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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.42 MB, 1500x2384, 2019-10-26-starfire-in-heat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4180893 No.4180893 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4180895


>> No.4180897

when did shadman got this good?

>> No.4180898
File: 330 KB, 540x756, Screenshot_20191028-180954_Twitter_resize_56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4180900
File: 1.03 MB, 3308x2345, IMG_20191028_181122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4180905

His penises are unappealing. He has no idea what allures a woman to a sexy penis. Or a supple body. Then again, it seems it's drawn for men.

>> No.4180958

I don't like Shad but even I know this

>> No.4180979

So does he just literally draw everything on one layer then slaps a background and some text after?

Jesus christ, that sounds tedious af

>> No.4180986

>witness the cope of an incel in his natural habitat.
imagine being this delusional

>> No.4180989
File: 80 KB, 628x674, 1527271410361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shadman actually created something fappable and with pleasant looking faces
W-what's happening?

>> No.4181004

His anatomy's alright, but the lack of detail he puts into the hair is a turn off, i've seen "3 year" artist who have put more detail into the hair than this. Like its all one flat color, where's the strands?

>> No.4181005

how many dicks has shad sucked in his lifetime?

>> No.4181008


>> No.4181034

And there's the roastie right on cue

>> No.4181037

>he actually improved

>> No.4181043

looks like perverted saturday morning cartoons.

>> No.4181051

He didn't get good or improve. Hes just moving back to his more difficult 2017 art style.

>> No.4181069

Shadman is the best.

>> No.4181195

>W-what's happening?
You lack taste.

>> No.4181197

How to grind taste, do i draw more loomis heads?

>> No.4181258

Gotta do loomis feet.

>> No.4181274
File: 51 KB, 960x540, shadman_irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seek out art of high quality and analyze it thoroughly. But to do that, you'd need taste. So just look up all sorts of artists and you'll eventually get a feeling for what is appealing and what isn't, what's well executed in a technical sense and what isn't, etc.
Or, y'know, you could just jerk it to Shadman.

>> No.4181276

so this is what happens when shadman uses 100% of his power...

>> No.4181280

I'm pretty sure he's banking on the fact that his audience isn't even looking at the hair.

>> No.4181301

Damn he really put a lot of effort on this one.

>> No.4181321

>over a decade and still look like that
oh nononono

>> No.4181368
File: 40 KB, 112x160, fart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this aimed at? majority of it is big floppy penis. that face in the last panel... looks like hes farting on her.

>> No.4181372


>> No.4181499

He just goes for the kill, Elizabeth Warren had some cooming features but the rest was bad

>> No.4181506

Pyw crab

>> No.4181529

Nah. He can be quite good at coloring when he feels like it and he's done pin ups with far more detail on the clothing and backgrounds. It's just that his anatomy hasn't improved much at all.

>> No.4181531

it's not crabbing if they're famous.

>> No.4181606
File: 54 KB, 250x305, Erm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just curious, but can you give an example if an appealing penis?

>> No.4181635

Take a picture of your own dong

>> No.4181657
File: 1.74 MB, 1293x901, 1568523561753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reason it takes me so long to finish a comic is because I don't now what I'm doing so I have to do it 20 times like an ADHD retard

Oh, I see. Keep going, dude.

>> No.4181681

>/ic/ crabs are so bad they are jealous of shadman of all people

>> No.4181685

Op said appealling penises

>> No.4181689
File: 564 KB, 1600x921, F400EEC0-79FF-4506-9A7B-1CEC3B1FD6F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I know, what a hack lol maybe if he wasn’t a scrub without a clear idea it wouldn’t take him tears for one image lmao

>> No.4181759
File: 16 KB, 300x400, 1556361673785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure let's compare an old dead dude making sure the final look of some king or saint will be worth the precious metal paint that took 3 years to be brought to his atelier by camel with a nihilist coomer who has infinite ink, references, resources, undos, and whose business is based on quick, disposable art for the masses.

>> No.4181767

But retard-kun, having infinite free materials and flexibility is a point for experimenting with many variances, not against it, since it literally costs you nothing and can be done infinitely without compromising the base you already have or redoing it again because layers are a thing.
This is literally the most basic thing every single artist does, do you even draw?

>> No.4181774

>literally literally literally
You have a limitless platform for spouting your brain diarrhea and this is the result, valley girl pastiche.

Abundance isn't meant for the public eye, try out your variances on your own and then distill what you think for us.
Same applies to Shadmadlad, I'm a-OK with his process, but he seems to be having productivity issues with it.

Exploration doesn't mean inefficiency, solve your visual problems on composition/lineart stage, do you even draw?

>> No.4181778

more like 80% or so

>> No.4181780

But he clearly did do that, you fucking imbecile. All the images are pre-lineart sketches.
>b-b-but he blocked in the colors that takes time

>> No.4181783
File: 56 KB, 600x330, tv-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess redrawing keyframes and i-frames in animation, adjusting and refining sketches again and again for a clean illustration, creating multiple passes for lineart, etc. is all just ADHD? Wanting a perfect product for oneself (or especially a client) is just autism. Mind blown.

>> No.4181795
File: 200 KB, 904x1000, d8pk0zu-0e300bf2-747e-466d-81c6-1d86b0fb5cba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same applies to Shadmadlad, I'm a-OK with his process, but he seems to be having productivity issues with it.
How? It seems to be working for him, so much so that he's willing to share his process with others. Also, this isn't a 'tutorial,' this is just a visual demonstration, so the actual process may look very different.

>Exploration doesn't mean inefficiency, solve your visual problems on composition/lineart stage, do you even draw?
Multiple artists will go through different stages of sketching or lineart to feel out not just the forms, but what they want in ink. David Finch doesn't ink, but does pencil renderings - and when he renders he's always thinking in light and shadow in one go. In the digital medium we're allowed to explore as much as we can. If that requires various lineart stages to get to the final stage of lineart, then so be it. Pic related.

>> No.4181809

Can he not find a better art style? Those flat faces meant to look like the original show on the more detailed bodies looks gross.

>> No.4181853


>> No.4181913

No, you don't guess that; in fact, you seem to be opposed to that idea.

>How? It seems to be working for him
When he says "this is why it takes so long", it means he's getting complaints or feeling somewhat bad about taking too long in-between shitting out porn.
>this is just a visual demonstration, so the actual process may look very different
Fair point, might have polished it a little bit.

>Multiple artists will go through different stages of sketching
Also true, but some methods are more efficient than others. this sort of more "polished" exploration is useful for learning, but not for delivering a product.

But then again, he is paid just to do whatever he already does, so in the point this discussion is nil as long as people are giving him money.

>> No.4181918

such an ugly artstyle