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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4164242 No.4164242 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think anime has some innately divine characteristics attached to it?

>> No.4164250


>> No.4164253


>> No.4164254


>> No.4164280

When it's done right, yes.

>> No.4164287

you should see a professional

>> No.4164294

This, but it also applies to many art forms.

>> No.4164299
File: 1.52 MB, 1519x730, 68814585_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.4164301
File: 76 KB, 982x1274, 1499481127773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dub thee Weebus Maximus

>> No.4164302

Why is she so gorgeous?

>> No.4164304
File: 11 KB, 328x277, 1336972069395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing anime should be moved to separate containment board from /ic/

though I do find it entertaining when someone post their flat triangle head 12 year old anime girl below someones old master study

>> No.4164306


>> No.4164307
File: 1.53 MB, 960x1280, 76680270_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she is for (Me)

>> No.4164328

I'm getting the impression from you that you think once you perfect the style of the old masters like Jeff Watts, vilppu, Huston, etc.. you can just shit out any style of art flawlessly, becoming some all powerful art master or some shit.

I believe this is quite the contrary though. I'd bet 100$ if you told someone like vilppu to draw some anime, he would not be able to beat probably some of the mediocre animefags that frequent ic.

>> No.4164553

No. I think you need to grow up with anime in order to really appreciate the art style. Older people that didn't that are introduced to it once grown often find the art style rather odd. They don't find it hideous but its definitely not their favorite.

>> No.4164555

What would you say is the cutoff age for being able to start enjoying anime? Would someone who starts watching at 22 still come to appreciate the artstyle?

>> No.4164556

i dunno lol

>> No.4164684

I think that's still young enough but given that most people seem to start watching anime in their teens if not younger in practice 22 might be past the cutoff point for many people. How many get into anime for the absolute first time in their 20s? Anime fans are generally a self selecting pool. Being an anime fan is also different from being exposed to the artwork and simple exposure might be enough (especially if it's a medium like porn). This also doesn't take art style into effect. More realistic art styles are generally more approachable to normies who've never consumed much anime styled media. The last thing I think must be mentioned is that anime and anime styled artwork is heavy on visual symbolism that isn't very obvious. The most obvious examples would be things like sweat drops and popping veins but there are lots of other much more subtle things that fans have unknowingly internalized. This is stuff like facial expressions and body language. The uguuu kawaii expressions you see on moeblobs are so subtle and abstracted I don't think you can expect a primitive bushman or sheltered child to be able to interpret them or what sentiments they express if they've never seen it before, especially without context. People that enjoy this content have been exposed to enough of it (and in context) that they build up an understanding that normies don't have. So the anime fans interprets that pigeon toed pose as cute and innocent/lewd and the normie doesn't quite get that. Ahegao is another example where normies, boomers and kids just think it's a silly expression.

Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters are extreme examples of this. I think you have to 'learn' they are cute and internalize those feelings because they are so deeply abstracted.

>> No.4164694

>Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters are extreme examples of this. I think you have to 'learn' they are cute and internalize those feelings because they are so deeply abstracted.
Hello Kitty is probably one of the worst examples you could have picked, she's one of the most iconic and recognizable characters from Japanese media out there. Hello Kitty is as turbo normie as you get, you can buy shirts with her at the kid's aisle.

>> No.4164706

*Exposure* is necessary to understanding the artwork which is what I was trying to get at. I'm not confident you could go back in time to the Victorian era and sell Hello Kitty like hot cakes nor would the natives of Sentinel Island understand she's a cat. The gradual and widespread exposure is why so many people can currently appreciate her. Without the marketing, without the exposure, without ever having seen her before would an image of Hello Kitty really trigger the cute response in you? She at least has an interesting graphic design but some of the other Sanrio characters like the steak one and Gudetama (an egg) aren't quite so. When some of the newest Sanrio designs were unveiled a few years back I was with friends and they immediately gushed about how cute they were and I really felt something in my visual perception shift so I could feel that way about them too. My immediate reaction was more of puzzlement ("This is cute? I guess it is ...") than awww.

>> No.4164736
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Look at this kitten. It's so cute it's overwhelming. I think it's normal for someone to coo over it, I've seen very small children fascinated by kittens and say they are cute. So when I see people cooing over Gudetama and saying he's adorable I'm skeptical that their reactions aren't a culturally learned behavior. I can appreciate why Gudetama is cute but there is no fucking way he's cuter than this absolutely charming kitten. People may genuinely like Gudetama but my theory/argument is that their appreciation and reactions aren't innate and had to be learned first. I think something similar happens with anime. People's feelings towards it may be strong and heartfelt but it's not as inborne as some people here think, they developed an appreciation for it.

>> No.4164779

Explains the spell it has on my dick.

>> No.4164782

I grew up surrounded by comics, western cartoons, and western beauty standards but I don't find that shit attractive.

>> No.4164791

If you actually think OP anime style looks moderately good unironically kill yourself

>> No.4164792

Does this deserve a thread?