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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4215585 No.4215585 [Reply] [Original]

My parents told me that I got 4-6 months until they kick me out for being a neet and so on.

I always liked drawing and I'd like to do that for money rather than some wageslave dead end job. I don't have any education so I won't be able to find anything good.

My question is: what can I learn in 6 months that can let me earn any money? Portraits? Something else? Obviously I'd have to focus completely on that aspect but what can I do in my situation?

>> No.4215588

ArE yOu cODiNG SOn?

>> No.4215590

The fact that you even have to ask this means you aren't prepared, which isn't the end of the world. It's just that you're in a pretty dire situation right now, so get that dead end job (holidays are coming up and so is that holiday pay), work there, do the art on the side.

>> No.4215597

It took me five years to gain enough skills to be a full time illustrator and I only make 10k a year, 5k the first year.
I drew a lot as a kid too
This is something that people who genuinely love and have a passion for it strugggle to find work in
What makes you think six months is enough time for you, a probably unmotivated individual, could succeed in making money from this?
You don’t even care about making actual art, just autism bux.

>> No.4215599

I knew I would get an advice like this, getting a job and doing art on the side. I get it, it makes sense. But I worked some retail jobs before and I must say I felt really, really miserable and I got fired because I wasn't performing as much as they would like (probably because I hated that shit and got tired from it really early on). I got fired after 2 weeks of work lol. Also I have so low energy for everything that I wouldn't be able to learn drawing after work, I don't have energy for normal work.

So I don't want to ever come back to this stuff. I have a lot of time to grind art and it is much more rewarding. There has to be something for me to do that can give me minimum wage and I won't feel like shit for doing it (related to art, of course)

>> No.4215600

My parents said that to me to scare me. It never happened. In the end years later I got a job but in my area it's nearly impossible to move out on a mc'd job unless you want to roommate it up.

>> No.4215604

Also OP if you're any good at art all they want to see is that you're making $$ from it. If you aren't getting commissions/patreon bucks/freelance work then you can forget it and suffer from a 9-5.

>> No.4215607

Get a job at a convenience store or something like that, it really isn't that bad. You still have a couple of hours free time a day if you do a regular wage job which is more than enough to get some good practice. Play the long game. Don't be a leech on your parents, it feels awful. You will make them proud and feel good about yourself.

>> No.4215610

>furry porn
But in all seriousness better prepare to find a fast food job. I'm sorry anon, there's not really I can offer. Sucks to hear about your situation.

>> No.4215611

some people are just bad at selling shit and talking to people, see if you can find a job where you dont have to do that

and if you don't have energy take a multivitamin or get your thyroid checked or something, das not normal

>> No.4215617

Worry less about art for the moment and focus on getting a job and stockpiling cash for the next few months until you have to leave.

>> No.4215620

I don't have to leave if I show them that I do something

>> No.4215642

They're probably not going to kick you out if you get some kind of job to show that you're applying yourself. Walmart is always hiring. I think they even pay for online classes if you want to get an education.

>My question is: what can I learn in 6 months that can let me earn any money? Portraits? Something else? Obviously I'd have to focus completely on that aspect but what can I do in my situation?

Even the best prodigy artists I've seen that went from zero to pro level took at least two years to do it. And that's from them drawing for hours a day, maybe at least 8, like it's a full-time job everyday.

I think it might be easier to learn blender or something and try to get freelance 3d modeling gigs on the side. I see a lot of good 3d artists who can't draw at all.

>> No.4215662

>Its another episode of im a shitty loser with no skills which wasted his entire life on videogames coming to the realization he wasted his most important years trying to pick a skill that he thinks it will net him money while being clueless about what it entails which in turn leads him to add another failure to its long list
We get this thread everyday. Multiple times on different boards. Getting real tired of this rerun. You are fucked, If you had with takes to not be a miserable failure you wouldn't be in this position on the first place

>> No.4215665

You are saying like people can't improve and become functional through tough circumstances.

There are some really good artists out there that started as complete losers like David Rapoza for example

>> No.4215680

this, everyone's getting into coding, it's super popular and really high in demand, jump on it before it's too late

>> No.4215683

As someone who's seen at this point thousands of people who are like this and never getting anywhere, yeah I'm pretty sure they won't do anything. Better to get a job then thinking you'll get anywhere within 6 months. There's a reason why he's in this situation anon, and it's to do with his mentality on hard work

>> No.4215706

Dave rapoza is one of a kind, op is delusional and doesn’t understand even under good circumstances it’ll take five or more years to make a reliable income producing good work.

>> No.4215733

You are not David Rapoza. Feel free to prove me wrong. You won't

>> No.4215736

David Rapoza was a loser until he wasn't. I am a loser until I am not. So it's better to think in terms how I can be something else than I am today.

>> No.4215754

>hey guys how can i stop being guy A and become guy B
>fuck off you are guy A so you can't succeed

This is why this board is worthless, you can't into basic logic. Any rational response should be based around helping getting what is requested, so in this case saying "get a job" is completely useless. If OP wanted to get a job, he would get it. He asks for something else, so you should talk in that frame. If you can't help him, then don't respond at all.

I don't even care about this specific case but I am tired of seeing shit logic on this board time and time again. Maybe you are just stupid, maybe you are malicious, I don't know.

>> No.4215760

This, don't believe anyone it's oversaturated. Maybe in commiefornia with a flood of chinks

>> No.4215762

You're retarded. If this guy is NEET and not good at anything then he'll always have no passion

>> No.4215765

But he likes to draw, so it's not like he doesn't want to do anything. It's a simple case.

>> No.4215789

>what can I learn in 6 months
Nothing good
Bro just ask them to go to art school.
You said they don't like you being a neet
They would probably be happy to shill some cash to get you into a school
Hell pick up a random subject that's not art and study art in the meanwhile.
If nothing else, swollow your pride and wagecuck with a plan
Plan what you want to do
work to pay for it
and work that course of action.

>> No.4215790

actually I take it back. You could probably study graphic design in 6 months if you are dedicated enough
pick up photoshop and illustrator, whenever you are not learning the ropes of photoshop fill request in /w/'s vector thread to get experience making vectors

>> No.4215813

Where do I start?
I know basic c and c++.

>> No.4215817

>He likes to draw
Wrong. The only reason he wants to get into it now is because he thinks is easy money that can be made without human interaction. Funny enough the truth is the polar opposite

>> No.4215834

He liked drawing as kid, he probably hasn't drawn since. At most he could make $50 a month in his time frame. Just fucking get a job

>> No.4215839

Is python a good start I just want to get a job that will let me have free time for art grind

>> No.4215855

6 months isn't long enough to "get good". You need to get a day job if you want your parents off your back. If you still want to do art professionally, practice in your downtime.

>> No.4215955

What are some dignified jobs for an artists with a dropout degree? the sort that will give you a fair sum of money while giving you time for art?

>> No.4215995

Not everyone can learn to code, and coding jobs aren't easy to get precisely because everyone's doing it.

>> No.4215996

You're fucked, dude.
May was well work retail or something, because you aren't going to make any money doing commissions if you're a /beg/ in drawing.

>> No.4215998

when I read posts like these I wonder, what are you guys answering right now up to? what do you do? are you fulllfledged artists that are set for life? are you guys hobbists? if so, what else is that you do for a living?

>> No.4216000

>2 hours a day
not OP but I'd honestly rather an hero than have 2 hours of free time

>> No.4216010


>> No.4216017

Do you read your own posts? I'm asking seriously, no joke. Do you even fathom what the fuck you're talking about? Do you realise everyone's mad serious about this matter yet you still go full wojak loser against their suggestions. Do you fucking understand you're embarassing even for /ic/'s standards? Go ask on /v/

>> No.4216019

Retard, get real for once

>> No.4216022

desu the "got good enough in 1 year" guys only got work because the industry wasn't saturated as fuck, you don't get good enough in 1 year these days

>> No.4216060
File: 26 KB, 476x445, 1451235269809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you so disabled by your autism that you can't comprehend that "a couple" very rarely means "a pair"? How sheltered and uninformed are you that you can't understand colloquial english?

>> No.4216061

Could you not troll like this please? This forum has enough of that shit as it is. Go visit /pol, they believe anything.

>> No.4216063

Why would you think graphic design only takes 6 months to learn? Degrees in that take 4 years as well. It always amuses me how arrogant some of you are, thinking graphic design is something some can just dick around with for a week or two and get a job doing it. Or anything, really.

>> No.4216082

>I know basic C and C++
If you actually know C and C++ you've already learned every language that exists or ever will. It's just about applying the same principles with different syntax.

>> No.4216088

>Have all the necessary skills.
>Lack ESL speech.
>lol you need to get a 4 year degree anyway.

>> No.4216092

literally impossible in such a small timeframe. learn to code (easiest is web dev bullshit) and you should be able to secure some kind of gainful employment

>> No.4216121

How do you even consider him as a loser? he barely left highschool and made it in the industry. He wasn't the same breed of loser as most of the people on here, you aren't the type of loser he was, you're probably the typical unmotivated mid 20s anime watching girl friendless loser, he just stole from a local store.

>> No.4216131
File: 1.23 MB, 500x281, pepe feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not completely wrong though. Assuming you work 9-5:

>wake up. 7:00am
>breakfast, shower, take a shit, brush teeth, fap, w/e. 8:00am
>start commute to work. 8:10am
>get to work. 9:00am
>leave work. 5:00pm
>commute home. 6:00pm
>dinner, shower, take a shit, brush teeth, fap w/e. 7:00pm
>free time. 7-11
>sleep. 11:00pm since you want 8 hours of sleep.
4 hours of free time and this is a rather optimistic routine with not too much commute and it doesn't take into account other responsibilities people are ideally expected to do like walking your dog, doing taxes, cooking, budgeting, ironing, cleaning your house or going to the gym. The way people cope with this normally is by sacrificing sleep time to get more free time, but doing that is going to kill you fast and after a while not even your hobbies will be enjoyable anymore since you'll be so tired. 2 hours isn't that far fetched.

>> No.4216142

Nobody is going from zero to making a living off art in six months. Just stop already. I know being a contrarian is a way of life on 4chan, but this is just getting silly.

>> No.4216149

Oh I'm not arguing that's gonna happen, I just got in the thread. I'm just pointing out that wageslave life is indeed hell and 2h of free time is actually a rather realistic number depending on where you live.

>> No.4216155
File: 1.24 MB, 170x300, 1570986888752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how you do it you self-pitying, self defeatist faggot who, not only is ngmi, but ddtmi (doesn't deserve to make it)

let sunday be your free day. on your free day, you make sure ALL meals for the week ahead are prepared and frozen/refrigerated in advance so you don't have to do any other cooking during the week.

wake up 4am and eat your breakfast (no longer than 15 minutes)
now you have 4 hours of free time to work on your art / whatever.
commute: 8am
work slave job 9-5
5pm come home: eat dinner, do whatever it is poor people do
approx 7:30pm: shower, jerk off like the pathetic mutant you are
8pm: sleep

you do that on mon-fri. on saturday, you work 8 hours straight on your shit. sunday you have off, except for the aforementioned cooking
>b-but muh social life, muh gf muh weed muh part-

now you have no excuses. oh, except that you don't actually want it badly enough and just want to make excuses for yourself so you don't have to take 100% responsibility for your life. NOT GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.4216179

Boy I sure do love taking life advices on how I should run my daily schedule from Anonymous on an albanian image board.

>> No.4216180

You still have to do groceries, clean your house/room, go to the gym, do laundry, and probably some other stuff I forgot. All so you can spend 50% of your salary on rent and another 40% on needs and services like food and internet. This isn't as bad if you live with your parents (I do but commute longer as a result) since rent is a jewish scam, but we should at least recognize that the current reality of wageslaving is very depressing for the average person.

>> No.4216181

>since rent is a jewish scam
Implying there was ever a time rent was free? What are you, 12?

>> No.4216187

boy i love faggots who come to an anonymous art board to moan about how shitty their wage slave life is and then when advice is given they reply with any number of facile excuses as to why they can't implement any of it. oh wait, no, i don't like that. if you reply to me again i'll brick your head in with a rock you fucking tard.

you can do your cleaning and groceries on sunday
can eat a lot of time. if you are focused on making it then you'll have to cut the gym time down
>wageslavery is depressing
true, but this isn't some revelation

>> No.4216199

how in hell was I implying rent was ever free wtf?
It really is a jewish scam though since it makes it nearly impossible for the average joe to ever even dream of buying a small 1 bedroom flat, let alone a house, since it's a "better investment" to just rent out real estate rather than selling, making the actual selling prices significantly higher than they should be. This is especially true on densely populated areas. I just thank god my parents aren't your regular boomer who charge rent from their kids, otherwise I would've an heroed a long time ago.

>> No.4216200

>1 hour commute
Where the fuck do you live that it takes an hour to get to work?
Also don't you still have weekends? You have two days to do whatever the fuck. So you can grind small shit during the week and then do big shit on weekends. How is this hard
Rent is mostly a product of artificial scarcity in the housing market making houses too expensive and low wages keeping people from buying what houses are available

>> No.4216213

1 hour commute is actually very common on bigger cities anon. If you live on the outskirts which is my case it can be even longer.

>> No.4216225

sorry forgot to address the weekend thing. Yeah I do have weekends and it's how I go about it nowadays. My discipline is lacking and I'm not reaching my optimal progress, however, so I can definitely improve on it still.

>> No.4216230


>walking your dog
Well, probably shouldn't have one in the first place if you don't have the luxury of being able to spend many hours with it every day but yes they take up a lot of time

>doing taxes
What are you, an accountant?

Once a week

Once a month

Takes a couple of minutes. But is usually not necessary anyway.

>cleaning your house
A couple of minutes a day and a longer session on weekends.

>going to the gym
Calisthenics at home is all you need for health purposes.

Art is your hobby now. You are allowed to read books aswell.

>> No.4216233

>neet life coach anon strikes again
I'm the anon who said he'd an hero, 2 hours, 4 hours, weekends, I don't give a shit. I want all day every day like I'm doing right now, fuck this shit. I don't want to be a wagie cuck who works some shit retail job and is still seen as a failure by everyone just the same except he makes art when he's not too tired. This is what keeps me going, I can't put it to the side.
I'd rather be a parasite who lives his life until I die homeless than some rich faggot's robot slave.
There is no future anyway, it's not like I will retire or live that far down the road.

>> No.4216236
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I NEETed for 2 and a half years and didn’t progress at all at drawing. Every day I told myself to study but eventually I grew complacent and lonely. It’s better if you work and save up for college or a trade school. I wasted years of my life for absolutely nothing and only now am I starting to pick up the pieces. Don’t do it, you will fail.

>> No.4216238

Well lay down and die then I suppose

>> No.4216239
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>> No.4216258
File: 68 KB, 550x412, A2B416AB-D4B3-4BD6-AEEB-3BE167A9A4B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

I don’t mind the life I live now, there’s a sense of progress and normalcy to it. Every day I chip away at what needs to be done. The progress is slow but I’d much rather have this than my life as a NEET. I really do feel like I’m returning to the world.

>> No.4216270

Yes, every apartment and house is owned by jews. Because of course.

Again, are you 12? Or just mentally ill?

>> No.4216319

New anon here, but I agree with them.

I'm working on my passion project while securing my life with a dayjob. Even if you know your way around freelancing it always felt kind of stressful to me. I noticed that I like drawing for myself, not others. So I'm rather working my 9-5 office job, while having free evenings and weekends to work on my comic.

I still have artistic ambitions. Been laying the groundwork for my own publishing company. Spent the last months researching, pricing and preparing- which comes easy for me working in marketing.

Personally I'd say if you like doing commissions, do them. My tips:
- don't ever work under value
- calculate payment mindfully
(material or convention costs, copy rights, etc)
- have your portfolio website on point
- reach out to companies & publishers
(they pay way better than private clients)
- sent out mailings to potential clients
- learn business communication basics
- check the legal side of selling your art/ services
(last thing you want is going to jail for tax fraud)

Being a freelancer is 50% drawing, 50% looking for jobs, communicating ideas and sorting emails. So unless you have enough money to let others handle the marketing for you, I'd suggest just get a part time job that pays as well and work on your art skills and projects on the side.

>> No.4216347
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I am a semi-professional artist who has worked at various small studios creating storyboards and backgrounds for animation. Sometimes I can't find enough work, so I have to do boring stuff like work in a print shop or, as I'm doing right now, work as a graphic designer/order processor at a greeting card/online custom gift shop.

I'm trying to weasel my way into motion graphics design, but I keep getting side-tracked by other endeavors, like learning to paint.

>> No.4216387

hes right.

>b-but muh social life
actually you are doomed if you don't have one of these. artists get jobs by networking so if you break out in a cold sweat when you see another human being you're just ngmi. sorry

>> No.4216417

One day you'll realize that your neetdom is the lowest tier of slavery you can attain. I hope you're autistic enough to ignore the regret of a life wasted. Working, gaining independence, and most importantly developing yourself and taking education is the closest thing you as a normie will be able to get to freedom.

>> No.4216418

Honestly Rapoza was lucky. He was a loser but he was motivated enough due to external pressure to succeed.

If there's no external pressure it's almost impossible to get disciplined enough to make it, I have never heard of anyone doing this.

>> No.4216457

jesus mate your autism is showing. I clearly used jewish as a stereotypical adjective, meaning greedy and exploitative. Not literally jewish lol wtf.

>> No.4216475

OP here, I'll cut to the chase.

I am 25, I stopped playing games some time ago, I don't watch anime and that shit, I have a lot of free time because I don't like doing anything really except that I want to get into drawing hardcore. Are you saying that if I spend 6 months just on drawing, I still can't do shit? There has to be something I can do, discipline won't be a problem because I gave up on everything else anyway.

>> No.4216516

>use le 4chan terms and textspeak in same comment
ok zoomer

>> No.4216519
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not really. not gonna lie to you anon, getting gud and getting paid living wage for your work are entirely different things. and that's even assuming you won't spend most of the 6 months posting on 4chan instead of drawing

maybe look into volunteering at a charity shop or an animal shelter, it's less pressure than a job since they need you and could help convice your parents you are trying

>> No.4216534

Yes. I'm sorry but it really is the truth. It takes many years to internalise the concepts and logic that you need to become even an intermediate-level artist, and even then you'll probably never be at a stage where you can sustain yourself financially. There are only a scant few types that are able to accomplish this, and even then they're extremely limiting and often carry their own financial burden:

Digital porn artists:
Relies on sites like Patreon for income, but income is unpredictable and irregular. Whether you're able to make rent that month or buy that Tesla you've been eyeing is largely based on the waxing and waning genorosity of your fans. That being said it takes YEARS to develop a loyal fan base, and that isn't to say the social aspect of the job is easy either because it's not. I tried my hand at it once and honestly having to be on social media 24/7, having to interact with and entertain bottom feeding degenerates who pester you to draw weird shit all the time, managing like 6 different accounts, managing the Patreon, the Ko-fi, the PayPal, the pressure to output work on a regular schedule as well as the anxiety of uploading all your sketches and wips, it's so much harder than it sounds. Additionally who gets big and who didn't seems to be largely based on luck and chance, as there's a bevy of artists with ability far exceeding artists like Doxy and InCase who get barely any attention at all.

Full time digital concept artists:
You'll have 6 months to accomplish perspective, form, light, shadow, colour theory, anatomy etc. to a master level, and then you need to battle it out with the millions of other schmucks trying to make it big in this medium. Only way of making it to a full-time position is if you get picked up by a big studio like Blizzard or NetEase, and they only want the cream of the crop working for them in-house.


>> No.4216535

Traditional artists:
Digital is appealing to a lot of people because really the only expense you have to foot is paying for electricity, a computer, a tablet, and an internet connection. In order to train in traditional art you need to already have money put aside to pay for good paper, canvasses, pencils, charcoal, chalk, acrylics, oils etc. Coincidentally oil paints are by far the biggest expense, as well as being the most marketable medium. But how are you going to train in oil painting when you can't afford the materials to begin with? You could drop down a step into acrylics, but can you really afford a new canvas every 3-4 attempts, because those things have a limited amount of usage before the paint starts building up. Even if you did get good, who actually ends up with an agent and gets their shit in galleries is wildly irregular. You could definitely get lucky, but it's an enormous amount of money to place into a very tenuous and unpredictable gamble.

So yeah, what you're suggesting isn't just unfeasible, it's impossible. Even with what you're saying, about dedicating yourself 24/7 to achieving this, it's so much harder to do than it is to say. Things happen, life gets in the way, and sometimes you wake up and feel like you'll vomit if you spend one more day with Bridgman. I do wish you luck all the same though.

>> No.4216537

Concept art isn't a good idea for anyone these days. There are factories that produce legions of people for concept art and a big chunk of it is completely soulless.

It's better to get into illustration, less competition (still a lot), more rewarding, more job opportunities and overall it's full of soul if you do it properly.

>> No.4216542

It's possible to get to a level where you could do $30-$100 dollar commissions and make a living that way, but you really wouldn't make much money--just enough to survive and at that point you would be hard pressed to actually improve since you'd spend your time just doing commissions.

That said, you'd need to draw 12-16hours/day, do the right resources, receive the right critique(either from someone really good or if you're smart on your own), build up discipline to actually do that starting in the next month, etc.

In short, pretty much impossible unless you're already decent, talented, >120IQ.

>> No.4216547

No one asked this yet, but... show us where you are now. Post your work.
If you have nothing to show, go take an hour and draw a figure RIGHT NOW. Further advice depends on it.

>> No.4216555

I forgot to add, full-time commercial illustrator is also an option, but getting to a point where you're making a reliable income from it entails a lot of the points previously mentioned + the stylisation aspect of it which take further years to develop.

>> No.4216561

we should make it a general!!

>> No.4216562

I work retail part-time and do commissions on the side, so I cover some expenses like our internet, utilities and some food bills. Ashamed to admit that my partner is the main breadwinner right now but he lucked out in a career that started him off on £21,000 and every year he gets a 4k raise, so he's making a lot of money. I'm looking for full-time now though because being a kept-woman fucking blows.

>> No.4216565
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>I'm looking for full-time now

>> No.4216569

desu the worst thing about these threads is that nobody streams their progress

well, nobody would survive for more than a month but still it would be interesting to see someone attempt the 16h/day schedule.

we've only had one guy do that and he only streamed for like 2-3weeks, and I don't think he did more than 8h/day

>> No.4216586

Get a part time job a few days a week, if you’re an autistic retard like me get a job where you don’t have to speak to people much, cleaning, warehouse etc. Work on your art on the side/on your days off.

>> No.4216592

Well, yeah. I don't want to be a fucking leech like OP.

>> No.4216596

Lol your parents shure have a bitch of a son, no wonder boomers are always saying things like "when I was your age I worked two jobs and still went to school"

>> No.4216601

>I have a lot of free time because I don't like doing anything really except that I want to get into drawing hardcore
>I want to get into drawing
>Want to get into

Look, I can't claim to have any sort of experience in working professionally in the art industry, but this post, and your opening post just screams "ree I don't want to grow up and go to work I just want to sit at home without a worry on my mind".
I've seen people like you, and it's always the same shit. Often they blame someone else for their failings or say that they "can't deal with being a wage cuck". How about being realistic about it.
Your parents are saying they will kick you out in 6 months UNLESS you get a job/education/whatever. This means that all you have to do is get a job. That's it. Why are you trying to run away from the simplest solution? Why are you trying to entertain some pipe dream of going from a complete beginner to a professional in 6 months? Do you even realize what you are asking? Maybe it would be possible if you were some insane prodigy that could draw for 16h every day and do it while actively learning and thinking about what you are doing, but let's be honest here, you aren't going to do it.

Take the advice of the other anons, get the job and establish financial security and keep working on art in your spare time. Hell, some jobs might even allow you to draw while working if you get lucky. Then when you feel like you are at the level of a pro, only then do you quit your job for one in the art industry.
Stop being a lazy sack of shit and take some responsibility for your own life.

>> No.4216603

People on twitter who have 20k followers and live of commissions already have to live in a very simple way, if you are being kicked in 5 months and still is a beg there's literally less than 0 chance you can live off your artwork

>> No.4216605

Get a shitty job and live in a van, or get a gf and move to her house, sorry anon

>> No.4216607

Post your work unironically

>> No.4216612

Exactly, all the anons here just bitch and sperg out saying “art is hard” “ I need muh motivation” “ok I will leave 4chan and improve my art”, they say all this shit about wanting to improve and they still won’t draw.

Instead, all they want to do is make retarded threads like this instead of actually trying.

>> No.4216623

>le 4chan terms that have been used way before the internet was a thing
Dude even when I was a child everyone understood jewish to mean that on the schoolyard.

>> No.4216626

>or get a gf and move to her house
How do i do that

>> No.4216627

>being supported by my husband is shameful
Boy, feminism sure made you happy huh? It is every woman's dream to slave away for a stranger after all!

>> No.4216653

He's not my husband and what makes me happy is being able to maintain a level of financial autonomy. Being able to own my own car and pay my own bills makes me happy. Being able to take him out to dinner and buy him gifts for his birthday makes me happy. This isn't the 1920's anymore, grandpa.

>> No.4216671

Some women are naturally masculine like you.

>> No.4216678
File: 130 KB, 799x1200, a1797624207_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your 1920's subservient leech waifu is waiting for you on the side anon. you just need to be brave enough to take the step.

>> No.4216684
File: 54 KB, 127x315, 1028145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some women are naturally masculine
>naturally masculine

>> No.4216712


>> No.4216716

are you?

>> No.4216772

>fapping and showering twice a day when you could have been drawing
There's your problem

>> No.4216823

>be a freelance illustrator
>make twice as much as my engineer boyfriend
Fuck you I was born to thrive B)

>> No.4216871
File: 12 KB, 277x182, giv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be my mommy gf instead. I swear I'll be the best subservient house husband ever.
I'll cook, clean, do laundry, take care of the kids, cuddle, I'll study the kama-sutra and engrave every detail in my head until i'm able to satisfy you using only my left toe, balancing upside down on one hand, all while executing a flawless performance of the legendary forbidden secret art of the helicockter. I'll go to the gym, grow 11 inches taller and I'll even buy a panda apron (with the panda ears combo included of course) to maximize aesthetics while doing the whole cooking extravaganza.


>> No.4216874

Freelance illustration isn't the same as slaving away for some company.

>> No.4217191
File: 1.29 MB, 300x217, the tragedy of man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't mind my asking anon, what kind of styles are good for that? i do watercolour shit but i am not sure anyone would think it is grown-up enough these days.

>> No.4217196

based desperatefag

>> No.4217198

source on this gif?

>> No.4217243

stupid roastie

>> No.4217379

the name is in the filename. haven't watched it but apparently its kino.

>> No.4217382


>> No.4217397

im genuinely curious, do you anons not know women that are able to support themselves financially but are also feminine? where i live a 20-something girl that cannot earn enough money to take care of herself is considered stupid and rather failing at life, i dont understand how not being dependent on another person is being masculine. what if a guy dumps her, is she supposed to start living on the streets? nobody wants to be financially dependent on anyone and i wouldnt date a girl that lives with her parent and doesnt have enough money to rent something, it means shes a child

>> No.4217407
File: 216 KB, 746x1000, BlackRock2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. For commercial? Tomer Hanuka is very successful. Children's? Styles like Joe Todd-Stanton and Jon Klassen are what you want to be looking at.

>> No.4217426

Based and logical post

>> No.4217452

all those wagecucks are just coping
they can cope with their shit paradigm, we aren't in

>> No.4217462

OR maybe all those wagecucks don't have rich forgiving parents who will provide for them. Interesting thought huh.

>> No.4217487

Anon, just enroll into community college, apply for financial aid (FAFSA), and take up some art classes so you can do art at school and show your parents you're being productive. Since you have no income you should be able to get financial aid no problems to cover your class costs but your parents would probably have to help with textbooks (if any - usually don't need any for art classes) or additional art supplies.

>> No.4218958

Give me some tips that are not based around getting a shitty job and doing art on the side. I don't have time or energy for that. If I go into retail or some other shit, I can say bye bye to art and it's not a good thing because I will be trapped in minimum wage jobs until I die.

I know most of you are full of shit because there is something I could get done in 6 months, it would be subpar and cheap but there is something. I just don't know the market so that's why i am asking.

>> No.4218974

>I know most of you are full of shit because there is something I could get done in 6 months, it would be subpar and cheap but there is something. I just don't know the market so that's why i am asking.

Withou skills and connections there isn't much to be achieved in six months.

>> No.4218979

Holy fuck you are a delusional piece of shit, you don’t deserve to make it, since you don’t want to put in the effort. Just fuck off.

>> No.4218986

>I don't have time or energy to get a shitty job.
Enjoy making $2/hr begging for people to commission you for stinking hot piles of garbage you create. That or enjoy being miserable while you draw 14 hours a day for the next half year to get yourself to decent level.

>> No.4218992

>enjoy being miserable while you draw 14 hours a day for the next half year to get yourself to decent level
That seems more fun than working in retail, ill do that, thanks.

>> No.4219005

If you don’t have time or energy to work a job then you definitely don’t have the energy to learn how to draw. You surely underestimate the effort, time and energy it takes to learn a new skill, especially art for that matter. But you are free to do what you want, just know you’re not going to make a livable income from art with only 6 months of study.
People like you are only trying to find a short cut but in the end only waste time, burnout and will probably quit to boot.

>> No.4219026
File: 178 KB, 290x300, d5k4fux-f6e1d642-6c91-4c67-9785-b6f6463ecee9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to do it though, everybody here can already see that clear as fast. You're not even going to start from the fundamentals. You'll think that skipping straight to drawing lopsided anime tiddies is a clever shortcut because "lol, why do I need to learn muscle groups when anime girls don't have muscles".

You'll keep it up for a month tops before you burn out completely because of your lack of progress, and then you'll resume sitting in your computer chair for 16 hours a day playing League and stuffing your talentless, meaty paws into dorito bags whilst your mother watches you from the doorway wondering whether you were really worth the stitches in her cunt.

You lack proper motivation, passion or discipline, and the fact that you're pissing about posting here instead of drawing already tells everybody in this thread that after this post 404's we'll never see or hear from you again.

>> No.4219046

i feel like there's probably a better job than entrytier retail that you could shortcut to in 6 months. go ask the jobcentre where you live if they have any programs, can't hurt

>> No.4219936

I am not even remotely close to that type of a person as you think. I don't want to draw anything related to anime, although if I were to do fan art, sure, why not.

>> No.4219942

if you really wanna commit to it start a stream and have a schedule like dave rapoza

you will probably burnout in <1month but it's worth a shot.

also, has anyone on this board ever made it after making a public commitment? I don't think I've seen anyone do anything like that. except in dota2 where jacky lmao quit university and got to a pro level in ~1.5years after being some scrub and crying on forums

>> No.4219963
File: 396 KB, 3840x2160, 20181104152125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theoretical question: what if I am already on pro level when it comes to skill, talent, creativity, etc. BUT, I have 0 following because all what I was doing for the last 15 years was only drawing and painting and working inhouse studio concept art and illustration. How can I start a successful career in this field as a freelance artist asap and want to make atleast 3000 AUD per month?

>> No.4219976

why would you just ruin a thread like this

make your own

>> No.4219978

If that was the case your skill would speak for itself and you wouldn’t have much trouble finding a job or getting commission.

>> No.4219983

how am I ruining it? this question is closely related to OPs problem.

>theoretical question
I am asking WHERE to start to get a job as soon as possible.

>> No.4219997

If people see value in you, if they know they can make money off you then they’ll hire you. If you’re work is garbage then there won’t be much work if any. Clearly you don’t have a charismatic personality or any business sense so you’re not going to get any work.

>> No.4220002

>Clearly you don’t have a charismatic personality
How can you tell such a rude thing

>> No.4220004

>how am I ruining it?
by being an attention seeking faggot

>> No.4220005


>> No.4220010

You wouldn’t have to ask such a pointless Theoretical question if you were charismatic.

>> No.4220016

I asked a similar question (without a word theoretical) a few weeks ago, and all answers I've received was basically !pyw/
>inb4 pyw
I will not reply to these

>> No.4220021

KYS you stupid nigger

>> No.4220022

fugg off tranny

it really seems that this entire board is just a bunch of ngmi crabs larping as a pros


>> No.4220031

If people are saying to pyw, then it’s a pointless question, no matter how you word it. Everyone understands you need to meet people, “manipulate”, and get your name out there. If this isn’t obvious then you got a bigger problem on your hands.

>> No.4220041
File: 1.27 MB, 1103x1315, 1556473464626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see this conversation is pointless. Seems that you dont understatnd my qestion or maybe my english is that bad.. Perhaps I should hire an agent to find work for me, so if you have any tips on this subject matter that would be great.

>> No.4220047

>mass replying to 50 posts like a retarded newfag
Go back.

>> No.4220051

>she doesn't have time to be so polite and reply to 50 posts at the same time.

>> No.4220081


You said you're getting kicked out in 4-6 months. That's roughly 120-180 days from now. You posted this thread 4 days ago now. You could have completed dozens of studies in that time. Show us what you have accomplished in these 4 days.

>> No.4220087


>> No.4220091


I'm completely serious man. Show us what you've created. Good, bad. I'm not here to roast you, I actually want to help. If you show us real dedication we can advise you and give you tips to help you develop and flourish, but so far you've talked a lot of talk and showed us absolutely nothing. It doesn't matter if you're crap, just show us that you're actually working towards something and prove us wrong.

>> No.4220152
File: 642 KB, 821x848, picc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I am bad but I want to get better

>> No.4220154

First of all, if you're such a lazy faggot that you can't fathom having a real job then there's no way you're willing to put in the work to make real progress in 6 months.

Secondly you're delusional if you think you can go from 0 to making enough money via drawing even to pay for your meals alone in that amount of time.

Why? This shit takes years of practice to make art at a competitive level. Your competition is fierce and no one will bother with you if you're not actually good at drawing. And it takes way longer than 6 months to get good at drawing even if you're professionally trained. If your art is terrible you will likely not build up a big enough audience of people wanting to buy it to become profitable, even if you're pandering with fanart/erotic material.

I'm not trying to discourage you from drawing. You HAVE to recognize creating art for a living is about playing the long game because it takes so much time to get good and build a portfolio, longer to build an audience of people willing to buy from you.

>> No.4220160
File: 247 KB, 664x829, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4220164

Graphic design is the easiest in my experience. There's hundreds of artists but not many who will pay for the art. And there's also hundreds of designers, but a ton of businesses and people everywhere who are looking for someone to design things for them.

>> No.4220216

Good quote to sum up your post And everyone else’s in the thread

“If it was easy, everyone would be doing it”

Everybody likes to draw, very few enjoy working hard, changing themselves and making sacrifices.

>> No.4220238

Yeah he will have fun doing design "competitions" or five dollar gigs for three days of work because every entry level graphic design job is outsourced to rice curry niggers in the slums of mumbai :)

>> No.4220258


>> No.4220262


OP said that they don't want to work a conventional job, but what he fails to realise is that trying to make a living off the things you enjoy can in many ways be worse than retail. It's not all fun and games, and it's easy to a turn a thing you love into a thing you hate when you're relying on it to keep you from destitution.

I think everybody here can related to waking up and needing to work, but feeling ill at just the thought of having the spend the entire day in that fucking chair with that fucking tablet staring at that fucking screen.

I recently got a job to design a logo for a company, £500, good money. But you know what? I FUCKING HATE LOGOS. I hate Photoshop. I hate illustrator. I DESPISE vector work. But I gotta do it, because like the dude working the floor in McDonalds, this is my job, and I need to eat.

>> No.4220263

Boy was this thread a wake up call for me.. I'm 22 and kinda laid off uni for now.. Life is boring now that I don't really have a strict schedule, not like I ever had a strict schedule before. I fucked around in uni too much which probably is the reason why I'm in this situation right now.

My parents are asian so I'm pretty sure they won't really kick me out like some white parents do unless I do something really really dum.

I've been meaning to draw a lot but as the days go by I feel like time is just flying by me and I don't know.. most days I'm just "web surfing" on youtube not getting almost anything done.

Now I know you probably think I'm some ngmi neet, but I really do genuinely care about my future. At least I have hopes of becoming something, which is probably why I haven't just killed myself already. Because I hate the thought of leeching like a parasite I've decided to pay my parents rent $500 a month, atm and although life is "okay" basically having no commitments is really fun, having the whole house to myself too is fun, I just feel like shit every day when I wake up. I feel like I gotta be doing something.

Should I get a job? I'm just worried about taking that first step.. Like OP, I also want to eventually make something out of my drawing, not just because it sounds easy, but because I genuinely like drawing.. It feels self fulfilling, and makes me feel good about myself when I make something I kinda like.

Anyways, just felt like I should share some of my thoughts here because you all were doing the same.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0LEPRxgGcs I don't know why but I feel sick to my stomach when I see something like this.. Possibly because that could end up being me.. I mean, at least I have 8 years more left to go right? haha

>> No.4220287

fuck you for quoting so many people

and also, what do you actually want to do? there are different answers depending on what you want.

>> No.4220294

how are you paying them 500 a month if you have no job??

>> No.4220299
File: 92 KB, 1000x796, 1574291259913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you actually want to do?
cant you read?
concept art and illustration. asap and want to make atleast 3000 AUD per month. I hope its clear enough for you now.

>> No.4220308

its my uni tuition my parents saved up for me for uni.. I have about 7k left..

>> No.4220311
File: 125 KB, 1077x1625, 75614092_2460572804210625_8346490013097132032_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, sorry for for quoting so many people. too much coffie. I am better now

>> No.4220325

Get a job, even if it’s part time, responsibility makes everyone feel better and puts into perspective how much time you really have to train how good it’ll be to finally make a living off of what you love doing. Although having negative thoughts about some blue collar job you get will only drain you of energy ergo leave you no “energy” to draw after work. Positive mind creates energy. Energy in, energy out... something many don’t realize but if you’re doing nothing all day you’ll have no energy to do anything. Working out creates energy, eating creates energy, focusing your mind creates energy. Sitting around doing nothing creates nothing but negative thoughts which drains you of energy. And with 7k you should be looking to get training/critique online or go to nearby atelier if there’s anything good around.

>> No.4220344

Thanks for the advice. My dad was saying something along the lines of what you were. Basically get a part time job anywhere, whether it be mcd's or some costco job, and get a feel like what it's really like, maybe then you'll want to really study, as most asian parents want you to do. I consider myself lucky that my parents don't really force force this studying bullcrap onto me like most asian parents do. I paid off all my loans as of now, and I do feel like my parents expect me to kinda finish my uni years. I'm dreading possibly going back though.. Like.. If I go back, there goes all my savings out the window, and at most I'll probably have some useless degree, unless I actually apply myself to really getting into some professional career. I was hoping I could probably work to look like I'm actually doing something to my parents, and possibly this work could help mature me, and add a sense of urgency to something like drawing, because right now of a few months of doing nothing I feel like a zombie, and all this free time.. I don't know what to do with other than waste it playing league or some other dumb shit.

>> No.4220361

concept art and illustration are not the same thing you fuckwit they are different skillsets demonstrated differently, if you apply for either with the same portfolio you're in trouble

get a job would be sensible, to not have any money to fall back on is scary as fuck.
and if you are only web surfing on youtube, go to a library or something where you can't do that shit if the habit is too strong.

>> No.4220370

but I do have online portfolio full of concept art and illustrations mixed tohother. when I am doing an illustration for book cover, thats also visulisation of authors vision/concept. what are you talking about?

also, why are you swearing so much? are you 14yo black person of clolor or whats your broblem?

>> No.4220374
File: 246 KB, 1258x938, glenn_figure_large_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys retarded? You can have a job while learning to draw and paint. Lets not forget Lord Vilppu was a urine transporter while becoming godlike at drawing

>> No.4220377

>urine transporter
whats that and how can I apply for this job?

>> No.4220381
File: 70 KB, 1000x960, advice concept art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reee how dare you give me advice
i wonder why you spent 15 years alone kek
concept art isnt about creating the nice pictures, its about fitting into a game development pipeline

arent we all urine transporters in our own way

>> No.4220392

this is where the quote is from

>> No.4220395

>concept art isnt about creating the nice pictures
if you are a pro you can make it look nice and done it fast at the same time. most of my works are acutally speedpaints. I just LOVE working fast

>reee how dare you give me advice
no. it actually make sense. I will try to separate it more. thanks

>> No.4220398
File: 19 KB, 253x363, sects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding to this: for concept art, find out what the video game studios are like in your area, if there are any. find out if they have informal networking events, most game hub cities might have coffee nights or such. eventbrite or facebook is good for this. you will also need a twitter. a lot of digital jobs hire on twitter these days. follow their accounts to know when they are posting new jobs.

for illustration if you're so good and so inept with people, you might want to look into getting an agent. there are directories of this kind of thing. your local library may have one.