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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 236 KB, 1126x1062, EMPHASIZE THE LINE OF ACTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4207109 No.4207109 [Reply] [Original]

I made this tutorial. Do you find this helpful?

>> No.4207110

That's a shitty pose. Nobody juts out their hips like that.

>> No.4207111

You sure about that? Feels pretty natural to me, she is balancing herself.

>> No.4207112

looks like they're gonna fall over

>> No.4207114

okay. thanks, I will improve it.

>> No.4207116

i mean it's fine i guess. It's more of an example than a tutorial though, you didn't really use the model's natural line of action you just made your own and then adapted the reference to it.

>> No.4207118

Oh I thought that was intentional to have it be more alive. She doesn't feel like falling over but catching herself before falling imo.
You know what gender is portrayed here.

>> No.4207121

You're a coomer, what do you know about real women?

>> No.4207130


it's a good principle but your example is shitty

>> No.4207134
File: 181 KB, 1126x1062, she.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know what gender is portrayed here.
Oh you have no idea.

>> No.4207135
File: 250 KB, 1126x1062, EMPHASIZE THE LINE OF ACTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an edit i just made.
>you didn't really use the model's natural line of action you just made your own and then adapted the reference to it.
That's true. I wanted it to feel more unified and graceful. I feel like if I emphasized the natural rythms it may end up looking too high-energy.

>> No.4207140

that's much better!

>> No.4207144

Definitely better, I think I can make use of this.

>> No.4207148

okay but the originals pose's gesture is already balanced, you took that and made it into a asymmetrical pose, achieving the opposite of what you intended.

im not being a dick just for the sake of it, but it seems like you dont have a strong enough handle on the concept to be trying to teach people, You even write in the image "dont forget to maintain balance" and "wider stance gives a more stable feeling" which are both correct in theory but you didnt execute very noticeably, you even bent the knee inward on the last image, further speeding up the eye and taking away from the sweeping graceful look youre going for.

>> No.4207169

While gracefulness/unity can improve the appearance of an image, too much of it can take away from the realism in a physical sense. It's better to sacrifice some grace in order to have the figure look more grounded. I think the second version is better.

>> No.4207173

this is babble

>> No.4207174

would you like to give an actual argument or are you content using buzzwords?

>> No.4207180

by the tone of that post you're just going to get defensive and argue now so im not sure there's much of a point.

>> No.4207183
File: 59 KB, 577x575, 1519226604494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A tutorial to keep /beg/s under your skill
Yeah, looks good.

>> No.4207201

My intention was to show a way to improve the image overall. But I think I get what you're saying. One thing at a time. By Adding those changes it made the tutorial cluttered. Right?

>> No.4207209


>> No.4207236

no i just think that the tutorial itself as a tutorial is more or less effective at showing what you did but ultimately doesnt impart a great deal of knowledge about the subject at hand either through explanation nor execution. Teaching is a different skillset than doing and the information that a viewer can take away and add to their arsenal of skills is scarce here.
If you're making tutorials you shouldnt go the route of Bridgeman and assume that the reader is at a sufficient skill level to interpret and teach themselves when tackling very basic concepts, you need to over-explain and make sure you're maintaining singular focus on the idea at hand without assuming that your experiential knowledge is shared among your target audience (scaling contextually of course).

>> No.4207280

Okay solid points. Will consider what you've said.

>> No.4207283

I think you are into something. I will read FORCE series in the future, I think it's related to it.

>> No.4207338

The problem is that just isn't the line of action.

>> No.4207400


>> No.4207406
File: 506 KB, 864x1080, wowza_relaxbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually found some stuff that demonstrates the principle.

>> No.4207408
File: 530 KB, 765x1000, cool your jets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4207410
File: 511 KB, 1080x661, and soforth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4207419

Friendly advice. Don't ask for /ic/ to critique tutorials. This is a den of analysis paralysis, populated by too many hoarders with terabytes worth of infographs and videos but haven't gotten past the first chapter of a single book. If you are a teacher or people ask you for advice, all that is required of you is an honest demonstration of your own techniques and procedures. If this is it, that's enough.

>> No.4207425


>> No.4207442

I think is quite helpful.

>> No.4207489


>> No.4207493

>haven't gotten past the first chapter
Hey I've gotten to half the book for some books.

>> No.4208279

Good job anon, this is pretty nice.

>> No.4208282

>anon actually posts work
>it's pretty good and backs up what he said
Do my eyes deceive me?

>> No.4209167

Nay, my child, rejoice.
Haha, thanks.

>> No.4209185

I don't get it. Don't stiff poses exist in real life? What's wrong with stiff poses? Why do you have to change it?

>> No.4209222

Not OP, but the (poorly demonstrated) point is more about using gesture and line of action to capture the weight of the figure and flow of the muscles through the body. Knowing how to draw lively, dynamic figures full of life is more important and useful, and the untrained artist tends to make things too stiff by default. Yes, stiff poses are real, so are ugly, fucked up faces, but you learn the ideal face first, then build outwards on that because you need to start with a regular, predictable foundation that is easy to memorize.

>> No.4209226

you dont copy, you create. and creation is supposed to be appealing. morevoer, you communicate. so communicating dynamism and expression in an appealing way is something a draughtsman should take into account every time he draws a human figure. when you're in a live drawing class youre not supposed to copy what you see 1:1, thats what cameras are for (and photogaphs create with lighting and composition anyway). youre supposed to show what got your attention, what you consider worthy of exaggaraitng, and hiding what you dont care about.

>> No.4209250

Since you're drawing a still image, you want to impart a sense of life and movement into it.

>> No.4209958

The problem with these kinds of body flow/line of action tutorial is that they don't actually explain what happens to the body parts when you're following a specific flow.

That's why it's important to understand contrapposto first before telling people you have to follow a specific curve on the whole pose or something.

>> No.4209963

What's the point of making a tutorial that's been done a million times before? Just Googling "lines of action" has tons of results for basically the same thing

>> No.4209966

>The problem is that just isn't the line of action.
can you elaborate? since you clearly know your shit

>> No.4209983

worthless because you don't even consider the distribution of weight in the figure