar cant get dragged into a slot next to a tool window instead of being scrunched up at the top

no thanks desu

>> No.4224762

Lol cool software bro.

>> No.4224774

1 Select the desired area with a lasso tool, trying to liquify the entire large picture really not gonna work
2 krita also extends the layers outside of canvas if you paint out of the canvas so that increaces the resolution even further

I usually work with like 3000*4000 and it's pretty useful to fix a part of the picture but not the entire thing.

>> No.4224836
File: 43 KB, 750x720, ThomasSeeingBullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for FOSS

>> No.4225402

wise anon, enlighten me on layer groups, and how are they working with masking, coloring, blending compared to PS.

>> No.4225998
File: 376 KB, 900x702, 1383370956811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>krita just crashed while i was animating
thank fucking god for autosave or i wouldve hung myself just now

>> No.4226229

Any tutorials and brushes etc for weebshit stuff? Most guides I've seen only cover the basic stuff.
I'm actually considering buying CSP this b Friday because of the whole community and materials around it, makes it easy to just draw

>> No.4226241

Clip masks (inherit alpha in Krita) works only inside a group.

Layer blending works only inside a group. So Lets say you made a new group and made a layer inside this group multiply.
You are going to see this layer as normal because there's no other layer in the group to multiply and the group itself is set to normal. Then you add another layer and they blend together and the group itself is normal.

>> No.4226493

Moving dockers anywhere works just fine for me. You should try again.
The list of dockers is available from Settings > Dockers.
And clicking on the color squares brings up a color picker.

The toolbars are terrible though. Their only reason for being is that you can't pick and choose which dockers to hide in canvas-only mode so you can put useful shortcuts there.
There's also a bug where if you reconfigure the contents of the toolbars you lose the handles you can drag them around with.

You can pass-through blending layers so that they blend with the layers in the wider group too.

>> No.4226731

I just downloaded this program without looking into it first.
Why is it so jittery?! The lines are all janky.

>> No.4226742

Because krita is a free program, so there will be a few issues with it.

>> No.4226803

Show pics or something.

>> No.4226885

You get what you pay for.

>> No.4226928

Krita is nice

>> No.4229052
File: 3 KB, 270x133, RIPHSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when are they adding back color sliders?

>> No.4229204
File: 1.49 MB, 1446x1176, programityourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When someone asked about it on their forum not too long ago, it seemed to be at the bottom of their list of priorities and the developers basically said "ADD IT YOURSELF".


I don't understand how hard it is to add a basic feature literally every other art program in existence has. Makes me want to not donate anymore until they add it back. I think this feature is more important than the buggy HDR shit that slows Krita to a crawl.

>> No.4229246

I appreciate the need for terseness and stern leadership in an open source project, but I don't think I've ever seen a developer actively hate its audience more than Krita.

>> No.4229269
File: 23 KB, 604x414, Mspaintftw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Krita; been using it since 2015, but come the fuck on. Even MS Paint has this shit!

>> No.4229350
File: 18 KB, 215x546, gimpsliders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even gimp has color sliders.

>> No.4229552

Krita has this.
There are no straight up HSV sliders but there are mixing sliders and the advanced color selector has some hsv adjustment sliders.

>> No.4232534

how should I go about blending in Krita? I find the smudge tool to be abysmal, and trying to get a clean transition is always an headache.

>> No.4232642

based boudewjin

>> No.4232997

Its a pain in the ass to blend but using 16bit channel depth instead of 8 makes it easier.

>> No.4233021

1 show the fucking screenshot with your issue
2 try a third party brush or tweak the default ones

>> No.4233038
File: 308 KB, 1520x1064, 1574503427216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're one of the devs/support team aren'tcha? naughty naughty mouth

>> No.4233057

I'm just really sick of the faggots asking for help and not showing what the fuck is wrong in the first place

>> No.4233157

If you want something closer to "sai-like" blending, use the blur brush or wet circle brush. You might have to adjust "smudge length" and "smudge radius" to your liking.

>> No.4235681

How do I bind “rotate canvas” function like in photoshop? In setting there is only a pop up window where I need to manually put angle rotation.

>> No.4235687

Boudewjin being an /ic/ shitposter would make so much sense.

>> No.4235709

By default its bound to numpad.
Num 5 - reset rotation.
Rotating itself is 1 and 3 afaik.

Try using search for numpad in the settings

>> No.4235711

Also shift+space rotates it with the pen like R does in photoshop

>> No.4235765

The popup palette has a rotation dial.
Also you can use multitouch rotation which is what I do.
Only 4 5 6 rotation is fast enough without GPU accel though.

>> No.4236281

>The popup palette has a rotation dial.
Yea, I'm using this for now but wanted a standalone shortcut.

Ty anons, I will try your suggestions.

>> No.4236951

if you have a button on your stylus bound to mouse3 for panning, you can hold shift and drag with that

>> No.4237022

is it just me or the pressure in the inking brushes varies too wildly?

on csp it's controllable, but in Krita, a little push and the brush gets HUUUUGE.


>> No.4237026

Sounds like your pressure settings are fucked because I don't have that issue.

>> No.4237137

I don't use inking brushes but doesn't it take like 5 seconds to adjust on the preset

>> No.4238007

Krita has it's own tablet pressure curve that works across all tools, tweak it however you like

>> No.4238214

this does not look nearly as smooth as some other linearts ive seen. and what point do you have unless no stabilizer is better? are people supposed to find it impressive that you are gimping yourself?

>> No.4241258

Where can I get some additional brushes for Krita? The pack I downloaded had brushes already contained in the program.

>> No.4241534

Anon posted fuckload of brushes itt.

Also gumroad.

>> No.4241940

Does Krita still run like complete shit on mac?

>> No.4241956

David Revoy has a bunch of free brushes on his site that sometimes even get put in the krita defaults

>> No.4242319

The "stabilizer" logic is pretty messed up, but if you tick the "weighted smoothing", it works perfectly.

Yea, there have been rumors mac version will just stop receiving updates eventually because the userbase is so small. The person that uses Krita is usually the exact opposite of someone who uses mac