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File: 98 KB, 1023x724, painttool-sai-18075-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4213906 No.4213906 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sai 2 better than the original one? I see Japs use the original one still so I just want to know.

>> No.4213914

short answer yes.

>> No.4213927

Been a while since I used the original. But I know for a fact it doesn't have perspective tools. That difference alone elevates Sai 2 far above it, but Sai 2 also has better editing tools. And it's easier to import custom brushes for whatever that's worth.

>> No.4214018

I didnt know they made a second one, whats the difference? Ive been using the same account for the past 5 years

>> No.4214056

-Non-retarded color slider scale
-Photoshop-like brushes
-More complete set of blending modes
-Better compatibility with Windows 10
-Symmetry tool
-Perspective tools
-Floating view
-Scrubby zoom
-Lanczos scaling algorithm

There's probably more, but these are the few that I care about.

>> No.4214074

>Perspective tool
This could make me an instant convert. Is it useful? What is it capable of?

>> No.4214084

Basically a customizable perspective grid that you brush can snap to. I haven't used it in a while t b h so it might have received more updates, but iirc it's similar to CSP's perspective tool but not as fancy.

>> No.4214092

One word:

>> No.4214111

sai2's elegant autosave system has saved my ass so many times. One of the big reasons I moved from CSP.

>> No.4214175

Does it have touch controls? I can zoom in and out with a pinch?

>> No.4214180

anyone got a dl link?

>> No.4214581



>> No.4215241

>insufficient memory

>> No.4215276
File: 48 KB, 902x785, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great, I haven't fully used it but the little I have has really helped.

Get the 32 bit one, 64 bit has that problem for some reason.

>> No.4215279

This, Sai2 saved my ass 2 times when the freaking PTS couldn't do anything shit, fuck Adobe.

>> No.4215285


>> No.4215291

you guys convinced me, i might try something other than adobe for the first time in my life

>> No.4215297

neat, thanks. I've been on a pretty old version of SAI for a long time, didn't really even know about SAI 2

>> No.4216357

The crash recovery alone is enough reason to switch. It's super reliable and seamless, unlike CSP's where it interrupts your work.

>> No.4216461

Do you have the link for 32 bit Sai 2?

>> No.4216551

where's 32 bit?

>> No.4216563
File: 77 KB, 658x632, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still using 32bit in CURRENT_YEAR

>> No.4216584

Sai is broken, it can crap out and eat your saves.

Just try Krita.
>Powerful editing tools, close to PS in that
>good brush engine, it can do anything CSP can
>Better performance than CSP and even ps(except for extreme resolutions)

Krita is ficking godsent. Just make sure to disable the HDR painting because it's killing the performance.

>> No.4216599

Oh and Krita comes with the best perspective tools ever.
As well as a very good colourize tool, gradient maps, cross channel curves and the entire G'mick toolset (which admittedly runs slow)
And a liqufy.

The great thing about Krita is that it can accommodate ANY workflow.
Line art and drawing - sure, enjoy the fancy colorize map.
Painting - its great
Grayscale to color - figure out the cross channel adjustment and you're the king.

>> No.4216611

It's a bug with the program

>> No.4216621

Best paint software and still in use.
Some good stuff are timeless, like Winamp, Irfanview and SAI.
When the original developer makes 'new versions' that are crap, there´s always some good soul that releases the original program fixed to run smoothly in modern computers. Pity, it never happened with the E-jay series ;_;

>> No.4216634

Boomer anon here
what's the difference?

>> No.4216638

moar RAM

>> No.4216641

>performance better than ps and csp
go for over 500 px brush and it starts lagging
go for more than 1000px and it's unusable

>> No.4216642

Are you saying it's too high or too low? You need a shitton more processing for a little bit more color you know. I paint in 8bit.

>> No.4216644

nvm I misunderstood how you meant that, probably the only program I have heard of in years that doesn't support x64.

>> No.4216646

>Better performance than CSP and even ps
This one is patently a lie from my own experience. Even the devs know this isn't true.

>> No.4216661

I have already recorded a video comparing the two and i can do that again tomorrow when I'm home.

Csp has terrible screen tearing, transform tool doesn't update in real time , large textured brushes just hang up for a couple of minutes.
>How do i fix that shit
>That's how it's supposed to work, enjoy
I really don't get why does anybody like CSP.
Its an overmarketed garbage with no real edge over any other software.

Krita is like a 150mb download and can run without installation.
Disable the HDR that's on by default and I bet you gonna like how it runs.

>> No.4216675

>I really don't get why does anybody like CSP.
It's "made in japan" so you'll have the usual fanboyism from the weeb audience.

>> No.4216685

This is your brain on FOSS kool-aid

>> No.4216692

I'm a weeb myself and csp is still shit

>> No.4216706

Speed. 64bit program can effectively utilize more memory at once, so all effects and what not should be faster.

>> No.4216710

Honestly Krita is an embarrassment to the FOSS community.

It's like an underachieving little brother that is being constantly overshadowed by his chad big brother Blender.
Meanwhile Blender is doing big cool projects and being hailed as an industry standard globally despite facing ridiculously unfairly huge competitions, the only life Krita is living is being a toy desperately peddled by a couple of FOSS nerds on /ic/.

It's honestly sad to look at.

>> No.4216721
File: 28 KB, 580x346, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spotted the coomer weeb paypig wagecuck incel

>> No.4216723

Krita could have been nice but it runs so randomly that I can't recommend it. It sure can works smoothly, but at what cost?
I tested it on 5 different computers from recent to less recent with different tablets and GPU/CPU and on Linux/Windows. Everytime the computer started to heat for nothing. Moving the mouse onto the canvas gave me a 20 / 30% of CPU usage and 40 / 70% when drawing (depending on the computer). And it became hell if I wanted to use dual screens or a screen tablet.
This isn't acceptable. For a whole year I tried to find solutions. And for a couple of months if Canvas Graphic Acceleration was disabled I could draw without so much problems. However it was extremely laggish if I wanted to rotate or transform a layer (so yeah, for me transform tool was as shitty as on CSP).
But that little moment of ""stability"" ended when they added HDR with 4.2. Since then, it doesn't matter what I do, HDR disabled or not, it runs like shit.
Well, actually not really like shit, but my computers become ovens so, no thanks.

Photoshop, CSP, SAI, MyPaint and Krita, I tried each of these softwares for at least one year and Krita was the worst (for your typical sketch/lineart/color animu drawing). It has a lot of features and I like it, but the developers should really learn how to optimize their stuff.

Maybe in a few years it will be good enough for productivity but for now, it is better to use alternatives.

>> No.4216724

Krita was abandoned for years and only resurfaced recently. Also it used to have iussues until a year or two ago.

Two years ago CSP was shipping bundled with Wacom Bamboo and and everybody considered it to be the fake SAI.
Now they seem to have spent money on shills and everybody suddenly loves it.

Meanwhile Krita is getting faster and cooler at incredible pace, the devs on it are fucking crazy and at this point it's quality is above Blender tier.
Blender may lack some features compared to Maya and Cycles isn't super fast while EEVEE might have a seizure.
Krita is just shredding it.

>> No.4216730

I used Krita on linux and use it every day on windows with dual monitors.
The only issues i had were with 4.2 release.

Yeah that was a bad release but they fixed that in a matter of days.

Meanwhile CSP is having screen tearing and the response is "runs as intended, nothing to fix there"

>> No.4216757
File: 37 KB, 495x600, 1574113678747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Krita shilling
Krita runs like dogshit, you're better off buying(pirating) SAI2. You don't have to whore yourself to Adobe, but god you don't have to delude yourself to think Krita is the next best thing either. The ONLY reason to really consider Krita is if you're unironically using a Linux distro OS.

>> No.4216763

Like I said
>Krita could have been nice but it runs so randomly
You don't know what your are going to get so it's not a great thing.

Now, when I said that I tried to find solutions, I meant it. I was lurking on their Reddit everyday and to this day I still check Nightly builds on a daily basis (with the hope that finally my problems will be fixed).
This is why I can say after reading a lot and a lot of posts (and helping sometimes people who got stuck with some issues) that Krita developers are often dicks and it is also often "not their fault". Don't try to make people think they are angels.
Krita has a lot of problems. A lot of little problems. But when it comes together, you get a terrible mess. I thought that after a year of bug fixing it would be better, I was wrong. I tried to work professionally on a video game with a team using Krita. When you try to be productive, you quickly understand why people use Photoshop or CSP.

>> No.4216786

I'm following the project closely, because I'm a fan.
Their last report was about dramatically cutting down on the confirmed bugs and prepping to release on Android and iOS.
I would expect the quality to go up from here.
>I never used Krita but I have a strong opinion.
Literally faster than Sai.

>> No.4216812

Being able to use more than 4gb of memory, being able to do literally twice the work with SIMD instructions, probably more.

Stop painting in 8 bit right away if you can spare the memory. 8 bit color math was already unacceptable in the nineties.

>> No.4216817

who the fuck uses a 1000px brush?

>> No.4216822

Doesn't matter. It lags. 1k brushes fucking lag and it SUCKS. Krita SUCKS.

>> No.4216824

>Let's throw out a false statement to discredit him
Come back to me when they can finally optimize their shit. CPU shouldn't spike just by hovering over the canvas.

>> No.4216825

what do you mean it doesn't matter? it's completely unreasonable trying to paint with a full HD sized brush and then blame the software for lagging.

>> No.4216826

Are you sure you have HDR disabled?

For me a 1000 soft round brush runs fine and only starts lagging above that.
With textured brushes krita somehow does 500 give or take while CSP chokes and dies.

I paint sky with a large brush

>> No.4216830

>CPU shouldn't spike just by hovering over the canvas.
How is that an issue? Resources are meant to be used.
It's like people who complain about memory usage or how their graphics card heats. CPU and RAM are meant to be utilised. It's not a web browser. It doesn't sit in your RAM 24/7.

>> No.4216831

It could be predicting your stroke for all i know.
Krita has some preview and prediction features for better responsiveness.

>> No.4216832

Which brush nigger?
A simple round brush in krita is blazing fast even above 1000px.
A 1000px textured brush doesn't really work in any software.

>> No.4216835

The difference is that digital illustration isn't in a practical monopoly held by a single company that doesn't actually develop software. Blender has greater political demand than technical, therefore it enjoys industry support.
If photoshop, SAI, clip studio and corel painter were all owned (and neglected) by autodesk GIMP would've been in Blender's boots for years and it would've made krita irrelevant.

When was the last time you tried?
The developers finally multithreading the brush engine made a huge difference. It's still inefficient, but at least you can toss more cores at it now.
Now if they only multithreaded move and transform tools and the colorize masks.

Also did you know, the reason krita runs like shit is because they only have a single developer working on the port and if he sells his MacBook the port will be no more. He can't possibly test all the variations in systems and hardware, in a way the developers' arrogance comes from the project being understaffed.

>> No.4216837

Not an argument.

>> No.4216841

Krita is getting corporate funding too.
Just recently Intel paid them to implement HDR painting which runs slow as shit but hey nobody else has that at all.
>transform tools and the colorize masks.
So you're telling me the current liqufy is single core?
Hell there's a lot to expect In the future then.

>> No.4216842

Not what?
Tell me what exactly are you doing because it's not meant to be lagging retard.

>> No.4216853

What I mean is how slow the move tool is in comparison to moving selections with the transform tool.
And colorize masks would be the killer feature if they didn't make my 10 yo laptop crawl. Rendering one warrants a coffee/stretching/bathroom break.

>> No.4216858

>my 10 yo laptop
Maybe that's the problem.
People use actual workstations for CAD & co. But then again, I've seen subhumans here seriously asking how to do "art" on their phone.

>> No.4216859

I only ever moved with a transform tool.
I'd think the move tool is just forgotten about

>> No.4216866

I got a "workstation" for art with a Ryzen 2700x and a Vega64 and colorize mask really does take a few moments to render.

But that's ok, they have some really smart shit going on with it.

>> No.4216898

Krita is fairweather shit only supported by cultists. It's got every issue PS, CSP and SAI have. It's unstable and randomly leaks memory, it's brush engine really isn't that good and it randomly corrupts saves.

It can be better than the others if you luck out like a bandit, but it can also be worse and crap the bed harder than all three combined and you play the roullette everytime you start it.

>> No.4216901

I like Krita too but if you start shilling it in unrelated threads all you're going to do is make people hate it. At least try to make a Krita general to promote it, at least when a new release comes out.

Trying CSP on my computer, a lot of brushes start lagging once you use a high brush size too, especially "blendy" brushes or brushes with complicated textures.

>Literally faster than Sai.

Why lie?

From fastest to slowest performance

Sai > Photosohp > CSP = Krita

You can probably paint in 4k resolution with a pentium 4 in Sai.

>> No.4216909

>Photoshop faster than CSP

>> No.4216911

Your info is outdated, they improved a lot in 2018-19.

On my memory krita was slow before they massively updated performance with 4 and broke once with 4.2 but that's it.

It's developing really fucking fast.

>> No.4216918

>You can probably paint in 4k resolution with a pentium 4 in Sai.

The problem is it doesn't scale up from there and can't take advantage of a powerful PC.

when you have a beastly machine Photoshop gets faster than everything else and Krita is the second best while CSP and Sai are falling behind if you're doing large resolutions and large brushes.

>> No.4216956

Tried out the 500+px brushes in krita, i'm kinda amazed it doesn't lag as much as i though

>> No.4216961

>CSP = Krita
CSP >= Krita

>> No.4217680


>> No.4217961

Worth it for that reason alone. It's so good I haven't lost a single brushstroke since getting SAI 2.

>> No.4218016

Why are japs so obsessed with SAI?
Like, I get that it's a pretty good drawing app, but it's not even free and Clip Studio and Manga Studio are far superior in comparison.

>> No.4218018

>but it's not even free and Clip Studio and Manga Studio are far superior in comparison.
As an avid Photoshop, Sai, and CSP user. I can tell you that CSP is definitely not better than sai in many respects.

>> No.4218026

It's very lightweight and runs smoothly on 12 -15 year old computers.

>> No.4218226

I had to switch to Sai2 because I could not get my Kamvas Pro 16 to work with Sai1. Wouldn't draw anything no matter what I tried.

>> No.4218239

>muh recovery
how about making it so your application doesn't crash instead of designing it with instability in mind first.

>> No.4218334

this guy always has the updated version of sai 2 to my knowledge.


>> No.4218410

Does SAI ever have regular discounts like CSP do?

>> No.4218963
File: 396 KB, 1594x1186, sai22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese. japan still has a fuckton of people still using winXP.
the simple fact that he provide 32 and 64 bits versions is a lot and lifesaver.

yes. totally worth it.
the file recovery system is amazing is slowly getting better tools.

even the devs of krita cant stand sai. just because it fucking works.
they even call it a non proper drawing software. wtf.

sai1 and 2 are the fastest thing on earth ant that's it the main focus of it's only developer. "simple, works, fast" totally the opposite of what krita is. just a bloated app with every function they can find around. still, I use krita for animations, because is really easy but nothing else. kiki is cute tho.

but don't here to tell me that that bloated shit is faster that sai when it can't even work properly in a cpu older than 2010. like my 2 wacom tabletpc laptops.
sai runs like a champ. stop chilling dude. it's developed for artists and not your last gen gaming pc.

because is still in development, is like a beta. but is alrready better than sai1.
plus most of the bugs of sai are due pirated versions.

no, but you can install it on many pc as you want. just don't be a dick.
if you want something fast and free, use firealpaca or medibang pro.

>> No.4218970

sai2 has never crashed on me, not asingle one in 2 years.
not even when firexox kills my 24gb of ram.

is for when your fucking pc crashes. by any other reason... for the faggots that use w10 and it updates out of nowhere. for running out of batery. blackouts, system crashes. etc.

even when you're a faggot and forgot to save the file in the first place..

>> No.4218997

The SAI 2 beta has on me, actual bugs that were later corrected in newer versions.

>> No.4220554

How good are the brushes?

>> No.4222167


>> No.4222312
File: 594 KB, 798x634, 430967384543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course the dumb esl doesn't know how to find SAI2.0(64bit).rar

>> No.4222400

i used pirated sai1 for like a lot of years and then tried pirated sai2 from some link in DA.
Also is more common to see people believe that sai is free rather than commercial.

Pay for something I used for long and gave me money is the minimum thing i could do. It just took 1 or 2 commission to pay for it. not a big problem, unless you're a NGMI crab that can't make a single dollar.

>> No.4222468

Virtually the same as in Sai 1, a waterbrush has been added in the latest update but its nothing spectacular atm. Sai 2 has sais main strengths of smoothness, good stabilizers, blurring tools etc just with far more working memory because its 64 bit. Its amazing for lined cartoon work but for painting krita csp and ps are all superior. That doesnt mean you cant paint with sai 2 by any means, but you are more limited in brushes.

>> No.4222488

If Procreate had Sai’s brush engine it’d be perfect

>> No.4222527

sai2 support bigger resolution textures and brushes , also custom scatter ones.

>> No.4222549
File: 62 KB, 464x464, 1531432431319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone dump some sai 2 brushes.

>> No.4222564
File: 1.86 MB, 1600x955, sai 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally, yes. its has more features like text and perspective tool and more stuff
the brush engine is way better when it comes to making texture brushes (still gimmicky tho) but definitely better than the older version.
however when it comes to pen pressure and "the feel" of drawing nothing really beats sai1
especially sketching and inking, the precision and accuracy put cps and ps to shame.
but that doesn't mean that sai2 is bad, it just doesn't have that natural feel.

>> No.4222733

you can go to options and brush configurations and make things work like SAI1
there are various setting to play with.

>> No.4222912

Has anyone gotten Sai2 to work in Wine?

>> No.4222944

where do you get the chain and bubble brushes
i dont see them in mine or do you have to manually put them in ?

>> No.4223131

I created it myself. is pretty shit tho

create them is pretty simple.
- go to the scatter folder and copy a brush + it's ini file.
- rename them and edit the bmp to what ever you want,
- open sai2 and edit the brush options until you like them
- done.
- you can save the ini file read only so every time you open sai2 the brush is reset to default.

in any case you cans find some in pixiv.
use these tags: ブラシ and SAI2

>> No.4223187

>- you can save the ini file read only so every time you open sai2 the brush is reset to default.

you mean everytime i open sai i have to reconfigure the brush ?

>> No.4223207

Create a separate brush for each BMP. The settings of the brush will stay the same as long as you don't change which BMP is selected. Once you do that the settings will revert to default.

>> No.4223224

no. if you change some option in the brush it get saved. so to avoid that you can set the ini file as as read only

>> No.4223563
File: 111 KB, 420x357, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you already use sai1 sai2 is a no-brainer.
there is 0 downsides to upgrading to sai 2, its free if you have a sai1 license and has lots of new useful features without making you relearn a whole program.

ive heard other people complain about krita shillers but holy fuck is it bad in this thread.

>> No.4223648

Somebody post some SAI 2 custom brushes.

>> No.4226476

That looks like a gaping asshole in the thumbnail. make that fruit more orange or purple or something.

>> No.4227442


>> No.4227976

Not only that, it's sweating, like it's nervous. And on top of all that, the peach (plumb?) at the back has a fat fucking ass.

>> No.4228657

Sai 2 seems to just be better by having more features, but all my brushes are on the original and im more comfortable with it

>> No.4228670

show cool brushes homie

>> No.4228693

How do I make brushes on sai to imitate csp brushes? I found a brush on csp assets I really like, and while I’ve gotten used to csp, I still find sai more comfortable and convenient to draw on.

>> No.4230830


>> No.4232128

I would use krita if it had the curve tool that sai, and lastest version of photoshop has.
besier curves are awful to work with

>> No.4233071

I've abandon Photoshop in the mean time, because I got tired of Adobe.
Sai 2 is so far better then the first one. I forgot how limited Sai was with the paint brushe sizes. I'm enjoying the 2019 Sai.
I can't get Krita to run on my pc. It's so jittery and the lines have hard edges to them when it's suppose to curve.

>> No.4233168
File: 39 KB, 590x445, 66cdc138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a brush that I can use for grayscale?

For that matter, what do you think works best when combining grayscale and color layers (what layer types, etc)?

>> No.4233331

do you mean the sai2.ini file?

>> No.4233938

Is sai2 brush engine really that different compared to sai1? Not really noticing any difference. Have you turned on the option to mimic sai1 stabilizer in the settings?

>> No.4233967

Hard round and soft round. Maybe a square or triangle brush too. That's all you need for anything, senpai. Those are your workhorses

>> No.4234818
File: 34 KB, 280x260, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4236979


>> No.4237019
File: 241 KB, 381x566, Bridget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite artist uses Sai 1.
>Have said artist's streams saved.
>I use CSP.
>Am bad.
Should I jump bros?

>> No.4238093

thanks, can you do this with default brushes in sai?

>> No.4238206

no idea. and i don't even do this myself. i just discovered that you can.

i change my settings all the time.

>> No.4238231

are you stupid
sai has less features than csp