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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4179195 No.4179195 [Reply] [Original]

What comics are you working on? What comics are you studying?

>> No.4179543

I have tons of stuff to do so by next year I can start that capeshit webcomic I want to do so badly.

>> No.4179757
File: 811 KB, 1225x1750, ACE0209C-C540-42FD-A2A6-618C1E0814F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m working on comics like pic related. I’m new at making comics and I’m still experimenting with page and panel sizing to find out my preferred working method.
Lately I’ve been reading old comics like Krazy Kat, Polly & Her Pals, and Milt Grosz’ work

>> No.4179783
File: 389 KB, 506x693, Screen Shot 2019-10-27 at 5.57.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on this, studying old silver age comics and DC's The Witching hour

>> No.4179920

I've been working on a bunch of OCs for a forty-eight page fantasy graphic novel. The goal is to blend a bunch of concepts I want to experiment with, tentatively titled "Demon Hunters".

Just need to figure out the right style, for character designs, whether to go with something more stylized (Fire Emblem, Korean fantasy art) or realistic (Witcher).

>> No.4179922

I just started thumbing the 5th chapter of my webcomic. Wish my luck, fellas

>> No.4179961
File: 603 KB, 1904x2781, 201910260031091000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page of a pepe comic I am working on, first comic so shit's sloppy

>> No.4179966
File: 2.63 MB, 3724x2096, 6E24F85B-3696-400A-95DC-1887EF63CDD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not comics, but manga. Still working on this. It’s coming along slowly, cause full time job and all that. I should have it all finished early next year. Then I can set up an appointment with Jump.

>> No.4179968
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>> No.4179970
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>> No.4179971
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>> No.4180028
File: 218 KB, 800x1198, EH0MHJ7XUAALCin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on this

Trying to find a style that would let me be quicker.

Nice work, last panel cat girls eye on the left looks kinda weird otherwise cool stuff.

>> No.4180036

Also forgot to ask did't you have it finished like last year or so, I think I''seen your cat girl stuff before, i remember one page has her lick her arm. And like didn't you submit it to some shonen manga contest

>> No.4180038


>> No.4180043

You got a full body ref for that samurai dude somewhere so I can see what he looks like? I'm liking the design a lot. Also, please have a good story, I'd hate for such nice art to be wasted on yet another poorly told western manga.

>> No.4180096

Artwise, if you told me that's a serialized manga, I wouldn't bat an eye. But story is probably more important as long as you have a minimum art competency.

>> No.4180637

Those half tones made out of lots of pen strokes don't look good.
Maybe just fill shaded areas with a different color? That would be faster.

>> No.4180721
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Anime fights: Combats between anime characters: https://tapas.io/episode/1472091

>> No.4180727

d-did you take photographs... of your monitor?

>> No.4180844
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Managed to pull of 3 pages in one and a half day, now so tired

>> No.4180877
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The Duality of Man

>> No.4180912

Are you using CSP? Do you know of any good tutorials for someone to get started in it?

>> No.4180998
File: 45 KB, 1080x1448, received_3212548662121176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just your generic American female artist inspired by shoujo manga.

>> No.4181048
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how many little comics should i make to home my skills before i decide to pull an absolute madlad and make a graphic novel?

>> No.4181064

I'd say until you're comfortable with storytelling, setting up panels, and drawing your characters recognizably consistent between panels.

>> No.4181352


Please telling me youre publishing this as a book someday.

>> No.4181358

What is the name of this so I can support you?

>> No.4181439

All those art gains must have fried his brain.

>> No.4181683
File: 1.73 MB, 1200x1697, style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about changing to a more sketchier style

>> No.4181834

>Looks at early issues of manga
yeah just do it, faggot

>> No.4181881

Yeah, I did some old things for a manga contest 2(?) years ago. Those were more like precursors to this, which at this point, we’ve redone and fleshed out so much, I’m a little tired of working on the same thing again and again, and not really making progress with it. It has cone a long way though.

I mostly go by ManlySpirit on social media, but I’m not active at all.


I thought I had one on my phone, but I don’t. I’ll upload it tomorrow or something from my computer.

As for western manga. Idk, I guess you could call it that based on the fact that it’s made by a westerner, but I’m pretty much aiming for Japanese publishing under a major brand like Shounen Jump desu. Weekly even, I don’t even care about how rough it might be or whatever in terms of workload (also a lot of that is mitigated by the fact that I’m just the artist, with my friend handling the writing. It’s understated, but writing, and consequently writers blocks under such a tight schedule, are what make weekly manga a living hell. Especially with all the back and forth flipping between doing the art and writing the story. Between planning, drafting, and so on, each chapter can take two days or more. Which is a lot, all things considered). Anyway, as I approach 30, I pretty mych feel like I need to do something meaningful with my skillset, otherwise it’s just a massive waste of time. Since I live in Japan now, and my language skills are conversational, there are way less obstacles in my way than otherwise. I also, don’t really much care what story catches on. If this eSports one just isn’t cutting it for an audience, then I’m more than happy to try any of the 30+ other ideas I’ve got sitting on a shelf. Similar story with writing. It’s just a question of practice really, and my friend is very much dead set on wanting the same thing.


>> No.4181883

At least art-wise, I can say I’ve reached pro level. Worst comes to worst, I can at least get hired by Sheisha as an artist with my current level of skill, and that’s at least the foot in the door for future pitches.

I’ve got tons of Japanese friends who are excited for seeing where I can go with this, and are more than happy to help me translate my work, and come with me to the appointment early next year.

So that’s where I’m at right now with things. Aiming for what many westerners have considered impossible, but it really doesn’t feel so impossible to me anymore. Most of the biggest hurdles are outta the way, but the biggest one still lies ahead. Which like you said, is story, but that one kinda falls entirely out of my hands. So, all I can do is put my faith in someone else, and see where things go.

That’s also partly why I don’t much bother with social media. I can’t be fucked to market myself and become a “public figure” on the internet. I just wanna draw desu. So, go big or go home I guess.

Yes. I basically have two options:

Export image>plug in my phone>dick around with iTunes which I fucking hate>get the image transferred to my phone>send that to my friend over whatsapp. A process that takes 5-10 minutes.


Take a photo of my screen, and send it over whatsapp in less than 5 seconds.

It’s not rocket science as to why I’d choose one over the other. I also don’t really use 4chan much while at home. I regularly browse and post from my phone during breaks at work or whatever. Idk why people freak out so much over this.

>> No.4181884

Yes. As for tuts. Nope. I just used it till I got the hang of it. If I had any specific questions about how to do something. I’d google it on the spot.

JUMP. Probably.

This particular manga should it see the light of day will be called Tiger Square Versus. Working on the chapter 1 pitch to show up at Shueisha’s offices with a couple of Japanese friends, some time before March next year. Hopefully end of January.

Believe me, I’ve stagnated a lot more than I care to admit thanks to a full time job in the day. It’s a little frustrating desu.

>> No.4181895

and advice on getting good at art?

>> No.4181903

remember me when you get serialized, okay anon?

>> No.4182936

Would love to see more of your stuff, especially different types of scene. You mentioned you are looking into getting published in Japan, which comes to the point: How good are you at drawing emotional scenes? As far as action goes, I think you've got a solid understanding to make it work. Japanese comics play a lot on the emotional side of things. I would love to see how you handle scenes that focuses more on the characters' emotional states.

I love what you've shown so far, and hope to see you achieve your goals, anon.

>> No.4183019

I'm just wandering do you really need to have full comic done to pitch it to editors. Can't you just have like 10 pages of art like some showing action, some emotional scenes and some ordinary scenes. Mostly to show what you can draw, and have the rest as rough sketches. that way if the editor doesn';t like the design or the story you don't have to redraw every single page

>> No.4183021

Might seem like a weird question, but what fonts do y'all use for your comics?

>> No.4183086

you do not need the full ! in fact it might be better if you don't have it

here's a free zine with some infos in it

>> No.4183088

piggbacking off this, does anyone have any experience with making your own font? i'm looking into it.

>> No.4183117

Man, watching this thread being made and active sure got me pumped up to make comics. Gonna start studying Araki.

>> No.4183154
File: 863 KB, 949x1323, jb01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 m8

>> No.4183194 [DELETED] 

I assume you are the same guy who wrote Tiger Square Alpha and Tiger Square World? I want you to listen to my opinion on your manga because i think your (friend's) writing is pretty poor

First, Tiger Square Alpha the major flaw in your story come from one thing. It's lacking proper 'Introduction act' okay, i can understand this is oneshot manga so you want to throw your character into action soon as possible but you can't just skip Introduction act like that. Without proper Introduction, i don't know who is your character, I don't know why i should care about them. It makes fight scene feel so weak because i don't give a shit who is going to wins and to be honest, i'm not even sure who is protagonist of this story until halfway of your story. Your story need an introduction act to show your readers what kind of person is your protagonist. What's his personality, what's his flaw, why he want to be greatest, where his motive coming from. All of this must be establish before you throw them into conflict of the story so readers can create empathy for your character. You can't just info dump about them, you can't skip it and introduce them later. That's not going to work.

Second, Tiger Square World the writing is suffered from the same problem i mentioned above but worse. This time i don't know what is your character's goal, in fact i don't even know what's this story is all about and that cat girl and lots of her ass shot is not going to help when your story has nothing to offer. Fanservice and action scene is good for shonen genre but you shouldn't just rely on them alone. You should focus on how to make the readers care about your protagonist, what is his goal and what is obstacle of that goal. Always remind readers what's your story is all about and show them what direction this story is going forward to.

I think you are very talented mangaka but without improve your (friend's) writing, it may hold you back from whatever you want to achieve.

>> No.4183198

I assume you are the same guy who wrote Tiger Square Alpha and Tiger Square World? I want you to listen to my opinion on your manga because i think your (friend's) writing is pretty poor

First, Tiger Square Alpha the major flaw in your story come from one thing. It's lacking proper 'Introduction Act' okay, i can understand this is oneshot manga so you want to throw your character into action soon as possible but you can't just skip Introduction act like that. Without proper Introduction, i don't know who is your character, I don't know why i should care about them. It makes fight scene feel so weak because i don't give a shit who is going to wins and to be honest, i'm not even sure who is protagonist of this story until halfway of your story. Your story need an introduction act to show your readers what kind of person is your protagonist. What's his personality, what's his flaw, why he want to be greatest, where his motive coming from. All of this must be establish before you throw them into conflict of the story so readers can create empathy for your character. You can't just info dump about them, you can't skip it and introduce them later. That's not going to work.

Second, Tiger Square World the writing is suffered from the same problem i mentioned above but worse. This time i don't know what is your character's goal, in fact i don't even know what's this story is all about and that cat girl with her ass shot is not going to help when your story has nothing to offer. Fanservice and action scene is good for shonen genre but you shouldn't just rely on them alone. You should focus on how to make the readers care about your protagonist, what is his goal and what is obstacle of that goal. Always remind readers what's your story is all about and show them what direction this story is going forward to.

I think you are very talented mangaka but without improve your (friend's) writing, it may hold you back from whatever you want to achieve.

>> No.4183199

I like it. Very original. Nice art style. Reminds me of Samurai Jack.

>> No.4183227

It's very well drawn but why is there only fighting in this? The whole chapter is just one big fight, I don't get what's going on. Ohh and the "saving the princess" again meme... I love the artstyle but maybe have someone else write your stories.

>> No.4183236

Don’t listen to this dude. Story was fibe imo.

>> No.4183419

Glad to see you are doing well in Japan, i'm cheering for you brah

>> No.4183531
File: 100 KB, 394x329, l1ahtb5941u21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking of making a fluff comic about a depressed wagie merchant living in a fantasy world who hates adventurers with a mix of medieval peasant slice of life and comedy with some fantasy elements.
Itll be a mix of Dungeon Meshi, Spice and Wolf and my normal life as a min wage worker

>> No.4183538

kickstarter when?

>> No.4183835

I am super behind on the comic I'm working. Just 17 more pages to go...

>> No.4184006
File: 281 KB, 900x1275, Comictest6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a little something to get used to writing and drawing, but i'm slowly starting to enjoy the process.

>> No.4184257

Is it possible to publish a comic set in western countries without non-white characters ?
I'm not really white but I'd like to draw a setting in western countries but I don't really like adding some minority characters. It would obviously would be about racism If I add one. I don't care about shit like that. Should I just switch the setting to Japan ?

>> No.4184279

Hard to say in the current climate. Comics in general are unpopular in the west, unless it’s Marvel/DC. But I like to believe that the majority would appreciate not shoehorning diversity into your comic for diversity’s sake.

>> No.4184287
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>> No.4184295

Not him but what's funny ?
It's not that bad.

>> No.4184437

> but I don't really like adding some minority characters

This is just lazy and dumb. If the setting is real then is should vary the people that you draw accordingly to that setting. And you chose the setting because of how it fits in your story, that's it.
If you set your story in Japan because drawing different characters is hard or whatever, it's just dumb and I don't expect your comic to be good.

>> No.4184450
File: 789 KB, 800x1133, 7Issue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out more sketchier style

>> No.4184455

Don't just think of it anon, do it! A concept is only as good as what you make of it.

>> No.4184462

Retard. If I make a minority characters the SJWs will come looking at every move I make and will do anything to destroy my life if I ever create something that can misinterpreted as racist.
>draw a black character
>Hey it's not black enough racist!
>write black guy that do bad thing
It removes my freedom and I honestly don't want to draw them. I want to draw only whites because they look good. Also their buildings and their culture.

>> No.4184611

You're not Marvel, you fucking idiot, if some SJW complains who the fuck cares.

And, again, if your story is set in a real city, you depict that city, if in that city there are minorities you put in your fucking comic to make it more believable.

And also again, you can invent a city full of whites, or use a city with non-black, but when you're writing a story your main concern should be the story, not some retarded bullshit like "mh, I don't want to draw black people, but then SJW will come at me!".

>> No.4184782

anyone who types like that is a brainlet, don't waste your words

>> No.4184949

No they won't you dumb nigger. If your posting in this shit hole, your a nobody with sub 1000 followers on social media. On top of that your not good enough to attract any kind of attention so no one will care you fucking brainless piece of dogshit. Always some excuse about why your not drawing right?

>> No.4185757

These threads seem to die a bit too fast

>> No.4185807

Diversity quotas killing it.

>> No.4185843

How old are you?

>> No.4185889

I was working on a Isekai comic, but then I realized I actually need to know how to write a good story first.

>> No.4185910
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, DDEFB9B8-EA6A-4724-BAB2-4446F03E0D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where there was a “miner” and a gigantic ww2-looking spider walker went on expeditions to mine miscellaneous goods (oil barrels, electronics, solar panels, etc.) out of buildings buried beneath the sand, since it’s the future and earth has become covered in desert. I really, really want to draw a graphic novel out of this, probably kinda episodic with the bros exploring weird shit and scattered human settlements. I also want there to be a deeper, overarching plot line in there too, but I’m not sure what it could be.

Picture upside down for some reason

>> No.4185942
File: 244 KB, 1046x748, 537656781_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I think of gigantic spider walkers I'm reminded of wild wild west

>> No.4186001

most webcomic people post on /co/'s hywc thread

this post made me gay

>> No.4187357


>> No.4187386

whoa nice

>> No.4187389


Love it

>> No.4187422

Do you know the story behind that spider? It's pretty hilarious

>> No.4187725
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Another chapter out

>> No.4187728

Is it the story of how the producer had a gigantic mechanical spider fetish and wanted to put it in every movie he worked on?

>> No.4188946
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>> No.4188954

>Pepper Knight
>Run of the mill

>> No.4189365

Does anyone have Dave Gibbons' fonts?


>> No.4190017
File: 575 KB, 900x1275, updt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And an update, still trying to understand how do screentones work..

>> No.4190404
File: 3.72 MB, 2583x2000, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've probably heard this a million times, but practice.


I do have this old page as an example, but it's sort of a case of "I can do better now" also, this version is outdated. There will be plenty of opportunities for some slower more emotionally heavy moments in this chapter I'm working on now, it's just a matter of getting around to them.

Idk, iirc from their site it says to submit your work. I just assumed it's full samples as that's how it went in Bakuman. Also, from where I stand, it helps to go the extra mile on my end, as it's more difficult and risky to give me a shot, over a Japanese entrant due to the language barrier, VISA reasons, and so forth. So, afaik, I gotta got the extra mile to really wow the editor. Everything from the art to the story has to be really good.

I really liked it personally.

Idk why you wrote friend in parenthesis, lol. I'm more than happy to admit my my writing is dogshit. Stuff made by me: The Debattle. Stuff written by Che: Heavy is the Head, both TS one shots, etc... A lot of stuff hasn't seen the light of day as we sometimes can it. Anyway, Che is aware of how awful the one shots were, we laugh about this all the time. It is what it is though. I get where you're coming from in that he can hold me back, but desu, I can't do this alone, and, a man has to stay loyal to his friends. We've been on this journey from the start, abandoning him now would be the biggest dick move ever. I'd rather just place faith in the fact that he'll improve through our collective efforts than gamble on someone else, or try and burden all of this alone, which is imo, too much to handle for one person.


Patreon is like our backup plan should things just not work out in Japan. I'd probably move somewhere cheap like Mexico, and live a comfy life drawing and making manga, and living off of commissions and patreon.

>> No.4190408
File: 742 KB, 2361x1525, Robo Samurai (no. FX).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, things not working out being "Visa not getting reneued" or some extreme thing like that. So long as I'm here, I'm gonna keep knocking on the door till something happens.

Also, to the guy who asked for a concept sheet of the robot. Here you go.

>> No.4190703
File: 1.16 MB, 990x1504, Complete Page1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna work on a small mini-comic for something I'd like to make a larger series on (but obviously I need practise with smaller pieces first). I need to get better at drawing people and apocalypse gear (premise is a post-apocalypse where the apocalypse is that the world is covered by a huge thick layer of giant dead arthropods, nobody knows how or why it happened and just have to deal with giant insects and the less-insecty-things that live deeper in the layer).

Here's some work I did on an OCT a while ago, any thoughts? Full thing https://imgur.com/a/TEjGfd3

>> No.4191369

>blatantly ripping off ksbd down to the character designs

>> No.4191703

> Here's some work I did on an OCT
I'll give you one guess as to what the OCT was for anon

>> No.4191707

Anon if I literally use character designs, names, and personalities for an OC Tournament I think the reasonable assumption is it's intended as a fanwork.

>> No.4191749

Does anyone even still read comics? I get less distracted while reading regular books than comic panels.

>> No.4191828
File: 3.96 MB, 3500x5250, 1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Doctor Strange fancomic.

>> No.4191835
File: 3.39 MB, 1680x2520, 2-4chansize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that portal read in the first page? I'm worried the sparkles don't translate well.
(I still gotta color this whole mess and I have no idea what I'm doing there)

>> No.4191837
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>> No.4191839
File: 3.87 MB, 1470x2206, 4-4chansize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then gender-swapped Stephen Strange fights a tentacle monster; I wonder where I'm going with this.

>> No.4191934

Yeah the portal reads, I just have no idea if he's coming out of it or going through it since it doesn't show that. It just shows random articles of his clothes then he just appears.

>> No.4191940
File: 1.94 MB, 2732x2048, 915DD6FC-5816-4D46-85EE-CA3CBCB3EED5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been working on humor writing and fun little comics. This one is called John Conquest. It follows a chad-like bodybuilder who is unusually likable despite his seeming dumbness

Follow @john_conquest_ to have these pop up in your feed every week or so

>> No.4191972

I could consolidate some of the upper staircase panels into one of Stevie coming out of the portal

>> No.4191980
File: 68 KB, 720x723, 1559097992598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on the same 24 page comic for like three years.
I haven't made enough time for it but I also keep going back and forth on it because its (almost) my very first one.
I know the set up, the climax and the resolution but I just can't get through the rising action, it feels BORING right now.

>> No.4191983

I dunno you could even just add a sihilouette in the portal and it'll be completely fine

>> No.4192029
File: 1.68 MB, 2550x3300, page79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on a new page of my comic, I want to redraw it because I was pretty tired when I did it, and I feel I can do better.

>> No.4192040

I love it

>> No.4192043

Anyone.. ?

>> No.4192142

I have a pretty good story thought up for a shonen but I can't fucking draw a unique MC to save my life. :(

>> No.4192190

I wanted the portal to open to the silhouette of the window though. But yeah it is weird that the portal opens to a room and (s)he's not standing in front of it

>> No.4192982

hey guys, here's a link to a webcomic server.
If you want to get your name in more people's faces and get live feedback, join us at https://discord.gg/TFdMKNP

>> No.4194162

Looks good bitch! Do not re anything, move the fuzzer fuck on, please. 'T'is a retard tire spin i tell ya.

>> No.4196112
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Finished 3 pages, took long time

>> No.4196179
File: 65 KB, 2500x3500, 300dpi_2500x3500px_byBotanyCameos_40percent_60L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I get screentones ?

>> No.4196200


>> No.4196210

Dude i love R Crumb!

>> No.4196486

amazon? but doing this shit by hand so

>> No.4197404
File: 1.00 MB, 940x1216, CI_Ch2_Pg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This page was an absolute nightmare, and I only realized how flawed my approach was when it was far too late to start over. That said, I am quite pleased with the second panel.

The Concord Initiative Chapter 2 begins, at long last.

>> No.4199247

The setting looks cool but good god I hate that sky gradient

>> No.4200786

Thats some weird moire going on there.

>> No.4200803
File: 1.62 MB, 2576x1932, 20191108_084100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a comic, it's difficult to actually put the pencil to the page and get started though. Pic related is just a doodle of a side character, not even the protag. I gotta a script in the works. I need to practice more, my understanding of structures and vehicles is lagging behind what I want. Pic related is what I want my comic to look like.

>> No.4200807

Rip outed myself as a phone poster

>> No.4200826

Dude... Why the fuck you applying to Shonen Jump? Do you live in Japan?? Why don't you just save yourself a lot of time. And just publish that shit over here like. I'm not saying you aren't talented dude but that's kind of silly don't you think?

>> No.4200849

If they don't live in Japan then they could always submit it to VIZ Originals.

>> No.4200896
File: 608 KB, 1225x1750, F3C8944C-40DB-4972-A11B-C6D9EFCC50CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished a short 3 page comic today, here’s page 1.

>> No.4200996

I feel like you're abusing stabilizers too much my dude. No shame if the line's a lil wiggly you know. Like the direction your going with, and the humour is decent. How long did it take you to make this page, curious.

>> No.4201024

I want to say from the initial sketching and panel layouts to final page took around an hour and thirty minutes to two hours at most. I don’t really time it. The coloring actually takes most of the time.

I’ll lay off the stabilizer for my next comic because even I have noticed a difference between my rougher sketches with zero stabilizer looking more “alive” than my final inks with stabilization turned up. I thought it would look cleaner but if it looks bad I’ll definitely change it.

>> No.4201058

Post the sketch, if you have it.

>> No.4201159

I live in Japan.

>> No.4201606
File: 1.26 MB, 2222x3142, received_459062534724693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New comic, page 2. First time making a full color comic.

>> No.4201608

what approach?

>> No.4201640

1. Should have only been 2 panels. One of those panels doesn't need to be there, giving the other two more space to be worth the level of detail I may have wasted.
2. I didn't actually know what the basilica actually looked like in my drafts, so I panicked and went with a straight on shot that now looks like a cardboard cutout. The drafts had a much more dynamic angle, but, again, not deciding on what the full basilica looked like before hand was devastating.
3. I didn't consider what should be around the basilica to give it some sense of place other than the skyline behind it.
4. I didn't plan for any scale-conveying elements, so the basilica looks like a doll house.

>> No.4201653
File: 653 KB, 800x1133, 10Issue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some action pages

>> No.4201698
File: 28 KB, 633x758, 1369728148373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make eurocomic but art is too shit

>> No.4201934

Like the drawing style in panels 2,3.

Not very professional, and a very gay idea. Using that type just as it is, is not wise, and you should probably grind fundies for a while.

The comic in general has an interesting vibe to it, reminds me of old Heavy Metal. I like the range of characters and crazy worldbuilding. I'd say all the scratchy pencil lines are distracting, maybe just try for strong inks. On this page: does not have the body of a dude, duplicating those two guys' body looks pretty cheap.

This page is great, good work!

Nicely polished, and I think there's an audience for this type of stuff.

Nice line work, colour palette could use some tightening up, renering of black FG figure is lazy.

Your drawings lack clarity. What's up with the taupe background?

Is this part of it? I lold, very punk, I like it.

I dig the style, but that other anon is right, that sky grad sucks. Also, need more margin inside text balloons.

>> No.4202066


>> No.4202326
File: 235 KB, 672x924, lcloressample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First six pages of something I tried to get published.

>> No.4202329
File: 675 KB, 1344x924, lcloressample2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4202335
File: 673 KB, 1344x924, lcloressample3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4202342 [DELETED] 

last page there unfinished, obv

>> No.4202345
File: 827 KB, 1344x924, lcloressample4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4202354

i really like all your colours and drawing, one issue i have is that most panels dont have enough contrast so I'm constantly zooming in to see everything.

>> No.4202359

Thanks, yes, I agree. Too much detail for the size (7x10 ish), too.

>> No.4202362

Although the image at full size on a 96 dpi monitor is print size, if that makes sense. Definitely not intended for phone viewing.

>> No.4202372

you got a blog? i absolutely love this artstyle

>> No.4202381
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 4C2A63D3-E975-471D-9E65-33FF8D5F89BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been working on an action/adventure graphic novel for half a year. Still in the penciling process. I’m unsure whether or not to do lettering on the computer or by hand. Which one do you guys prefer?

>> No.4202383

Thanks, yea: https://christianfrederiksen.tumblr.com/

I guess the blog part showcases a lot of other kinds of work, but the portfolio is roughly like this.

>> No.4202389
File: 2.70 MB, 2684x3578, F41860A9-FC12-403E-8B63-33B3BA1F1777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry hopefully this will post better

>> No.4202394
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, DDB442EE-53A9-4336-BB18-B7280781AA89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First page

>> No.4202399 [DELETED] 

Bro your spaghetti is all over the place.

>> No.4202404

Yeah I dunno what’s going on lol

>> No.4202405 [DELETED] 

fyi you can delete posts

>> No.4202408

You wanna know how i can tell you've read Sin City?

>> No.4202412

tell me, oh please do

>> No.4202413

I was making a reference to those 4 high-contrast black and white panels in that two-page sequence, ease up, i like it, it was a compliment.

>> No.4202417

Oh, I thought you had something more specific. I was trying to play into your comment because I haven't actually read Sin City at all! I've seen the film, however..

Don't a lot of comics use high contrast b+w?

>> No.4202424

Sorta. Most western comics are done with inked outlines and black shading first before coloring, but even then most dont tend to have that kind of aesthetic

>> No.4202553


But.. BUt these are the Zane twins, who have a hard time on agreeing with each other

>> No.4202628

Ok, pass.

>> No.4202916

This is not how a newborn looks, this body is at least 2-3 years old, use better reference.

>> No.4203134
File: 1.05 MB, 940x1216, CI_Ch2_Pg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two pages of Chapter 2 down.

>> No.4203756
File: 63 KB, 915x915, newborn-baby-christian-berthelot-c-section-cesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reference was fine and plentiful, I think I just made some odd decisions. I don't know why the head is so small. Perhaps the hips are too chubby, also?

>> No.4203830

Acrimona sucks

>> No.4203834

just because something works in real life doesnt mean it works in a picture unfortunately

>> No.4203856 [DELETED] 

I agree, but in this case I think anon is right, I should have followed reference closer and made the head bigger.. perhaps should have even exaggerated it.

>> No.4203860

You guys are all pretty good, but watch out hehe. :^)

>> No.4203864

Oh, no, I mean to say, I don't know why I *made* the head so small, etc.. my image is obviously divergent from the reference (and other ref I have). Anon's argument was that I should have followed ref closer, and I kinda agree.

>> No.4206147
File: 610 KB, 940x1216, CI_Ch2_Pg3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the first panel. I'll probably redesign it, but for now, Page 3 is done.

>> No.4206605

can you actually get a graphic novel pitched just as a graphic novel as a newbie? it feels like most GNs are published webcomics.

>> No.4206924

some companies hold contests for them, but stuff like that you may need to self publish

>> No.4207142
File: 183 KB, 689x1100, JOJO-v03-c25-p013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been studying manga. Namely, Jojo's Bazarre Adventure, One Piece and Me and the Devil Blues. I even bought Araki's Manga in Theory and Practice to help me out with my panelling and illustration presentation and the key tips he gives on the success of his theory of manga. So far, my work is a lot like Gintama and One Piece which was what I was going for, but I wanted to go the extra mile and continue experimenting with different techniques, using caligraphy brushes and the like for action trails and panelling.

>> No.4207453

if anyone wants to join a pretty active comic server, I have a link. It's not amazing, but it's a good place to get crit and post your work to a new audience. https://discord.gg/TFdMKNP

>> No.4208382
File: 698 KB, 800x1133, 11Issue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 11 planning to also start another one alongside this one


>> No.4208385

Meant planning to start another comic alongside this

>> No.4208724

is it ok to have a comic for YA with the sequel being for adults? is that a thing that you can do?

>> No.4208734

sorry for unrelated, but what actually should I unblock in firewall to make discord work? it just stuck on connecting unless I turn firewall off completely

>> No.4208975

Any general advice to make my lines more fluid?
I can't draw that well but my lines are much more fluid on paper than on my tablet.

>> No.4209742

even in the webbrowser?

>> No.4209796
File: 610 KB, 1478x1004, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on my webcomic, Project SHaDe


I've been going at this for nearly 3 years, but I'm starting to wonder whether any of this is even worth continuing. For now though, I'm gonna keep going

>> No.4209804

God damn, I love the way you draw your shapes--they're so blobby and cute. Keep going, this is great

>> No.4209820
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, also I managed to get away with posting this on mangadex

>> No.4209830

Oh man, I remember your old one about the little rabbit thing with the swordsman.
Your lines have gotten really clean and look a lot more confident. Your stories are pretty whimsical and fun too--keep going mayn

>> No.4209835

Do you have any social media? Your style is so unique and interesting

>> No.4209838

I feel like doing something like that could be interesting and draw people in maybe

>> No.4209852


Hey, I'm in a similar situation to you, age-wise and goal-wise.
I'd consider this:
Japanese culture is very different from western culture. From what I just looked up from your work you and your writer seem to be aiming for "imitation" of Japanese tournament manga or whatever. I suggest you both look into yourselves and find something to write that's authentically you. Wherever you're from and the influences you had. Then you could transmute that into something "popular a gaijin wrote" for the Japanese market. Also don't be afraid to work together with a Japanese writer.
There are so many of these "fake manga" and they will never get a hold of the Japanese market because they are by definition an imitation with lesser sense for Japanese sensibilities. Pretty rocky road to succeed that way. Also, if you're sticking to your writer, make him read lots of good books and make him understand how to structure good stories.

Just my two cents.

>> No.4209861

I'm mostly on twitter these days

>> No.4209912

Pull a Miura and bust on them. On with the new shit.

>> No.4209949

Oops, sorry, mislinked

>> No.4210054

thanks for thoughts
i am mostly worried my premise is too 'YA' to sell to adults, i guess.

>> No.4211136
File: 3.02 MB, 1944x1272, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this even remotely humorous ?

>> No.4211139

I love your rough style - really gives off character. Keep it up, anon, and I'll go ahead and give it a read myself!

>> No.4211159
File: 1.94 MB, 2046x2894, D65E95B9-804F-4863-931C-F5B40A2869C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been almost 3 years but I’m about to finally publish my first comic soon.

>> No.4211161
File: 1.39 MB, 2046x2894, B8419BD4-C0B9-4830-B8B5-D03CFCE314B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4211185

Am I supposed to read this from left to right or right to left ?

>> No.4211197

Left to right

>> No.4211203

Well, sir, the guy's face is drawn badly. pg2.1 Hatching on hands makes them look hairy. pg2.2 I'm assuming it will make sense later on why she has no nipples? pg2.4,5 This transition is confusing, may need to actually show her getting up instead of poofing air. Having the panels jutting off to one side doesn't seem to do anything, so why? pg2.5,6 The guy's arms need some anatomy, and in p6 the pose does not feel like a very strong punch.

The girls' faces are the most well done part, and it'd be good if the rest was up to standard. Also, her face in p6,7 is starting to look a bit off model.

>> No.4211204

Actually it's not that off model, nvm.

>> No.4211251

Man, this is so damn charming.
Never stop.

>> No.4211504
File: 1.63 MB, 1654x1170, 03-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, I forgot posting this here. Thanks for feedback!

Thanks, Samurai Jack and Clone Wars are one of my favorite cartoons and I like Genndy's storytelling.

Yeah, the story is a bit simple because I needed to produce it fast for the contest. Saving the princess and fighting comes from all those old pulp stories and 80s media , I'm a fan of them.

Thanks, got tips what I should improve?

Thanks, I like your stuff too. I'm rooting for your Japan domination

I still think my work has a bit of that "amateur vibe" but I guess I just need to push forward to make it more professional.

Thanks mate, Merrivius and the Corrupted forest was the first story I drew with computer so I didn't know what I was doing concerning the linework. It's not where I want it to be yet but I'll keep working hard on it.

I can post all of my stories here from oldest to newest so maybe you can see if there's any improvement.







Also thank you for "whimsical" comment. I like it when people say my stories and art sticks out.

Can't stop, won't stop.

>> No.4211514


>> No.4211517

This is funny and real wholesome anon, it warmed my heart a little.

>> No.4211523

looks like normal frog not pepe, and another advice, if you pretend to pick a meme character and make a comic thats not about the meme its based on, its better be very good or else it will jst look like you want to piggy back on the popularity of the character

>> No.4211573

You’re a woman aren’t you? Fuck off with your shit critiques

>> No.4211704

> I still think my work has a bit of that "amateur vibe" but I guess I just need to push forward to make it more professional.

Nah bro, you misread my post, I said it was good.

>> No.4211891
File: 284 KB, 636x900, PAG 3 resize thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a comic with a friend, he came with the idea. He writes the story and I draw it. This is a page that describes the world a bit, it's supposed to be cyberpunk (it might not make sense because it's out of context, I thought it would be a good sample to post here just to give an idea of the mood).
The story takes place in the Bucharest megastructure really far into the future and it's about a human slave and his artificial companion. This is as much as I can tell about the story for now as it's still in a pretty early stage, I don't care as much for the story as I care for conveying the mood of the characters and their world.

We think we might have a slight chance of publishing it in Romania because the theme hasn't been explored yet here (as far as we know, and we also live there), but we're not sure that it could get a following, so we're considering making 2 demos, one english one romanian, and sending them everywhere we can, maybe even make a kickstarter.

What do you think anons?

>> No.4211908

bump for good artwork

>> No.4211955


>> No.4211958

kickstarters dont work unless you already have a fanbase, sorry

>> No.4211963

Dont worry, its just the Woman Detected anon. He looks for posts that match his schizoid projections about women and spam this board. We learned to tolerate his presence here

>> No.4212152

oh, thanks, sorry i asked

i like the multiple establishing shots, very hellboy

>> No.4212227 [DELETED] 

+1 the harsh contrast and lack of dialogue reminds me of Frank Miller's Sin CIty and Tsutomu Nihei's Blame!

>> No.4212231

+1; the harsh contrast and lack of dialogue reminds me of Frank Miller's Sin CIty or Tsutomu Nihei's Blame!

>> No.4212641
File: 415 KB, 2214x792, Collection - Stories - 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this on the /co/ webcomic thread as well; I'm working on getting some practice with smaller mini-comics in before I try and create a larger comic story, but there are a few story ideas I have tossed around and I'm not sure which one to work on. You anons mind giving me your thoughts on which one I should continue with?

> 1) Urban Fantasy where the internet connects people enough that there's enough mental power to potentially change reality (for example, if a persons online profile is popular enough and enough people know about it, they can persist as a 'ghost' even after death - but their online persona influences what the ghost acts like)

> 2) Sci-Fi Mythopic structured like a series of traditional myths ala Greek, Celtic, Indigenous, etc religions. Humans play a significant role in the mythos as they're the only species that will always die (old age). General themes of accepting death and how violence is innate to the world but can still be overcome.

>3) Post-Apocalyptic Wierd where the entire world is covered in a thick layer of giant dead bugs/arthropods, but things get less normal and less dead the further down the layer things go.

Pics related

>> No.4212848

what do you mean?

>> No.4212867

To make a kickstarter you need a following first.

>> No.4213403

I met a few people who don't have much of a following yet they kickstarted some stuff like zines
maybe it just depends on how large your goal is?

>> No.4213414

urban fantasy sounds like the one that is easier to complete
but do you have a story for these ideas? you just listed settings, not stories

>> No.4213741

I have themes I wanna communicate with a couple of the settings, and a basic plot outline for the other (but no real *theme* per say.

>Urban fantasy, is a general comment on modern society and the way the internet changes the nature of the information. For example, the ghost idea mentioned before where people can live even after death because the stuff they put online doesn't really go away. If I were to turn this into a comic it would likely be a conspiracy action series, taking place when this magic just started occurring and so the impacts are subtler and only a few know about it.

> Sci Fi Mythos is more a series of tales rather than one long narrative. Characters are featured throughout put its structure more like a series of myths than a traditional story. Thematically it talks about accepting our deaths as well as how, even though violence is a natural part of the universe, it is still something we should strive to rise above.

> Post Apocalypse Wierd has the most solid narrative, that being about a band of couriers who find a bug/human hybrid with only a vague sense of needing to reach a part of the world, but I don't really have any thematic themes to help flesh out that story beyond the outline.

Part of why I want to make a short-comic (I mean short short, like one issues worth of pages at most) is so I can start to get a hold of a basic story/themes for the premises.

>> No.4213792
File: 543 KB, 2175x923, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the /co/ webcomic thread they overwhelmingly wanted to see the post apocalyptic bug world, so I mocked up an outline for a few pages intended to sort of established the world as a weird insect place.
Starts off establishing insects are involved, then showing the main characters in the 'campervan', sort of going through the whole van to establish that this is something they'll be seeing a lot. And then building up to the reveal of the bug/human hybrid the story revolves around and then showing in the final page that the insect has been fucking huge the whole time - ending on a big panel of the van travelling along and we see that the ground is covered in van-sized or bigger insect corpses.

Thoughts on this layout? Do you think the reveal will work for someone who doesn't know the premise ahead of time?

>> No.4213821

Hahaha this is so cool. I love KSB

>> No.4213846

Thanks, did it for a KSBD art tournament a few months back, only got past the qualifiers sadly but still, that's top 25% which is good enough for me.

>> No.4213962
File: 208 KB, 1238x987, Backedup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I started working on an idea I've had for a very long time. Turn the first chapter of Altered Carbon into a comic. Probably not going to share it with anyone when finished because legality. It's just for my personal enjoyment. Pic related. Started two hours ago or so after thinking about it for 3 years.

>> No.4213968

Good for you anon, the most important thing is to start and keep going, don't stop!

>> No.4214193 [DELETED] 

Where might I post a short one-shot comic besides the usual social media (twitter, IG, tumblr)? Do those types of comics garner any performance on sites like tapas and smackjeeves?

>> No.4214247

I love the post-apocalptic genre so I will definitely read it.

>> No.4214736
File: 522 KB, 800x1133, SmallHukuIssue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also started a new Comic
Huku The One Armed Samurai Girl


>> No.4214964
File: 1.96 MB, 2000x1537, club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to push myself to make better art lately. This time I tried to accurately depict how UV light looks, but I'm also not great with crowd scenes. I see things I could have done better but I'm pretty pleased with this.

>> No.4215157

that usually works better with fandom zines, or aesthetic themes with followings like gayness. investment is what i mean

>> No.4215889
File: 1.77 MB, 3024x2150, chapter_01_thumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to test myself to see where I'm at so here's thumbnails of the first chapter of a comic I'm working on.

>> No.4215892
File: 680 KB, 1512x1075, 02.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mockup pages that are not finalized, I don't like the way the dude is standing or how even looks like. Also there are things that just don't work that I thought would work during the thumbnail stage.

>> No.4215895
File: 1.33 MB, 1515x2150, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also hate my lineart skills.

>> No.4216328


i like it so far, looks fine imo

>> No.4216363

I don't see this as a portal, and I don't ever see anyone come through it. There's, what I assume is the portal but mostly looks like a window or symbol, then a hand, a symbol, the bottom of a cloak? An eye? I don't see how these panels logically follow each other.

I honestly think watching and analysing movies is really good for this.

>> No.4217014

you should look up the 70s comics. that art was fucking lit, peak psychedelic fantasy

>> No.4217018

art itself looks fine. i think you could be more graceful with where you place the speech bubbles though.

>> No.4217049

Speaking of speech bubbles, anyone know where I can get a comic book don't? I want something normal, not flashy or super special, something regular, like everything is in caps but the pronoun I has serif while a non pronoun doesnt.

>> No.4217152

Altered Carbon isn't really post apocalyptic. It's cyberpunk but society is very much so functional, albeit fucked up and corrupt. It's about an ex space marine who has turned to a life of crime, gets himself killed (but everyone is backed up and can get a new body if they have the money, by transferring a chip in their neck to a new body post mortem). Book opens with him dying, not having the money for a new body, and suddenly waking up on earth (he's not from earth) and being told that someone financed a new body for him, and if he wants to keep it he has to solve a murder mystery using his space-marine detective skills, because the police aren't being helpful.

Also, his revival happens some hundred years after he died iirc. It's a great read specifically because, if you're into hard boiled detective stuff, it does that very well, but also set in a scifi futuristic setting. It's like neuromancer combined with the movie Chinatown. Also, while the show on netflix of it is decent, it sucks in comparison to the book, and changed a lot of key plot points. The only thing I like about the show is their choice of actor for the main character's second body.

Also, while Altered Carbon is a 10/10 book, the sequels to it are less good. Still worth reading if you finish Altered Carbon and still want more of the main character's escapades, though. Just not that great on their own.

>> No.4217224

blambot has some free ones if it's just for indiecomics use

>> No.4217242

seconded on the blambot ones, they got some fantastic ones free for indies, and if youre successful enought that that doesnt apply then just pay for it.

I like Back Issues BB for dialogue

>> No.4218062

>Probably not going to share it with anyone when finished because legality.
Stick it up on Deviantart or equivalent. Webcomics count as fanfiction. You're in the clear so long as you don't try to make merchandise off it. (Proof: Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi, How I Became Yours, Wasted Homeland- last one even has a Patreon)

>> No.4219947
File: 547 KB, 800x1133, 12Issue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another chapter out, and on to the next one

>> No.4220034

i think you should handwrite the text. that font is really startling, is it based off something from the era?

>> No.4220054

did you do the succubus nice guy comic?

i think you're funnier than anyone else in these threads for sure

>> No.4220109

Any tips on drawing in panels?

>> No.4220125
File: 641 KB, 1750x1250, 1B6412F6-4965-4089-B422-782CD01B21A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble drawing in panels too because they always feel so cramped. I’d like some advice too.

I’ve also been trying to use watercolor brushes instead of hard round for backgrounds, is there any tips for making it look nicer?

>> No.4220153 [DELETED] 

soulless flat and unreadable
anyone posting in this thread who hasn't read scott mccloud should have their hands be run over by a steamroller

>> No.4220177

Don't worry, I'll re-read his books and practice more on clarity and composition.

>> No.4220187

Are the high contrast b&w panels supposed to be lightning? I kinda like it if so. If not, I'm not sure why they're like that.

>> No.4220193

Do you have a mega link? Can't find it on artbook general or kindle.

>> No.4220208

>scott mccloud
pretentious shitpipe

>> No.4220228

I read it a couple months ago and it didn't really tell me anything that wasn't just common sense but I guess looking over it again can't hurt.

>> No.4220526

My only critique is that the final
version needs to have the text more centered in their bubbles, like the first and third bubbles on the first page. And “overbudget” should be “over budget”

>> No.4220529 [DELETED] 

>basic knowledge is pretentious

>> No.4220581

Draw the scene first, add panels later; they're just crops. If you're that worried about panel flow then sketch out the page until you have a rough layout of what you want. You should make a point of leaving yourself room to breathe creatively.

>> No.4220593

You should be able to find a pdf by googling "understanding comics". I'd link it to you myself but can't at the moment

>> No.4220693

I was imagining each panel as like a TV screen but that's probably a dumb wrong way of thinking about it.

>> No.4220705

I can't believe I didn't think about this

>> No.4220774

can someone help me figure out how the hell to get my story together? I have the beginning and end planned out in my head, characters with full backstories and all, i have no idea how to put it together

>> No.4220802

Not really; treat every panel as if it were a shot from a scene in a film. There's a reason why many western comic artists take cues from screenwriters. It's just a useful guide that helps them stay organized.

>> No.4220864

write it

>> No.4220894
File: 1.43 MB, 495x756, QUENTINPARK CHP1-PG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rough for horror comedy concept.

This was mostly testing out my panel layout and page size preferences. But I'm quite unexperienced with working digitally though

>> No.4220944

That makes a lot of sense, I've been doing that but I treat panels like they're scenes from a cartoon and not a film.
I guess I just need composition and framing practice. A problem I ran into is that a lot of the funniness and humor of cartoons is in the animation and the movement so I'm still working on how to translate that in a still comic.

>> No.4221074 [DELETED] 

>I guess I just need composition and framing practice.
Yeah! Cartoons rely heavily on the strengths of their character designs, though. All animation directors do is capture sequences of drawings on cel paper; comics could be made from their storyboards alone. Your style clearly evokes imagery from early golden age rubber hose animation. Maybe study how say, Fleischer Studios framed shots in their works?

>> No.4221079

do people still use traditional media for comics anymore? I'm working on a scifi fantasy grapic novel, and I'd like to style it kinda' like the metabarons

>> No.4221080

Yeah! Cartoons rely heavily on the strengths of their character designs, though. All animation directors do is capture a sequence of drawings on cel paper. Comics could be made from their storyboards alone. Your style clearly evokes imagery from early golden age rubber hose animation. Maybe study how say, Fleischer Studios framed shots in their works?

>> No.4221092

I did that back when I was learning how to draw characters, just pause frames on the TV and copy the character construction. I ought to go back and do that but study framing and backgrounds. That's a lot smarter than trying to re-invent the wheel.

>> No.4221245

Goddammit I didn't even try. Thanks anon.

>> No.4221267
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fuckin fired up m8

>> No.4221804


>> No.4221849
File: 495 KB, 1632x918, hand lettering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not lettering your comic by hand
Fucking plebs!!

>> No.4222725
File: 1004 KB, 940x1216, CI_Ch2_Pg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Work continues. Chapter 2 updates start getting posted in December. i told myself I'd get at least 8 pages done in November. 5/8 of the way there. It's been slower going than before.

>> No.4222726
File: 962 KB, 940x1216, CI_Ch2_Pg5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4222729

Imagine discovering something and despite being a complete novice looking down on others. He even posted a picture of his template like instagram art thots

Cringe, honey

>> No.4222787
File: 613 KB, 1050x1307, 324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not turning your own handwriting in to a font

You're only making more work for yourself, anon.

>> No.4222837

Maybe y'all could post resources on how to make our own fonts, or dump fonts that are tailor-made for comics like >>4189365 requested, since they tend to be super expensive. Surely some of you are adjacent to scanlation groups; they ought to have large font libraries and are willing to share, right?

>> No.4223332

>Maybe y'all could post resources on how to make our own fonts, or dump fonts that are tailor-made for comics
Or maybe you can spare five minutes and use google yourself, this shit is easy to find.

>> No.4223437

Stop being a smartass and shitting up the thread; either give constructive suggestions or fuck off.

>> No.4223792
File: 51 KB, 581x464, bla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a comic strip (xmas gift) for my psychologist, her daughter is called Clementine and they own rabbits - so I thought i'd combine the two

I mean she not the type you just talk to , we actually have convos and know about eachother

Still tho... do you think its too creepy maybe ??

>> No.4224088

/gd/ has font threads.

>> No.4224117

It's cute but it makes me sad that you're paying someone to be your friend.

>> No.4224574

Nah man. All's good imo. Also dont pay mind to the asshole saying you're "paying someone to be your friend". Good for you seeking professional help if you need it.

>> No.4224616

I have a webcomic series in the making. Here are some questions that I'd like to hear some opinions about:

1. Buffer
First I thought about 30 pages, but I'm considering raising the amount of pages to 60 or even 90, which would shift the premiere by more than half a year. Are there any downsides to starting to upload later?

2. Upload Ratio
With university and a part time job my page rate is 2 pages a week maximum. Now, I don't know if I could uphold that pace, but with a big enough buffer I could try and see if I'm able to produce the amount I upload. If not, I can still adjust the schedule after the first issue. Also I feel like a new comic should upload as frequently as possible to gather some attention.

3. Hosting Site
Tapas looks chill, but creator focused and with too little traction. Webtoons isn't ideal for classic page formats and focused on a very specific genres. Smackjeeves and Newgrounds are outdated and dead.Tumblr has no real benefits to just upload to your own website; And uploading to your own website means you need quite a bit of marketing and advertisement to inform people ot even exists. So, where should I put this darn comic?

>> No.4224629

>ignore the truth

>> No.4225244

You’re shitting up the thread by expecting handouts on things YOU need to learn before applying them to a comic. No one is here to do your homework.

>> No.4225290
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1700, C3_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just released the 3rd chapter of my comic


>> No.4225331

It's am interesting read, albeit a bit confusing in some parts

>> No.4225387

which parts anon? feedback it's appreciated

>> No.4225401 [DELETED] 

Stop being a smartass and shitting up the thread; either give constructive suggestions or fuck off.

>> No.4225417 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't trying to learn and foster discussion! Why would be so moronic to assume that I haven't already googled it myself?

>> No.4225420

I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't trying to learn and foster discussion! Why would you be so moronic to assume that I haven't already googled it myself?

>> No.4226057

I'm doing this
1. If you can post it in sections, cut it up. That way you're not dumping them with tooo much info at the get go and it helps you to build audience over time, by being consistent.
2. 2 pages could be a decent, just know where you cut it, like not in the mid sentence. You have to be economical about this.
3. everywhere when you start, i thought my series was gonna succeed at the start, been doing it about a month and across different platforms i have about 40 followers for my series.

>> No.4226080


>> No.4227741
File: 929 KB, 940x1216, CI_Ch2_Pg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th page done for the month, then I'm free from this environment for a long time. Cappella Rosa is a pain in the neck to keep drawing as a background. I really need to figure out how to make this easier for myself. Easier and better looking, for sure, although I quite like how this page turned out.