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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 7 KB, 287x176, pobrany plik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4208443 No.4208443 [Reply] [Original]

I'm here for quite some time and from what I see you guys really hate Proko. I don't understand it at all. Most of the hate is caused by his persona during podcasts. Why? Draftsman podcast is really good because there is a "dynamic/chemistry" between Stan and Marshal. It is true that Proko tends to rephrase Mashals sentences to make them sound simpler (that often makes them more difficult to understand), but that's really a minor issue.
Because of that podcast people tend to just hate everything Proko related.
His art (personal preference, i don't care about that part much) and even his courses/video tutorials.
Isn't he one of the best tutors out there? He is known far and wide because of them. I don't think there is anyone who does it in more pleasant/normal way.
Is there something that i cannot see in them, that is wrong? Is there anything bad he teaches?

TLDR: Why do you hate Stan so much?

>> No.4208450
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Funny story
Before I learned who he is, I saw mentions of "Proko" and to me it kinda sounded Japanese so I assumed it was some anime twittard artist possibly girl aged 16-18
So it was really funny when I found out it's a middle aged Ukrainian man named Prokopenko
Foreigners might not understand but shortening old-ass surname like Prokopenko into Proko is contrasting like cowboys and ninjas lmao I fucking can't stop giggling

>> No.4208451

Its 4:18 AM Stan. Go get some sleep.

>> No.4208453

hello proko marketing team.

>> No.4208456

>pay attention to Proko, remember this name
Go suck a dick or something, shill.

>> No.4208457

its double (maybe even tripple) bait. dont ever reply to proko threats ever

>> No.4208475
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>> No.4208480
File: 277 KB, 943x541, 1484838220704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People used to love proko on this board until the fetus kangaroo happened. It was literally overnight that the hate came because people realized he had a /beg/ tier imagination. That being said I still love you Stan keep working hard to improve your art and imagination please

>> No.4208485

Can someone post that pic? I am curious.

>> No.4208493

i like the dynamic when it actually works especially when Proko gets SONNED but there are some podcasts just as new as in oct 22 where Proko just creates awkwardness and thinks its The Office tier funny (its not) and Marshall looks on like he's with a mental invalid. that was cringe and i couldn't finish that vid.

>> No.4208503

No we don't hate proko, we hate ourselves and we hate drawing from reference. I speak for /ic/.

>> No.4208506


>> No.4208524

I second this, speaking for myself.

>> No.4208584

You know what we're talking about, Stan

>> No.4208612

stan please dedicate a whole podcast to anime

>> No.4208707

/ic/ secretly sees a part of themselves in Proko, so it's easier to project and shit on him.

People here will try to rationalize all sorts of complex and smart reasons of why they hate him, but it's really as simple, primitive and oogabooga as that.

He showed a weak side of him once, so people stopped seeing him as an authority figure and started to perceive him more as "one of us", making it easier to shit on him.

>> No.4208720

Because he's happy and successful, the exact opposite of ic

>> No.4208745

It's mostly the kangaroo fetus debacle. A lot of people were (and still are) sold on the narrative that if you just work really hard on getting a classical education in perspective and anatomy and you do lots of gesture drawings and charcoal studies of nyde figures, then it'll be EASY to automatically draw cute animu waifus from imagination, and the kangaroo thing was very clear empirical proof from a professional artist that that wasn't the case. So people felt sort of cheated by the whole Proko approach to art and art education.
Even beyond the kangaroo though he's just a mediocre artist in general. Even his paintings that he's most proud of are mediocre, see the thread about his wood chopping painting from a little while ago. He doesn't seem to have much passion or a message to communicate in his art, he's just a normie who decided to become an artist one day.

>> No.4208747

At the end of the day he is a business man first and an artist second. And he's by the looks of it a pretty succesful one in the field of art.

>> No.4208783

I agree, he is a businessman first, and he is successful at that. But that doesn't say much about the quality of his art, except maybe indirectly. In fact, doesn't it reflect poorly on his art? When he was getting serious about art in high school, do you think he said to himself "wow I can't wait to be an art businessman!" If he was a better artist then maybe he'd still be an artist rather than a businessman.

>> No.4208816

Well, I agree. But I think sometimes it gets neglected on this board that there are a lot of interdisciplinary career paths where being a good artist is secondary to other skill sets. Most young artists probably start out wanting to be the greatest draftsman/painter in the world but as you mature you may realize you have other strengths that you should play to.

>> No.4208846

fuck off kojimbo. your /game/ is shit.

>> No.4208867

>proko thread
>nobody posted the puppy comic yet

>> No.4208877

fuck off proko

>> No.4208904
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>> No.4208921
File: 1.98 MB, 1978x1483, Chopping_Lessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



ahhahahahahhaah look at the background

>> No.4208929

Even my art professor at my community college hates him. He says Prokos videos are good but his persona is just awful

>> No.4208939

This is 4chan. A lot here are contrarian and fancy themselves important, cultured or superior for liking underappreciated obscure things. You're not special like mommy and daddy said if you like the same things everybody else does. Also his personality is a little smug but I see a hard working man who takes pride in what he does and made a name for himself. Crabs are the mortal enemies of hard work and when they find a figure that embodies that they take issue.

>> No.4208952

ok proko

>> No.4208963

snip snip

>> No.4208966

we don't actually hate him, it's just bants

>> No.4209236

honest question, what's wrong with the background?

>> No.4209245

>pobrany plik
fucking polish

>> No.4209246

it looks like a backdrop which it probably was and he just painted it lmao cause he can't imagine a fucking blurry field and mountains

>> No.4209455

It's funny how you guys hate on Jazza and Proko when all of your favorite artists probably learned most of what they know from them.

>> No.4209463

wow lol

>> No.4209756

bait is bait

>> No.4209770

this x1000000

>> No.4209777

Haha! A knee slapper this one! Here take my gold!!!

>> No.4209792


>> No.4210002


I see a guy sitting on the throne in the sky, am I doing right, padre?

>> No.4210055

>simple yet believable background to not distract from the subject
What's the problem here?

>> No.4210065
File: 334 KB, 1080x1475, baba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smug baby too

>> No.4210067

this took him 4 days to draw?

>> No.4210075

I dunno if the 4 days mean that or the age of the baby

>> No.4210091

I like him and his classes to be honest, having his weaknesses shown off just makes him more relatable to me. Also all of the awkwardness of his podcast is very entertaining too haha.

He's providing some solid value to the community, what's not to like? And the quality of his work isn't like those low level retards on udemy or some shit. But I think maybe having worked on the same framework of copying shit made him a copying machine and he needs to work on his memory drawing and imagination drawing skills.

>> No.4210103

It obviously didn’t take him 100 hours to do

>> No.4210142

>make whole career about teaching construction and anatomy
>cant into construction and symbol draws features flat as a pancake


>> No.4210169
File: 158 KB, 484x518, proko babi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death stranding 2

>> No.4210174

What features are flat and how is this not done with construction? Clearly you’re better than proko so I’d like to hear your detailed reasoning other than “just look at it!”...

>> No.4210177

Are you joking?

>> No.4210179

the mouth is completely straight on but the rest of the face is turned to the right (babys left)

>> No.4210182

Post the edit

>> No.4210218

That doesn’t explain how the features are flat or not constructed. There’s no teeth on newborn babies and the cheeks are very plump and loose therefore not much structure to keep the lips facing perfectly with the other features . Try again

>> No.4210221


>> No.4210249

Keep up the good effort bro

>> No.4210253

4 days? Sounds bullshit considering this shit probably took like half an hour.

>> No.4210274

It means the kid is 4 days old

>> No.4210421

Cope harder, crabs.

>> No.4210438

Oh my lol hahah!

>> No.4210444

So just to make things clear, is he good for learning how to draw? I don't care about creativity, that is not something I expect to learn from YouTube.

>> No.4210452

Proko has great ressources and learning videos. Most of us are just making fun of him for that drawing from imagination debacle and his weird sense of humor.

>> No.4210510

I like Proko, his tutorials are helping me a lot

>> No.4210524

stfu proko you cunt

>> No.4210525


>> No.4210566

I'm not fucking proko you crazy nigger, his tutorials are good for beginners, did all the shitposting get to your brain?

>> No.4210578

He's a fucking goober and the worst part about Draftsman

>> No.4210644

go fuck you're dog in the mouth prokunt

>> No.4210703

I don't hate him, I just don't respect much of what he does or see much value in it. He teaches lessons in drawing that he doesn't use personally or can't apply; he's only regurgitating stuff that the audience thinks they need/should hear. Things he's actually good at aren't mysteries to any well-studied artist, and they have little application to beginners who dream of animating, designing, and so forth.

Proko is the art equivalent of new media bloggers who paraphrase the news and ask a rhetorical question at the end. He's the Buzzfeed of art tutoring: over-valued, unoriginal, with an out-sized reach not commensurate with his actual contributions. We can keep applauding his business acumen, but the Arts Institute seems like a successful business too, and we don't have constant arguments over whether those guys are better than the Art Students League of New York.

>> No.4210742
File: 1.24 MB, 546x356, 1569310257264.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know much Waponski, do you?

>> No.4210803

Is that a new anime?

>> No.4210892

no it's a youtuber

>> No.4211017

I dont hate him but I do find him mediocre. It feels like anytime hes communicating with another artist that the other guy simply knows more and its a better person to boot. His stuff is a decent 101 for newbies if they really need video aids but not really past that. At this point I watch his channel to listen to Marshall and get annoyed when proko buts in to spew something stupid while Marshall is telling a story.