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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 12 KB, 300x166, marshall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4206392 No.4206392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck? I didn't know Marshall Vandruff was this based

>> No.4206397

A thread died for this.

>> No.4206405

Jesus Christ fucking who cares about their color?

>> No.4206417

>Jesus Christ fucking who cares about their color?
black racisist nazis do care as you can see in op picture

>> No.4206488

James gurney begs to differ

>> No.4206494

anti-white "artists"

>> No.4206536

hello proko marketing team.

>> No.4206545

we have a word for those which hate on ppl based on their color, its "racist"

>> No.4206549

This >>4206545

>> No.4206602

not to be that guy, especially 'cause I don't even listen to the podcast, but...

there are tons of talented women, and ppl of other races doing art comparable to a lot of white guy artists today, so if it's about contemporary art it would be kinda weird if someone not biased by race never mentioned a single minority. Before you respond, you should know that I don't really agree with the review(see last paragraph).

Another thing, 'cause of some of the comments, I don't rly think it's terrible if the dude went out his way to showcase a not-white or not-guy artist. I say this 'cause when a lot of ppl think of an artist they have the image of old renaissance artists in mind, or a rich white dude. Showcasing an artist that breaks this mold could burn this mental image in someone's mind, potentially turning a possible artist into a definite artist.

That being said, this podcast has a selection pressure for ppl who are actually interested in art rather than ppl who could be interested, so everyone listening should know the answer to the podcast reviewer's question. That answer is of course that yes, non-white-man artists exist, and offer experiences just as lovely.

>> No.4206627
File: 21 KB, 396x400, bill-nye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men have historically had an advantage in most career choices and creative endeavors are no different. The reason Marshall isn't shouting out black or female artists is because there were barely any up until the mid 20th century. Saying otherwise would be blatantly denying the very reason why civil rights movements came to be.

>> No.4206630


Blacks aren't posting this type of stuff online it's 100% white people meeming.

>> No.4206632


>> No.4206634
File: 46 KB, 754x1024, 1560228707042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I only see humans as artists, how did you know?

>> No.4206636
File: 158 KB, 588x900, japan woodblock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to break the circlejerk, but only consuming art by one type of artist is usually a bad idea. that's how you get work that looks like every one elses.

>> No.4206638

With my Epic blend of Superior Eastern and western art I'll finally create something original!!!!

>> No.4206651


Fine, I'm racist. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.4206654

People who are keenly aware of its class dimension.

>> No.4206667


>> No.4206670

attempt to open your eyes to humanity and show you we are all one and all perceived differences are due to unbased fear?

>> No.4206685

I reckon just leaving you to be miserable would do just fine honestly.

>> No.4206689

>unbased fear
such a basedboy idea that people are racist because theyre scared or afraid. racists are disgusted

>> No.4206693
File: 245 KB, 752x960, 1534060204112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a difference between looking for artists from various cultures and looking for artists of various colors
There's a lot of 'variety' in LA art circles but they all have the same life experience, the same art influences and draw the same way

>> No.4206696

What the fuck? I didn't know Marshall Vandruff posted on /ic/ too

>> No.4206699

I can't stand these race obsessed drama starters. Like are you fucking serious?

>> No.4206703

Never change Marshall

>> No.4206707

Me personally, I only follow White and East Asian artists

>> No.4206708

ok Daniel-San

>> No.4206714

i believe its that strong urge of humans to keep a clan, people that look different, behave different, upon first instinct are outcast.
i believe its based on fear, and its not necessary, dangerous even, for our modern society that pushes us into closer living quarters within each other.

>> No.4206716

Racists that are out and about doing racist stuff in public are disgusted, internet racists are afraid.

>> No.4206725

glad youve got it all figured out based on nothing

>> No.4206740
File: 213 KB, 1600x1200, 1571956416457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is that I could name a bunch of nips and gooks but I'd bet that wouldn't satisfy that commenter either

>> No.4207021

Based & Redpilled

>> No.4207026

Fucking negro nazis they are the worst kind of racist. They were called Black phanters back in my days.

t. based boomer (iam not marsha)

>> No.4207041

/ic/ is shit
ngmi central

>> No.4207046

This thread needs to be deleted wtf are the mods doing?
While I'm here though,
Imagine unironicly believing this.

>> No.4207080

Yes, its called ethnocentrism. For the majority of human history ethnocentrism was necessary for the survival of your group. Even today we see more ethnocentric cultures (Islam) overrunning those that have become less ethnocentric (100 bomb attacks in Sweden this year).
>i believe its based on fear, and its not necessary, dangerous even, for our modern society that pushes us into closer living quarters within each other.
This sentence is horrible. The point of writing is to communicate ideas, not verbose intellectual masturbation. I'll assume the following translation:
>Ethnocentrism is based on fear. Because of the increase in population density and multicultualism, ethnocentric attitudes are dangerous.
You would be correct in assuming that ethnocentrism and multiculturalism dont mix. The problem is that you assume ethnocentrism can be erased. It cannot. To erase ethnocentrism is to erase culture itself. So long as man belongs to a culture he will be disposed to value it over others. It doesn't matter whether the division is by race, class, religion; any cultural outsider is a legitimate potential threat. To reduce the history of human culture to "racists dumb and scared haha" is pathetic and willfully ignorant.
Read this https://sites.duke.edu/niou/files/2014/07/WilliamsJosephM1990StyleTowardClarityandGrace.pdf before ever writing again.

>> No.4207098

I blame left-leaning liberal white people for inflating the otherwise fragile ego of non-whites to the point that if they don't get included in everything they will screech MUH RACISM.

>> No.4207106
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 5a57f0156744caea3ce334f827041beb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiculturalism is a tool used by porkies to weaken the working class and keep them fighting each other so they can be distracted from noticing the ruling class.

What threatens capitalism and Porky fears the most is a racially homogenous united working class.

It's not necessary to hate on other races, but if you are a white persom remember that neither blacks, latinos or asian are your friends.

Love yourself and your community first before loving others. And kill every anti-racist and multiculturalist!

>> No.4207107


>> No.4207113

>left leaning (((white people)))
Sure buddy, fellow white people.
I already reported this thread as off-topic and so should you, instead of bumping it for no reason.

>> No.4207117

Even if you remove jews from the equation, white people are already ideologically pozzed.



>> No.4207122

Jesus christ you bumped it yet again just to get your
>muh pol
in there. Good job.

>> No.4207125

We'll bump it until janny does xis fucking job

>> No.4207149

Well Marshall IS a skinhead. What did people expect. He also has a hierarchical and militaristic first name, and a fancy sounding last name. Absolutely oppressive. I'm literally shaking right now.

This person should just go watch 1 Fantastic Week instead. It is a far better and more informational podcast, and both hosts bow to the current self-denigrating white culture, and pander to women and emotional weaklings regularly.

>> No.4207237

A thread is also crying form this

>> No.4207431

>100 bomb attacks in Sweden
There are other reasons for this occuring though, so many different things....
Assuming immigrants come in by paying their own way through, it's in your best interests to be friendly to help them integrate. A close knit community is a safe one.
I never called you dumb and scared. I don't hate racists.
I do hate bullies... But whatever.

>> No.4207573

why the fuck would i want to draw like a brown person?

>> No.4207584

they're probably jewish

>> No.4207606

Fuck off, stan. Did you came up with all that shit using your imagination? I doubt that.

>> No.4207607

this isn’t even an answer. multiple artists of the same race can be completely different types of artists.

>> No.4207611


>> No.4207636

>Being a racist in 2019

None of you are gonna make it lmfao

>> No.4207643
File: 259 KB, 510x483, 34566356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some white women who was raise in an upper class family, who probably said nigger a couple of times in her younger years and feels the needs to make up for it by being as anti-white as possible.

>> No.4207666

The only way to make up for it is to marry me and bare my mixed race children. Atone for your sins with my superior seed.

>> No.4207667


Mediocre non white artists jumping on a bandwagon in the hopes that it'll help them cash in on their mediocre art. Desperate. Remember that Asian dude that claimed he doesn't make a lot of money doing comics because he's Asian and then everyone pointed out to him that Asian comics outsell Western comics in the West? I'm sure he still deludes himself though.

>> No.4207669
File: 103 KB, 750x538, Asian comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related btw

>> No.4207670

Not anti-white but anything that establishes its art bias based on skin color, why not stop being sided and view shit abroad

>> No.4207675

>Only non-white artists care about skin color in their art

>> No.4207680

No one is talking about "in their art" the topic is about the race of the artists. Keep up, dopey.

>> No.4207682


>> No.4207703

I remember one time this white girl called this black dude a nerd and Twitch banned her claiming that she was attacking him based on the color of his skin.

Nerd = 4 letters
Nigg= 4 letters
Nigger = 6 letters
6 divided by 4 is equal it 1.5
Round up 1.5 and you get 2
Take the first two letters of nerd, N and E
Flip them and add them to the end of the word "nigg" + "er"

Look it up, that was their actual fucking reasoning.

>> No.4207718

Shut it nerd

>> No.4207719

Non-whites living among white people are usually the whiniest.

>> No.4207722


>> No.4207725

>Kill every anti-racist
Ain't getting savage over good people, if you think that is the direct ignition for the gates of solution to your shithole maybe you should restrict that to yourself

>> No.4207727

Internet was a mistake.
More specifically, giving access to the Internet to the niggers, jews and women was a catastrophic mistake.

>> No.4207731

Look at this fucking racist.

>> No.4207751


trash board full of incels.
even the art world doesn't want you.
nobody does.

go shit up somewhere else.

>> No.4207761

Art by colored artists looks like street graffiti

>> No.4207766

>good people


>> No.4207795

There's so much variety in the "white men art" that I can only laugh at your argument.

Islam is a religion and a political system, one that gives different value to humans based on their group affinity (men > women, believers > káfirs). It's inseparable from Islam as religion.
Democracy and freedom of speech are systems founded on all its members having an equal worth.

Logically, the two can never work alongside one another.

>> No.4207821

>Logically, the two can never work alongside one another.
again, theres much more to it. you really cannot consider any person to be group A or group B without actually knowing them.
we dont know them, all we have is second hand (at least) information, and a lot of that is stuff that degrades their character. our character.
its telling how quick the media was to jump on muslims in the aftermath of 9.11. do you still trust the media? can you still trust your thoughts on islam based on what the media has told you?
the media is just an extension of joe blow from down the street. can you still trust his opinion?
theres more happening here, and its getting worse every year.

>> No.4207842
File: 98 KB, 708x832, 1548987566485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marshal already does plenty by citing many female artists.

>mention blacks for inclusiveness
>the alphabet people demand LGBT artists
>mention xhem for inclusiveness

>> No.4207847
File: 129 KB, 857x815, 1544257363439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated as fuck.

>> No.4207870
File: 54 KB, 690x388, diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pakistani muslims believe women who don't follow sharia are worthless garbage and therefore deserve to raped. In muslim countries, non-muslims are considered to be the same category of life as a dog. The valuation of all human life is a uniquely Christian and western idea, not shared by the rest of the world. Your wishy washy subjectivism doesn't pan out in real life. Maybe there's an african genius (there's not) that we'll miss out on by alienating the third world. All of the statistics suggest rather, mohammed is bringing violence, inbreeding, poverty, and political dissidence, and overall unrest. This is not the opinion of the mainstream media.

>> No.4207891

this is horrible. but you seem to think white people dont do this?

>> No.4207908

>but you seem to think white people dont do this?
Not a question, go back to your social sciences class.

>> No.4207910

I've mentioned three key points -
>Islam is a religion and a political system, the two are inseparable.
>Political Islam attributes different worth to different groups of people.
>To have a working democracy, you need all people to be be considered of equal worth.
Which one is debatable?
You can either claim that there are peaceful Muslims who despise Jihad and respect women and gay people like any other (lol), admit that Islam is not compatible with democracy in its foundation or stick your head in the sand before this debate.

You think they do?
The only example that is at least remotely comparable is the Vatican/catholic priest child exploitation scandal, which can't be pinned on white people but rather another archaic and under developed system of religion.

>> No.4207922

No, mein Juden, they don't.

>> No.4207926

>The only example that is at least remotely comparable
except theres been a scandal over epstein in the news for the past several months.
there was the finders group that kidnapped children from kindergartens.
theres a lady called candy girl that claims to have been abused by powerful figures after being sold off by her grandparents.
theres a conspiracy that the bbc are involved in a giant child sex scandal. combine that with the epstein theories and the uk royal family could all be involved in this too.
aside from conspiracies, parents beat children. parents molest children. race/religion, no difference. this happens everywhere. its fucking disgusting. and you are wrong if you dont think it happens among us.

>> No.4207940
File: 332 KB, 577x904, Schlomo in the park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitskins dosing girls in gosoline and threaten with fire to not resist rape
>but muh whites sometimes beat children too!

>> No.4207945

>muh white kidnapping children from preschools to bribe politicans
>but only blacks and muslims are evil

>> No.4207958
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, 1559907949863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Jews are evil too. Stop being retarded, anon.

>> No.4207968

how come there are good black musicians but not artists? or at least nowhere near as many

>> No.4207978
File: 80 KB, 852x786, kidfiddrs_btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews cant be evil, because they have an entire organisation to stop people from saying theyre evil.

>> No.4207979

It's funny though, isn't it? Everything affecting them has to be remembered, but what has been fabricated by them is to be kept quiet forever. Luckily, I am a slav and Holodomor won't be forgotten on our side of the food isle. Pun intended.

>> No.4208363


Nobody in the ghetto is going to buy a wicked rad gayman PC and wacom tablet only for it to get stolen but it's easier to write lyrics on a piece of paper and call yourself an aspiring rapper and have rap battles with your friends. Traditional art is a costly hobby and again your supplies delivered to your door will get stolen. It's environment reasons. Art is a more feminine hobby that can only be pursued properly in fair living conditions.

Dayqwan isn't going to know a black commercial artist working in concept art or whatever compared to 50 industry rappers and 500 aspiring rappers. It's just unheard of to them.

>> No.4208370

>white men are a singular type of artist
What did he mean by this?

>> No.4208377

There's a lot of black people like this. It's usually ones raised in a comfortable middle/upper-class lifestyle that feel some need to compensate for it.

>> No.4208390

>an entire organisation
>implying it's not hundreds of organizations

>> No.4208399

proof: my ass

>> No.4208414

Thanks for the input Shaun King.

>> No.4208417


It is my pleasure Jake Paul.

>> No.4208420

>jews pretending to be white